""MFPW' -- rrnmfftr-F' ' a vagassBmegSSSISSSSi rr . i v Mftissfcji iiraawsMilWiTTrf rjjBaJXMwMmCriii 0ut (Guarantee a X a; Your Money Back if Yoit Want Itl Top Coat is an absolute necessity Tan These cold mornings, and we are fully prepared to meet your every want in dox koais, uiers, jinn jYiacKiiiiuMio ui cvciy uest-iipuuii. covert box coats lined and unlined, in all the fashionable shades and weaves ,$10 to $17,50 Blueblack beaver coat, well lined and trimmed made for service. ) Mackintoshes Coats in box $7,50 and cape Schillings Best tea sold only in Packages - blue, black. Ian and browns. SL50 to $12 S&..TOL Johnson & Co. 257 Commercial St., Salem, Or. TUB D11LH JOURNAL BY HOPRK BHOTH8RH HATUUDAi, OCTOilKll. 7, 1891). Dally, Ono Year 93.00, In Advanoo Dully, Tout MoatUi 111 00, U Advnnoo Weekly, One Year 81.00, In Ailtrnnoo simmnTTTmntmnnmrnnimnnnnnni? E AROUND THE EVENING LANIPXXXXX.XXX Par Wo(cru llefltrtlon m Ilia Ncwrst lloolts and MnKHilnun, 3fUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUllUUllUUUllUlV A Demainl IIV A. M. CAIU'K.VTKIt, IN MTKIIAIUIIC. IMnltro I-nlwl, after thu Bpooch for (ho prosecution, took Dreyfus by tho lintul and HoiiKlit to cheer liliil, wiiylnu;, "A domain Counigo!" "Tomorrow" was tlio wonl, tliu inanloi mud, Smiling now rourniro on the soldier's fttCO. Tomorrow truth vv 111 inltu down fiilo- hood's lifinl And turn to Unlit tho shadow of dm- Krnro. Hut morrow hw opt nwny tho dawning; llOt,H). Bhnwcd malice, iiniipR'iin('d, on trenched and strong, ltovcnltxl to startled worlds tho bound less W'0t(l 01 1'orro trlmumpliiint, panoplied in w rong. llnu'u up thy wml iiKiilul 0 martyred limn, Unllliichlng fuco armed fraud bornft of ruth; Nor veary thou, whoso blood for duty run, Champion of Jtutleo, iIiiiiiiUimh for tho truth. (iod't morrow comes! Iuvinuihlo Is rU'it, llmvowuilsendurol Tomorow counts thu Light. All attempt hint Ih'oii mucin to Mvuro tho publication of Hutu. I.. Simpson's jiouins. It wan rvKirtcd some tlmo ago that his sister, Mrs. llurnoy, of l'ort Und, who hui ii eompkto not of lift man uscript, would go to ruu Francisco mid try to secure n publisher, hut It lit not known that ahu met with uuy success. It In moro tlimi likely that no Cullfor. nla publisher will very gladly unnlMt n publication thnt would cast in tho nliutlo all tho verso writer that hno boon pro duced In thnt state. It I" a fuot thnt Ixrth Washington nndjCidifornlit literary fame nru largely borrowed from Oregon. Joaquin Miller nnd Kiln HlgitlnHon uro IkUIi Ort'KoniaiiM In till tho traliiluit, prostration mid tho Inlluoncos of on. vimiimout that go toward milking u ioot. Tho Intost celebrity was horn mid reared in Oregon ltdwnrd Murk hum. There ha lutoly Ikhui published tin oxqtiUlto poom, "A Wlntor Flower," thnt It nuiK-rior in louder lenity to any tooin wo have over seen produced on the cotut, uiid that i ono of tho Into Sum I.. Blmpson's host. Tho Oorvullhi Times, In reprinting tho ikxiiii, com mented ns follows : "It It full of tho subtlo boauty of ox prewdon and poetic thought, of vvhloh )io m tho mnittnr. It wnv writton nlKniltoii yonm uuo, at whloli tlmo it m lmndod to Bonntor John 1. Duly, of lkVitoii county, in riy-oniiltlou of h oor ilfulTrloiidahlii of louu ntnndlni:. It jiA jiiihllUi ut that tlinn, hut, co fur ux known, Iiiih not uliiro uppimrtxl In , 1'rIut.V HoroUn vorxoof tho ihhiiii, tdiowlnt; how dillkult, ot nuiHlral, hi tho motor -And tho itonny iwuplo boaido tho nato I.iko n wulliiiu iiilinttrol huhk. I'or tlttt ilcK'titiK vrol'l o( hl royal utiitu, Jllotui liunl ly too vuii'lul winds of fnto, In tattord tuiuuuni huni;. Hclonco nnd Mr. IMdy's Ixxik, Sclonco nnd Hcaltli. Mnrk Twnln hnft nover loon known to tuko n (h'op intorcnt In ruligloiiH umttorH, and of cotim) lio dooe not trout thu uoui'Ht of orgnnlcd churchoH utiill Horlounly. It In u trihuto to IiIn skill itH n litorury ontortnluor thnt ho could writo njiiully as humoroiin nu nrtlclu iilmut tho "Hnnhiholl" ltuptlHtH or tho liluh.chiirch iioophi, and it Ih tin oviduiiro of urcutor puhllo intorort in Christian Hciouco thnt ho Iiuh Holcotcd thnt thfino for it Kpulnr miiKitr.iuo. Mrn. I-Mdy'H hook in wrltton upon u lilh piano of ChrlHtian thotiKht. Hor pliil OHophy 1m ndmlttod to n founded on irliiclpl()H of .MolnpliyHlcd that nru mi nKKullnhlu. Tho host iiiforuicd tlioolo KintiH iiKrou thnt Mm. IMdy linn taken tho ground out from under tho fool of u Hcoroof hnlMi.ikod nyHtimm that neer NturtcMl rlnht, luivo lieen huporfeetly do volopod mid loud In no Holld coiu'IiihIoiih. Thu inedinll hoIiooIh mid theolonlcal moIiooIh Niiffor aliko ut tho hiniiU of thin tlcar-bralued bunlucnH Now Kntum! womnu, and tho theory thnt Mark Twain I . f lj..... !... .... .. ....tl... .....I ,l.l..1r.a in juiiitiiin in iivr iin 11 uriinr nun tniiinui, who apH'alH to K)Hlhly moro hoiIo than ho iIouh, nan iilono explain IiIh at tempt to belittle hor liteiary taluntn. lio oxKndri hiit poui.Tn on tho art o' ChrlHtian hetiliiiK, hut as that Ih ii iUoh lion of fact ho can I mi refuted by anyone who rlniuin to have been healed by Mrn. IMdy'H teaching. Ah ulmoHt none have joined .Mrn. IMtlyV ornaiilnitlniiH but (lemonx who have boon helH.'d, they uro nu u rule iiiiln lluoureil by tho urtH of Initio or poworH of ridicule. Tho inun in tho Sorlpturo who had boon blind wan nuked how he had Immiii healed, lie did not know, "hut thin I do know, whorciiM I wiih nm-o blind, now I can noo." If Mrn. KddyV Htudeutit ran Kut tlio bonolltH I hey claim from liur fyiiUuii, mid Imi ChilntiatiH to tlioirowu NitUfuutloii, they will IuiikIi nnd grow fat over Mark TwaiuV ridicule and probably enjoy life moro lliuu he dtHw wliofor pay will writo to ridicule another' religion. Tho Ctuuuoitolltaii for Ootobor bun an Article from Mark Twain on ChrMinu Small, Mnymird A Co., Ilontou, have puhllHhod "A btcal lluhltatlon" by Walter I.0011 Hawer. It Ih 11 oloxo Htudy and ohorullou of life Inn Imunl. Ing-houwiillHlrlct In a largo oily. It in goo.1 iiaturtMl and 11 h truo a hiiiuII life Htudy iin anything Ople Iteador llamllu flurland luuo done, i'rlco fl.'Jfi. IlnrjKtr'H Weekly, Saturday Kenlng l'ont and Now York 1.1 le have ouch given the public highly urtlxtlo ooloml iilltiuiiM of iHiwoy iiumborM of their inagur.lnes. ThoNorthwuet Iuih now threw publl. oatloiiN (outeiidlng for litumry fame, Tho Stale o( Taooma, thu ruelllo of Port land nnd tlio Nulho Sou of Oregon. All three are (sllleil with uhlllty and bae Home luhertUlng nupHirt. Thin U a re markablo reeord for a region mi thinly mittletl tin Oregon and Wimhliiglou, whm woooutidur thnt utatiM like louu and MlniiiiHlIU hao Ih'oii unable to kinip aliu Hindi puhlloutloun. On a reoout tour of tho Iwiht It afforded tho w ritur not a llttlo Mitifnotloii to wiy: "Here in 11 luugiDiiuo publUliwl in our Htuto. It hat a high ituudnrd of literary excel- luuco and tlio artlolM mid ihwiiih are iibout Oregon and mniuly by Oregon writer." For ovoiiuom of touti nnd puroly litttniry merit tlio I'aolllr Monthly urpitM any publication in tlw Wtt. "Tho Statu" iKimwnni Kru"' iMilitleul iuoraud tho Nutlvo Son imlo voted to tho onler it represent ami in at tlio Niiuti time u hltturUwl inaiine. Kvury eitiwn of tlio Northwoct nlwuld foul uhlo to invent u dollar a yar iu at leant uu of thooo Hiblluntlon, in which wo hould turn iiioiv prido than in our kky-crar. "ThcTainlntrof tlio Jiinutu" by Dr. 0. W. Doylo, in now from tho promt of Lippincott A. Co., nnd in attracting wide attention, ouinjr powlhly to the Hiinllar ity in titlo to tlio hooka thnt inndo Kip ling fiimniiR. Thocditorof'I.ltointuro" ventures the Fimgcetlon thnt had this volume preceded KlplingV, itn author would havoHtoodcorri'Hpondinaly higher. Tlio now book oflors n highly (Invorod ropnt from tho Dnrklnud of tho poiith Hcn, nnd Ih worth ro-rendlng. I'rlcc I.2.'i. "Meadow OriiHs," by Allco Ilronn. Thin hwik of delightful nlorWn ban had a vory brilliant enreor. It Ih now forcibly recalled to public attention by MIhh Ilrowu'H now book of tho fame kind nnd tho nnmo cliium, "Tiverton TiiIoh," 1'rlco f.r.O Houghton Mifllur A Co., Ilonton. Hfchard Ilnrding DnvlH'n new book, "Tho I.lon mid Tlio Unicorn," with bIx illuHtrntioiiH by II. 0. Christy. Returning in thin volume to thu Held of hlHA'nrly miiccohwh, Mr. Davis miikoH It plain thnt his knowledge of human nature Iiuh deepened mid broadened in tho Hiimu proportion that his work as a litorury urtiitt ban acquired cxijtilclto finish and precision. In perfection of slgullcnnt detail, as well uh iu color mid feoldig, tho tlllo-story iu this now liook Mauds unrivalled, while tho other nlor- ius supply umplo ovldenco of tho breadth of tlio author's sympathies and tlio ex traordinary keenness of his ob-ervatlon of character. Tho volume contains, iu addition to tho titlo story, "On tho I'ovor Ship," "Tlio Man with One Talent," Tlio Vagrant," and "The IjihI Uido Touothor." Prlco $!.!, ScribnerV Sons, Now York. "Agatha Webb," Ily Anna Katharine Green, is the mod nbsorbh.g story Hint has appeared during tlio piiHt few yours. It Is deemed by thoso acquainted with Anna Kath arluo (iroeu's works tolm tho most 110 tablo achievement of hor jkiii. Tho scone of tho story Is laid In a staid Now England village, not far from lloxlnu. Aguthn Webb and hor currmit aro found dead. Tho tusk of unraveling the mystery begins at onco, and tho nar rativo is woven together with such eonsummuto skill that thu guilt points In turn to a number of persons. The author builds up tho most astonishing ensu ofcircumstuntliil evidence ugaiust ouch of thorn iu turn, only later to up-et tho rwulur's lino-spun theorlos. Tho itomuoii 01 1110 uiysiory, wlileli Is ie vealinl in mi Intensely dramatic eouit Meno, Is tho most Uhtoufshiug feature of tho Isiok. In addition to tho attraction of tho mystery, there Irtufaclnatlng lovo story. 1'rico fl.io, lieo. I'. I'litumu's Sons, Now York. The Artisan Social, On Wednesday evening nt their hall In tho.Turner Ulock, tho United Artis ans gnvo tho fir t of n series of monthly entertainments to Imj given throughout tho wlntor. Uy 8 o'clock tho hall wns comfortably filled mid tho 1st number of tho follow ing program presented. Solo .Mips Kurtz Address . ..Hon. II. 8. liudfon Solo Mrs. llpllmid Heading ... Miss Curler Solo ,. . .Mrs. Seeley Solo .. '..Mrs. Hinges Misi Carlur, and Menlamea St'eley, llollanil anil Hinges each kindly re Hiiond'.'d to an imi core which wns In cm Ii cneo ns lioartily npplnudcd as tho origl nal number, Tlio main point of tho scnker was to ImproFs upon tho audience the lwnellt of fraternal orders in general, and of this particular branch of fraternity, in par ticular. Ho urged Vo ndvnntngo of n society originating Iu our own state. Ono when) every dollar wiih kept in our midst mul ono ostnbllshed upon so Hiiro a basis ns thnt of tho United Ar tisans. He impressed his remarks with many ludlclous incidents which served to relieve tho monotony of dry details and to keep tho audience in a state of mind bcllttliig tho occasion. After tlio program, several hours wero spent in conversation mid dancing, Ilackeusto's orchestra furnished de lightful music, nt intervals throughout tho evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Neckermnn hnve returned from Fortlund not being able to make their trip to Idaho. .Mrs. I.. F. Grlillth and sister, Miss Lillian Mutschuu have returned fiom Portland. . Vmr"tnTj6gpJ I ruiAMtfir K H Tha Kitohon Sink Should not breed diseases like typhoid fever or malaria. It will not if yom we Gold Dust fa iMtwurt." K.K. U.mk I $MS On tho unth of April, three hundred years ago, Oliver Cromwoll was horn. Until 1510 ho was 11 farmer, known to fow (KMiplo except his personal friends. Then, us tho Puritans and Cavaliers ho- gun to soparnlo into two cumns, heor- .guuUed 11 troop of horsd culled "Crom woll n Own, "which iu a short tjine grew ton regiment known iia"Thc Inmsldos." All this and much moro ii iu tho histo ries, hut tho life of that day, the story of Croiuw oil's succiws, tho reality of tho situation is told host iu a reconty pub lished historical novel, "Cromwell's Own." Mr. Arthur I'titurson, thu mi thor, has siuiit much tlmo In studying tho- records of Cromwoll's day, and while )ou hmdasti-ong loo story, you aro also learning imuili of llngland, its pooplu and Its oliuiiM, lwlwitin illlIU mid Kill, and still moro of Oliver Crom woll himself. Cloth, ornamental, f 1.60. UiirjHir llros, NKW WNIKH imHIVHII. "Midthipmuu Stewart, or tho hunt Cruise of tlio lissox, liy Kirk Mouroo, Illustrated. I'rico, flJM. Chailosberilf ner's Sons, Now York. "A lioiitloiuau l'lu)or," ! Itolwrt Nollsoii Stovons.lllustrtttotl. l'Hcofl.oO. U C. rairo Co., Itxton. "A Tout of tlraco," by AileJlna Colin felt l.ust, HoughtiMi, Millllu Co., I to, ton. The l).iughto"r7o"f Ikibyhni," by Wll on lktrrott uiul Itolmrt llieheiw. J. It. l.ipHinoott A Co., l'hll-dtdphlu VI10 Host i'rosoriixion tor Mnlnrla V)llUU.l rilUMtll Ihllll ul (IIUHMtrtHTK !. UIIII.I. Ton 10. Il t IwiJj' Iiihi ud liulsliHilua UuIMm (urtM Ku tun, ui wy Aw fcV, J-IT d Aw ui Tlio"l'luw Hoy l'rt'nohor," Uev J. IvIrkiimn.sHyt: 'Aftersutferini; trom umuuhiul or lung ttoublo tun yuirs, 1 wiis cured bv Olio Miuuto lAiuuli Cure." U utiles amijjhs, coliU, crmiw iml lung trouble!,, htuuu's Drug itoro. A rich man died the other day. He dTecl In the very inldmiiniiierof lire, and he left Ills family 1,010,000. The doctor's certifi cate showed'' that death resulted from typhoid fever. The doctor hluuelf aald to a friend: "That man wns a aulcide. He had a splendid constitution. I could have pulled him through If his stomach had been sound Hut he ruined his stomach by hasty mpnlii, snatched In inter- vn! nf liitaltia nM.1 by neelect of symptonn which have been warning him n year past, that his stomach nan liiiiiik in us (limes " The symploms of a disordered condition of the stomach nnd the organ of digestion nnd nutrition ate, among others, variable appetite, sour risings, heartburn, undue fullness after eating, dull headache, dingy complexion, discolored eye, fluctuations!!! physical strength, nervousness, sleepless, nesv despondency No one person will have all these symptoms at once, but any one of them calls for prompt aid for the suffering stomach The restoration of the stomach, digestive and nutritive organs to a condition of sound health, begins with the first dose of Dr. J'icrcc's (iolden Medical Discovery. The cure piogresses fiom that dose until the functions of the stomach and its related otgans are in health) operation. Then the nerves ntc quiet, the appetite healthful, the sleep restful, the eye bright, the complex ion clear Iu one word the body is iu a viiimmtni ui pvlicci ucailU. "I was troubled with Indigestion about two years," writes Win llowker li orjuliaetla. Latah CO . Iilalto I Irlr.l itlflcirut itottors ami remedies but to no avail, until I wrote lo you anil ton told me whst lo do. 1 sulfernl with a rain In my stomach ami led side and thought t 't It would kill me Now I am glad to write this and lei you know that I am all right I can do my work now without pain and I don't lute that tired reeling that J used to hate. I'lve bottle of l)r iTerce's C.ol.ltn Medical Dis covery and two vials of his 'I'leauut Tellels' cureif me ' Don't let the dealer sell you a substitute. '.:.."!' ant n cure Insist on hating "C.oldcn Medical Discovery" Dr. I'lcrce'a rieasant Pellets surpaM all complexion powders. They nuke the skin healthy nnd the complexion clear. Dissolution Njticc. Tho hiixiuusH lately conducted bv . .1. Horschbncli nod W. J . Itulgolimui us Herschlmch & Itoigelmuu willbouoii. tinned by thu uudorsiguoil, ho having Ixiught out all thu Interest of his lute partner. All mils title to ami llaliilltiiw of the Into llriu will hu settled In to 0 tf It,. I, llllHM'lltlU'll. PIANOS, OROAN AND MACHINES, SEW I NO A now Is the tlmo when many are thinking of buying pianos, organs, mul Miwlng inuchlnos, 1 iko this method to remind imi thai you liuve with you tin old Junior In thoo llmw.wlio makes Ha study to luiv his giKslsso ho oun meet all inherited prices on the suuiu gtKids, In tlio sowing inncliliie lino porMins tluil wimo in my btoru ami see what prices machine cuu bo bought for, buy hero. Others, 1 llml, ond, but iml near S'linanv us used ti ilo.iui. cuuu sti many salesmen they talk to charge w uitieli more than they can gel theiii by sontlltig for them. 1 huyo in moc' iiitfii-itrin.Miif-ttiroiidlng kimt- no, an uiiauiiiueiiid. i-orawer. tuk tnblo.sewlng itiucliliiosforllAui IH.5o. 1 till .III llllb until Illljr ribK scniiiiig or nupoHiiuigyoiircasii. you uun see tho machine and sow on It before you pay ror IU Kluuro your prices aihor lld and frelcht and you will see 1 inn fnuii l to $3 ROolioaiwrtlian tlno prices, Ono ox.tinnle: My gain on shipping u.lnulo piano -1 have in. on the rxi.td u car ur plumw, uutsixed packed In u car, ut the ruto of 41 ,'si u liiiudicd; prlco of Ik. Jim the Mo- tory; woik'ui or oov averages ssJ L.M. 54, 50, & 58 Phono 871 . - - -.rj.. .w V. . V . L Ti Ti i iif Jlr.iniWi rr HsHfTiif MTsi Itsll TfMfrll - - - - -S.-n.. - ir , . . - . . WiMMBBWWMMiilii !! I ! - -- ",- 7 .. " ' isimsssb mmmnmrntt tsaii TJT 1 tlD j m$ k Eastern Railroad ff Wm q Mr f I I r . TIME CARD, BJi H MH im&&M mm ii Stato St Grain, Hay, Flour, Mill Feed, Building Mntcna!. Lime, Oment, Plaster etc, Grain, Hay and Straw stored wagon bcalcs, of Prompt and careful attention given to tho delivery of the city. goods to nny pnrt -8-tf OLINGER RIGDON Undertakers and Embalmcrs, We wish to announce to tho general public that wo havo purchased tho most elegant mul mngniilcnnt funeral car, of latest design, nnd aro therefore In a posi tion to handle futiurnls in u much better ninnner than heretofore, mid witli less ex K)ii. We lmo long felt thnt Bnlcni, being tho enpitnl city of a great stnte, should lw up to date in tho manner of handling funerals, nnd wo hnve therefore spared no expenso in nurchnslng tho car. It waa built by the James Cunningham Co., Uochcster, New York, who build the finest vehicles In the United States. While this is not the most expensho funeral car ever built, still it is tho flneatover shipped to Oregon. Wo cordially invito all to lnpect our facilities, and when necessity requires, to give us liberal patronage. OI.INGElt Aj IUUDCkV HBATINGI STEAM, HOT AIR, HOT WATER Estimates furnished, and work done promptly, substantially and at honest prices. Fruit and Hop Dryer work a specialty. T. S. BURROUGHS, 102 Stata St, Phone I5II BIST OREGON WKEKLV , Is issued Thursday morntnilnjllmc to read; all nulls of tho Htute the suuiu week. Tic $1.00 Weekly... Vat Yunulnn: Truln leaves Albany .....Is!:50 p. m. Train leaves Uorvtillls.... 1:45 p. iu. Train arrives Yaqultm... 0:00 p. in. I Ilcturning: Leaves Yuquina 7-00 a.m. Leaves Corvallls 1 1:40 a. tn Arrives Albany 12:25 p. in. 3 For Detreit: Leaves Albany 7:40 a.m. Arrives Detroit 11:55 u. m. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:25 n. tn. Airlvcs Albany C::i5 p. m. OLeaves lbauy (1:05 p. tn. Arrives Corvullis 0:55 p. iu. 5Lciives Corvallls (1:10 u. in. Arrives Albany 7:25a. in. One unci twe connect ut Albany nnd DPPAMTj r vii "nit" Mail S . in Hno"" knnc Iler 2.90 pm 8 p in 8 ti. m ex. Htm Batnr- Us: ISVP Hnlcm C00 am (Tils Tlin and Hat Corvallls with Sotitbern Paeille tialns, ' 10 p " giving direct service tJiintlfrom ftew port und adjacent benches. No. 0 runs from Albany to Corvallls on MundiiVB, Wcdncsduysand Fridays only. No. 5 runs from Corvnllls to Albany on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sutur davs only. Trains for the mountains urrhcat Detroit at no'jn, giving ample time to reach camping grounds on tlio llrclteubusli and Sanlinm river the TIMS SCIIKDOLr. From I'ortlniiil Ali,nu, Halt iJtko, Dcmcr H. Worth Omaha, Kmimui City, Ht Uiills,(Jlilcao and Kflst, W'aUwVna7Hpok7nc,"yfln"mT. Bpolls, Ht. I'anl, Dillutl), H. nukcc Clilcogu ami cost. OCKAN BTKMHIIIl'ar For San Francisco, Ball crcrjr llo iIhjs. colTijMn"iAiTiv"Klt urt'A ,IIM, To Astorlu and uuy Linitlnns, C (5 pm srh t.nn Mm s. " m. I', in I i. m 0 Hmi. WIUjAMHTTK ItlVKIl I'ortlnud, ttcKbcrg ami Iindlucs. same day. WAI.DKK It. u T V A P. A. J.TUKKKK Anciit, KMVIN STONK, Maliaiiu' Albany, Otu, WILLaMETTK IllVElt DIVISION STEAMER ALBANY, Captain Znmalt. Leaves Salem at 7u. m. for Portland uud way landings ovcry Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday. Tlic steamer has been cfiiiliincil with first class meninmotlatluiis, liicluuliig an elegant piano. Unsnrpasscit tor carryliiR both (relKht ami parsetiKvni. I)ork-Fnot nt Stale street. Kl) N nil-S Acent. Canadian Pacific R Soo Paeille Line, Travel in comiort by tho IMPERIAL uii uij In two partscoutuliiH all Important Foreign, NuMonnl und Slulo News. i raiy jora u The Moilcl Oregon Newspaper nnd Family Journal. Uniting News, Fiction, Literary, Ranch and Dairy and Market, Nuws'ln attractive reitd.tblu form. the fastest train crossing the continent. It is a through train making fewstops. Its equipment is of surpassing eloganco. It will pay you to travel by it. For full u.irticiiltirs as to rate, time and copies of O. 1. U. publications ap ply to C. M. LOUKWOOD Agent. Salem Ore. II. II. A Dolt, Agent Portland. B. J.C'oyle, A U.P A, Vancouver II C. Arn. Iai.i wnrlC P. m. I ,va We,t, WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION-, Daily boits to Portland ns atave. "" Transfers to street car line nt Oreg C i If the steamers are delajccl there ounl trip tickets to nil points in Oregon, Wtshi ton, or California. Connection made at I'oit land with all rail, ocean andrivcr lines W. IJ.llURLHUlU. Cen'l I'aj. Agt. l'ortlanH. (), G. M. POWERS, Agent, Trade street docn Salen,, HOISE it llAKKEK, Citv Agcnti.. IPT to I Tl r SOUTH AND EA VIA SI-KSTA RO'JTL im Pacific Co, OKTIIK Southern cxrmcss trains run daiiy 7:00 v Ml Lv....l'oitland. ..Ar 9:45 PMr....Satcui ... Ar 7.'45 am) Ar. San Francisco Lv :IC ti 5-2. a M b:U.i v m lilo PM 64St'H it 50 AM 6,30 r u 9 25 I'M 35 I'M 0.40 A m h40l'4 5'OOPM Ar Ofidcn ... Ar 6:05 I'M Ar Denver. . Lv 6.43 am Ar . . . . Omaha . . . . Ar 8'ljr-M Ar . . Chicago ...,I,v 7.00 am Ar, ..Los Angeles.. Ar 8'IS ri Ar .. El Paso .... Ar 4,15 rM Ar....Fort Worlh...,Ar 7.55 A m Ar.. New Orleans. ..Ar UtNlNU CARS QltSEkVATIQN CAR Pullman lirst-clas and tourist ideemiK car attached to all through trnim , Toutitt can through to Chicago without change, ROSMUkd MAIL, -DAlLY. .Ar (4.'iof)l( Lv 1 1 50. r M Lv 1 7.MO A M 8:30 AMI Lv. . . Portland" 1055 A MLv...,Baletn.... 5,'jo rM) Ar . Rosobure.. WiiM' SIDE DlVblON. 1IKTWKKN TORTLANU AND CORVAI.LIS. AMUlains dally except Sunday. 730 a M I Lv. . .Portland. . Ar I 550 r m ii. '55 pm Ar....Corvnllis.. Lvf i.-iom At Albany and Corvallis con. ect tit tains of the C. & E. Ry . InWendence" TaSKeRui:k. " HXfRlvSH TKAIN PA1LV LKXCKrr SUNDAY. 8.'2S A M A M AH Direct connections at han hrancuco with steamship Ihei fo HAWAII, IAPAN. CHINA, 'IIIEPIIILLII'INES and Al'S TRALIA. Tor through tickets and rates call o- V. W. SKINNER, Depot Agent, er V- I). OAllRILLhON City 'ticket Agent, S32 Com mrrclat M. Salem Or. 4:50 P 730 P H-3Q P M) Lv ...Portland... Arl 8.-2S M Lv....McMinnvlllcLvl-5.-5oj M) Ar Independence Lv) 4:50 , K. hUhllLLK, Manage). C.MARKHAM O. K.&P.A. Portlsn JAILT MU J" . 1 1 An independent Associated Frais I'.ierfor IhelVo. pie. Send for Hatupleu free. Tiik Journal has tliq fullest rcixirtof the doliiL'h of the leididuturujind atate oillclalti, usjvsell. usMndeien dgut, cle.tr iml conclMVcmiunnt on u II publlclumtters. Send a trial htiberlptbiii. IEOPUII 1UJOS Notice to Bridge Contractors and Builders. Nutlco Is hereby ulvcn that tho CNutnty court for Marlon County, Ore u'otii requests bid from contractor iiiul bulUlun to repair tlio Joint comity combination bridge over the Santlum much of the old stringers for lloorlnt; purposes that rc bound and tit fur ttmt purpose, Done this Otli day of Octeber, 1809. W. II ALL, County Clerk for Marlon County Ore k'on. Oct tl d&w-:w Oregon SI1011 Line Railroad The Direct Itoiinjio Montana, Utah. Colorado ami all Eastern Points (lives rlinlro ot tun lavurllo roulw, l the Union I'ailtio futt Mll l.luu, rr tliu itldllraiiclebceiile l.lui'. Look at the tunc 11 Dayf to Salt Lake 2 Days t Denver 3 1 Days to Chlcauo Days to New York Unliolstrrnl Toil VtVt ltlllltlic Phalr f'n 1st UliH'pliiR Cars, and riillttmu I'aluru nirci'ersni'arateti on mi trams. For further Information applr.to IIOIHK A llAUKKIt, Axeiits,8lcm W K COMAN.den'IAiieiil (J. O. TKIIHV. Trav. Pass. Ant 121 Third St. rortlaml Tan great; salt lake aouTt The attention ot eamUuml travoieis is called to the advantages olTtrtd thtm by the Rio Grande Western, t'lietiieat Salt Uke Route " The same rate prevailed whether the trip is rnai e via llumineton or an Fran cisco The passenger has hit cluice of two routes out ol Portland, thiee through Colo, rado, and lour east thereof. No oth'r line out of Portland can cin-r such a variety ol routes In addition, a day's stopover is given all 1 asiencers at any oint in Utah or Colo rado. 1liruuc.li pullmsn and touust sleciw ng cars are lunon allrains, as well ai free rcclininu chair cars, the service and ac commodations oflered are equal, if not su lienor to i!ioe of any trans-continental road, and lates are always as low as the lowest. If you contemplate a trip east, writo to J. U. Mansheld, G ntml Acent, Rio Grande VJesttm Kailway, 141 'Ihlrd Mreet, l"oitnd Oregon, for any inlormalion you may need in refeiente to rates, routes or accomodations w 11 10-tf You Can Get a Lower Berth, I til ono exception tho through trains of the llurllnnton Itoute are almost Invariably wcll-IIIIed. Tlie exception Is our St I'uul CIiIcjio Limited. On the limited Micro Is Ubuully roam and lo spare. , Don't Infer that- It Us neither so Hue, nor so fut, as ANY train of ANY other line between bt Paul und Chicago On tho con trary, there Is no nmru beautiful train In America. It has eleclrle lliflit, steitn heat, wide vestibules the most satisfactory dfnfair-c a bcrvlca on tho contlnont-aud lower berth 'or eyerybfMly, A.0.SI1ELI)'JN. (Jeit'l Ai-eut, J'orlland, Or. IHtunds, util a hundred Is u, welkin' river betweou Marlon County and nf pluiui In box uou iMjtiiuis, in jilLinn County near Stayton, Oak'oii, makes S2(. At the rate or 41 00 mukos unit repair und retlll the s-tuie with u (W -a dlilerunce tin the piur.11 iu ivix J now timbers aUivo the uiedle beams. lu uccortlunco wltli the puns and Rebuilt. The woid tUk of RadoUyo A l)toll, wliiih slid into the river jut npmlto lii-utland. Frldi- Inst, the th nit., Iiiu Iksjii itdiullt. Alijtiit IT eunU of wimmI were ciuriod down, but the owiiem m.-iecdod in mvIui; tho roittur mrtton of it To Curo LnOrlppu In Two Day IW Mtallr ttmiuo Qnlttloi lahMs, All Huruuis riuii iihs uiiiuj ir u ro x ufuiili rotuu.1 tlus uiiiuKi if il fat' V. OrutrV sUiutlura U uu wwh lu; 3li8K A mm M. w oun tiordon. ono of the '"44sa Biiin 9 of iN.IOuiuklucti total illiTereuce of - inun iu inns i 1 iv ur ao.iu 1 save uu oauu pmuu, a very ruir prx.tit on mtoli pluuuuud ul.truosavltiK'on u cur bKid. I could till this entire paper full of iiunios of p.triteii ilmt have bouiit, ellliur u plaue, orpin or owlnir n,t. uhlno from me- I will gue you Hie UUIIIUS 01 kix uuiy "ViK rrof, V llawloy, iltNi. 11 Myer, Dr. V, II." llyrd, Father I. I'laeittis. ( Mi. Aiik'el. tnl Durbin and Mr. I' . Illuuos. Kreit: ihoie profoional men und ladles wlm uiouood Judges, you liniu ovideneo tbut lltey fuund tuy tiHjk s uod and as clioap or cheutwr tlinn any otlier place. Ai thoe (HHjpIo bayo found 11 to uieir ttuvuin.ii;e 10 ouy from me, ulll not. you aim? 1. ........ 1 ...... 1 ... Nilem ehiwl touehor. Im roturmsl Li,,,,,,,,,! .,i,m,Jw,r th ,' l?"K. V.V. . ,.,. - ,.-, .... H,,j ummc fltUU l'lirtlrtud. Mr and Mr. O. A. Gray loft on last nijjht m train for Kiuiouo wboio Mr. (miyliAH tho mperintoiuloiuv iiupn.xe uieutant tho Male uuierit . uunuiuoiurer or dtler can ruihK. lay down u tdnejo uliipmenl of a piano, uruHtt iirwttliiif tnacliltie. OKUKUK O WILL. N- 11 ()iiuucret.il olni't. Saleni p HM.tle l.uili Uiitk u Is i ,v and biR'cltlcallonson tile In ,llie oillce of the County Clerk for M&rion County, Oregon, and also on tile In 1110 omco or toe uounty Cleric ror Linn uouuty. ureuou, ami notice U hereby further lyen thnt the County Court for Marion County will meet ou Wed nexlay tho 18th day of October, IbtW, at the hour of three o'clock p. 111 , at tho Con nly Court room lu the County ixiiin iiuuse intaiem,urenon. to open 4ud consider bald bid, at which said time and place the County Court for Lluti County, trei!ou, U hereby re quested tujjlu stnd consider the said Dldsunri the mutter of repairing the -aid bridge The rhthi is rebervetl to reject any ana all bids. A rertltled ehciiue pay- able to the order of the County Clerk for Marlon Ounty, Oregon for tlve IKT cvnt of the amount bid u also re. lulred to accmupany each bid The bUccNful iddder will be required ttr cxtcutea bond for the faithful per luruiauro 01 vnp auiiraci. 1 110 con Dissolution Notice. Tho undersigned Ins sold his Inter est In the Red Front livory business ot Ullrey and I-jirn to V. A. Stevens, and the business will be continued by Messrs Puuo und Stevens. All bills Uk'uinst the tlrm should be presented ui once uud all accounts ura jay able to the undersigned, W111. Ullrey. Sept. 20. lbl9. O-'JC-tf Call For Bids, l'umiant to tho order of the Com ni'in Council of the city Of Snle.u, Ore no 11, bid;, aro hereby called for, for three hundred and sixty live (365i ousueis or vrooa wnito oats, crop or I louj, iu udueusertHi at, me Mro De- parimens neanquarters in tilt's city, 00 the 15th or October' IS9D, ibe rluhl beltik.' hereby reerved by Euld council, to reject any and all bids tiled In this nohair. Dated Ht Salem. Orpi-nn n,ia 26lh day of September, 18W. 0-27-td Crossing the Rockies. The most delightful ride acros the ronii. nent IS through Ulili and Coloradn, ever wnatis knowuas " trie htenlc Routv of the orld," It nutters not at whit season of the year ihe t ip is nude, at no time docs the scenery giow nonotonous. It an evrr changing panorama of the beauiki of naime. One moonntyou are passing ihiouih gorefs walled in by locks thousand of feet 1 igh and Ihe nest you arc abuTe Iho snow line' skirting peaks that tower abeve you until they seem almost to reach the sky. One of the charicteiutlcs 0 ihe Colorado climate is thu the extmms of temperature ae never met wi h It is neither s 1 cold in winter ror wsini in tinnier, as u on tie lines of railwa. which cross ihs' iliwir . .1 plains The traveler iu.i ih.-. W.. r!..'.i. A Few Interesting Facts Wlien puple are contcinpl.iing a tup whether on tmstness or pleasuie, th y natur ally want the ttest service oi tamable o far as speed, comfort and safely Is concerned Employes of the Wisconsin Cenlial Lirn re paid to verve ihe public ir.d our liais sie operated so as to make do e connK'ioru with diverging lines at nlljunclhn jiuts Pallmtn I'aUce Mctping and (. hair Ois on through rVains. Dining car service unescelled, Meals a la Caite, In order to obtain rihts fli.i clif. lU'. t. ask the ticket agent to sell ou a ticket ' TUB WISCONSIN CKNTHAI, LINES and' you will mske dirtrt crinrinons St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee an ' all toinlt East, 'or any further Infoimation call . n any lidet axent .or corresxnd with JAS. lt)KD. General pass, Ai;rnt MllvrAKklr. VW or JAS. A UjQCK, G. nnal Agent, 346 Stark htieet, IOKTI.AM). 0K. No (Vloro Uarpet Monopoly- llo U.m C.iJ ,v VV..rK .1.1... .1. :. . v 1 .. l fhe soelccaat Kaft Like C.tv tir .... UW l jVjN "- UIW IXS wnrre ccisetn L-LMen and Farmers Attention. A.M. Humphrey A- Go. will rmIve no nionr gram at the Wallace. warehoUM. Hut w ill tako euro of, buv and store all uratu olTonsl at ivan.li. ... .... i'.,t... 1 ir.. .1 ... .. 1 . . ; . " ..- -.w. .... ,(,..., , IU.. V imcuir 10 unii tno contract, ruay txi trwl. 1 Uv.o awarded liall bo etititll to use bo 10 5 at I w A M Mimi-iiuki A Co. P fdl n aicrt Co. or l.enver rj, I classet o,' tickets. ror infot.naion as tnmr. i-ir . . ", . uescnptiv pamph ets, oil 01 the Ticket Aeei t of the t). R R . N southern tcibc.o., or d rets J D. MANSFIELD. Geu'l Agt. Rt Gr.nd Wwiern Railway, 142 IMrdj wn, STJfuana, vregon. Great Oppettunity for Home Seekers. To close an estate wbioliis somewhat Involved, town proportion, farms ami small tracts in fruit and otliurwue tall in Salem ami vicinity) w ill bo sacrificed Only jvartial payment minimi. In-" Uavejtist rccelvw) starve snd rlfH"' Uoe or -aiit. Hiiie and Mstt'K lTria are U.utlil In Hie lsl wiaiS' n.l will brniV monopoly pru- balrm. A NJ:Ar HEARSE Jntt a.l,l.l r.,r the fr-f oieof al' " of our UluWriatinj Uetsrlmntl Wsui.utmvn AMvuta Tioga Ikock Palvui, Or Capital Tunis Slwp- IXvilorin Cast I ion, Wrought iron ; Stove platet. t-opiwr, bmi-ji, linr, letui.rono rublxir. baw. hide. I A JKU aud boni'ii. j . J. I) lU'IlKNSTFJN. Proprietor , 13il Cunrt St r-aleii' Or ! If I vs 'Ma nojw jHsitAwtlmtoMtek waLt,rfri.s,.sAs .A a.w ,...