"'""'W' .. itv" ;. i the Wat iriB yji'uiiN e. Comrade S. H. Burtis of LowUton, III., hart somo tlirllllnit ex periences, but notio secmcil moro UntiKcroiu tlmu tlioso or lila lato heart trouhlo, Ho say! ''I fud severe palpitation of the hurt for years. My physicians said I was liable to drop dead any moment. Pulsation at times would be J50 a min ute and I could scarcely breathe. I grew worse under doctor's care and began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It gave me prompt relief, and today I am In good heallli." DR. MILES' Heart Gme Is sold by all druggists on guarantee lirst botllo licni'llls or money hack. Hook on hourt unci nerves sent true, Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind. O. C. T. Go's I'ASMKNnint axi;As.Kit POMONA altonA i,i:avi:h i'oii poiitijA.ni) lul nxccit riiiniUv .it 7 n in (JUICK TI.MK AM) t'llKAP PATHS. DiH'k lj"tw,iii Htnln nml Court Hid. M. 1'. IIAI.UWlN. Auenl. 1" AM. I.NTKItKirl.lP IN HOOD MI'S I CM. VUHK MMlC. N ll.COM K r Tilt! STUDIO. 0 0 THA H, HUBBftRD Teacher of Piano ninl w Ai't'otuimiibt. r J 1 Salem, Oregon. hHnllii-1) Ar v llinMm llnnr 'J lol-' a. in 1! In ClHllll 10, .i" PERSONAL AND LOCAL I I'nr nililltninnl line ill Noh a'sco Fimrlh 1'iwr. r IE. T. Dciihiiui, went down to Chum-pot-gilds morning, whore ht Ikim em ployment, W. IE. JotuM. of Pairlleld, who Inn Ikh'M in Siilcni on lma'tii, returned to Ida home toiluy. ltortTilxidouiiil Clarence McCoy, re tiirniMl to Portland UiU morning. Andrew Klett twine up Irtet vtiliif from rorthiml for u Iwrt vlelt with Sa hmi friend. lluiUirt 1'nrror U vUtltlne; !ti Oregon City. Mr. nml Mr. O. 1!. II""!'' ! to rorllmnl thU morning. lti-v. I). I.. KleMa, of Philomath, went to Ufytittt thU morning. MIm Milieu Mlwood went hu t Oriiftm City thU morning, mid will vlelt in that city, ami thence to Portland for Mnertil day. Mr. awl Mr. W. A. Pearemi of Med fonl, who have lieen vUiling at tlie homo of C. Akleraon In UiUt lty, want to Newlierg thi morning, where tltey will mHiwl n few lty. Mm. Marv Uttl and M Anna Pickin. of elude Hoekt, Wa.li., I Imvo Ikwii vi.iting hi Salem, atiuted for thulr liuiue thi morning. Mr. awl Mr. A. W. Itnwerao return ml to AlUny 'U the ledatod overland hist night. I.etdte Hunter hue gowi to Portland where he will Irnva cliurtwof tlw Clhlwn HtoU rofrtMliuifiit til in tlw cid tiou hnlUlinx. Onrtt0u41hH nnti IhI Snwt Wt to .lay for a ftwiljrn smIwon MiIiik m tlw N.tmv rivr. .Mrn.WttlUT liwum wha m hi vbilitiK hr UUmm- 1 miliar, Mr. hii.1 Mm. li. ntanml t har home lit 1'orlUntl. Vttv .l.ff.r.n Me.m of UroMll U'rMo.in -v V..r- w '" Oru-on ... . .,,!.,..,.! -! 'I .11 l'11-IHl V l -! ' " n;ntct: what you eat Nature ""K'S'iS'dS.uSiw- MtNK I'l-' ,J sl",ih SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS' RFR TTTT-TTY f i 'i " - iu) lkfift! Dyspepsia Cure, STATE NEWS. Tim school Moinliiv. oi MrMiiinvillc opened The Nvulwn: fohoula are running with 175 nttpiulnnce. I'nrtlaml is to, hate a flOO.WXl shoo factory in thu near fntiin1. Tlio Portland ilo iouiiil Is full to over flow hip. Salutn's tlttg iHiuiul is empty. Coo has n fmcial orjfaiililion known HS tlm ItliluliUllllL'llt. Onlir of (in, i.l iris. Seventeen hundred mid tlfty-three lnj; licenses have heeii lil In I'ortlainl tln year. Tliero wa not one ene to coine hefore the Clatsop county (jniml jury and they weroilMinrgetl. rortlaiiirg curfew ordinance will he "iKiieu uy ine mayor toiiuvmul the cur few will herunp tonlpht. At a recent test of the Pendleton Water works it has lioen shown that water hiii ho thrown 142 foot hiph. Fourteen cars, oneh of liO,000 iwiiuds airryinp capneity, luiviu ln'on received at la Oraiule, for lintil'Mu lx-ets to the sugar factory. The remains of .lack I.. Morrow, of Iloppnur, who founded that city were buried 500 feet above the city ho was the fnther;of. Sampler's wntorworki will lx llulheil by Decumbur 1. Tlio pipe line Ib three miles lout'. The supply will bo sulll- cient for 15,000 people. Andy Kill);, of Anaconda, Mont., knocked out "Kid" Arthur, linker City's favorite, In a 15 round contest at the armory at that place la-t night. Fred Allison, of SIcMlnnville, plead guilty to the charge of criminally as saulting Myrtle Harries, aged 111 years, lie was sentenced to tlvu yours in the penitentiary. Tlio Pendleton city election comes off on the llrst Monday in Dccuiiihor this e.ir and will bo conducted iiinli-r the ii'jw registration law provided by the new city charter. Crook county's nsstsor returns fIS, 8!i'J in money this year. The Prlneville ltecord shows tlntt one bank by its pub lished statement, liaiHlItil.iriS not long ago, and wonders why tax laws are so generally evaded. MilcrntoTiMir i.uitdIi Willi t'iinirl. Cnnily rstlinrllc, curn ronllptlon furctet I0o 3Bc. Il O.C. C. fali.ilruBUtHrtliiiHliiiuiicy Tlie revenue cutter Cotiiiuodoro Perry has arrivtil ut Siitka after a cruise In llehring sea and Silioriau waters. Slie wl icliinlli there until Nom'MiIht 1, after which she will wine to Astoria to remain over tlio winter. Slow Are Tour Klunrja I t)r IlotiU' SnaraBiw I'llUenreall kklney 111. Sam. jlefrve AiM Stcrllu llemwli Ou.t'iilwtKourM.V I'liHiting targets have Ui'ii completed at Firt Stevens for target practhe with the 10-inch rilled cannon. Tlio triMis now stationed at Fort Caiiby nml Fort Columbia will go -to Fort Stevens next week to engage In target practice. Don't loliarroniumnil Mnole In or I Ire Am;. To quit touareo OMlly hik! toieier, toinaff netle. lull or lite, norve nml Mnor, Uke Nolo llao. the wonder worker, that wake weak men atrotig, All UruKlat,Mi:orll. Cur guaran teed llnoklet und saniple free Addreaa burllnii Itenwdy Co., Chleswo or New York. OASTOniA. emU, llM Kind V u HM MW Bt Injustice Court. Dn .Iouhsai- In .lustlee .IoIiiimhi's Court on Stiirdwy last motion for I mi order Kitt'ng Haiile mid cmwtillliig a judgment tlwwtofore niniwrwl "i mii e- t'on brought by U. I". 'iimiiK hivinm A. 1. WKiir, wiiiih tliim in July lt, wits arguwl. It aini tlmt wrviw tff siimmoos u mil tho defendant Hits I mil by imblltittlon ho IwIiik m huh readout of this stttUi. hi bis compUint Um pUiiitiff domitiMM jMgmmit for two RiiiotinUi ugstrwHfng fW orthor MbouUnwl (Mb. Alsxit tho tlineor ,uliui))t t-o th brlnglug of tlH c- tioii tho ilelemunt ll i swimmimi w tho moiwys nutxl for f.35 but tho pUlutiff MM to givti tlw dWewliiiit crtslit for tlw nwottut M 1 tn judgment by iWault lx the wli4n mnotiHt alttliHtal miottli to fui)75 aud 90 wst awl Uwm mt oioomJou fMi Hut judgment to mlatt ptt) iiiont. At tliU juncture Wer aiiml on tlui sewn by A. W. PrttMOU awl It. J. I'Wmiug Lis atUH-twy awl nol tlw court to t luiWa iwtd cancel lb )! miit on Uw urooiid Uutt tU ,J.i.lnl bv frtiud (tod uiUreprwwuU. tiftn. In hi ttUtvit in Mipt ol Uw mitMMi Mr. PrwouU IJK tt V totleti tliuo judgiuout ww outwwd im! Uf(f tlw tlw for akriiT tlw com lOuiHt ha rxtftml IW eUl upon J"lm A. Ciueon th plnlMtiWu attorwy awl (nrul Um tlwt - of U amooni Mku.1 for land wH IwW wl MxhlWtoJ to CareoM tk rc4, atoowli that tlta liaymMtU luwl baw maalo by Wattwr, ..U iii.ru nMon at tb Urn ! mitUnl tlwt Um mymmU wl lei iniMhta aJwti to tln weipK awl ag.ta tlust bHuJa take JiadajaiMaHt lor tho not an tww 4iw awl eoto. Ho aiUr,uiitly wJ Jlfwt v, b etiteml agkiuM Un WwiJat ..r Omi ho ". lNt tl, ). UMM nmi am -. larwa tlwJ eminitor alsVtetita On). I(lg wait i Use JUti.w rust- -.1 tlukt .aud eusn xA " utxl awl .MaaUl that Uw mwM U-.rl.ll.tl.o jwlnwot. lb " ttoo mow ..u for luring I" m' ttayekiunwllh-..H"i "fc " or; Jr ovwrrahug Uw uln, ""' "'r"-' Uuit tauil tttsu tal otl. '-' .1-1 ..n Lke indaWMMlt -l ?l I '- ' "- . !. iiiitfor P.4 ! o-- '-' '' $M 75 awl oU. Tin fwt-rty attwbaal la ' .0HtiBt; f Wry and pruw. - ' ,.l.le.t o-r !!' - ) 1 1. t .4itaUt- SUuv M.i-U t. ..,... tt.. iu.liiirut aivl ! ' "' ,.!! ir--tal-lv U- ialk I. X- "Moth mr lr u...i .... -.-. medicine we h.ve ever I,1 , t "' c lJJ week my wife was rrantic w,u, h ,rtHctie tot '" r. b trieJ N,n.ccf v0 t"A-c AlliV in.l ther reliereJ the im In hr. ) r. , ,' !,C, immediately WehothtMor Tn " rldcLi u I'lttsburit Safe H Derail C l'.ttsbuti: fa l?lSllt lkArihlff l.ii.t, f..i. ...... ... . .. .'. i. i.'ir ii.i lie vuu. ABTrr !n-iicii weaken itOi , ll- l a ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... (I.r'l., N,.J, (,,,.,. (MM,,, V..r,., , ,,, , HC-TO-OflC i.Wwnr-KSl&Vi'.'JS?' A 10-year-old Iwy nanioil fringe was in jured at llalsey Tuesday morning by lulling from the north tumid local. Ills home, is in llarrisburg and ho started to run away from homo and when he reached llalsey met with the accident. His head was luuliy cut and ho was otherwise Injure. A physician dressed hii Injuries and lie was taken back to hi homo on tho afternoon local. To Cure ronaupittloti rorevee, THkoCitcutcUi CjiiiIv Callintllc. lOcorUe. (I ti 0. O. I all to cure. UrusglUs rclurd moucv When You Ride Your Wheel. Always shako into your fchocs Allen's Fool-Kase, a powder for tlie feet. It keeps your feet cool, prevents sweat ing feet, und makes your enduninrc ten-fold greater, Over otic million wheel people are using Allen's Foot E:ie. They all praise It. It gives rest and comfort to Minuting, hot, swoolen, aching feci, and Is u certain cure for Ingrowing nails. At nil drug gists nml shoe stores, 25c, Sample FltKK by mail, Address, Allen S Olmsted, Lu ltov, N. V. !1 Judge Lowell has decided to summon a grand jury to as upon the ease of K. Mim, wlio awaits trial for tho killing of .1.11. Miller. It was deemed best to Hiruu this course on account of tho gravity of the case in ipiostiou, and it doubt having been raised as to the con stitutionality ,' the late law nliolishing grand juries. Ilriiul)' In lllnoil Ui'pi, Clean IiIwkI iiuhiiis u ilwin akin. No lxwiity without it. OsoirctH, Candy Cathar tic iliiin jour Mood mid U-c it cloaii, li) stirring up the lazy liver mid driving all im purities fiom thu IhhIv. lli'Kin today to IkhiIsIi piiuilM, lioiU, lilotihtu, blackheads, and that sickly hilious complexion by taking Caacarctn, bcuiity fur ten tents. All drug gista, satUfaition guaranteed, l(k',25c,&0c. W'llio Mimier, ngtsl 8 years was drowned nt Suiinymond 8 miles soutli oast of Astoria, while playing on some snwlogs which were in the slough, Tho Imiv w.ik nsiiMirtil half mi hour after but too lato to rosusltate. How's This? We oiler Ono 1 1 und red Dollars Ito ward (orauy ciisenf Calnrrh lliateuu- not Ikj filled by Hull's Uiitiirrli Cure. !'. .1. Chunky ,t Co., 'J'oledo, O We, the undersigned, huw known K I. Chenev rjr the last !fi loais ami be llovo li I tn porfectly liouorulilo In nil buslnuss transactions and lliiniicliilly able to cury oiitiiny (il)llgatlons made by their llriu. Wi:ht- TmAX, WlioloMilo Druggists, Toledo, O. WAI.IUNU, KINNAN& M AHVIN, Wliole- Nllo Druggists. Tnllo, U. Hull's C.iturrli Cure Is toKeu In turiinlly, iiollng dlroclly uihiii tho bl'MMl ami miiuoiis surface of thu sys tem. Tustliiionlals wnt fieo. Price Tot;, tier hnltld. Sold by all Druggist Hull's Family Pills nro the Uwt. Heduced Hales To Cbicnito, Now tork, rhllHilelphla and other oaaU-iu uitioN ovwr tlio North orn Paoillo. St tho aaontu, TImiiiws, Watt A i., 'Jt7 Commorolal trot. Itoniomber also that yon m iwiiioy by buying ysir tickeU in Saleui luatMHl of tiling to I'ortluiiil Ut buy. U XI It ItoWltl'a Little Itttrly Itlsflrs pro mntB hoallli by kmiplng il nmicrly regulkUrd. "IteU pills iniulo; wo will u no others." (I. II. Appltfgitto, J, P., of Clarkourg, N, J. Sionw Drug Slurta. ITiertt's always hOte when thoro's Oiih Minute Odiu'h Cure. "An atUtek of pneumonia Wft my lungs iHwr thu Urt stages of ootn-uniplloii. Ow Min ute Omgli Cure cured me." Helen Mellonry, Hisiimrk, . D. Stwia Drugstore. jj.'- XC JU' --. l JVIimUhBnb "I sulfriuJ Mini piU eleven yeurs tielore u-uirf IV.Vitfs WIUjIi Havel Salve; uiv health U leaUned-I feel like a ieew toau"-Ciiartl KMHge, nu Mini,, a Moiliintt. ItealiHg nMruraiioii of aiBudmu merit: SUMeef Drug KUire. "Ileal im Ut uwrkei f r cnuajli- awJ eoltlki for eroup Unas w m. writer lUry It. WhltfonJ. Ik.uUi Vh Caan, ('!-. "f li,M MiuuUi Cough eure. So Drug SUif CAli'JJOlkX -j a...L. j 'as aiaw tm w aaapi rCLM& Kal l Dw-t) t ore I a k-mnum ,tt,n.ui.d, i'dliwrtjiiHriJi ntrO cure uypep' " " --' IMoimnuerUir. Tenn.. l lilm ol lodletoe of taw ) 4iU Inir. iUeiUrutfitiVe. Tie HtMitt Man m SaUi A wrll the baotlaMueat. and oitterf ie luviird u Mil m mr diwKW ud gel ! trial UAlle of Kewp' HalMtu l'f la Ttiroal awj Ite.'a. a remedy that l guaranteed to ruiaul Mla-Te all CUruatc atxl AcuU IMtKba, Akltoiua. Hiwicliltta and t.n4ii- iim. Price Mc. a ad Me. ewisw "- I Kudol lfe t'MI currt ,tl" I sis " l'l miite irl uillal a , ,su r rcmawtT f rail 4la.frari i fiuw imp ietW"" " J na , M rwetuaa, M. I . lu omM"" Jui rial of IImIUi. N Y. .iloo- l""U ior-. Gtcat Ojfrtuiit lo liotnc 8e. 1 - AO ..I.K l.l' ' .l. 1 1 l. ! , ' " ' " '"' ,u ami iniiiiy " "" ,,,.!, rti' o)u-tiI rr.(u.rl .1 t '. -i li.- . a- kS imJr CATHARTIC wow yv THAOI uas ntaiannio g" At the Miller hop yard, near this this city, Sunday last, Mr. I..B. Walker, of this place, while saving his wife front a horrible death was severely burned. The lady was preparing dinner over n camp tire, when hoi clothes were caught by the blaio. Mr. Walker grabbed tho burning dress and tore it o(T his wife, and saved her from Injury. His hands and arms are lioth burned to n solid blister. The Ladies The pleasant elTect mid perfect safety with which Indies may use Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes II tlielr favorite remedy. To gel the true und geiitilno article, look r-jr the tiamc of the California Kin Syrup Co. printed near the bottom or the package. For sale by all druggists, Sunday u small child of Frank Kllever living throe miles north of Dallas, was seriously burned by pulling a dish of hot grease from a table. The grease entered the eye, nose and mouth but the child may recover MrtfUwIth yo whftker yea et-ntlnne ibe. nrrie-klllliiir lub.ceo h.blt. M-1 "H'-Ca aklWl remneef th. ilt-llr. (of tobtct-o, Ub4 0aBBBBBU iuine-vou.ilttre.ijeipeUnlco-"jri Am BMaBSBSTT ilao. puriotf to. blooj. rfve-VfM B k flTJliv. trei loll mkabood.iai I BjauJOI-oief tntkca joa utottfmw IHtkxSioli lOO.OXi In heftlth.nffrTegfV qfj t J If I0c.iieteureil llu; and IHKktt-TWkv Mjk(0 TO II At' from boik. Til 9JkW9 LSronf own dnnraUl. wbr -?& II B I sflk-"lll Tourh form. T.k. It with HW Uei,w"l.r'lnllr,i.rflitently On. ftkV aeboi,tl. ua. Ily cure., stH.irt.ttM. fBBBBFvatcni.r.nte-iltneiire, orw.rerahtl money, IBB0SurUffa..JiC.,.lklg.,at.lft.t,gwf.rt. A liuilo deer was killed Inst week near tiranlte. Its horns wore webbiil near the sprangles like an elks. Hop Qrowers Aro invited to nlnco their iusitrauco with us. Wo issue H)licIes on as liberal terms as any ayenoy in Salem, and offer you Insurance in several of tho liost hngllsh, tiorniaii or Amerlcuii comiuiu- ies. Wo will furnish yoll hop tickets in any stvlo with your nnmo printed on thni free of charge. Call nt olllce and obtain terms. (i. M. llKtM.KIUV Co., 'J'.M Commercial St.. next to Telephone Olllce. CASTOR I A For Infants nnil Children. Tfie Kind You Have Always Bought Soars tho offJfe Signature NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given thai it pell' Hon has been tiled In tlio City Itecor dur's olllce idl be City of Salem, Ore, gon, on this II day of September, I Him, by a resident and properly owner, ash ing the, Coinmou Council thereof, to vacate two certain portions nlT the west end of Wilson Avenue, described as follows; licglnuiugnt thu northwesterly eor uor at Clmrcli tint Court sirentsl of wiml I. known ns WUvou's Ave nue, according to the recorded plat of tlio City nf Siiluui, Marlon County. Uregou anil nf record til pages 111 and -Oof Volume No. I. of the public records of thu said County of Marion, Stato of Ore gon, aforesaid, mid running l iciicu easterly along the south liuuor kiild Court street and the mirth lino of sulil WINon's Ave nue, three hundred mid forty-six feel Kilo) ton point upon what would lie the westerly Hue of Cot tage street In said city, If the saiiio were extendeil southerly ucros the said Court street and the said Wilson's Avenue, accord lug to the recorded pint alorenald; tliniico southerly at a rigid angle to wild south lino of Court street tiforesuld, live !') chains ir three liuiitlfi'tl ami thirty feet iXJOJ to the north line of Suite street und the south line of wild Wilson's Avenue; thence westerly along the said north Una of Stale street and the south line tit Wilson's Avenue afores-tld, three hundred und fotly-six feel .'tlOJ to the Moulhweateilyeoruer of said Wil son's Avenue iifnros-ihl; thonce .inrtherly along the easterly line of Church street und tho westerly line of Mild Wilson's A venue afore stilt), five chains (ft j or three hundred und thirty fuel .'i-IOj to the place of beginning." AIki, llAglntiliiKutn isilutonthoHiiith line of Court street ami the north llueof WIlMiu'sAveiiiiefaeeordliig to the recorded plat of the City of Sulem, Uregou, afotowild.j three liu nil red and forty-six 3IH) feel ousterly from the northwesterly corner of said Wllwin's Avenue aforoould, und where the sold south line of Court street and the Mild north line of Wilson's Ate tine, would Intersect the westerly llueof Cottage street In said city If (he Mtme were extendi) south erly uoroM stud Court street ami said Wilson's Avenue, and run nlng thence southerly uorors sold Wilson s Avenue thiee hundred and thirty .330 feel or five i') elialtx, too point on the south llueof sold Wilson's Avenue and the north line of Suite alrvel liree hundritl und forty-six !3I0 feet from the southwesterly oor nor or Mid Wilson's A venue;; thenee easterly alyig the eouth line of WIlMin'a ATcrtue uim! the , north lln ot hute street, n neiy-1 I nine feel and six Incite ,Ut feet! ' to a tsjlnl utsm wlial wou d be lite easterly line of said Cottage street If the sdiue weit extended aoulh erly ucmm Mid Court street aud , mud WiImuV Avef.ue to tlw Mhl tuirUi line of SUte street atxJ Hie , sooth line of wld WIlMin's Avenue afureastld; tnetiee northerly ncroo , Mid Wilson's Avenue tlye chains or luree huudied and thirty .33U1 feel to a fsilnt on the south hue of Court street awl tile im.Mii of Wilson's Avenue a foresaid awl where tl tald last natoed line woukl Interaecl the easUfly line of Cottage street a'oreastW If Use eame were exlowhxl soutlierly aeroiMM Id Court Mlfeel awl the etorltt line of Wllou Ayeooe afuiMattUI. aiwl tneitee wtlerly iMfcltUHi-WaOUlhllW JIWI atreetatHl tue nortli Inw wf Wll Atuua ahJtMNld. ulMfty nle feet aa ati litehe. i W t ) Ut Ute 0a ut Unrliwlay." Ut- Ue Ulna aMl eoaadlUo awl f. Uie im and rmrpo-e aa vbereiH ml f..flli. said (irtileoai will tmo up M leg at Her whboimI reular nhmM.1 S? ae tlw t iiiiii'.c. iMaiawii ua ..... r.rii., t, lh ut OfUiM wit. film !" ""'."TS'.T.Tl ltUj-Utf ' '-!-- ClT ' ' hon. awl Bx-W" JeMlee l the WrHNKK llnrMti I petitioner . s u..i.l i.i.til L 5XVVSJ!JK ix.x.xxxx.xvc...vvxxvxvsvvv,l for Infants and Children. Cnstorla U n linrinlosH sulistltuto i'or Castor Oil, Paro Korlf, Drops anil Kontliliifr Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It etmliilns neltliot Opitiin. jMoiiihino nor other Nnreotlo Hiihstauee. It tlostrttys AVornw nml allnyH l',ovcrlslint.s't. It euros Dili nil it'll ami AVInrt Colli'. It rclluvcs 'rooth InjT Ti-ouhles ami cures Constipation. It vcKtilntes tlio Stiiiiuu'li nnil Itiiwels, eeivinir hiMtlthy ami natural Hlcep. 'I'lio Clillilien's P.tuiiccn-Thu lotlier'.s L'rloml. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho &?mgk In Use For Over 30 Years. Twr PTNtttm rftaat yf mjwa.T tTWUT, mwQumUT "EMBARRASSING SITUATION MANHOOD RKSTORED R.W.V-ViKf'VKKSi rciucdv Kiiariiitt-il tiMirr l iii-niu. tuv.v. wieh n. Weak Memory, lleadailic.Wiiitt Millni l.u-t M iiiIkh1, Nilnly 1:iuih .Ion., Nervtni.tieM, Kii -jl kiuvi in tlrilerflllir Oriton., cau.nl tiy -uuthtul erriiri. cxctmIx liiurmlly or liiutilty. Cnn Ix box, 6 for I v liy mall prrld no other MaiiuUilumlby the Iltic-Uil vlH Ili Tinao and Yammili. Hts.. rnari.ANi. Oar.oos. mm sal!': nv n. .r. ntv, saijsm, oimscjon. r I 4 $ 0 d ?ii5ra .VfrW'C-O. 1 THEY ALL WANTED IT! I. Von see they thoiiRlil tlie Mcyile hi Hie window, waallieouly one we lia.1. lli'ie eie i.lentv mure Inside however, and wi aold 'iiu one eai t. tw iau fit vuu out alto ORflWPORD, LE-UELflND, REScENT. Not Grocers to But Grocers lo the .W1.0. IU' I. Vl Il'lm) in Stock a full i t. i "y .rar mi v m-m!P BMaBMaJMBaaMawBMsiBaMsa,aaaBai of Provisions, Groceries anJ l;ruit. Anything 'ul everylhiiiK yo need. ' At prices to compete, call ami compare. HARRITT & LACDRBNCB ur.li ptwrnKKitiK tiuoor.itY, GRASS All fresh seeds. No old stock left over. Get our prices. Lowest in the city. Brewster & White. TIIIC 1'I.OUU ANIJ KICItl) MICN Phone 1181. OLIJ AtU. l;OGY Dihm not U'llt In udverlUing a profeeelou. YoUNfi AU. IlNlliltl'lUSI. Ilae cmBilwH' In the University College of Mtisic A ml wants all the twoon- U know that It Is The Bus i in nil; wusi. Phone Win for Catalogue, or tuhlremi riiANC-l:Sc:cj Sei.ijy, Dean, Salem, Ore. Salem Studio INTI-U-STATI; CUNSIiKVA'lUKY OI: AUSIC. Mrs. Elfa finders Willntan t)u-r Flrat Netioiuil ItniiL. Classes in Piano Torle playing, Harmony, Theory and Class Reading. KUolio Itoure turn U) l ami if loS. TWO 1'MNU SKW IMANOS IN STUDIO KOU rsis in H.W.NORMAL COLLEGE OFMUSIC AND ART M l'ie. Mm l J N Ihwiwa, rn. v T"-nr VJOefllllP LdV r i" Aft - i uesaay niiciuuuii Htudio. (loom No Tlw iiiii.k and rl lim jWe r.rf'lully tnviUsl. The ntuak- atxt art MMinra ,4ll.i. m 1m.4 will Ut Mpl t tl l-t IH the Northwiwt. Mt. nDg?1 College falam. 40 MtleaTroMi PufUawl ) (Mi-t.1 letat Itwary, twet.lk, CUaairal. Sufna.1, IXuNHHarMitl. trmut. i eaai mi Jlaine ewitfee. SvnerMw. Umttwy;. Ci wrw. fumtU, OeH. HfaiiiWh, lulkn SCertlaeJ.lVl'-''''''la'-,,rt4 A " "7?. U lM femtn. !u;uVu.ii.-ito7ureHUI.r. wi to enUrlaU. In fall awl leave early In .rfil.g - a-trtoK .Irvnee awl ! I.w atatr nlliVtre atel Ul dl4uwaa wit- THKl'aMinKtTMotar Aaukt ('itucK, Ml AiikI. Ore. VS. www i Signnturo of To Find an Elephant on Your Hands hi a badly done up or torn and frayed shirt front or collar, when you aro going to see your liost girl or want tolook your best for some social (unction. Nothing like th.vl will ever happen when you have your best linen laiinden'd by our up to duto and perfect methods. Wo send It homo without fray or tear, and looking frosli as when llrst bought. Salem Steam Laundry, coi.oni:i.j Phone. -Ill, OI.MHTKD, PltOIMt. j:iO LIlHirty Street iim tif .thnulanl. wlui.li lead tu i.irtieil in set iMKktl i ii ier Clnulir Iree. All druiniUK. Take I'cuu Medicine Co., Piin.rruncc. - nir Co. dUtrlbiillng agenta, Dcst and largest line ol Bicyclcs-in the Gity. Car load shipments Direct from Factory PRICES: ii.' Wu have.,.. Best Bicycle R, M, WADE L CO the President! Variety QBBD. HI Court sU i'i riijM. lr.. I)trtr. PriiHilf Wt. J nrArsanvQM. 1? unu i-.v-ivji 7. I'atton UlooK Pur lya and yuutwc mti. Cudurleil by the lUnmltellim Pallwr. HealllifHlly ami allrarlieely Wsualwl. (II euiWa from a and ThomuiiuM Ooetwan : Prejiaratory 11US1NKSS OAltlW. O. JH. OlAOK S)enti6tt Suc3er to Dr. J. M. Keene, old- WhlU Com ;r, Salem, Or. Part . detiring ixiperiol operatlotu at moderate feet in any branch an In eipccial teiiueit. ALBERT A. JESSUP. Phono 1071, ItOOMfl 1 AND U, nilAY lll.K. Salem Water Co. OFFICK, CITV IIA1.1. For water teir'.ce Jtmlr at olhce. Ild'l payable montlity In aavan.ee. Made complatnti at trip rfit-i. Platino Photos, KnhiigeiiiciitM In Crayon and Water f'nliir. Plllllll ItllllnllH. Aiiiiitour duvclopltig und Unfiling nciitiy uone. v, .). imuun, (lllOUNI) Vixioh 2 111 Coniincreliil St . tiuleiii Oregon. Steam Dye Works. No. 11)3 Coniiiicrciftl Htrcot, opposite Willamette lintel. Liullos' and gcntleuien'H clothing cleaned, dyed, repaired nml pressed. I'lno bluiikcUi cleaned or dyed ind nicely lln lnhed. Kid gloves cleaned, lOu: dyed HAo. S, C, STONE, M. D, t'nirltor;of Stone's Drue: Stores HAI.KM, OllKdOS. The ilcirei (two In nurnlwl nro Incatisl a Nil. KM and Ml ('iiiiiim'n.'lal Mrerl, ami are writ tlis'kiil with a iinnplcto lino of ilruga Hint iiiislliliiiHi, toilet nrllrliMi, wrliimtry, liriilu eli'., et!., elo. no. uiofsr, llaaliail minoMjrur. uiiHrl(Miro In Itii) rar lli-eiif inisllelnoaiiil now niki no ilisrijn fur riinaiillatloii, eiamlnallou uririwrltluti. Merchant TailOr 07 htati: HTitwrr.Zll Cy Bulla SIS mid upw.inla, I'anln 3 nnil iipwntiu UAI'I'I'AI. CITY Express and Transfci M(ta all mall and natiengur liath.. lli(. cil) gigo ami caiircii to all patll of Ills Wiiil leivlce. Telephone No. 70. DlhOUK. HKirroN NEW MARKET Kt.le ittret, near culroail, Pretlietl anr lient nieati. My patrona tay I keep Ilia U ncattintun HOUIjIfi HltOS. TUNEKS AND IIEI'AIIIEKS l'lMlllNI). 0111: Kit Hliit aii'l llniiy Wlll'a Hiulc Hlu r Im iirlern at tiro Photoeraohs You run get Jilut tsliul yoll uiuit at Tin: i:mti: htcdio Nothing hilt llrat work turnwl out. The hlggimt Knliirgtsl Work mi thu count. A Hurry Call for ihc Plumber la itlwuva iiimwi-rtsl l.y na promptly nnd ullhulIU Ixnt Morkinen. Wle-n vmr oliiee Itwk. or your e'')kl betfomee olf atmrted, your famta won't viork. your fnriuuw hhmU rlHiniiii. vHir ro Ivaka. or anything In llt Jiiiiiiuiig Inif Hint la to Imi dulMi in oiiihII )!.' or Inrgn roti trut'Ui, yoti will ulttaye the) tia prompt mid n-rt, ua hi-ii ua iiimtiu hi our nhnrgo BARR&PETZEL in coMMKULiAt. si Pr:;: r. TfUlitiMix Nu. J7 CroMlnK the Hocktea. 'Hit I'Mel tleltifhl'ul lUU aciwa tlw conll. til m llitwitEli Uuk ami (SohwUu, uvi what U tiMtwuat '! he tH.w Kuwof tlie Swl4." Il maluta nut at mcui sarn ol m year the l"ip tl inula, at uu Ihn ilo ll Mefty Ktusr launotooMM. Il w an aver cluinifVH! oanucama of It UMUile uf naluie. One etu mm you ate ptMtag tlirutwb gutw wallt.l In by iucm ittouMisia M ! 1 ign an4 llic nail ytM are al.ne Ilia mar line, ikuling peaka tUt toocr above you unlit lUtf mcui aliM lu ieati ttc tky. One uf I he (hifUltn.tlct ef tb Culocwlu cltmau Ullnl Ihc eitifDeta uf tainptfaiui are never mat wdi. Il it nelllter Ki eoM in Miniec not warm in tanuuar, aa Un I tut hactol rulwai wbtaliwoaa ! daviiu anJ pUHM Tlie tUr cr ls K Ota d ttftlccn aiula the i.oxU.e wl a atuioer, f U w Uc a at Halt aU City, or any Un tca'o l,s)cn and lknf, vn al clauci uf tlctcU Km UfuciiulUia at to ratal, tc , aol tit JntlUa jjniyKUu, call on the naaietl Tlakct Aecol m the O. It. K N Ce. or HoulUeinl'KlacCas, ot Jan, J. D. MANhHEU), (een'l Ag I. kk) ti(a4 We.tcin Railway, 141 lleli4 iiC. I'ortUnJ, Otcjon, LOANS ATtTIUCKST ItATK ISHI'IIANCH, HKAI. BHTATB SKUl'IUTY IlO.MW. 1JOZOUTH IIKOS, yOU Cummori lal Ut, eitiiofit Or uitl-JAw r s It n n VAakJi 1 lllJlJI U LIVA IJll 8RJell l-jI'L. sjtsja-rNiayswsBsjrsJyTri 7 INTEH-aTATD M 2pAMCI?l)ATn)V2 lM ETTAANDERS-WILMAN Avtoclale Teacher Weatem Cometra- ' toty, Kansaa City, Mo., reproentlns the InleMtate Syttem, at Salem, Ore. Orcr Hut National Hanlr. ReRidence 376 Church Ureet. Studio hours -g to ' to S- esrsjrsjaiiearsrBTsafsjBsjrsBr " WANTED. New tod.iy nilvottisomonta four linod or leu In this column tnnerted Uiroo ttntea for 25 eta, SO ota a weelt., $1 per mouth. All over lour linea at miiio rnte. WANTKD Iloyto enrry tho Morning Oregoiiliin. ytendyjoh to the right Ikiv. See V. A. linker, ngont. O-WIt l'OU SAI.K. Several good fnnns, KM to (XX) ucrod. fOftttfOperitcre. All well luiproveil mid no wiiate hind. H. L. 1 1 nyea, HnlHey, Or. U 27 lm OOVHHNMKNT POSITIONS. Don't prepare for any civil cerviee or rtmniii exittnliintlou without mving our entu logue of luforiiiiitloii. Sent free. Co hiiiihlnu Correspondence College. Witshlngloii, 1). C. It 27 ll WANTlFl -A girl to attend celiool ttmi help in tlie hoime nioriilnggnnd even. IngM fur her hoard. Cull or uddretiN No 18 Center Ktreet. II 27 W, HOY WANTKD.-A It nod home mid fair wngcrt for the right kind of 11 hot in hotel. Impiire at Hotel Willniii-O-LtWtt ctte WANTK1). To rent for term of three yearn. Reference given. Addreaa farmer, care Capital Journal, Saluiu, Oregon. U-23 ltu POUND. ilotn'eeiiTvrrv mid TlTckw nil a hunch of keyH. Owner enu have theiii hy paying (or thla notice, ti-'.'d tf CIIATWIN IIOUSK, uleely Mnileltitt with or without hoard, one-half lilock (ruin car line, healthy locution nt low mlim. 21(1 Church ntreeU ll-H-lm I'OII SAI.K A Kiian of H-ytitr-old Trny maroH, uelglit lllriO n piii'it. Ituinilro ol W. A. Wlilto at Chin Stahlcx. 0 20 t. "Mi:N Our llliiatrutiHl etitalogtte ex plalim how we teach harUtr trade hi eight wcoka, iniilhsl friv. Motor Ikirher Colh-gc, San Pranolwo, Citl." U-'JUltt WANTKD A young iiiiiii to learn the jewelry IiiihIihihji, only tlume who come well recoiiiiuiiuihsl mis I apply. ('. II. IliiiKiM, 21M1 Com. St. H-ili-tf d.Vw RHIU DOI.I.A US VHli DAY-Men 1110 wiiulis.1 to rut, split or haul cord wood. Will pay MceutH for splitting and II per cord for liaiilhig it diHtmuii of 2, lilllrH. Salem I'llel Co., riMim III, ovrr IIiimIi Hank. 8-H tf WANTKI liny 11 Uillhi of Cliluro Nap illinium iMifurii goinif, to the hop van ..( Il..lu..l ll.-...? U III. 1 mpyunin K-ht-t f if, ...i.n'. . i.itf-.iji r.VT?"lW).'WhTiit, outH mid UirlT: lingM furiiiahiMl. (let our prlcon ho. foro you mill, Olllni 011 Court tstreut rear of Dalrymplu'a xtore; wiindiimm) IjilMir I'Ui'haiigu hiiilding. TIIIhoii, Hurtl.dt drain Co, 8-7 tf NOTH'K TO TlIK PUIII.HJ. NoUce hi hernhy given Hint tho uuderiilguiHl will liiinsiftnr Ihi reaHiualhle for no IiIIIh eontrai'tisl hy nuyoiio except hlniHilf. or ujiiii hi written tinier. W. W. Little, fttlotu, Or., SptemUr a, iwm. u -i im IIOItSK POK SAI.i:. The Mltuhell UiwIh.V Htiiver Co. Iirtiiiuh In thla eity, liuet a good general purpotm uiirao mr aiue. t;illl iwiriy. 1-, 1-. Corny, iiiauiigur- IMStf IIIUYUM PATll-lf your bicycle nerds repaint hnng II in, we liavu the hUIII and stock to keep II In tlret ehiKH condition. Wu carry 11 full line of sundries and make 11 etilal Ity of eiiaiiiullng ciiuiu nnil itcu 11a. wu satisfy nur patroim. Uardnor X White, 21 Wholly Hlieet. lloliiian a hloek, nexltliKir U. ttUiiuii liiiiudry. Phoiio SUM. ' i-af-t inOBB IM.KAS'RlIsTiJiiTennwi thai the Ixiet nnil ulietipcel OiirjKit IHiiwrlalhu hotivy felt (i.tiicr sold UlTllUJtlUKNAI. olhcc. 2ttf Pciaonal, lAiliMt Pree iKtriulune iiiouthly n-gu-la tor, reiitot full. Mrn. II. Ikjwiiu, .Mll wuukee, W'k. IU&1 I m iUw t A MFI5 SAVIJI). Dr J P. Cook, tliu UotanlonlBpno nllat. auooooila. Whoro Olhor Poll. To whom it may corn-urn i Thin la to ivrtify that Ikirtha P. Con. ur, of Ml.Augul pn-uliiet. Marlon coun ty, Uregou, has atiffriH from 11 tmiicvr. oua growth lu the luflutr for about threo veure. The growth wua etitoiit twlco unit iMirmsl out once hy AlUiny Phyalalatie. hut thu growth 111 um hutik ua luwl ua ever, und puliuxl her ao lanlly that ahe hud o lw taken from achool. After Dime wtHik a triHitment hy Dr, J. P. Cook, of Kulem, llrcgoii, the llotanlcul rijssiiilUt, the growth entirely dlauie. pdtirisl, und at title date, four mouthe vliico trttutinuut wm Ihvuii, the growth iimh not rfupissirtsi, mm 1110 t-ur ntu en tirely healnl leuviug only tho antra in Ihetwl hy the AlKiuy doutnre. I hereby eertlfy thai thuutxitu atate ment ie ulwoliitely true, mid that llor thit PConnerr tho iHiraon liiontliiiusl in ll' altlitavit. has realihsl In my fain Uy a one tmrly clilldlunsl, iRHirlug thu nt UtkHtahip lu ine nf niece. II. O. UiSH. HulNtcrlUsl and iworn to liefuru inu Ihw elghlli day ot June. Ihw. V. V. Hall, eotiuty clerk uf Mitrluit county. Oregon. "ASSAY OFFICE AND iLAUORATORY. No. 71 Cliemeketa si, I. II. T. TUTIHU. Awaye. The German Market Will ho found nil kluda of meat aud the beat of aauaago, PRiiK IIKUVKUY. All bllla du thu lute linn of Wolt A Mieaeku uiuat bu paUl. CDOLZ; Silt 171 Coiiiuioroial St, HUIE WlM SAI4G C0.T Toaa. Cltltiawaro. Japuneea Fancy KnbnhhMwa allka. cnmiu, Irjr (UnI.IW., I buu, bVitiU, liUr. visra, KtrlluiVeMvti aW I Muktra ol All kuvlaof IjuIUw Dudeoeewr pST.i'laSil4 " K"' ""' It) twuil Sinwt. (VMMJIwh Utktfi'- uua laaWNi v illllY.MU. V fl u M ' 1 , ; 1 1 9! , J .1 r 1 ij : ".. 7Z1ZT-HM rMi-jr.U- I , tl 11 1 1 -i'tl "1 '"" "rr .T, - - A fcair. I gr .iKurtit j-ati' H i Id M "