- &&? Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels CleAnses the System Mtri-tLIUALLX S' vMfT- OVERCOMES 1rrO h4BlTUALCONSTPAT.ON . PERMANENTLY. ,T5B,;tcTS. Buy thc GEMWiNt-MANT o oy f?RNIArG,.SYRVP(2. 's.v. " 'cv.c'r. ...,? '09 SLI BTtlCHvUilT& tOU SOt HMT!lt. O. C. T. Go's 1'AH.SKNOr.ll HrKAaiKH tojmlona altonA i,kavi:h foii roitriANi) Daily pirvlttiniMr at.a in. QUICK TIMi: AND t'llKAl- IIATE8. Due l Imtwnm Mate anil Court Win. M. P. iiAI.DWI.V, Aj-nt i A 1.1. INTIIIKHHI IN IIIMII) Mtll( U, WOHK WlllK MKU-UMK IT TIIK STCMO, inn i Teacher of I'luuouud (Vlllll.ltlltt. Salem, Oregon. Hlll'lhi -I) r y llinlduii- Kihiiii 10, ll.m-a I'llJa. in 3 In ii. in. AA4.AAAAA.AA.AAA 4 PERSONALAND LOCALS 4 Kur ailillllnnal NkiiI Si Funilh fairer . A. Montague, f AlUmy, was n Su li'iii viNitor. yesterday. Mrs. i'rttlrirk llrl.lul, f Portland, In in the oily lli guest of Mr. Miiry ray Ion. Mia llt Hurt-Hit, of I'ortland is In the city visiting friunds an-l attiMlin tlic fair. .1. I.. Tli'linor, o( lai Cumim, Wash., is visiting at the homo of D. M. Croitso, near this ulty. Tliu fiiiully of J. 1'. King wiit ' to rorliumltlil ruing v here thoy will reside in tliH future. Edward Dakum who I mm re-iMed in Iloiiolnlit for four yearn is In Unlem the guest of I'. I.. Wllinaii. Kov. II. A. Ketehutii went to Albany hist night to IwpruMMit t lit" oiaiiiSgnf tin. AlUmy college today. Mit Jennie C. Amlerwmof MeMltni vlllu in in th city visiting her iwrent tintl attending tlw tat fair. W. I'. Williams, sUmogroplier of tlw wipreme oourt linn rwtunwd from Suit Fniuclaco and oilier California point. Hurry llui.ttui, lMkkvMT Jin a lum IwrollltMiit (.VilNini, cam ",r .1..,,. .-uu ui li.ni.tt. returning lust night. A. . Smith tho cotttriu-tur relHrwal to Solum ywtUwday from t Snaki Itivsir emiutry, w haw lw liu Iwow wi eauwloii r.iilroal worfe. Mr. J. F. Ilrottli.of Cviomtln StHllg, lu.lum l-Hdi -WtiiMi at tli Iwmwo4 M, ..,,,1 Mm. MllX llMfMN. Wt 'for lwf Ihhiiu on Uut iiiglit'ii uvwlapil tt i..rrv r-.ml lult Monthly for h lw iuunUm vacation in HihwJhIh. ibnlwill vbit In l'Ual for Mm. twwt iIuik lutirur arcuniMiiUftl Mr, Canl on hU niiwy. mu iiHiirieiu Fimwr. who hw UM t lu u.t of Miw Minna muvhIn, 1- turl V l'rtliMl Ihii iurnin! " lnWl by Mb Miiiim. Uoill iH I'ortkiHl friwiiU for a wk. SDinal Menlngius v.-.,,.. ii...-)i iutr i.til mih of Mr. aud Mm. K ' A Hr,,L. wlw With his lii"tlr iMi bren visiting in tin nt at tl liomeof Mr.aiflMru H. H. la-al.' wasj y-tenlav tat n l.mg-r,.iiH U ' spinal nic-ningitu. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, Digests what you eat. Itartlflclallydtgesu tbo foodand aids Nature in strengtbeninp; and recon atructlnctba exnaiyted dlKesUte or rant His the latest Jiscotereddlgest- ant ana tome. ;w vw "rTT , - can at v., it. pjiifcw. - " .. flj.a in cjiticufcj. "- stantlr relii'Teiana iiihkbhj -"- I)Tpeil. IndUfWiion, uear.ou.u, Sour Stomach, Maiuieucc, .o" ""',,". - r. a SlcklleidacM uasiraiKi,v iu..--- Pra-Mid by E. C, OaWIU A Co, Cbcojo. BERTH! H Prpord by THE STOCK EXHIBIT Fine Show at the Big State Fair this Year. Blooded Animals from Best Stock Farms of Oregon am! Washington Har- vesthg Machinery. Tlie etcKk uxhibit tliN yinr coiiinlii many of ns tliu-cattle tu woru i'i'rcwii on tin' ;roiiiiil. Cotiimutii'iiiKiit tlie aoittlicrii wnl of the wusturiiinost flinl wo ii)im to thu Cogswell iiiul HiTren Iti'iiN of Itoil PoIIihI citttk', from Olytnpla, Wsi-h., in cliargu of C. I). Siilllwm, um. In thu Cogswi'll lifiil are corn head ; three btill, C, 2 ami 1 years of nco Martha Wnshington, one of the llrxt of this variety caheil west of the Hooky .Moitntnini;.M.itik, the llrst oow of litis nriety brought wet of the ltoekloi', ami her calf II month old : alo one calf 10 months old. The llerrenhenl of seven includes Clackamas, a 0-year-old bull; l'ridu of Oregon and Jnatiita with their sucking cnlutt: and lHanoho mid Hollo, yeurlingi". These cattle will be taken, with others fromCliehalis, Tenino and Hoy, to the XortliJYakinia and Siiokane fairs. The state herd of 11 head, front the asylum farm, are all full-htiHidcd Hob steins except one bull of 10 months, half Holtttclii and half (.IttertiK'v. U. H. I.atld'8 Oak Hill stwk farm ills jilayri 111 head of shorthorns which are a pleasure to look tnon for the loer of good beef. The w Idle cow, Hose, took the sweepstakes lor Canada in lh!7 and 1WI8. "Scotty," n 2-ywtr old bull weighs 2100. Another '.'-year old bull weighs 11XK). There alw three other young bulls, a yearl'-tg and two euhes. The Duchess of Itloucottor, champion of Cauda, is nlso in (hit herd and I yearling heifers. Those cattle will go to thoNorth akima and SioKaiio fairs. V. 0. Miner, of llejipnor, also hits 15 head of line shorthorns on exhibition iroin his mniiutaiu valley stock farm Among these is Collision, a yearling) grandson of the champion bull St. Val-' entitle, from .1. (I. Hohbltis' herd at Horace. I ml . There are four bull calves all sired by Compterer, one of the great est breeding and show bulls ever on the coast. Ho was sired by iuiort! (fay Monarch, .who with four of his heifers look the sweepilakes at the world's fair at Chicago. There are nine cows and heifers. Hoatt IjuIv was a member of II. V. llniun'H herd at the Illinois state fair In I MM. The rest of the cows and heifers are all sired by Conqueror. Tlie herd includes the herd Unit took the championship at thoWashiugtou state fair last year. N. C. Maris is manager of the herd. A. Chalmers, has 10 head of Short horns from his Fork Itranch stock fun it, Washington county, motly young stock from his breeding bull, Huron llloom. The Karon was not on the ground having gone through the season's her vice. He is a grandson of Winn A Clay's llarouet, M. Chalmers also shows stock of the (Say Monarch strain. Those cattle tire jit in from the Held, and aro not tin the smoothifet condition, but their breeding and thrift tiro without question. The State AgiiculturH.1 College has three shorthorns here, a cow by Con ipterer, son of (lay Monarch, with hull calf by her side sired by Middler; also a heifer of Oslxirn's broiling. There arealso two flue Jersey hulls, one a ealf. II. 11. laoomiy, of JffurHiii, has hU held of Utl head of registered Jerreya, 8 uow-s, 7 heifers mid A ImiIIs. The ImiII, Oregon Kxile, is out of ICxile of St. IjiiiiWI, I.VW7, who lias more tiwtisl ilMUghtera tlwn liny other bull lh lug orihwd. Tlwrtt is aUo th yirling ImiII Imla I jiiMlseer Hiottir, who took the first premium ul tlie Omaha ttxsitkHi. Of thtttm niul goat C. S. IaiIiI ahows If. herwl of CottowoUIs, IS SliniIiirt, K SoutlHhimis, and II Angora nfmUt. Other exhiWUirsof sliettp r I. lWer, J. T.IIitnt, Kiigniw Hullwy. H. W. Carev, ItoxwWI Carey, It. Soott and J. H. Stomp, tioats are sltown by Harris A Kurly, of Shiui, J. M. IHncklMtrn, of North Yamhill. C. K. Udd ko.1 J. I Stump. Tlie Imj )WwrlHMHt b lire Mft fllld, in point o( HHwUira, bat tlMtr is auwe Hue stock shown. J. M. A S. W. AtkiiiMHi, uf .VmuU-tk, Imvo II ImxmI of I'uUimI China. TIm Uhl tUI, IIiiMtl l'wn farm, alMiaaT haiulof l!rk4tirtttj, 1 Iswr ami A mw. Silver lMk, b Uwh 18 hiomIIis old wwltflwftlO poumls; lilwt.oo'l Star, i IV HWXith. old weigus HOA pOMWW. KagMM Kckwbn shows ihukJ ofi IVJmimI Ch'iia. includiwg oim buttr in WHK-ii HwaaNi.N .r-,.-. -- .mm. i ., . .! .. I ,-..!.. I u I. .If Illtervl. tarMMKHi mmi in in utmt Wa4aeott mmI Inin bo ttoH ft l'oeawl ChtHMi, all frowi tiw lr KiilM,, (irmauaM- Aattmcnu eutuwu HHWlkwwl which wiw uMwetttw-J fruM bs. W wilKurnbh bop tiru HHWlliOIMoi Ull U Mte-wri. Mr. tioeUon, U Iwlnuwilwum, lsu aiiuwsibHlo(litiiiMl Chiwt. HAKVHBfUMi iUCHIMimr. F. M. CrobiB A Co. letatl gmU lor the Hu-ell HunrwtllK MWeilitMHT HMU an .xhil.it which tUmb Uw tMrnimm ,, all the IMMMW. Tl.f rv ara two KlUM-ll tMNr-CMM, and the otber SB lion.i-twr, md a . ,.l.,u MpsMtur, wW a 1 1 -.-lf-fcw"!. Thi wiad MwkKtVati tuk aawncb W Ht lial.t uvlieavte Ult it ' a way thl my l'- lavbor U latstf dsMen rmi. Croiaau A Co. bavve eoM jwut Um- wipimw ai.d II d Jlt tp amto-a thw -aviaa n.. ' - '" " ou rvcord Immc School ttHMMCUi. by ft.ur.e TlieiMlMiol bourd baa bk. nH-HU fur tulinttaum-a Urn aai .. "-- iibikwiiwww .r. i-r. - r - -" Xvausca. , 1,.- , AnuMttimitaiji with iii j ii.ti. t U- ' I j.iu. ail xertH.n o( iirrKv i Silfjn Sutherland $ Sisters Ml HAIR GROWER woman, man anil child dc- Irtnga rich, toft, luitruui anvamnre ol tho hair. It . lurnUliM imt iii Hh, g'tlraulallou to tho hair bulla and enrouragr tbo natural How ol hair moit- urv It prevents dandrutl and prrmaturo (rrny haln. It Is tlie most rcimhtnir, cnnllni: and InfignratliiK (lrr-alnff thnt ran U, nl tallied. Kvnuritivilrr mnnnl inn. plv you, write to uibihI wo will hw to it thatjuu aro uppllcd. Seven Sutherland Sisters 18 Dvbrosi Street. New York City. jDamaged Wheat, It may lie an ndvantage to wheat urowors to know that they can obtain sacks and storage for uninerchantnblo wheat. At Salem such wheat can 1k sold to a better advantage if stored whore it can Ik- delivered at short notice and your agent can obtain a Isjltor price for you, if he lias the selling of a iiimntity siilllclcnt to ship by the oar load. A. W. Humphrey & Co., have ample room at the Wallace w-arehnuse and will be glad to hae yon call and inquire at their ollice 2K) Commercial street. The Ladies The pleasant elTect tintl perfect ifety with which hidhw tmiv uo Syrup of Flgi, under all eondltltins, uiauesit tiit'lr favorite remedy. To gel the true and genuine article, look f'jr Hie titltno of the Oallforiiln KIl Syrup Co. printed near the bottom of me package, l-or wile by all urimglsits, New Bridges. Hinkle A Smith have just completed two new county bridges in the Klkhorn country. One Is a covered bridge witli 101 foot span and 0 foot approach acniss the little north fork of the San- tlam, I miles north of Oatos. The other Is a l,r) fisit bridge Hero's a small bnitich near the Win. Ilovles place. The work has been delayed by almost con slant rains and lias taken nine weeks, while It was expected to Ih Mulshed in foitr'at tlie outside To Night and To-Mortow Night, Ami u:iuli day ntiti night during this wcck win can col at any druggist's Kemp s liaNuiti for the Throat and Mtug.s, nckmm (edged to lie tho most sticoe-sful remedy over sold for toughs. Croup, llrnncliltK Asthma uuil Consumption. (let it bottle to. day and keep It always In the limw, 4'iyouc.Mi check your cold at tinee Price 2o and Me. SauiplelMittle free cikKVw Ladies Can Wear bhoes. One sl.u smaller after tmlm Allen's Foot- Huso, a iHiwder t-j Ix: shaken Into xno NitoQS. it iniiKcs tigiti nr new shK"i feel easy; gives Instant relief to corns and bunions. It's tho L're.itest comfort discovery or tlie age. Chios swollen feet, blisters ami callou spits. Allen's Font Huso is n certain euro for Ingtowlng nails, sweating, hot, aching feet. At all druggists ami shoe stores. 2e. Trial pickago FltKK by imtll Address, Allen S. Oliiiilcd, I.e liny N. Y. 2 For Morbid Conditions tuke llni'.cn- AM'H I'il.I.H. "I sulferotl with nlles eleven ears laiforo using I e .VI It's WltUll HaX'l Salve; my hoallh Is restored I foul like it new iiiaii" Conard Stttige, I'ler., Minn, A luiitliuig, healing iireiiaratlon of slatidnni lutirlt: Stones Drug Store. Great Oppcitumty for Home Seekers. To ebm ho entatw which hi somewhat ln(lv,l, town pnqierlltM, farma ami small tracts in fruit and othurwfoe tall in ShIhiu iiihI vh'iuity) wilMx NU'rillowl. Only iinrllal iMymuiit requited. In quire of iMowv, WHionrvnv ,v..nnKtt. TioffH lllock, Salem, Or, I'lieroV alwnrs hnra when there's One Minute Cough Cure. "An attack of pneumonia loft my lun&s near tho nrslsiagcii or ooiiHiiiiipiiori. woe .Min ute Cough Cure cured me." Helen Mfllenry, llisnmrk, N, I). Slones Drug Store, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the rfC&syyfr&c&ti SJnuature Ksi Dykpernim Cure is a scientltle roninouml, It "digests whalyou oat" amj cures dynpeo-la, M. A. Ketroo, Ulwuiliigdalo, Tonn , wys It curwl ti tut of Imllt'e-thin of ton years' atuixl Inir. Stint DrUL't-Uira. lisp Growen Ar invitnl to lUn lltoir inanntMw with oa. W batttt puiit-bM on m ll.xunaJ ; -- . , t . . "V-7 -'ZiTv .r.1 J tl b-i initaavtaai-.- iHttur tyto wiwi yar tyfc i In HMMU) pTIIIlMl f .u iLum ' iJ MUlWtMt Cull at otfUm 'jTu - i,, uum. (t. M. tiunwu A Co.. j Cummiteu ., t u TokfiJiotM txeV. tin tfct ) Metel Peeeji ..ii.,, u wakel f a wmgh awl W(W.. (ir VVU(t jitw, iwl." ,,il. Ilaurr 1L W NiUoMi. SouUl Cu- CsvaH, Owm.. UfM MiAHte tttgh cuia. htfttsa-i Drug Store. KatiaMwJ KatM M Ctskajo, liimp' Tetawtey. Matf-tetwliar IS- H , .... arr ...- awl U t- ' I ti. Ar-Il. TtutMM, WlW tk t o. 1X7 I ..mn.tr. ia.1 erat. Waa mtaaf that " I,,..,.. i.pr isayuas jw iwata- i,.i. ...I i joug U, Turttaitd l I it) I L0 houM tm uil ,r oron- m IB i ii i im mm IsjiSiU. Ui4 HrlV 1U N" m i hrallli tu kt-rptng II pff iult-d Hl pill uvU vat- Mill u .-'i.tr- II M't"'.'f J ..f 1 itk- ..rg N J Urlrus; ! f. "Fatally Twisted," One1' of the Salem blacksmiths has traded buggies. Now ho Is kept busy explaining what was tlie matter with the one he got In uxohniige. It seems that he had a pretty good buggy which he was willing to trade, nnd In hi ab sence one of the men In tlie shop made a trade for htm, mid ho nstodrlo out to a hopyard, where the exchange of prop erty was to take place. This program was carried out, but before he started back some of the Isiys put up a job on him. They took off one fore w heel and one "behind" one and transiHifed them. This gae the ehlole much tho appear ance of tho Irishman who hurriedly on wiped from a burning house with Ids pants on wrong side In'fore that Is, of lielng "fatally twlshtod." However, II, hitched up and dune to Salem without discovering what was wrong. Nor did lie notice what gae his new acquisition sucliniattnty and disreputable look tin til he had displayed It to quite a number of people, who sympathized deeply with Ills los in exchanging a good buggy foi a thing like that. Then some one told him what was wrong, and he swapped the wheels back to their places again. How's This? We oiler One Hundred Dollars He ward for any ease of Catarrh that can not bo cuicil tiv Hall' Catarrh Cure F. .1, Cl.KNKY & Co , Toledo, O. We, tlie undersigned, hayn known K I. Cheney Ur the lust Hiycius ami be lieve lilti! perfectly honorable. In all business transactions aud llnanclally able to carry dittany obligations made by their linn. Wi:st "fc Thuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wai.ui.NU, Kinn'an & Mauvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tttKcti In ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem, Testimonials sent free. I'rlcc Trie, per bottle. Sold by all Druggists Hall's Family Fills aro the best. ICndol Dlspeysiu Cure cures dyspep sia. "The public can rely ,upon It as it master remedy fundi dlsodrors arriv ing from Imperfect digestion." J iris M. 'Vomits. M. D . In American Jour mil of Health, N, Y, atomM Drug Stores. 0mn tto j 1 he fcnd Ym Haw Alaw BkijIi NOTICE. Notice Is hereby ulven that a pell tlou has hecu II led In the Oily Hocor tier's oilloouf I he City til S.ilom, Ote gun, on this M tiny ofSoiteml)c,rl 181)!), by a resilient and property owner, ti"K lt;g the Coii'iuoti Council thereof, to vacate two certain portions olf the west end of Wilson Avenue, described as follews: "llcglunlng at tlie nnriliwesterly cor ner (at Church and Court streets of what I known as Wil.on's Ave line, according to thu recorded plat of tho City of Salem, Mutton Cotit'ty, Oregon and of record at pages III aud 20 of Volume No. I of the public records of thu sale County of Murium State of Ore gon, aforesaid, and running thonco easterly along the south lino of said Court street and the mirth lino of said Wilson's Ave nue, three hundred and forty-six reel :iltl ton iHiltit umiu what would bo tho westerly line of Cot tago street In said city, If the same were extended southerly across tho said Court street and the said Wilson's Avenue, accord lug to tho recorded plat iiloresald, thuneo southerly at a right angle to salt) smith lino of Court street a foresaid, llvo ''! chains ir three hundred and thirty feet Xloj to tho north lino nf State street and tho south lino of Mild Wilson's Avenue; thence westerly along the said north Una of Stale street ami tho south lino ol Wilson's Ave mm nlorowild, three hundred mid forty-six feel .IIDI to the toiilhvvosioily corner of said Wll son's Avenue nforos.iltl; thoiice .lottherly along the easterly line of Church street ami tho westerly Hue of tald Wilson' A venue afore said, live chains r or three hundred and thirty foul XKiJ to tho place or iKiglniilng." Also, "Ilaglnnlng ata point on the south Hue of Court street and tho north llnoof WlNoil's A venue (according Ui tho recorded plat of tho City of Sulein, Oregon, aforestld, three hiiudrwl and forty six .'UH feet oastetly from the iinrlhwontorly ooruor of said Wilson's Avenue uforoMihl, and where tho said south line of Court street and tho said north line of Wilson's Ave nue, would Intersect the westerly llnoof Outage struot In said city If the same wore extended south erly aero.s said Court street and said Wilson's Avenue, unit run nlng tlieueo southerly acrovi said Wll-Jiii's Avenue tlnee hundred rind thirty ,:aui feot or live -chains to u point on tho south Hue uf Mild Wilson's Avenue and thu north line of State strict tSreo hundred and forty-six :tiu fuot from the southwesterly oor nor of said Wilson' Avenue; thonco easterly along thu south line of Wilson' Avenue ami the mirth HneofSUUt street, ri'nniy nine foot and six Inchw ,Wi ftwl! tu a point Usm whalwou d Isi lh eusterly line of Mild Cottage street If the same wore extended south urlyucroM wla Court street ami satrj Wibon Ayet.u to tho Mid iHirth Hue of State street aati the south Hue of wld Wilkin's Avenue ufortMAld; tlionee mirl horly acio HUM VVIIMili ATtiriuo lire eimni'i orinroe liundrwl ami thirty '!)). fol to a point on tlie south llri of (Joort trdt ami tliu oo'th of, Wtltin' Avsnue aforesaid mm) where the said last named line wouhl Inlersocl lle (Utterly line; IM LIHMk'P"tlK "''-"' " MHie .we MWsaw vwwioriy uaruK Mkl Court ttreet atMi tnc funth lliui ut SVllMin'a Avenue afnrtawUI. tintl liquet wc:,rly altsHg the Mid sooth Iim of Court I streotawl the uortli line of Wll' tKi'a Atmiiw af'.ftssuW, nlwH;-' ulue feet h alx ImIi Ii foot J Ui te place of hm-lNNlNg." Uin lb lWkiM and eoMdlttoMi assl for te it- and porpu a twri setftirlM. , , Uatd pMllioM vvill eoHM) up fur hear- lHialttM atxeoitd rnroiar mwllHg ol twi. furWHiiwiUiof otoi.-r. isw. tiMit, tw UM nui 'JjXiiiJiu!tU' ttMdi.r J tit ill of sj!hj. Oir- L'tni awl Kx Oittctu JuUK-e ! the I'Mtr 1 WrKNfit llMfVMAN I'tlitiouer JVfl fliEivsLVv jft iKii eH eB slH 9 aB eLV Jh H&-l for infants and Children. TIio Kind You lltivo Always llottglil 1ms lxirtio tho nl'-iin-ttii'o of Clins. 11 I'letelter, ami litis boon liimlo utulor Ills peisonnl supervision for in or JU yours. Allow no una lu dooolvo yuu In tills. Cotmtorfolts, lmltntluns nntl MH-ns-Buull,, uru lint Kviorhuon(s, and oudtuiKcr tlio Iieiillli of Children Uvporloneo upiltist lixperlinont. The Kind You Have Always Bought Iioars tho 1 THEY ALL WANTED IT!! You -e they thought Hie tilcvcle III Iho vlu,low, w ilir only one e hl, lli-ie mt iitrnty iiiorr luilde liunrrvrr. and w uld'cmuuertit iimfll vuuuutatuj GRflWPORD, LEUELflND, RE5CENT. 6SS& In Use For Over 30 i nrr. ter 1F-U'W 3.ft -HfrfC'-o- UAHHOOD RSSTIIPED WJrWV.VifTW.'SI $? irmr.ty KHiiilnti r I I nil I , vo,i 'tlMfcr, mm It n". Wrflk t '1 " ffl Mem if y llr.Hlu.in v l, luliiu'.. l.o,i Mnnli,., Nlllly Hull IttAfu' 1 " fir, .IOM Sr,tii(, t. I Mjwi liyyoiaiilulcriur ukuiii iim r iiiiiiiUiit wiin.li irml In liiliiiiiilynr Inuuity Cmi liertninl In Ml in krl tinK-r ho, 6furs liy mail ifrMild uoollicl Manuuciuim nyine kioe-ltavls lriiKCidIttrUutluK audita, Tina o anii Vamiiili. His . I'dstlanii. OatuoH. FOI. SAL!-: I.V 1). .1. FltV, SAMOM, OUKdON. THE OLD POSTOFFICE STABLES. tileBefcrSel -T m aBBUHL sfleallllllllllllKalHai&M. J'eeeeeeaaeeeealHa(lHHaV Special rales g'ven toiCommorcial men. Iirh'-airu tUih i"lTl all inmw " Not Grocers io Unt ( IrMi'iiiv i ili Pormt cop'e. -ll VJM'WI I IIIV We keen in Stock a full Variety ol Provisional, Groceries and Fruit. Anything ami everything yuu need. At prices tu compete, call and compare. HARRITT Si LACDRBNCB OM ITMTomCK IJKOtiHHVt (Sail an6 See urjine int of x DI-SKS CASI-S KOCKI-RS LOUNGI-S COUCIIKS As hav thf latawi ami lMt iles'ioia hi tliHx- disala, at prioa that are right F. W. Hollis & Company First Door North of Postofficc. HED FRONT LIVERY n.tju,mB KA A Rn-irrl no ni-"-'" - o stables. Ikl COUMfUiCMI. hTHHIT. SAI.HM, OltK. ULLREY & PAGE ' Bctt Rigt, lor Comntcrcial Men ' uU- " ,iui w1""-44 ajrKafe tcatui aud w.mfoitablo rig for ladUs aud family driyioy a up ally HorioaUM'iltil ! day tt. or month aud beat f aaliaNMinu uruDtd, "-7 lui Signnturo of Years. Victory Always crowns ottr efforts to produce th lluest laundry work that can hudone. We aim at perfection in the laundering of line linen, shirts, collars, and cuffs, wodenselo. and always roach it In tho most artistic llnlsh and faultless color. Our work Is pur excellence, and Is ulmvo rivalry, as well as our prices. Salem Steam Laundry, COl.ONCt.J. OI.MHTl'.l), I'ltOI'll l'ltono 411. 2:to Liberty Street Best and largest line ol Bicycles in the Gity, Car load shipments Direct from Factory PRICES: $25 to $75. Wo have,,,, Best Bicycle R, M. WADE L CO 1 in Ifiilrrntitr Ulijaiu, -Hii,rl ClimiUr Irre aIIiIiukkI"' Take itau sicukiiklu ,1'aiiM'iauic. 02 rTltlt V HT HAI.KMOU, J. J. FIDLER, proprielor Horses Honrtled by tbo Day, Week or Month. Standing Teams, IRo. Single llotM! loo. M mi " mwihwi. riwtm 111, the President! x s IKON UI-DS STAND TABLES WINDOW SIIADI-S BEDKOOA. SUITS WALL PAPI.R SALKl! rilEI'AllVFOHV SCHOOL ill iw fur th iww m-Imm! ytair Kept th. IhOti. Tlot m-ImsiI wihi iiwj- I oor prirr-ua imoi hi iiih iwwrn io.i- .1 argr attWHlamw than umI U uutki Mtl fur tit ouiiiig yuar. A J. OaHi awn, M. A., j-lw. rrlwitMl. cuRr. roupsitn lltatallkM, HtHM. I )llllt.'la sf - rjiI. - nU l' Jll mw irrHfii tf to it I tee H l'1(7f It,..!, . 't -a khum "-ftaWuxa ISHl'ltlM i:. Hll. F-HTATB hhfl HIT. UOM'h ItOOUTH HHOS. JIM C n,l,ir. I.l HI, Mttl.ii. Oft. V I tf di w (Wv iPf .' It ffcf to " " eaBtaaaftf Vla.HlJ vtaa rTTtfatfutltM aa& BL7 NQ. t JM 11US1NESS CARDS'. O. JH. Ol A OK )enti$t SaectMcr to Dr. J. M. Keene, old White Comer, Saksm, Or. l'artita deiirlhg iiiiietici operation! at rnodetale fee in any branch an in especial roiueit ALBERT MESSUP. ijEaaxr'ac'if'a? riiotie imi. HOOMS I AND II, llllAV 1II.K Salem Water offick, crrv ni,u For water neivtce apply at oir.ee. lid', .ayalile monthly In adncc. Mite oinplalnta at Ihe -. Platino Photos, I'tiliitgements In Crayon tintl Water Color, l'hotti HiiltutiH. Ainiitciir developing mid UniMiIng neatly done. I1. .1. ItltOWN, OltOt'Ntl VlXMU 21.1 Cotnmcrcliil St , Sulein Oregon. Steam Dye Works. Nn. 105 Coinineroitil street, npposllo Wllhimetto hotel. Undies' nntl gonlleineii'H clothing eleiincd, lived, repaired mill pressetl. l'lno tilniiketii eleanetl ir dyed mid nicely lln IsIumI. Kid gloves cleaned, 10c; dyetl We. S, C, STON0, M, D. t'nirletnr"r Stone's Drue Stores HAI.KM, OHKtlON. Tlio ttorsa (Kvo In mnnlier) nr Inestnt a So. 'JM and M CiiiiinivreUI tlrrel, and air rll ((neked with n.in'lclo lino oldriiKiaiid msdlelm, tollvl itrtlrtea, Hrfnincry, liruilivi glovl., ito. lilt. HTX1NK Ilaliai1ime3ayi'art ojwrleni'e In the rt lite nl inrdleluu and now iiinkwi mt iliarit for pimiiiHatliiii. piaiiiliiallon nr iriwirl.tloii. C. H. LAN 13 Merchant TailOp 117 HTATi: STIIItin'. CyUulta 0113 and opwmda, PanU A3 nml upwniiU CAI'ITAI. cm Express and Transfci Mtieta all mall and panenger tralsa. Hag. Ii;e and eiineti to all pant of tin ell) t'rmnt (eiTlce, Trlephone No, 70. DlhOUl'. & SKIHTON N LOW MAR PC fcCT ' St.te iticct, near railnwd. Fiethcil ane beat meat. My patroni say I keep tlie U ireatiln town HOULK JJUOS. I'lAKO TUNEIIS AND KEI'AIHEIIS I'OIII'IANII. OIIK Pur Halma and l.inll)f loo iisIhh at (Ira Willi Mntli Hint, Photoffraohs You en 1 1 get Jul nluit J on vviiut al Till: EI.ITi: STUDIO Nolhlmt hut Ural uork turned out. Tho hlggwit Eplargisl Work on the count. How About Your Heater In it all rigid and rewlv l..r th- S inter? If IH.t Una I tin la "I Inn' '" hive It rleniietl und put in ratir U'fi.rti )tl ul.i.l l.ji. wiiiIh.'. tlr.. Ilr lM.utlldv Villi liifi a tifw oiHtf In any eaaa. y.m will Mud ur work in thw liuu ut llm Intat. We will jMit In alt-Miu iiuuling aiMrHius, hut ulr luriwof r ht water htaHtlug ut a risonuttlti''t. BARR&PETZEl 114 commkuliai. si nt-.;: f. rclcpruaie No. 1371 Maiahal'a stile. Nellie In lit-reby ulvuii that under thu ptovUlutia of urdlnaneu No. MX), I wll on MONDAY HIi'I'T. IH. at 2 o'eloek 11. 111. at Hid IkiuoiI III thc city of Snlfin, soil at piihllu unction. Llie lliliowiiig iiuaoriiXM ihiimjuiuibo animal to wit: S11111II black muro with wiiiir spot Id fuuu und snip on lint 110, lour whltr feel, rati vuu lialWr. UiiIom thu ahov de-crllHwl tiuluial Uolulnietl Istfore Mid date, aula will Ui mudti wlllwut rtf-arvw. D. W. UllthON, City Murahal. Heptemlwr II, 1SW. M'ib Maithal'a Sals. Notice Is heroiy given that uudci tha piuvlsluus (f ordliiuncu No. SU I Mill on Pill DAY. MKIT. M. atio'eUick p. in. ut tho piuud to tin elty of Sahtin, sell ul public auellon tftu following dtcrl)td liuiamodeo annual, to-wiu Wlilte uiarc, luor v& years oiu, suuc all around, weigh atamt ti-0. Unleaa thu ubovtr de-crtlxduniinal l clalmi'd before saul uale, sale will b wllhoul reserve. D. W OlHsON. City Marshal Kaltsui, bcplcuiber ID, luou. U-US-fit ft., m $ '' r 1 jT.., INTDR-STATD 1SEI ETTAANDERS-WILMAN AswciMe Tcaclier Western Conserva toty, Knna City, Mo., reFtesenthij tlie Inter-itai System, al Sak-m, Ore. OrcrHist Nitlonal Itanlr. Residence M 376 Church street. Studio hours 9 to L to 5. SkVsjavavJaVSSar 1 WANTED. Now today navomsoinonu toi llntVi or lew In this column inaertcd ttireo timea for 35 eta, SO eta n wcolt, $1 per month All ovor lour Hues at same rato, NOTICE to contractors. IIMs will Iw received until Sopt, 25.18W, nt 10 n. in., for tho coneiiuetlon of 11 two etmy fnimo Kinllnrlum building, according to plnnsattd apeflcitntlons to bo iccti nt tho ollice of Dr. U. Cartwrlght, Salem, Or. Tho right is resorved to rejeel tiny or nil bids if desired. 0-18-3t HOOMS. rurnishod sleeping room, during tho fnir, iiilet tunl home-llko. Hiiten r.'ngotiiiblo, 180 Terry Htrcet 0 18 Ht, WATNED A good man to help run a nouu r-uw. a cauy vyoik. J. A. Taylor. Highland ndd'tlon. Salem. 0-H1-3H WANTED TO UtTY-Gcntlemau Head Dorse. Wlll.tmetto Hotel. 0 17tf IX)H SAI.E-Welchbach llumers, l!5cts coch. Wtllametto Hotel. 17 tf FOUn DOLLARS l'CIl DAY-ien" nro vvnntexl to cut, pllt or hntil ton I wood. Will puy CO cents for splitting nml I per con I for hiinlhig n dlsliince of '2t mllei. Salem l'uel ('., room 13, over lluih Hank. 8-H tf CTINToUHETt'elilr'hvati'.l, two blocks from hnslneM center, iptlet borne, nicely furnished rooms, with or with out iMiurd, terms 011 application 200 Church street" fl-O-lnms WANTED. TenniH to hunt lumber from saw mill to Sclo. A good tenni Civil tMiriif 1.5(1 11 day. I'or fiirtlmr iar ticulnnt call or liddrivw Jlnuseu A Lundon, Hulviii. K II tf WANTED fitly a IkiIHii of Clilinirii1T. tholium Is'furo going to tho hop yunls ol Hobort llasoy. H-ill-tf ROOMS. 1'urnhihe.l ur tinfurnisheil, lujlo or In suites, dining iimhii ml oiniu, home-llko, aecoitd lloor Cottle block. Mitttlo llutchlns, l'rup. B-l'.Vtf WANTED Ayouni mini to leurn tho juwclr)' busluosa, only those vvlucomo well rccoiumended need apply. C II. Hinges, VOtl Com. St. H-W-tf dAw 1VNTE t . Wla'iit, outa"lini iTarley" ba.'i furnished, (let our prices be foro you sell, Ollice on Court street rear of Dulryuiptu'ri store ; uiirohoufu ljbor i:xchtingo building. Tlllson. ILtrtlottUraluCo. 87 tt NOTiCE To"TH E "l'UHIdfl-Notlco Is hereby given that the uuderalgtied will lierealtur bo reouslbl(i (or no bills contracted by nnyouo except blmr-alf. or uon bis written ordor. W. W. Little, Salem, Or., Beptombor S, 18W. tJ- lm HOHSE" FOR HAI.E.-Tho MitchelJ l.unls .t blavur Co. bruuoli in this oily, hue a good general purpose bono (or uile. Cull ourly. I'. V. Ciitey, umuugor. U-5 tf HlcYuTtlTT'ATH-lf your bloyclo needs repairs bring H, in, wo have thu skill und stock to keep It In llrst clues condition. Wo curry a full lino nt sundries mid uinkeu special ity of euiiinellugcoiiio und seo us. wo satisfy our patrons. Gardner & White, i.83 Liberty stieel. Holuiun s block, next door U. steam hiundry I'liouo 'HM. t-J0-t II0USB'CLKA"NT21W - llomatlbor that tho btwt and uliunpcst curiwt paper Is the heavy full pupcr Mini t!0-l( tit 1 UK jouii.nai. ollice. A LIP SAVED. Or J I'. Cook, tlie UotnnloalSpao nllat, Uuooosda Whoro Othur Tall. To whom It may concern - llilala locetllly Hint Ikirtlm f. C011 ur, ul Mt. Angel prtxjiuct. Marion coun ty. Orivon. has Siiffure.1 from a enncer- 011 growth In tlw IsftMr (or about three v.-ars. iiiatsrovvtii wua cutout twico and biirntsl out once by Albany I'hysictan, hut the growth came buck as bail aa ever, aud pained Iwr o btully that she had to bo taken from school. After throti week 'a trualmaut by Dr. J. F. Cook, o( Hah in, Orivon, tho Hotanlcal Hptciallat, the gro.rth entirely dlaati Kirial. and at this date, four months slow treotiiMilit waa lsyun, the growth has not iMipaartd, ami thu our has en tirely hahd Uavlng only thu Ktirs lu IlKtaal ly the Albany doctors. 1 herehy wrtlfy that tho above statu omul i ntsKilutuly true, and that Her tha 1" Cooimr, thu pcraon uieiillonetl in tho otIWavlt. baa realded lu my fam ily allure early ililldhood, Injuring tho ru lutlenihip tu me o( niece. 11. O. Ijoso. Bubaorilaxl ami sworn to beforu mo this eighth day of June. 1800. W. W. IU1I, county clerk of Marlon county, Ortoo. ASSAY OFFICE AND I.AUOHATOIIY. No. 71 Chemcketa st, I. II. r. TUTHIU. Awtyer fine German Market Will bo found all kinds of meat and the Isoat ol aamnigo. I'ltKE UGLIVKKY. All bills duo tha latu firm of Wolt A Mkwko must Iw paid. CDOL2: St SON 171 Commercial tit. huie wing1angco., Taas. Clilnuwuro. Japnnoao Fnnoy toUriUiorwt gllk ItertajtV Ivrr CaillUKV '-;. UIU. ttwjtl total.! viuuwru )uS Ixo, liMdt. U.'jurad want, MttluS.. H ua l Jlakers ol all kinds o( Iridic Underwear. f..,Kr' l' Uv" blwwr yiUw nrwur. rj- Or-n. Huu IwlMln. , , "' rft irmwisiinAivuTisK X3ST iTE-vw-ayuupsaaa ANYWWisssJ AT AHVTtMsJ CHmW WrMa f. 1. m:i rnmm mm Mtttkmkt Bitclutts m slM i - M I J 4 1 1 jiWSh's U u STOUK , ji., I r ,ui jne Imikliug tor. '