qnriii,Mi-i.mi. .rimWinJ"TMnr"l'w' "Wf'W1!' I iawrtu mm TODAY. GENTS - jF4,sur OUR ENTIRE LINE OF MADRAS AND FANCY PERCALE SHIRTS WILL BE PLACED ON SALE TOMORROW AT 98 rGENTS - 9 POPULAR G. W Johnson & Co. 257 Commercial St., Salem, Or, TUB DAM JOURNAL MY KOKR BROTHHH8 MONDAY, OCTOIJKR 00, 18IMJ. Daily, Ono Year 93.00, in Advanoa Dally, rout Months 91 00, L' fYdvnnoe Weekly, One Year 01.00, In iidvatioo JOURNAL. "X RAW If the iucon really dInnpprnvcH of tho Doer war why doesn't eliu cull it of(7 A Salem paper coimch as near culling tlio liop grower's organization n trust aw It dare. 8alem has about oil thn ring-streaked niul speckled variolic of million u-going. -, Hryaiifsooius to lo tlio life, soul, body and breeches of tlio antl-adinliiliitratlim If a trust h gool for (hn brewers and buyers why In it not u good tliln for tlio ligp grower? There's Bomo prutty heavy showers of tobacco Jiiicu fulling tlieeu days that donjt worn to bo observed by tlio signal horvlcobureati nor the anti-spit ordin ance After thoso armies of raw tindlclplined ItoorH off thncattlo raiiqlios of tlio Trunk viuil are licked Into elittjN) they will ho a pottcrful.forro for tlio JlrllUli to con tend ngalimt. When the trusts aru all organised to blood thu hop IndtiHtry on anything re quired lo mako thu crop, It Isn't just ulco for their organs to eall tlio Grower' Association a trtiht. Tho public school savings bank will collect tlio nickels, pollute and dime that have, for many yearn boon collected by that Juvoiilloiilxtiiiliiutloii thotiliow ing gum slot machine. Having abolished tlio niilmiiico of car rying petty cases before a grand Jury, thu next thing that should aliollidiod Is tlio ldiig-dfawinmit preliminary examin ation foj- what theru In ln.it for thu pro fessloiial free grabber, V.K llurko.ji administrator of thu eatate of James Abraham, object m to Martin L. 11hm' claim pf 1100 nltoriioy fee. ti Mwuru which Mr. Abraham deeded Jifnl a largo amount of property. No wonder. Portland lologram. I there never to la) an end to tlio pull of l'lpos on Oregon? la Hon Harrison touring thu old world id llflllllii OilL Willi mvnllv In iihL-ii iwi. lltlcal capital at, homo, or is ho only on u friendly visit to Albert? lhehamm lieu !sj catching onto tho growing tide of Imperialistic nnd inonarehlcul senll ment, He would make a sjilcndld little icicle ota kinglet. Governor fleer utates as a ronult of Ids trip cast the Kepubllcan party of tbostato wilt bcriMifter Iki Inelomir touch with tho adniinUtratlon. This news is c-f interval to the Oregon taxpayers who tiro raising 45 cent wheat and 0 cent hops, V Gov, Lord' apoiiitiueiit the result of ticer'a closer touch? PISO'S CURE .M ! OntftUt vry vvhf. I years a w iHMiCMoiMnr.Wame,!, Jul 9th, flStoftt Shirt Sale! QR H S1.25 VALUES. Thu best euro for gonslp in culture Where you find u book-readlng family you will find parents and children who have other things to lulk nbout than their nelghliors. Heading U n safeguard against gossip, l'ooplo who can talk of Iwoks do not have to talk of pornons. West Side. Jo. 0. Pierce in Klamath Falls ox prom, Dem : Now that both Mr. IJryan and Speaker llondersou havo agreed on that Impracticable scheme of dealing with tho trust question by way of no amendment to tho Constitution, the trust will watch with considoiablo amusements tho efforts of theeo gentle men to carry their plans into execution, Over thirty yearH bavo elapsed since tho last amendment was made, and it re quired u war to carry that. . Mayor Jones, of Toledo, 0 h Itopitb llcan, who is running for governor on a uon-partixau ticket In his emancipation day sjwech recently said : "In Toledo I can secure any of you ladles present a ilrst-class baby girl or boy baby, of any color you may desire white, black, brown or yellow simply by thu asking. Hut if you want a second class puii you ulll havo to nut tin from n to f50 for It. Friends, what do you think of it civilization thut values nuns above babiesV Now thu system for which I tiroelalm will reduce price the of pups mm raino ino price oi Dames." To Curo a Cold In Ono Day Takn taxatlvo llrnmu Uulnliio Titlilol. All ilriuul'U icliiiiil thu mnnoy If It fall In our K. V. (IriiriH tlirnaturo mi moll Ixu. iV, Tlio "Plow Hoy Prciichur," Ho v. J, ICIrkuiuti.says: ''Aflorsulferitig from bronchial or lung tioubln tun years, 1 win cured by O.ie Minute t ouirli Cure." It cures cough, cold, grippe and lung troubles. .Stone's Drug Store. CRYSTAL WEDUINO b'upt. nrown, of the b'alem Water Co., and lilt Detter Half Celebrate Their Fifteenth Wedding Anniversary, On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. I, llrown Invited a company of friends to their homo, on South Commercial street, to celebrate their Kiftoeuth wed ding anniversary. The ovonlng was spent in a very enjoyable manner. Whist and a iiiiiiiIhu of other games wero Indulged In. At the proiwr hour a delicious lunch was served, everything In crystal, even the anniversary dates, "1H8I-1HWI," wero done In crystal on thu wall, which formed one of the beautiful decorations. Their ooy home wus lwutitlfully doooruted with ferns, oglait. tine and native holly. Prise wero gfven to the whlut players, which con silted of beautiful crystal articles. Tho amusements of the uenlug, were Inter siornod with choice renditions of music by Miss Jenette Hrnwn mid Mhwllrown It was midnight when the happy galh oiliigtmrted to wish tho host and lun-t efs many happy returns of thu day Many beautiful pieces of out glaw and crystal presenta wero left In honor of this memorable event In tho lives of these popular Salem couple. Or. null's Cough byrup Cuies Over uigui me UKUihtutjiKjrii cold as well uii lit couipiieiitious tlekluiL' In the throat, Pusgy voice and violent couuiiiug. ii in uiu 11101 wonder ful medicine, eleiice bus prtKluccd. ' Allsmy's prtent chief of police has atiiiounixHl that he will beu oaiulldalo to huccvhnI himself. Tu t!ur roiillhttluii r,irir. !f?iU.?,,!,!u CWCiiUmr(le. Jlo ortSe. II U C- U rail tauit,lrecuUts rvtuna luuaey. Two makcd men held up a miIooii full of pcoplum Kumpter, linker enntv, ami rohlvod sex tiiMkor players. I for Consumption began using Plso'a Cure xa ago, and believe it saved line from consummlon. Mvchlld &XS ufeltcttoCrouiJ. Plso'sCure J&C ' iwayn rUyci him. Mrs. B. CRAWDBLL, Mannsville. Kv.. .". irvf I t8. trut .m. umn tllcro Is bio with Stoni?.ch, Liver or Kidneys . wnvootrt you M tryllostcttef's tsiomocii mi ters? It bus cured others why net you? A duso three times a (lay will give you new lllc. to. .STOMACH I JITTERS THE WILLARD CASE. Conolititnl froi fourth l'mc, The crow din iittendaiico was not fo largo as on the .day before, until late hi the afternoon, wlion the peoplo crowded in to hear tho iirgiimcntH of the attorneys. Til Ford was assisting 0&$i wmfifc !2iH m0tHmi$ I m Jr DiNtr'ct Attorney Hayden and thu ox r pecbttion was that his speech would be the great ovent cf the trial. Theru was 'considerable delay, wait ing for witnesses wlio had been sentfor at a late hour and It was nearly 2 o'clock when Justice Johnson called his court to order. Kourleon witnesses wero examined, nine for the prosecution, and live for the defense. Tlio district attorney bad asked fur time bMjot wltncswH to establish Per ry, s good reputation. Somo testimony was also introduced by the prosecution to show that tlio pistol shots were n t all fired in rapid cctslon, that there was a ierceptlble pause after tho first shot. It was also shown that the box to which according to Steven's testimony Willard had gone to look for eggs bad nothing in it to tempt n hen to mako a nest there, Tho new testimony of tho defense was mainly on tho respective reputations of Perry uiid;,Villanl, andJO, 0. Savago'H testimony tended to show that Perry had gone out to the place with tlio in tention of holding possession, by viol ence If necessary. TIIK TKHTIMUNY. 0. U.Savago,of Savage & itetd.was thu llrst witness called: Itesldes in Salem. Acquainted with Mr.l'eiry ever since re siding In Salem, Had a conversation with Perry a week ago last Friday. Ho said Willard had left his place and he was going to take H)ssessiou himself. Was going to take camping outfit to the place and hold possession. Didn't propose to pay anything to lawyers as he could settle It clieaHjr with a shotgun. Perry's reputation was bad for quarrel someness. Witness never had any trou ble with him. They were good friends. Witness was careful not to crois Perry. Kuguuu Willis called: Slightly ac quainted with Perry. His reputation was very bad, Had a little trouble with Perry over a political discussion. Perry Invited him out in the street and he would wipe up the ground with him. Witness'dld not go. J. P. Itobertson called: Had known Mr. Wlllanl '21 years. Itepiitalion very peaceable. Jas, Colgan called : Huskies within U of Liberty. Known Mr. Perry fi years. His reputation was not very good. Wit lard's reputation was good. Chas, ltobiuson called: Perry had the reputation of being Jvery quarrelsome. Wlllard's reputatlo was good. Jas. Sklptou called: Was shown map In evidence and his attention wage tiled to location of box In yard. Contents of Ihix consisted of old trash, brickbats and nowspapois. A few struws lay scat tered mound it, A orsou standing by this box or at the spring could Iki seen from a house near by. I). C, Mlnto called: Cormlioruted Sklpton's testimony, Paw a broken bunch of now shingle. nt the north side of the house. There was a little straw around the Ihix near the fence. . Wain called : Owned a farm near Utterly, across the road from Perry's place. K ii" w Perry, Ills reputation as a law-abiding ellUeii was good, Since last trouble had liunnl Perry's reputa tion dUcusfed mid many Kopte souk of him as quarrelsome, lid. t'ornoyer milled: A neighbor of Perry. Was friendly. His reputation was good. Hud hoard that Perry's neighbors at Liberty pronounced him quarrelsome. J. 11. Uridguford called: Lived near Perry place. , Slkhtly acquainted. Didn't know much about his reputation, but had heard wjvural pyuK of him us Very passionate. Hounl Dome shots in he direction of i .,,.. .., .. .., .. .. ""' piuvo. ii nine unur tinnier on Tlmjay. rburo seemed to be one shot uiul then a little interval, then three or four very mpld. Hain't know whether !hoo wero the shots which killed Perry Or pot S. I). lUied utlled: Had known Perrv uUmt Sit years. Ills reputation was Bpod.(taniiot uqquaintcd mmr Liberty. Visited Perry there once. Never hoard I tho iieopjo near Llbirty diseiiss Perry's nipiiiauun. nail iieani two men say that Perry was a good mini. One of these men llxodut l.ilwrty. 1 tieorge oulll Llvesi near Poiryphieo. Uoardalmts in Uiu direc tion of th IVrry place Ujtwvtin 1 :R0 and and 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Thro was one shot, tlmn an Intorvid, then Ivvuur moreaho!ts. Win. IWrnan eallel: LImw three fouith of a tuilv from the Perry place. iri riw ivrry s reputation was bail. IM. l. Poguo callctls Wus prewut t coroner' iiuiuiut when W. W. Stevens (oiiilUM.tind tu thUiyiurt whunhetiM tilhsl. Stevens' tonjinvuiiy WUS nubstnn. tlally the same lit Uith ihc. though periiaps not wonl fur word, lleforo. the coroner Stevep satj, ' I w-.s Juv in the ad.i( hitcliiug up my team to tnU,, some goods lo IUmlavW Nhii Uil km I cunie inline." V rrnvw was now taken at the r,n 1 v i'" '"" "icr niiKui me uis- attorney alatol (but he bad iu .... a. . . . ST iuiiioiij to ininxiiiee. niatof Oo., the dcfclico being nil In, tho casowas closed and nrgument wbh proceeded with, commencing at 3:30. Havden, Carson nnd D'Arcy each rko80m.nur and Ford ono hour, the argument being conciudwl at two minutes past 0. TUB AIUIUHK.NTH. District Attorney Hayden mailo tho opening address for the prosecution. He claimed n discrepancy between Stoveiu' testimony and Wlllard's story ns told to Sheriff Durbtu the day of thu killing, in that Willard bad laid that Perry had started toward him picking up the axe, or having it In his hand, and then laid thu axe down and threw his hand back to bis hip pocket; Stevens had testified fiat Perry did not havo the nxo In Ills hand at all. Cited the ese of the State vs. Hawkins, in 18th Oregon, and tho opinion of the supreme court, that when one man, be ing aimed, seeks another with thu in tention of provoking him to an angry demonstration nnd then killing him, bo can not plead sclf-dcfcnse. Claimed that this was u parallel ense, and ri viewed Steven's story to shoiv a similar ity. Then tho district attorney ad vanced nu entirely new theerv: Tbnt there had been a conspiracy between Willard, Stevens,Heinsley and others to go out to the pluco and murder old man Perry In cold blood; that the first shot bad been fired from behind an apple tree near tho wood shed, piercing Perry's heart, and tho others bad been fired Into his prostrate body. Stevens' testimony was repudiated altogether and the district attorney nsscrtcd his opinion that the witness had "sworn to alio." Much prominence was given to Coroner dough') story of finding a bid let lying on the outsldo of Perry's coat sleeve. It must be said that In review ing the testimony tho district attorney did not codflno himself very strictly to a literal Interpretation thereof. Counsdl for Willlard 'advanced tho theory of self-defense, but confined themselves mainly U criticism of tlio district attorney's rouiaiks and wore neceisarlly loinewliat desjolnted. How ever they took occasion to-everely score tho coconor's Jury for adding to tliulr vunlict the statement that "tho killing was not justifiable." They also critlc l.ed tho district attorney on tho ground that ho had by his own iiiHworn tost' moiiy endeavored to Impeach his own principal witness. Til Ford was the big gun for whom the crowd was waiting. Ho aroso and commenced to siieak at ft o'clock. He made a masterly presentation of the e iso of the prosecution, reviewing the testimony with tho greutest accuracy, and drawing probably as strong a piraltel as could bo shown between this else and that of the stato vh Havkliis. He fully endorsed mid laid great stress on the district attorney's theory that the first shot had lieen fired by Willard without warning and that tho other shots had been llrod after Perry was down, lie dwelt fully and at length on thu circumstance of finding thu bullet on tho strove of Perry's coat. Mr. Ford throw his whole energies into the case and as usual perspired profusely, and held his audience welt considering tlio lateness of tho hour. Tho Uoet Prosaripuonr or Mnlurla ClillUninl Kvvirla tmiilu of (inoTssTAsric i ins uiiii.i. 'Ionic. Ii Ik .Imply lion nul QuInlnMii s liutsltwufiiriii. Nu cure, mi far. I'lteifWu. M7i(Aw4m La (ininde people aro considering a proosllloii for tho establishment of a creamery there. Ilnw .Ire Tour Uldurv. r Dr lIolili.'Hinriitu.plllicuronlUWiifrllli.Stm. flufrro, Ailil Ktllh UouiudjrCo-ClilcoitoorN. V Astoria's sinnllwx caw Is about re- iim-rru nun more aro now no new cases. That Joyful Feeling. With the exhilarating enso of renew oil health utitl strength ami Internal cloinllnesx, which follows Hie use til Syrup of Figs, Is unknown to ihu few Will) IIIIVO llllt. nrOLfriMxlll havniwl (l,n old-time medicines unit tlio clieiip sub stitutes Miiiittiuies iillored but never accepted by tho well-Informed. Iluy mu uuiiuiiiu. .Miioiiiiiuiiireu uv tiie Oilirnrnlu Fig Syrup Qn, The I l-yrtir-old son of Perry Langford dleilat the homo of his parents Sunday morning in Albany. The Cruel Knife! It it nbsoltltel? USnlosa tn nmntf . Burgloal oporatlon to euro cancer, 01 uiy othor blood dlseaso. Tho cruelty of such treatment is Illustrated In the nlnnnlnK numliep of deaths which re sult from It Tho dls,.aso is in the blood, and hence c.an not bo cut out. Pdno times out of ten tho urgeon'i knlfo only huntens death. Whlcti iha doU)rs said au uperalloii wj th --V ..,,I turnijvr siu'.a It was mis' lry 10 cut down to the Jawbiuiw and lupe It. lltfore iirtAwlillo ino ran wrirlurned, audio. jmb to grow rapidly. We kayo him mauy I. . u -inuui ro ll'), a 11 u nnall ir up"n ino ftiivire fMt. druldnd lit ff m try ij. S. 8. ibwlti'a lMlncl, and wjti,; jlM srtvnd Lollla he oiiia i proif, an hi iui uvn lakrn It h , 1. . - . :, . : . j "'-.' " "-. . ana he wasVumt: l.cu'w Hw TJSS ?.?,f r ' of M.UtVaflKi:tls?iM w ri u,n' .,o . J-1 MeaixicH. tn Snodjras bk, Dallas, Tuias. b1?.,!:,,S,y tn, on,y 0P lor Oancei Is (swift's SpiHjIile, -LTl-hJ ."'""" rynlfn yra n old. and has 5 Q C& Blood ' JJ The as it is tho only remdy whloh ,Roe force out overv tri. ,,r ti, ,iu-'L iu me very uotioui or iim ,inry ....i a. o 0. 1 uuarantecii purely vegetable, Su.epVmlnera!,.,,a l'0tM,,, meKurf jiooks , Oanwr will bo mailed fro o any fcddi44 by the Swift Suofllila L Xtl.inia ST 1 .. Atlanta, Uu. -- nj. 34 7il'TtsrxST!i 1 . km X 11 j pPriLE iVlAILs That sounds more contradictory than &$&$,2g& by any man In the United States exclu- jfvcly from women. This "female mall" i. rli-l hv Dr. R. V. Pierce, the cele brated specialist in women's diseases, chief consulting physician to the Inva lids' Hotel ami Surgical Institute, Buf falo, N. V. , , It is only fair to say that It Is not the man that women write to, but the doctor. One of the remarkable features of this correspondence is that years after a cure has been effected, grateful women con tiime to write to Dr. Pierce, !elng thank ful for health and for the kind and fatherly advice, which was blended with the physician's counsel, and which was so helpful in preserving the health when regained. The offer of a free consultation by let ter is extended by Dr. Pierce to every ick ami ailing woman. Every letter received is read In private, answered in private and its contents treated ns a M cred confidence. To exclude any third party from the correspondence, all answers nre mailed In a plain envelope, bearing upon It no printing or advertising whatever. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, 1 uffulo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the rreat remedy for female troubles, irregu larities, debilitating drains, Inflammation and ulceration, Is for sale by all dealers in medicine. Accept no substitute which may be recommended as "just as good " that the dealer may make n little extra profit. Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription makes Weak Women Strong and Sick Women Well. It now turns out that tho detection who lodged tho information against Harkley nnd Ferrous for mall robbery w'as tho ono who put up the job and made the plans for tho two boys to do tho work. Ho was arrested and is now awaiting trial with the two boys to swear against him. llrnuty la Illooil Deep, Clean blood means n clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarcts, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, )) stirring up mc lazy liver ami urivmg an nil purities from tlio body. Ilegin today to tlio bod, banlsli pmililcs, holla, blotches, b ackhcads. and thai sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarcts, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 00c. Kttplc.ilv, Koditl Dyspepsia Cure will digest wlml you cut. K H Gam ble. Vernon, Tex , Hiys, 'It relieved me from tho stall unci cured uiu. It i my evorltitlng friend." Stone's Drug Store. Albany hotels soon their rates for board, expect to raise Try Allen'j Foot-Ease. A powder tu bo shaken Into the shoes Your leetlecl swollen, nervous and hut, and t'ets tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Fool-Uase, It cools thu feet and makes walking cusy. Cures swol len, Hweutlug feet, Ingrowing nulls, 1 listers und calluua spots, itelleves corns and bunions of nil pain una gives rest utul comfort. Try it todn auld oy all druggists and suoe bturex, rnr 2.JU. Trial package FitHK. Ad dre.Allen S. Oluited, Lo Itoy, N. V. ft Notice to Storers. Thoso who had stored wheat at the Salem Flouring .Mills beforo tho lire are now at liberty to remove any of the burnt wheat that remains. lOSltf II. U. Hoi.i.AXi, Agent. Tho freodelixery of mall will com mence In llakur City on November 1. To-Nlgntand To-Monow Night, And each day una night during this week you can tret, ut any druggist's Kemp's Ualsum fur thu Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to bo the most successful remedy oyer sold for Coughs. Croup, llronciiliH, Asthma unci Cotisuiupilon. Gel tt bottle to. day mid keep It always In the huuse s'j you can check yuur cold 111 uuce Price J5u und 60c. Sample Iwlile free, cod&w President Kltiu, Farmer's Hank,' urooKiyn,,Mie.ii., nusua-a Little Karly Risers for years. Kays they aro the best. Thee fatuous little pills cur eousiipation. blone'b Drugstore, Hard Utiving. If you have to drive a team this win- ter, you netl a good one, and horse that have thu beat of (ml and care, as furnished bv Gilliam A llroun. ut Hm old I'ost-ollico Stables. lO-ITJ-eod. Dissolution Natice. Tho business lately conducted bv R. J. llerselibach and J. t). RolKolniiiii as llerschbaeh it Heljclmnii uillbo con tinued by the undersigned, )m Imviui; bought out all thu iutunst of his late partner. All bills due to and llabllitloa of the taio nrm win no settitM uy lOtttf R.J. lltrtscumcii. "If you hcour the world ymi will never unn u remedy equal to One. J1111UIU1.0UU11 uuro." it cures l,a Qrlppo and saves thoti!and.s from nneuinniiiu. Ktone's Dnik'tv.re Salt Lake 0ityAn Import ant Factor in Transcon tinental Travel. -. .'..V VM-uutHf, tW V'llllUVllI, villi ni fonl to cut Salt I-ako City from his mute. .Vmerican coutiuent. The Rio Ihuxdk Wkstkhx Railway. coiuiecthig on thu Kast with tho IVnver RioUraudeaudCuloraduMJdlaud Kail jayand on the t u ith the Southern Paeille iLentrul Route) and Oregon Hiort Hue, is tho only transcontinental lino asMiiKdirttly through Sail Lake wny. too routo tnrouiiii Salt UVeCitv via tho Itiet.iK.vNpk: Waits IUilwvv u famous all the jear round. On ac count of the eiiuablo cliiuuto of Utah and Colorado it Is just as popular in inter us in unuiuT. Send tfe to J D Muustield. 3M Washimiton Kt..lNnin...i I or tieo. W. Heint. AcUiit Geneml IVs- The attractions of the ilaee, inelmll J rt ', ', 3tffiUHM.nT1 ,avo IJ'lmHxl tho most He -Mormon Temple. Vaberuaclo uiul ion to lm doff l' Obimh Institutions, the Un-at Salt ,J?,"i hw llMtfhh'rllml,Mon'tniM-UUv-loader and denser tl an tho Dead shouhi 1 ,, in.u t i !? l Uwt Sale,"! br.,n ,tho IW city of a great state Sea In tho Holy Und-tho picVureue JfflJSSfwnS in nurcJ,S'fhllia" w''nb' '?"?. 'I i lavo therefore envlronnieut and tho Warn Sulphur ivKSwC ."V1 ?n,r' J1 Wtts l"' oy the James Cuiinlneham and Hot Spring, are greater to I iWW niUU State wuarw viml than unv Cmilitv ,, .- . .tl'.i'i1? ? I101 "'0 '"Oat eociiensive funeral car over bo t. still it 1 tlifin.;...:: ! ot'r i' cuT, . KJiT'rtARRlTT & hits." EDUCATIONAL 'NjsTvsiaiNaNJsTvssaBv INTBn-STATD .7 r ETTA ANDERS-WILMAN Associate Teacher Western Cotueiya- toijr, Kansas City, Mo, representing J the Inter-sta e System, al Salem. Ore. H Over First National Kanlr. Residence 376 Church street. Studio hours 9 to L to j. asnsvsaiMWa nasa3F3Ra EYA F. COX, Teacher of Piano and Organ, CLAPSKS IX SIGHT ItKADLNG. Studie: 333 Front St. 10-I7inl Terms Itcasonahlo jrABUSHD S89. s s? . CONSERVATORY LZaua&U The bbst in the west: The universit now in session. Faculty of seven superior teachers. When you Btudy music you should have tho very best Instruction obtainable, is a saving of time nnd money. Phono 2910 for catalogue, or address, FitANCKSCO SHLEY, Dean, Salem, Oregon. . Salem Studio inter-state. conservatory of music. Mrs. Ella finders WillmaD Over First National Hank. Classes in Piano Forte playing, Harmony, Theory and Class Reading". Biuiiio nours trom two fine :new pianos nsT studio von USJsS OF PUPILS. $ioooWiLvir CASH ( Feb. 14, 190D, To Agents Sending Subscribers to Self Culturc.'Magazine Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars to the agent sending In the largest 1 1st I1B0.OJ f 76.00. $25.00, 16.00, $1'.00, and soon, a total of 63 Cash awards; ami in ad dition very largo commission will be given, making the most liberal propos- IIOII Send for full particulars and free equip- ment. Prolltublo work for intelligent persons. Send two referencea. Tun Wkiinkh Companv, Dept. II Akron. Ohio Canadian Pacile tty Soo Pacific Lino, Lowest rates Beat service To and from all points Hast and Kurope. Tlio only lino running through Ml , SI. Paul, TA ioronto, itll 0 HU .Montreal, "Boston. Without Change. Royal Mall Steamship I.Iuo to Japan and China. Canadian and Australian Steamship I.Iuo to UII IIIIU For rates and information apply to O. M. LOCKWOOD .. Airent.SuIeui Ore. H. II. Abott, Acent Portland, h. J.Coylo, A.O.P.A, Vuncouver II C. 1 n nci llono 1 and Australia The Ori?Df Insiirance Co., OH- HAHTIfORD, 90NN. f8?!?,;, 2,215,000. Liabilities llllW.OOO. - r" iviivf tiuiuers Will insure you against loss by THOAAS BDI Journal Otlice. . OLINGER - Undertakers and wt 1 1 . . . . now isii io announce to tlio general A A ri-.tltitla (.Iia.II 1. . give us liberal lutronago. uiii;.! i. V. "" Wln'li our TOP Of perfection in quality and " " "iiu'ikxi 10 uiviron. .iii:i LAJCD NOTOR ill UOIR'hl UririV-l iT linnrwt ,. SW sv.-va.Ij K" us- ou) posrovriCE !ia,i,s"'KiwTC AND MUSICAL. AtX IltTCMESTKD IN OOOD MUSICAL trOMt MAD! WEI-COMB AT HI STUDIO, Teacher of Piano and Accompanist. Salem, Oregon. Rtndlo D'Arcy nullillnr. Koom 10, Honrs-V to!2 a. m.i 1 to ft p. in. BEATRICE SHELTON. Piano nnd Organ classes nnd S cht Heading. Studio at 478 Front at. MIm Pholtnn lias studied with mo tor two rears and has been Tory cnitsrientlnns ami sac ceflftfulln her work. Hhelavery talented as an execoinni arm an a ipnener. iinr impna aro mill technically and theorf tloally well trained and It Ii with pleaaiim and prldo that I recommend ;iim bnciton aa a reacner ni piano inn.ir. KUll.L. WINKT.KH, 10-ll-Im Mna. Doctor Nellie Brown VIOLINIST I now nrsnared to receive a few more Dunlin. No 417 Marlon St. 10-20 W,jTstLy-PnnOfAL, JAltM, OKCGOH. T (10 U&WZ&iM frlfCS '. ffj?icJJYtfr?i?s CoIIeg? of Mfisic It u to 12 nnd - to r. A Oregon Sliori Line Railroad ThcUlrect Routclto Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Gaslcrn Points flint chnlro ot two lavcirlto routes, via the Union l'arlfie Fait Mall Line, or Hie li lo tlrande Bcenlo Llues. Look ut the time It Day to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver .'H Days to Chlcuuo 4 J Days to New York Free Reclining- Clialr Cars. Unliolstcred Toil Ut HlaepliiK Cars, ami "ullman Palaoe Sleepers owrateil on all trains. For further Information apply.to IIOIBE A 1IAHKKH, AKenli, Balera. W, E. COMAN, Ocu'I ARem, C. O. TKitltr, Trar. l'a. Agl I'it1liliiim.Iortlaiil A Few Interesting Facts When pejple are contemplating a trip whether on business or pleasure, they natur ally want the best service obtainable so far as speed, comfort and safely is concerned Employes of the Wisconsin Central Linos are paid to terve the public and our trains are operated to at to make clow connections with diverclnir line at all luietlon noints. Pallnun I'aUce Sleeping and Chair cart on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled, Meals a la Carte. In order to obtain this first-clus service, ask the deket agent .0 sell you a ticket over TUB WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES and you will in ike dirert connections St laul tor Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further lntbimatlon call un any ticket aent or correspond with JAS, POND, General I'ats, Agent Milwaukkk, Wis or JAS. A. CLOCK, Gtnciol Agent, 246 Stark Street, 1'oktlanu. Ore, I.aH.OIO. fire; for terms enquire of TON RMi,in Aaf s-.iism n ww.v.,., ua, . RIGDON PmkilmM - ----. ...... ..... ue.iitiw,nd wl.en necessity reouires. to u.inuf.it , UIUDOX. NOTCH 1., rni..ki . nl.-a.!.. . - - X , A mTMi uuockuy, --,- 'SZJ wawaiaaaaa aajM Corvallis k Eastern Railroad TIME card, 2 For Yaqulna: Truln leaves Albany la-ROn n. 'lruln leaves Uorvallls..:: 15 n S Train arrives Yaqulna... 6:50 d iU' 1 Returning: " " Leaves Yaqulna 7-00 a. m Leaves Corvain9 liuo a. S' Arrives Albany..... ...12:25 D, 3 For Detreit: "-P.ui. Lcayeb Albany.... k .... 7:40 &. Arrives Detroit 11:55a. tu 4 Returning: '" Lcuves Dotrolt 12:25 n m Airlvcs Albany 6:.T5 n, rTi' OLcuves Albany 0:arn.ni' Arrives CorvullU 0:55 p. m' 5LeavcsCorvallls,......., 0:40a tu" Arrives Albany 7:25a.m'. One and two connect ut Albany nnd Uorvulllfl with Southern Pacific tialrjs giving direct service t3 and Irom New port and adjacent beaches, No. 0 runs from Albany to Corvallis on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. No. 6 runs from Uorvallls to Albany on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days only. Trains for the mountains arrive at Detroit at noon, giving uniple time to reach camping 'grounds on the Brcltcnbusli und Santlatn river the same day. II. L. WAI.DKN, KDWIN STONE. T K. Al'. A. ManiirH, J. TURNER Astcnt, Albany, Ore. WILLaMETTK RIVKll DIVISION STEAMER ALBANY, Captain Znmalt. Leaves tialcm at 7 a. m. for Portland aud way landings every Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday. The steamer has been equipped with Arm claaa accommodations, lucliicllng- an clcnt piano. Uuitirpaied (or carrying both freight and passengers. Dock-Foot ot State street. KO. N. liHE8 Agent. OXrAHTi TIUK SCUKDULC From rortlaud. Aimiri ron "rait"" I Mall 8 p. in, Spo kanci Salt l.ako, Denver Ft. Worth umana. nanaaa City, ati I' 8:S pm Spi- Loilli.Clilcago and Kat Walla Walla. Hnokane. Mlnnn aiulli, bt. I'aal, Uululli, Jtll- FUer xaut Flyer s.lw a. m. wanxeo i;iucao aim can. 2.S0pm OCEAN UrUAMHIUl'8. For Han Krauclaeu, Hall crcry llva days. cmTuiTulA'itfviiH UTL A tlLM, .J Sp in I p. la 80. m. ex Dun I n. m. Hatnr To Astoria and way landings, oi Bum. ilav 10 p WIIXAMETTK UIVER ArSa lam Ixave rorlluna, Mewberg and way Salem t-anuinga. da ly at i.p. 111, Tawlay, Thursday and Saturday at 0.00 a.m. Monday WedneMlay nnd Friday at 10,00 a. in. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION Dally boats to Portland u abore. Transfers to street car line at Ores? Clit If the steamers are delayed there ouud tnp tickets to all points In Oregon, Wsthii. ton, or California. Connection made at Port land with all rail, ocean andrivcr lines W. II. IIURU1URT. Cen'l Pas. Aot. Portland. (),. G.M.POWEUS. Anent. trade street dock Salem, UOISE & DARKER, City Agents. SOUTH AND EAST THE SHASTA RO'JTE OF THE THE Pacific Co, rvSS TRA1M3 KUW DAUY 17:00 p Ml Lv...;portland. ,.Ar 9.MS PM)-Ar....Satem ....Ar 745 A Mj Ar. San Francisco. Lv 0: (tei 0:15 a n .15 AU 05 PM s uu r m ugaen ... .Ar t:otPM Ar Denver. . T.v IIIOPM 645PM 8 50 AM 6,30 P M 9.35 P M 9.35 P M 8.40 A ni 8.40 rx 6.40 AM Ar .... Omaha .... Ar 8'I5PM Ar.... Chicago ...,Lv 7.00 o-IS 00 am Ar. ..Los AnceIe...Ar PM Ar .... ElPaso.... Ar 4.5r 7-55 A m Ar.. ..Fori Worth.. ,,Ar Ar.. New Orleans. ..Ar DINING CARS OBSERVATION CARS. l'ullmin hrst-claia and tourist sleeping can attached to all through train). Tourist can through to Chicago without change. ROSKBURO MAIL. -DAILY. 830 A M jLy. Portland Ar (4.-30 rx Lr 1 1 5o:p m Lv 7.joa u to5SAMLv....8alem... 5.-2o p m 1 Ar. . . . Koseburg WEbTSlDE DIvrsTONT BKTWIKN PORTLAND AND CORVAU.1S, AIH tiaiiudallyjexcejojjiunday. 7V A mTLv.,.. Portland.. Arl 5:50 p M H.-S5 fMf Ar....CorTallls. Lvf i.-aopw At Albany and Cbrvalllsconuect ii jalns of Jhe C. & E. Ry. IFdeTendeNce" "FaHSERGEr: KXPRRSa TRAIN DAILY KXCRPT SUNDAY. 4-'jo P M 7.'30' M 8:30PM Xv Portland..,. Ar 1 835 A M I 835 5.'So ) 4-,S Lv. Ar ..McMinnvllIcLv A M Independence Lv AM Uirect connections at ijan trancisco with ""'hlP' lines f II AW All, 1APAN, CHINA. THE PIIILUl'INES and AUS inni.iA. For through 'tickets and rate call 01 W. ,", SKINNER, Depot Agent, ot 0- D. GAilRIhLM)N City hcket Agent, 333 Cos. roftclal SU Salem Or. J R. KOEI1LER, Manager. CMARKHAM G. F. &P. A. Poftlan You Can Get a Lower Berth. Vt Ith one exception the through trains of the Hurllnlon Route arc almost, 'Invariably well-filled. The exception Is our Bt. Paul Chicago Llmltid. On the limited there Is usually room and to spare. Don't Infer that It Is neither so tloo, uor so fast, aa ANY" train of ANY other line between St. Paul and ClilcSk'o. On the con trary, there is uo more beautiful train lo America. It has electric Hunt, steim bait, wid3veHltmles the unit sHUfaotory diuln-ot servica 03 tha coatlaant-iod lower berth for everybody, A. O. SHELDON. Ujq'I Aat, Pjrtltal, J Southern