-nww).wiMfi''p n'lFlftHWf 'W'W'JMIWI'PW irwvwir U tUHr Latest Aaaoclatod Press tola- JLHE DAILY JOURNAL. t 1 "grams, Fresh Local news and Live Editorials Tfciako The Dally Jour nal. t Tho Dally Journal' large ctrclila- $ tlon Is no accident. It's the result of " high quality nnd low price. v 1 . yoL. x SALEM, OREGON .MONDAY OCTOUEll 1(5 1800. iro,2i8 AMERICAMACHTWINS The First Race Oyer the Shamrock by Three-Quarters of a Mile. Columbia Crossed the Line First, With the Shamrock Less Than a Second Behind Yachts Run Home Bclorc a 14 Mile . Wind v Columbia Led the Race from the Start, The Shamrock Had the Bettor Position at the Start But the Yankee Captain Outsailed the British. Ilr Asaoclnlcil I'rraa In Hie Jnnrnnl IIiohnviH, oft Navesink 0:53 Tie weather in clearing mul llio wind is now blowing about ten knots. Thu i-our.se will lie south, southeast ami east. Tlio tirting gnu ia llreil 'at 11 o'clock. Tiio ColumhUi crossed thu line llr.it with tin windward portion, thu Slimnrock loo than a second behind. Iisa Hkvcii, 12:21 Columbia Is now ovur iv inllo ilhai 1 of tho Shamrock. Fvu Hookvwvy, Oct. 1(1. At 2,01 p. m.-Tho Short Heach lifo saving station reports having heard two whistle) eight minutes apart and they buiioo tho yachts turned the stake loat at about tho"e intervals. SNiivlIooK, Oct. 1(1. At 2:15 p. in. thu wind shifted to tho east hv north east, fourteen miles an hour. At 2:18 p. m. tho Columbia's lead is about ono and a half mile?. Tho yacht", are now running home before tho wlud Nnw Yomc, Oct. 10. Columbia wins first international yacht rare". Sham rock three quarter! of inllo behind. Salem woolen mil. Hcrae Made Goods, Specials: A veiy select line of Boy's Knee Pant Suits of our own goods made up in New York. Get one for your BOYl All sizes of Boy's Black Hose, the very best to be had: Ask for them. The largest assortment of Men's Pants: Regular sizes, extra sizes and extra longs. No matter what size you call for we have them. A special drive on them. The finest line of Crash Hats for Aen and Boys to be found, in Patterns and Styles. , WOOhUI PUI. STORE We have just received the Largest single shipment of Details of Race. Ilr Aaanclntril I'rraa to the Jonrnnl. New Yoiik, Oct. 1(1. Tl.o yachts were jockeying about tho start with mainsails and top sails up when the warning gun was llreil. Tho boats had to timed themelves that both crossed within a minute and almost together, the Shamrock with a light advantage. Promptly at 11 o'clock the starting sun was fired and immediately thu Columbins jib top-sail was shaken out. Tho racers were then cloc to tho line and as she trimmed her main sail. aft more, Captain llarr worked his boat out across the Shamrocks stern and was In a better position. On the beat down to the outer mark tho Columbia outpointed and out footed thu Shamrock and gained on every tack. Sho turned tho staku boat nine mil utes and 47 seconds ahead of tho Sham rock. Thu olllcial time of thu turn of the Columbia was 1:48:41); Shamrock, 1:118:0(1. dipt, llarr did his turn in u trice and as he started to go around the Colum bia's splnaker Ihxiiii went down ou the instant. , There were loud shouts of Joy from the watchers as sho started for home All they had to do was to ease off her sheets. After tho Shamrock had!roundod tho outer murk her lighter canvass ivviih broken out in good shipshape fashion and, onu and a half miles to thu rear, sho set after Columbia, homeward bound. Thu olllcial time at tho finish was Columbia :i:5l :6l; Shamrock 4:05:10. The result is n complete v iclory for the American hoat, American skipper ami tho American crew. The Columbia surprised oven those who knew her best. At no lime after sho began to pull nway to tho windward, leu miuutei ufler tho starting gun was tired, ws thullrst ruiu of thu series in doubt. FIGHT AT KIMBERLY. Boers Have Advanced to Within a Few Miles oi Dundee. SYNOD ADJOURNED. Martial Law About to be Proclaimed at Capetown Refugees Looting and Mobbing Prominent Dutchmen Boers Closing On the British Outposts. Nearly All Telegraph and Rail road Communication Cut Off and News 1 lard to Get Kimbesly Besei'ed - Heavy Rains and Snow Re ported Which Hamper Alili tary Movements. rnoM CHEMAWA Away HEATING STOVE Ever brought to Salem. They are tho celebrated WILSON AIR TIGHT HEATERS. The latest uattern of the best Air Tight Heater in the Market. GRAY BROS HCLIC AQ15NT3 Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore. The Indian School Tailor Passed Sunday Morning. Axel Peterson, tho head tailor at tho Chuuiawa Indian Training whool, died Sunday morning, Oct. 15, IMC), at thu ago of 10 j ears, after an illness of two weeks. Mr. Peterson was ono of tho most jiopulorand trusted employes of that Institution. Ho leaves a wife iiud four children. He was u member of tho Unitarian church. runcral sen Ices vv ill bo held at Mo Mlnnvillo on Tuesday at 1 o'clock ami services will bueonducted by Dr. Klllott, of tho First riiitariau church. Mr. Poterson has been uinplojod at tho school for 8 jearri during which time holms turned out a great many first-class tailors. To Marry Miss Knight. Mr. Arthur Stringer and sister, Mrs. I.co, of San Francisco, arrivod In the city today. Tho young gentle man will wed Miss Wllena Knight tho well-known artteachur, and duiigh terof Itev. mid Mrs. P. H. Knight, on Wednesday evening of this week. To cure I.a Grippe, aeep warm, errvecUIl) Ike istU and take Dr. Miles' Nervine. Firiilue Cai'i'ds uren & HamlltoN x HOUSE FURNISFxERS a 1' 1 Picture Molding 'ill Ponnp Ilr Aaaurlntril I'rraa to Oie Jnnrnnl. Iomhn, Oct. 1(1. Tho gradual cutting off of telegraphic commission with South Africa reduces the amount of ac curate newx obtainable to a minimum. Thus far no rullable Information has Ihhmi received of any actual fighting ex cept at Kraaipan and an occasional ex change of shots at various outposts. Tho only salient facts In tills morn ing's telegrams are thai tho Boers have advanced bcjotid Now castle and formed a langer near Danhusur, about 12 miles north of Dundee and that Kimberly is isolated and probably Invested. Klmlicrly has thus iH'aome the Im mediate i enter of Interest, The last message from Klmlicrly prior to the cut lug of the telegraph and railway by the lloers said ; "All tt tops at Klmlx-rly lire well." Cvi'imiWN, Oct. 1(1. The Orange Free State troops have cut tho telegraph wires and destroyed tho railroad track at Nerval Spoilt, just across the Free State border. A dispatch from Dundee, Natal, sujs tho Hoor command, estimated at 2, (KM) men with sixteen Held guns, has reached D.tunpauscr, with thu prolmblo inten tion of surrounding Dundee and cutting oft the garrison from communication with (ilencoe ami I.ad)siulth. The Iloer force from Newcastle is be lieved to be marching around Gloncist to sever Its connection with uniysinltli, Itcfiigcos in Cactowu threaten to ls coiiiu troublesome, and have hooted and mobbed a iiiimlsjr of leading Dutchmen. The expectation is that martial law will ho proclaimed. ,11 9Htt RUGS! Dont fail to see our line of Center tables. Golden Oak, Ahhog anv. Birch and Ash. The best Styles and Lowest Prices. Oilcloth season has arrived. We have a full stock of Oilcloth and Linoleums. See the remnants suitable for stove mats. SMYRNAN PERSIAN TURKISHj New Line. MMm Ml RUGS! Iimiov, Out. 1(1. Many stories of brisk llghtlmr at Kimberly are In circu lation, but although tho forces are llktly to have comu In contact, all allegeil div lulls must Ihi regarded us premature ami speculative. Thu alh-gtsl viriiluiKo of thu IIMtr at tacks Ukiii Mafitklug and Kimberly lire riHidily understood w hen it Is reallunl that Iteohiiaiialaiid is to thu Hours what Als.icu-Ioraiiio is to France. On tho other vide of the country tho IUmts are closing around JlritMi out' (Kiatrt and have already uxchuuged shots therefore more stirring noww Is exist ed. It is asumel that the rufuwil of the lloers to wcupt luttlu in Nutal last week lndleutiut their unwillingness to com munco hostil.tles. Uu thu other hand, the IkiurM are probably V astute to play the HrltUh game at the risk of uu eiigagumuiit on ground w hero artillery could Isj brought Into play and moved rapidly. Very heav j rains and snows nro re poneu, wiiu n Hamper tlio lloor movo menls, and they are llndlng that thoy began too Into to easily obtain tt,o Initial sm-cesses eounlel upon. They ovldeiilly Unit the advance upon I.udy smith dilllcult, eitlier frvmi the north or west, as General Sir Oeorgo Stewart While's reconuoissuuco seems sullleleut to deter them for tho present. SirAlfrol Mllner has wired to Mr. Chamberlain thetoM of an liillamma tory circular which Field Cornet Villooii clrciiliitel in Johannesburg some weeks nwi, with a view of imvnsliig tho Afrl kiimlers on With sides of tho Orange riv er agiitiit Kngtanil. The Dally Mall's l'ao Town eerres pomleiit, telegraphing Sunday evening, said: "Klmlicrly is lieselged, and the Iloera are massing In force. No details how ever, aro obtainable." "The Iloors have cut the railway at Holmout, having solred tho Hpvfentelii railway station and coiistructiHl forlllled earthworks. There are strtmg defend ing forces at Mmlder river, and the Orange river. "The object of Iheso energetic oKr utloiis is Udlevnl to Ih' the i upturn of (Villi ltlusles. Kimberly is now Iso latisl, ImiIIi railway mid telegrnphie emu munleatlou In-lng cnl," The Hilly MuII'h (llencisi coriesixin. dent under date of Sunday, says- lorees under (ouimiimlaiit Vlljm'ii, from Spltkap, (Kcupiisl Newcastle, Saturday afli rmsin, and, it is reKirted, plauteil their Hag ovur thu town hall, "It is rumored that thu Hours have captured u k1Ico patrol of six men at Dejnger's Drift, ou tho Huffulo river." The government has secured thu Am wa, which was to havo sailed from Av- enmuuth tomorrow for Montreal, with 1U00 passengers. Thu Australian govern- iiiont has set u red the White Star lino steamer Medical, now at Melbourne, to convey the Australian coiilliigent to South Africa. PRESIDENT ANDRADE ABANDONS VENEZULA. Work Was Finished Saturday Instead of Today. The business of tho Presb.v tcrian S) nod was wound up Saturday after noon in ono-two-threo order, and the reverend gentlomen and elders compos ing that body havo eeattervd to their sov eral homes. A great variety of business was trans uded on Saturday ufternoou, ami as It was seentoboposslbloto clear tho docket without lotting anything go over for Monday, no tinio was frittered away. Among tho matters reported on vv is Uiodobtof tho Albany College, about f4,500. NothlngJIiad lioon ilono for this during thu past year, but an effort w III now bo made to reduce the Imlobedness. A now permanent committee, the mombors of which will servo three years, was created, on Young IVoplts Socioties. Kov. W. 8. Holt was appointed a dele gate to tho World's conference of mis sions, which will meet in New Vork City in 1IHX). Itev. W. It. WlnuiiH addressed the ViiihI on the work of thu Ainerhan Sabbath Silieol Union, nnd Itev. (I. F. West told of tho labors of tho Oregon illble Society. Iteports show til that three new churches had lieen added to the synod during tho year. A resolution changing the time of meeting of the Synod from Thursday to Tuesday vv as voted dow n, and Portland wasllxtil umiu as tho next place of meeting. A resolution was then passed adjourning the synod at the close of Sundays'sHcrvlies, The evening meeting In tho Interest of forvigu missions was wull attended ami was addressed by Mrs. I.L. McCommoii, .Miss IMna ProUinan and Itev. W. OilU'rt. The program for Sunday was carried out as planned. Various pulpits of the city were llllcd by members of the synod, and tho exercises, morning and evening, at the Presbyterian church, woroeievlully liitonsntliig. Chaplulrr W. S. (lllborl, mm of the prominent figures of the synod, went homo tislay. Seen iy a reporter hn said : "I huvouccoptod n call to Calvary church, subject to the approval of the Presbytery. Wo have all hud good tlmo at Salem, There has been good feeling throughout all tho sessions, The utmost harmony and good fellow ship has pruvullcd, There lias Ikhiii no spirit of discord or controversy input fust in our proceedings. The reports showed the affairs of thu church all ovur Oregon to Ihj In a presenilis condition. The debts of our principal churches at Portland, Salem and Kugouo are paid off. The tluhU of all the different Ismnls aro paid. . The church Is practi cally out of debt." Their attitude ou IMilitlcal ami spiritual matters, he said with u smile, they would let the press dulliie. Makes tho food more delicious and wholesome aoYiaiw aovrtta ro airen. INDIAN TROUBLE IN ARIZONA UprlsInK Proclpltatotl By Sotcltors nt tha Son Cnrlos Aironoy Ilr Aaanclnlril I'rraa to Hit Jonrnnl Wasiiimiton, Oct. 1(1. Thu war de partment has received dispatches from General Merriam reganllng a posslblo outbreak In the San Carlos Indian agency, Arizona. The llrst reads : "Denver i no commanding omror ut San Carlos remrls that on Friday night alsmt 12 a detail of the command made an attack on four ciuoful Indi ans, heating them severelv. There Is bad feeling among the Indians." A later illsuitch sajs: "I havoonlorvd Col. KtGronor, of tho Tenth cavalry at Fort Grant to proceed Immediately to San Carlos and Investi gate tho disturbance between thu sol diers and thu Indians. I have also or dered a troop of cavalry to follow him as soon as possible and take a temporary station there." Miigbaiina, according to letters, plans to attack tho suburb, to Ho Ilo with tlifs force, carry tho city, and slaughter tho Americans. A body of Tugalos, estimated to num ber bctw ecu 500 and 1000, recently ro nioved from Santa Harbara to Kscalanto, on tho island of Negros, for the purposo of aiding lutopapaislo'nbanditH in keep ing under tho Inhabitants whouro friend ly to tho Americans. SERIOUS WORK Mr Aaaut'lntri! I'rraa In tile Jnurnnl. I'.miis, Oct. 111. A illspulcu from Cat acas, Veneiuela, suysl'iosldunt Andiinlo Is preparing to leave thu country and tho Insurgent leader, General Castro, Is master of thu situation Three Prominent People, Kx. President Harrison is in llurliu, President MuKinlcy spent Sunday ipilelly ut Sioux City, Iowa. Admiral Dewey left Hostou, with wo pie cheering und running after his train. AOOUEI" AXAINISTER WILTON Latest Design IRON BEDSTEADS, A New Lot. Prices Lower Tna' Ever. StuP TZJURBN " HAMILTOM St TWO GAZETTUS IU8UEU He Kntcrs College. Frank Mtmdunhull toluy enturtsl as a student in the tollego of mnliuluo to take the full course. He U it sou of Dr. W. F. Mendviihiill, who has practiced at Harrlsburg wince lH'.'l, onooftbo mot prrgresslve iiiumburH of the profession In Oregon. DONT CHEW THE RAG CHEW Honey Moon Gum ELLIS & ZINN, LOCAL DISTRIBUTORS. IN ILO ILO. InniiruontR Finn to Attnok thu City nnd Slnuuhtor Amorlonnn Ilr viii'lnlril I'rraa u Ilia Jonrnnl, Mtitu, Oct. Ill, II tin u. m. Mull advices from Ilo Ilo stale that there is great tension Mvvcen the Vlsavaus ami Tugalos, grow ln( out of the Tugalos hold ing Arenlu, a leadur of tho Vlsayans, a jirisunor, slncu tliu threatunod Vlsayan revolt against Tugulo dominion a month ago. Tho Vlsayans are Incensed to tho Miluto( rolielllon. While tho Tugalos nominally control only the military or ganisation of the so-ejilhsl Filllphio lie public, they have urovviled out the Vis U)ans from the civil brunch, whereat there is great discontent. The Tugalos are reported to Inicoiicuh trutlug the troops In i'aney at Santa Harbiira, where Delguil, chief of thu nv ohitlouury govurniiiunt commands, with u view to putting themselves In it pos ition to suppress tho Vlsayans Four thousand Tugulos, who have Wen held In reserve at Cuplx, In tho northern part of the province of I 'a nay, lust wtik embarkisl In ciisomm, the Heel's pursiHe U'lng to land ut Concci- Hon, whence the trooiis would iimrth to Santa Harhara. Adverts) winds pre vented the landing, however. General Pillion's force from Ilueua Vista Is id so roortil to be going to Bantu llarburu. 'Hie Insurgents will havo '.',(HK) men und IMKX) or 1000 rllles there. Guneral SUI'nEME COUHT. Admits a Lawyer and Renders Some De cisions Today, Oliver S. Hiown admitted ou exami nation. Tow lo i(. Daly, nppclluitt, vs. Grace Oslsiru, resiHmdunt, judgment imslilltilj opinion by Moore, J, Daniel Lnvory, resixindent, vs. T, L. Arnold, apHillaut, x)tltlen for rehearing denied; opinion by Moore, ,T. Asher Marks, resoudont, vs. Win, It. Willis, et ill., nppolhtnls, judgment nlllrmed; opinion by Heiin, J, l.ldenV, Kern, upH'llant, vs. J W. Kern, ut al., respondent, judgment utllrmod ; opinion by Hcun, J. , Win. li. Willis, administrator, appl , vs. Geo, W, Smith, resKimleut, Judg ment allltmed, opinion by Wolveriou, O. J. State of Oregon, respondent, vs. M. !!, MoKlvaln, npwllaut, judgment alllrimsli opiuloii by Widverntou, C.J. lieu Itelsner und family ss'iit Sun day at the home of J. P. Johnson and family on Asylum Avenue. If you 're gray before forty there's something wrong. You need Ayers j Hair Vior WHEAT MARKET. Oiiiomio, Oct. 1(1. DtvemlMit 71 ' (3n.h WW. Han Fiumiihio, Oct. 10, Cash l.ftH. Misses Kid Gloves tfoi.tymj Shaw Knit Hosiery U7N.UHU CUMMICHCIAL, 8T OUH, OOUHT PltESII OANII'i AND CIlBlSIS. Just recelvwl u new line of fresh up to-dute candles which together with my fresh home luudo chisudntu t reams mak is u nice assortment from which to solti t. Call ut the Hon Hon VM State St. ami get u supply for )ourielf and lx.-t friend, Ornish Proclaim Martirl Law and mind Subcct of Ohligallons. Duuiun, Oet. 10 Two extraordinary limfuHid liu ft lum lanil. Tlu, II rat i ,-..... .-- ...-. proolalins marliul law In Nwwmatw, I Dundee, Klljt Hiver, Unslga uisl l'pr TtigiUi divisions. The reusoii glvwi is u InjIIhI that Natal sohJt-cU haya juIiihI thu invading Hour ami asidalMl the im my. Thu other gazette remind Hrltish snl Jvcts of their obligations to the Umi, und warns them to abstain from iitir cuurroand trade with the rrariavu.il or Oraris I'rw SUt. KIMBKIH Ev"UE8rnOED Jl of the Telegrumi That Arrlvtl Suq Jay Evening, Ilr Aaaoclalcd I'r.aa lu Ibr JuatmmU Umuov, Oat. In. So far us ac.ua I news is concerned, very little a)MHg in the situation U ntU-ed. Trio Ut of affair at Mafekinj ean only be eoti- jeotuml. TJ"! uMWpatofi of eratw by the Hrs was prepareil fur arwl ex peeled, Urn la0 having l-eoo aLamkmtal by the HritlUi, Tim lUn are rtsirted to bo meuadiiig KlmlsjrU)-. t: lw km Ah Ladiesf Mackintoshes. liittat style imi coats, warranted wit ter proof. Missci Mackintoshes Litest style, warranted wuterprisif, Msn's Mj:kintojh:s, Ba's Mi:kintosh:j. n Exchange of News. Tell us hut you think ulsiiit ei-glasM-M and we'll tell you what Wo knun' about them und a gisl many interesting fueta about eye and their treatment. What we have done ami what we uru do ing to better the condition of mgu wrth I'm Dry. so will you be if you wear a Duck Brand Mackintosh QS s A laV Vl A3 KV C J J. s Vt I ( !T1 -', N V si ), C rU rj 1 A n" n -i r"4k. M WE SI I OW . i i Up.loiltte line of MENS Dress and Working Pants in AUJSalem. Children' I'mbrullai, 21 in.. 10' up. laidles' I'liihrillas, '.'0 iu., steel rod, Moi'l1' "- i .Minis' l,mnreiias,.ooo up. - 1 I I ' " TTTT MO TOnA bOTTON orr i I hop roMA hip, I I I'M iv Ml ' IU1C11C? T0uliri weak shdit utn lie iaHlisi from our sue- ttnui. Vo have the skill, uxperlenet and Milltlt-s lor testing the )im ami fitting, glasnea and framw. HERMAN W. BARR S. O,. Graduate Opt Ulan 1 18 State St The Bargain House of Salem, 248 COMMBRUlAb . i . j. -au iW-.