ti& W?W"W '-,on vr'-r',T .h. f su Arc you p TMKTT lanning on having your dress maker make you a TAILOR-MADE SUIT? Have you decided on the Material? If not ask to see our new cloth THE VNETIAN It's extreme width makes it one of the best values ever offered to the ladies, 52 inches wdie, at $L per yard, ALL WOOL COVERTS In two toned effects, 52 inchcswidc.also at $1. Make very stilish suitings DRESS GOODS. Printers Ink cannot describe the beauties of the Novelty Dress Goods of this fall, combining style, durability and cheapness. Call and sec. HOLVERSON'S OAHII HTOIIB CASH STORK r " ir r r jFall Stocks r 1 r Hnvobeon nourhur In for week. NotlllllL' Iiiih Iktii loft UHlloU!) to make thin More an Ideal nhcjppln piaro. Jjok over mo mock oi New Belt and Collar Buckles f NcwBcadBelts f New wash Veils f New Fur Capes T New Plaid Golf Cloths r New silk Umbrellas f New chiffon Rufflings f New blankets and comforts r r i r r New ruffled curtains, "Silver Shirts" 'I l In fanny cirlpcH. New ilnrk nIihiIi-h, in liiitH ulrlpeH. Hcular J I i.jj vuniiiy, our price ji.uu. iWhite Collars for lad Ion mid Intent nhupcH t'ClltH. 2 for 25c. t All the 4 ace your order now for your winter suit. We show 300 samples of 'The Royal Tailors" ft'oods. AV.ule to order clothes at they THREE DAYS, Continued from firt pane. tlio riders were: Pennington, of tlio I'lllllllnll I'lilnnn Car nnminnrj Iiilliu. berry, of tho Southern l'aclflc: Hoclio!'t,arfl product. Mrn. J. Y.Taylorlms excellent dicplay of flowers nnd plantn grown from the Uurpee needs and competing for tbe epeclal prize of that firm. V, A. Wolfe, of Foils City, hag n like exhibit of veg (tables. 15oth are wonderful for one price of slock garments. J. J. DALRYMPLE & CO, i - - ' ' '-' FOUND. rtcvonly.flvo contn, by watch clcaiuil by HINGES. - f1 f t tmf. d J 'J liming my A young limn lant night told mo he found $1.00 after I examined bin Match, when Im uxplalucd that other jtm olctrii lottcst price wan fit and 1 only eharged two dollars for a bud break of n staff and Jewel mid denning. Hoarthomi price In mind. Watch cleaning "fc Main Mprlngs Too Watchmaker mid Jotiolor. C.H.H1NGBS UdUCOMMICWOIAL. HT, PERSONAL AND LOCAL. T. T. ltlggs of Dallim is tu town during tlio fair. D.illiiH, was In to the WEATHEtl RBPOIIT. Tonight mid Tiionduy fair. Ice Not Qlvcn Away. 1 cannot afford to give Ice away, but urn selling it pure article at u prlco that in wltlnn tlio renin ol all. Ciiystai. Ick Women. J. Miigulro, l'rop. tl in t( CAPITAL URKWUKY UKISK, UOTTLUU Kllni;cr& I)eck,Succcots to SouthSolem Uoltlir.rf Woikt, All onlers for bottled Uiir will bo 11 lied lit tbo brewery, Kent on cold storagu. Free city delivery. Tulophono -l.il. Ics Very Neatly aiven Away, We can give Ico uway, tu convlueo you couio a ml wo how big it chunk you gel forllttlu uiuiioy. Our Ico Is iiiunufuo ture from puro distilled water. Catittol Ico Works, Mtf Kl.INCIHIt & llHQIt HQOMS.-1'uruUbe.l during tlio lair, (pilot 111)10, klMiilny riMimt, iinu nomo-iiko. Itates ruuHomtl 18fl Winy uticot U 18 .11. 0. 0. duly, of fair today. X. Cook, of Marlon, mm a Salem vif itor today. Marcus (ioodniau of Albany was a Pu ltun visitor today. J. Kiimuk, of Turner, was iu to attend the statu (air toduy. Mr. and Mrs. ('. It, Mnores, of Oregon City, aio hiking In the fair. (,'. 0. Moore, of I'rncpoot hill, Is vis iting friends in Salem today. V. II. Phcrmuii, of Htiiyton, was n Salem buslnosM visitor today. Mm, S. Jones, who has been In Dallas visiting, returned to Salem today. Mrs. .John Stump eiinio over on tlio Dallas stage tislay to attend tlio fair. Car lusHH'tor A. K. tSiiuvaln, of Itm-o-burgeamoup to ttikoiu the State Fair. Mr. and Mix. Arthur IM wards of bu llish bottom Hum attending the fair to. day. llurllo MiMiro, nf INirllaud Sniidiiyul in Salem among his old friends and at sociates. Mr, and Mrs. W. Y. Itiehardsou, of Staytou, were in Salem today attending the fair. All the livery rigs In Salem were in in use Sunday and most of them made several trlw, lion. . I. II. Stump is down from the farm looking after Salem iuteiosts and taking In tbo fair. Mrs. 0. tilirlver, of I'eirydalo, was in Salem today attending the fair and tiuuMintlng biisllioss. Ml Marguerite Alderson, timelier of ipiisiu In IVoMe college, New berg, went down tills morning to reume her work. ltuv. A. Daly wnt to.leffersoii;txlay, whr he will conduct the funeml i-ei-Wat of the late Mrs. MU'liiiul Daimhue, JuJiii Stump ami Dave McDonald of Dallas spout Sunday lit Salem taking In the fair and other g""d things of the lty. K, IC. Ilopf in-eoinimnlivl by his dsugbtor Naomi, of St. Anthony, bliibe, U In tbeelly, visiting bis brother, A. Ilopf. Uluiiley Doty, who was for Nverl ywirs h nioteriimn on tbo little car line, but has lately 1km.ii on the Washington street our lino. In 1'ortland, U again on the "mile" lino dm lug the lair. and Duffy, of the IMo Grande Western, and Illancliard, of the 0. H. & N. Tlio names of their mounts aro un known to fame. Pennington camo in first and Duffy and Jtoche and the rest arrived later, in tbo order named. Time, 47. During the afternoon, young Shaw gave n beautiful exhibition of trick bi cycle riding. The baseball game, as already an nounced resulted 18 toll in favor of Woodbtirn, against Chemawa. Sunday's kaiii. In tlio afternoon the Portland bicycle quintet rode an exhibition five mies in 12:0T), making the record for the Pacific Northwest; also riding a single mile in 2:0S. Chan. F. Whiting, of the Shields Com pnny, gave two excellent vocal selec tions. The Shirley bind gave drill, and tbur j wiiHiicako walk by 11 colored isjople. Allsirt Shaw also gave an exhibition of trick bicycle riding. There was a lurgo niimW of Visitors on the grounds Sunday, and tlio even ing program was well attended. The concert in tlio pavilion is more or less of a dress panicle, when there is room to move around, and It Is safe to say that at least one of tbo outfits exhibited last night attracted universal attention. Tbo Shield's entertainment was up to tbo standard set last year, which Is iHuivolont Ui saying that it is llrstclass and highly pleasing to the assembled crowd, Miss Lamar recited by request, the beautiful story of "Juno Conquest," which was heard last year. Mr. Whit ing sang, "Jiitt as tlio Sun Went Dow n," to which tbo Illustrations add-a strong touch of vividness, and by request, "WIiIhh.t Your Mother's Name." Mr. Sbiulds displayed tbo series of allegorical pictures, "I took of Ages." toimv'm hacks. Tbo entries for this afternoon's races are as follews: Kiich r, .'l-year-olils, beat 2 in !l, purno i'JOO Marlon's Ucorgo I)., br s, llrown's Pathmurk, b s, Whltmoro it Adams' Ijuly Kerry, bf. Unco l, trotting, .'1-year olds, liest 2 In :i, nurse f'-IW MimIilt'h Kgyid. hi s, Mrklaml's Suslo Alone, eh m, Wisdom's Major Iludd, ch g, llolkuan's Aleino, b m. Unco 7, half-uillu dash, running, purse 150. Iluniiiiig, balf-miludash, purse fir0 McCalllster's .Murium A. , Jones' Misty Mom, Heed's Doctor Hart, Parker's Lady Ilciolso, James lloyd's Tennessee Maid, TIIH I'AVIM.ION, This most iuiKirtant feature of this year's state fair Is orhaps not as well tilled as in past seasons, but the exhib its are of ery good quality and style. Most prominent among tbe mercantile exhibits is that of Huron A: Hamilton on tlio right as you enter. Their ImniIIi is hundsoinuly decorated with the latest dusluns and effects in wall paHir, and thooxblbitof furniture, carpets, rugs, sareuuu mid picture noeIties is worthy of a much more pretentions llrm. Next is tlio Croulse photo art exhibit. For artistic work and novelties in their lino this show Is equal to anything of the kind ever put out. For a private or amateur exhibit In this line Mrsv F. A. Wiggins has the bust ever put into the puvllllnu. Among them Uiiug the pictures on which Mrs. igglus iccoutly took prints in Loudon, hnglaud. Her Alaska pictures attract wide comment. The China painting by Mrs, J. A. Hlchardsoii is also an attrac tive feature of the art department, and contains some most artistic effects. The display of photos by the Salem Camvra Club contains Hime of the Imst pictures of its memlters and for the tlrst atttmipt Is a credit to Unit new society. Krimsse llros, have a lino case of The Salem (louring mills have a booth filled with their famous "Salem Spec ial" flour, which pleai-es every hoiiK keeper. The hardware department is well rej -resented by an excellent display from Gray Uros. large Btock. The Ullliugham hot bouses have n line display of growing and cut flowers. Among them is a baby priuiroMj growing and blooming in n thimble which is the smallest thing of tlio kind over shown. Mrs. Frankio Cornell, matron of tbo asylum, is in charge of a display of fancy work clone by inmates of that In stitution, including some very creditable specimens of drawn work, embroidery, crochet, wool and inlaid work. This In dustrial feature of the concern, though small, is highly commendable. Tbo asy lum farm also has an exhibit of vege tables. Knox A Murphy have good display of plumber's wares and work. Several good exhibits of agricultural products aro made by tbo different dis tricts assigned by tbo fair board, but the displays in this lino aro not what they should lie. Tlio displays nro good, but in ninny respects they don't come up to tbo individual exhibits in past years. Tbo floral exhibit Is very largo and will Isj referred to later in some detail. Tbo Miultry department is probably tlio ls.-st llllcd and patronized of any, and will bo given secl:il recognition later in tbo week. Tbo largest display of vehicles is that of Studcbaker Brothers, represented by Parkhurst A Co. They havo everything from a bucklsiard to a baroiich, and havo an unlimited variety of buggies, Hurries, carnages, traps, bucks, wagons, etc. The Parkhurst llrm also has an liniiieiiK) display of agricultural Imple ments, II, M, WuduitCo., the pioneer Imple ment house, has a good display of up-to-date farm machinery, as well us car raigiM and wagons. These displays are of great Interest to farmers. Kill Two liirds With One Stone. While takings holiday to attend the "Fair" use a part of tbo time to visit llobson's dry goods store. Tbe propiet or and clerk will bo glad to see you, they enjoy showing the fine goods. Tbo weather will soon be cool, i-elect n new cats; or Jacket for your wife and daugh ter. The boys must be clothed for school this is your opportunity to get them a new suit, fit and price guaranteed ladles, ask o see tbo Corset Belt Wrati pers, something now. A full line of dry goods IxMight for cash to be sold for cash at prices to give satifaction. W. II. IIoiiso.s. 297 Commercial street. DIED. IIUliaitK.W At tbo Oregon Insaneasji turn, on Saturday, on Sejitember Id, lBW. utO o'clock p. in., WiUena Hur grcn, aged ,'iO years, Deceased was committed to the asy lum, from Portland, on September 7. Funeral arrangements had not leen completed Inst night. PIANOS, OHOAN AND MACHINES. SEW I NO ah now Is thullmo when many lire thinking of buying planus, orgum? unci hewing much I nes, 1 luko this ineUiud to remind you unit, you imvu wiin you nil old vleulor In these lines, whuiuiiKus II u study to buy bis goods so ho cun meet all udvertlscd prices on tbo same goods. In the Bowing machine Hue persons thai cume to my store and see what prices machines can bo bought, for, buy hero Others, I find, scnc'i bul mil near s'linany us used in do.bc cause so many salesmen thoy talk to charge no much more than they cun gel litem by sending for them. I liayu in htocklilrfli-nrui.sclMlircudlrig shut tle, all iitlacliiueulh, t-druwor, oak tublu.towliig umclilticstor$irio $IHol) on ;io not iiiku any risK sending or depositing your cash, uu can see t e miichlno ami sow on It before yi u pay for It. Figure your prices uclvui llscd and freight and you will sou 1 am from $1 to $2 f0 cheaper than those prices, One example: My gain on shipping a slnulo piano 1 have iioa' on the mad a ear of phiuoi, unboxed packud In a car, al the rate of $1.00 a bundled; price of box, $2 ut tlio fac tory; weight of box averages 2-U pounds, at I a hundred Is $10; weight or piunu in box iiuu pounds, at $i, makes $21. At the rate of ll.uo makes O) (10 a (inference on the plar.o In box of U JO making a total (llirereiieo ol $2 nltiH lo plus 1 1 .-JO or $2u. It) 1 save on eucu piano, A very fair prolu on each piano ami a large saving on a car loud, I could till this entire paper full of names of parties thai havo bought either a piano, organ or sewing ma chine from me. I will give you the names of six only yU- Prof, W. U. Ilawley, Geo. n Myer, Dr, W, II. Ilyrd, Father P. Placltu, of Mt Angel, Sol Diirbin and Mrs. U. II. Hinges, From these iirofesslun.il men and ladles who are good Judges, you nave oviuonco mat inoy round new New Goods Arriving Daily. WE ARE RECEIVING MMENSE LINES OF Fine Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Etc., And will sell these goods at the lowest possible prices. The sun does not alwavs shine in Oretron. so uredare vourself with one nf nn Umbrellas; steel rod umbrellas, with a good cover, as low as 50c. We also have them in finI silk with fancy handles. We bought tliem direct from the makers, and will guarantee m prices lower tnan any other house in balem. We have also received a lull line of Rubber Goods, Macfcintoslies, Etc, BEST QUALITY RUBBERS FQR CHILDREN " " 25c BEST QUALIVY RUBBERS, MISSES' SIZES " " 35c LADIES' SIZES " " 50c Mackintoshes for everybody girls and boys, ladies and gents, full assortment Fin? Clothing for bovs or men. Hats to fit and suit everyone. Our Fall overcoats just anived Trunks and Valices, Blankets and Comforters. BEST QUALITY OF COME HERE FOR YOUR DRY GOODS AND GET THE GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. Good Home Made Bread Ih something that everyone enjoys, and the bread made from our Ciold ilnst Hiip erior family (lour given results that the iiiixt dainty palate will relleli. White, nutritious bread", delicious cakes and pantry is what you aro rewarded with when vou ue our (iold Dust Hour. We have tlio llnoft teas, coffees, Hour and spices, puro and unadulterated, to lie found in Salem. SonnemanN, THE aitOCJEIt 124 Btnto st Tclephono 51 jStuM ' FRIEDMAN'S NEW RA6KE Cor Commercial and State streets, Salem, Ore. HEEDS Ol'EHA irOtTSJS I'.VTrON HltOH., Uimei-n Bint Jliiunircre. ALL FAIR WEEK, COMMENCING Alonday,Septcmlicr i8 RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF THE POPULAR Jessie Sliirloy Co, IN A School Time Here And the matter nuwt preiMing Ih to have thechlldrne'iieyeiglit tectiil, a net-en-ity IteforontudioH are uudiTtakeii or re hiiiiiihI. .May nave inconvenience, sick iichh, worry or eventual In of Aai. Kx- aiutuatioiiH free of ehargv, flaw advlHil only when needed. llrlug In your Imivh and uirln earlv fur examluatioii and treatment if ueciwary. HERMAN W. BARR S. O., 1 18 .State Street. New Repertoire of New Flays DORRIS. MARRIED IN HASTE, TRILBY, LADY OF LYONS, MOTHS. CLEVER FOOL. i Popular ftta-M and 30c ' ' j ' il'' ' '.'.' .'.', ','' lS f J If J 6 if ,j kfjTm Dreyfiis, Ofis, flgiiioaldol! These three men are more talked I. in. mil.. ! r....t 11. ,.i . . -. .i..h,-i ini-ii in inn iiii'u Hiiiiiun inu uii every oikivm lipi. Tbo same applicn to tlioco nice, hwcoI, fragiant ai-ouiatic Havana about than anv ervt , f ru La Corona, 10c La Commerc? Otip Champion, emblem, The univeifiil verdict i: Thev are perfection. NonecoHWeet. None so good. All dealers. WOOD We aro Htill helling 4 foot, largo hecond growth wornl f2.25 ier cord We are agt. for Newln'rg l'rehi-ed Tire and Ho. man llrick. hce the work at thelllihee t'lub ilulldtngalM) the New CiiHtom lloiihe, at I'ortlaml. I). S. Hcnti.kvA Co., rhono 110. IIIU l'ront cor. Clio- uiuketa. Music, Music. "Our HcrooH Welcome lbune," and "Hail tu the Second Oregon." "' centf, wild at Wiley II. Allen', Pair (i round, l'arviu'H mii-iiul dmplay, and (ieo. t. Will, at UT cent for the two cople-. ll.B-3t !H.flOCKEN5TEIN,ProbrJ After the Fair is Over You should begin the year's work in AUSIC,anJ pur sue it earnestly. For the highest MUSICAL DEVELOPEMENT. there is no school as good as UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC. Address, Francesco Selev. Dean. SmIpih n Sa.leivc Studio INTER-STATE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Mrs. Effa finders Willmao Over I'lrst Xational Hank. Classes in Piano Forte playing, Harmony, Theory and Class Reading. Studio bourn from II to 12 ami 2 toC. TWO FIN.IJJ XI3W IMAXOS IX STUDIO I'OK LT.SI5 OF LlrPILS. na high grade u.I1m Iiikw mI.IcIi attract 'b .?.?."' I"S?' L11'1 ,""c,l0"n or cl,oa,cr attiUltloil, As Lliii) luioiiln h:iv found It. in tltJkllHi llilll1!! Ill hifil th l.llll BjkSk .... ...Ill HUM IIUIflllKIKU III Ulljr lllllll IIIU, Will iiui yuu uike: Thrifty Housekeepers ...,,, 1 t .1.. I ,1 ... I... II.... U.....L ..f lll..klt ..1 viu iH'ar in muni jinn iiutw ! iiiiiiimiw, . ... . . . .!. . i -. Ik ...I..... Clll,..!!.... lH..ut... U uuiiM. iJice liiiriaiim, .ri inniiiiii. aiiRuiiiim. iiininu. Upholhtery (IikhU that v aro Hilling at W huUtHUetloii jirollt when you win Bnivo Slonoy by buylu from m, I'ouifortii. White y hllkM, l'ortU'ii- uml I. iKtll't INI I'llll'lHH That New Dress Ym nro thinking of buying httliUljlMHuUit of ttfc Wo Imvo the good, linliigni. kIIWh, iiheth, In fuel oAirylhlug iimiMHAiry tu II t you out. o chnro vou no nro!lmne want to gut out ol murine ami oUurytm tliln lnituctment fo help us gut out. couciiloriible Tbo Wlgglnn' llawur Uniths of notioiiH and hlcyeliti are decorated in vellow and black and are nicely Kit with palnm aim liegonliid heniilena dinpluv of rare gomU In their Hue. The Chemaua Indlnii School an inual ban a good exhibit of the every day work of Km htmli'iit. Iiu'liwllng h'IhhiI room work nieh a writing and ilmwlng, an well an Until and Iwitlwr work fmui the Induntrlal demrtiiumtti. Tbe Salem Soap tork, and Salem Sluu factory, represent the uiauufaut iiriug liHluxti'ie in thoir rmwtivo IllKW. The The. Kav Wmden Milln an uwual have an excellent dinplay of jiriHluctn in tneir line, (win the raw material ... ti... .. .. ii im- iiih-m nutt'ii miirii' aiui Mm gtiiniciitu mad.' up in the latent In hliort. I buy and sell mv uimkN as cheap mid ohcupur than any outride iiiaiiuiiic.tiiror or (leilcr cun pohslbly lay down a single shipment of a piano, organ or hewing iiiauiiine. UKOUOK J. WILL, No. i'll Couiiuerolal direct, Salem, op posite Hush bank. th-IM ( ,S; w it HEATING by STEAIVI HOT AIR HOT WATER Estimates furnished, and woikdune promptly, substantially and at honest prices. J Fruit and Hop Dryer work a specialty. T. S. BUHttOUGHS, 102 State St, Phone 15)1 U M. KIRK, B.J-, 66, A 58 mono H71 StntoSt. Grain, Hay, Flour, Mill Feed, Building Material. Lime, Cmcnt, Plaster etc, Grain, Hay and Straw stored wagon Scales, of l 1 r.i .... . i iuuijh unci nireini nuoniion given to tlio Ueliverv ofthecitv. giMns to uii v drt U-S-tf Mt. flDgI College Tor Iiovh and young men. tbo llencdlctino Kutliern. Salem, 10 mil CondiKiiil lr llcdtliliillr and uttractively located, 111 miles from en iroin roriiauu.) loMi'Lurn and Tiioiuhihii (ininw l'r..i,iritnrr l.lterary, Hclentillc, CIuhhIcuI, Xorinal, Commercial. Kiwhi, Conines in Matl.'e niattcH, Surveying, l)rawing, Civil Service, Trench, (lernian, Spanl-h Italian Short lillld. Tvneii'rll in-. 'l'i iM.rniiii'Miicl.. A .......i..i ..i i ' ..'..i i . i f. i.. lirii i'n i'. Care and Comfoit. If you dilo one of onr tcaum yon have eomfort, If you stable vour horses at tlio old I'tmt Oillco Stahlen thev have the euro. Oilllam it: ltiown. V 1.1 inmI Heavy tlon.es. A few liiitw horMn from 1200 t. I.'hX) jviunds, can be Umgbt cheap tmlav or tomorrow, u Uiivuni uii I mi ).,.....'. .... ...i.i ... ; . ". ... . u. .'" " HisiHii n isinetHiay. J. i. vtixm, (.Mil runtolllcc M leii Stable. 5M'; Ja. )' H m I ii I ii ifyiutiL OP TINE H'BlAaf vtf wi brt ov r.,M - "fiiJr aue"' .., . . .tiM tfl"! , mm imrA i v':i Frank S Dearborn, Bookseller Stationer. CDILLIS BROS.S CO. FIRST DOOU SOUTH OP I'OSTOFFICE, SALEM, OREGON. lUUrm ftr Scjdcuil'ur IBIh. For Returning Hop-pickers Full linen of underwear, hory, kIukhi, HubUri, .Macklutunliw, etc., at lowovt Hacket price. Hlg now line of purw just in, fromIk up. A whole lot thoUwt valmw have over nhown. Thu T to S0o one are wonderfully giel. Now bolt buukelii hi faiicv gilt siher cut stitil, jot etc. Some verv dain ty collar clasw fnuit lOo up. The newent things out. An enormous lino of .) liiiudknrbiWn of all sorts of embroidered, lcij tlgii and plain hemstlclied. IIK) iiomii oi nun price alone. Stivkn of plain linen uUo. Kiaor out' biMldiiml good on the way. TiliM mid ptlixi of cotton Wanknts from 4fj up. Kxlru gooil values hi cnvtine, tans and grays nil price. Comforts tio. ItoiiiemUtr iMir time in yourn and vuii cuu't pKsise tin inoro tlntit by ask ing to look over our stock, l'ricn mid giknUdo the rent. Bike Lanterns. The demand for cheap lanterns ha: w Holly passe,!. Vo aro H'lliug more giRiil lamps tbu last few da tliaiiotur Uiforo, It jkivs in the mug run. Twentieth euntiiry, oil fi.fti). Diamond oil. S.76. Soareh light oil. 3,fiQ. .iiiigiiiur iMiiiie ami gt a tiiinrt oil tne iiuost on mint (or UV. Majontii' gun lamp, fS.iKl. Another shipnitMit of thnvo olsttnt ;""li " ' in miuniay morn ing, touio iiiuIko hoiv simple and mitiu they are, CttrWde, Mbn. c. Itrlng ywur own Will. mar bide lai 100 lb. Oil n itinl too if ywu want w Lf' - - i . ,--'-.i '-"f, .---r."'i'v , .... i rttvv im i-iiin.s ih iirovii ileum who on account of farm InUir, wish to enter lato in fall and leave curly in . f ""'iiiiii- iii-Kruva nun u'uciiern niiite cert eaten am stnti. i i :H con- Send for catalogue. Addrenn, Tub I'hu.iiibst Mount Axhki. Coi.i.eoi:, .Mt. Angel, Ore. ft-rritl. W. NORMAL COLLEGE OFMUSIC AND ART . M. I'.Miviv, Mns. Iloe., Director. Mils. J. N. llisowx. l'rinciiKil of Art. V tUhiug out brvsh kmp$ Ikmh bunv lew dayn. in, chwip thmn. llklYl.lr llul .te.l il. -..,-u, .v. ,ii,y. 1V lire tc, (froeh) 6o, tS rapbito iV. Duck ixdler broke, .M). Kubbor drinking vm, jSi o RACKET PRICES. WIGGINS' BAZAAR, 307 Com. Printer, HAS JTST Ol'I.Nl-D Ills FALL LINKS OF FINE BOX PAPERS, Tablets, School Supplies Artists' Materials, Etc. Picture Framing in Neat Tasty Mouldings, Fancy Mats, Etc. 263 Com'l Street Opening Day Tuesday Afternoon and EveningvSept, 12 tmiclloi Room No. 7, Pntton Bit and iirt'leviiit: Ipublic cordially invitee oflliin H'bool ill bo wjual to the Ut The music art eoiirto Black. til. The iiiiimc and in tlio Northwc-t . J , . Ur4J 5 -U-Mh ?M GRAY Cor. Carnf.ntfir'c Tnnlc. Blacksmith's Tools, rme ioois ii Ww mmmam mmmmmm.mi piinaer & riquoil Unslertairj-ISEdiliai'iiiing For Every Trade at BROS NKW OA.W l9 UOA State and Liberty Sl3. Salem Ore. wW to aHniHtiiM to Utogwwrul iwbHJtlwt we have luirchased the nbipiwd tuOnv-mi. i-"v .iirui car or mull, ntllt it in llie nuwt"- Btv S ii'&Uat'hlit!" " '"flKK ' "r f"c,Ulh' a,,d ' nwtv v "t kl un liberal patnuu. OUNUEB & HIoIHlN ,