fWnrwaSWWWjffip wwwr'"TtTT mtntffcuft fc(ii--tiTtm ZsafaSJJMWhalifc MM ii WJMSwMtfaMtll (J)ur (Guarantee x sc Your Money Back if You Want It! Top Coat is an absolute necessity These cold mornings, and we are fully prepared to meet your every want in Box Coats, Ulsters, and Mackintoshes of every description. '.Tan covert box coats, lined and unlined, in all the fashionable shades and weaves $10 to $17,50, Blue'black beaver coat, well lined SOME COLD FACTS About Our Military Failures in the Philippines. HOSTETTElft The Real Heason Why Dewey Came Home "With His Flag-ship. and trimmed made for service. J Mackintoshes in box Coats -- blue, black, tan and browns. SL50 to $12 $7,50 ana cape 5. TOL (Johnson & Co. 257 Commercial St., Salem, Or. TOE DiilLK JOURNAL BY HOVR DKOTHICtta MONDAs, OCTOHKU. 10, 1891). To Curo a Cold In Ono Day Tko jaxnllvo Ilrnmti Quinine Tnhlota. iiiNVKixix irinnu wo tnonny II II 1.. V. (Iniro'ii alxtmuirc In 1111 rcli A'l fitlln in cure K1X. iBift Dally, Ono Tear 03.00, In Advance Ully, Tout Montb $1.00, f. a.dvauoe Weekly, OnoYoor Sl.OO.Hn Advaiico JOURNAL X.RAY'M." As long ns wo luivo Congressman ' Hoberts ninl tlio Hultnn of 811I11 tho na tion Is Fllff. All trtio Americans should bo glad it wnN not our own Biillun of Htilit who wns "reported drowned. P.xchange: -Plngroo needs looking after. Ho wont to Washington ami par- tlulmtoJ In tlio Downy welcome without oncu trying to center nil tlio uttuntlon oil himself. If Salem cnirltnIintH would do some tiling to mako Balom 11 city tlioy should encnurogo tho construction ot n rnilrond from hern through PolkVounty into tliu Tillnmook country, mid from hero out through Hilverton and Into Eastern Or egon. That would luko boiiio norvo however. l)uwoy don't lmvo to liny tho nomi nation for tho presidency from a lot of bosses llko llniinn, "Algor, tit ttl, The iwnplu would really enjoy having n pres ident nnco who was not mortgaged In mlvniicu. Dewey don't oven have to ho given tho nomination by nay parly. He nominated himself 11 1 Manila. . Attempt nru mmlo to liken tho nttuok of tho llouirito tho blowing up of t!.o U. 8. battle-ship Maine in JIuviiuu hnr lxir, but that event oecured in times of iH-nco, Tlio Hoers worodotibtlesswitli. in tlit'ir rights iih belligerents, If thoy am roHKinBlhlo for tho destruction of Hint nrniort'd trnln, I. mm... .nee . ... jiiuuiueronco notweon 1110 two gov ernment of two yours on tho frnnchlso question Ih considered by her mnjosty'ri government sulllclent Justillentlon for nn endeavor to swnllow two republics." In conclusion, Krugur reminds tho Afri kanders that "Clod will ussiiredly defend tho right." Uou will puuiBli Isitli tuitions for go liig to war over a dllToroueoof two yearn. Hut that in not all. Tho Fmgllsh want tobecomo eltisreiiHof tho TraiiBvaal with out renouncing nlleglanco to Queon Vic toria. That don't go In thin country, whatever merrit it might have in Africa. Hero's a Joko on Tom Tonu-ue. Am congressman, ho humped himself to get an appropriation for tli Long Tom creek, in llonton county, and succeeded , although lie could get nothing for Ya qulnii Hay, Now, iih a roHiilt, tho Hon 1 111 county court Ih linving a tussle with tho Long Tom. Tlio inivurniiii.ni. IniM commenced to improve tlio stream, but iiiuj iiiivu coiitiommxi two midges ncrow tlio stream and ordered flio county court to remove thoiu and replace them with either draw bridges or ox pansloii bridges high enougli to allow steamboats with 44 feet smokosHckH to go tiuilor. Tlio coMt will bo from 110.000 to 120,000, and It looks an though tho Iluntoii county folks had their ImuiiIm full. It will cost llonton eountv n ;oouiy sum 10 got ready t ) let steam Tim Jouiinai. calls ntUiiition to Home cold truths about tho wretched fallnn' of our military policy in tlio l'blllp plnes, from n uon-jiolltlcal newspaper, Collier's Weekly, of Now York. Nephew W. King, Into lieutenant of tho United States navy, contributes this very otitsiiokeii article, viewing tli conditions in tho Philippines, and ex-0 plaining why Dewey camo home. THE I'llft.tlTI.VK t'Alll'Altl.N. "Peace first then, with charity for all, establish a government of law and order." Thus did President Mck'lnloy an munce ids Philippine policyJn n recent address at Ocean Grove More the Meth odist camp-meeting. Hut of tho manner In which tills Is to bo accomplished, and tho great sacrillco that It will necessarily entail, little has been said or written. Whatever may lmvo )een tho mistakes of tlio Administration in not making the cession of tho Philippines ono of the terms of tho peace protocol, and thus avoiding, in onr own Itglslatlvo halls, that bitter controversy which guvo "comfort and aid to tho enemy," our duty is now a simple one war, stem and unrelenting, until the last Filipino has lxjon brought "within the sound of tho boll." That our policy in tlio past has been 1111 unfortunate ono, barren of any result save thai of ohiislmr tho insurgents around a circle and then ourselves re treating to a point on tlio circumference fclffERS Tho most vamablo rued luine for nil Stomach Jllh Is Ilostettcr's btciiiachilUlt. ters. It has hundreds of dangerous Im itators, He suroyoii get the genuine If youwunttogct rid of dysnop sla or any stomach III. owing to ciimotic disorders. Still it is a move In tlio right direction, for our past policy had It too much conciliation and not enough tvnr. Tho ferious mis. tako has been u failure to study human nature, or, rather, tlio peculiar nature of the Malays; for, llko tho Spenlanls In alt, all tho Latin races they recog- iiu no tiiKiiiiiuni, Miivo mat 01 force. Any desire to lesson tlio severities ovar Is looked upon as a weakness, and, for that reason, the presence of a civilian commission tn ini with the Kllllplnos, wlille mil itary oportalons woro in progrois was construed ai an evidence of our weakness. In thonbsenco of any Con gressional action regarding tho future government of the Islands its promises carried no weight, nnd the Insurgents argued that what was offered them to day could bo taken away by congress tomorrow. Comparatively tow people In the country nro nwaro of tho reason whv Admiral Dewey returned to the United States with his llagshlp. After such n brilliant record in the waters of tho empire that his guns had won for us it was a surprise that ho should lmvo ex pressed a deslro f leave lwforo oace had leon established. Those who- were lu the confldcm.0 of tho only great man tnu hpanisli-Ainorcnn EDUCATIONAL AND MUSICAL. Mf. flng?' College For boys and young men. Co drc ed by tho Hencdictmo lathers. Healthfully and attractivclv located. (14 miles from Salem, 40 miles from Portland.) Compi.ktk nnd Tnoitouaii Ceurses: Preparatory Literary, bcientillc, Classical, JNonnal, Commercial. Special Courses In -Mathc unities, Surveying, Drawlivj, Civil Service, French, German, Spanish, Italian Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Music. A tpeeinl class is prov'iicd or stu, dents who on account 01 fa'in labor, wish to enter Into In fall and leave ea'ny in spring. Academic degrees and to-c'io-s state certificates and state diplomas con ferred. Send for catalogue. Addrcrs, The 1'mmiuknt Mount A.noel College, Mt. Angel, Oro. jrABllSH0 Jgfi YS I . . 'OMtU a&wzc4 4Te SAltM, OKCCOiY. )75 cfes ' wssyscet&rJjiJ: r -?xv o . . m xj n W. is'ritSl'l Is SjS)l'jSf')-SSSS'i-isjr,)SssAl r rest c'X,v. r r t-r r t r r s ,1 r mf rrii .. r .-, v't?i 'acx y vSiD rOK QrAf.06Ui? The bbst in the west: The University CoIIeg? of Mdsic now in session. Faculty of seven superior teachers. ' When you study music you should have the very best instruction obtainable. It is a saving of time and money. Phono 2!)10 for catalogue, or address, FKANCKSCO SKLKY, Dean, Salem, Oregon. wnr ovolvi'il. however, admit that the old sailor mm.r until tho rains linvo ceased, oven tliu I j,eta,nu rocoiuJIel to tlio net that he most oiithusiastlc admirer of tho present ,m1 ,,00,""llwrt'L,,l!l '' "" ollcor two gi iHlatS 111 V Oil liOllir Tom erenk. lull it .in. wires 1 tho Ing Tom Htiitoimiiin a delega Hon from that county for reiioininatlon. . . TilU COIISOrvntUn llniillilliiinu nr.. siitislled with tho present citv adminis tration to set) It continued. Mon who have noiiso for tlio city governinwnt hut for a jHilltlnd hoist nro not wanted. fho ban Iranclsco Wave for Octolier 1 1 Is a IftimlMildt county number. It is " .'I- piiuo lllustrateil namir tlm I fur. ..." . . . . . "1 - ' ..... r n II I'tli per nkly of tlio const. What the jieopl-i want In the coming city election is the lient busiiieNt talent for aldermen. W11 cannot Improvu in Huron nml Harrow. Put up men of tliatstrlKs In tlio other two wanls re gardless of their iMilltlcs and they will ho elected. 'Iho olitluhiiiM who have grafted this city .In the past nro pretty well known and don't oven lmvo to lw pointed out to tho taxpayers. If it Ih true, iih printed In another col umn, thnt Denny wiih placed under Otis, tliu Innocuous granny at Manila, then who placed him tliero? Did Algoror Jlt Kiiiley? IitiiH hoH)thut it wusAlgur, who llko tho itcnpegoat of tho Jew was sent into tho wildernesH for tlio sins of tho nation. While Dewey nnd Merritt were in chargo no blood was shed In the Philippine, and tho Filipinos were our friends. These faetH undonr lwo to tho people. Tho Oregonluu ought really correct it Mlp, that there Is nothing so tumdlahle a "the indignation of tlio common poo- pin nun tho unolllcliil press," It prob ably just referred to tlio ieoolo of Gor many. If it referred to the common lieonle of oir country, It ought to unit uskiug why Portland don't boom and flourish like Spoknno, Seattle and IKmi ver. In no American city would a news paperotnny stundliig tiso such tin ex-prctisloii. It Is n Nlinmo that two clirUtinii nn tlona should go to wnr fur n dllTreeiico of two years in tho terms of franchise Tlio Boer manifesto nays Great Hritiiin offered two alternative "Flve-jear franchise or war," um thou goe on to nay. The council Tuesday night wilt put through the Wilson avenue ordliiane - worm iU3,7tK) to this elt They nre noisy hut they arc nlc. Who would exchunge tin merry noise ol children at play, for the childless home where the clock tick can be heard hour nf tcr hour in the dull silence ? Hut there arc a great many who would like to two pie the silent house with the children thnt fate has refused them. Pate is often in this case only another won! for Ignor ance. Many 11 glad mother dates her Happiness from the day she nrsi negiiu uie use of Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prcscrij). lion. It often lmpjieus that with tho cure of female weakness mid the establish ing 01 tnc delicate womnniy organs in sound health, the way til mmllNfl fif tliu I.... 2W of innflirlininl. lfn. vorite Prescription " is n specific for the Chronic ailment ieculiar to women. It cure them petfectly and cnnnueiitly. No other medicine can 110 for women bo much as "Favorite Prescription." Do not therefore let any other medicine Iks palmed off on you as " Jut as good." "Favorite Prescription" contain no alcohol, opi um, cocaine or other nar cotic. It is strictly a temperance medicine. 'I had been tlfTrrrr IVntti utcrlue trouble furstuul Ultra Administration must ndmlt. Tho fatal blunders of the Spanish campaigns seem to lmvo been repeated with Htartllng Intensity that of underestimating the strength of tlio ononiy. nnd then sondliut out Isolated detachments of men to take tho places of those who were killed in battlo or died of disease. Tho fact that tho error etui lw tnicetl directly to the mnjor-genernl commniidlng, who de clared, more than oueo, that thirty uiuusiimi men could easily accomplish tho task allotted to him, does not lesson Iho resiionBlblllty of tho Washington olllclalsi Thosu who boltovo tlintAgiiin nldo coiiimunds nn undisciplined mob, poorly tinned mid iiipKsl, nnd ikishoss Ing no knowledge of tnctles, will find themselves sudly mistnkeii, us his troops have Is't'ii in tho field now over 11 your, nnd lmvo succeeded in smuggling Into the Islunds grent iiinntltles of arms and ammunition, Whether tho Philippine leader is a patriot, us some so'called Americans nro pleusod to call him, or tin tin-principled bandit awaiting tho opportunity to "sell , out" when his nriio is reached, whl.-h seems to lw the general liellof, tliero Is not now tlio shadow of a doubt as to his military prowess mid murvelloiiH In- llueiico over tlio musses, liven the nmlgoH, as tho friendly unlives nre known, who loudly proclaim their love for Americans ami admiration for our institutions, drawing, in tho meanwhile, their daily tillow nnco of rice nnd lieuiis, mil .mii'Iimtlt. I... in.... 1 ..f tl 1 ... ............ j .K,i. ,1,1,1V mi iiiu ivneru- grades Junior to him. Why tho nd nilrnl should not hno beon selected its tho governor-general of tho Philippines, which Ids rank and deeds certainly merited, no 0110 hns ventured toexplnln". And yet when Major-Gcneral Otis its assumed supremo command ashore, though Admiral Dewuy was not placed ureciiy uiiuor his orders, instructions Salem Studio INTER-STATE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Mrs. Effa finders Willman Oier First National Hank'. Classes in Piano Forte playing;, Harmony, Theory and Class Reading. Studio hours from 0 to 12 nnd 2 too. TWO riXlfl SEW PIANOS IX STUDIO ji'Oll USE OF PUPILS. Corvallis k Eastern Railroad TIME CARD, ! For Yaqulna: Train leaves Albany 12:E0 p. ui. Train leaves Corvallis.... 1:15 p. m. Train urrlves Yuqulnn... 5:f0p. m. Itcturning: Leaves Yuqulnu 7-00 a. m Leaves Corvallis 11:40 a. 111 Arrives Albany 12:33 p.m. I For Detreit: Leaves Albany 7:40 a. tu. Arrives Detroit 11:55 a. m. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:25 n. m. Atrlvcs Albany 5:.'t5 p. m. OLeaves Albany 0:05p.m. Arrives Corvallis 0:55 p.m. 5Lcaves CorvalHs 0:10 a. tu. Arrives Albany 7:25 u. m. Ono and two connect at Albany and Corvallis with Southern Pacific tialns, m.fii'k uiiuuu ovi vivu ujuiiu lrum mow port and adjacent benches. No. 0 runs from Albany to Corvallis on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. No. 5 runs from Corvallis to Albany onTucsduys, Thursdays and Satur days only. Trains for tho mountains arrive at Detroit at noon, giving ample tlmo to reach camping grounds on the iireltcnbush und Santlam river the 0.R.&H BMAOT TIME BniRDntfi 17- fob Fn.m Portland n'U - - . ..-..... t. .. aa o, ijcncr Mail Omalis. Kun... op.m, satno day. It. U WAI.DRN Bio. knnc Fiver 2.S0pm 8p m, 8p. tn. ox. Hun 8tur- llnv lOp Bt y- Worth "' Ht Loul.,0hlcafondE"t,' wnukcoOlilcngosndOT i "' OOKAN HTMVMuTir.r. li-.iUa.i Lt.l "III3. .... .""v'OCtl. BttitCTcry IIVoUhjb. coi.ti.MDiA lttvliii To Aeforla mid visy Linaingi,, tcve Hulcm 0 oo am TllH Tlio uiulHat I.nfn"':f'AKrKJ"Vi:il U nd It. '""wrB nn" arm Bpo."- ft? ! 1 !!. ex Hon, AraT p. m. Ftl WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVKtrtN Dally bosU to Portlsnd . TnL... IM0N Transfers to street car line at Oree n.. If the steamers are delari-,1 .t,.b v,tl triptlckeUto allDolni-ln n, w..rM ton, or California. Connection malle at pi land with all rati n... j.r. .. " "-, T V. & P. A. J. TUIlNKIl ARcnt, rnwiN HTONK, Mnnnger Albnnjr, Oro. WIIXaMKTTK RIVRlt DIVISION STEAMER ALBANY, Captain Znmnlt. Leaves Balem at 7u. in. for Portland and wny landings every Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturdoy. Tlio steamer has been equipped with flrnt elass ncr:ominolatloiis, IiicIihUiik an elcKnut piano. UnmirpnMccl for carrytiiR toth freight nnd passciigvrs. DockKoot of Stale street. Kl. N. i:i)i;s Agent. Gen ocean andrivr. 1 W.II .HURLBURT. n'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or, G.f. POWERS, AB7n,;-'ivade. '.,'; St IIOISE & DARKER. c'tv Agen'ti. PIANOS, OROAN AND MACHINES. SEWINQ were issued by tho imvy dopiirtnient thnt ho should "co-oporutu and lomlur nil nld in ids power to tlio major-general oi" tho at my," nnd though Dewey wns too gisslntllsclplinnrlnii himself to openly re belut tlilsnppnrent sllght.ho nover ipiito forgot It, and tho most dk'nitled ihln,. ho could do was to ask to bo ordered away from the seems of his triumphs. It Is uneasy mutter for ono 1 1 say now what might lmvo boon, but I am of the opinion that had Admiral Dewey re mained the senior olllcer In tho Plilll- pines, mo natives would never hino fired tlio tlrst shot. Tho hero of tho battlo of Manila enjoyed tho conlldent'o and es teem of tho Filipinos, from AguiiuiMo to tnu iiuniUlost peon, nml any promise or useuriiiico from him as to our llnul policy, even with out a cougresilonul guarantee, would Have iK-en given the respect It merited. Tho presence of an nriny of occupation, however, with an enl-iown olllcer in command, savored loo much of Spanish methods, they said, and all tho prom ises in tlio woild liud nomoro effect Hum the fall of rain drops upon a metal rtwif. maims nun pmiiH oi tiieir wiekotl com- " "" s io mo ralus have ceased IssVNi yrain. and the doctori lint I cuimiUrd Ut I would have to 4ft k; iiiroufii an oprrstlon before I routd rti tiltlh la chltditaj wtltca Mrs lllauchc It. Itvaiii, c( I'limui, I.uitrne Co.. Pa Hoi 41 1 Wlicu aliout la atv III. Ill .l..alr I J. tnc aavcrtluratnt of I)r Htrce't mtdlriuc f"1 Ihui'Rlit I vroiitd ive it a trial I taught a tt u. .., riruc r. anrr laklnx It Kaiuillc lrrcrltioii. and icii oriirr inan 1 nsn stir '. J'lt Imnroveti before t had taken oue-half o) the bottle After taking four and a half holllea . aae mnn 10 a Drigm Iwtiy girl who ia uovv Tour moutbtold and hat uot had a day of lck neu, Bite ia as bright a can be" A woman' complexion often suffer because of poisonous accumulations in the nystem. Dr Pierce' Pleasant Pel let remove these uccttmulutioii and cleanse the complexion, They regulate the stomach, lUcr und bowel. Tho Astoria creamer) ih now ' ' (tor pound for butter fat. PISO'S CURE for Consumption 1 y rul.t.vtrywher. r bctran uslnrr Plso'a Cars it. I years ago, and believe it saved mefromconsunintlon. Mvchild IJEtRrBSaTH 8UtJcc to croup. Piso'a cure aTTjra icncvcs iiiiii. mro. a, 1 crandsll. Mannsvil e. Kv.. jmy stn, m. patriots when questioned by our olllcers Indeed, tho epigram that was heard so often during our frontier wars, "tho only good Indian is a dead Indian," might lie applied to tho treacherous Filipino with equal force. Our men It is true, havo shown romarkabloeourngo, and tho fact that they lmvo not vot suffered n single defeat in actual bnltlo places them far iiIhiio the Spanish sol tiler , but what matters It by what means tho end is accomplished, our retr- linent tiro decimated, tho men ills. heartened urn! wo hold llttlomoro than wo did at tho beginning of the last cam palgn .Manila mid It surroundlm;- uiiiiiilluitismnlly small mrt of tho giwit islaiul of l.uxon. City ufter city lias Itooii mptiirxsl, and its quickly nbandoned owing to lack of men, while the Insur gents lmvo executed 11 Hank movement und ngiilii occupied tho self stuuo (stints ot sintiegic vainu. And tlio campaign has loon a costly ono in more than ono seitbo ; for, in ad dltlon toourklllM and wounded, It Is said that forty nor cent of ,r.,i ljiwtou'aiiuui were overcome hv the bent during 11 recent move ngninst tho enemy. Though ninny of them r- vmorcu Hwtuy, mora than one-half luni to lw placeil upon tl o sick list, nml vim mid ruin will probably lueap itato tlio rest. Any attempt to indloats nn active campaign ut this season of the year will bo more hitnl to our caiiho than to leave tho Fillnlnos alonn. ointisiicsshow that tho majorityofcom imiile of MiluntiHtrs and regular in tiotlvo service have boon reduciHl by oiie-iiuti, tutu 11 is reporttHl that one com puny went into action, Imvlm; only ono 1 corHtrat ami nine privates tho rest Ik ing unfit for duty. AllofthoMi facta con tlrm what Gen eral Union, mi Indian lighter, with the courage 01 a Hon nml the heart of 11 woman, ha said from the U-giuning; Vis., tllltt it WOllld tvillllm at )imr .....1 hundred thousand men to put down tho roUdliou. That this advice wu not heeded in tho early part of tho wnr 1 10 IH) ueepiy ngrettwl, nml It Is for tunnto that tlio president has taxuiMl iih iwvnt cull for volunteers. Twenty nlments, with which It ia proposed to f relnforeo Uenernl Otis, w ill k-uiwIv U jtlrop i tho bucket, howovir, for 11 short Mime uttertheir arrival a lanw iwr. contago of tho men will Ik) incajacltttUHl i'.V 1 ""' -runoripitor or Malaria liuiuailil ruvvriia Uillla ir ilmik-r... Lsia ciiii.i. Tiiiiio. it fa kimiiu ii.,rv.ri As now Is tlio tlmo when many arc tbiiikltig of buying pianos, organs and sewing machine,! lake this method to remind you that you lmvo with you an old Jeuler In these lines, who makes It a nudy to buy tils goods so ho can meet nil advertised nriceson tin same. goods. In tho sowing machine lino perMins that conic to my store and see what prices machines can bo bought for, buy hero Others, I fine, send, out, not. near vimuny us uset us 00.00 caue so many salesmen thoy talk to cuargo so much more than they can get them by send Ing Tor them. I hayu In stock hUli.arinclMlircudliig shut-. ue, u 11 niiiieiiinenis, -j-ciritwer. oak lanic.sewing uiacliliiesforiloio $18.50, 011 do not litKu tiny risk sending or depositing your cash. You can see the machine and sow 011 It before you pay for It. Fluuro your prices adver tised and ftck'ht anil you will see 1 am from $1 to $2.50 cheaper 1 linn those prices, Ono example: My gain on snipping it siimlo uliino I luvo no on the road a car of planus, unboxed (lacked In 11 nir. 111. tlm min nr 41 r,i ,. htimlicd: prico ot box. $2 at tliu fno- lory; weight of box uveraues 2-0 poumis, at ?l a liumltctl Is $10; weight or piano lu box 000 potnids, at $1, makes $21. At tho raiu or 4l.no ninUf 'J.tlO -a tlllferenco on tlio plar.o lu box of $14.10 uiiiklnu 11 total tllirorenco tif - puis 9iu pins i 1 40 or 2i, 10 1 save uoeucfi piano. A verv fair nroiit. nn each piano and 11 large saving on a car- 10.1(1. I could llll this entire paper full of mimes or parties that havo bought either 11 piano, organ or sowing um clilno from me. 1 will ulvo vou tlio numes of six only viz: Prol, W. C. awley, Geo. tl Myer, Dr. W, U. Hyrd, Fathtir P. Placltus, of Mt. Angel, Sol Durbin and Mrs. C. II. Mlfiues. KroiU theso nrnfes-ilnniil mm. and ladles who are good Judges, you havo ovidenco that they found my stock as good and as cheap or cheaper mull lllljr IILIILT piltCO. As tlieo people have found It to their udvantdgo to buy from me, will nut you also? In short. I buy and sell my goods as cheap and chcopor than any outside manufacturer or dealer ran mw.lliU- lay down 11 single shipment oru pluno, organ or sewing machine. UKOKGti 0. WILL, No. 2.11 Coiuiiiorolal street, Salem, op. posltu liusli bunk. u-18 d &w i ALL INTfllESTrn IN tKXJD MUNICL WOIIK AUB MELCOIIE AT TUB KTUUIO BERTHA H, mnT nuDDHnu Teacher of Piano nnd Accompanist. Salem, Oregon. Mliiilfo VArc-y llillldlmr. ltixim 10, Himrn-VtulJa. in. 'J In Ap. in. 1 Canadian Pacific 11 Soo Pacific Lino. Travel in com tort by the m INI IMPERIAL LfMITED i t SOUTH AND EAST VIA THE SrKSTA RO'JTE niK Pacific Co, KXrHESS TWAINS RUN DAILY ' OFTHK Southern 17:00 r 9.'4S r 7--4S A 3 Lv...;l'ortiana. . Ar. ...Satein .... Ar. San Francisco 5'00 p M 6:05 p M 6.43 A M 8-15 r m 7.0O A M 8-15 pm 4.1S I'M 7-55 A m Ar Ogden .. Ar Denver. Ar . . . . Omalfa , , , Ar .... Chicago ,. Ar, ..Los Angeles, Ar... ElPaso.., Ar.... Fort Worth.. Ar.. New Orleans. ArfuUsT), Ar5.SAM Lv b:03m Ar itiorii .. Lv 645 tu . Ar 030AM ..Lv 6,30m ..Ar gjsm . Ar 8.35,,, .,Ar 8 40 ab .Ar 8jnu BEATRICE SHElTON, Piano und Organ classes and Smht Iteadlng. Studio ut 478 Front st. JIlwi Mipllmi lina stiiille.l with inn for two i'iirji ami Ima Imhii lory coiiaolentloua anil me. iwiiiiiiii nurwiirx. snelalcry lnliiitciln.au yxecutnnt nnd aa a ti'iiclirr Hur imiilla nro ixilli wiiiilcallyaiiiltlic.retlfolly vroll trained nnd ' Willi Idiiwiini and pTldu Omt 1 rvi'iiirnicnd ,M1m Hluliiin m a tiHiclur ot iilano iiiimli'. 10-ll.Im Muh. HiKjiur Mr. Wm, Francis Scobie, Tho most oxwrienced teacher of sinn ing on tho Paellle coast. Now studio, IflHt Liberty street, Salem. Terms mod crate. Voices tostod free of charge. 10-7 lw" the fastest train crossing the continent. It is a through train making fewstops. Its equipment is of surpassing elegance. It will pay you to travel by it. For fill particulars ns to rates, tlmo and t oplts of C. P. It publications ap. ply to ' 0. M. LOOK WOOD ., ., . . Agent, Salem Oro. II- II. Atldtt. Aunnt. Pnrtl'inrl B J.Coylc, A.O i'.A, Vancouver ll.C. DINING CAKb OUSEUVATION CAtiu Pullman tirst-clais and toutlst nleewriTcjii attached to nil througb tralm. Toutistcwi through to Chicago without change. ROSKHURQ MAIL.DAILV. PortTand . . Ar( 4wHri Salem... . LvJ150.n1 Kosebnrg.. L 7.-toAV 8:30 am) Lv. . . loss amJ-Lv... 5.0 pm) Ar... " WEST SIDU DIVISION BKTWKKN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS, Mall trains dally except Sunday. 7A? A M I Lv , . . . Portland" . Ar I :c0 r i IJJSS r m f Ar. . . .Corvallis. . Lvf 1:10 fu At Albany and CorvaTITs connect TF rains of the C. & E. Ry. INULiENUENcE" VVhsENUlT KXPRKSB TRAIN DAILY LKXCRPT SUNDAY. l.v ...l'ortland AnX-icm Lv....McMlnnv!lle Lv (.-co a 11 Ar Independence Lvl.-coiu 4-So p m ) 7.-30 p m H:3o I'm) 1 uirect connections at San rranciscu wilb SffSJll'P J.ll?J f" "AWAII, JAPAN, CHINA, THE PIIILLIP1NES and AUS IIS.(1.IA. For through tickets nnd rates V. MKlNMliK. Dr.lnf Ani-n UAIIKILLSON City Ticket Agent, sxi Com call ni Agent, or C- nnd tho tninsNirtnttoii of troop ami siipplloi Ih'couios iMissIhlo, a vigorous campaign, It is mid, will bo initiated and prpio.'iitcd. A wise feature of tills will bo tlio establishment of an effctivo blockade- of till hnrbors und the patroll. 'ug of the co-ist. Heretofore foreign ves. sols have been allowed to conio nml ..,, at will, subject t ) a 110111 Inal vk-iihii fllllv llnlwii lu.l... ,.!.... ... .1.. ,... . , "' ibi"K mo I'lHIplUOS Ixtlng restrljtwl. It Is fa'rti pnwimo thereforo, that inaiiy rillos nml a vast amount of iiiumuuftloif have been smuggliHl into tlio country bvv....i- ..... dor thojlag of a friendly iioivtir. Hut tho bloekade, If sustained by a Millielout iiiimUir of war vessels, will cut off the enemy from any communication wflli Cunilnuwl 00 third g. Sacrificed to Blood Poison. Those who havo never had Wood Pol. Dissolution Notice, on enn not know what n desperate con. 1 ii "V8,"10.8 ,' -'"'l"Ctwl by H. T ""''?!' rH,!'C0- "rlble UeVimc. "iKlnVi," wll 'Z' ....-..,., ,o ,o uoctor nro totally tiuued by the uiulorsignwl, ho having I imi.uiu iu turn, I'U mnn unlml -..... OOllUIll OUl llll III. 1lll.iri.t .. .."HI puriiior, Notice to Bridge Contractors and Builders, Call For Bids. Pursuunt to the order of tho Com mon Council of the city ofSare.ti.Ore mm, bltlt, are hereby willed for, fur three hundred and sixty live (30.1) bushels of good while oats, crop or IMrt), toLideihered at the Flro 1) parimens neanqtiarters in this city. Iwlliilf. Dated uL Salem. OriMinii Hill mi. .1 .. .. . I . '. '-, ..ii to nay oi aepu'iuucr, mn tL7-tt ono generation to another, Inflicting it .... upuu cuuiitieta innocent on.. imt yari go I was liiooula with noimn uuraiial tame slrugul. and lla lift Maay.eli ii l to lli fi-arfnl polwn ... ... mi k jpar i aur irti UI1IU1U uury fc auduiwrn frum Ui-ad to (wit. and no anKna, on etiriM my fl CntMiturtiijf IhoMlont .. l0 vl r.ui-ai nvaimrnt. txy '. ihylelna aucwa Jlvfly irratrd in, bill all . .1.. i.,i,ii. in mer tin vraa Sirs. '!.! it- 5. Vr sST ri'tSSSWfSS nil uuiiN ait. .. a. .. . - .i bmtt tWKkflBnk ."aV-i&LCu Ml bill due to nml llnlillliiiu f .1... late firm will lie settled bv 100 tf H.J. Iliutsciiiucii. .Notice is hereby given that the County court for Marlon County, Ore gon, requests bid.-, from contractors and builders to repair tlie Joint county combination brldgoover the Santlam river between Marlon County and Linn County near Stuyton, Oregon, ..nn iuij.ui min reun liiu saillO With now timbers aboio tho medio beams, In accordance with Mm ni.mu ,.-i ... . ------ ...v I'll (ft) UIIJ antispeclllcatlonson lllo In the otllce I tnu uouniy uierK ror Marlon County, Oregon, und also on tile in tho ollke of the County Clerk for Linn County, Oregcn, und tint lea Is hereby further given that tho County Court for Marion County will meet on Wed nest ay tho 18th day of October, 1899, at tho hour or three o'clock p. in . at Iho County Court room lu tlio County Loiirt House In Salem, Oregon, to open and consider said bid, at which said time and place tho County Court for Linn County. Oregon. Ii linn.hv . queMeu tot jiu und consider tho said 1 1 111 u,e ",1,Uer of repairing the '1.'ll?.r.lfllt ,s esorved to reject any ami all bids. A certl tied cheque ray able to the order of tho County Clerk itir .iaritin county, Oregon for live ,'ui iviibui mo iimouiii uid is also re bid. Tho required to fllltllflll n... ffirniiiii,,! i.f .!. . . .n. t' ..i.umuuiuiuuiiiiirw;t, uno con tractor to whom tho contract may bo awarded shall bo entitled to uso so much of the old stringers for lloorlng purposes that ,uc sound and tit for that purpose, Dune this 0th day of OctHber, 1899 ....... .. . V. HALL. of his late w,n,y Clerk for Marlon County Ore- "" ucl. u o.viv.yw mi the 15th ur Octotx;r' 1899. tlio rlgh qu red to .com y each belnif hereby reserved by mU council, success u ,!, der wll lw Oregon Slion Lino Ilailroad Tlio Direct Itoutc tn Montana, Utah. Colorado ami all liaslernlPoinfs Olvo clinlco of tn.i lamrllo roiitin, via tlie Ulituii lu.-tan Pan Mall l.lnc, or llii llloUrandetk'ciilo Murs. Look nt tho tlmo i Days to Suit Lake - Days to Denver 31 DaVS toChlcnirn 4 Days to New York Frco nor-lliilnir Chair Can Unhalatonil Ton lt8lwi,iiKcam. and Pullman l'aliico Hli-cpera oiriitiit bn all trains. For f itrlhiT Information apply.to 110ISK & H.WlKKIt, Aitci.t,8alcm. W B. COJIAN, flen'l Ascnl CO TKltltV, TrttV. fata At 121 Uil'il St . I nilland THE OHBAT SALT LAICB IIOUTIj Mn!'f.B,.'fnt,0.n ol eMbt travoieu Is called to the advanta-es offered them by the n!?,r.TIc-1Ke4tern' "" Gt Bait lake KOllte Ihe umi rim nru.n..i ...i...l. Cisco rhe passeneer has En choice of two toiites out of Portland, three through Colo. nt.Mpnd'i0Ur.east 'iereof- No other line out of Portland can offer such variety of route, I addition, a day's stopover is given Mdo. Htrough pullman and touiiit sleep ing cars are tun on all trains, as well at free reclining chair ca. The service and ae? commodallons offered .n...i . ... IKrior to lho.e of unv r,n.J-.f .. :.?. and .a.esare alvsay, m low as the lowest. ' If VOU conlrmn)..,. . ..: . . .. f 1'1..,:Vir'l". "'I' tui. '' 10 U-..L 1 1,.;.."'. . nerJ?' .A.ee.m. "o Grande K. KOEULEK, Manager. C.MAKK1IAM G. F.&P. A. Portlsai You CarnGet a Lower Berth, With ono exception tho through trulns or tho Hurllngton Route nro almost Invariably well-tilled. The exception Is our St. Paul Chicago Limit -d. On the limited tliero Is usuully room and to spare. Don't Infer that It Us neither so lino, nor so fust, os ANY" train of ANY other lino between St. Paul und Chicago. On tho con trary, tliero Is uo mora beautiful train In America. It has electric light, stc'im heat, wldo vestibules tho most satisfactory dlnlng-c a servlco on tlio contlnont an d lower berth for everybody, A. C. SHELDON, (len'l Ai'ent, Portland, Or. estern Kallwav. mii,i..K... ....". Oregon, for any information vou may n I & reference to rates, routes accomodations WIMO-tf President KIiil. Funncir itmL- urooklyn, M.u.i., Imsused Little Ktuly OMrrmiV Ulser for years, S.is they nro tho quiro of lu,nonl INtf. .1Wv ....... .u , iue .ins cur liitow.v. WKimiTuv.t-'rv. Tioga Hlock, Salem, Or Great Oppertunuy for Home Seekers. To close tin estate which is eomowhat Involved, town pro)irties, farms and small tracts in fruit nnd otherwise tall hi Salem nnd vicinity) will Ih sacrificed. In- best constipation. Stone's Drugstore cur I t. I Crossing the Rockies. The most delightful ride across the conll- nent,, hrougli Utdj and Colorado, ove, JS $.,lDwli V ,The S:enic R"le of7he S, u,t.m,,,erSno' t what season of !fner" Grow rtonotonou,, lt , an "l Ol.llltllDlllK tiutalui fwrm -.i-wa ii onw, ii.i tar. J IT if Aw tin ' ourv and pmaal, vUifd tu add f.i.1 tn R.U lu twills. ,d , f3, hi'" icriv Pj!'! !:' curiVaithi Vult nTa n, .. .. Mniroinerjr, Af, Of the many blood remedle. 8. 8. 8. I Iho onlronn u-lifni. ... .Ai ."'." euro ,H,rfec.tly and pormn.'etit y ' the the reach of other remedle. uv'"u S.S.SS.Blood i.'i,!-iH,!,'t V0"1""' nd ' h only bltHxl remetly guaranteed to contain no mereitrv. iint!. nv... ...i :. " lu V. , -,-, , -'. v..- iiiitiurai. Hluahla book mailed freo by Swift BHiclno Oompaay, AUaata, Qecitiju HBATINGI STEAM, HOT AIR, HOT WATER, &i!iTJte Wrk d0,ie Pron,Pt,y' suhstantmlly Fruit and Hop dlf work a specialty. T. S. BURBOUGHS, 102 State St, Phone I5II r " " vuiic ui nirnrfi wa led in by rocks thousand of feet Hen snd he next you arc above iho mow line skirling peak that toner abose yo until' thev seem almost tn r., .i.- .1... ' a. "'. U thst the tr ra.-s of temperature are neitnerso cold in in summer, as ui.xn the newr met wi-h winter nor warm , - - ...,iiwi, M uiiua ine ii,! ''-WVwh!chc'ois ,he Jese" nd estein also hat the e..... sue traveler over the Rio Un. de --..iviu .iHiui. iue nnxiin r.r ...... If he so elects at Salt IjV n ni ... .. 1. .... - . r . -"" w any ..ic ijcucrn uolcn ami Denver, nn nil M --- . classei of tickets. lor tufoimaiion as to rates, etc , and for dtscr.ptive pamphlets, call on the u.-arest fickf t Acent of the O. K. It. & N Co. or Souihetn I'acificCo., or address. s. n J w.-MAKatlKLD.Cen'lABt. Kio Ur nd Wrstern Railway, 14 Third reel,- Portland, Oregon. a-OE&lugBas 3ES3EJXS ,u m-eii iii. .o .uu biock left oxer. Uot our prico. js t; w rr r r iAnrTnT IMlOIIC 1781 THIC KI.UUK AND KKHU MKN UI CauTrt 8t Lowest in the city 9 Wild gcoo tiro thick In Kastem Or gon. The geeeo are nearly a month earlier than usual. Anew wharf ia to bo constructed at Astoria SSO by I2S. It will be modem ueery resjK-ct, A Few Interesting Facts When people are contemplating a ttip whether on husinet nr nt,-9t..rf ih.v natur ally want the best service obtainable w fir m speed, comfort and safely is concerned. Employes of the Wisconsin Central Lines sre paid to serve the public and our trains sre operated so as to make cloe conncctioni with diverging lines at nil junction J sint. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Cluir can on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled, Mel a la Carte. In order to obtain 'thl firu.rlm it 1 nee. ask the licket agent to sell you a ticket oer TUB WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES nmTyoa will make duett connections a St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further infoimation call on any ticket agent or correspond with JAS, POND, General Pass, Agent. " Mil ivAiii:frir. Wis or JAS. A CLOCK, uenerat igent, 34otark Street, Portland, Okk, No More Carpet Monopoly. IIOTA2? & IRWIN Have Juat reccltcst a larso and el"ant line of Carieu. Husa and Jlsttim:. tlu-M are Uiuijhl in the beat luaiLvla and wfn brtak pionopoly prices In A NEW IIEARSE Jiut addtvd for tlie fre use nf rtrona 0 our IjudnrUtUig liarlmrot Capital Junlt Shop. V Dealer in Cast Iron, Wrought iron W Stoye platA, copper, brass, zinc, lead. rone, rublvur. !mi. lii.Iou na. J A perandbonp. M 4 J. D. Itl'HENSTEIN, Proprietor 1 13tJ Court St Knl.,ni. Or. V 0 1 tf i U1 a L ''fesfafatfJiaatM&-to.t 1 amrtfi frisllt. "H -