ARMY LIFE a L Wrrmm & m; .'r ? - 1 1 is' i 'i rj A X) ')W y r, ti i II, ? y 'SSAl't . 4 I jU W4.ti.wry of B. Warner, of Ilristo), Vt.. tuft It mark on Mm In what physician calloil n "IioiHp cntu" of lieiir" disease, llo tolls how fits llfo was spared. "In '96 two physicians pronounetd my cue hopeless, and said I had heart dis ease in its worst formi that it was use less to doctor, nothing would cure me. In March, '97, 1 took Dr. Miles' Heart L.urc and have not had a symptom of the disease since. It saved my life." DR. MILES' HtBmrt tiMM liy nil drucglsl on cuarantoo HiM lxitllii luiiclin or money back. Hook on livart uml nirvii Hunt free, Dr. Mlloi Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind. O. C. T. Co's l'ASHENOEIt HTKA).EII pOMQNA altonA I.KAVIIS t'Olt l'OIti'I,ANI) llallv ntw'iit Hundsv at 7 a, in. QUICK riMK AND I'llKAl" IIATIM. l).Mk Ik.Iwc.mi Slatn ami Court Hta. M. 1. UAIiDWlN. Aent. 1 ai.i, isrno.imi in noon mchicm. uoiik J MIIlK UKkCOMK AT fllK HTl'lllll. 0 jBEHTHA H, HUBBARD j Teacher of I'ianoniiil j At't'iiii.ilift. 1 Salem, Oregon. j hlmlii, -1) An J llu'Mlnir. Ituiint 10, J llixirx Violin, in. '1 In p. in. j PERSON ALAND LOCALS rorxlilltlonal IjciiI Newaaoo Kimrtli i'axo.r Mm. J. W. Wilson, who has been visiting nt thu lionm c( Slrn. .1. A.llotun, returned to her homo in Dayton lliln iiiorii1'). Ir. 1. F. (irillUli Mi for Now York City today for tlio iyiM of tufclitK NMt graduate course in medicine. MrK. II. O. Taylor, of Mncleay, who has Ih-oii in HiIh city for nimllenl treat ment for several weeks, went to Albany yesterday to visit with nil till vm. Mrs. Itoblnson ami children accom panied hy M. II. Wilson, hor nephew, went down to lltmvur this morning. Mr. ami Mix. A. K. Syimert hiiiI ohil ilren went down U Portland this morn ing. A. K. Williams went to Portland this morning. Missus Amanda uml IhIi WlUou.who have been visiting with Clara and Aggie Moon, returned to their Ihiiiw in Day ton this morning. How's Thia? Wo ollor Onu Hundred Dollars lie- ward for unv cae or Catarrh that can- not hocuicd hv Hulls l!nurrli Cure. l- J. OiK.sin ,v tii , Toledo, O. We, tin' unnerMgned. hawi known K. 1 tJIwtity t.r tlitf In.! :.')fius and lx lli'Vc liliu iwrfi-eily lionnrutiw In nil Iju-inoi trmi-aoUuiis uml Uimncluily abio lo cir y itany utHc.iUiri made hy tlir'r llrni ... Vit .t Thl'ax. WholcMtliJ Uruifu'lsK Toledo. O. ,. " ,. . WAI.UIN'il. KlSNAN.t MAKVIK.Wllol.- .alt D'HuntHU. Tulinio, O. Hall' Cilatrh Uurn is UiKen In ternally, iieilni.' cllreotly uimiii th hlood anil niiioou .urfuu. f Hh; y lent. TM.ilnionlaN wnt fn I'm 7.V. iHr lK.tilH. Kuhl Uy all DruuulfU llall'it Family I'lll ar Uiu Uwl. . 1M. lUU'h. ho lmj.lm iMliiiCH aati'miUN.wjwt. iml b lor Uim U fi- .lay lwu iitiuis '! " nil'h' iifTi!' II-ll' ' " .l''HHto.N"W- U-ri; this !" rnuv' . Kojdol Dyspepsia Cure, Digests what you eat. Itnrtmciallydlgesuthefood and aids Nature in strengthening and recon Btructlngthe exhausted digestive or gans. "iineaitjefuiK"ri n, nnd tnv.l no umer urcuoiaiiuu. Ann nnnMMl. Ifr In i!llaillff T t . In. uii awiwvu iv " -.w.wmw. . nUntly relleveiand inuanently cures DyipepAla, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. jlckHeadache.Ga.stralKla.Cranips.and all other results of Imperfect digestion, f?r pared by E-C OtWIltACoCblcaao. stuM.s ti. i 'i sluUK SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS' llalr Growmr mod Somlp Cfenr. AwUtMIIP""' - ta ofiaaaj i a i -a, ft& velflaa State news. The new Methodist cliureh nt New herg wnadetilcnteil Sunday. Tlicchiinh wns orpinizeil in 18,S). The structure cost 12,000. The entire-debt wna nsauined by the church otllcials. There is a great scarcity of harvest linmlH near Sherwood and some of the threcliing machines are laid up for want of help. A new roller proeew mill will be buill at Sherwood in the near future. I'eter Ulseu lias sued the city of Portland for $10,000 for fal imprison meat. Six hundred horses were recently re cently received at the I.inton caiinen from the Warm Springs reservation- Tlio Ongnn City public schools are ojiened and the enrollment rather light. 'Die eighth annual reunion of the old soldiers ami fillers was begun at Grunts l'ass Mon lay. Tlio Pacific rnKcsity will open Wed uesday, the IWtli. To t'urn Conalliiiitlnt. rorrvri. TaUo Casnitcts Ciimlv Calliarllc lOocrWc (I C C C. fall to cure. OrumiUts tilurJ msuci . Alexander Carmo, a farmer of Alney dicil'nt ids homo Sunday evening, of cancer, aged 70 years. ICilurntsTniir jmiwoIi Willi 'iieiirctii. CanOy Cathartic, cure rnnatlrntlnn furotri 0.1 Sic. It U.C.O.fnli,0rui:i:lli)rcfunitmoncv 1'nlon county Iiuh TiOSO bridges and culverts to keep up. Ilrnuty In llliinil llrrp. Clean blood inenns a clean nkiii. No beauty witliuut it. Cnscnrcts, Cuiuly Catlinr. tic clean )uur Mood and keep it clean, by itlmng up the lary liver mid driving nil tin- tmntics from tho hodv. llcgiu today to ill. id IllHAlf ll AM (lb bauUli pimples, lioiU, bjotclivs, unman fiiii'ivnf iiuiib) liuiviivpi iiiivi iinmt anil that sickly bilious complexion by taking caaearci, ocauty lor ten centa, All urug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, lOc.UcCOc. A ruioii toumtoefl to load. county farmer is hauling linker City by tho wagon When You Ride Your Wheel. Always shako Into your Mines Allen's Fool-Kac, n powder for the feet. It keeps your feel cool, prevents sweat ing feet, and makes your endurance ten-fold greater, Oyer one million wheel people are using Allen's Foot Kiiu. They all praise. It. It gives rest and comfort to Miiartlug, hot, swnolen, itching feel, and Is a certain euro for Ingrowing nails. At all drug glsm and shoo stores, Wc, Suuiple FltKK by mull. Addros.i, Allen S Ohnstwi, Lo Hoy, N. Y. :i The big evitMintting plant of 1). A. Snyder, at Dayton hit4 started ami largo orders for uvaioratcl prislucls of all kinds will be tilled. Dr. Mitchell says in clifii cult cases of Anemia, he adds cod-liver oil half an hour after each meal and he likes to use it in an emulsion ; that he has watched with grow ing surprise some listless, fechle, creature gathering flesh, color and wholesome ness of mind and hody from this treatment. 'Scott's Emulsion" is cod liver oil combined with hy pophosphites. It regenerates tissue, invigorates the nerves and brain, enriches the blood ami adds fat and strength. tiic and 1 1 . 'It drugfUU. M. I (IT & HOW M. I lwbO, New Ycik. Kodnl l)lsnysm Cure euros dyspep sia. "Tho public c;m relv upon It us u nm-ler reiuedv forall dlsodrersarrlv ingfroin Imperfect digestion."-J iris M. VPoiiiiis, M, I)., In American .Jour nal of Health, N, Y. Stori'Ji Drug Stores. OASTOX1IA. 3ri tU x " a Yc Hw W""'1 N Koduccd Kate to Chicago, iHtglnning Tuewlay, Heptviiilier lif. If yMi art going eHt cull mi tlm Noithni PurittV agfiitx, Tlioinas, Watt A Co, f7 CoiiimeriiHl utrt-et. Komeiubtir that yim mivu iimiii-y by buying your tirkut at SrtU-m iiutcHil of going to I'ortlmiU l" y. li-ll U DdWIttS Little Karly Itlser nn moto health by kyeplug ll irirly regiilitud. "Ilit pills umde; we will umj imi ntlioro." O. II. Applegate, J. P.. of Clark-ourg, N, J. S-oiibh Hrug Mart. THESHIRI.EY COMPANY. GooJ Play Last Evening Trilby Tonight. Curtain !le 8:15 tiharp. Tlw Jeiwl Shirky oouipuny a ouuifortiibly AlUol Ihmim lt nigbt in "Murrkol in I !, "a piny of druuiatie lnirt, wilh MiKtcWiit ootntxly to lighten it up. Mbw ftbirWy wiwruarin lug au vr. liar vrwtilUr U u 000 uUut auritf i and uhMMira. m Mvnui to 4i wvxry pttrt atw mmytt, lfrow iIm artleM eouutry girl to Mm gmiido diuutt ..r tlw dvfUlon. Tliftt tlwu fa .nUi witii a Sulem amilMMM i provni l tlw wnUtHifaMk raw4ioa tui-ortlv"! Ih.Tfvwy vtMsiHC- Ap4ttM rippll rpunUtiMMwl)' IhroMfuVml Uw play Ut UvouingMMl Umw hm OMrurUiu mil 1 Mm Sliirtey'n mpQOtl k vtwlleiit, u ! a U'Ao, out it W a ntaitof of rtl r.-gr.t ' tlut lb Uiinf kim ta aueti a ' gl j u,iMT." Mora lib would t w 1 l.le, Unculn J. ltviMr maOt a hit l.t B-rtolJ-lkiw lWur, ll w TiMorliiral wutt tot, and "--cwiiud au ! brtt tU r.-..i 4 aud tiikd act. TJh play UHiigtit U Trilby ai.4 l ciirtaiN will ff iccjnHly l t 1". without lail, tidal viuUU aiaii"ui,. HittBt Uviftg taw :id lat ri.inng TIim Using OiAm Day vl l'H"" nx Urwt'oi, Uwlaaxu.! illlav .iii a l llo ojkm ilUaHJH M " lu- M. HuvkltW, ulaubaa la u i.-H.i'a! ll. cL-le fair, wrul .It.iau t-. .'-r. i ? .."Mrwlfe bad plniplrt u horfiu-r. I.ui wiX. .1, ..." " -i ai.i is aiii, the with constipation (or somo tim? aftc '"H. flr.,t Cer--i ... ...' ii ltri this aliment. Wc cam oi . , , '7 0'S.l'ft' " Km.IMVjk.IMt. SiVW Oermantoitn Ate I"M'i Ic 'h'a uaJ I'alatabif I tor Sickf n W r.itL or l.r ll . He ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... I,rtt Rr.y tOT,, (ll.f. VMIr-.l. tm trt. 11. lifl.Tll.RAn SolJ atirtmiatoniculbi U.aiuc 1U I U-DHb ntu to CUKI! Tobacco llabli. Dad Kelley, a miner, was found dead in a cabin near Hridgeport.Or., Monday. The Ladies The pleasant cilect and perfect safety with which Indies may oc Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, in nkes It their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look fjr the name of tho California Fig Syrup Co. printed near the bottom of tho package. For sale by all druggists. Thirty-live persons left Tillamook Monday over tho WiUon river road for On-gon City, to llle on timlor lands. Kvery conveyance in that town bus lieen bmnglit into service fo'r tlio occasion. Twenty perMins left there Sunday on their way lo Oregon City fur the same purpose. Tlie Homeliest Man m Salem Ah well as thu handsomest, and olher are Invited to call on any druggist and get free n trial bottle of Kemp's liu Nam for tho Throat and Lungs, a remedy that N guaranteed to cure and believe all Chronic and Acute Uoughs Asthma, llroiicbltls and Consump tion. Price iVj. and 60c. For Morbid Conditions take Hkkcii- AM'S PILLS. Nwirly 10,000 bicycle tag have U'en Mild in Multnomah county mid the sheriff thinks that more money will lx paid in if they do not force collection. Ilon'l loliarro ii ami Smoke lour I Ife A.uj. To quit tobacco uiully bihI toiarcr, boinair ntllc, lull ol llle, nvrto ami lsr, lalio No'l'o llac. tlio wninlerviirkcr, that mnlioi weak men ltrong. All ilruRKlata, Woor It. CuroKuaron tcis) lloohlcl ami tMinpto free. Aililren Sterling Ilcmotljr Co , Chicago or Nii York. "I suirereil Willi piles eleven vears heloru using De.Vllt's Witch Havel Sal vc; my health Is restored -I feel like a new niim" Conard Sfuige, Pier., Minn. A srotlnug. healing preparation of Miuicl.ird merit: Stones Drug Sttirc. Great Oppcrtunity for Home Seekers, To clou mi estate which is somewhat Involved, town prois-rtltM, farms and small tnii'ts in fruit mid otherwiw udl in Salem and vicinity) will bo wterillced. Only istrtial siyment nspiiroil. In iilro of IIiioivn, Whioiitm in & Mvmis. Tioga llloek, Salum, Or. Sampler ()rt"gon Is to have new sldtt walks throiiuhnut tlie town. Ilnw .rr Tour Klilnrya I I If S.m. ft Unv Add s'rllus llciuvur Ou , llilwitra or N. V There' alwavs hope when thuro's Ono Ml mile Cough I'uru. "An attack of pneumonia left my lungs mrnr tho Hrst stages of consumption. One Min ute Cough Cure cured me," Helen Mcllctiry, MiMimrk, N. I). Stones Drug Store. CASTOR I A For Infanta rind Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho of &(&&&& Signature Kod il D)!.H'xlii Cure Is a M-ieutiflc coiupouiiil, ll "'digests wlin t you oat" and curoi dyspepsia, M. A. Kutron. liloomliigdale, Teii'i., says It euruil him or Indigestion of ten yours' stand lot.'. Stones Drugstore. Tin-drug stre of avJ. Hill, rlll sturluy night and tlu-rah HNH liiblM-.) ( I'HIUin i .o-h was IniX iiwlf llh T.wfclbrro roBllaar IBV a." i .'. t i hO.Ti.U.-lf itfWt t' i ' fur lo' Ml) .' li.'r.a, , "ifar ilraran,! ka- l-l c.ll.all,.lrt.leO, ! I. allrrafM, lloln IIU, m in vwab rr aa. ti tallltk IurUt a Si C. lfci4H, ! 4l Itrl. Htr.Klr JUtrutw f.tlIIMIMMf OASVOKIA Bntt tU 7 lM l' " "" "?5 & BifuUr d "(Ion the market f ir mutfhs ami colli-; for eroop itimn imi io.ul." writ- Henry It. WIiIUohI, Soutli Om Cmb, Conn, nt OutJ Mtnut. liuugh eur. Ston.n. Drug Store. John P. )frgiinii "f Ijiim- ""iity, dswl night. mjl T4 ).ar. lit L-ft a vil- ami 7 . InMr.-n &,&&iy&&U"i Mpar- CONDENSED MILK THere ' cheaper and In- f fertor to th Eagie. ? but none that equal It III his stood first for iorty $ aa c&j im lueeai dhl a 1 9 US ES eta; ka $ i'.i 0 r CATHARTIC vj y THAOI UAS RISISTtOCO f l"fant I'alitabif I ir 'u lilK' N HI ywv I najTarv nc-S7I ." pi, .tar. . - . .'! -tlil .m I mP " I auk '-'-ra.i 11 l'n wo.ono ialia n irW ajl lwLpaM''f .w t...k.t r.aa.i ai a.- mo-iii HAi-ira ui.k. T a 4 aWv La i i tZ. af I aam' ijaBt dl ffi L aWnVr - f.lnljn Mn a "mrmr - .a ------ -- i i niinn mi j ggrW Mistake P JSC?j densed Mlik. f ? - -r?3? Take n ub s rgLTiirg stitute for the J Gail Borden Eagle Brand : PIANOS, ORGAN AND SUVVINQ MACHINES. as now is me time wiicn many arc ttitnkliig or buying pianos, organs and sewing machines, 1 take this method to remind yuu thai vou have with vou uu old dealer In these lines, who makes nasiuoyio ouv ins goods so no can meet all advertised prices on the same goods. In the sewing machine line persons that come to my store and seo wuai prices innciiitics can bo bouirlit for, buy hero. Others, 1 tiud, send, oui tiui near so many as used u. cau!.c so many salesmen they tulk to cnargc to much more than they can get them by sending for them. I have in siocuiitfiLiirui.scir-ture.'idlng shut tle, alt attachments, 4-drawcr, oak table.sewlug machines forglft to ItHGO. louautioi take any risk sending or depositing your cash. You can sec tho machine and sow on It before you pay tor It. Flgtiro your prices adver tised and freight and you will sou I am from $1 to $'.'.f0 cheaper thau those prices, One example: My gain on shipping a tdnulo niano I have no uu the road n car of planus, unboxed packed In a car, nt tho rutonr $1X0 a bundled; price of box, &! tit tho fac tory; weight of box averages 2.10 pounds, nt $1 a hundred Is $10: welitht of piano In box (100 pounds, nt $1, makes s:i. At tho rate or $ .00 makes l) GO a difference on the nhu.o In box of $1-1,40 making a total difference ol $2 plus $10 plus $l 1 40 or $(1,40 1 save un cacti plums A very fair nrutil on each plaiKiatid alargesavliigou a car- loau. 1 could till this entire paper full of names of parlies that have bouL'hl either a plane, organ or sewing tint -clilue from me. I will give you the names of six only yl. Prol. W. l llawley. Geo. u Mver, Dr. W, 11. Hi-rd, Father P. Placltiis, or Ml Angel, Sol Durbin and Mrs. O. II. Hinges. Freu: these professional men and ladles who aru good Judges, you hao evldcnco that they found my titockas good and as cheap or cheaper man any oilier place. As thco people have round It to iluMr advantage to buy from me, will not you also? In short. I buy and sell my uoodsas cheap and chenper than any outside uianuriicturer or tieuier can possibly lay down u single shipment of a nlano. organ or sowing machine. UKUIIUK U. IHUli, No. :il Commercial street, Salem, op piiNito Hush bank. IMS d&w it O .A. ttu ' O xix -:. . Anut ti sj iNe Kind Ym Hive Alna Bwjfct BigMUi. sir . sSs M&&i of -af-yy &. uu NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that a petl lion has been tiled lit the City llccnr dor's otllco or IheC'lty of Salem. Ore gou, on this 1 1 day or September, IHtKi, oy a lohKieiiiatiii ptoperiy owner, iisk Ing the Coipiuoii t 'ouncll thereof, to vacate two certain portions off the wmt uml of WiNon Avenue, described us follews: '"llegliiulugiit thu northwesterly cor tier (at Churcli and Court streets) or wimi i.t known as WiUoirs Ave line, according to tlio recorded plat or tho City of Salum, Minion County, Oregon and of record at ...a, ...j III .....I ljl .if I'. .1. ..... XT.. t litifcv.. ... iiii.i kU i'i ui.iiiii: Am i, of the public rccotdsof thu said County of Marlon, Statu of Ore gou, afoicsald, and running llienco easterly along tho south lino of raid Conn street anil the north linn or said Wilton's Ave nue, tlireu hundred and forty-six feet .'II(I ton Kilnt upon what would Ixi the westerly Hue of Col luge street in said city, If the same were extended southerly across tho said Court street and the said Wilson's Avenue, accord ing lo the recorded plat ulorosald; llimicu southerly at a right angle to said south line of Oouri street (foresaid, the i'i, chains jr three bundled and thirty leet Xmj to tho north lino of Stale stu-el and tlio south line of said WIImiii's Avenue; thence w.sterly along the said north Una of State street and tho south Hue ol Wilson's Avenue iifores'ild, three hundred and forty-six feel (..'IIU) to the Miiiihwesieilv corner of said Wil sou's Avenue aferesaid: tho'tce .lottherly along tho easterly Hue or Church sireul and the westerly Hue of said WIImui's Avenue afore said, live chains t or three hiindrwl and thirty leet .TtOJ to the place of beginning." A I Ml, "Beginning ata Hiliit'intheMiutb lino of Court street and the north liuuof Wllsou'sAveniiti .icoordlng to the recorded plai of the City or Salum, Oregon, aforfsald,) lliruo hundred ami forty nix ;'IID) ftwt easterly-ffoni the riorthweUirly iiniier of Mild Wllaoii's Avenun aforesaid, and where the nald Muith Hue of Court street and thu said north line of Wll-on's Ave nue, would lutorei the wontorly lino of Collage slrtHit In Mid city H the same were extended soulli erly aerowwid Court street and wild WIImiu's Avenue, and run mug theuco southerly aeroi Mid WlUon s Avenue thive hundred and thirty W tnel or tie '. chains, to a point on the muiIi lino of said Wilson's Avenue and the north lino of State strt Ciree liundriHl ami foriy-tix lin. feel from tho Miutliwetiltjrly nor nor of Mid WHhiii' Atrenue; llienee im'terly along tlie anuih line of Wllw.n's Avenue and lite north Uu of huto atrei, n iMiiy nine fnt and ix lnch tMil ttt to a point upon whatwiMi d I tin easterly Hue of said Out la go street if Llie sjuie were oxuhhihi miuiii I erly aertwsi Mid Court street and , i Mtd WiInidV Avebue to lh Mid. .north line of Slate slrtwl and tlm S wHith lliw of said Wllmm's A veoo ' jtfuriMild; tnenra norlixirly iriwt Mid WllMiii't Aveiiu live elislns i.r line hundred and thirty tail (Ml to a point on the Miutli Ih i.( t'uiirl trtl awl tlw wi'tli of i Wilton's Avtsisj aforiawiid and wiHire tlw Mid la-i nametl lli ' would lnUrel tlw easterly line of ColUglrtl j'oraoald If ItM mine ere nxUiudetl tMlurly aerkidOuiiri strwrl ami tom north Wwn of WIlHaM's Aveouti H'ortMMid, and tlMixiv ity itl.Mg Ue tald Miulh lift of lour l .reind Hm mMh luwul W Il ium's ArntM afMMild, itlaavty nine fet uao six InelM. lim fa! I Ui IM pUca?if bavllllg." Upon to lerui. and tumHUtm awl f r ilia um and purpuM U IMMtlii t f-rtw. said (wilt ton will -i,im lit for Mat ing at tiw Mon.d rrwuiar maul law of llM lUtaWOal I i.ur.i ll . hWtMM. Of g, for UM ' ' ' OtU-W, ISaW. U'til, oa live I'll. -i. ' vilu , J. JUDAI1, I I(nMi(r n't' nf hail. Ui- ifoo, and ttx-Udtow JiMtN ut law . P ' Wkkmkk Hmkyuam letill..ier mmmmmmmmmmiammmmmmmmmmmmimiammmmmmmimmmaaKamr Ztm mWWWnW ivHBBaK LH aBK lH H aaL H aLV B for Infants and Children. Cast orl.a is a Harmless substitute l'or Castor Oil, Pnrc Kurli, Drops nntl Soothliifr Syrups. It la lMcusuttt. It coiitiilns neither Opium, jHorplilno nor other Nurcotlii Hulistiineo. It dostruj-H AViirins anil allay.M Kovorlsluicss. It cures Dlntrliu.ii mill AVIml Colic. It. relieves Teeth liifr Troitltles mul euros Constlpntioit. It vetriilntes tlio Sltinuu-li uml Ilnwels, (rlvlnir Healthy mill iinturnl ulccn. The Chllilrcii's J'.inueeii Tlio Slotlicr's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought 'Hoars tho In Use Foi Tr CTNTatl fOW'IKf, Tt Muwway TWffTt HlWtfjaa CtT. mwmmommmmBmmmmmi rib jtfr j.V''fi '' " tw""1 I THEY ALL WANTED IT!! You are tlity tlioiiptit tlie Ucc1r In tlie liiiluw,waa the only one we lia.l. T hue wrte flriitr not liialilc howrvtr, ml w iuld'tmoueraa. -.iaalit vou out alia jf with 6RAWF0RD, LEUELflND, RE5CENT. ilAHKOuO ltESTOKAH it ia 'y Kt.u mil i t i . tli Memnf ' k i Hm MoiiM N .umk t a.i tty (Mitlilulrrur, ai".in I . . .... ...a. ... I - Illlal IMIIJT ' IIIVMIIIIV vail nt ViiX.blOl J hy HiH I'lij UU lUm I MJOUIaailMirtl l,aueIlu' Tiiihu ahu Yammili. Hm . IMhtlank, Ok boon VOU .SAL 13 HV 1). .1. FKV, SAW5M, ()in:(!()N. THE OLD POSTOFFICE STABLES. Special ralos g'von to.Commorcial mon. llMt.-siiiaiUliiKl' . in'"t ll h.iiir. l)lifiiiiwll al tm aHwl. I'lwW III. Not Grocers to the President! But Grocers lo the Peop'e. We keep in Slock a full Variety of Provisions, Groceries and l;ruil. Anylhinjj and everything you need. At prices lo compete, call and compare. HARRITT Si LACDRBNCB Ol.ll I'OrtTOlTlUK (hHJKUV, 0aU anbSee uvjffne int of x DHSKS casks iiockeks LOUNGliS COUCIII:S A Hi- have tiii Utt mihI Imit dflgn ill llHr (..!., nt priii Unit arc right. F. W. Hollis & Company First Door North of Postofflcc. HD FRONT LIVERY FirfctxClass Ffed and Boarding stables. IIU eoMMHHOIAI. aTMHT. kALKll, OllK. ULLREY & PAGE Best Rigt lor Comntcrcial Men buUtm Ut aatt Mrk HmM WlUauwIU tSrHnte titauM and ewufurtable rig furladlMand family driyuu x n ally. Ilotsen lM'dr d by day, week. i-r mould and Ui i Mliafsrtli.n guarantMd- u-7-lw of Over 30 Years. Victory Always crowns our efforts lo tmslnce th ll'uesl laundry work that mil IsmIohc. We aim at perfection in the laiiudciing of line linen, shirts, collars, and cuffs, wo ileus etc. mid always reach It in tlio most artistic llnish and faultless color. Our work Is par excellence, and Is alsiVo itvulry, as well as our prices. Saloni Steam Laundry, ait.OSr.l.J. OI.MHTKI), 1'ltOI'lt. Phono 411. 'j:t0 Lllierty Street Best and largest line of Bicycles la the Gity, Car load shipments Direct from Factory PRICES: it'0 Wo havo.1.. Best Bicycle R, M, WADE I CO W;V.V.E;? U.tU'rl VUllH 1 ' t 'imi am in li l Wfnk iAi( Miili''i'l. Nuihtly Imihs 1 1 i.ituntfiM.v Orvaim, CitUMil ue of 4iinuUnt wliuh lt-a In . ...... .1 ... . .i ..a. I . a) .u-iailil ClrruUr flee. All.lniiiKlala-Takc .1 tty the I'm u Medicine Cu , I ani.l luncc. v vli Irui;Co.dlitrlbuliiigKciita, i K I !- " 1 . I i '-n I2 KIWtltV KV HAl.f.M.OIt. J. J. FIDLER, proprietor. Horses IliNiidcd by tho Day, Week or Mouth. Standing Tenuis, IRu. Horse UK), Sa X IKON I3KDS STAND TABLI-S WINDOW SHADES IJKDROOA SUriS WALL PAI'KK SALWI IWAIUTOIIV SCHOOL U til opM (or Hit hw aelkiwl yamr Kf t. M, liaWJ. f. aiwwl vm naniar HHrtti lfOa'rMM tlMM Hi tb prMMHl tlm. A laryar sUJw tkm imm! la mitkl pitied far tit. eaMiiMg yar. A. J. imw-ao, M. A., t-Hiii. Prinripl. CURE fOUPaELFt I - i !? ommtmit l,ll'M I W.. .1 -.i..k- '-' !-- Mid fcf l-uia. ii. afa.ta .,ra7'j I, . k.. a. il w .., i Urfl ClokUf - ' ' H'f:. Ilka. l I. knUMl T .O IT I'lMfllkSTr I.ATK INBITKA.M'K, KBAI. liMTATK MKCI'ltlTY IJOMW. HOSCOUTII HHOH. UU'J C-'Ullflarv lal 11, Ora, V 1 if dW Vffl i a 3aSa .iaaTVaina) m . AMS HPS1NKSS OAIUKS. O. M. niAOK IDenttst, Sucesiwr lo Dr. J. II. Keene, old Whitl Corner, Siksm, Or. Pttie drilring aMperioi opetklioni t mwUrate feet in any branch an In especial request. ALBERT A. JESSUP. Phono 1071. HOOMS 1 AND :i, (lit AY llt.K. Saloni Water Co., OFK1CI-; CITY 11AU" For water neivice apply at ollice. I iayable monthly in advance. MaVe mi'. nimplalnts ai tlip , Platino Photos. Enlargements In Crayon and Watur Color. Photo lluttons. Aiuiiteur developing and llmshlng neatly dune. K. .1. IIUOWN, OttOUNll Kl-ooit 2I.'I Coiniuercliil St., Suleiu Oregon. Steam Dye Works. No. 111.' Comiuereiitl Htrect, oppoltn Wllhimetlo hotel. Ladles' and gentlemen' clothing cleaned, dved, repaired and pressed, Finn hlmiketi eleaned or dyed and nicely lln IhIiciI. Kid gloves cleaned, lUct dyed i!ic. S, C, STONE, M. D. I'mpilflnrror Stone's Drue: Stores UAt.KM, OKKOUS. The alurpa (Urn In niltnlicr) nro IncMcl a No, U anil ai3 Cominrrtal atrcet, ami are wt'll .lix-knl with i'iiiii.teti) Una nlilruiaaiiil inetllclnra, toilet nillcUw, wrlumtry, lirnahea eto.,eto.,rto. IIU. HTONK IUilia.1 miiiiP'J jfar. oxirlrnrf In tin. rm. Iltrnt iihiIIi'Iiii'hihI linw inaliHi mi charier for ninaiilUUiiii. ciaiiiliiatliin nr irruHrllltiii. C. H. LANB Merchant TailOr 07 HTATI! HTIir.ltT. C7UulU ft 13 anil tipwnrcU, I'anta A3 nod upwnnU CAIiTAI. CITY Express and Transfer MkIi all mall an.l paitengnr tratna, Hap gage and cipicm lo all paili nl Ilia cil) Prompt teivice. Telephone No. 70. DISOUK & KK1PTON NEW MAR K KT 1 S( .le meet, near rillruad. l-'icilic il aurl twit mrali, My pa"inna aay I keep the !' mtala In town 11 fiOULK IM)S. PIANO T1INEIIS AND IHII.IIS I'diinNii. onu hirrlalfiuaiil vlflliilljr Ink urdara at llm Will's Millie Hill Photo graphs You can get unt what you Maul al run Ki.rn: stiiho Nothing but llmt work turniHl out. The hlggiMl Ivnlargiil Work on the rotut. --as v--c '"" 4y:7t How About Your Heater Nit nil right wild ri-tt'ly f.r th" Winli-r? If tlilM 11. tlu, IminI ft Hi... In h'lkl, ll i-t,aiiiNl mul mil in ri-imir Vuli i-Urt your ir r -ilil) yoo iiihi 11 iiftv "uu".' 111 mil ' yii urn lind our Murk in thu linw of thu Inwl. We will iMit 111 at won limiting Hppurutun, hot inr fiirnurti nt hot watr liimtlmr at a rtaiMiiMhlcat. BARR&PETZEL lit COMMKKUAL XIM.XV. 'leleplHifie No. JJ71 Maialial'11 Hale. Not lee In hereby given that under tli pfovlaloiia of ordinance No, 200,1 vtlll on MO.NIIAVHKPT. IS, at ' o'cu'k 11. 111. at thu tMHii.d In llm elty o'Kaleui, Mill al pilhlltt uuutlull, 1110 miiuwiuit iiueriixMi iuimjuihihi uiiliuul to wit: tjuiull blaek outre with wlilin tt In face and anlii 011 the noe, linir wliltv fwt, red wuh halUr. UulwMthu ttbovaj dtMsrlbed auluiul UelalHrl tMjfuro cutddutu. tut) will be owile witluwt ravmrvn. I). W. (1IIWON. City Marvhul. MpleiiiU-r ll, law. IHaVSi Mauhal'a Ual. Not lee I hefoty given that under the provlttoti of unlinauee No. SUi I will on Pill DAY. timvV. L uilu'cK'k p. 111. al thu pound In the ally ufivilwo, mill at puhllti mietbui, ttH follflwlog deerllal linioun(Uo animal, to-wit: WliHe mare. 10 or 12 yuii old, nhod .til ttiiiunil, wielgiM about W). UultMa tha abuvu doxjrlued annual U elaliiitMl before va'd date, alo will U without revive. D. W OlItiiON. City Marahul. .iveiii, Kiitinlier 10, lw. v-lrt-Ot If Mil iimi i Tan ta3rllNrxalat-TaSPsWVNaTaaS INTERSTATD iinni m ETTA ANDERS-WILMAN Atjoclate Teacher Western Conetva toty, Kansas City, Mo., repreientlng Ihe Inter Hale System, a Salem, Ore. Orer Hrst National IlanV. Kealdence , 376 Church street. Studio lioun-p to to 5. irorsKjBJujr 1 WANTED. Now today advertisements lo Ilns or less In tlita column 'naortnd tnroo times for 25 ctn, SO ota a wrolt, $1 per month All over lour linos at snrao rnto, NOTICK to conlmctorT JIIiIr will Iw recelve.1 until Sept, 25, 1W, nt 10 n. m., fur tho conidi nation of a two fltoiy frame vanltnriinn building, nerording to piaiiHnnd npolleitatlona to bo teen nt the ollleo of Dr. It. Cartwrlght, Salem, Or. The right is resorvetl to reject any or nil bids if desired. 0.18-31 HOOMS. FnriilHlicit uleeplng rooms, during the fair, quiet and hntnn-liko. Hates reasonahlo, 18(5 Torry fctrcot. 0 18 Mt WANTKD A young man to learn tlio Jewelry himlmw, only those who eomo well reeoinuieuded need apply. V. II. IIIiikvh, -JIM Com. St. H-'ii-tf dit v WANTKD TO IIUY-Ueutleman'a Itoad IIore. Wlllamelto Hotel. II 17 tf KOH SI.K-Welehbach lliirnom, L'Ma eiii'li. Willamette Hotel. 0 17 tt I'OUH DOl.f.AHS I'BH DAY-Men nro wanted to rut. split or haul cord wood. Will pay Ml cents for splitting and tt Kir curd for hauling lullntaucu ofl'i, niiles.Saloui I'uel Co., room 1!), over llimh Hank. 8-8 tf cllATWmi6"U8l:7CeiTraily located, two blocks from biiBiues6 center, oulet hoine, nietdy furnished rooms, witii or with nut hoard, terms oil application am Church street" 0.0-liinin WANTKD. Tenuis- to haul lumber from saw mill to Selo. A good tiMtn 11111 (urn tl.Mladay. l'or furtliiirpir llftilnrH call or aildrew lliuiwii & Utiidou, Salem. 8 :il tf W A N'fKD-ftny 11 lsitllo of Chloro NaJT thollnm brfnre going to the Imp yardd of HulMrt Ila-oy. Hll-t f WA'NTi'DTYIiwtt, oalM and barieyl bag funilxlil. llet our prices be fore you nell. Ollleo 011 Court street rear of Dalrymplu's store; warehotisu Ijilnir lvxchaugu building. Tillaou, llartlettOntluCo. 8-7 tf NOTICK TO Till: PUlTl.lUiiilcTi la lierebv given that thu utiderslgiitHl will hereafter ho resKinsihhi for no bills contracted by auyoiio except hiimel(t or uimiii his written order. W. W. Little, Salum, Or.. September 1?, imu. 111 1 nt IIOHHi: I'OH HAI,K.-Tlm Mitchell I.olH.ti Htaver Co. branch in this city, has 11 good geuentl puraso horNi for wile. Call early. 1". V. Carey, manager. U-fi-K riTt3YcTii:PATIl-lf ymir hlcycTo needs repairs bring It In, wo h.ivu thu sltlll and slock to keep It In Hrst clast condition. Wo carry n full Hue nl sundries and make a special ity of enameling count and kcu us. we satisfy our patrons. Gardner & White, -JA$ I.llHjti.y alicet, llolinan s block, next door to steam laundry Phone U8A0. l.'.'ii.t. I P) DffflFcTnAfRim - Iteiuenibor thai 1110 nest and cheapest car (Hit paper Is thu heavy full paper sold atTiiKJOUicNAi.otliee. , L"0-tf A LIFE SAY HI). Or JP, Cook, thu IfotnnlcnlSpuo nllat, Buooouila Whoro Otlior Kail. To whom It may concern : 1 his is to certlly that llerthn P. Cm liur, ol Ml. Angel priviuct. Marlon coun ty. Or.t!.in. has suffered from 11 imtieur- oils growth In the loftear (or iilxiiit three years. The growth was eiltuut twice and burned oat oueo by Allstnv Plivslelans. but the irrouth i-amu lumk km luui as ever, and (mined her nj ludly that she hud ( Ik taken from sehoiil. After three wii'k s treHtmunt hy Dr. J. V, Cook, of Sab'lii, Orrgoii, tho Ihitauieal HHt'HlllMt, the growth eiltiriily iIIhjiii pearikl, and at this date, four months since triNitiiiuut was Imviiii, the growth una nut mi pi mi mi, nun 1 no our una en tirely henlwl leaving only the near in llUtnl by IIih Allwny iliKitiirs. I hereby crtily that the aUivo state uieut is nlrtolutely true, and that .ller llia PCniiiii-r, thu ajrsoii mentioned in the nllMsvit. has redded In my fam ily siuiwenrlyiliildliuoil, boarliig tho re lutioushii lo mv of niece. II. O. HnliHcriliHil mid sworn to huforu mu tins wiglith day ol June. imni. W. W. Hall, uuiiuty ulrk ol Marlon uoiintv. Oregon. ASSAY OFFICE AND LAUOllATOUY. No. 71 Chemckcta st, 1. 11. r. Tirriui.ia AMr. The German Market Will lie found all kinds of inwtt iilid the limi ( suusagur FltKK 1IKI.IYKICY. All bills due tho Ut tli in of WuU A MluMiko inuat ho jhikI. WOL,2Z St SON 171 Comitiurulul St. HUIE WING SANG CO.. Tooi, Chlnnwaru. Jannnoao Fancv Ciopita. lllLaaTuLlaaCaail Mil kit Uamu.,. I....U - I . 'iu jaUiirtA iBuururoirrc i k '. I"i. liufl warv, Malllua-a.uuiilio Makin of all kinds of Udiva Underwear, lurSutS', Vlerr Huw,r' 0nto TiUUn n, .Mr ..ulM.nfi w llopOrowcra Arat Invited to placn their luaurancu m illi us. Wh Issue KlfultM onus lllwral lurms as any ugwiiey In Saloni. and of tor you iiumrunctt in several of thu betit KttgtUji, (iurmau or Amerieuu coinisin iwrt. Wu will luriifsh you lion tiuketa In any style with your nauna printed on them tree ol chargtt. Call al oillca ami obtain terms, . M. llBKlBH & CO,, 3 ColnniMNlul St uuxt It) Tnlephoni) Otlitw. To curs I.a Clrinnc. ttep ww5Tawctrila jale feat, ana tte Ur, Vll NaxvSaV - Oiip la (lavlag Ihouiaruta $jciaj- "4"'' yy no 10 this it.. rmng. f