The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, September 25, 1899, Image 1

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(trams, Fresh Locnl news and Live
rr.iimrlnla mnkn Thn Dnllv Jour-
The Dally Journal's large circula
tion Is no accident. It's the rosult of
IiIhIi quality and low prloo.
nnl. t
V(XL. iX
NO, 22S
f Latest Assoclatod Press tole- X
. .. tfannU I nrnl nnua n M rt I Itfn .A
Hoe Made Goods
SPECIALS: A very select
line of Boy's Knee Pant Suits
oi our own goous macie up in
New York. Get one for
All sizes of Boy's Black Hose,
the very best to be had: Ask
for them
275 Commercial St. Salem, Oregon.
OtirGreaf Special Sale
R. II. Leauo, Aanager.
88 Statu St. Udd & lti-h Hank Itl.Itr.
Arc our Stronghold at the present time But
we are equally well supplied with the more
plain staples at bottom
is a record breaker at
Are the best and cheapest ever shown in
pleased to show them, even if you arc not
confident our prices will win your patronage
to purchase
The .argest assortment of
Men's Pants: Regular sizes,
extra sizes and extra lonirs
No matter what size you cali
for we have them.
A special
drive on them
'he finest line of Crash .Hat
for Men and Boys to1 bs
found, in Patterns ade
Shoes are selling fast. Our
Pall Stock now in, all bought
before the late advance in
leather, and we are going to'
sell them below any body.
Call and see our styles and
get our prices.
DRINGS BUS1ESS. Our competitors
do not seem to appreciate it but our
customers do. All our Fall and Winter
stock cut to bottom prices, No f tore in
the city attempting to meet our prices.
Of course some people "will look
around," we arc glad they doMhcy al'
ways come back if they know the dilV
fcrcncc between a 52,50 shoe and a
53.50 shoe,
Rira & HamlltoN
im GHflIRS
prices. Our plain,
60c each.
Dlnlna TaDles
Both Found and Square.
yaal. Deliberations To Be
Public Soon.
Everything in Suspense Awaiting De
cision of Rhodes.
llr ' nclnlnl lrra to the Journnl,
bivims-, Sept. L'", Another week Iiiih
opened with tlio TraiiHViial situation
making time. No news has yet huen
received of the delivery at Pretoria of tho
last Ilritish dispatch. The next hig
news will he tho drolsion nrrlveil
at hy thu mad of the .Orangu
Free Statu, whose secret delilwrntlous
Is expected to clo"e tomorrow ami it
will come as a great surprise if tho
mad does not diniide to link arms with
tho Transvaal. Tlie tninspurt Chldana
has left Calcutta for South Africa and
the last troiiKNirt for thu diie leaves
India tomorrow.
I.OMIOV, Sept. 'Jo .Ollleials of the for
eign olllee this evening gave out thu text
of a letter from the Secretary of Slate
for the Colonies Chaiiihcrlnlu to tho
llrillsh high commissioner in South Af
rica, Sir Alfred Milnur, dated Sept. 12.
The Ihitish reply says thu refusal of
the South African government to en
tertain the offer of thu Itritish govern
ment, makes it usoUfcM to further
pursue a discussion on the lines hitherto
followed, and the imerial government
is now i'oniHilltil to consider the situa
tion itfmh and formulate its own" pro
mmhIs for I In- llnal settlement of the
LoslStrayod or Stolen
M. P. IStililw In, has in pooMii(iu a
wheel which Mas left slumling against
the large rick of slab wil belonging to
the Salem l.umhor Couituy at the
foot of Slate Street. The wheel was left
there yesterday morning and the on ner
The wheel is an JHIH Kamhlor No.
IKIM and Iwwrs n tag of .Multnomah
county numlNireil WXM and Is adorniNl
withauew "Gonnil" lamp. .Mr. ll.dd
win thinks the wheel was a stolen one
and was dxeerted.
Drew and Cloak Samples,
T. Ilolverwou's cash dry goods twtnh
lifhment in showing a rlnelllieof sam
ples '( Indies' suits, golf caHtH, dressing
sa ks, etc., direct (mm New York. They
Ficiiirc Holding
Vill Paper
high back dining chair
Salem. We will be
ready to buy, feeling
when you are ready
m WT iMv3tm
-r-y!i!'a" ' -
i 1 y
to be shown In the old Ktnporliiui store
room, three doors north of Holvcrsoii a,
mid Salem Indies nre given nil opportu
(unity to select nnd order from one of
thu best houses In tno country,
Transpoits Arrived.
Sax I'hancisco, Sept. 23. The Unltetl
Sfalcs tnius)ort "City of Para' arrived
today from Miuillu. The Pani had on
board members of the Twenty-third,
Twenty-second mud Fourteenth infan
try, Third artillery, Fourth cavalry mid
Eighteenth nnd Nineteenth signal
corps, who enlisted under general order
No. -40, and who are known as volun
teer regulars. All the returning men
onlisted in California.
The transport Valencia nrrtved from
Manila yesterday with six companies of
tho First Montana volunteers niid was
docked early today and the soldiers ills-
emlxirkcd and marched to thu Presidio.
Tim men were deeornted with wreaths
and (lowers as they left thu tnuixrt.
Hon. Z. F.
Moody went to lea
W. W. Whit
of Whtteaker, Mas in
town today.
W. L. Slmeral,
Salem today.
J. W. Kephart,
of Macleay, was In
of nervals, was in
Salem today.
Dan Miller of Macleay was a business
visitor today.
Win. Spraguo of Sllverton was a
Salem visitor today. ';
Mr and Mrs. S. M. Hoy of Dallas
were in Salem today.
N, J. Gaylord of Staytou was a Salem
husiness visitor today.
Mrs. James Imlap of Falrlleld wiw in
Salem today on hminess,
Mr. and Mr). K. 1'. McCornuck went
to I'ortland this morning. '
Judge Ilurnett over to MeMluti
ville tinlay to attend court.
Druggiel John ltrooks, of Sllverton,
was a Salem visitor Sunday.
Dr. F. M. Ilntoks, wiih a Salem visitor
on Suiulav, returning today.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Zuher, of Clyuier,
were visitors in Salem today.
Prof. (!. A. Clark went to Monmouth
today on husiness, via stage,
IM. Drown went to Corvallls today
after stock for Steusloft llros.
Mrs. Samuel Orr, and daughter Fan
nie, of Dixie, spent the day in Salem,
Jack Painter and Kauford Hammock,
of. Iaiblfth, dld.buiiInuH in SalenWtlklrty,
Mrs. J. D. Hills nod daughter Miss
llcrtlm came over from Dallas on hiisl
iii'sii tmliiy.
Mis Minna Sanvalu, who has lccii
viNitiug Portland the Kixt week, re
turne.1 tisluy.
Mrs. Mary Starkey, mid Mrs. IMra
Perkins, niotliur and daughter, drove to
thu Martin ranch on Howell Prairie to
day font visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Towdseud, of
ItoM-dalo, wore in town today, bringing
in their daughter, Miss Sophia, to attend
Willamette I'liiversity.
Dr. F. N. McCirty, of Klk City,
iv)lu iMunty, a graduate of Willamette
uulierslty, i'iu the city on husiness and
at the oHuing of Willamette Uulvenlty.
lie returns tomorrow,
Mrs. J. M. Payne left today for a visit
with old time friends at llioouilligtou,
111. She was accompanied hy Miss Kit
tle Harhard, w)m) returns to lnr phar
macy studies at Philadelphia.
Use Allen's 1'oot.Knie in Your Olovea,
A luily writes: "1 slmku Allen's
Fnnl-Kusc InUi my gloves and rub a
little on my IiuikIh. it saves my glovei
by uborblng iKirsplrulioii. it Ik u
most dainty Uillul iowiler," Allen's
Foot-Hum: mukon tight or new shoes
easy. Always use It to Ilrcak In New
Shoes. It keeps thu feet uxil and
comfortable. We Invite the attention
of pliyslclaim anil nures to the ab
solute purity of Allen's I'ooi-Hu-e.
All drug nnu shoe stores soil It, 2tc.
Hample tent FUF.K. Addresn Allen
H. OtuiNtcd. le Hoy, N. V. I
Realization liel'er Tliaii Imagination.
To reallie thu ualltM f my fruit",
ire erem, ereaw, ami eawllo. U '
to Uste thwR. My J-ate "earns
I'm re ore within yr weans, uiel
mim tried rmer dtmtwl. Call at the
1km IWn, 18 State St.
No tDnrpMoo or uulu
hu. Cuhk Alt I'aiu.
la Dr. HlliWl'il
Now the next thinjf is where will we do our
trading? We all want Shoes, Underwear, Hats,
Caps, Gloves, Sox. Mose, and a treat many Dry
Goods. Now, I will tell you, John, that we can
save money by trading at
In Salem, for I have priced their goods and know
they are all right. Keally. John, I feel like we
ought to tell everybody that they can gel more
for their money at THE FAIR STORE in Salem
than any place else. O. P. Dabnuy is the
proprietor. 274 Commercial Street.
And Looted By Fili
Three Guns Were Carried
And the Grew are Either Prisoners or
llr Ailiitel Trraa In the Journnl.
Manila, Sept. 13. It is riHirted the
Insurgent have captured thu United
Slates I'rhanetn, in tho Omni
river on thn northwest side of Manila
bay, where she was patroling. One of
ficer and nine of his crew arejulssing,
Thu Gunboat was sent to investigate,
returned nnd reiwrted tho ITrdaueta
!cachcd opsslto the town of Oraui on
the Orani river. Shu was burned nnd
the following guns with their ammuni
tion were captured, A one siuuder,
one coll automatic gun audonoNoiilcu
fetdt, 'J3 mllimetre gun. The crew of
the ITrdaueta arc prisoners or have lieen
killed. Further details are lacking.
Commanded by an Oregon Hoy.
Wasiiiniitos, Sept. 'J3. The guulsiat
Wrcliitu'tta, ivlilch was capturel with
her crew, is a little craft of only -10 tons
displacement. She was captured hy the
nrvy early in the war nnd has Urn on
siice duty In the hay for mouths past.
The records of the navy department
show that she was suponcd to draw all
her supplies from the luittleshlp, to be
manned f rom theOregou's crew ami toact
under liiMtriiutlHjjjif.t.liii,.OregoiiV Com
mander. According to the last resirtH the llttte
boat May was under command of Naval
Cadet C. Wo"sl, hut the crsouol of crew
is not a matter of record, Mug subject
to frcUcnt change.
Cadet Wood was ap)lntel In the na
val academy from Oregon, and has
passed his iicademle coo rut and was
IKirfnrmluu HtKl service at the tiuTltof
her capture.
Account of ilie Datlle,
Manila, Kept. !tf 'Jl.'M p. in. The
cruller Charleston, the monitor Mon
terey and the gunlsmls C'oniwird and
Zallro, with the mariuus and blue
juckets from the cruiser Ikiltlmore, left
Cuvlte BeiteiulHir III. nnd, us ulirudy
cahl'sl, proceelil to Hnblg lay to de.
stroy nu Insurgent enunou there.
Owing to the I Kid weather, the oxiru
lion wasHtnuil until Saturday, when
the warshiiH for three Iweirs Isiuibardetl
the town of (llaii(iiisi and the eutreueli.
menu where the gnu was situated,
Men from the Charleston, Cornmrd and
Znllro were then Uuded inwlur a heavy
tlistirgeut lire, proceeding to theeuuunu,
which was utterly destroyed by glinwd
ton, and then returned to the warship.
The Americans had one limn whiiiiIwI
during the engagement.
Ttie Inturgcnl Oun,
Nw Vokk, Spt. A seiUI lo the
Ilurald from Washingbiii says- The ID
ntntlmetru Kruppguii, destroyeil In the
IHHIrKt trenhe at OlMiitfa, Hnblg
Say, 8atnr,lBy . ,. of the K'. .ilt to
" '
i'"' IHtuu "r " -l". '"'" "
battle at Manila Ixty. It was tlnniglit
dnrlng war lime that thu Insurgents had
shewed the gun from mhho iiHMiau
' eiMutry.
Subtg bay Is tlio most important wrt
in tlio Island of Luzon, In thu neighbor
hood of Manila. It Is exnectM that it
will bo held permanently by the navy,
so as to afford a base of iiHratloiii
against the InsurgcntM in tliat iieghlnr
hooil. News From Otis,
Wasiiinuton. Stpt. 23. Two lniHirt
nut dispatches from Otis at Manila,
were made public today by the wnr de
partment. They are as follows :
"Gen. Hughes, at Ilo Ho, reorts that
Gen. Loiex and 04 armed men had sur
rendered lo Gen. Dames, at Castellano,
Ncgroi. There will be an election in
that Island on OctoW 2. We have
nought a conference, with tho chief of
tho Insurgents at Panay Maud, who
wished to know what promise could
bo given them, In casu of formal sul
mission. Ho was told that no answer
wiw imsslblo until they surrender and
their force is disbanded. Otis."
Gen. Hates returned from Jolo on
Sept 21st, hnvlng placed garrison nt
Slassl mid Dungnni, on tho Twall
group, onoeompniiy In caclw place. Ae
fairs In the nrchl)elago are satlsfactorv,
General Hales saw tho chief of Insureets.
at .iiiiilHMgn, who is still anxious to
receive a United Stntes garrison on
eondltlcn of withdraw! should Agulnaldo
smwiHl In Luzon. The proosltlou was
not entertained. Zainlsianga is having
trouble with more Dalos In thu vicinity,
who have raised tho Dulled States Hag.
Dato Cagayau of the Zulu Island vis
ited Jolo and gave adhesion and desired
to raise the American (lag Instead of the
Spanish Hag on the island. Tho Ameri
can Hag will Isi raised there after six
mouths notice In onler to establish, in
tho archlMilugo customs regulations
under the protocol, between Spain,
Gennuny ami Great llrllaiu, of 1883.
Chln-nc Can I jnJ t Msnlla.
Wasiiiniitos, Sept Sri. Secretary
Itisil has recehed a cable message from
General Otis regarding tint Chinese sit
uation in the Philippines. I le says that
a shipload of 700 can Ihi lauded without
serious interference with military nitr
fSgi ' S
CZriif Pf airlc We have
vjruu I ictlUb Capes and
Venetian Cloth
pi Ptf A very beautiful fabric woven for Oregonians.
IvJll- W .will nnl ciinl clin or f:ili ujMI 0nnl lli min
I lllll HVI .'W.,
without shrinking. We have
Special Sale
v -Absolutely touRF.
Makes the food moro
worn tmmq
Aiss Julia Dent Grant Weds!
a Russian Count.
llr Aiiiiclntrd Tress lo Hi Journnl.
Nnwroiir, H. I., Sept. 25. The Hpls- inrrlageservlcosupplantlng thatof
the ltiiHsFnn orthodox church, that was
observed yesterday, which made thn
Prlnco Cantnciuono Count Siiernnskl, of
ltussla. and Julia Dent Grant, daughter
of Ilrlgadler-Gonoral (Jnint and grand
daughter of Gcuenil U. S. Grant, hus
band mid wife, was celebrated at All
Saints chapel nt noon today.
Invited guests, notable for social and
military distinction, made thu ceremony
one thu most brilliant over witnessed at
NewKirt. Illshep Potter, of New York
olllclated. This aflermsm the Prince
and Princess left for New York and St.
The State Failed on the Oregon Asylum
Gov. Gcor starbsl tislay for Dnluii
county, to look up die matter of gain
ing possession of the state laud known
as the Hasteru Oregon Asylum site. It
will 1st rouiomWcd that the state paid
alsnil fllO.OOU for this proerty, and then
leased It to Turner Oliver for the sen-
sou (or 1 7 Ml, but as the whole ileal
was a swindle from the start, mid the su
preme court of Oregon discountenanced
the title, the original owner, M. S, War
ren, C. K. Davis, and two others, now
decline to give it up. Gov. (leer is a
Union county man and mi old acquaint
ance of tho Mr, Wright who sold the
land to the state, ll Is thought ho can
adjust the matter Hatlsfactorily.
Tnal Tup.
llr A'lH(tt I'm In Ilia Journnl,
Hoston, Kept, 23. The new luiMJyitJilp
Kcarsargu left anchorage tislay for trial
course off Ca si Ann, mid made a frac
tion over 17 knots sir hour on her
trial trip.
Chinese Allowed to I.aiul,
llr Aooeltilril l'rr In tlir Juurnsl.
WAsuiNimiN, Sept. 'J3 Hlnte deKirt
melit has nllowisl ship load Chlueie to
laud at Manila.
Private Pupils,
Miss MhIhiI Uiuklou ('arter, professor
of dramatic expression ami physUHil cul
ture ut Willamette Dutversity. Im now
prepared to receive private pupils for in
struction In tlio University ehapul.
Hours from H-:ut to I o'clock. llWSl
Our Dress Goods Denartment is indeed
a credit to Salem. We are showing all
the new weaves, colors siul patterns.
Toreign buyers claim that Crepons will
be very good for Fall and next Spring.
We show them from
SI a yd. to $55 a suit.
the heavy double face plaids for
skirts-the best shown in Salem
S2.50 and S3 a yd.
You see it advertised in all the
leadiinr journals of fashion.
SHADES. 50 inches wide.
SL25 and SL75 a yd,
W.,., V. ...., .. ,,. V.v,,. MV .,.,,
it in durable shades.
We are showing a mixed line of Dress
Goods, worth 50c to $1 a yard, for
37c a yd, to close out
delicious and wholesome
eowtw ., ?w yom.
The Servian Supreme Court
Atetes Out Justice.
llr Aoclnlrl frrsa In (ha Journal.
IIklmikuib, Sept. 25. Tho Servin
court this morning rendervil Judgment
In the case of tho prisoners who hnvo
been on trial for some tlino past, charged
with thu ntteiupted nwassluatlon of tho
former King, Milan, of Scrvla, July (1.
when ho was shot by a Bosnian, named
Kiiezcvlc and l'asltch wero leatlers of
a coiiHplrucy nnd wero sentenced In
death. Ten others wero condeiuniHl to
20 years Imprisonment each. One to
nine years ami seven to live years. Six
were nciultted.
Oone to a Pumlum.
Thu new I M.r cent city Iwud which
are to lie Issued next Monday are o I ready
said to command n premium. Several
have Ih-cii offered two per cent and ono
party will offer an mlvaucu of four jsr
cent, which will make tho Interest :i.K5
Kircent, '
Oiiituoo , Sept. 'J3. Dccembei 7:i'ai
and i. Cash U
Han Fiunciimiii, Sept. 23, Cash'JftlJji,
We invite you to inspect our
goods and be convinced that
they are exactly as advertised.
We have the
Largest Clothing Store
In Salem TC X X
And pride ourselves on giving
good values. Nevy line of
Men's Pants
75c to $
We are closing out a line of
King's Trousers, worth $7.50,
For $5.7$ a pr.
"Tlie way to be f
happy is to have n j
i .good liver and a ,good S
licart." i
You look to the j
J heart ?
j Pills-
j will take care of the J
I liver. j
a"1" " "l "' ii ii ii aa ail
' rftfH'M AllTfTBNorrl
I , ..lift " "If, ...I
iu aty vjztsj
i ,