The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 26, 1899, Image 4

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    " VjHl W'IWP5'
Fridav's Sumrise Sale
Holverson's Elegant Line of BLANKETS
will be offered at this week's FRIDAY'S
SALE All Blankets over SI will be
subject to the usual heavy SURPRISE
Wet Weather Goods
l&liool chl'drons' mipplieH, Mine
Mackintosh, double enpo, nil sires, $2.00.
Hronn ninl black check Mackintosh
two capes, doulilo texture, $2.7r.
Tnn tnixluro double wipe, $2.75.
Umbrellas -10 cents tip.
Odd Notions Often Asked For
flipper poIph
Tooth llriithefl
IJcauly Pins
Silk Ties
Holt llncklcA
Hose 8npK)rtorn
Kmbroldory rings s
Curling ToiiKH
New 60
'Also Golf Shawls, or Rugs, just received
'Made of very finest materials in several
. . . ....
i styles come circular capes wivn iringe.
others square without fringe We think
i they are the best values shown here
abouts Call early and pass your opinion.
'on them
$8, to $15 EACH.
" H-j"" Wa
To Fit All Ages.
Can ho MjrfiH:lly lilted with ulafHCH no
luntter 1 tut. their detect Ih lit IIiIh Moih.
An optician iiiuhI Ih) prepared and un
dcistaml how to pripcrly do thin. 1
have the latent pciciitilic Instruments for
work of thlri kind. I will only xlvo
hIhhsoh to those who neel them. If
your jdaxsos hurt yrf uen In any vvnv I
mil KWiiiy iitijiwt ineni tor von n tney
uru wnt or too narrow I will stralKhtcn
and widen them. 1 will do thin work
free of elm rue.
Kyos tented free.
Ice Not Given Away.
I cannot afford to' ulvo Ico nwny, hut
itm fellliiK a pure article nt a price that
ih within tliu reach of nil.
J. .MnKiiiro, Prop. (I 15 tf
People In the City From Other
Towno on Business and Vis
iting Friends.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lon Wnln nre at Port
land, Mr. nnd Mrs. U. J. Fry, of Aumsvllle,
vvns in town.
J. E. Bennett left this morning for
La Center, Wash.
MIks Virnlo Uyrd has returned from
a visit nt Hjiokano.
Frank Pound, who deals out Justice nt
AvniHvillo was in town today.
Jlruno BoodlKhelmor nnd .Tohn Gcbor
of Sublimity were in town today.
It. .7. Fleming nnd J. II. Scott, Salem
lllackfttonlurs, went to Portland this
Mrs. W. V. 'Ann nnd daughter mid
Miss Pearl Kills have returned from n
Portland visit.
M. i. Kskuw, who has lieen down see
ing the sights n few days returned to
Mchama today.
Mrs. F. P. Talklngton nnd .Miss Talk
ington re turned from a week spent visit
ing Portland friends.
Mrs, Fred I.egg nnd Mrs. M. E.
Pattonwcru of the Salem fair to goto
Portland this morning.
Mrs. 8. N. Rogers who has hecn visit
ing the Wcller Urns, started this morn
ing for Evanston, III.
Dr. Meredith and Mark Savage were
out today chasing the festive China
pheasant on the Island.
Mrs. Calln h. Martin, of Tslltcooi
hike, In Douglas county, arrived In Sa
lem yesterday for an extended lsit
with her son, Carey F. Martin.
Mr. and Mm. David Hcott, of Port
land, nre In the city the guests of Mr.
and Mm. John Moir. Mr. Scott is an
cxcrlcuccd engineer and draftsman
nnd since leaving Salem n couple of
j ears ngo had employment In the Ca
nadian Pacific shops ut Vancouver, II. 0.
.1. A. Jeffrey has ocncd his new law
olllce in the Ijuhl A Hush hank block
the corner olllce whore McCourt A.
Ilowerman were. Mr. Jeffrey was pros
ecution; attorney two terms In Southern
Oregon, and has heen In Salem going on
two years. Ho enjoys a good prnctico
ami will lie ulud to see his friends nnd
clients in the new location.
Business Being Transacted at the Court
NEW 80IT8.
In department No. 2 Win. Waldo has
commonccd suit against Soulro Forrar
et nl for the collection of a promisory
nolo for 4009, dated Jan. 30, 1803, with
interest nt 10 er cent, nnd $250 at
torney's fees, nnd the foreclosure of a
certain mortgago Is asked.
F. W. Durhlii, sheriff to Geo. II.
Williams the It. L. Svvarts farm on
Howell Prairie, containing 1550.15 ncres
of land, sheriffs' deed under foreclosure.
A.M. Holt nnd Norn J Holt to F. E.
Wall and E. I. Wnll, Int.d 1 10 s r !1 vv
Mary Pratt nnd Hollln A. Pratt, to
Hullo Hall, land in t 0 h r 2 e, 500.
U. G. Holt nnd J. N. Holt to F. E.
Hall and E. I. Hall, hind in 1 10 s r .1 w,
Daniel .Inrvls and Effu Jarvis to Harry
Spicer, 10 acres, 1 0 s r 1 w250.
J. A. Wied nnd Karollna Wied to J.
II. Cave, M ocro in 1 10 e r 3 w, t0.
Proposals Wanted.
For 1000 hushels good clean feed onts
and one fresh milch cow nt the eniteii
liary. J. D. I.kk, siierlutendent. . 10-20 . 'It hv
Qood Castings.
Having purchased all the casting of
the Salem Iron works I have for sale
good new repairs nnd fittings for
saw mills, farm implements ami other
machinery nt low prices, .1. I). Hoben
stein, l.'IO Court street, Salem. lO-'.'IMf
Capt. II . L. Wells, E. G. Dorr, Port
hind: h. b. Ilovvcr, Ilunthwton. Pa. : S,
Hnmhiirger, Cincinnati, Ohio; A. J.
Kiclmrds. S. F.; It. II. Wilson, W. II.
Itrndeu, Portland F.J. Calif, Chicago;
i;r. .iiuz7aroiu, I'orunuu; i;. r. Fergu
son, Cincinnati, Ohio; Jpff I). .McD.iniel,
.xmii inKimn. tvasu. ; joiiii II. nail,
Portland; K. 0. Patton, city; It. I.iese,
A. .1. Luce, I. II. Iluhhard, Portland;
C.T.Thompson, Broeks: Geo. II. Dur
ham, Portland; E. IJ. Duffv, of Denver
A JUo Urundo My; J. W. Maxwell,
Tncoma, Wash.; Frederick W. Mulkey,
Portland; Goo. K. Ilurton.S. F.; T. M.
Ilraurli, Portland.
Kllnr;er& Deck, Successors to UouthSalem
Hottlir. Works,
All orders for lsiUledheor will he filled
at the hrewery. Kept on eold storage.
Free city delivery. Telephone 2131.
Ice Very Nearly Qlven Away,
Wo can glvo Ico uwuy, to convince you
enmo anil sco how tilg u, chunk you uot
fur little iiionoy. Our leu Ih inunufuo
turu from pure distilled wuter.)
Canltol Ico Works,
liStf Kt.iN(ii:it & Hkcic.
Tonight and I'rMny occasional rains.
..Jr.. , it "PT-kV. -
VVi'i l"'K;.rt
State Republican League,
Tlio uxecutlvu commltteoof tlio He-
puhllcnu Ieaguu of Oregon will meet nt
the Willamette hotel at 5 o'clock this
afternoon, to consider matters with re
lation to the organization of the Ix'iigun
for work during the coming campalffu,
and especially to prepare for the regu
lar hleiinlal meeting to Iki held the llrst
Tuesday hi Fohrnury next. Tlio presi
dent of the league is Claud (latch, of
this city There arrived on the morn
ing train: I. A. Macrum, of Forest
drover Fred W. Mulkey, of Portland,
and Harry L. Wells, the secretary. A.
M. Crawford, of Itosehurg, and S. II.
Dakln.of I'.ugene, are expected on tlio
afternoon train. Other momlwrit of thu
committeu are S. II. Siunott, of The
The Dalles, ami O. W. Fulton, of Asto
ria, who have not jet arrived.
Jncolxoii. San Francisce: Kimnil
,ri.. i. ... . .. . ' .
i nuos, itonemia .tuning uinip: Unas.
0. Ilertratn, San Francisce: W. M.
Ticker, Miss Tinnlsson, Whlteaker; J.
S. Wrlirht and wife, Una M, Snyder,
Falls City; A. 11. Smith, A. Angernmn,
Pertland: II.McLeod and wife, Tlios.
McFaul. Gaston; W. K. Collins, Seattle,
(i. W. Ciirrun, Wnuk Hassett, Mllwau
keo; V.. It, Paytou, linker City.
The Verdict.
The Palace Market
Will fill your order fern ronM,
hroll or fry of heef, mutton,
''in v rtiiiriif(T( vwiiimi i"'i
nhely imhiVihI, IkuhhI nml puvHbtsl
n-iuly to slice for ytiur liiueh.
Wo httxe our own ilelhery man.
Your patrounge kolitlted.
1JW State St.
1)11. (J HACK ALllItHUIT
Oraduuto of the Vmerleaii School of
Osteopathy ut kirksvllle, Mo. has
owned olllce at Hush A llrcMiiun Ithn-k,
Commerulul trait Salem Oregon.
Olllce days Mondiiv, Wt-dnusday and
Friday. IIIwhimhi of women and child
ten a sMeinlty, I0-I7tm
3ii xj , m
Anderson Is WanteJ.
Sheriff Huff, of Chehalis county,
Washington, and Sheriff Luivlile, of
Clatsop county, Oregon, are engaged in
u legal contest for the jiossessiou of
II. Anderson, wanted in Chehalis coun
ty for Imrglary. Anderson was con
victed and sentenced to a term In the
penitentiary hut escaped and went to
Tlio erdlet of the pcoplu who arc the
large jury, is that the host meal for the
price is to he had nt The White House
w i
tfattle Being Fought.
Some nru lighting with guns, hut
others are comlmttlug the wear of dally
toll, to do this Huecosfiilly you need
giMst oou and groceries such as are sold
hy llrunxoii A ltngiiu. 10 L'.'l esl
PoiiTi.A.s(, Oct. 20. Wheat valley
57 & 50 Walla Wolla,57c. to o7'.
Flour Portland, fl.OO to 3.W. SiiHr-
lino .it nor inn.
Oat White .U35o. grey 33 to 3le.
Hay Timothy 0(3fl 1.00 wr ton.
Hops 710e; old crop 5 ( He.
WihiI Valley. 1213e: Kastern Or
egon. 81 Ic Mohair, 27 30.
Millstuff llruu, f 17; shorts, f IS,
Poultry Chickens, mixed, f.IIOOto 4.00
liens A to 4,50, turkeys, live, 12ulle.
Kus OreuMH. 21 to 22'o mr ihiz.
Hides GrH)n,saltedii0lhi,8(ai)c.unde
IX) Ihs, 7)i8j(j; sheep jmlts, 15020c.
Onions 1 to H4c.
Butter Best thiiry, 2535; fancy
100 Altenus lit mos.'J cents each.
ftWIthChrlH Serles.'.liy Murray, !I5 and
fi(V each,
Zi'-M titles ofthe Mershor7i, mo.i iV
, 2t)()-tlthw'of IL' mos of Standuid
Authors, 25c each,
Olive Optle Series Juveniles 75e.
The lleutv Bisiks 5lki Series.
Sailor Itov wltli Dewey Series 75e,
llistor Slumliili-Aiiiitrli-iiii U'nr In.'.
. - --..:.. .. .... ..... ,...,-
enue erlell 7iie iiIhi lilcliar.l CVrval
to read
David Hiirtiiu'JRc to read.
Black Douglas 35c to read.
Boole Store,
Hi 1 fe- 1 '
Price on
Shoes at
A. Jv Wc shine them free
275 Commercial St.
;tlem, Oregon.
Astoria wliero lie Hindu many friends. , creamery, 50e to 55o per roll, store 37 b
The governor of Washington Issued n
rculitlnu for Anderson and the contest
is over the question whether Gov, (ieer
will honor the reiiuisltson.
Chicken Feed.
All grades can liehad at ery cheap rates
Call early and get your supply at the
Wallace warehouse. Salem Flouring.
Mills. 10'JOtf
Yew Park Grocery.
Has in stock a large Hue of
tahlets and supplies for
Keeps a full stock of provis
ions, groceries and canned
gooils. Fresh gotxta at reas
ouahlo prices. IVylor's cele
hratel hutter always mi
hand. Country produce
taken in exchange.
Allen & Bowersox.
and 40c.
Potatoes 50 to 00c per cental.
Hogs Heavy dressed (le to tlj4c
Mutton Dressed.OJ&o to 7c per pound.
Beef Steers. 3.50tLO0; cows, $3.00
fcr;i.ou nresseti, wet ub to i'i
Veal dressetl, fiflS'iic.
Wheat 53 iMninds mid over HV.
W(X)1 10c, Mohair 3(V.
Hops 0 to 10c.
Barley 45to 55e.
Oats 25 and 27c.
Hay Baled, cheat 7.00 Timothy
13.50 toll
Kggs 1 to 22c.
Flour In wholesale lots 3.00 retail
M ills t uffs hron 13.00 shorts 15,00
Hogs dressed, 6)ie.
Live cattle Steers 3.ieow8 2, to 3.
Dressed Veal 4lsC.
Butter Dairy 100 creamery 22c.
Poultry Hens 7 to 8 cents.
Potatoes 2.V.
Breton Studio.
Mrs. Wiggings has re-ocned her
Art Studio, In the llolmau house
corner Court and Cottage streets
Studio hours Monday and Wednes
day 2:30 and 6:30 p. in., and Sat
urday 0 a. in. to 1 p. m, lor terms
and information rail at studio. Vis
itors always welcome.
F.iended Statement by Chamberlain
House of Commons.
London, Oct. 27. The house of com
mons, by n vote of 224 to 28, passed the
second reading of the appropriation bill
Harcourt, the liberal leader, said ho
desired ngaln to call attention to the
provocation of the secretary of state for
tlio colonies, Mr. Chamberlain, during
tlio negotiations nnd in his speech nt
Mr ChnmbTlnin replied repudiating
the Intention to bo provocative, and say
ing ho only intended to ho plain and
free from nmbiguity. He added that
lie only followed in tho negotiations the
principles observed hy all statesmen
during the past 10or20 years. There
was a time lie explained, When til
plomacv was regarded ni given to
statesmen to enablo them to conceal
their thoughts. That might fairly he
called tho "old diplomacy" which he
said "I absolutely repudiate."
"People," he continued, "are entitled
to denand a clear expression of views."
and he asserted thero wai never tho
slightest Justification for the statement
that President Kuger had been In
doubt. Mr. Chamrhrlain then ssld :
"Our object, methods and determina
tion were to enrry out these objects. It
was necessary to Impress uiion President
Kruger the seriousness of tho step he
was called upon to tukoand tho conse
quences which would follow any mistake
on his part. It was notdcslrablo to in
clude in an ofllcial despatch collated
suggestions nnd indications of opinion
butseml-oiricial warning was frequently
conveyed in a speech. A similar wnrn
ing was given by Lord Salisbury to the
sultan nt the Guildhall banquet, and I
inn still absolutely unrepentant."
Regarding Mr. Davitt, Mr. Chamber
lain said he recognired that lie had hith
erto dismissed the matter moderately
and sincerely, "and," he added, "I
would pay the greatest attention to his
arguments HI did not know he would
use precisely the Bnmu arguments in re
gard to uny British war, which are
based on his enmity to England."
Mr Chamberlain then said: "That
would have leen tho Irish argument in
the Spanish-American war. in which
Spain showed herself infinitely less capa
ble of defending herself than the Trans
vaal." Redmond sheuted: "Transvaal did
not blow up your warships."
Mr. Chamberlain centinued: "The
great, almost determining, contest be
tween the United States and Spain was
fought without tlio loss of a single
American. No have never uenlcil that
the Transvaal was a focmau wnrthv of
our steel.
Not only was tho disparity between
the forced in the Spanish-American war
as great as those now engaged, but the
contention of the United States and
their right of interference arose from
the fact that at the same distance from
their territories thero was oppression,
not of American citizens, hut of another
rare and eoplo, and Justilled the in
tervention of the United States In the
mind of tho clvlllred world, or, nt any
rnte, in tho eyes of Knglishmeu and
But wo are Interfering hi liehnlf of our
owiieople. It is pel fectly certain Hint
Mr. Davitt, hut for Ida hatred of Kim-
land, would syniimthlo with ih as ho
does with America.
Mr. Chamberlain then replied to the
criticism of Ids not accepting tho media
tion of Mr. Hofmeyer, the Afrikander
leader, iHiidtiug out that while he be
lieved Mr. Hofmeyer was sincere, vet he
could not forget that when President
Kruger made "absolutely illusory pro
posal for kottloment," Mr. Ilofomover
was iHirtectly ready to accent tlioin.
President kJtigor misled Mr Hofe
meyer hi promising him proMsals,
which differed materially from those he
really presented.
Thero has been on the part of the
Transvaal crookeduessa altogether in
comprehensible, if they desired a settle
ment," continued .Mr. unamiierlaln. "I
believe that from llrst to last President
Kruger never intended to give anything
approaching ennui rights to the white
races, or any iicknow ledgment of Brit
ish supremeey.
War. therefore, was inevitable.
There has been an enormous strain upon
us. Wo are called upon to bring the
war to a quick conclusion nnd send
across thu sea a force such as no nation
In history ever before sent. This is
entirely due to tho preparations which
made the Transvaal 11 n armed enmp nnd
which not only secured it n defensive
position, hut enabled it to take tho
offensive against the large force now
''Such a tliinu could not he contin
ued forever. We have needed n ier
innuent force of 20,000 in South Africa
Wo uro told we shall 1om South Africa.
Our foreign friends are convinced of it.
Yet they are not happy.
Such predictions were mado liefore
and were even eurrent in the days of
Kliznboth. But I am uot alarmed. One
great Teutonic people cannot hold in
subjection another great Teutonic people
hut tills has never In-eu our couri-o. it
is impossible to pretend that the Dutch
nt tlio Cape are crushed by our rule,
niieu iney nuvu uii me rignis cmillsli
men possess and even in individual
cases are permitted to talk and write
Whatever may bo tho result of the war
and tho premature talk of the result from
tho present wnr. does anv one imnuino
that wo shall fall to do for others what
we claimed for ourselves, or refuse equal
rights to the Dutch in the Transvaal
which they refused us"'"
RffiViVi-4-kr1-io for ladies nnd gents, girls nnd boys nil filrea In stock. All now stock, no left ovpi
MaCKintOSneS ycar. w0 evercaVry any rubbers or mackintosh goods from ono year to another! &
make them go. ' 'I
Rubbers, boots and shoes, rubber boots and oil clothing, st0J
Coats nml mackintosh suits, rubber enpes, All new goods and best of stock, and pricos lower than tm)l
Overcoats and ulsters,
A good overcoat for 5. wo nave cuenpor ones ami netter ones.
coats at a 25 per cent, reduction from any other lioiibo in this rttv w,!
QH;C for boys and men. Men's suits from $4 up. Buy your clothing ot us; our low prices will astonish rrm
OUllb rarr lll0 b cgt qlmity 0f ,iU wool goods, but do not charge fancy prices. J"
PI --ktrato ttiA nn,rYfricHc f l'airs ot hlankets to choose from. All wool Oregon made blanV.t, .
OianKetS and COmiOrtei St tlSni8 ll811I,i price. Save ono third by buying your hl.nv7...l
Trunks, valises, telescopes and hand-bags in great variety,
Dnr rtnnAc W carry largo lines of dress goods, linings of nil descriptions, bindings, all wool flannels w f
Ury gOOOb, nniM,B( (iu,nelette, wrappers, lieautiful lines of canes, dress skirts, muslins, slircttoM,' Cr
hosiery, underwear, corsets, gloves, and every tiling upi any carriuu 111 u nrni-umHs ury gisxia store. Vd:
charge fancy prices, like some stores wo know of in tills city, but Ecll our goods on tho lowest lKseibl miu?
Friedman's New Racket, Cor. Com. and State sj
oil our customers, for it is busi
ness to make ono satisfied, and
we satisfy all with our high
grade low price meals.
St. EIfro
244 Commercial st.
Clean Streets,
All residents of Salem are hereby noil
lied not to permit any old paper, saw
dust, broken-glass, old Iwttles, crockery,
nails or other substance to lie thrown
upon the public streets or alleys. Sec
tion 35 of City Ordinance No. 203 im
lioses n lino of from $5 to $50 for such
offence, and thu samn will Imj strictly
enforced. .1. P. Fiuzkm.,
20-21 tf Street Commissioner.
Still Coming.
Hobon's fall stock of new goods is
still coming! the latest arrival being a
ease of Taffeta Silks in a number of
.beautiful shades; these rich goxls added
to thu laive variety ot dress troods in
stock makes an assortment from which
ull may make n selection that will plevse
and give satisfaction. Ills stock of
clothing is large and is just what you
need for this chilly weather. He lias
tlio oil coats, hats, snag proof boots nnd
Indies' rubliers hi ull sizes to make you
rainproof. Ho keeps n largo stock of
first class goods, which aro bought for
casn mid sold mr easii. lie gives his
customers satisfaction. 11 aro in
vited to call and Inspect tho goods,
W. II. House.
207 Commercial street.
To catch the eye is sometimes very difficult)
To catch popular favor is still more d!
The clear Havana cigars
Have succeeded in doing both,
Aug. Huckenstein, Prop.
' We have just received a One line of these goods they ire I
colored photos taken from nature. The latest tiling in ut
And a great variety of the most attractive pictures ea
brought to balem. framing to order ironi me newest mow
ings. Call and see them.
F. W. Hollis & Company
First Door North of Fostolhce.
PATTON UltOH ,Irnum!lKN.
"Another Pleaeunt Kvont,
m '
Tho Smith and Itlce Comedians,
With the Comedian
Walter I!
See tho
Miiror Scene.
Make Yourself Comfortable
s N
"vBuy the "Home" Air Tight
Stove, and the "Home" Steel
Range made at Salem --the
best Heating and Cooking
Stoves on the market.
VCome andsee them and
patronize home industry.
BERGER, 130 Slal?JSl
And Rumors of War!
- w. -.
V .
Pr. Bull's Cough Syrup Furnishes
most substantial comfort and relief
to consumptives; It works most re
mitrlcuulo cures. Don't despair. He
Iter can certainly ho hud; u cure l
possible with this wonderful reined
bcnlo of Prloos;
Orchestra. 75,
Panpiet, W. !iul
tiullory, 25,
PATTON nitoa , t,wcv. Mini ManBf.
Bargains tn China and English
aro luld all over our tables and shelves
lu beautifully decorated dinner bets,
tetisetM, butter and fruit dishes, line
k'lusswaro. lauini and lurdlnores.
Thoe who two tttocklntr uptlielrelilua
closet, pantry or sideboard would do
well to oxainlue the values that we
aro offering In thl line, For bridal
tf irtt thero la nothing that will he ap
preciated more than ono ot our tea
eta or lamps.
134 MU t f lnh04i
Wc areJSelling
Lota of those ileece lined Im
h(eyousee In the mirth win
(low, Tliey're t-eatnle-s very
heavy , only 18c. Ollien. at i'xi
with ribbed tops. Men's llceecd
Mickt 1ft nnd He. MIs-m'.s ribbed
lleeccd hoe 17c
A Hl line of Men's heavy un
derwear, 2Ac,
Men's heavy ribbed llceced,
brown, 85a suit.
Child's union suits 23c.
Ladles' unions, -18c up.
Men's union suits 11.00, 1:2 00
und2,50 suit,
Uubters, mackliUaslie-i, urn
brellas. falimtors, mlltensetc.
Men's Bike Capes
1 have a man's bike cape 3Vin
Ioiik full sweep, made of tan
cotton covert for i'i.10. 1 have
canvass kvulns with sprint:
sides that Miap on or nil In a
second, jlist the tliinu' fot th
wheel. I have ttouser uuards
guards made of rubber that
win not rust uiuUpolltliopants.
MujesUc Gas Lamp.
Wo believe the Majestic la the
most convenient lump you can
find Very positive la action,
and very simple, M.00.
Carbide In bnlk U lb. 25 cents,
Diamond nil lamp. 2 75.
All sorts o? sundries for tie
wheel, always In steck:
ft) K
Thursday, October 26
war m Shoes increases
our business dailv. Nnt-
uTiiaicony, 7Bl withstandingall the many Shoe
imieony.Duiaiores in iaiem we are enjoy
ing an immense trade this fall.
Why? Because our brices are
much lower than others; our
styles the latest and quality
the best that skill and good
workmanship can produce.
We defy all competition.
An Illustrated Talk
On the Work of the
Capt. Hurry L Wells
Illustrated by
Aore than 100 Views.
Orchestra, 60.
lSiniuet, 60,
First llalconv. 35.
Second iUlcouy, 35.
Qsllery, 15.
R. H. LRARn Mnnnirarw
8.S State bt, IMA A Hush Bank illdir.
We have just received the
largest sidrIo shipment of
Ever brought to Salem.
..... They are tho celebrated
The latest nattem nf th Vif
AirTight Heater in the Market
Cor. State and Liberty SU. Saleea, 0r.