n, ywprtytt t''flpi iw'i't Wf O. C. T. Co's l'A8SKNQEH STEAiiEK pOMONA, altonA LEAVES FOIl I'OIITLAND Dally oTccnl Rnmlay at 7 a. m, dUK'K TIME AND CilKAl KATES. Dock between BtMe and Coart Bt. M. 1. BALDWIN, Agent. ' I am. iNirnitsTEU is noon mubicm. wonK MADE WKLCOMK AT TUK bTOUIO. 0 MM H. HUBBARD Tenchor of Piano nnd Accompanist. Salem, Oregon. J ft ncl it D'Arey Ilutltllnsr. Itoom 10, 4 llnurn -0 low a. in. z in a,, in. PERSON ALAND LOCAL ForaiUIUional tcnlNes nee Fourth 1'agcF C. II. Mnrkham, tho S. P. general I passengers agent, is in the. city taking 'i tho statu fair. "I suffered with piles eleven years Isimru using DmVitt's Witch llavcl SiIvc;iii,v health Is restored 1 feel like u now inan" Uonard Stunge, Flora, Minn. A srothlng. healing nrup.irat.ion of standard merit: Stones Drug Store. W. P. Williams is in Siu Francisco on a fliort visit. To Cleanse the System, KlTectually yet gently, when costive or bilious, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy ac tivity, without irritating or weaken ing thctu, to dispel headaches, colds, or fevers, use Svrup of Figs, made b the California F g Syruu Co. m Miss Klllo Judson has gone to Wuren ton, where she will touch school this winter. Clii.it. It. S. Smith of tho statu itulvor sity foot lull team, is tho guest of Clnrenee Bishop. "lleston tho market fjr coughs and colds; for croup it has no equal." writes Henry It. Whlirord, South Ca Caau, Conn,, or Uno Minute Cough cure. Stones Drug Store. Itev. I). A. Walters, presiding elder of tho Methodist church, went down to Xowberg this morning, wliero ho will participate In tho dedication oxorcisos of the new church. Miss Pearl Holg.ito, of Portland, who has Ihuii visiting with Mist) Clara Town wend, ruturned to hur homo today. Hop Growers Aro invited to nlaco their Insurance with us. Wo issue iKillckw on us liberal terms as uny agency in Salem, and offer you insurance in several of tho host English, (Senium or Amurienn eomiKin ies. Wo will furnish you hop tickets in any stvlo with your name printed on thorn freo of charge. Cull at ollleo and obtain terms. G. M. IIkri.kk A Co., 2AS Commercial St., next to Telephone Ollleo. T. II. ltlggsiind L. Smith wont down to l'nrtlalal this morning. I). Jnntoii went down to WhoatUtnd this morning. O.-eat Oppertunity for Home Seekeu. To close an estate which Is somewhat Involved, town proportion, farms and small trueta in fruit and otherwise Ui 1 in Salem and vicinity) will lw sacrificed. Only partial payment required. In quire of lluowx, Wiuoiitm w & Myhkh. Tiogn Ulock, Sulein, Or. Mrs. J. It. Ilenult wont down to Chauipoeg, where she will Join her bus ImihI today. Mr. JJenolt Iwi a large contract down there. Chas. Clay went down to Portland on hindiiuu this morning. Thfre's nl.v.ijs hop wuan there' On! MlnuiC'iiiuli('un "AuatUiuk of piicuiiinola lert my lung nour the llrst stagi of cmsuuiptloii. One. Min ute Cough Cum cured in"." HUn Mullenry, Ihsiiiark, . D. Slonw Drugstore, Mi Doty of Portland, who has been viMting hur grandmother, Mrs. l'nmty, returneil Iioihh this morning. a jtt- M V&y cj a-v XJb. The Old Paitaffue Stabler Are how ran by Uillinw Jlrown, wlMiviillf'irMUImrlg or wra tor your tf him iu1 tu tlw bMt in Um city- C. 11. Ooker.wlib bus hMn nUemlittf t.i Irtisiiies hi SWm, r-tnrned U Uw metrojiolU tlib oriilg. D.W. Golly, the 4Ve fair blloo man, went down t IWtUnd this iu.rii ing taking bis balloon and ,tln-r erlt t with linn. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, Digests what you cat. TtartlflcIallvdiKesUthefood and aids Nature tn strepglbeDlng and rccon-1 structlngthe exbaiutd dlgestire or-i iraiii. It U the latent Jwcmered digest am and tonic No other preparation can approach It In sMclency. It Id- i sUntlT rehftTeiand ircAneatlr cures liysrWla. Indigestion, Ueartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. , 3lk-neadiciie,GBrtralgia,CramraDd .n nt her r-sulLof imperfec t digestion. ?r .pored by C C DWUt Co- Cblcooa. bl"ONF.. IiRl ij KTOUh Acts gently on the dneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System atr-FECTUALLY BITUAUCONSTIPAT'ON itc n r PERMANENTLY ,T5Bf,C,I EFFECTS. our THe genuine -m ant o cy (aui?rniaTcSyrvp(. f c tin tr in cu4a.$ri rxt lent boitiC ThelKxly of Hermann Drown, n native of Sweden, wholiad beon working on Frank Severance's farm, east of Tilla mook, and who was left in charge of tho place during tho nboneo of Mr. Sever ance, was found hanging iu the barn Tuesday aft .rnoon. Ho was addicted lo drink. An inquest will bo held. Tho Dest Prosanpuon tor Mnlnrla ChllU Hinl Feerl hottle of OHotimTahTk lchs ciiim. Tonic, It U lmilr Iron sn'1 aiilnliifllna lftlik Jlnrm No cure, nn i.iy, Vtlf 'J. 7-17 ti Aw 4ra OASTOKXA. Itwuu y IIhi Kind Yw Ha6 Always BwgM A new steam schooner is being built at Gray's harbor to ply lietween Tilla mook nnd San FraueiKo iu tho lumber trade. She will hao it carrying came- lly of 100,000 feet of lumber. Shu will Ik) ready iiImiuI January and will 1st named the W. II. Kruger. O J. J3 a Ot S?i. X 5u . Btmik llnHWouH3eAIirBll Ken llros., of St, Paul, will ship from Pendleton, on September 10 nnd IS, one train eauh on those days, of yjicop. On tho 17th thoy will ship two trains from The D.illeu. Tho four trains iu all will make 20.0C3, tho entire shipment lielng lnmlw. On October 1, they will sond an other train from Pendleton ami two from The D.ilhw, 15,000 'i nil. The) will constitute the mhiu i' biudiio! for lttnt llro. Iu this HH'tiou, tr.,000 IiiiiiIm chlpx.Hl to the ICust. Sioo Reward, Sioo. The readers of this paper will lw ploucd to louru that there Is at loust ouo dreaded dltoaso that bclence has beon able to cure In all ltt sUges and that Is Caturrli. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive euro now known to tho medlcul fraternity. Catarrh being it constitutional dieuse, re quires a constitutional troutuiout. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon tho MimwI and mucous surfaces of the tyMein, .hereby destroying tho foundation of die dlseaoo, and giving the .patient strength by tiulldlcg up the constitu tion and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors huve mi much faith In IU curative powers, that they ilfer Ono Hundred Dollars for any cam that It falls to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Addre, P. J. Ciiknkv Vo, To ledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 7Se. Jlallr. Family PilU are Uw lwl. A great iiumy coutplalttU are brtl from rtiM raUtmiig front Um hkhiii-t-.tiw r(nlii the manner Ih whldi In diaiu ar ilauKhWring dwr. Thy? ar killing Uirg numben, utln only tiu ultoittMt tU, awl re alao killing many funnn. Kodd DyiienlaCiireliuicnfUfkJ MHtipound, It "digest. wliMtyoiieuf nod cure dysHfOata, M. A. Ketron. Dlonnilinrdale, Tenn., wis it cured nliu or li.dlvh'stloo of t- yenr. hlawl Ing. bUHMM Drg Store. A few nigbW ao a biriuer ivum nl In Kntone oer itigttt and left hi , a eoiupftrathely new owe, in an alley IWittg the uigbt Knt one reiutl Im m litx-U from bw tn and put on a H of .ld and nt-arly otrliU.-M miw FREE! A handsome illustrated xklet. gtvtng a socnulK. truitisc on all Hair Troubles The cause const qaencc and cure of evtry aiJm-nt i i tl." b-ir "J tcaln are fully dtntx A in Un guage that can U ur,krstand by everyone Tl.r m --tru.n are perfect Th ..mri- Ut-knownsatntiu a;l itiwiJ iU of Ue world are iretl 'en In fart, it w the nvst cunpfcte and most comprehsi work of its kind evercompued. AaVba SEVEN SOTHEHLaNO SISTEBS UlklkBUH,XT-r S T rwnFLS OVERCOMES irf -r Two largo barns, three horses, two cows, COO tons of liny, wngom, harness nnd n lot of farml'ig implements belong. Ing toG. C. Culy, of Dig Applegate, Southern Oregon, wero destroyed by tire on Tuesday night. Tho fire was of in cemlinry origfn. The person supected has been brought in and tho matter w ill lie Invested by tho grand jury, now in session. The loss Is $3,0C0, with f 1,000 insurance. Try Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder to be shaken Into the shoos Your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and irets tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Eate. It cools tho feet ana makes walking easy. Cures swol, ion, sweating reel, ingrowing nails, Misters and callous spots. Relieved eirns and bur'ons of nil pain nnd gives rest and comfort, Try It today sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c Trial packa.ro FKEK Ad rlres,Allen S. Olmsted, Le Hoy, n . l . o The stockmen of the territory south and east of Ashland, who contracted tlieir fall beef to u San Francisco buyer at a good tlgitrc some time ago, are now rounding up, preparatory to delivery be tween tho loth and 3.1th of this month. The Dead Indian cattle and n few others will be delivered at ICeno, tho others nt Ashland, for shipment! To Curo n Cold In Ono Dny Tko l.ixnllio llromo Quliilno Tntlita A' nriivKlKliiiHiinil Hit' iiioncy iril full, in rutc. K. W. tIno' lxnntiiro In on imcIi Lox. 2V. Isaac Klder, while hauling straw near Alliauy, Tuesday, fell from the top of n load, strik' ig upon n pitchfork, which 'nllictcd a serious wound iu tho itroiu. To-Nlpht and To-Motrow Night, And each day nna night during this week you can net at any drugglst'a Kemp s llalsam for tho Throat and lutings, acknowledged to bu the most successful remedy over sold for Coughs. Croup, llronchltls. Asthma and Consumption. Get n bottlo to. day and keep it always Iu the house, s'j you can check your cold at onco Price '.Joe and 60c. Sample bottlo free cod,V,w NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that n peti tion has been tiled In the Clty Recor der's olllce of the City of Salem, Ore. gon, on this 14 day of September, lbO'J, by a resident and property owner, usk li.g tho Common Council thereof, to Mien to two certain portions olf the west end of WIUou Avenue, described as follews: "Ilcgliinlug at tho northwesterly cor nor at Church and Court streets of what U known us Wllnon's Ave nue, according to the recorded plat of the City of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon and of record at pages II) and 20 of Volume Tmj. 1. of the public records of tho said County of Marlon, Statu of Ore gon, afoiesald, and running thence easterly alung tho south llnoofeuld Court street and the north lino of said Wilson's Ave nue, three hundred and forty-six feet .'tit) to a point upon what would bo the westerly lino of Cot tage street In said city, If the Mime were extended southerly across the said Court street and tho said Wilson's Avenue, accord ing to the recorded plut aforosald; tiiouco soutiieriy ut a right angle lo said south lino of Court street aforesaid, 11 vo il) chains or three bundled and thirty feet 1X101 to the north lino of Statu street and the south lino of said WIImui's Avonuc; thence westerly along the wild north Una of Statu street and tho south lino of Wilson's Avenue uforesuld, three hundred and forty-six feci :M0j to the bouihwc-cioily corner of wild Wil son's Avenue uforcsuld; tlnmce iiotthorly ulong tho easterly line of Church street and the wostorly llneof tuld Wilson's Atonuo afore said, live chains ,o or three hundred and thirty feet .'oJ to tho place of beginning." Abo, "Ileglunlng ata polntonthosoulh line of Court street and tho north llneof Wilson's A ronuo according to tho recorded plat.of the City of Salem, Oregon, aforesaid,) three hundred and forty-six 1310 feet oastorly from tho northwesterly comer of sold Wilson's Avenue aforoald, and where tho said south line of Court street and the said north lino of WlUon's Ao nue, would Intersect tho westerly llnoof Coituge street In said city If the same were extended south erly acrow stud Court street and stld Wilson's Avenue, and run ning thence southerly across said Wlloorrs Avenue lluee hundred :tml thirty (XIO) feot or live i) uhttlns, ton point on the south llneof Mild Wilson's Avenue and the north line of State street fuee bundled and forty-six (.1(0) feat from the southwesterly cor ner of said Wilson's Avenuo; HieiH'o ousterly along the south lliHtof Wilson's Avenue and the north line of State street, ri'imty nine feet ami six Inches iWi feet) to a point upon what wou d le the easterly Hue of said Cotuigu street If the same were extended south, orly ncros wld Court street and Mill) W lli-oii's A vet lie to the wild north llneof State street anil the south line of said Wilson's Avenue a fni eUi; tn ence northerly ueni Mid WlUon's Aieuue nve elialns vr uiree hundred atl tnlrty (Xtu feel to a Hlul fii the south line of (Vurl He-t and lite no'Ui of Wil n's Avenue aforototd and wbore Um smmI last named line would lnterrcl the easterly line of Cottage street aforeNthI if the wtiue were xteo4ed southerly acrus said Court slreal awl the north line of Wtlon' Avenue reul, and Umbo wentorly at.iig tl said south line of Court irnt and the north Hue of Wll mio' Avenue aforaMitd, ninety nine feel ana six Incite 11 feet) lo t iw plat ( beginning." Unon list lrm and euMttliofM arwl f. r tite uwt and purpoft as liieeiw cot forth. , aid (iilioo will const np for Iwar tog at its mcom reuulnr meeting of ibe Comnion CummII Of kaiew. Ore- g, for the ksontu or VUr. imm, u il. on list lltl nay of mM njU N. J. J CDAII, IterMdcrof tncCiiy of rte. gon. and KxOclo JuMtco ot Um PeCr I WaJiM Hkkvmaw. Pelltkioer. , T evt I Ort KM! Itrp wane. ttf(UB) 'lUWiuuu lit ttttVB. SLATE CHEEK MINES A Former Salemlte Who Is Prospecting for Gold. Lyman, Sknglt County, Vn., Stpt. 10. KntToit JouitSAi.: Thoro are few if any occupations in life exempt from pleasure ns well as trials nnd tribula tions, nnd certainly that of mining pro, pectoris repleto withal, as n brief ac count of a recent tour I made through a mineral section of the Cascado moun tains w ill convince tho most sceptical, tn tho latter part of last July, in com pany with n partner named Warlleld 1 left tho town of Hamilton, on tho bank of this river, equipped wilh all the requisites for a tour through tho moun tains. Our first day's travel brought tia to tho mouth of Daker Ulver, a tribu tary of tho Skagit, where n largo milli ner oi vniuaoie mineral icuecs nae lately Ik-cu discovered and located. Our slay nt that camp was n brief ono ns we were anxious to reach the rich min eral belt at tho head of Slato Creek in the Cacado mountains, before tho ad vent of cold weather which sets In early in that section. Two days ordinary travel from Daker Diver, over well con structed mountain trails, brought us to tho mouth of Duby Creek, where a com pany of capitalists liavo already ex pended n gciiciottH fortune Iu construct ing lluines and creeling machinery for the suctessful working of ono of the largest deposits of gold bearing gravel I have e or seen. Them cm bu no doubt ns to the value of the prois-rly, but the money oxcudcd nnd work accomplished Iu oieniug the ground and bringing In machinery is u striking example of Yan kee enterprise, and I truly hope the plucky ow ner.s may bo well rewarded. A large number of plncer claims have been located along this creek and prep arations are being made on several for hydrnulie'ng on an extensive scale. U'liviug Duby Creek at tho Nip and Tuck placer initio, nhotit seven miles above tho mouth, wo took tho trull for Slato Creek crossing.Mlll Creek nnd sev oral other sIii'uiiim where placer mining on n small scale is being carried on nnd leached our destination mi August tho Ith mid hear I feel myself Imulcquah to tho task of deserlb''ig tho maguill I'ont scenery that broke on our view, Iofty snow crowned mountains tower ing at mi imuioiiso elevation nlsivo licau ttful Imsliisor valleys, rich with ver dure smiling Mv an them, dark, gloomy ravines, suggestive of the meet dismal foiolxidiugs, on ouo side um) sparkling streams the ery rlpiilo of which seemed lo breathe uilrlh ami hilarity on tho other. It was grand 1m. yond description but letter than all to fortune seekers such as myself nnd Kirt nor was the unmistakable evidence of great mineral wealth lsiblo on every side. Tho huiccosmhllity of tho district and tho rigors of its climate huve hither to retarded Its development, hut Its Im mense wualth basal hist attracted at tention, and capital is now pouring in rapidly. Ouo claim, tho l-hiruku, was recently purchased for fS8,000 and fully as much more spent in erecting machin ery, cutting trulls mid doing other work necowHiry to operate It. Seral other mines have Ikoii sold within tho last few months for sums ranging from fftl.OOQ to (60,000, nnd next summer or spring will wituesM a grwtt rush to tho place. Tlie rock is all freo milling, or at the worst concentrating in uharantor, and tit most rMlieUkuH enn bo troHtud by the cyanide jiroonM which di m not en tail any great oxmiw. My partner nnd I seeurtil two loon thins that wo hoUoioiiod hoxi are wry vahwWo. The . A. Doton, a large and well (Mined halo lying between a sir phery and slato formation and which gives awys ranging from lfi to (!U)0 to the ton, and tho "Lucky Juck," not so rich as the first, but go I enough to hold on Ui. Tluiro hi still a large swtioii i,f tlie mineral bolt unirtel, but a greut many niluere will eertaiuly !' on tlie grouml iwxt ajir ig ami fully hx plore it. During my slsort stay I was ImmmhmiI in in a rugJi wowntniH usj (w four days by sttow ami lw I great dlllMHlty In getting owl at Mm uxpJratbxi of Unit time. Fancy wuklng hji on the morn ing of AugHil 1 awl flmllsg myself wr ruuntlwl by snow t feel den h hsch m fallen during the previous Mght ami tlien tor tonr day to keep working like a plantation negro to cut fire wood Ut ke)i myself wurm ami slmvel smoh off the gnu that my Juk might get .1.. ... u.1 liiihint wikh'I IIT lmtIon'tgrumWe.alHl mmmlent ' the . A. VMim will amJy rennmw ule , we tor all. Ami now, at several irtto nave w ritten making for InformaUoNaf Cmkwmi, I wUI ulih yor p.rn.W4wi rply UirMMh roor wIiwim. TaU il uatii Ihhm aWtUf to liamilWrti, tkv tiv I i. It. fardta. your stjw4i4 in lis taUr blawfmwT. W. ThoMMJN, wbuW ta-l Umttdy iuitmnud m MiMMg bnoii ai Hakt a Mriltty of ihttlimc in iltgi XrT Piw I laMiUMi Ksl direct- J ly ap list tit aMJ 4 ly ay travii tsfvr wall 44fHl trails will bring r.rtt t Um bxnhtv Ktuploymcnt Is ea.il i.rHurnl at l"m It to 3U ir lav J 1 I for Infants nnd Children. aMnMMSwnjnMmMinaiiinMnMaMnmainMMManHMMMMMMaMnaiiMnnnHiMafHMMi Tho Klml You lluvo AhYiij-s Uotiprlit litis borno tho Rlprnn luro ol'Chns. jr, Kletelicr, nml has been umtlo under hln IHTsoiinl supetvlsloit for ovr HO yours. Allow no ono to ileoclvo you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations nml Mmt-ns-jjonil" mo lnit Kxpoilments, and oiidiing;or tlio lienlth of Chllilron i:poiieneo ng;iiliist K.xperlinent. The Kind You Have Always Bought lioara tlio iTf THEY ALL WANTED IT!! You re thry thought the Mctr hi Hie wllnlow, vr the only one vrc liml. lline vreir iilenly uior lulile liowrvrr, ami Hi sU 'rm oue rack Wr vtu ill vuu out li9 6RAWP0RD, LEUELflND RESCENT. ;-;NMV)l' ',",,-' II "J ' , X rl'l lit. ifl 'VI' i ll ilum r . iir. ' i i.f v i ui fttoni. rVrrf)iiitiii .j. lr.j.fl i .nve U 1 ly YOHllifulMrot txiivr im lunniiKvurliiAriuily. Citilv (kCUcA In Use For Over 30 rVIJ. r " s BMMnwannMnMMnnBMBHMMM.MnaMMinMMMMBiiMBnisMM WW lK),6furli 1y mail irTejkfvi'I OlrtuUr (rrv AllilritKkCl!1 Ttikc liooUicr. MirjufacluiH by tft I'.mii MeJIetiKCo-.Taiivr'tuncc. v k lalinlliiltl lltvi n C. itlaltltmlltiar airiit ' " - a B Tiunu Ami Yamhiu. FOU .SAIjI'3 Y I). .1. FHV, .SAL ISM, ()K(JON. THE OLD POSTOFFICE STABLES. Special rates given to Commercial men. prlrr iusiU t-i U iilnu tt til hour 'lire mi's call sihI Im Htlallwl. I'liusr UI. Not Grocers to the President! lint Groceri to the I'eop'e. Wc keep in Slock a full Variety of ProvisionxIGroceries and l;iuit. Anything and cverytliing you need. At prices to compete, call and compare. HARRITTf& LAOJRBNCB OI.I1 POttTOmCK (JIIOCKIIV, LoiiDgeS If you are iu need of either of these ai tides of furniture it will he to your interest to call and see our line hrfore Inly ing. We are also offering great bargains in ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, Carpets, Wall Paper, Linoleum and Oilcloths. F. W. Hollis & Company First Door North of Postofficc. NED FRONT LIVERY Fiwt-Clasa Fred and BoardtDR stables. Il OUMMKKUMI. bTKriHT. KAI,KM, OUK. III ULV Xi PAl'tr ULLnC.1 U, IttUL, ... jjest Kjgt, for Commercial Men . .. . ., ... . , , ,. "" -- llw wnu-,iu H&HiTi) Uamtuod w.mfortable rig for ladle and family drlrlnif a po ally. UorMsaljoaidcd br day, Meek, or mouth and ll of salufsrtlon guarantied. U-7 Jiu Sifruaturo of Years. Knows a Good Thing When He Sees it, And when a man has been iu the habit of having his laundry work done up In the perfection of color, llnishaud smooth edges, you couldn't pull him away from the Salem Sterm laliudry with n fore foot log chain. Wo make n study of our trade, nml have lUiaimsi cricctinn in It. Our prices are ns white as our linen. Salem Steam Laundry, C01.0N1U.J. OI.MHTIIll. I'ltOl'lt. Phone lit. 2W Idlsjrty Street Best and largcst'llnc of Bicycles in the Gttyt Car load shipments Direct from Factory PRICES: $25 to $75. Wo havo..,. Best Bicycle R, M, WADE I CO " t " i Tti woitt! rTMl ott 'lanu i Nijetniy 1,1111 iii .Pt crallw (JriruiiM. tMutnl , .i. Nljililly l.mi. ui htliiiuUuti tlikti Imd Iu rrUnliu vnt mkrl. luiMtrr " . . m,, Un , Tontland, Ohkcom IMKKKKY HT HAI.KM, Oil. J. J. FIDLER, proprietor. nurses Hoarded by the 1 Day, Week t or Mouth. Hlundlng Teams, Uu Hlnglo Horse 10c, Coaches m W- and mm I'llHI'AHATOItY SCHOOL ill on fur the now school yuar Hept. , lhuu. Tho M'lusd wus never moru iiroerolS than ut the prment time. A larger attondaneH llwii inmal Is antici pated for tho wuiing year. A. J. liAui.AKii. M. A., o-U-lm. rrlnt-lpul. CURE TOUrlStLft i W .. ! l m .! H milil . f b.. i-'l I . m w. "ti . Kaia fcf u.uaKi. r K( "fjl? U i . I h,lll. t I-Ma. . w ' StiMshati: INhlHANCIi, KKAI. KtrrATK KKCI'IIITY HO.SK8. MVAmTU 1IKOS. UUU Ooiiwnsri lal UI. Ulm Or V 1-lf dJi W i.i-'. .. ffTZtiiitl0t hl JUT IJUS1NI2SS OAU1XS. C. JHL UlAOK. 2)entf8t Ktcoewcr to Or. J. M. Kecne, olil White Comer, Ssbm, Or, I'art.ct iletlring tuprlot operattcms at tv.oacute tecs in any tn snen art In ettclal requeit ALBERT A. JESSUP. a3EaDKr'acs3:s3'aL1, l'liono 1071. U00M3 1 AND 'J, (lltAY IILIC, Sa II OFFICE CITY HALL' For water seirtce apply at office, Dil'i navalile monthly In In aib ilrance. Make complaints at tlie rM: Platino Photos. Enlargements In Crayon and Water Color, l'huto HuttuiiN. Amateur developing and llnishing neatly tlono. h. .1, IIIIUWN. U hound Flojii 21.1 Commercial St., Salem Oregon Steam Dye Works No. 11)5 Coiumcrcinl street, onposlto Wilhimotto hotel. Ladles' and gentlonion's clothing cle turd, dyed, repaired utid pressed. Flue blanket cleaned or dyrd nnd nicely lln Ishcd. Kid gloves cleaned, 10c; tlyed li'ic. ASSAY OFFICE" AND LAUOUATOUY. No, 71 Chemckcta st, I. U. T. TlMIIU.l. Miver, The German Market Will bo found nil kinds of meat and tho host of suusngo. KltlCIl DKl.IVKItY. All bills duo tho late llrm of Wolt A Mloecko must lxi paid, U10L.Z, St. SON 171 Commvrelal Ht. S, C, STONE, M. D. lnirlvtnrof Stone's Drug Stores HAI.KM, OIIKIIUK. Thi lori (Ihii In numlH'r) Hie Iih-m1 a N11, Jill ami ssi (oininiTi'lul Unci, ami are f II iIik kitl Willi a i'miilelit lino iifilniKiaiid imMli'liic, tulli'l iiilkln, iwrfuiHory, lnn.lici e'eeto , tic. 1111. niunn IImIisiI wmie 21 jiuri ovrlriir In Dip rac tlienl meillt'liioainl tiuw iiiakm no chsra for eaiiimiltatlnii, riaiiilnaUmi or iTx-wtll'tlou. C. M. LANB' Merchant sTailOp 07 HTATK HTIIKKT. r, Cr Hullo 813 and iiiwnnU, I'auta S3 and .'upwaida CAI'ITAl. "CITY Express and Transfct Mneti all null an. niMeniior tills, liar. gigr ami eiineu to all putt of Hit ell) Pionipt tervlce. Telepbone No. 70. DISQUK. A BKII'TON a mm N J W M ARKliT Ot.le tlicel. near itiln.!. Fietlxtt anf licit meatt. My iatnm lay I keen tlie Iimi vcauintown nt SOU LIS HUOS. I'lANO TUNBIIS AND REPAIRBRS IIHtlUNI). Oil' Kur HIm sisl rMnttf loir slr at (Ico Will's Musm Hlo i' Photoffraohs You can got Jiut Mlmt you wuut at tiik Ki.rn: bti-dio NolliioirbutllrstHorl. tunied out The biggt'st I'nl.irgiil Wutk mi lliuinunt. Fitting up a HouscWith Steam ricat. f.. .....iillM,. mill uvtuirl nuiiiiiur. lui that It will work smoothly uud giw uurmlli aiul mmfurt wlthmlt dirt or dual, i wlwt woaro busy at now. 1'te jmro your hmiMj for colli weather now, uimI you will not gvt eaught lupplng by tfui iMiivna niivii it' iiiiwi u u tiii. We will bj your Murk stitufactorily and reaaouably BARR&.PETZEL 114 COMMKKUAL bTUKKT. TcUpbunc No, till The Wonjtr ittatauianl la not on wlieidt, won't In) movod to th fuir K'uuuils. oil will llud your luncli ruadv (welt day uud tho usual chicken dinner on Humbiy Nest door lo llaij nil x iJiwrtnio. m Co., m (KsiitsjrNsrsirarsJiaurN INTER STATE AtiocUle Teacher Western Cbnerv- toty, Kaniai City, Mov representing the Inter-ctate System, at Salem, Ore, Over lint National Hank. Residence , 376 Church itreet. Studio lionis 9 to to 5. ISJrJsBJ, WANTED. New today navoruaomena tour tln or less In thLs column rBcttol tutfta tlniea for 25 ota SO eta n woclc, $1 per month. All over lour Unas at name rate. CAM1 OUTFITS. TbntMloves, dishes, furniture, new nnd second hand, nt bnrgalns. C. Dlllmau, 210 Commcr clal street. 0-15 3tf I ailr or man wantel to Iratoi and sppoln L. aaciil, tfO per niimthalry ami eiwimv. '.Icslcr A Co., "l Jloniin bulMlnif, ChlcuKo. lli:i.l' WANTtib Itejiiiblo men nnd women wautel to opioInt ngonts; salary ftOD to 1,200 n vear nnd nil ox iiensea guaranteed and paid weekly. Send rtntup for paitlculurH Tho Moll Coiiipany. Dept. Q-85 rjiiladolphin, I'll. 0-ZU-llS MKN AND WOMKN, good address, to travel nod npK)lut agents; salary f',6 month, oxciisoh; rapid ndrnucemout. ITuusuiillv brilliant opiiortuulty. Ad dress wltli reforeneo, lUitler it Alger, Now Haven, Conn. 8-tl lOtS WANtTI)-A gmsl frvTlTTiiilch cow. Inmilrout school (or tho blind. 0-l.T-3t lMUIMloT'uhs l'KIt DAY-Meii are wauled to cut, splitfjor haul cord WomI. Will pay M) cents for splitting nml $1 .t conl for hauling 11 distnuco of '-'' milt's. Salem Fuel Co., room 1.1. over Hush Hank. 8-8 tt WANTKI) Threo iiiifurtilstied nwins on Slato street, or near It preferred. Four adults. Itefunmcu Mr, llarnes, New York, Itackut store. Mrs. I A. Kshulmnu, Salem, Or., 0-12 3tt I.OST-A hulles black cloth caM trlmmiHl with braid and yoke lined wilh siilin. Finder pleas-) return tho same to this ollleo and receive reward. 0-12-31 COOK WANTKI) At Intel. Apply nt once. tho Cotuigu Good wages, ll-.1t FOU HAM-: Horses, hnmens nnd wniron No, 1 uutlltchenp. Wau-ack Haiily U-IMItt Itoseilale, Ore. CIIATWIN IIOUHK, Centrally lonitnl, two mocks from business center, unlet homo, nlnily furnished rooms, with or with out Ismrd, terms on iippllrntloii ll-U-ltnas aw l-liurcli streof WANTIM). Teams to haul lumber from saw mill to Hclo. A good team can earn 1 1.50 a day. For furthiir par ticulars cull or address Hanson V Uindon, Salem, H 31 If WANTKI-Iluy n Inittlo of Ohloro Nap tholluui Isdoro going to the bop yard of Itolwrt llasoy. H-ill-t f ItOO.MH.-FurnlHhc.l or unftirnlshe.1, slnnjo or iu suites, dining room ad ioinlng, humtt-llko, Mfond lloor C-ottlo lihsk. .Mattlo Ilulchlns, Prop. 8-:'5-tf WANTKD A young 1111111 lo learn tlio Jowclry business, only thoso whocomo well rcrommonded iusnI apply. C II. Illngos, :V( Com. St. H-lHi-tf tUir l'OUSAI.H.-fn tho coast 108 acres mostly K jvurdam j partly Imnroieil sultahlc mr growing onions, potato!, hav, etc, Ijirgo oiitraugot bandy to sbipiilng iMihit cheap freights. Marion Itulilo, ValilHirt, Ore. 8 1".' 4w ft'A'NTKnTVfiTTit; oals'nTuT'barley,' Isigs furnished, (let our prices Ik. (oro you sell, Ollleo on Court street rear of llalryuiplu'ri sloro; wandiousti Ijilmr Kxchnugo building. Tlllsou, Ikitllott drain Co. 8-7 tt IIIUYChK lATH-lf"yotir bleyclo needs repairs bring It In, wo have thu skill uud slock to keep II In first chts.4 condition, Wo carry u full lino o sundries and iiiakon siicclal Ity of enoincllug-comoand sen us. wo satisfy our patrons, (lardner & White, 288 Llbeity atiect. llolmuna block, next door to stcutn laundry l'liono lWi. U'ii-i that tho bout and cheapest ctiriwb paper Is thu heavy felt paper sold alTnuJouit.NAl. otlico. 20-t( MriCi: TO TIIK rUIII.IO. Nottco Is lieruliv given mat tlio uiulorslgiic.1 will fiwrmift.tr bo ressiuslblo for tut bills contracted by iiuyoim except himself, or uin bis written order. W. W. Little, Salem, Or., beiitomUir 8, 1W. 0 4 Im IIOItSK FOR SA I.i;. Tho Mitchell l.ttU A Suitor Co. branoh In this uity, lias u giMsl general purpono borne for sale. Cull early, V. F. Cttmy, manager IMMt FOlt SAI.K.-o'-' ucru farm. Situated ISmiltw tst of Sheridan, Or., 011 oHiuty risid ; good (our room bouse, MiMslshtnl, well o( water, now barn, hfiihnow, largo family orchard bear ing, good spring water In pasture ot I'mcnw, IhiIuuco In erop, price f l.hOO. ll,ux)crth. Iwilmico time, u bargain if takuii in 30 day, for more informa tion rnll or write to owner on place. 1. II. Murray, Sheridan, Oregon. 8 17 lint """TT LIRK WAVKD." Dr J. K. Cook, thaUotanloalSpeo oust, uuooeaua Wlioro Other Fall. To whom it may cencern: Tins is to ccrtlly that Itorthtt V. Con ner, of Mt.Augol precinct. Murion coun ty. Orevon. has suffurwl from a oinu'r. 011 growth In thu left cur for about threo years, inogrowtti wax cutout twhn and burned out onc by Albany Physicians, but tho growth mir clc iw bad a ever, tunl pulned her so badly that she bad to bo taken from school, Aftou three week'a treatment by Dr, J, V. Cook, ot Salem, Oregon, tho llotanlcal HKdftllst, tho growth entirtdy dbMU licl, and at this date, (our uioutns tinea treatment wa4 begun, Uiegniwth lias not reappeared, ana tlio ear ns en tirely hoalcd leMvliig only thu scam lu ll U: tot 1 by thu Albany doctors. 1 hereby certify that the above state ment la absolutely true, and that Jfc-r-tha 1 Cornier, tho iwrson utentkwod in Um attldavit. ban revidetl in my fam ily since early childhood, bearing Um r lalionaliiu to mi o' uWce. ... ... . "L 0- T' SuUcrllsxl and sworn tu t mm this eighth day ot Juhw. I'm. W. W. Hall, comity chirk of Mtrlou vounl, Oreifou. CONSERYiTORY I ETTAANDERS-WILMAN J