The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, September 19, 1899, Image 1

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Ti $
EX 4a AHHnlfi(aH Prnna tote X
i Latest rtaowwiM - - -
R (trams, Fresh Local news and Live
Thn DnII v Journnl'a Inrno OlrCllIn-
Hon Ignonccklont. It's tho roBiiltof
E Edltoriaia manu i n "j ,
ihk'i nuniity anu low prioo. t
Ll, nn
NO, 231
Whit ltcotnyou torn fow days' accomodation at a rwlil
store? It's no accomodation. Ymi pay nil enormous interest.
Tho interest 1h concealed in tho prices hut it's there.
1h a strlctlv one-priced imIi store. You 1 m't pay your lie gh
bora' .debts when you ileal with them, l-owcst (xi-dhlo prices
Underw ear, hats.shirK overalls, gloves, ladles'nnd gents' furn
ishing gixids. notion.".
The spot cash plan means low prices.
E. T. BARNES, Prop.
Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store,
Cor. Commercial and Chemekela Sis.
jllEOPLE are not looking for Shoes bought 10 or 12
1 1 years ' but wanl '"b''1 Krae rot's' lllte aml ul)to"
U date and can always find them at ourstore. We do
inol advertise Hunan & Son Shoes at 2.50 a pair, bought ten
br twelve years ago - we let the
Iwe shall continue to conduct
before, and give our customers
275 Commercial St. Salem. Oregon.
, I Wt-
Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem Ore.
Are our Stronghold at the present time. Eut
r if trMTJ We Riinrlfrfl With tllC IllCre
plain staples at bottom
is a record breaKer at
Ia fhr hn.i mA rfi
pleased to show them,
confident our prices
to purchase
jKv f jLf B
Jay Shoe Store do that while
a lirst-class sfore as always
the latest styles and lowest
Carpenter's Tools.
Blacksmith's Tools,
Fine Tools
For Every
Trade at
uren & .flamllioN
prices, Our plain, high back dining chair
buc eacn
Dlnlna TaD
Rath Round and Square
- npst ever shown in
even if you are not
will win your patronage
Boers and British
Troops Leaving for tiie
S)me Overt Act May Occur at Any
Ill' Aaaiirlntril I'rraa llir JiiurniiL
I.ifMiov, Sept lit. There Is an unveri
fied rumor from Cao Town tixlay that
the lxicrs have delivered another men
Hugo to thu Ihitish high commissioner',
Sir Alfred Mllner, more eoucllatory than
yesterday's reply.
The rumor, however, falls to obtain
much credence mid is not taken as in
any way mitigating the seriousness of
the crisis. Tho outlauder pre- fees
nothing hut war ahead and urges the
outbidders to leave immediately.
The l'all Mall Uaxotto prints u ills
putnli from Cape Town which hays'
The general Impression is that tho
Ikhth will at onet take the initiative and
an attack is oxpected at any hour.
Troops i-outiiiuo to leave Capo Town
for Kimhcrly ami the North, and tho
lirst-class cruiser Terrible is hailing
from Portsmouth for China today and is
represented to have l.'en ordered logo
by the way of Cape Town instead of
Can Expect No Help.
Hum. IN, Sept. Ill, Tho Associated
Prom learn- atithorativcly that the (ter
mini government has emphatically in
formed President Krugor to uxped no
ugxiMuiico from it in the event of war
with (treat llritain, ami that the (ter
mini consuls in tho Transvaal have Imiiii
Instructed to Inform (iermaiiN who vol
unteer their help that thuy will I hi aid
ing I'rosidunt Krugur at their own risk.
The M, VS., Conference,
The Mullnsllxt Kpiscopal annual eon
fttreneo ouis in thlselty tomorrow, but
n formal reception will bo tendered .the
members this evuuhig, Jnt the First M.
H. church, in this city, (ieuural W. II.
Odell will deliver an address of .welcome
on tho Kirt of tho local church, and
Mayor llisliop on tho jnirt of the city.
IIUIiop Vincent will iosoud to the ad
dresses. The llrst business session on
Wednesday, mid meetings will bo held
continually until I ho llnal adjournment,
which In fXHctM to take place next
Mm Holding
Salem, We will be
ready to buy, feeling
wnen you are rcaay
I JLJLuBry " 119
Dig Mortgage.
Tacoma, Sept. ID. The Tacoma Kail
way and Power Company, owning all
the street railways in tills city, Med n
mortage against its property UiIb after
noon (or one million amln half dollars to
the OKI Colony Trust Co., of lioiton.
The war revenue stamps atllxeil to the
document amounted to $7G0. The
money will 1h) used in bettering the eon
dltiou of the road.
11 r Asaneliitrtl I'rraa In lite Junrnnl.'
John U. Johnson, of Peabody, Kan.,
is made tho executive olllcerof.tho Dom
octuie national committee.
Theodore Hasselln's laivo sawmills nt
Custorland and ten acres of IuihIht were,
burned today, loss fSO.OOO. '
IjivvrencoOardliier, the national Dem
ocratic committee man for tlio District
of Columbia, died at Washington this
Thu Thlrty-llrst infantry, which vwu
scheduled to sail on the Grant for Man
ila, has Wen held back because of a casu
of sinalltvox within its ranks.
'Win president has decided to not In
terfere with thu execution of nrlvato.
lauiibalTer and Conine who have been
condemned to lie shot for assaulting
l'ilipluo women.
Although not yet dellnltely known,
it is said tho war revenue, tax mid in
heriteuce tax on Cornelius Vanderbllta
estate will amount to over live million
dollars. It Is statist that he left flM),
(XXt.OOO to members of his family.
The lly of an unknown man was
found on the railroad track, at Albany,
this morning. There are mi marks of
hleutillcatioii other than that ho wan
alsiut !I0 years old and wry light com
ploxtlnncd, with his right hand Index
linger amputated.
The volksrand readoptisl the mining
article of the gold law eliminated last
year, eiiixwcrlng the government to
coullscate the claims and mines IxOong
lug to H'opIe convicted of treason or con
spiracy against the state, and iuiiwer
lug the government to order that tho
mines 1h workrd.
Mrs. Mary Ilrooks, the llrst woman
ever received at tho Jackson, Mich.,
statu prison, was today married to Dr.
Stuart', who was thu complaining wit
ness against her and who was largely re
sponsible for her conviction. In 187(1
Mrs. Jlrixiks was convicted of poisoning
her husband. Jtr. Stuart was the fam
ily physician.
Thought by Some to lie Small I'ox
Quarantine Ordered.
This morning an incipient wnro was
raiseil in our city over the possibility of
a case of small pox existing in our city.
It seeiiiH'that Mrs. Win. ll.ittiirsby, who
lives nt the foot of Court street, has
broken out with what has the apx'ar
mice of Indng a uisi) of small "x. It Ik
the opinion of the physlciaiiH who vis
its) thu case that the patient should Ih
tpiarautluixl. Mayor llisliop at once
called thu health committeu of the conn,
ell to consider what stops to take. They
wuru JoIiiihI by a fow citizens, mid after
ihiudelllxiratiou it was thought Ix'xt to
take nil the stes that would Imi advicu
blu in an established case of mallxix,
Aldurmtiiijlliinows, llureii and (Irlswold
eoustitiite tint health committee, and
they havB orlurod n guanl placid over
thu house, which, fortunately, Is I fo
late. I from any other dwellings, and is
on thu rhur front.
Thru is eonsldernble doubt men
among tbu physicians, as to this being a
real cunt of kimill pix, ami it may ynt
provo.tolw nothing more than ueusu of
chlt!keusix. In fact, that is what thu u-
twnt.aiMl her family still Uiliuvu UUiIki.
llowiiur, the city MUthorltUa hao or
deiw) complete lr4tion and (iiarilitiH
nuliaruitof u lihjxleinn, and until It
dreio(i.rth.r,th.M.Iyfe thing to1
do is to pr..l ahmg llwrt Hum.
All the lad-. I blows In full ami winter
miiiiiinrv run io itxiiiu wi .miw -..
smiths, Mule utrwU. l I7-H
Tasting Is Enjoyment,
Fjiie-re.h('lMiC.lite Crwuiirt for llm
Itflif IVnny ila (or the iMtbfcM.
n.l kiiuAx (or tin- LifriitUmieii. Fruit, U1
cream and "'M drinks (or all at (he Don-
Hon, l statu Mreet.
Now the next thintf is where will we do our
trading? We all want Shoes, Underwear, Hats,
Caps. Gloves, Sox. Hose, and a great many Dry
Goods. Now. I will tell you, John, that we can
save money by trading at
In Salem, for I have priced their goods and know
,i,a irx nil richt. Keallv. John. I feel like we
ouirht to tell everybody that they can get more
for their money at TUB FAIR STORE Tn Salem
than any place else. O. P. Daunby is the
proprietor. 274 Commercial Street
About 300 Insurgents
Rebels Were Strongly En
trenched, But Pled.
Inspector General John D. Miloy,
Ilr Aaaiit'lulril I'rraa In lltr Jiiurunl.
Wasiiinhton, Sept. 111. The navy de
partment has received the following
cablegram from Admiral Watson, dated
Manila, Septemlier 111:
"Knslgu Davidson on 'l'anigua' had n
sharp engagement on tho ltth at thu
San Fabian I.yngayen gulf, with nUuit
:i(X) Insurgents, heavily entrenched nt a
distance of from MOO to 17(H) yards. The
insurllcntH lied. Their lire was weak
and ineffective. On 1'arugun there were
nocaxnaltles. The senior otllcer com
mends Davidson highly."
The Paragua Is allttlegiiulsmt tiirnml
over to the army by Admiral Watson,
ami D.ildsou tliecominauder, is a young
ensign. Scene of Imttlo was on the
north coast of Luzon, off the Tort which
forms the northern terminus of a rail
road. Inspector Mlley Dead.
Wasiiimitdv, Sept. II). Col. John D.
Mlley, Inxs:tor (iencrat of Volunteers
died tixlay nt Manila, The Information
reached the war department In a cable
gram from (icnerul Otis. Ills death
was due to Cerebral Meningitis, attend
ant on typhoid feur. Colonel Ml ley's
rank in the regular army was llfst lieu
teunht of the second artillery.
Wamiimiton, Sept. II). A cablegram
has Ixh)II received at war department
from (Sen. Otis relative to the American
prisoners In thu hand of thu insurgents,
(leu. Otis says: (len. MuuArthur has
has been npproachetl by a prominent
riipiuo, who us kill If ho were willing to
outer Into myotiatlous with Agillll
aldo for thu rtthmso of prlsoiisrs held by
lie also nuked whether MacArlhur
would (Htriuit tho I'illpiuo army olllcer
to pnss (Ieuural Oils. While .no mimes
are mentioned In the disputed, ills in
fernal that Included In the list of the
American prisoners to whom thu nego
tlatioiiH rein to a ru I, lout. Oilmoro and the
llfleeti men from thuVorktiiwii, Major
Itisjkufelhir ami ulxiiit u half doen
private Hildlero, wIki linvu Isntn nv
portetl missing.
'Ihu hixtiifuillspuliili Jutt iiiiuIh pub
lie by tho war department Is ns follows;
"Manila III, Adjt-Uonorul, Wuahlugteii:
MaeArtliur reports (mm Angelt a
visit of two insurgent olllwrs with the
request for a Hirmlssiou to send Into our
llnw the Amurleuu prisoner and to to Manila uprominut Insurgent gen
eral iilllvor for a winlnrMiieM, I H ru
tll,)IvBW HIU KralN uii.l tliw
, . .
i, ui n1". ...."-. - - ...n....... ...
turnial north this umriiliiK with inform-
Millinery Opening.
At '"I Ik IHtdHr" on Timsday, Wil
lies. lay ami Thurtiluy. tivpUiiiilMir Hi,
at, ami 81. An Invitation I nxtMialwl
to tla India of Hulwu imI vkinlty Ui
tmll ami vWw thu many Hymn in Jtuni
,...,. . u..n ,.M iiiuir .. rruutitM.
' ., .. i-.....
Qrimth.Ulea WeilJlng.
WiilnefHlay nt noon will occur the
wcildlng of Mis Helen Orilllth to Mr.
Alta W. llicsy, nt the home of tho bride
near Clymer. Ilov. W. C. Kaiitncr, of
this city, will perform the ceremony,
which will be in tho presneo uf iiienibora
of tho families and close friends only.
The bridal couple will take a trip, in
cluding Salt Lake and other cities, after
which they will make their home in
Snlem. As Mr. Olesy'a business calls
him away from lioniu conslderablp, they
will not go to housekeeping at once.
Col. Unlit. A. Miller arrived in the
city today to attend tho wedding, Mrs.
Miller already being thu farm homo,
J. L. Fuller, assistant manager of the
Norwich Union Insurance company,
which h represented in Oregon by Mr.
Uiesy, will arrive in the city from San
Francisco tomorrow to iwtcnd tbu wed
ding. Both thu bride and groom are well
known to Salem people, and will ho wel
comed to our midst with a cordiality
that is only extended to favorites.
Nineteen carloads of mcloni base
been shipped from (Irants Pass this sea
son, nud it is expected that at least "0
cars more of melons will ho shipped Ik'.
fow the season Is over.
Telegrtiph Operator l'urdoiii, at
Athena, prevented a disastrous smash
up n f nvdays ago by catching a string
of runaway cars nud applying the brake
in time to controlthem. He tried four
brakes before begot onu that would
work. Thu runaways would have met
a delayed passenger train near the fixit
of the graded
Oregon City shiu1s f '.'.(Kti.iMI for light
ing thn streets and rp.mds $1,111:1.0.1
forlmprovlng tho streets and 'building
walks. Thu city olllcers are paid f 77S.V.M
in salaries ami fees nud fT!!".!!'.' for
othvr exenseH, not counting Hilleenml
lire protection, The total city expend
itures amount to JH.tillH.IW.
The lliigcne' University ox'iied on
F.arly closing of husluesi Iioiisch in
Oregon City began Monday evening,
The retail clerks iissncint Ion I having
Im'i'II at work toconsiimnlo the plan,
getting merchants to sign the agree
ment. The publishers of thu Tow ii Talk, at
Ashland, have purchaxeil tho Klamath
Falls Itepubllcuii and will continue Ihu
l'riuevlllels Isximliig and mew build
ings are going up on all sides.
Knrly (nuts have done considuinhlu
damage in Klamath county to the grain
RJ. Oardner, of Portland, arrived In
the city yesterday via hike route and Is
visiting nt the liomeot lieu Osjk.
Look At Us.
First door cast of
pavilion Finest of
candies, cigars and
solt drinks
o. iHeuers &
From 7 a m until 12 m
After that time our store will be closed.
.Our special
Our store will be closed at 12 o'clock sharp to give our clerks a
chance to attend the State Fair, X X TC X X
r Absolutely "Pure
Makes the food mora delicious and wholesome
He Will Be Sent
To Prevent any Domonstra-
M. Scheurer-Kcstncr, Dreyfus' Former
Champion Dead.
tlr AaaunlNlril I'rraa lo llir Joiirnnl.
I'aiiis, Sept. It), The council of min
isters decided today to pardon Dreyfus
In principle, Thu sirdou will take ef
fect III a fow days, dipt. Dreyfus has
relinquished Ills npHal for reversal of
tho Judgment of court-martial.
It is said DrcyfiiH will Ihj sent abroad
U'fore the promtilgAtlou of his pardon,
in order to avoid any dimioustiiitlous.
Uieyfus Defender Dead.
I'aiiis, Sept lit. M. Scheiirer-Uest-
tier, the former vice-president of the
senate unit champion of Dreyfus, Is dead.
Aa Kupcnulve Affair,
Nkw Yoiik, Sept. III. A dispatch to
the Herald from 1'nrls says- The bliavk
ado of Fort Chnhrol where M. Jules
(liierlu, thoaiitbseuiitu louder, nud his
twelve follower are Isirricadisl. has
cost laxHiyers alsiut :W7,HS() francs,
(7ri,IKH), In thu lust, month. At present
there are ulxiut IUH) men gmirdiug the
niill-semllo fortress.
"In prlmilplo" Is thu Idiom some
times iimxI In seinl'ollliilul aiiimiiuio
uiciitHof forthtKimlng acllons. It seems
to have but a slight Ixiaring on the mat
ter except, purlmpH that It Implies the
fulfilment of various formalities before
the Hirdoli Is actually Issued, thereby
Sale of Ladies Underwear
.. a at I yi - aa-aawaaMaaa.aa,aMai I , " WaajaBWa-
A line equal to any 35c garments
Shown elsewhere in Salem
sales are great
n ro , tw vow.
qualifying the announcement of the par
don with n slight tcntntivunosg.
It is not known yet whether tho par
don Includes mi nunosty. Thu ntiiiouncu
mont that Dreyfus vvnH to Ihj pardoned
bad already lnven dlsconnteil by pro
dlctlons nud there was absolutely no
excitement whuu thu news was mndo
W.vsiiinoton, Sept, 10. Tho yellow
Fever situation at Key Went Is regarded
nf very grave. Since tho llrst case wan
rexirtcd threo weekH ago, tho opldemii!
him lieen steadily growing until today
there are over ItM) misi's.
Refused l'rtaoneri To Ue Taken Away.
Wasiiimito.n, Sept. 11). Tho war de
partment Iiiim approved tho action of
Oils hi refusing lo allow thu Spanish
ships to go to ports controlled by thu
Insurgents to tako away Spanish prison
ers. Those ships, however, will bo allowed
to proceed to such ports under useort i f
vessels of tho United States. Tho trans
fer of the SKiulsh prlsotiurx to tho shipi
will he under tho direction and control
of Dulled States olllcers.
The war department will allow- no
communication lietncon Aguiunldo. and
his agents ami the Spaniards who may
go to bring away the Spanish prisoners:.
'"''Hi w
IM roil rrl tin with n liKiihrlm?i
la... -,f'i.. . ....-
la inrrn a tail uiiui iti jimr iuui7
Tlii'i, ton lucuu iMJurnei'v iloatut,
a,uktl ,tnltuii, tm nrs friiinntl7
iiliijr. kU'jm fifl ilill tout ilr-ivjr, (
'ami ion vat hut llllla Iviirflt frtiln '
. iimr ltxt, Wtwl la iIhiiaiimoC llili j
IrmililaT OiintllatU luwalt.
1 will sl yon prompt illi-f aril rtt
lulnrtirs 18c a Iwf. Allilnig-gUl.
. Hmua tour Blood Pur:
If ju lata uxkIim-tr.l ymir cai a
luri-tlruo, Jim luil XtrWft Uka
Agcr's Sjrsjpjrllli .
, alui, It will rcinote liuiiutltlra ,
I tlut lup lirou Hrcillliulatlntf In yuur
lilixxl anil will Rtcallv slrt'iictbrii
i lurin, iruo, ai,ij ima,
t C AYKH C0,twll. Ill
' Ciiuaiio, Sept. ID. Decembei 70i,
Cash 70.
( San Fiiam'Isco, Sept. Ill, Cush I0'J.