w i-wfjftrfiiti,Brn n '------"T-"Try.TWTT?" hvvHwario.JNP-o--. SUITI NGS. Are you planning on having your dress maker make you a TAILOR-MADE SUIT? Have you decided on the Material? If not, ask to see our new cloth THE VNETIAN It's extreme width makes it one of the "best values ever offered to the ladies, 52 inches wdie, at Sl per yard ALL WOOL COVERTS In two toned effects, 52 inchcswidcalso at SI. Make very stilish suitings DRESS GOODS, Printers Ink cannot describe the beauties of the Novelty Dress Goods of this fall, combining style, durability and clicapncss. Call and sec, CASH STORE HOLVERSON'S CASH STOKE Fall Stocks Have been noiirlnu In for week Nothing ha been lull itnilonu to mnko this fttnro an Ideal shopping JllOCO. MXJK OVCr till) MOCK oi New Belt and Collar Buckles New BcadBclts New wa'-h Veils New Fur Capes New Plaid Golf Cloths New silk Umbrellas New chiffon Rufflings New blankets and comforts New ruffled curtains, 'Silver Shirts" 'i In fancy Hlrlpen. New dark xlindes, In bins ntrJK-. lingular J (l.'iO vitality, our price fl.(X). White Collars for ladles mill genie. All tlio Intent tlmpcH l 2 for 25c. j Place your order now for your winter suit. We show 300 samples of "The Royal Tailors" h'oocls.y Made to order clothes at the L price of stock garments. J. J. DALRYMPLE k CO. - - sir FOUND. Hcvcnty-fhu renin, by having my natch cleaned hy HINGES. A young man last night told mo ho found f 1.00 alter 1 examined IiIh watch, when ho explained that othur Jewelers low cut price twin :i and I only charged Ivn itnllnrx for n lunl liriulk n( u stuff mill jewul audcli-aiilng. lU'iir thtmu prloiw III inlnil. Watch cleaning "Go Main spring TTki Watchmaker unit Jimehir, C.H.H1NGES (IIIAIUIATIi OITIl'ltN. Twenty Year F.xorlumo. HOU COMM1CHOIAI. HT. WKATHEH HHI'OHT. Tonight nml Hominy fair. Ice Not Olven Away, I cannot afford to elvo Icouwiiy, hut mil stilling it puro article at u price that U within tho reach of nil. CltYSTAL ll'K WollKH. J. Magtilro, Prop. tl 15 (f CAPITAL. HRltWliUY UKKK. UOTTL.UU KlingcrA Ucck,8ucccuor to UouthSalcm Dotthr. Works. All order for bottled leor will Imi MUihI at tho brewery. Kept on cold storage. Fri city delUory. Telephone -IU1. Ice Veiy Neatly Olven Away, Wo can ulvo Ico away, la cotivluco you cotue and eo now big a chunk yon wet for llltlo money. Our lro lit uiunufuo ture from pure distilled water. Ctrdtid Ico Workn, 28tf Kunuuu A Ukoic WOOD We are utill soiling 4 foot, largo K'cond growth wood -'.'.'."i er cord Wo are agU for New(org FrecKl Firo mid lh man Hriclc. sea tho work nt thollllheo Club llutldlng also tho Now Custom House, at Portland. I). H. Hk.sti.ky A Co., I'iiono 30. all) Front cor. Che- uieJcuta. CAPTIVATED DV HORTENSE. How a I'lctlcious Kalem Utile Affected a Texas Udltor, JiiKjHir CollliiH, tho aesthetic young bachelor editor of tho I'liuola, Texas Watchman, Iiiim tho following in IiIh ex cursion iioterf on Kalum : Hnluin liko inort capital clticH In llllel with rcllned and cultured people and him many ciwtly nud hcautlful liomeH. It Id thosecond city nl Oregon In (Mipulatlon, having l'J.OOO pcoplu. It Iiuh many Hue pulillc buildings, notuhly tho stale enpi tol, court hoiimi mid city, hull. Tho Wll lamotto river in navigable tho your nroiiiid from Hiilein. Tho iiriiicipitl MtriHtti nro 100 feet wldoniul Until with bountiful shade treed, Hiihim bus many manufacturing en terprlmH including u woolen mill, Hour mill, wish and door factories, two Iron foundries, it elder, vliieur and precervo faiitory, two nodii water fautorieii, it hrowury, mi Ico plant, two waou and tmrrhi;o faotoritM, it clothing factory, hhiHi fautory mid inaiiyotherH. All of tliemido priiMperoilH hunluotoM. I.Ike other town (dtUHlod In tho Willlaiuutto vulloy that I havo nH)ken of. Halem in mirmimdcd hy u rich niirlculturitl ctiuu try itilaptod to ninall yrnln mid fruit Krowlnt;. Alt klinlMol fruit nro urowu hero miccoiiifully mid yield kom1 nrolltN to tho Kniwem, Hop Krowlnu in a ciie comiful Inilimtry hero ill ho. There Ih much hind around Hahuu that Unultahlo fit.' Ilax KrowhiK that wtu Ih IkiukIiI at reOMiimlde (loured. There are inaiiy thliiKu that I would llkotomty aUiut (IiIh bountiful tttpltol city if mico would permit. It win tho Kumirnl ortlict of our xtrty that Salem mul tho Sttloni Moplo worn all rlitht, I, twpecliilly, bade furcwoll to Salem with an uiitelymil regret. fthull uhvuvc hiww it tender Hpot in my heart for the phicofor it tvtin tlmre that 1 mot llor- toiiM. "Divinely tall and ill vlnely fair," it Ip1oii of tnce and lovelinoi imwt lilwwlnn to tho auctlK'tic tyo wan llor teiiMt h I Unit wtw her. Only for it few luiurmlld 1 know her but whon 1 mild KiMNlbyo, know hiK that In it few dit)n thoUNtiida of miles would uHiruto im, 1 felt nn one w ho Iiuh witueiwod tho pas mIuk of it cherUhed idmil. It In more thun propablo that In tho oourpo of human osonU I nliall never koo her iiL-uiii. hut in after H'iim when 1 nlnll aft by tho llrwddo on winter otentiiiM and in it rcllectho numl, conjure from the tlame and muoku fornix of lot! omw of tho luut who hnvo Huuriil in the iiicuwtut mm jiimiun homo wot my tmclav orilavn.no ialmr or dearer form wilt itrHlofront the coaU than that of llor- teiiK. Thrifty Housekeepers Will U'ur in mind that wo havo u lino clock of HlnnkoU, (VnmWte. White OuiUs, Iju-o Curtulim, Art I)onliii, Hilkollue. DroiKiry Silks, PortfurtM mid Uiiliolr tory Uooiln that wo uro wdllun tit WlioleMileoff. Don't py utheiti it profit when you ran Suave Money liy buying from ihu That New D ess You Rrtt thinking of buying should bulmimht of ui. Wo liue tho kixhIc, llHiiifc'n, fcilkn, olveti, in fact oorythlnj nHwury to tit )ou out. Wnluttvo you hq prolltBNWe want to got out Of bimlli unit offoT )oit thin inducement to Jhelp u get nut. PERSONAL AND LOCAL Itov. P. 8. Knight went to Corvtillla to day Kufisel Coloman has started on hlsrc trip to Juncati Alaflko. Wm. Chaml)cr in up from Portland taking In tho fair., Monlaguo Lord went to Portland on this mornlng'i! train. W. D. Mohncy and family, havo re turned from a month's outing at lkslk nap Spring. MiHaKdna Pricowent to Albany to day to vlalt her father, who in down from Kan tern Oregon. 3IIs Henrietta Plngor arrived last night to ho the guest of Miss Minna Kail vain for a fow days. All Quiet at the City Hall, For fair week things nro extremely orderly In mid about the city, and al though tho usual precaution of it special Kl!co force has boon provided the men luive llttlo to do except walk their beats. One John Keller was brought licforc Itc order Juiluh this morning mid was given flvo days for vagrancy. DlbU. WAI)I)KLL.-Iii this city at tho Sa lem hospital on 1-rlday, So tcmbcr IT.. I8IM, John Wiuldcllb aged Myears, (lenlh resulting from a can cer. Deceased resided near Lllierty, hut as ho had no relatives in this country the remains were buried from tho under taking parlors oi W. T. Hlgdon, Itov. John Parsons ofllclatiug; burial at Ico Mission cemetery. CURL WANTED. To waitou table at Kiagg's restaurant. State Pair Grounds, f 1. 00 to fl.riOjwr day. Apply at rustaiiraut. HOTEL ARRIVALS. WIM.AMKTTK. (leo llrowu, Oeo I Grant, Prank I. Hunter, Mr J.I OWcIl, Mrs J J Oneil, Vernon Waldron, San Pruncisco; K II Duffy, W G Kitton, J XV Wallett, . .Iminermau, Oscar (iroccli, Miss II A Truller, M 0 Penniiigtou,Clias Ilruchett, Mrs ('has Ilruchett, Geo March, Mrs (.mulon, J P Jones, 0 II Markham, J W Ilalloy, Mrs Horn ilalleyr I) Con don, F K lllalr, A X Portland; O. D. Gibson, Pomoroy, Wash; Chas. A. Ilurdoii, P.UKouo; Wm M Ijindruin, Dnalde,Texus; CM Diimmlck, Chicago; II XV Wells, Tho Dalles; Dave Peer, Now Yerk: N I. Cornelius, Helena, Mont; II T. Matlock, lloppncr, TJ Mat lock, lloppncr; F C Shliin, CIiIciiko; A llauklemau, AllNiuy; llery P Shaw Inir, l'aette, Ida; II G hweot, Chicago; Hurry K Young, A J D.tyton, city; F FUnrln, (! T Crosby, Astoria; I, II llnrteu, St Paul; F I. White, Idaho. tiirr-AtiK. .1 S Sliarn, I (iunderehelmer. AIM llrowu, Clias K Itoss, C F llrynut, D Mnrshnll, Portlaud; G O Miinlnu, Uiw istou; l!.l Shields mul wife, V II Whit ing, Portland; John M Wall, Illllslsiro. UIRL WANTED To watt on table at Plaint's Itestuu. State Fair Grounds, tl.00 to l.miper nay. appiy at once at resiaurniii- A Complete Stock. One of tho most varied and well-selected stocks of goods in Salem, can 1k found at the Kew York Racket. It is mado up of just such goods as nro re quired for the comfort of everyone. They no not keep everything that is needed, but what they do cary is useful to almost everyone. Their stock of "Star 5 Star" boots and shoes is un surpassed In quality and fit, and nil grades aru kept on band. Their cloth ing is well selected mid of excellent quality, for the price, for men, boys and youths. Underwear, hosiery and rub ber goods, in all styles, froma common rubber to a long hip Ixxit ; hats, shirts of nil kinds, overalls, gloves of excellent quality, and all manner of useful arti cles. All sold nt racket prices. They ask all to cull and seu them. They can please you. Dance at Dove's Hop Yard. A dance will be given nt Dove's hop yard this evening. Hackensto's orches tritwill furnish music for tho occasion. Numbers will lie sold nt 40c. A good tlmels nssurcd. lOUAY'U MAKKKT. 1'illlT, AS'll Slllll. III. Wll. ml ...i lliii. IKV to ill ; Walla Witllu.oSc. to nil for new Mc to 110 for old. Flour Portland. ll'.IK) In .'l.'Jft. Km.ir. linn s.15 per hid. win 1 mm iihushm, urey im to ;w. Iluy Timothy H(jjiiKr ton. Hops 11(3 1 ho; old crop Ho. Wool-VuTley. PJQllle: Kustern Or- i ,nu, H(.( Mohair, L7 Oi !10. .MIIIstulT llrun, f!7; shorts, IH, Pnllttrv ClililieiiH.iiiUil.tlJlitlii I Alt liens fi to fi.W), turkeys, live, llUglllc. i-.itkn ureKin, i to imno inir iiox. Illdert (Iriiin.HalliHlllOlliH.HrtO.v im.l...- 00 lbs, 76(81,; sluvp Kilts, loG'.IV. wiihiiis i to iv,e. Putter Host dairy, ItOftiltt: fuiuiv uromnory, Ifte to ftOc per roll, storo Ui' to -re. Potittoos lift to 7fle pur cental. Hogs Heavy ilrennil (to to tlte Mutton l)riMHml.l'iL.e in 7n mr iuiiin.1 lleef StenrM. :i fUlr.T I (HI aiui t'llkt. .. k, .i .. ..:. "i v: .7'." ;, '-i lUf.l.in, iiiiwoill, inll I) ll) I Hj em -urotmsi, (ifjio. SALKM MAKKKT. Wheat HI. Wool HUi, MolittlrStXi. Parley In to Mc. Gats 'ift to 7e. Hnv llalisl. ehmit mul elmur ill flit Timothy I8.1K) Kugs 18 to :Mo Flour III whoUtMthi Intx ll.m r.lnll :i.io. MillstulTs bnin f 1.1,00 shortu f I5.(X1 Hogs ilrwtMHl, fio. l.he cattle Steers Illcowa JfL' to II. Sheep fS.ftOJJ.1. Drwwed Vtxtl flc. lliitter Dairy ttXt creamery Ufw. Poultry Spring chlukBinrtl to UK). Ileus 8 cents. Potatoes HV. WATXi:i A goel mail to help run it ui.iniii, ririiiij- mirfc, Highland additioii. SmIoiii. tflt).;tt( SUNDAY BERVICKS. USIlV, Services ntlOiIi'ui. in. No evening service. Ilov. W. K, Coiclaud, pastor. Subject of sermen: "Tho Dreyfus Scandal and its F.ffcct on thu World." At tho Central Congregational church there will be preaching by tho pastor at 11 n. m. tomorrow. Subject: "Un sjiotted From tho World." ClllltSTIAN SCIKSCi:. Salem Church of Christ, Scientist. Morning service nt 10:.'!0 a. in, Subject: "Itcullty," it sermon from tho llible mid Scieuco mid Health, with key to the Scrljiturot ly Mary linker G. IMdy. Kvenlng serviie nt 7:.'I0 p. m, Weilnes. day cvcuiiig meeting at 7 :!I0. , I HIST I'flCSIIVTKIIIA.V. Public worship at 10:110 a. in. Ser mon hy tho pastor, thome: "Klllclenuy in tho Service for Christ." Y. P. S. 0. I. meeting nt lii.'K) p. in. At 7:110 p. fin. tho pastor will given second lecturo on "A Journey to JAInska, Mulr Glacier, Sitka, Juneau, Tieadwell gold mine, Hoonub and Duncan Missions." A cor dial Invitation is extended. 1'NlrHlt JIIIHTIIUHN. I HIST COMIIIHIATION CHUIICII. Sort ices at I0:!I0 a. m. mid 7:30 p. m. Morning subject "Stilling tho Tein K)st." Kvenlng subject "Prenchliig Out." Sunday school at l'J in. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching morning mid evening hy ltev. Olive 11. ICyle, conference evmi(;ellst. Y. P. C. A. meets at 7:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:!W p. in. C. N. Merry man. SUNKAY SCHOOL UNION. Pastors, Sunday school superintend ants mid assistants at thu city schools are asked to meet in the It.tptist Sunday school rcMiiiH, .Monday evening, He- lemlsir 18, ul 7:110, to take stept to form a city union. All nro urged to attend. IIMTIST. Itonuld McKillnp, laxtor. Public worship at 10:110 a. m. Sunday scliisil at I'.' in. Young People's meeting ntlliitO p. in. Subject foroteiilng sermen: "Tho Ddinaiidi of God mid tho answers of Men." Prtiycriuccliiig on Tliuri-dity nt H p. m: I.IISI.IK M. H. Siibjivt of the morning wrvlco alh IOiIIO: "IliHtorlenl llovlew." Sunday sehiKil atllp. m, Kpworth League at 7::UI p. m. Pruyurineetlng on Tliurwlay day at 7:!I0 p. in, UNITKII KVA.MIUt.ICM,, II, I.. Pratt, .tstor. Preaching at 10:It0 a. m. mid 7::i0p. in. Christiait KnilouvornttljItO p. in. Sunday ,l at 1L in. MUTItOlllsr HI'IIHIII'M., John Pursons, (wstor. Sortictw at 10:!t0 it, m. mid 7.:t0 p, m. MurnliiK siibjwt: "The Cominoii Salvation." In the evening tho jKtstor will conduct it Wosloy wirvicti, Some of tho great hymns of Charles will Ik sang mid tho ormon will Uioii "Wesley and Civillia tlou." Sunday K'hisd at I'i in. and K wortb lAnguo Usinueat (t:!U) p. m. Tho llrst MtHitlug of (Hiiifereuoo weok will Ut on TueHlay otuning. CHICAGO LETTER, From Oregonians at the Michigan Summer Resort. Practical SociologyParks and Statuary- Roof Garden Theatres Christian Science Street Railroad, A letter this weok will not provo in teresting. The last of August and first of September have been very warm In Chicago, in fact nil over the corn bolt region. It was just the right stuff o put tho finishing touch on the greatest corn crop that has ever been turned out of Uncle Sam's hot house 2,000,000,000 busheN. THE WASTE I'MCKH Alwut Chicago interest me very much. In all directions as yon get into the suburbs there are hundreds of acres of city lots paying heavy tnxes, earning nothing. The land is not used for any thing and much of it bears no crop but Canada thistles and- mortgages. There aru whole squares grown up to sunflow ers that aru luxuriant in a state of na ture. Hoslnweed covers whole tracts, that appear as additions with high sounding names on tho city plat, with blazing, brilliant yellow llowers. Thursday night we bad a great rain mul thunder storm, and thu papers Friday reported many killed hy lighten ing. The mystery to me is why so few people mnko any use of tho thousands of acres of original prairie. They do not have family gardens. The man with the hoe could bu employed here, flut it seems helms not learned how to use tho hoe or prefers to buy nil tho products of the hoc and tho soil with his wages and put in all his spare time talking politics. Potatoes retail at 10 cents, butter 25 cents for thu finest, eggs 17 cents, Hour 1 1.2'iu sack, apples 25 cents jier peck. All meats aru hluh. My father has the only spot of narden In the hclghlxirhood where wo nro stopping. F.vory where uro street orators, college professors, ministers of the go-qel talking alsmt thu awful tyranny of present economic conditions, but nolssly seems to Is) will ing to do anything except talk. HUIIUIIIIAN CHICAOO Is an economic insult from un industrial point ot view. I saw one patch of ground under perfect cultivation. Tho whole country hero is the richest kind of alluvial prairie, old lake bottom loam, caiablu of producing tho biggest crops of corn. A linn garden block Is on Olid street, mid produces thousands of dol lars worth of celery, la'ots, cabbage, caiillllower, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet corn, musk melons, etc. A German mid his family work It, mid havo grown licit out of it, and so fur itsthuy uro concerned they do more to solve tho industrial problem than nil Chicngo university. LINCOLN l-AIIK Is n beautiful place mid United by thousands daily. It extends along tho shore of the lake for a mile or so north of the city. Thorn Is n lino collection of animals, esoolully the lions, ouo New Goods Arriving Daily. WE ARE RECEIVING IMMENSE LINES OF Kirie Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Etc., And will sell these goods at the lowest possible prices. The sun does not always shine in Oregon, so prepare yourself with one of our new Umbrellas; steel rod umbrellas, with a good cover, as low as 50c. We also have them in fine silk with fancy handles. We bought them direct from the makers, and will guarantee our prices lower than any other house in Salem. We have also received a full line of Rubber Goods, Vlack:iritoslies, Etc" BEST QUALITY RUBBERS FQR CHILDREN " " 25c BEST QUALIVY RUBBERS, .MISSES' SIZES " " 35c LADIES' SIZES " " 50c Aackintoshes for everybody girls and boys, ladies and gents, full assortment. Fine Clothing for boys or men. Hats to fit and suit everyone. Our Fall overcoats just arrived Trunks and Valices, Blankets and Comforters. COME HERE FOR YOUR DRV GOODS AND GET THE BEST QUALITY OF UUUU5 A I LUWfcbl r'Kltb. FRIEDMAN'S NEW RH6KET, Cor Commercial and State streets, Salem, Ore Marshal's Sale, Nntlco It herely given that under tho provisions or ordinance No. LX) 1 will on KKIDAY, SKl'T. . nt 2 o'clock p. in. at thu pound In the city of Saloin, sell nt public auction, tho following described Impounded .iiilmal, Ucwli; Wlilio mure, 10 or 12 years old, shod all around, weighs about W0. Unless thu uboto dotoribcduiiimal is claimed before mUI dutc, salo will U without rcMirvc. I. W OlllSON. City Marshal. Sa'oin, September 10, lbi)9, D-itl-fit 11INTI.SUW OX HHCONI) I'AOK. With Steam Up. The mnohlue.i have utimni up and If you oxp'H't to food them you iiml to Hiipply yournolf with n pxid Mock of provisions and KrocuriiKt from UmnKui k lfniiim'H D-ll'-cod HEEDS OPERA HOTSE lUTfON IlltOH., Lew ami Mnnnsem. ALL FAIR WEEK, COMMENCING Sentombe ' Monday, RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF THE POPULAR Jessie Shirley Co. IN A New Repertoire of- New Flays DORRIS. MARRIED IN HASTE, TRILBY. LADY OF LYONS, MOTHS. CLEVER FOOL. Popular Prices 10, 20 ami 30c. "What is Home Without a Mother. Or wife to decorate it and niakelt chivr. ful and attractive with tho many prettv tiling in imiutcl ornaiuontu, bric-a-brac, hiinw. decorated china, toilet wt and yawn Miieli an wo are tdiowini; in our Ktiiitifiil selections in this lino. Our ntcnik of croekery, chliiit, ulawiwnrM, htmpt, tea ami dinner wt in the tluwrt to be found thin fide of Cortland. SonnemanN, THE GUOCKH 124 State at Telephone- 51 or FINE ..nf-RlO igft(ilioi0t t- . i i VS.H X WTt b? ' ikrJi.n! i'vr,iH'"?-r' ic- -- S5 Frank S, Dearborn, Bookseller Stationer. BJi CDILIISBROS.S CO. FIRST POOR SOUTH OF I'OSTOFPICB, SALEJM, OREGON. gmrtio Fttrn ttirtifitimmlMi, For Returning Horvpickcra Full Itnenof uuilerwtmr, hiMory, luvn, lluhhcr, MitekintitiiliM, etc, at lwet Itiuket prietva. Wg new Inn-of punn jiiid in, (nun, V up. V wh'debit thtHHWt values we lutveeter shown. Tho " to tfiV one lire Wonderfully good, Ntv licit buekela in fuiiev udt silver tut aUvl, jet etc. Some very dam- l iMliar t-lHsiM from 10i up. Tlio iii-wtt tlunpout. n unormuua lino of oo hamlkervhlef of all aorta of vmlmiidercl, Ueo olctvl and plant hematiched. HM d.ion of thu price alone. Stooka o( plain linen nW Phmr em bioiderl kU tbt lu way. 1'ilea and piles of cotton idnnleta fixtm Abe up. Kxtra gtxxl valuoa In erisuuu, tan and unty all prUva. IVmfiirta tt. ltt'iuemlKT our time ia your and you i-an't plea? tta inoro than by iuk Hit; to look over our alock. l'ritix and iKtiUdo tho ret. Bike Lanterns. Thedem.tud for rlioaii lanterns has wholly itaaaetl. Wo are kiIIiih; luoro kv1 lampa the but few daa inuiivtur iH'iore, it M)8 in the long run. Twentieth century, oil f2W). Dutmoiid oil, S. 76. Soarvli liBht oil .M. Hi uiK your iMitile and get a ouart of the finest oil mad for UV. Majtlo uait lamii. M 00. Another ahipmciit of th.M eletpiut lamuwill Im In S.tt unlay morn in. Come audst'o huw almplu and witlo they aro. Oarliide, 'Jibs. 86o. Itrint; vour own mil. oiiiiiiui; out Mb Fnwl Um IWon busy lew day. In, cheap them. lVxter net wtrrler, CVi. Tire Upo, (frtuili) 6o, (iruphite &e. Duek roller brake. tlLKU. ltublmr drinking ctiiw, Jafk". TtTtimtrmm ixtrbhl hint HV) lb. mil hut too If you want RACKET PRICES. WIGGINS' BAZAAR, 307 Com. Printer,, HAS Jl'ST Ol'KN'tiH HIS FALL LINKS OF FINE BOX PAPERS, Tablets, School Supplies, Artists' iMuterials, Etc. Picture Framing in Neat Tasty Aouldinjjs, Fancy Aats, Etc. 263 Com'l Street jDieyfiis,OIis,flgiiiDaIdol! Tlieco thrco men nro moro talked about than anv other men in fact their namcn nro on everybody's lips. Tho same applies to thoo nice, iiwect, fragrant ttromatlc Havana I La Corona, 10c Otip Champion, La CoERirterc?, Emblem, The universal verdict Is- Tliov nro perfection. .III1U FJ HULTl. .lUML' SI) gOOII. itll (lt'aKTH. fl. H0CKEN5TEIN, Propr. i After the Fair is Over You should begin the year's work in MUSIC, and pur sue it earnestly. For the highest MUSICAL DEVELOPEMENT, there is no school as good as UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC. Address. Francesco Seley, Dean, Salem, Ore. Salem Studio INTER-STATE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Mrs. Eila finders WillntaD Over First Xatlounl Hank. Classes in Piano Forte playing, I larniony, Theory and Class Reading. Studio hours from !) to lU and ' to 5. TWO FIN 10 .NIOW PrANOS IX STUDIO FOH lSJ5 OF L'lIMLS. U M. KIRK, 54. BO, fi 58 StatoSt Phono 871 Grain, Hay, Flour, Mill Feed, Building Material. Lime, Omcnt, Plaster etc, Grain, Hay and Straw stored Wagon Scales, I'romiU and cnroful attention L'iven to tho delivvrv of l'imxIm to unv nait of the city. u.8.f Ht. RDg?l College or boys and youinr men. Conducted bv lie l(eneIU'tine I'iiHuth. Ilfiilthfullv nn,l nltM..ll..J.. I 1 ... ...II . . . , ,, -5 ,. , . , miuuiiiiiiinri; HIHtll, in llllll'S inmi Salem, 10 mllea front rortland.) Comi'lete and Tiiokoihiii Ceuuhim: I'reimratort Literary, Scientific, Classical, Xormal, Commercial. Si-kciai. Couuhim in .Miithc matlcs, Suryeylni?, I)riwln(t, Civil Service, French, Herman, Snnnli.li, Italian bhorthand.'XypewritinB. releirraphy, Music. A special class is provided for ttu, dont wlio on account of farm htbtir, wluli to enter hvte in fall and leave early in jprlitK. Academic decrees and teachers state certificates and state diplomas con. lerriHi. rt'iiit ior (-ataioue. .ourefu, TlIK FlttolDKNT Mni'ST nc.el Cllvib, Mt. lipl Angel, Ore. I W, NORMAL COLLEGE OFMOSIC UNO ART '(.. M. Tarms, Miu, 1oc , Din-ctor. .mhs. j, ., iiuotvN, rrlnclpalof Ait. " i" Tuesday Afternoon and EveningySept, 12 Studio; Room No. 7, Patton Block. The mn.ic and art-lovini; fpublic cordially Invltwl. The music mid art coiin-en oftlii wlioul will lie eipial to the best in tho Nortlmoat I cw$& Ji-C-tS ffiS'.t-r GRAV Carn.'.ntfir's Tnnk. Blacksmith's Tools, rine icois For Evory Trade at BROS Cor. Stato aud Liberty Sis. Salem Ore. . 0infler& Rifldon. a fc, jt A "mleflaklng.ffl Embalming NBW I.AK W o wliJt t aHHWW te tlw gMwal imUlo tlwt we have tmraliaW the mot triiVint autl HUKiilflwiit funeral r, of Ut,t derigu, and are therefore in a ! UtMt tohamllo RtiwrnW in a rnuuh Iwttr uunnir titan hertofere,aud lth lstoc. .HtM. o lMt)Iouu'folt tlwt Salem, bHg tho capital city of a great tate. ilMKiltl lw up to dato in the maimer of IwimIUiii; funerals, and We hao Iherefor pareil uo oxeiii in iwroluujHg tlw ear. It tt as IwlllHjy the JauiM CnniiiiiKlutui VSr'n110?, itor':0,w k. lHtKttWthe flnwt hioltw in the l'niti Slat'. Idle thU is not Uie tmtetoxitMv funorul cur or Imilt. still it is the finest er thipiHM tO OlYfcMU. We rtirtltally invite all t.. inwt -mr factlilttw, ami when necetwity rvtiuired. i jite Ui liberal patrvuajt oLl.NubU A llluDoN