The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 21, 1899, Image 2

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    in wwjvnip '"'' "" nyiii'
5. TO. 3-obn9on & Co.
257 Commercial St., Salem, Or.
HATURIM, OCTOHKll. 21, 1899.
Dnlly, One Year $3.00, In Advance
Daily, Tout Montns) $1.00. tv advance
Weald y, Ono Year $1.00, lit itJvanao
Mr. Chamberlain, the Hrltldli Colonial
eerotary mot with n Htorniy reception
hi jiarlinmont tit prcwunting IiIm defence
of tliu jiollcy o( England in South Africa,
lint iiK)n division ho received tin) mip
port of tlio entire coneervativo Union
party Ml to 135.
Ills njM'i-cli ihowed that tliu critfeiem
o( Hir Joint HtftiiliojK!, (Implying that
Chamberlain mid Hir John Mllner had
incurred tho chargo of fomenting a war
vtlth thn fioilth African ItcpubltcH)
had touched a vital hjkiI in tliu situation.
Ilix reply wan hi violent iin to call
forth a rebuke from tlio speaker, and
Chuiiiliorhtlu hiwtdy withdrew lilnnffun
nlvo language and proceeded morti de
liberately to utato tliu portion of tliu
llrltlhh toward tliu Traimvaal.
Mr. Chamberlain proceeded to otilo
glxo tliu Houtli African leuguotiii one of
tlio poorest hut "moot roprofcutatlvo
x)lltlcat nrganlratlmiH uvoreHtiibllhhed."
T lion lit) drew n cheer by referring to
Cecil Ilho-leH, tho multl-mllliunairo at
tliu head of it, an having gono to face
danger nt Klmhcrly, lit) deolared that
In all IiIh dialhigN with Krugor ho had
kept two thoughtx nppurnioHt, "Jimtlco
for llrltUlicra In South Africa, and to
maintain tho parainoniitoy of (treat
Tho qiient'on of llrltMi pariiinmintoy
ho dellned iih not meaning parnnioiintoy
over the Gorman or I'ortugoiHi ikhmch
violin, hut "In thu two Ikior Itlil'UII
I.IC8 and thu llritlidi eolonhw." And
then hu concluded with omphiiHUi
"Kvery ono on Ixith Mm of tho
Ikiiiko h determined to maintain thono
great principle. Tliu ptiico of South
Africa depend iim)ii (Ireat Hritain ac
cepting roionlblllty in thuTrauHvaal."
lie dcdaie that ovory tdop taken hy
tho Ikient lam boon "to oust thu iieon
from her position as Snoraiu," and ho
lidded a Huntiiiieu which ruvootH tho (vol
offence of tho Iloer republic.
"Now thuy havu thrown off thu nuuk
mid declare! thoiunolvoit a Hovoroigu, In
ilepondent ntutu. Mttr inaJtwtyV govern
munt hint had a MMplclnu, amounting
to knowledge, that thu mhodou of Dr.
IyiU has Ikoii one continual wtrlu of
negotiation wllh foreign lowers against
thu llritUh."
Thin wo think make clear at leant
thu menial attitude of tho pronont Hrlt
IhIi nilnUtry toward tho Trunnvual and
Orange Ptw Btato Hupubhoti. Thulr
tiln couslnta of a dwdru to ount thu tjneen
as a biiioraln front South Africa, and to
mtubllnh thcinxelvivi aa "iwvoruigu hide
jiciiduut nt4tt." Our muler will do
well to group thin clearly.
It ia recalled in thl connection that
among Sir Aifrud Mllner'n uci-iiatiouN'
I Housework is
with even the beat
soap which needs
hard muscular rub
bing" to make
things clean. Gold
Dust does all that
soap does and saves
time and much
eV4 far frae lnMUat" OoUaa Hulas
aW Kameweefc."
ytm n, :. Fmum cuahv
asasiss9swBw emm nvh
ngaiiiHt tho llocra, found in tho UritlHh
lilno Iwokw, gruat iroinlii(iii'o Ih iven to
their H(?itntlnK coiiHhintly for a greater
Honth African Kopitlilic. Thuy Maud
for thu Itepiibllcnn-Dcinocrntlo Idea of
iieH-governnient, iw opjMifed to tho monarchical-imperial
conception of a vast
(impiru with colonial annexe.
Tho iiieagro reM)rtH of Chamberlain'
Mjieeoh Hint reach iih by telegraph may
not discloco tliu MrltlMt jnilicy toward
Soutli Africa, but thin much hi clear It
woiiih to iih; the Iloer eonlentlon
Ih for u Itopubllc; tho llritinh contention
irt for tho inaintenaiicu of thu no-called
"Integrity of tho ItritiHli einpiro," and
thuannoxation If they aniHtrong enongli
of torritory upon any protoxt or over
any eoiitrovurHy In wlilch tlio llrltlidi
can Involve tho people of it neighboring
or dlHtiuit territory.
So the real question for each man to
Ruttlo, whethur hu Itoau American or an
ICngllHliinaii or a (Jerman or a Canadian
or n Krunoliiiiiiii Ih HiIh: ami for tho
Ilritixh iiionarubical Hynteni, or am I
for thu Itepnblle Hy(item?HtrlpH'd of all
dlsgulHo, of all ipuiHtlon of gold HuMh,
rigid of (rauuhtmi, right of native, or
right of oittlaudur, that Ih tliu real Ihhiio
that Ih Involved in thu Iloer war.
Americano can hardly help Hyiupn
thlzlng with tho Hour republlcH, Their
liltttory in nnieli thu hiimu iih that of the
Amurican colnnUt. Thuy were pllgrlniH
nlxMit tho Hiiinu tlmu to the Capu of
(loud llopo that tho I'ilgriuiH landed at
l'lyiiioiith Itoek, Thoy Niibdiied miv
ago raceH, eoiiiiiiircd n wlldurnoMH, en
tahliMluil thu emhry luntitutloiiH out
of which gruti rellgloiiH and iolltical
fieedom, mbollml agaiiiHt tho llritlMh
moiiarehy, and to eneapo it withdrew
into tho Interior, and again coinpiercd
tho w'lldoriiHHi and imtahllHinsl after
many tribulation two YVIIITK llepnb
Ilex. Uan Kiighind Miicceed In the overthrow
of tluiHO two ItepnbltcjtY Can Knglaud
check thu tendency to tmtablUli a fed
entte.1 Hepuliliu of South Africa? Ih It
right to I in pone thn llritlxli monarelilcal
HyHtmn upon that viiHt undeeloxMl ie
glou? Or nlionld tho iiHplratlonn of the
white populatioiiH o beuouiu Hoveroigu
iiidopondant Itepnblle bu eurrlod into
Hiecomtftil realljtatioiiH? Time, truth
and diwtluy only can aiiHuer.
If tho Amurloaii eolonUtH had U'en
uniHluMl in lliolr war agaliiHt HrltUh do
inaudu, would rtwlHtuiicO have ceaml?
Would they not latvo "trucked" Into the
Interior and founded a now Itopubllc
jiihi ait inu lioern ill. if Woiilil our
colonial forefatheiH havu ticcepttyl
momirohictil rulo had thoy bwn whipped
at Ynrktuwn? Will Unglaud, whipping
thu HfHiiM hi a doieu battbmdostroy ,tho
Hplrit of Independence in those people?
Wo prtHllol not, Tho Hplrit of librrty,
rtMitflancu to tyranny and to tliu domina
tion of arlntooragy and eupitiilhitio clan
rulu ilww not dlu out inu day or a year.
Krin;or'it utterance that South Africa
miut Immmuiio freoor hetximu tho white
nian'iignuo will beuome prophetle. A
itinfederutioit of lndtitimUnt South
AiricM K.'puiiiiod u an Inuvitaiilo an a
confederation of the I'aiiadian hIiiUm
Hard Enough
L5v.75S:. I
A Wonderful Medicine.
For Union! and Herroul ntiordtrf. luch il
Vlndind Pln lntlieStonuch,5lckHtidch, ,
uiaointu, hulncii and Swtainf tfier mean,
Oilllncittnd Drovdncit, Cold Chills, Flush- I
Inis of Hen, Lots ot Appctitt, Shortntss of
Ureaih, Cotllttnest, ntoicbcs on the Skin, Olt-1
turDcaaites.i-ritntiui urtimsnasuncrrous
na i remoiinf sensations, cic. intseaiimenis
all arise from a disordered or abused condition
of the siomich and llrtr.
Ueecham's rills vlll qtiicklr restore i-emsles
to compleie health. Ther promptly retnore anr
' obstruction or lnt(ulsrii)r of thaarsiera. For a
Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Sick
Headache, Disordered Uvcr, etc.,
1 ther act like maale a few doses will work won
ders upon the Vital Ortinsj Sireniihenlnr the
muscular orsicm, rtsiorina inv ivni ravi um-
picx'on, DrinainanacK ini mruv,f.Tiii..
and mroumlna with I ha ftomebuU of
Health thv whole phymtoal mnorfty
ofthahummnfrmma. For throwing
oil farnrm Ihev arcs mneolMllv ro-
1 nowned. These art "facts" admitted by
thousands, In all classes of afeletr, and one
i of the best fuarsntees to the Nervous and
uchiiltsted is thit urecham a t'Jii nave tne
Larrest Sale of anr Patent Medicine In the
World. This has been achieved
Without the publication of testimonials.
Beccham a Pills hsve for minr years been
the popular family medicine wherever the
Cnillsh Isnf atce Is spoken, and they now aland
without a rival.
10 cents and 25 cents, st sit drug stores.
tho confederation of
Now Zealand or
To Curo LnQrlppo In Two Days
ThVp lnatlve llrom'i Qutnlnn Tahlela, All
ilnifrKlolnreftinil tlio money if It falls U rtirr
t. w. tiroro a aiitnainre in mi racu ikix
What llnally liecamu of thnsu Astoria
pbeaHiint IniiiturH?
Another boom in the nowHpaHjr buai-
necH thetrunt linn nilnetl white paper 20
por rent.
Aren't the dlHpatcheH from tho TratiH'
vaal colored alKiut iih badly iih tho hi'
formation wo get from Manila?
. .
Thu latlieH who uho nature' facu
heautlller mid prize lino complexions
id ion Id pioparo tti gut out to church to
1'iiHt wind or Mow wind,
High wind or low wind,
ltougli wind or no wind,
Columhia'H tho gum of thu ocean.
Salem icoplu Hhotild patronize legiti
mate, iHirmaueut Baleni hiinlnuHH H'ople,
only avoid thotraiiHlunt tralllokur, trader
ortlealer In any kind of goodn.
Nobody tloiibtfl tho loyally and
patriotiHiu of thu roturneil Oregon vol
unteers, but for hoiiio unknown reamin
(hey can't ho Induced to re-enllxt in thin
war for liuumulty.
In 1H!K1 tho inugwiimp brlgftdo wore
thu milt of tho rarth in thoopiulon of the
Hepuhliean party orgaiiH. Now, that
thuy aro not oxpaiiHloulHtH, they are all
craukH, hy tho Maine authority.
Choko off the advortlHlug fakir, oven
If ho liven In Salem, tiiit fending away
for goodn, iiiit putronlr.lng tho traiiHlent
ImukriiptH, and you will come pretty
near Helving the protection UcrUlon,
Pendleton K. 0, Deui: William J.
Ilryau U now at work helping out tlio
DomocrutH in Kentucky. Ho Iuih a hard
Job in trying to elect Statu Senator
(loelx'l, who Ik a prohibition!!, governor
of .Kentucky. ,
t'ulcDH you have greater faith in Wod
than in Home life IiiHiirauco company,
how can you expect to go to heaven? It
In a notable fact, however, that a great
many good C'liriHtlaiiH take tho extra
piccaulioiiH to iiIho carry life lunuraneo.
It Ih well tiinpoak with authority by
tho card. Tho Ultstrap liron. in charge
of thu Kogouo lteglnter, who in the lattt
campaign conducted it PopulUt paper in
Culilnrnla havu thin in condemnation of
tho national autl-triint league: Willie
tlio league claims to bo non-partlui, tliu
addrorri reaiU very mucli like u Populist
aiuimlgn tliK'umeut, breathing iih it
diHitoftlie Hplrit of vituperation and
vindication that would no doubt Ih tho
chief stock In trade of tho leaders of thlx
movement against public men.
Tho Uoat I'rosoripnonr or Malorln
Clilltaitail KeviirUa bulllv of (lluniaTAnTit-
LKaM OlIILl, fUHia It la almply lieu ami
tiillalnula n tMlvliwa furm. No curt, no y.
I SOu.
'ii-t 111 l"J
7-17 it .Vw ui
l'rosldout King, Karuior's Hunk,
llrooklyn.Mluli., Imsuaed Utile Karly
Itloors for yours. Mays llioy aro tliu
best. Thuu ruinous lilllo pills cur
constipation. Stonu's Drugstore,
Tho hop crop of John Whlteaker, of
CorvallU, has lieeu inarkebsl. Tho
product of tlio yanl aggregated IKI.OOO
(Miuutls, or 118 luiKw. It brought 11
eouts por xmnd, or a total of lUUK). It
was purchttMtl by Fulwr Nuls, of Al
Kiny, to whom tho crop was delivered
IttHt Satunlay.
Tho telephone lino connecting luwe
liurgand Myrtle Point Ih aUmt com.
A salo of bout
ut Ucouts is reHirted
at IlilUUmi.
Two Shipped llotsts.
James Sklpton shtppsl tvoflnelioieslresldsl in that section for many years;
I to Seattle this morulug. Mr. fikiptou
siys the liorwi market (or heavy ttntft
horses is llrm, and he who bus good
ktiK-kcau get letter prices than in many
m m
Notice to Storera.
Those who had stored wheat nt tho
Mom Flouring Mills More the tire are
now at lilmrty to remove uny of tho
nurni wiieiuinai roumius.
lUUMtf 11. It. Holland. Agent.
1o cure I.a Clilufte, Keen warm. (tnectaU)
lb feet, sni take Dr. Milti" Nerviue.
From the Rich Mineral Region Ly
ing About Mount Baker.
the Trail
of tiaker Lake Following
Over the Olacier to the
Famous Mines.
I.vsiAN, Skaget, County, Wash,, Oct.
17, lftW. Since my last artich, which
appeared in your cohimuHn few week
ago, I have lieen on ti tour of inptction
through tho vast anil unexplored min
eral M."ctlon Hurnmuding Mount Uaker,
and a few dlseriptlonn of the romantic
and lovely wenery of that portion of our
co.ict liavo ever lieen written perliaiiH a
brief account of our trip may be Interest
ing to some of your readers although I
fctd myself Inadlmiato to the task of
dlwrlblng the grand and awn Inspiring
Fceucfl it wan my fortune to behold.
Accounts of rich and extensive min-
jural lodes discovered in tlmt locality
induced mo to make a Hying visit to the
head of Sulphides creek ,u tributary of
Baker river aliout 12 miles above the
lake. There I secured two mining
locations anil at once returned to thin
place for thu puritose of recording t.ieiu
and found Mr. Chan. Thrasher n well
known mining cxiert awaiting mo and
anxious to visit tho district and in his
company started on a second trip. After
procuring a first class outfit nt tho Htoro
of Mr' T. W, II. Thomson on onturpris-
inc inorrhant in Hamilton who Is
extensively Interested in mining him
self, wo started up tho river In a heavy
nilu. Night found iih. at a deserted
ranch on Ilakor river about V2 miles
uIhivo tlio mouth. Wet, cold, weary
mid hungry we wore glad of thu opior
ttiuity of cooking a hot supper under nu
old shed that offorded a slight protection
from tliu rain mid afterwards spread our
blankets on some hay In thu barn, where
in spite of thu cold ami wet condition of
our betiding wo enjoyed to Its filllo-it
extent that calm ami restful roH)su that
Is tho reward of severe toil. Karly thu
next morning wo were again on thu
road, thu rain still falling In torrents,
and nbout noon wu reached thu ranch of
Mr. Iluth at thu foot of tho hike.
The owner and his family being ab
sent, wo tpilotly appropriated woinu ota
toes and onions from tho garden, made
a giKxl llro in IiIh wootUhed and cooked
dinner, after which wu put our horses
in Ids pasture and wrote a note, de
tailing thu particulars of our depreda
tions, which wu fastened to tliu door of
his house unit thou embarked in a canoe
on thu lake. Ilakor Luke Is a lovely and
placid sheet of water nbout two miles In
length ami of nu average width of one
and it half miles. Its attitude Is 1,500
feet alsivo sea level mid lying as it does
at thu base of iiiounlaiuH rising almost
perHiudicular to a helgtb of H.OOO or It),.
000 feet uhovu thu water, il is as com
pletely protected from violent winds oh
If enclosed within walls. Tlioro aro ono
or two small Islands in thu lake and
considerable shallow witter at lis upper
end, but tho average depth near thu
center Ih HM feet. Millions of trout,
salmon and white fish dlsort In Its
waters, while not it few ducks are seen
bully Moating on its surface. A more
delightful summer resort for llshlng and
hunting parlies I have never seen, and
when it becomes better known I have no
doubt lint what it will ho extensively
patronized. On the south side of the
lake and aliout a mile from ltulh's
ranch, the government llsh hatchery is
situated and affores an extremoly pleas
lug, as well as instructive, hwsou in
llscal matters to all who visit. Mr. 11.
II. Iluck, thoHUHirhitendeiit, Is a well
Informed and courteous gentleman, re
ceived us with gro;t cordiality iiml Hpont
several hours in showing us over tho es
tablishment and explaining tlio manner
of proM)gatlug tho llnuy delicacies-
They have now oer twoho millions of
salmon eggs, principally of tliu sock eye
species, undergoing tho process of incu
bation, and vxK-ct to mill considerably
to that number before tho season
is closed. Atxiiit DJ per cent of
tho eggs aro usually successfully
batched and the young llsh returned to
thu lake -10 days after emerging from tho
i'K, W'heu they are presumed to bo old
enough to take care of themselves. That
voracious mountain trout known as thu
Oolly Varden is abundant In those
waters and and tho worst enemy of tho
young llsh. As to whether any protec
tion should be afforded those piratical
reprobates or not is a matter of opinion,
Their destructive qualities may ho esti
mated from the fact that from 15 to LM
young salmon have frequently been
found in thu stomach of one of those
canabilUtle gluttons, hut thoy are it de
licious table llsh and very gamo. Tlioro
are H men employed ut tho hatchery
during the lulling season and Ihediiring
the winter, including the watchmen who
aro eountantly on hand night mid day,
as the slightest mishap in the arrange
ment of tho water tlow might result in
tho loss of million, of eggs. After eivnd-
iiigunnoiir or so at uio nutcnury wo
bade farewell to the genial superintend
ent mid refusing his hospitable Invita
tion to romalii for supper embarked in
our canoe and paddled to tin upper end
of thu lake. Ono good tnilo walk over
u good trull took us from the landimito
thu hospitable home of Mr. Itobort
Shannon, it liunteraiul tranner who bus
and liero I wish 1 could
tlnd language to adequately ex
expruss my thanks ami npprtvfatlon
of thu kindness shown us by our hospi
table entertainer and Ids ladylike wife.
When I say the lattar is an ud"iirablo
snvimen of the letter alass of Ameri
can ladles I can iuy her no higher com-
pllment. Kind, rourUHms and Intelli-
genl she is witlial an excellent houw-
ntie, nttti it uiero was auytlilng I on
Joyeil mow than her eouvera.ttioii it
was ah, wull hor cookery. LtMviug
Mr. Shannon early tlio following uioru-
rOlLHjrHdlf '
ing wo were compelleil to moke tliu rest
of our journey on foot, each man carry
ing his camping outllt mid provisions for
four days, tight lc strapped on his hack.
Were it not for obstructions in the
shape of fallen timber and underbrush,
tho trail might lie considered a good
ono; but climbing over large trees,
many of them four feet In diameter,
with sixty or seventy Hiunds on your
back, Is an ordeal calculated to test alike
thu sinews and patience of any man;
but thu alluring halt of prosectlve
wealth, is an admirable stimulant, hy
the aid of which wc safely accomplished
our task and reached the mineral loca
tions that night. There lie for the most
part in a I urge basin at tliu head of Sul
phide's creek and consist of ex
tensive veins of rnpper, galena
and gold with small stratus of mulidnum
intervening tlio whole being covered
with mi Iron cupping which the rodent
sliding of :t glacier has removed to
some extent and tlius exposed tlio ore
It is necessary to cross tho same,
which now lies at the foot of the moun
tains, in order to reach the mines. It is
premature toexpre-s any opinion yet as
to their value, but lying as they (loon the
same belt us tho rich mines controlled
by Thomas and Kdgur on tho one side
and the famous Post Lambert mine on
tliu other, there Is every ground for be
lieving them of great value. .1. 1'. K.
Deafness Cannot lie Cured
by local applications us thuy cannot
rcuun tlic diseased portion hi thu our.
Tlioro Is only ono way tocurodeafness,
and that inbycnustltiitioiiul remedies.
Dcaruess Is caused by an Inllamcd con
dition of thu mucous lining of thu
Kiistaclilan Tube, When tliit lubo Is
lulluuied you liuve it rumbling sound
or Imperfect hearing mid when It Is
entirely closed. Deafness is iPu re
sult., and unless tlio Inlluiuutlon can
bo tiikcnjiutaiid this tube restored to
Its normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed forever; nine casus out of
ten iirucuiWHl by Catarrh, wlilch Is
nothing but an Inlluuicii condition of
tliu mucous surfaces.
Wu will give Ono Hundred Dollars
for any cuso of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot bo cured by
Hull's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu
lars, free.
. J. Ciiknkv & Co., Toledo, O,
Sold by DrtiL'glsts, TAu
Hill's Family Pills urc the best.
Thomas Kglin, n lending citieu ot
Corvullis, died ut his home in tlmt city
ut 8::t0lust night, after an illness of
10 days. He wnsuged 71 yours and for
nearly u quarter ot a century hud con
ducted n livery stable in that city.
The funeral will occur tomorrow after
noon. Tlie Homeliest Man in Salem
As well us the handsomest., and others
aro Invited to will on uny druggist
unit get, free u triul buttle of Kemp's
liiilsuui fur tlio Throat mid Lungs, it
remedy that Is guaranteed to euro and
bollevo ull Chronic and Acuto Coughs,
rtsuiuiu, iiroiicuiiis anil iinsuinp
Hon, 1'rlco 25c. and &0o. eud&w
I). II. Humhliuuged OS, ditnl ut the
homo of his sou, ltulph Humblln, lle
milos from Wolf Crvek station, Jose
pliiue county, Oetolier tl.
That Joyful Keeling.
With theuxbilaratlnL'senetif renew.
eu health ami strength and Internul
cleanliness, wiitcli follows tho use til
bymp of ligs, Is unknown to the few
who huvo nut progressed biyond the
old tlmo medicines unci the cheap sub
stilutes fOiiietlmes o He red hut never
accepted by the well-informed. Iuy
the L-cnuliifc. Muuufuomred bu tho
Callfortila KigSyruoCo.
J. II, Wescott the city marshal at
t-orost Urovo roiigmd. F.d Croui; was
olivted to Ull the vacancy.
When You Rule Your Wheel.
Always shako Into your bhoes Allen's
Foot-lite, u powder (or tlio feet. It
kcrpiynur feet cool, prevents sweat
ing feet, and makes your endurance
ten-fold greater, Over one million
wueei people aro using Allen's Foot
KN?. They all praise lu It glvus
rostund comfort to nuartlio imt
swo leu, uchlng reet.Und Is a certain I
cureo (or ingrowing nails. At ull drug
Vs'.l'Sr'.' bh"? Btnr,w' 25-, Sfluipiel
HIKE by mull. Address, Allen S-
Oliusieo, Lo Itov, N. Y. 3 I
Fonwt tlnooliidupemlmit 1ms a hill (
IKtlaUHW which wtiigbs IS pounds.
Fruit Commission House.
Just received Swwt ixitat.Hvs,
Lemons, Smtlieru Dregon iHw.-het and
l4ulxts. J li. Wright a Co. I0i-3t
IT aaaaaW BaHI taHH f
ami nr
f-jjyj jrfj.1 yczif
Piano ond Organ classes and S eht
Studio at 478 Front st.
MIm Phelton lini stii)ll with mo for two
Tpr and Iia tven very cntiacientlnaa and sue
ipoitfalln hnrnorlc. Hlielaprjr talented &a an
cxoculant anil as a tpnrln-r. lift tmplla nrs bntli
tis-nnlcallyaiiiltheorctlrally well trained and
It l ullh I'lnwnre nnd r(lo that! rrcommend
MIm Bhellon aa a toucher or ,,1ino mimic,
lUI-lm Mite. Doctor
Mf. flDg?' College
Salem, 40 iiiIIoh from Portland.) Cohplrtb and Tnoitouaii Ceuksks: Preimratory
Literary, Scientiflc, Classical, Normal, Commercial. Spkciai. Couusks in Mnthc
mutlcs, Surveying, Drawing, Civil Service, French, German, Spanish, Italian
Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Music. A special class is provided for stu,
dents who on account of farm labor, wish to enter Into In fall and leave early in
spring. Academic degrees and tcuchers stato certificates and stuto diplomas con
ferred. Send for catalogue. Address,
Tub PmsHiDK.NT Mount Anoki. Onu.KOK, Mt. Angel, Ore.
jrABLSfD SS9.s
StoofftNfferftooj DAri.tAffm,
UfrtMsCC lslC!WSUX& sey(sLJC;
sS 7
s S x
The bfst in the west:
The University
now in session.
Faculty of seven
When von study music you should have tho very best instruction obtainable.
U u caviint of time nnd money. Phone L'tllll for catalogue, or 'address,
ITtANCKSCO SULKY, Demi, Salem, Oregon.
Salem Studio
inter-state conservatory of music.
Mrs. Effa finders Willman
Over First National Hunk.
Classes in Piano Forte playing, Harmony, Theory and Class
Read in";.
Studio hours from 0 to 12 and '2 toTi.
Will be given
away on
( Feb. 14, 1900,
To Agents
Sending Subscribers to ,
Self Culture Magazine
Two Hundred nnd Fifty Dollnrs to tho
ugc lit. sending in tne largest list f loo.oo
f'fi.UO, f'jri.OO, f 15.00, fl').(K), nnd soon,
n total of r:i Cash uwurds; ami in ad
dition very largo commission will ho
given, making the mot liberal propor
Send for full particulars nnd (rooouuip-
rouiiinio worK lor inteiiiuent
Send two references.
Tin: Wr.iiNKit Company,
Akron. Ohio
Dcpt. ii
Capital Junk Shop. )
Doulerln Cust lion, Wrought iron J)
-, piuvo initios, copper, nruss, junc, jv
loud,roH, rublKT, bags, hides, pa- V
i per and Isines. )
4 J. 1). ltt'Hi:XSTi:iX, Proprietor.
? Kid Court St. Salem, Or. V
A Few Interesting Facts
When people are contemplating a trip
whether on Imtiness or pleasure, they natur
ally want ihe best service obtainable so Jar
as speed, comfort ami itfeiy It concerned
Employes of the Wisconsin Central Llnei are
paid to serve ihe public and our trains are
operated so as to make clo.e connections
wilh diverging lines at all junction points.
Pultnnn Palace Sleeping and Chair cars
on through trains.
Dining car service unexcelled, Meals
a laCaite.
In order to obtain i thit Arst-clui teivice,
ask the deket agent to sell you a ticket .over
and you will mile dirert connections a
M. raullor Chicago, Milwaukee and all
iwintf nasi,
or any further infoimation call on any
ticket agent or correspond with
v General Pass, Agent.
JAS. A. CLOCK, ".,.
(initial Agent,
346 Stark imeet,
Portland. Ork,
The 0pi?nl iDsiirance Co,
Assets ....
Surplus to Policy Holders.
Will insure yqu against loss by nIT
"""rtl vllivt.
Estimates furnished, and work done promptly, substantially
and at honest prices. J
Fruit and Hop Dryer work a specialty.
T. 8. BURROUGHS, 102 State St Phone I5II
Teacher of Piano nnd
Salem, Oregon.
Bhldlo R'Awy lUlllillnir. Honm 10,
IIoara-0 lo V! a. in.' 2 to 5 p. in,
For boys nnd young men. Conducted by
the Benedictine Fathers. Healthfully
and attractively located. (14 miles from
Vudttz&M Ls?6u!a&'
S- . . Cr
?. . a 'zm...-
J'ezo roK QtrAtoau-
CoIIeg? of Mtisic
superior teachers.
(iuia..L a
Soo Pacilie Lino.
I Lowest FateS
Best service
To and from nil points
Kust and P.urojie.
Tho only line running through
SI. Paul,
Iloyul Mall Slitimship Line
to.lupnuuud China.
Cunailiaii uud Australian
Steamship Line to
For rates nnd Information
apply to
,, Agunt, Salem Ore.
II. II. Aiiolt, Agent Portland.
h. J.Coyle, A O.P A, Vancouver H.C.
Oregon, Shot i Line Railroad
IThe Direct Houttio
Montana, Ulali, Colorado
anil all Easterl'oiuts
OIvm clinlro of two tavorlte routes, via tlie
t'tiloti 1'aolfic Fast Jlall Line, or the
iV" urauuu ocetuc jui.
Lwik at tho time
II Days to Salt Lake
21 Days to Denver
31 Days to Chicago
4J Days to New York
Free Iteoltnlng Chair Cara. Upholstered Ton
1st Slat-pltii; Cars, ami WilliUHti Falaco
Sleeisirs operated on all trains.
For further Information apply, in
HOISK & lUltKEK, Agenta,6alem.
W K. COMAN.Ceu'lAgeul,
(!. O. TKRKY. Trav. l'asa. Agt
121 Third Kt. Portland
. 1.109.000.
lire; for terms enquire of
' ,v",ul-,i .Ul.
II IV l.ici.,.! A.,..I
Salem, Ore.
' 11 ' II
inn Knni n i
Corvallis !t Easlm Railroad
2 For Yaqulna:
Train leaves Albany ..
'lraln leaves Corvallis.
Ttalti arrives Yaqulun
I Returning:
Lcuvc9 Yuqulna.
Leaves Corvallis
Arrives Albany
3 For Detreit:
Leaves Albany
Arrives Detroit
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit
Airlves Albany
OLcaves .Albany
Arrives Corvnllls,....,
fiLeavcs Corvallis
"ISO p. Ui
1:4" a. u.
.. j:jOa.m.
. .11:5;, a. tu.
'2:25 n.m.
o-td p. in.
!-W p. lu.
Arrives Albany..
One and tw-t; connect nlAltiany and
' a. ui.
uurviiiiin wh.ii nouiuem l'aclllc tialns
giving direct service fiantl frour NW
port, atufridjuccnt benches.
No. 0 runs from Albany to Corvallis
on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday,
only. '
No. 5 runs from Corvnllls to Alhanr
on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur
days only.
Trains for the mountains nrrlvcat
Detroit at no-m, giving utnnle time
to reach camping grounds on the
Hrcltcnbush and Santlain river the
same day.
T. K. A 1-. A. i....:"'
J.TUUNER AKCnt. Atbanr.Ore
Captain Zmnalt
Leaves Salem ut 7u. in. for Portland
uud way landings every Tuesday
Thursday nnd Saturday.
Tlio Btonmcr has been oquli.w-,1 nm, flm
clasa nccommmlatlotis, Incltniiiii; an eleifint
piano. ' '
Unsarpa5C(l for carrying both freight and
Dock-Koot of Blato slroct.
Kll. N. KDia Asent.
Si. in
Salt Lflke, Denver Ft. W'orthl
iJinatia, nanaaa city, bt,n nrtn
Lotlle.t'lilcago anil Euat,
Walla Wnllo, Himknuc. Mlimn
iiHill. HI. I'aul. Iliilulk, Mil
witnkee Clilrae'i anJ tiit.
a. m.
8 p in.
For Han Frani'lani,
I p. Id
Hall every lUoiInja.
nx. Huu
10 p, M
To Astoria and way ijinlliiKa.teiUutii
I . ID.
WlI.liAMKriK ltlVKIt !l.
OHO ant
I Tils
I'ortliuid, .Nt'wln'rtf and wajrlC p. 111.
IJOHllllgS. 1 .MUD)
I Fti
and Hat
Dally botts to Portland as atovc.
Transfers to street car line at Ureg Cits
if Ihe steamers are delayed there oanD
trip tickets to all points In Oregon, YVihli,e
ton, or California. Connection made at Port
land with all rail, ocean amlr,vcr lines
Cen'l Pat. Agt. Portland, Or
(J. M. POWERS. Agent, Trade ttreet dock
City Agents.
or THE
Southern Pacific Co,
7:oop Ml Lv,..;i'ortland. ..Ar
945 r M V Ar. . . .Sateui ....Ar
745 AM) Ar. San Francisco. Lv
5-15 am
Joorn Ar Ogden ... .Ar
0:05 I'M Ar Denver. . Lv
6.43 AM Ar .... Omaha .... Ar
815 p m Ar . . . . Chicago . . . . Lv
7.00 am Ar. ..Los Anelea.,.Ar
o'tSTM Ar... El Paso, ...Ar
4.15 r M Ar....Fort Worth.. ,,Ar
7.55 A m Ar. . New Orleans. ..Ar
645 m
8 50 A H
6.30 p u
9 35 PM
2 35PM
8. 40 A nt
8.40 tit
Pullman rirst-clais and tourist sleeping cart
attached to all through traim , TourMcsri
through to Chicago without change.
8.3o am) Lv.
IO.-55 A M 5- Lv.
PortTand ..Ar 14 Jola
.Baleia.... Lv-jt 5o,ri
Sjo PMjr....Rojeburg.. Lv 73oA u
Mail Mains dailyexcept Sunday.
730 a Ml'Lvr... Portland,. Arl SofM
11.-55 m) Ar... .Corvallis . . Lv I torjt
At Albany and Corvallis connect it
tains of the C. & E. Ry.
7.'30P m
8:30 m)
Lv ... Portland.... Ar
Arl 8.J5AM
LvJj50 M
8.-J5 A M
Ar Ind ependence
Direct connections at San t-ranctsco with
steamship lines h IUWAI1, 1APAN'.
For through tickets and rates call o- W.
V, SKINNER, Depot Agent, er C- D.
CiAURIbLSON City Ticket Agent, J31 Com
mctcial St Salem Or.
R. KOEULER, Manager.
C.MARKIIAM G. F. &P. A. Tord"
You Can Get
a Lower Berth,
With one exception the through
trains or the Burlington Route
ure almost Invariably 'well-tilled.
The exception Is our St. Tuul
UhlcaKo Limited. On the limited
there Is usually room and to
Don't Infer that It U neither
so tine, nor so fat, as ANY train
of ANY other Hoe between St
Paul and Chicago. On the con
trary, there is no more beautiful
train In America. It has electric
light, steini heat, wide vest ibu lei
the most satisfactory dlnlng-ca
service on the continent aqd
lower berth for everybody,
Uen'I Airent, Tortland, Or.
Dr.rAllTI TIME RCIIKIlCtK. (All lit t
roa From Portland
A.kai.,.JJb-j- .-