mam? w &W ( &&m Kag 5 i. ll. ft. t Acts gently on the DNEYS, and Bowels Ci eanses the System -.EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES J!ftn&&' - H4B,TMALtT'PATl0N PERMANENTLY ,,c,b.c,a1ects DUy THt GtHUINL-MAHT D Dy !IvRNIATGrSYRVP(S 'caiuiBTiiicnuM'JTi met io. niKini. tOGf O. C. T. Qo's l'AHSKNOiny.SrKAS.EU POMONA X sNIl TT altonA liKAVKS KOIl rOI.TI.AND IHIIy oxcchl ftnndar ftt 7 a. m QUICK tIMK AND CiiUAl ItATKB. 1)(H k U)twpn'tato aml.Coart HI. M. 1'. IIAI.DWl.N. Aict-nt. 4 PERSONAL AND LOCAL i r.r Knr mM llllniial luteal Mows see I'niirlli Vtuiv. rQ .1. X. Brown is in IlillHhom on legal llllHllll'X". Mth. S. K. (iitlnii Ik reported 111 lit her home on Liliorty Htreot. .Mr. and Mrs A. 0. Cnmllt wunt to Portland yesterday to visit. Mrs. A. T. Glllwrt mid son Citrlcton am visiting Cortland (riundH. Mrn. A. K. Crosby und sister, Miss Buhner, luivu leturned from u visit tit Albany. Mr. and Mrn. John Tiiiinur rutnmed lust evening from a wedding tour to Portland. Mr. and Mrn. It, 0. Davenport, of The, Dalle, am visiting at tl lavoiitort homo near Silvurton. Mrs. Thin, llolveisou and Miss llnlverson havo rotnrned from a visit with Portland friends. Cnnovor, tho ImslnoM printer, was u business visitor In Independence y terday, returning thia miming In com pany with Auk. Krantz. K. V. Uino the foreman tailor at the Boform school, lias resigned, to take effect iintnediatoly, in order that he may aeeept a position with a Seattle, elothini! manufacturing firm. Take Dr. Bull's Cough Sytup for All thosu dangerous uirectloiis severe colds, pluurlhV and grippe-which Kail and Wlntur Urine along, it Is the greatest cure for bronchitis und nil throat and lung utTisotlun. IlKKCIIAM'rt ache. Pills cure Sluk I load', Kodul Dyspupsl" Cure will digest wluit you cut. FJ It Gam ble. Vernon, Tox., stys, 'It relieved me from the it.iil und ourod me. H h my cyurlustlng friend." Stone's I)rui Store. From Ctosston, Cards are out announcing the wedding of Mh Carrie B. Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. ' Hollt ' Croton, at t huir homo Wedntssday, Ootolntr aoth, at noon, to Chan. Kdwitnl Tyler, of Biiona Visiu. Committed. Daniel . I'Mfhrle, of Jopliln county was yesterday received at tho hospital for insane, lie is a miner 20 years old. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, Digests what you cat It artificially dlgcsta tho food and Bids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. Ituthelatest 3iwx)ereddlgest aot and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in eMclency. It in stantly relieve and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, flatulence. Hour btomacn, liau&ea, SlclclIeadache,Ga9tralgla,Cramps,and ill other resulu of Imperfect digestion. rr,por.,iot.-.u..-.- aTUAtsa imtuoumu PARKER'S . HAIR BALSAM bulluk HMtt. iSSxa l TULpJl Oelor. Duu rti a - iw U-l, ttWT BEm THE STAYTON BRIDGE. A Caue Celebre That May Lead to Hos lihtles Between Linn and Marion. Following la the order of the Marion county court In the Stayton bridge matter: "in tno matter oi me urnigo over the Sontiani river near Stayton, Oregon. Now on this 18th day of Oc tober, 189", at tho hour of !! o'clock p. in., tiiis matter came on regularly for hearing before this court to consider the bids submitted for tho repairing of said bridge, and it npiiearhig to tho court that tho following named persons hud submitted bids for the re lKilriugof said bridge, as follews: C.I F. Royal & Son, 2,50, and J. II. Til lotson, $2,214, anil the court being of the opinion that both the said bids are excessive and that both of tho same should be rejected, and it further ap pearing to tliis court that the county court of Linn County, Oregon, has re fused to bear any share of the expense of reparlng said bridge in a proper manner, and thla court muling from due und sullic lent proof that the said bridge was erected m or about the beginning of the vear 18S0. and that the ordinarv duration of bridges constructed of wood in and about tho vicinity of this county is the K'riod of eight years, and this court knowing ot its own personal know ledge that the said bridge Is lit lerly unsafe for further use and alto gether dangerous, and is of the opinion that said bridge should be closed to public trael. "It Is therefore considered, ordered nnd adjudged that both tho said bids b! ntiil the same are hereby rejected, and the deposit made by each of the said bidders is hereby directed to be re turned to them. "It Is further considered, ordered nnd adjudged that the said bridge be forth with closed to public use, nnd that Henry Keene, the suiervisor of road district No. 50, in Marlon county, to which said district said bridge Is located, bo forthwith notified to close said bridge effectively to public travel, so that no person may travel upon or use the same, in order that this county may not Incur any liability for any damages sustained by any erson who may lie injured through the uusafu and dangerous con dition of said bridge." The following order was sent to Henry Keene, supervisor of road district No. 6U,at Stayten: "You are hereby directed to close up effectually tho bridge over the Sautium river near Stayton so that the public may bo unable to use tho same, lwcause the said bridge Is unsafe and dangerous, and Linn county has stulilHirnly refused to pay its proportionate share of the ex pense of repairing said bridge." Captain Keene executed tho order on Friday evening, nil communication ceas ing at that time. Jl'INIK II.M1TOV HI'llAKN. (ieo. D. Hartou, county Judge of I.iuu county, publishes this: I notice in hi't night's Democint an item of news, headed, A Bridge War. Now this last sentence is a misnomer, for to successfully enuiiKu In war, re quires at least tho participation of two parties wuo are irruaiou ami iosi ineir licadri, while in this Stayton bridge mat- .. i... r t.... ......... ..! 1 .i.i.l I1.1.J .i lur uiu l.lllll tuning iuilll,n, UIIU lit.a .- ull tiines.been jierfectly dociie.gontlo and doe like In its demeanor, pursuing the oven tenor oi Its peacelul way, with jur ied eqtiitiinity .without a milled feather, mid uood wilt to all. yen, even to our err- Ling brethren of the Marlon county court. Our sourt after a very careful ami critical examination of the bridge in controversy, assisted by Mr. Frank Mil ler, a civil eiiL'ineer and a siieciallv skillful and uxert bridge builder, are of tho unanimous opinion that said bridge is abMilutoly wife for public use, osce iallv so since tho defective end brace to the main spun has been replaced by a nuwone, which repair wasi-oinpletiil by order of the tho I. inn County Court on tho liltli of tills present month. Our court has not been convinced by bluff and bluster that large sums of public money should be uselessly expen ded in replacing good sound timings of this bridge with new ones, and the court having entered such nil order will maintain tho same until such time as it becomes apparent that we were In errur. Wo 'will not contend with the Marion County court in Its tearing up or otherwise, destroying the north half of the Stayton bridge, hut we will prone cuto to tho full extent of the law anv porsouorporsons.touring up or barricad ing or otherwise Interfering with that portion of said bridge situated in I.iuu county, Oregon. Nature makes the cures after all. Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out. Things get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. Scott's Emulsion of Cod liver Oil with hypophos phitet can do just this. It strengthens the nerves, feeds famished tissues, and makes rich bkJod. Lane County Hop Growets. A rallies beenisied by CaHii4s)l Ilros. amlotbwlwpgrowni,t F.Hgww. asfiiUi! A ineetlng of th hj growers w her bv ralll U assemble in tineaurt Iiu. ai Kugne. Tluirwlay. Ort. W. to organ we an artoolatron. It Is highly san- that every growtw U r-Mit. It astt-rte.1 tlsAt flie hop Iwyert ve ..rtlcl iiiteratu fa- tew prWe. ! " in,UgaiitmW"tB6 ., Kery hop kHr H Um, Ubb, B t.. .nil Io-KlM wuhUsv aw Jnvit Brn- a to attt nd Foot UaU. Tl.CheluawM and MHHsWh dl r,lv foot Ull at 1 ortUMMl on U 2Wh Ch;...aa will pUy with tho U. "f vv 4 Stickliev ot taw . 1 tii YmJ man. w iliiHts the .ai o. A. C. 1 tiay October 8 AIo r awl Pa Ul., rity It will bt- 1 .mikjiij a nrev .s, - how wlat metal tlw tw w " ' Utrge Pratt luw wigo! """ . of the Albania ami M1" ''" Uwii blectesl to the sitoii. Chcmaira'H ami theSaU-mclH:' '-" 'play thetlrnt game of thr sai"" ' Kfternotiu at2j'ilock. . 1 a- . .lar U .1 tUtO " l'l' i ' 8iiMa Started New Hair Hon. tohn It fiinlti.'. mmli. tl'wm. Ing State LtgtiUture from Btuljh, C took t Co In letter ilitcd February x, 199, to the f 7 Sutherland Sisters W , AcconlitiK lo agreement made In Salt Lake tin, If -.our prrpamliom piwed a benefit lo mv bald liead. I a to end ou a testimonial There I a fine 1 Rrontli 01 new lulr naiteil Am not 1 troubled any moreulth dandrufl nnd that 011110 hie lulling of Hie calp. I had tried e enthlng I could hear of before 1 aw ou, but receh ed no benefit You can ue tills If ou Uh. ricase send me lialWoieii bottles." We hae thouand of testimonial equally as ttrong. All hair and scalp troubles readily succumb to these mttlloil ous preparations. Sold by dealers eerynhere. SUNDAY SERVICES w. c. t. v. tiospol Temperance meeting ut the W. C. T. U. hall at 4 p. m. (IKIIMAN KVAS'CIRI.ICAL I.UT1IK1I W. Myer's addition. Preaching by Faitor Krause, from Portland, at KUltO'a, in. UNITY, Service at 7:I?0 n. m. No morninc service. Bev. W. K. Coneland, pastor. Subject of lecture: "Is Christianity n iiiiltiroY" ciiiiistu; SOCIAI.IHT. Prof. Oarland.M room state Insurance blk. a p. M. subject, War, Its Itclatinn to Christian Civilization. It. .1. Sharp. CIIKMKKRTA KTItKBT KVAXnr.l.lCAl,, I'n'aeliiiii! at 11 a. m. and 7 :,'til n. m. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Junior Y. r. A. ut ;. p. m. N'liior t. i". . at ll:S0 p. 111. Subject "Swret prayer" .Matt.(i:o-a. Li1s1.11: m. u. At the Ia'sIIo M. K. church the Bev. 0. V. Grauuls, I). I)., will preach nt 10:110 a. m. Sunday i-chool at it p. m. I'.venlinr service at 7:110 11. in, B.C. lUiickwell, P. H. CHRISTIAN' SCIHNCI'. Salem Church of Chrit Seleutirt, No. 21KI Liberty street, Service 10:."U) a. in. :;;u i. in, Miunvt 01 morning ami evening sermon, "Kverlastlng Punish ment. Wednesday evening meeting !10. nitST CHUItCII OK CHItlMT. I.eson sermon and children's classes at 10:15 a. in. Subject "Kverlastlng Punishment." Wednesday evening meetlui! nt 7:"0 o'clock. Christian Science hall, comer Court and Liberty streets. v. m. c. A. Dr. Parsons, of the First M., will address the men at the Young Men's Christian Association all p.m. As sHi'ial music the orchestra will rcn dor "The Psalms," by Inure. All men are asked to come and join in the song service. a:Titu. tiiN'niim vnnvAi. Central Congregational church, corner llHh and Ferry streets. T. II. Hender son, Pastor. Services tomorrow 11 1 the usual hours; preaching hv the Pastor i subject at 11 a. in., "Tho Blchest Prod net of the Fnlverse." At 7:!U) p. in. tho pastor will lecture on "That Brave Iloy." HMTIKT. Public service at 10::t() a. in. Sabbath school addressed by D. V. Ward at 12 m. Young People's meeting atO'.iM) p.m. Bev. I). P. W'nrd, Sunday school und young jH-oplo h missionary of California, will preach on "Bchiw from tho Blob inond of I Detroit Conventions," at 7:"0 p. in. FIltST t'HIIISTMV. J. .1. Kviins, pastor. Prenchtng nt 10::10 n. 111. and 7:.!0 p. in,; Bible school at 12 in.: Junior Kndeavor at !1:!!0 p. m. ; Y. P. S. C. K, nt :!) p. m. Next Tiies-lavuveiiliiBBtTiilO there will be a rnll-eall social at the church. All mem bers 1111 1 friends are Invited. No charges. I.WTKll nvv SUN'TS. The Church of Jesus Christ of letter ).iv Suints, have remotod to the jopu lar'ball iu the Turner Block and will hereafter hold services every Sunday afternoon coinnienclug at !l p. in, They extend a cordial invitation to the pub lic to come and attend their services and investigate their doctrines. (lltllMW BVASHHI.KAI. Corner Center and LilMirly stmits. SEiililiiilliurlinol nt 10.1. 111. F. Aschen- brennor. suiK'rlntendeiit. Preflehlnc servicMat 11 n. in. and 7:!0 p. in. . P. A. at 7 p. 111. In the morning the iiastor w ill preach ; Subject : "Awake. In thoexenlnir, Bev. F D. Ilnnischiich, from Portland, will preach. Come. I'MTKII IIIIKTIIIIKN'. Biirvkua for Sunday school OetoW '&, 1801). Sunday seliool nt 10 a. 111. Preaching nt II a. in. Subject ' Divine Heullng Not Chrlntlttii Science or Med icine;" at 7:80 ji. m. subject, "A ProiKir Church JlemUir." hndoiivor inetitiinsiit fl:l I. m. Priiyeriiieetlng at 7:) p. 111., Tnursiiay. u. 11. .nerry- man, iistnr. UHTIIOIUHT KHMWIUU Ji4ui Paixms, pator. Sirvies tn innrrow. at 10:30 a. in. and 7:!s"l p. in. Subject of morning sermon, "The liodv of Christ." In the evening, Bev. dew. W. (ininnis. D. V., will prisicn. nun- day wiliorjl at 12 in. Kpworth l-eague at 7:15 p, in. Claw iiitHitlng at :S0 a. m. and close of morning mt. rmyrr meeting Thursday evening. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the People's friend, lia been In Use over tlfty years, i, tin. knvriu.L alTi'etliiU4 of the tliriMtnnd luinjst iuch as, brunchllls, g 'ilniMJ, laryngltl and Incipient cvm iumpiluii. Price only cssiit 11 I"' I 1 suiupll tie. rui,,,nuu umtv now lias 00 inlt fwllmad road niidBr tht. new y tern. Bn4.f i rok ami gravol lw ! liberally ul. There was wr 10, 000 spent this year on tin- I Want m roo.1. Tlw M.Ulla Pw is rwi-'" KSiNfiiditureof $100011 ti.. Minis av ,ng i.e-haUHiidll- . in-i "' "e-. 1 ,i tbe ..Jb. r. SORE JLUNGS Sore luncs. pain In the cheat and pain ?ui b wtBtag a quickly wltovfrf and curwl by Uie old rcliAbleiineclflc, Dr. Bulla Ough Hynip. Thf remark able remedy break, tip ft cold In one night mid f. without doubt, the very l" It medicine for all affection, of tho w,roat and lungs. It has tnired thou hAndirand will euro you. Itneverdls- .piH.inta. UTT as omx. r.Bull's Oough Syrup Will quickly heaiaorou-ng t ft". l -" -.:-.' .Ir-raulS. tttM. tsVsst ttlr jrice JMnti - -- B ItJDAY'S MARKKT. PoiiTLtND, Oct. 21. Wheat 57 irtoH Walla Wnlln.VTc. InftTU. valley Flour Portland, fD.OO to 3.2o fine -M5 iht bbl. Super- Oav White 3i(3S5c, gtvv 33 to 31c. Hay Timothy i)$ll.(X) per tuu. Hops 7(3 10c; old crop 5 Cc. Wool Yttllcy. 1S Ulc: Eastern Or egon. 8Uc Atohnir, 27 30. Millstuff Bran, J17; shorts, $18, Poultry Chicken, mixed, f .300 to -1.00 Hens 4 to 4.50, turkeys, live, 12Ji8l4e. Kugs Oregon, 21 to 22 Wc er do. Hides Greeii,MiUedri01iw,ri(kMitide; tiO lbs, 7lst8S; 'beep pelts, lfii320c. unions 1 to I'e. Butter Best dairy. STifiliCi: fancy v a"l-fi creamery, 60c to 55c per roll, store anu -upc PotaliK" CO to iMV per cental. Hogs Heavy dressed Oo to Ojtfc. Mutton l)ressel,(lc t-i 7e nir pound. Beef Steers. I3.60i3M.00 5 cows, $3.00 0$3.5Odre8ed, Ivef (lB to 7tf Veal ilressed, 88,lsc. SALEM MARKET. Wheat 58 pounds and over -JiV?. Wool li'io, Jlohalr 30o. HopsOtolOw Barley 46 to 5.V. Oats-25 and 27c. Hay Baled, cheat $7.00., Timothy $8.50. to 0 F.ggs 22c. Flour In wholesale lots $3.00 retail $3. 10. Millstuffs bran $13.00 shorts $15.00 Hog dressed, 5Jijc. Live cattle Steers 3cowb S&f to 3. Sheei-f2.50i3$3. Dressed Veal tlvjC. , Butter Dairy lOeVreamery 22c. Poultry Hens 7 to 8 cents. Potatoes 25c. A Great Attraction, Probably 110 young actor now before the publiclias been more successful than lieu Hendricks, the iMinuliir exponent of Swcilisli dialect comedy. Mr. Hendricks lias been singularly lortunaie, 111 giv hie to tlie staee 11 new and original char- acted, lie has done more for stage litera ture than niue-teutbs of our actom, tiHi many of whom moru's tlie pity are content to be mere imitators. Mr. Hen dricks now has a new play to offer in "A Yenuine Yentleinan and It will lie gl en at Heed's oieni house by sieelal arrangement with Jacob Lltt. Tlie chief character Is, of course, a Swede who has but recently taken tip his abode In America. Mr. Ilendilcks' H)'rtrnyal of the role a character he has made dis tinctly his own needs no endorsement. It is already established as one of tlie most striking and humorous character trillions of our time. In this new piny, howeor, Mr Hendricks Introduces Ills auditors to new kind of Swede 11 young mining engineer whoo education has not 1 Hi' 1 1 neglected. The ipmlltlcri which make these pons of the Northland our IksI citieus are brought out witli vigor and characteristic humor, the unfailing KimmI nature, the unimpeachable integ rity, the coinage, the steadfastness and the almost ingenuous simplicity of the honest Swede are nicely jsirtmyeil by the clever star. A imwerful coiinmiu will interpret tlie play, which Is under the direction of Arthur O. Alston. Seats are selling rapidly for this splendid at traction. Notice, All ineinlM-rs of Sedgwick W. B. Corps No. 1 are requested to attegd a meeting for Corps inspection by a department olllcer, Saturday, OctolierSl, at '-':.Hi p, in., at hall. Hv order of president. 10 IU :u Tho "Pluw Boy Preacher," Uov. J. IvIrUmiin.NJiyi: "AftcrsutTeriug from broiiQ 1 ill or ting ttoutilu ten ears, iviis cured by One Minute Cough Cure." It cures cough. eohK grippe and lung troubles. Stone's Drug Slitro. TAXES DELINQUENT. The Last Chance to Save Costs te Tax Payers, Notice is hereby given to all tax imv ers that the ihilhiipient tax lists will be turned over to the printers the first of next week, after which costs will Ik added, F. W. Di'iuiiN-. Sheriff. Salem, Oct. Hi; IKW, tf "It you scour the world you will never II nd a remedy equal to Out Minute Cough Cure." It ciirei I -a Grippe und saves thousands from pneumonia. .Stone's Dusoluticn Nalice. The hiisiiieirf lately ooiiducteil by It. J. Horse that'll inn! J. U. Jloigtilnuil us llerschhach A llelgehnaii Mill ho con tinued by the iiiiilnrslgnil, he haviuiy Imiight out all the iiiluiiMt of his late iKtrtner. . . All bills due to and IhthilitiiM of the taitollrm will Ik wiltled by HID tf B.J. IlKIISCIIMAUI. JomipIi Ktookford, Hmlgdon, Me , hwileil UMiro running for aciuiiti'cn enrn liy using DWIlt's Witch llu.el ahe. ftlinea urugniore. Crossing the Kockies, 'w noa delightful iMe sentss ill coml- nent is lluougli utiii an.i u.irai, uvtr vtlist it Knownas I he hccnlc If'Utv 01 me World " It nt'turs not ut wlitt i'lsjn ol ih yrir die tup it rrml, at no tune does the scenery grow nonoionout , lilt an evet cltanging psimf jiiis of the beauiirs of nt'iire. One mom M you are pswini; uiiuui;" i;uik: walltst inby lucks tluMitaruU of feet hgli, irul the iHt you are aUivc lists mow hoe, .killing peslm lint loer alve yuu until ibey st-em alnwt lo reach the skr. One of ilie trvrutHi.tict of the Oilora-lo climate is tint lit eilnm.s of temperature are nevei met w h It Is neither so cold in winter i.r warm in sumnitr. as uuon the litxa of railway wliirli cross Hie uesstns ana ptaws ITie traveler over tho Itio tra ae sVasmn alsohss the iiilsilfse of a stopover, ( he so els s ai Halt Uke City, or an. vtMie bewten (tJen ami Denver, on a'l clasc ol tickets for iritWdtaiva as lo rales, tie . n (ol Isxpptlte ptnmfiltHs, ll on Ox n arcsl listrl At .! the O. K. K N Cu or HHtMnl'ae4ficCo., w til res, J D. MANttflKLD. l.tnl Agt. Vui Orisl Wisiern Hallway. M I'""' stxt, Portland, Oregon. TUD ORBAT HALT LAKI1 itOUT The atierrt'on ol smUx.i lissaeis 1. 1 lulled lo t atlsawajes tfcrrtl llicm by the j u..r.,.I.Uamn. HlalilCll Hall I tie I Roate " lla s.rtrt ralw presillfU wlsriUi tK i m is ma e via llBrtnntii ut ob n tVr ' a passestei has las fO j! io asor. utPoiiUial. Ihne iliroaen -"- lis,.. - ' . ., .. . .... reit rdo. a'dlotir eart ibereoi. rtti msmi ihw. tt g( I'o. tlanJ tun t-Her susli arle4y ol loute iBaai.lK. aJy'sHV'erlgln ailiaeBeitlay poiBt inUuhw Ltjlo rado. J'on wiiosn aw vwivs r roc caxsaie ion 00 all trains, as well as lite recliotnz ettail ears. Jfce trJ and a cocamodalioM ofteiesl are esvual. II sot s rjerVor to lbo.e of any irant-ounHftenlal roa4. led rales air aUays aslosr a tb lowest. K ..mi aMtiemulaie S UH taU writ to i) Msnsstasti, t. Miai A(ai. hhii.. 'vestm KaMway M lW4Mit. IotuiI UnHW. foe any SaUraaWai du may ed lit ssImmc tonus. .oi or iWa I. I) ManaMstl, (J Mial At Km Crandr AnE conomical Cook Should have one of our meat choppers attached to her kitchen table the year around. Its usefulness Is not conllned to any particular season, nor any particular article of food. Tim tough steak and "left over" pieces of cold meat may ho changed into palatable and wholesome dishes by its use. Besides It will chop nient and apples for your mince pies. It will chop nuts for your salad and cake. It will chop cabbage for cold slaw. It will chop onions and peppers for the Chili sauce. It pulverizes crackers forescalloped oysters. It pulverizes dried bread for dressing. It pulverizes nuts for nut butter. In fact It does everything and more than can bo done with chopping now 1 ami xmio unit m The price will permit the family rate income in own one, aim out of the scrap dish. R.M. Wade"&Co. OLINGER RIGDON Undertakers and Embalmcrs, w.. ,. lui, t. nniwtiiiw.1 tn iliiiniiiriil niihlicthiit we have purchased the most elegant and inagnitlcant funoral car, of latest design, and are therefore In u Ksl- .. . ." t. . , 1 ...... - .1..... l.....l..r.t.l ,1,1.1 will, l.lMlll.Y. lion to nanille lunenus in 11 niiico nciier iiene. Wo have long felt that Salem, should lie up to date In the manner of handling funerals, ttiul wo luno inereioro sparetl no eiiwiiw In purchasing tho car. It was built by the James I unnlnghain Co., Bocbester, New York, who build the finest vehicles In tho .lulled Status. While this Is not the inostexiwusite funeral car ever bum, stui 11 is uie uiiesn'ir snipped to Oregon. We conllally Invite all to IiishhI our give us liberal patiminge. TOP NOTCH Of Hrfecllou In ipiallty mid LOO) NOTCH lu honest price for honest g.Ksl. That's our molto, and that's the mison we sell more goislsetery year. Don t fall lo see us. HARRITT Sl LAU)RBNCB OI.U I'OrtTOKKIOK aitOUKKV, L. M. KIRK nv, 00, a. 00 Phono U7I GrJin Hay, FlourMill Feed, Buildbg Mnlcrlal. Lime, Cmcnt, PJastcr etc, Grain, Hay and Straw stored Wagon Scales. Prompt and careful attention given to the .Misery of gotsls to of the city. All fresh tls. No old stin'k left over. BRBWSTBRn Phone H8I line SUUUIS AW j?3 tf -s, tt s) rem ;. w' ' I "fif? ft Strtiv, II fCrr Utiiiiu i -INL! Inai stiiy -1 ZsCTaV bos. of-. 1 s in m set iioskrt Ji.irr 11 , .silu Ctrvulrfif. AlltlrwdSlsis Vakv . . .. ',ni.t liy ihc Pssiu MaJMueCik, I'iils.l'roiut. .utt-DiivlM llrtiKC'o.iXslrlt'uUutfagfnls, THIKOAMIlVAMIIIU.HTS.I'oaTl.aMli.OSKCON VOU sSAMJ V I). .1. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL lMUtrjm&&kiE3 ?MssssssssKn tSBCZTZ V Z I TxaOusu t- Jtntirswsilwrlmr1iti'.iof AinfH'sn AirrlculiurM" t- iari, U.t, k,.j I-...1 (.'iK'Ml FAHH FEATUitESl urSuuti, l,ilitr,"iii,fcit S.arslrMH.S. SIKl ulliir llli WIIIIMI ;f lrrlll a 4 tirrrMrul tmmrr: lllu.lrulf J li slila SlU-w. 11 tall a,aUlilt ..Hi . rural -ll. Il.a Islrsl s1,Hrla ami faatr. lal Asrlrallari unt. lil lrlir s FAMILY FEATURES? &? W2F?: I Jta' ''""'" "" "--.. FUEE YEAR DOOK no ALMANAC. '; B, tsww, ar irrMtt.'-l iMi,islii, in I an it iCiAiijmLTVirT riuIi..ssH,tAi4ti f'ria Tilt t-TMl..ik It a trluM"Ha. f Ixwi.assi ,11 "tiUIn tba Wauls Wurl.t aiarLri S.nM. t , 1 1. 1 Slaaauri A Yrrasurjr 'I klall.lri A II, (rrrtira Mrlt i.u I erf a,,l,t,t,,rTliM.lrliil rr.irrrlalHlaaU. Atrlrallurr la. da4rr,Ma.rra, I'uMIr ABalra. ItvaarkaU faara. II.., Ilrlldaa, at, 4 I'fsHtrr . III. alaa SU AIMAKAli rCalaaSara, ItaStralarr, AsllauatakralSMtU, IIUlU tot Kuth naalb, taia. ste. j -a-a m luai e COPY ?' Ttslirsai. , - iiiiiiiii .- - -....-a THMohajh.ijiuu WUiKM.iM,a4Hial.W.,f-is-..llu alalia. 4a salvia Our SPECIAL Offer: Weekly Journal One Year, or OranueJudd Farmer Weekly Year Book ano Almanac - Our Price l'rHi muwrlng a fi.iai wan map 01 vrtrgou, viiiniiii(iK "" "ntj 1 w, U)r ii,, Uct all loaiw hi thtistato.siaii hjtys. U U0tJ Ujmr J pi i - - ' , , , , j 1 111.OS.. SA LEM. OKI IWwhis tforrliii a 11.00 wall map oue-ientn tno tune. j m v of tho moit mod 5 $1.0U us cost can is.' sav We sell them Hardware An Svaning Call on Your Swell Frionda you will llnd will lie warmly received If von are well and neatly dressed and vour linen is irreproachable. A woman iif refinement always guages a man's well nrcd Instincts by the condition of tils linen, nnd he goes Into her presence armored with beauty when his shirt, eollais and cuffs have been done up at Salem Ste.uu laundry. u Salem Steam Laundry, Ut)I.OSi:t.J OI.MHTKU, I'llOlMt. Piuine 41 1, 2:10 Liberty Street iiiiiiiner uniu ,niitv..i..v, ...... ...... --- being the capital city of a great state, .... , , t. facilities, anil when uecess.t) rcoi Ires, A BBIDON. to BtntoBt any part P-H-tf del our prices, Lowest III the city Si WHITE - KICICI) MICN UlCo'rtkt ,1. .1 . .. . fS'.tlV VstJl.Mf ' ' t"' . Ihts vrtnuWtlH' . . , MM h i . Wrk .1. Mighlly I nti . . . , ..nll.llv (lMlt.issl r m: uy, t,v. , nmu'itnls lt.ul lu I'-HV. .SAfiUM, OIllSON. "ir-r " ISaSSSSSsKVtsTvtSSSSsH Ja44 farsarr III t.aS al.4 .1 aaiarl r, aa Daily 4 months $1.00, 1.00V 1 for all. SU5, ol Oregon, Uoiilaining n" "h-J t BUSINESS CARDS. O. H. ffiACK IDentiet, to Or. ). M. Keene, old Whlll Comei ,SaUm, Or. Parties tlesltlng viperla pera Voi. at moderate fees in any branch ar na peels) request ALBERTA.JESSUP. I'liono 1071.1 KOOMS 1 AND 'J, OKAY llt.K, OFFICE, CITY HALL For water seirice apply at olliee. llil'l payable monthly In advance. Msle complaints at the oW-a. PLATlNO PHOTOS. KnlnigcmcntM In Crayon" ii ml Wntor Color. 1'htito Buiuins. Amittour developing and Unfiling neatly dune. r. .1. I1BUWN, UltOUNll li'LOOIt t!in Comtuerehil St , Salem Oregon. Meam Dye Works. Nil IDA Commercial street, opposite Willamette hotel. Ladles' and gentlemen's, clothing cleaned, dyed, repaired and pressed. Fine blanket cleaned nr dyed and nicely Mu lshed. Kid gloves cleaned, lec: dyed rc. S, C, STONE, M. D. rmprletor tit Stone's Drue: Stores UAL.KM, OIIKOOS, Tiiostvrs(lHii In number; aro located a No. SU stint 333 Conimcrrlsl street, and are mil slix-ktst with ar.niiliilo lino ol times ami rootllrllH'S, toilet nrltcKs, I'Mluimrjr, brushes etc, clo , il'. till, EIIU?l!t llnsliad ttime 'iA tears exiHirlenro In Uie tirse. llcetil iimlk'liit'siul now makes tin cliarge (or ruiitiilialluii. etainltialliiti .irirMH'rltlnu. C. H. LANB Merchant TahOr 117 htati: BTitKtrr. CjrHulU ft 13 unit upwards, ranu B3 ami upwnttu CAl'lTAl. Ull'l Express and Transfct Mtts alt mail and passcngur tra. Ha,'. age and cstuest to all puis of lit- eh) 'lompl teiTtce. Telephone No. 70. UISQUK A SKIl'TON NEW MARKET St .le tltect, neat ritlruad. Freshest anil licst meals, My pe'risis say I keep the he.i -veals In town t a tiOUh 15, HIIOS. PIANO MM AND KBI'MREKS I'OlirUNl). DIIK KiirMsU'iiaii, rltiliiily Wr tirdert si (Itn Will's Until bin t Photographs You can get just what you wuut at TIIK BMTi: HTI'DIO Nothing but llrst class work turned nut Tholluucst Lulurgtsl Work on tho const. Suicide It would Is' lor you lo neglect 11 leaking gas llxlure know liiKly. If your gas llx- turea are old and iuimi reisiirmg, wo win put them lu etiinplete niiler for you or put in newlixliir.ts, lu elnlioratoor plain ami artiste itleriis, at a n,tMiiialle cut' Niv 1 the Iioih lo have oiir plumhiiigaiid ixas llltiugs ltstls after. Is fore il'wttsl if'sira and windows rniise tlamuge to your htsillli.; BARR&PETZEl 11a roMMfHi iai. silk;: I TeltplK-ns No. S371 RED FRONTJLIVERY First-Class Food and Boarding Stables. IdlKIUMKHI'IAI, HniKKT lAl.Htl. t'llK. PAGE&SrEPHENS Best Rigs for fonimarciat Men KtaMin li, !, 1 1,- . ll.arl WiU4.t. fJS-Ha't' Imhm ami tutaJsM UA4 rl lor tlu ".O," I4V 'IrH Hr"' " fit It ! welk mait.b awl s,C wilt. Ia. k l4t' J ' M IISS.1 S.' 1 i LOANS iTcrinuusr bvtii INbl'B.VNCK. Bls.L JWTATI' BITY 1MSW. , HOZOUTII UKOS. j i j Oomtnarulal . Utilsviit Or l .lf-tl,t vv The German Market Will be found all kind, of moat and the lwt of aauaagu. FUBK DI.LIVHBY. All bllis due llw kite firm of Wwlt fi Matscku . niiisi 10 paui, rT Xk CrsIM tJU KJ ljU CX. OU1X 171 CoiumertlM 8t. Salem water ft., r v M fin 11 r if li U.0. HlliliDUllulil. (sTssKJtTfltVsvr' I INTnR STATE i CONSERYiTORY J ETTAANDERS-WILMAN S AssocUleTeacrier'Vestern Corueiva- 7 lory, Kansas City, Mo., nrttntlng 7 tlie lnter-itale System, al Salem. Ore. (J Orcr First Kstlonal Hank. IttsUlence M 376 Church street. Studio Iiotiuy to ' a. to e.. orvrMsJHrsjr svsvsriars WANTED New today nttvorusoruanra lour tfuea or less in tilts column inserted tnreo tlmoa for as cts, SO eta a week, $1 per mouth, All over 10 ur linen at urns rrtto. WANTKI). Faithful gentleman orlady for olhco work. Salary. toOO Car fare paid to ofllcos. Htcady place. BofercnctM. Kneloao eelf-addrcsged atamieil envelope, Ta-nsiirer, S0.1 Caxtou Buldiiig, Uhtcago. 10-21-lt MAN WANTUD.-I want to lot con tractis for taking out stumps. Any man who don't know how to work or can't show a record for reliability need not apply. Must know how to uso powder. John Hughes. 10 10 tf FOB SALK CHKAB-Young c. works tioiiDir or single Fronts!. Apply IN 10 10 .It FOUND. A youths button sh"0 the owner can havo by applying for nnd paying notice Journal Olllco. WANTHD To rent 60 head of good CoUwoM or Shropshire sheep. Ad dress F. A. Melntyru, Bosetlale, Or. lOCt Iw YOL'Nd MBN. our catalogue explains how wo teach harhcr tradn In elglit weeks, mailed free. Moler Barber college, Han Francisco, Cal. 10 111 lltt FAHTUBIv for horses and cows, two miles from town. Bates reasonable. J. W. Watt 10-13n 9. .FOB BKNT. Desirable rooms fur- malictl or unfurnished lor gcutlomc it. Terms reasonable. Call on F. Gou ld, 100 Commercial street. 10-1 1-tf FABM FOB tUI.K.- lOOncres. in Yarn cultivation, unoil 1111 county, "li lu new buildings w hlch cost nlsiiit f illK). I'rlco P200, half down, balance nt 0 per cent. Aililresn T. T. Ytsler, Whltesnn, On'gtm. 10 7 llm FOB KALI'.. Several gtod farms, 11,0 In mM acres. fMCtrflO ier acre. All well Improvisl and no wasle Intnl. K. L. Hayes, Ilalsey, Or. II '.'7 lm FABM WANTIJD.-T.) rent fur term ol three yearn. Iteferenco given. Address farmer euro Capital Journal, Halem, Oregon. 11 1'S ni B1UYULK "l'ATII-lf yuur"hlcycle needs repairs hnng It In, wo luivo tho skill und stock to keep It In Unit class condition We carry a full line nt sundries and make 11 social ity of enameling cuinu and SCO ui. wo satisfy our putnmii. Gardner & White, US3 Llbvi,y .tieel. Huliuuti's block, next diMir U liU-atn laundry. IM10110 2805. l-AJ-t fl'JUrili OClJAKriTR'-nkomeuilwi that tho best und uhoiipoit carpet patter la thu heuvf full paper Mild alTunJouKNALoihce. 20-tf WANTHD - Rejected Wheat Bring samples now and get prices, Full value iniitl. Oats aur' Larl.y wanted, 'nilsoii-llarllett (Inilu Co. Olllco 011 Court at, rear of Ualrymple'H Store. I'eisonal, ljitlles Free haruilesH monthly rcgu lator, cannot fall. Mrs. II. Itowau, Milwaukee, Wis. 10 '.'I lm AiTLrXvRlsX Or J. P. Cook, tho UotnnlcnlUpoo nllat, Suoonudo .Whoro Other Fall. To whom It may eoiiourn : This In lo certify that Bertha I". Con tier, of Mt. Angel precinct. .Marlon coun ty. Oregon, bus suffered from a cancer ous growth lu the leftear for alsmt three years. The growth wiui cutout twice ami burned out once by Albany I'hysloians. hut (he growth came back as bad as ever, ami pained her at) badly that she hail to Ui taken from school. After threo week's IreiUinent bv Dr. J. K. Cook, of Salem, Oregon, the Botanical HK-clallst, the growth entirely illwip Hitrtsl, anil at this date, four inoutha since treatiiieut was begun, tho growth lutH not reapis'urtsl, and the ear lias en tirely healed leaving only the sea's in llicttsl I))' tuu Allxiny tloctors, I hereby certify that tho above state ment is alMohitulv trim, nutl that ller. tha 1 Conner, thu isirsou mentiomsl in iiieauiiiuvii, nas resiiitsi in my lam lly slni'tt early clilldhoisl, bearing the re lationship to me of niece. 11. U. UlNII. Sulircrilsttl antl .worn tn before tno this eiglilh day of June. IH'JfJ. W. W. Hall, couuiy clerk ol Marlon county Oregon, ' sTsJatsaN.NJrasrMSarSsTS MOM.V TO LOAN fa I iirnitiire, I'lanos, Organ. Wag. nits, or titherartichi if table. y (iLO. F hMlTit BUotatest, lOfO-lm Z VJsNaVNKsJrsJsTsSsSaStVNara 7 ASSAY OFFICE ANU LlllOHATORY. No. 71 Chemeketa 51, l II T ri'QIUU. isiytr T ISA DC Makk DCMtlNB COsYIQMT AC Artrona ssntiln a .wtlea aotl dasniMioi, mar akklv ascertain our vplnlou rrwa aaatasr ao Ilults slrlrll F Hao4vunft ou I'slauts ivaiitkjll IS bruDaLlv DMalilanla. Luaiiaattk'A. issiilrtlrsonoasnlUl. Hao4vunftc I Iraa. lli1ft hjwvt Ivf sauurtnWl sani ratants taaaa iurvu4-a ssuuit Vb rassHji 4rM avIKs, without (tjsM. lu I Ha Sckntific Hmtfm, fm i A bafuUomsIr Ulastrslad saSlf. V? uiUluu ut asy sci.nliaa Jim mat, T A- ri ruar tuoaiaa, si, isoM s-r r!R&Sfi ytsUWi.tsssstiiai. .r IW Hm IU MlYUslist ANYWHSiM AT AMsTIMt. 1 1. Mil NVBTNII .MY 44 A SVC Mstsi4sssSl4w' KWlsSaaaat ftH 'ttAMCW. CM. aH IM 16...1 -B -T jBLaaw-J ' laUaal VaaasV '&