-J " ' wt- mm Our: : : Guarantee Heavy weight Oxford .Mixed Cheviot Stilt &9 tltno Oregon Clicviot alixolutely all wool mid fast colors. $7.50 F.50-THB TALK Olf THE. TOWN-49.50 And the Pride of Our Stock is a heavy, winter weight Blue Serge Suit, all wool, fast' color, 9.50. 6 1 . JOHN 257 Commercial THE DAILY JOURNAL BY HOVaR BKOTHBHS FlallMi, SKIT. 21!, 1891). Dally, Ouo Year 93.00, In Advance Dally, Tout Monttia 81 00. K A.dvaiioo Weekly, Ouo Yonr 91.00, In A Jvnnoo THE TRUTH AT LAST. Concluilnl from I'lrrt Pair CATCHES EM A-OOIN' A-COMIN'. AND Aliout n motitli ago tho great oxio nent of economic, mid llnaticial, wisdom nt Portland lind this to hay touching the rerun tfnll In tliu price ol gilt-edge sociirltltw In tho European uinrkvt: Tho reiiKou I the great Industrial mid commoralnl Activity in KuroHntproont which create u largo demand for inonov und put up intoret rule. People llnd that thuy can Kiit n lxittor liiconut by lending their money nt present ninrkot ntc,or by putting it Into busluosH.thcro thoy can set on conol, mid hi they soil the consolr. It Iiiih Ihmmi n long llino hIiico the clvlllxod world hnd mi wpml degree of proscrlty. It iHtlur ing hard time, uk our existence Iiiih shown in, that money Ik chenp mid glll-cdgcd fcciiritlf nro dear. In MhImiio of tho SOtli imdiuit It re publlshe the follow Inn on the editorial pugo, referring to n recent 1mihI hiIo in I.ewIittoii, Idiihoi Tliu recent IkiihI wile Ih ii gil com nieiitury on the Improved condition of the general business of the country. In 18U5, when tho (85,000 ImiuiI Ikhiio miih inmle, the ImiiiiI brought dice und drew lwrcunt IntereNt. tlin county paying fftUOfur Iheblmik bondi. Now the Ih Kim nt Ii tier cent Ih cold at u premium of 1KB, the buyer furnishing IiIh own Ismd. Thin cut the rate to Lit ht cent, und make the annual Interest only fsiuo, ufTiH'ti'itr ii mlittf miu'Ii year of fl'JOO to the taxpayer. The gnhlhiig connplracy iltwn not weni to lie u 'bud thing to tuke ufter nil. For nu nil round douhlo-liuek-actliiii, pelf-cocking, argument commend tin to the price of sccurltlu. When they go down, It prove that time tiro prnorou', u lieu they k up It proveH the niiiio. When Intercut goo up It Ih bcoitiiso of great Indiiitrial mid coinuierclnl activity ; when Intercut gooH down II In Immhiiioo( "tliu lmprovel condition of general hint Ine." Retail I ZOUA'S IDEA. Hintlu Zola tuld to u New York Woild rorrcpoudout on Tiiituduy. "The Ileti ne trial wn the dnrk fourth not of u ilnrk tragedy. I low will the tragedy end? Dreyfu will regain bin pliiee in thunriuy mid the drama will end with n proceiodnn of liundcuffod general led to prison, oruUo the dnrk duy nre just l gluing for Franco, iluyn when Jtistieaj will come with tliu Hword udd torch mid u martyr' HOiilttul will Le soiled with the blood of humanity. Ily vindicating Dreyfus, France will vindicate horawlf. Tho curtain htm riteu on the Illlh act. The world wutclie." i i EXPANSION WITH A VENK OEANCE The Biil.atnnco of Mr. Kuliurinun' In terview lnco returning from tho Phil lipincH Ih a follow : Our unity In the Philippine In merely uu incident to our ileIgn upon China. The prut,! ilo veloiimunt of China by KuglUh mwl Amerlcun cnpltnl wftt-mnko the Huwry Kingtlom nt no remote dny the work khojiofthe world. The promoter und projector of ruiUtty und fuctorle In Chlnu will make (urge mmmiit of money, but the children mid grandchll drt'ii of Amerlcun who will Miiffer under tliu blight of Clunto cuiH-titin will have reason to curm them GOLD DUST The Best Washing Powder. Ask Your Laundress to Try It. Your Money B;ek if yen want it! lav Worsted Suit for wlilcfi others uuk f 1.00, at wof! atylliili ntripc or neat J SO.OO icck Hindu with ( Dill ton double breaMcd vect I) St., Salem, Or. COMMISSIONERS' COURT. BMTK1II1KII TKKM 181X1. In tho matter of the jtltlou of Kit genu ICckcrlln et ul for llipior liceiiHU In Kngluw(xxl precinct for one month; Krnnted. In the matter of tliu :titlon of (leo. Whlteuker et nl., for the IrK-ntton of u county road J ordered that W.F. Iloothby, M.Wiprut,itnd Itciilxwi IakiIkj appolntcl vlewcrM mid Ii. It. Iferrick, Jr., Hiir voyor, to vluw wild road on U7, 180H, In tliu nmtterof the vacation of the addition to Kt. l'aul mid of certain HtrcetH In Midi Ht. I'uul ; continued. In the matter of the report of II. II. .1 Herrlek of hieyele path from Aurora to Kiileiu j approved. In the matter of the application of I). J.Htewnrt for u M.'ildlur'ri Hcciiho for the jmrlod of three month; Ordered that llceiiHu Ihhuu for mild erIiMl upon re ceipt of fit. In the matter of the rniilgiiatiou of W. II. Hheruiau iih niicrvlNr of roail iIIh trlct No. 117; ace pled, further ordered that I). II. JoliUHou I hi apix)inttl hii- pervinor of Hiild dlntrict. In the matter of the claim of W. I. Htiirtlou for overpliiH on tax Hide of lot 'il, 0. C. V, I',; ordered that Hiild claim or fl.'UKJbo allow ed. In the matter of county aid for II. Ilronkoy, Mr. J. M. Hamilton und J, (Under; ordered that Mr. Ham ilton be allowed" permontb, II. Ilronk oy f I per niontli und .1. (Il'ulcr fit Mir mouth. In the mutter of repairing the bridge over the Huntlam riser nenr Ktayton; OrduriHl that ioH)rt of oxainiucrH Ih approved mid continued in all re.ixclH, Orderol that thin court appropriate Hiilllcleut money to reKiir nald bridge according to HecillcutiouH. Onluriil furth'tr that the clerk prepare a trail wrlpt of all pnx'iMslingM with reference to wild bridge mid that the wime ho Mihuilttcd to the l.liiu eoiinty court. In the matter ot opening bidn for eoiiMtriietiou of two bridgiwoii what Ih known an the Maiding road; Ordered that the contract bo let 1 1 0. 1. ltoynl it Sou their bid of l!7H.0O iHilug the lowiiht ; mibmlttcd. In the matter of claim of. I, II Pent land for balance of work a xiiKirvlmir of Din. No. Kjiilloivml. flO. In the matter of levying tuxeefer Mailon eouuty; oontlnued to January turm. In tlm matter of report of W. W. Hall county; clerk of warruutmlrawu on Hill ary account for August; upprovetl. In the mutter of tint report of W. W, Hull clerk o( wiimiuta drawn on Iiiiniuu uraouut for Auguitt ; approval. In the matter of cancelling county warrant UwuhI prior to July 1 IWi and ittll uncallwl for; ortleretl de utroyed In tliu prwciwu of the miurt. IUMII AM) lltlllHIN .miltl.YT. tlrey lire f U8fl! JOIkilr 10 IM J M Kkw ti OS (I M Uoyntr Oft 00 V DamelHonold 10.W Con llutH'h .llrtw llW Ril OujiLiunh Oo fi 1W imhluit ltinlvup ,. I M) Hadalkiugh A FrmiCH lit W TB llurmugli 7 10 It 1. Swiirl IB IX) Ohu V Walker I8 60 KM Wnde A Ou il 76 McCoy, lllnktoA'Oa 118 71 0 I1 Terr4l 8 H6 DOT v( uwi HV 01! IV IJW III 111 1 Uyr WTO llrowu A Sniltli ....T 1W IhillUA Oleunuit 41 W John Hughe IN J It T11lon ... 7S IW Mirubh 71 37 J N Duxi 17 26 Win Miley I 60 aMHaaMbHMaHMlBMMMMMMaMMMM 1 j If you ha Indigestion cure it by u lnRlIostcttor'B Stxmiacli Hit ters. It can't resist the pow er of this P CEltBRATEO 0 & reineoy. fti Neither can i fYivnTtPATION DVBI'W'StA OR MKRV0U8NKS8 See that arm vatb revk- nue Stamp coTcrs the tew STOMACH j Fitters neck of the Hottle. Win Fry. 1100 Win Itcnto Colo Ilros A Co John Kelshulck eld f-S.-lO It. h SwnrtH C W Corby ATOIIInm ... r 50 ... 1 28 ... 20 ... Ill 2(1 ... fl (X) ... 00 O I Terrell II 20 Win Mlley .' 20 JK OavlH .'I 20 I'AUI'KII ACCOtl.VT. Fnlem Hoipllnl f 12 60 S It .Itwinp r, 00 John Welcd 8 00 WDShnw r, 00 IIH IlradMiaw II 00 MM High, eld tlll.ir, 114 Jill John Hughes 21 68 CO Given I -10 A Tnnxlur A Co 20 00 Kleiner Drug Co Ill 25 Ilotmi A Irwin 8 00 0 W Jolinwm A Co i 50 Gilbert llaker !l 16 H K Kirk 87 .'10 Cap I.umh Co 5 10 Or Chllil Aid Hoc 10 00 II F ItiiHeel HI 00 HTATIONKIlV Al-COU.NT. It K Mooro f 13 50 8 h Ilayden 5 00 F W Durbln I 50 J II Itolnnd S :V) Cajiital Journal eld (11.50 150 CM Lockwood ... 1100 Croulto it Conover itfi 50 I'atton HroH 20 65 G 1 Turret :i 00 .Statesman I'ub Co 5 60 Salem Sentinel 12 25 FW Diirbin (160 WW Hull :i.76 J W llobart 6 00 l-OUIITIIOUHK A JAM. AU'OK.Vr. Salem I.AT Co f .' 00 Or. Tel A Tel Co 5 70 John Hughe ;i 00 A II Fonttnor :i 45 Knox A Murphy 2 10 Snlem Watei Co X 110 J W Watt 6 00 S II White 5 85 I.MAI. AOU.VT, J A Cumin ( 70 I) incvci.i; ACCOUNT. A W Long f 60 Ilrown A Smith 60 HTIlruce I 60 INHINK AIVDU.VT, W K Thonia old (10 rej II A JohiiHou 5(H) ci.hiik' AixMir.vr nni.iMnui.vT noi.i.. F W Water fa&O 00 COIIONKIi'm AlXOIUfT. A M Clough ( 1(1 20 rum. account. Marks. Skiff ( us 80 COMMIKHIOSHII'n AClllll.VT. .1 N DiivIh f III 10 Win Mlley 16 00 CIIIMINAI. AlfOUNT. Slate vh. J. Ilorneri N J Juilah ( 7 10 I) WGIIihoii !l 60 A ItuincH 1 70 F.Work 1 70 Stnte v. C. W. Uatwt II A JoIiiimiii it 70 Dt'Mluto II 1(1 State vh, Jan. Ifillemaui II A JoIiiihoii 7 76 DC.MInto 7 70 I. Ilurrl 1 70 0 W l-ogun 1 70 To Oiirii LnOrlppo In Two Dny rlf Ijiiallia llrumo Uuiiiliin ImI.Um All lnwtu rrTuii.t ilia itiouvy it il fail m pure h. V, nni'aluluni l mi muIi Uu V,. We want the people to know that the New York Itacket ha u large mid well holectcd vtiHik of all kind ol uood ru- ipiireil for full und winter use. Ilieir men', Iwiy'Huuil youth h cloth ing are miide by one of the Uwt llrm in the Kant, and ulvo entire HiitUfactien. Child' knee imut niilt from (I to (1.60 per Hiiit. Young men'fl ruiU from (2.(15 tof.S.60. Men' Hiilt from (.1.76 to (1H.U6. In the eelebrnted "Star 5 Star" line of idioca, we can xiilt any one in i)unlity and HtyUimid price. We think we have a line of khoc for ladle, gent und chil dren that are iiumirpusHcil. AImi in un derwear for ladies, gent mid children. We luivo n tluu tvk, from ti good, low prlcol article, to a Hue wool iindcrtdilrt nudilniwor. We have hat in great variety, plendld fur hut for (teach, t'lilanndiiml mid lauudrlml, white mid all kjud of nilonxl mid light, eolt work hlrt, glove, lutxlery, luce, rlliUm, uubrotdorii, buggj- whip, overall, jacket, oil mul duck out, in fact nl miHit everv thing nspiirwl for iiceor Mimfurt. Note that we have Mrlctly rucket h-icm on nil the ulxive IIikm, mid keep u large Mtix'k mi that we maybe al) to accommodate all that call. Cull mid Mve (mm 16 to 1X1 per cent. Wheel Stolen. Cant)' 1. Martin' IniKiri.il Uleyele, '. IVOllt t..ia l..l..i. .....I...I... MM.. .i """ -"'... jiroj. hip wIi.h.1 uii Ht,il.m to fmnt of I.I- ..uu... ll " 1 &M;jfifi2tllfyr ".',. , "" Kui'iiiiuo win tourcuiyreaiuetliotm. 1 he bieyole baa no lantern, tuxtng ur'jmrtance of the fuming campaign. He cveloiiietur. Till kiiiiu wluiil vv " 'tlug lor the very life ol ht Amer. ht.Jenby IlwrtJauiM wveral year ngo uir'ty U' ,lrvu"iU, v,"wr'l" ami wbiUuiwultlng trial broke hejallnml ; ,,' ,,...., ,. , , .-al.klttllbi..ll.url.rL...i.., I'.. I.. ' .. i .i i ii ... i lllin IIIHII II1V W lirVM Oil IIUl VUI IK-Oll ' fiund. Tho Uot i'roaoription tor Malaria (li'Uil Kvofl, ImIIIi' Ml UNUaTAarK kmi CiitLl. fTijtft ll I. .Itwplj ItwnauJi Wiulnvtna tMllwrurw h' nnv u ly. , I'iKM.Vn. 17i1Aw4iu Dieyfu. I lly rcpict Itov. V. H. Oapelaud will ivpeat mat Smly night the lecture given hut Sunday iHuriilugon the Drey fus Koandal and IU kigutlleautv to the CIvIIIhsI World. One Committment. Sauiual Cornellim aged tjQ year wu itHttlvml at the Atyluiu from IttiMilMtrg yctcrlav. JOURNAL X-RAYS, Johnny Bull likes u very, very much, while his Ideas ol the Alaska boundries prevail. . . Eugene has a new rock enmher and a new court house. Kugcne never was a alow town. . Tho Oregonlnn inputs that frco coinage is u dead Iwme. Then why write columns on tho subject dnily.? . If good times cause Interest to rise, and a fall in interest Ih caused by good times, where tho Deuce do hnnl times get off at? " Salem I enjoying the procperlty not of fallacious partisanship, but of good government by hontst men at the helm. Hut Its genuine prosperity. . Wo all want to support tho govern ment, but we'll like to be taken into Uncle Sum' confidence and not have all our new ivreened by n two-bit l!ttcn1 cen nor, . . There are many patriotic American citizens who would loyally supiort President McKiuloy'x Philippine policy if they could but discover what that jlcy 1. . Clatsop county Is petitioning for n special 5 mill levy for 4 years for county road. In most counties the dear peo ple don't have to petition to Imvo the tux levy increased. Notwithstanding tho big Republican majority In congress, It Is believed by our best citizens that that Ixxly will give tho ieople the real truth alxjut the canned liecf deal. ' . . Isn't It unfortunate that in n war to free the oppressed from Spanish tyinnuy, this nation should fall Into the attitude of the detested Spaniard licfore that country I able to withdraw Its prison er? The state fair and the Agricultural College iitCoivulli are Ixith state in stitutloiiH, Yet the agricultural college mnke uu exhibit lit the Portland ex position and refuses tojnako one at the suite fair. Why? - . Albany Isagltatl'ig iiblcycleordinance, ami the Herald wants "bicyclists ami otherH" to arrive at an understanding. That' one subject that "bicyclists" can agree upon, but tliu "others" don't join In, ami there are others, The man who prixlucus nothing is a burden uhiii the man who dim produce something, and the only difference be tween the Idle millionaire and the idle tramp in this respect, I that the mil' liuualre I the greater burden, for he consume more. One eustern editor liccaine Inspired and said: "When rony lingered dawn appeared we were In the valley of the majestic Willamette, and the slialts from the bow of the klngof day fell uxjii Held of golden grain, pleusaut paxtuicH and happy home." Right you are. . . Mr. Phil Armour stepxd before the Chicago tax review lxiard, the other day, mid voluntarily raised hi axscssmeiit ( 1 .500,000, However, More you drop dead let u stute that Mr. Armour did this only when ho heard u rumor that Hie iHnini uu going to rnlse his usscx. iiient mi even (2,000,000. Iludget. . . Choetnw Indian girl, under tliu di vision of the tribal fund, are now worth each 660 acre of hind ami about 1 1,000 lii cash. C'oiiMxiieiitly they lire much nought after in mnrriiige by white men. Itetween now und tliu llrt of Oc tolier, it I expected Hint Ilium will not bole than 1,000 nuirrlnge of white men to Indian girl. It vvii statedt the Methodist con foreneo tliu other evening that them lire Mime four and one half million of Il literate over ton year of nge In tho South. At the opera house last night them were only about live ludle in the whole uudiunee whoeeuied tumble to mad the management' very courteous request Hint they remove their bat. lieu. Harrison R. Klneald was In the city joMerdny eiiroutehome. Tho ex ecrclury I, by the way, writing eoine very entertaining, truthful und hurtful editorial of lute concerning nil classes of xilltletd cattle. Ills Inside knowledge of ttffuir U only cpial.-d by hUubllity to pmsent vhat he know in readable style. It isktaUxl that tu-orgiaf mij)hvmM to .. ,.i - ., :.......i: :" I, emu in yun iiuio. lias iiirn alietl ".". , 7"""a " J".v "imir wie. . . ". .' " ."" "" H""!."' " ""' oerlul eolomn of WisliuvMUy' TVle. gram How perfectly they agrol Pure Tea in packages at grocers' Schillings Best UHltfV S fSS! Ill tiou aLd dlsef tibia CONDENSED MILK I a perfect Infant V,jJU& tJiJXlJ. or-.w rvr wwr. . .. D0RDCN8 CONDENSED THE Headquarters for Hoppickcrs, New Goods Arriving Daily All undesirable goods have been sold at auction, leaving in stock the best and most seasonable and staple goods, The mammoth stock must be sold out in six weeks. Cheap for cash. Mrs, D. I.. KIESTER, Mgr, 2S1 Commercial st. GRASS 3 HBP. All fresh seeds. No old stock left over. Get our prices. Lowest in the city. Brewster & White. TUB WL.OUK AND KK1SI3 MIT.N Phone 1781. "1 l''"t M HEATING by STEAM HOT AIR HOTWAtEK Estimates furnished, and work done promptly, substantially and at honest prices. Fruit and Hop Dryer work a specialty. T. S. BURROUGHS, 102 State St, Phone I5II Ht. flDg?l College Salem, 40 miles from Portland.) CoMi'u:rn unci Tuouoimii Ceuiisks: Preparatory I.iterury, Scientllle, Classical, Normal, Commercial. Si'boi.w. Cockhkh in Mutlfe matic, Surveying, Drawing, Civil Service, French, (ionium, SjkuiIsIi, Italian Shorthand, TyiHivvriting, Telegraphy, Music. A Hiecial class I provided for stu, dents who on account of farm lalxjr, wish to enter lute in fall and leave early in spring. Academic degree mid teachers state curtilicute und state diplomas con feruxl. Send for catalogue. Address, Tiik Piihhiiik.vt Mount A mi hi. Coi.lihik, Mt. Angel, Ore. SLOO best oiih mm I issued Thursday morning of the state the same week. Tin 51.00 Mlj... III two partsooutJilns all aud Slate News, A m flfiiy Mil IJDll The Mislel Oregon Newspaper and Family Journal. Uniting New, Fiction, Literary, H.inuh anit Dairy aud Market New In attmotlye roaduble form. l jmial An indcrviidunt AsMxjIuted pie, .Send fur auipl fn-e ThkJqijuai. has the fullest rctnlrtuf Uieriuijjira of the leglclature ami state nlcilaU, as well. aMtrdeHin dent, olear'ind couale cuiUMinl eti ll publti; uutten.. Send a trial uttforlptlnn. If irrn"frMlnil 'iin--f MMlMilMiliHHMkVt Tempered Babies, j Iniufllctrnt nourlnhment natnrallr pnxloce Ilt-tcmptr. Otnl rnlait frotftilni la chUdreu by feeding uutrl- tuwl. GAIL BORDEN EAGLE BRAND foM. Tafco no ubtltuto for the MILK CO., new Tonrv S For boys and young men. Conducted by he llciicdictiuo lathers. Healthfully nd uttnu'tivelv located. (1 1 mile from In-line Ui i?nih .all pt i Important Foreign, Natlouul - MO A IE, Press Paigrfur UjU I'erti PARIS . ai-ridtm Corvallis & Eastern Railroad TIME CAKD. 2 For Yaqulna: Tralo leaves Albany 12:50 p. ni. Train leaves Corvallis;.... 1:45 p. tu. Train arrives Yuqulun... C:f0 p. in. 1 Iteturning: Leaves Ynqulnu 7-00 a.m. Leaves Corvallis 1 1:40 n. in Arrives Albany 12:25 p. in. 3 For Detreit: Leaves Albany 7:40 a. in. ArrlvcR Detroit 11:55 u. tn. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit.... Airlvcs Albany... OLcaves Albany... Arrives CorvuilK OLeavesCorvnllis... Arrlvnd Alh'inv .. . ...12:25 n. tu. . . 5:115 p. in. ... (1:05 p. tu. 0:55 p. tu. . . . 0:40 a. in. ? '.'; j,. in. Mm. unrl lu' nntinnf.!. lit. A lhanV Und Corvallis wltliSoutliCrn Pacific trains, giving direct service iiuritiirotn .cw hurt nn1 nrltiiiutnt linnntmu No. 0 runs from Albany to Corvallis on MoudtivH. Wednesdavs and Fridays orny. No. 6 runs from Corvallis to Albany on Tuesdays, Tliur.Mhiys and tjatur dnvs only. Trnlii for t.hn mniint.'ilrm arrive nt Detroit uL uo'in, giving ample time to reach camping ground!, on the Ureltenbusli and .Saiitlatn river tlic same day. 11. I. VVAl.tlEN, KIIWIN STONE, T K. A )'. A. MniiHXu1 J.TUllNKK AKCtlt, Albany. On-. WIU.AMKTTK ltlVKK DIVISION STEAMER ALBANY, Captain Znmalt. Leaves b' ilcm at 7 ti. in. for Portland aud way landings every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. llio ntcamcr lian lcii eipilpwit Willi flrsl clun aceoiumixliitloni, lliclmllnn an eU-Rnnl Unurpe(t for carrying lmlli frclKlil nl patneiiKcrs. Dock-Koot of Slnlc trr;-t. ian Pacific kiik Soo Pacific Line. Travel in comlort by the IMPERIAL LIMITED the fastest train crossing the continent. It is a through train making fowstops. Its equipment is of surpassing elegance. It will pay you to travel by.it. ?ir full n irllpiilnri. mi tn ru t it.a I linn and copies of (j. I U. publications up piy iu C. M. LOCK WOO I) Agent Salem Ore II. II. Abott, Agent Portland. B. J. Coyle, A(J I' A, Vancouver It ( Oregon Sliou Line Railroad Hie Direct llnuictn Molilalia, Utah. Colorado anil all Eastmi Points fllvi- i Imlce (il tM lavorllo ronliw, vlu llu t'lilmi I'arltid Ktul Mall Line, or llio Itlu (iraml Scenic I.tiie-. LiMik at the tunc li Days to Salt Lake 2i Days to Douver yj Days to Chicago 4j Days to New York Kreis Ilr-slluliiR Chair Cm, I'lihoUterwl Ton lt 3lmlm- Cart, uu.I rtilbnau I'aliico Dlevx:riiwral4xl on all lralu. Vur further Information apply. to IIOISK A HAllKEIt, AKenta. halem. VV K. COMAS. nu'l Aseiit O. O. TKHHY.TraT. l'aw. At l.niilnl?l. 1-oillaiiJ Hod Picking Will ooniuience in n few day. Do not forget to supply youri-elf with coffee, lees, Uikiiig juiwder, extract and sjiiciw at our store. We will givo a Iwrrel for bop pleking FREE with n Two Dollar iHirvlmsv, and jmii ticket Wliloe. YOKOHAMA TBI STOIIE. Telephone 2il. Free Delivery. Tlii'Acaiiriiiyol'llic Sacred Itol SAIBM, OliltOON, I'mler tliedireetion ot the SUtur of the Holy Nuuitwof Jesii aud Mary, will nt some tixlieon SJeptenilK-r 11th for young ludv boarders nod also for day piijilU, ineluding lioya ami girl. Parent are enrnestly rciueeteil to enter their children at theopening of the tlrst so-ion. An uWnee of more than two week dur ing the selwluiitie year, will interfere nun nif utuuurriiig 01 ceniucaie ami mwlal. The muic and art doiartnient furnish all the ewcntials for advanced tudy. Prosjiectus K-nt free on npiilica tlon. 8-22 lm THB OrtEAT; SALT I, A KB HOUTO ' . The attention ol caitbound traveicia 1 called to the advantages oftereil them by ihf Kio CranJeWcatem, '1'he Great Halt iak- I Koute " The same rates prevailed wbcih 1 1 ttte tup it ma e via Huntingtcn or an Kr-a-1 coco Jue paiacncer has hi. clwice o( l int.lM ml aI IV.I.ml K,. Iknui-li I. .In I P.l. .n fn ... .K.rtf Vn A.k I.k w.w, ...n. w. .. ,.ww., ,w mmi MUC otit of Portland ran otTer such variety ol lowtes In adJition, a day's stoover is fiveo all 1 asacre tt any folnt in Utah or Ul rado. Through pullmin act! touust l(a. ing cars are run 00 all trairu, as well a. Ut reclining chair ears. JTie service aad sc commodatioas wHeied are equal, if not u. iior to tho,e ot any tiaiu-cootinental roaU, ami isica are always as sow as lac lotaeM. ' If you ceatemntatc a tnn east, wnla to J. D. ManskeU, G serai Actt. Hut GranJe estwn Railway. 141 IhuUSiieel. IVntarul Orea4i. furanT wlunaiaikki iui nuv tuvl tn itleience to laira, routes oe acoxu-alations Canai DEI' MIT TIME S(iKI;ft jj ion Krm l'orllai.il i i M Kant Moll 8 p. in h'ihi Salt" Lake, Uenvcr l i "w Tt'- Oin.li. " Kan riy.".,, lxiula.clilcago an'l tail, "V Hl kfinc nauavvalia, Himlaii ..: aixills Ht. l-a',1. Ilnl.ufc 'MiuSr Fiver 2.30 pm "Ft I t.1 IM'.'JV UTL'VtiuT.V."-.-- 8 p tiv tor S.in Franrlsco, Banetery llVedayi, sp. tn. ex. Hun H.ttllr. "oTiTMTnA'iifvVit urriiii'i.. " To Aftonu ami '. J jin,),,,.. dny ---.B I . iu ii. tn. I.CAVP Salem 7,15 am Tu Tlin WII.hAJIETTE ItlVKIl ltll IM- k I nail Bat . . i WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION Daily boats to i'ortlaud a v Transfers to street car line nt nt Inn ItcbHt In nlltwvlMxH i ... U i ton, or California. Connect on rrjulett land with all rail, ocean a- ..,, ' W.H.I.LiUn (icn'l fan. Ai . p . ti. i G.M.POWEIW, Ajjenl. lraiBSl. te Salen., II01SE& HURL' SOUTH AND EAST VIA "FF. StHSTA RO JT OKTIIB Southern Pacific k H'lHil TRAIK Kt .N tlHY 71001' Ml Lv ...I'oill, 943 PMVlr....Satei 74JA M ) Ar. San Fru ami Ariii'iv,.! oaiem rtr , u . I-"--. I 5-i.ai Friitin.'-o I,v 5 oo p m 6:05 r m 6. J a a M 8lS P M 7.00 A M 815 I'M 4. IS P M 7.55 A m Ar.. Ar , Ar Ar . Ar. Ar . Ar. Ar. .... Ofcdtn .... Deliver . . . Omaha Clncag.j . . Lo Ane e .. K Paw . Ftri Worth . . N.'w Orlcanv . Ar 1 1 11 '45H 9:5n J J5 M 8 4.1 a '4' DINING CAUh OllSEkVATI'.N CAKS. Pullman tmt-clao and tutins Ikimu'ci, ..I... I . .11 .L- I. . r. .ii.ii(.u iu uu u;iuui;ii irain . I ot.Il.1 ct: tliroucii to t.lilcMgo witlu'U: ch.irgr. ROSKUUIUI MAII . 1-AHV U.'JiiA Ml l.v.. I'orilaml Ar j lu55 A M-Lv... Halem lv-n,.i 530 I'M I Ar Itowlur. I.v 7 ai I WK.S1 hlUI. l.UIMu.N UKTVVKSN PUKl'UM AM CCiVAII'. Mail tlaim dally ecepl hut.-tiy. i 7.0 a mi i.x.. . lornona am 5 i rl IKSSPMJ Ar .. CuivhIIii l.v( i j, At Alltiny dJ Corvalln con t. ulna ol the C .V K R) TRUhTKNDENCE fAS-lNOl.K KXPHIi TBAIN IMILYlrXCIIII M'SPAV 450 r m I l.i 7.'3o r m I.i !.y ri Ai v .. Portland Arl i'tt v....Mc.MinnvilleI.vJ '. ni Ar ImltlKliiUncr IvMCill Direct connictloiii at .'an t-rarcccu ' Menmliin IH f. HAWAII. AI'A CHINA. 'IHEI'Hil.lIrlMi arJ Ab TRAI.IA. For through tick la anil rat"-. ca! tr W. SKINNKK. Deisit Acini. r C I1 tiAIIKIl'.lAONCfly hckel Agtlil. JJIIom rrrfcial M Mlcm ur K. hUfclll 1 k. M r t" f.MAKKHAV .. 1'.A. I ji You Can Get a Lower Berth, W Itli one execution t' e tlutuki trains of the I!urllug'en.l5"tt urouliiKMl Invariably wiMW The exception Is 1 ur ,M l" Clilcago Limited. Uu Hie l.tui" there I usually it w aid snare. It... I, Infnr ll.nl II U tlfltt"" mi tine, nor o fat, a ANY tw- of ANY other line uciwjtu Paul aud Clilmuo On the f c ....... limn, U 111. mi ru IielUl"- tralu'ln America It Iu eltf( light, stc-itu heat, widevotitiM the imiNt Miitiucti'iy uiiiiw--service on the eontiuenl-w lower licrth 'or evervly. (Jeu'l Ai-'eiit, Porttind.l1' A Few Interesting Facts When people aie cmtfmi I'tinc W ally want ihe beat m'ce o' mratJ ;J a spid, comfort and fy .c'"' ,. bllU'lUYCS Ul II. C I. I.V".".... - - -" rf paid to erve the public and mr tawi" operafd to as lo mate d" Cl""" with ilivtrgirg lme at nl jurti.n , -Pullman Palace Sleiplng arJlbiirv on inrougp iratn. . y(fc uinmg car cim ...- - a ii v.aiic. .-, 1 ajk the .Uket agent o veil .u at""1 '"I Till! WISCONSIN' ll.MPUI.Mi .! ..III ..!- Hi, re . ' M 1 )l .... ;.. H &t. ram lor cmcag ' '" " i-pinif tM p, for any luit er inioni'" ' ticket axent or ciKrcpoml n'' JS, ltM'. (Wneral Pa .' Mli v viki. or J AS. A ClXK, (! b- t-d Agct, 246 Si.l Stiert. lorllAMl. um. No Mora Onrpot Wom'i"' UOTAM & IltWIN 1 1' ' H.miiwf.lHl fuSli Th" tn. t..oaVl m "" ".." ami ilt Ui m..'!-"' '" : Salnm. a v imu in.i . nZ "-"' ? " .r ir. '" .., .u- ol iMir Uu.trtalin IV ' l". 6 Capital Junk Shop- u ' (i IXUrin Cat In.u.r "- ' 7 ft OlUVe JHUWH, AJp(".. - 4. V y lo.roiw, rubU'r, lag, i-"""' 3 (4 rwrainl lioiiH. .j X i. D. Kl'IIKXSTFIN. 1 f ,r"t; $ 5 IV. Court Ht s" ' j) IIOFliU HUOS w 11 I J if