I. V hi fc v T- I' Ii St I i V F E L jFiinnwiiii'w"i AJACKETS AND CAPES..3C Fall Line Almost Complete. There never was a garment made that was nearer the Ideal Ladies' Jacket than the fall styles of 1899. Short inlength; plain in ap pearance rich in material; sub stantial linings and above all, low in price. 'Iliese combined will make this winter's wrap very popular. Golf Capes for Misses and Ladies in grea variety BONANZA HOP YARDS What One Firm Is Doing Salem. About Horst mothers' 1 Yard On the Beak Kanch. Old OASH BTOUK HOLVERSON'S OASH HTOIIR Department. Thu largetit Mock u huvoovor hIiowii, ih now rciuiy. ' Wc have remedied our Hat r r r r r r r r f r r r r r Hie celebrated Roclofs Stiff k Ha,, ; Nuw mi nil HlinVoH, f :.) mid t I.OO. 1 Sec our special offer ' Men s k Now I'ttloriiH, black mill colorH, from tl.00tofl.IM). shirtf At l8 cunts ouch. They urn grout vhIiii-h. Wouiu Salem ugeiilH Toi "The Royal Tailors" Of Chicago. Itefnro buying your full 'milt vIhII our New Clothing Department, JJDALRYMPLE&CO. 4 4 4 4 4 4 J Can't Wear ii Out. A walch enn't Ih worn out ly any or (Unary iiuuim, but If not properly cleaned mill oiled can Imi worn out in a abort time. Thero Ih no oxcuhd for nog IcutliiK your 'I'"' watch, wlitin good 'rl can Ihj ilonu for mull n Hinall prlco ami wurrniitcil. I iimo only llrluliiHM inalnr lal in my work, ami every pteco liwlcil lKforo UHing. Watch cleaning "fie Main Kprhittt 7n Watchmaker ami Jeweler. C.H.HINGBS (IIIAIUIATi: Oil 101 AN. SJIIUCUMMICHOIAI. MT, WUATHHft HEI'ORT. Tonight ami Tuottduy continued fair uinl warmer. Ice Not Given Away, I cannot afford to give Icouuay, lint am milling a pure article at it prlco that ih within thu roach of all. OlIYHTAI. Il'K WollKH. J. Mugulro, Prop. (I ITi tt CAPITAL. UHICWEHY UKKK. UOTTLKU Kllni(cr llcck.Succeisoii to 8outh3ucm Uoitlir.Woma. All onloni for liottleilbeor will lio llllod At thu bnmory. Kent on cold Murage, Free city delivery. Tulophono -IMI. Ice Very Nearly Olven Away, Wo cnti glvo Ico itway, tocnnvlnco you conio mid oo how big it chunk you got fur lit llu money. Our Ico In iiiuuufiio turo from jnirotllstlllod water. on n I toi Ico Vorkn, UStf Ki.iNHiiit ft lliicic, PERSONAL AND LOCAL Hon Qiowcm Aro Invited to plauo thuir Inwirunoo Willi tin. wuimhio MiiieiiM on uh iinerui teruiH iw any agency in Saluui. and offer von tumiranco in iwvunil of the IhmI Hiiilllsli, Qitrman or Aiimrinnii ooinikin lea, W'u will luriiUli you Imp (leketn In any Htylo with tur name iirlntml on I hum free of cIiuikiu Call at olllco nud ohtalu tiirum. O. M. lltMi.yii Co., '.KiHOouimcruialHt,, mtxt toToleiihono Olllcu If You Want a Private Dancing Teacher Or a bocoiuMiuiul coal Hlnvo, ihhi a want ud. If vihi are nu uiiemploviHl uiiinlclaii or nn old. twUhllrihed broker, live a want ud. If you have an) kind of a want that nnyhoily can till you'll tlnd that a fnw icntH liivtwtwl in want ooliiiuii iulvr lialiiK will U about the Uxt liituctinnut you can make. lttiv. II. I.. I'ralt wenllo HarrlMiurK tixluy. , llarlev While, hi t Holiday In the hop yarilx, .loo Vincent, of Cheinawa, wiih a Sa lem vlnltor today. A. A. ('unnliiKhaiu Uift tmlny for IiIh future home In Idaho. Oliver .Ioiicm, a hop uiaii of ludcpeiid. mice, wiih a Saleiu Mur tialny. tl. Htuluer and family, Kuudayeil at D.tllitH with Dr. Ij'o Sleluer and family. Mrn. W. r, Lord ainl the clillilreu re turned liHlay from thvlrNiimimirat Seal ItlH'kH. Watson 'rinviii'il.iif the reform mihool, drove lo the l'olk county hop yanlN Sunday, Henry .lay of Day Inn, Ohio, Ih vIhiIIiih IiIh nephevvM I., ami V, Cnppixik, of ltoHcdato, It. Alhrioker, of WhiUmou, formerly a a realdeut of Solum, U vIhUIiik id (rltmdii here. Major D. C. Shernuiu went to Alliauy tixlay on law. hiixluttm, m;coinpiiulml hy IiIh hid, l'Mk'nr. II, Tlmin, of I.IUirty, wan in town lo day and ruporU hid wheat HHyleldiiiK "'' hiiMlieU pur acre. Mrn I.. 1 Marrn, of North Salem, re turned todiiy fiuiii atwo wcekNV'litll with Iter turn in Coivallla. .lohu Slapletou, of ludepeiideiict) vciim lii town tmlay lo have IiIh tio treatiil hy Dr. Chan. II. llltn;tM. Sam llnrker, of SprhiK Valley, who Iiuh been vinitiiiK bin mreuU at Itme Inirn, ivtiiriuxi vvwlerdiiy. ICd i:ilUi went to the hoji yard Salur duy iilglilmid Kiiit Sunday lintelilng up agHiiiht lite bop plckerv, Mr. Walter Dciiiun came up 'from 1'orllMiid tbU meriihiK to vhtlt with hei iNiruiiU, Mr. wild Mra. (i. Steiuer. MiMMaixmet Aldeiwm, of lliU city, linn Won elated to the Killlim of miialml loachtir at thu XowlHiry iNdlege. .1. M. WiMxIiulf returned today fnnn Kaatern Oron, ami report that (min er there, n here, are wore mired than hurt in the intUUtr of lUuiagtMl C0Mt, Attoumy tieuerat I). It. N. Illackburii rotiirueil (nun llniwuvilln Satunlay and wag today fullonwlliy Mr. Illaokbuin. 'I'huy havo beon ciidliiK their vaeatiou in l.lnu iHiuuty. Mayor ('. V. ItUhup went to Portland tbU afUirmxHi, to luwr a talk to Ui given thUtnvnliiB by lltm. JoJtu lUrrot, e mlubUr to Slum, llw will speak Uifoie UiovlHUiiWvluuiiiuHmw on mir nun iiwrokl pruHicla In thu Orbmt. Ilcrcloforo Iiop Kro)slng In Oregon linn Won HiiiiurvlMHl by thu owner or tenant, but iluring'tlio lnit year Ifomt HrntliurH, of San Kmnclwo, who have Inrgu hop yards In Yuba, Kacrainento and Sonoma counties, Colifnniln. liavo Ixnight 1,000 ncroij In J'olk county, near Indupon ileiicu, on which they oxcct lo grow hops, iind the properly known uh the lleak farm, situated on Kalcer'H llotlom, containing DHOacrcH, 10 acres of which Aiero In hops, thu yield from which is being now gathered. TIiuko hops hIiow what can Ikj grown by proper cultiva tion and contiutiouH Hprnylng nt the projmr tlmu. Tlie hops are inucli larger than those seen in many of the yarde and are free from lice or mould. The Mill Ih Handy and much like the mill In hoiiio of thu best hop yards near Santa How, Sonoma county, which have been visited by the writer. Messrs. Horst Druthers manager at the lleak yard Is Kxrn CiiHscliunn, who has Wen n hop grower In different counliws in California since 1H7H. Mr. CiiHHclcinaii arrived hero about the mid dle of May last, nince which time he with help has nprayed and cultivated the 10 acres of growing hops ; cultivated, ho! out vines, poled and wired Ml acres of a new yard In which llm young vines aro growing healthy ami strong. Mr. CaHselnuiu has also superintended the building of a lurge hop warn hoiiwuuud another dryer, there now Whig three dryers on the place, tu poling thu new yard the manager lias iutiiHluced the California styiu, known as the trellis system. Tlie siesam at least It) feet high ami from !HI to 10 feet apart J on thu lop Is strung';; wire, attached to which aro strings leading down to the vines. The advautago of .thin system is that the vines ami hops uro up clean off the ground, this giving more room for cultivating mid they are less liable to mould. Mr. Casslcinan learned brick laying In his younger;days ami has built the furnaces ami other nee'ded brick work about the phice. Picking began on the 7th and tbeie are nuw nlmt 'AM) pickers at work. Thoy expect to finish by the '.MIiihIj tno prices pa hi being I0u pur Isix. The pickers average two and a half Isixes per day, but many pick more than the average. Two bright young women picked eleven Wxcs one day last week, and the champion picker Wing n a preacher from Salem who last year picked 118 Isixoh In HI duys, and one day gathered I'.' boxen. The Imps aro put in largo sucks in the yatd, hauled to the elevator, worked by hurce jsiwer, d nipped into the kilns, which dries uWut 11,000 pounds In 111 or t hours, thence carried In cars to the cikiliugroom ready for bailing. Another Innovation of Mr. CWolmnii one employed understands that umutor hand is directing and the bust of service Is given and no fault finding or quarrel ing. Mr. CasfOlman thinks Oregon soil and climate sujicrior for hop culture to any part of California, and that here the hop can bo most successfully grown, and that with proper care, which Includes thorough spraying not only of tho vino, but of tho ground near It, Hco and moid would not apiiear. Such men nt Mr Casselman aro not only valuable assist ants to their employers, but are a great gain to any community, as others may learn from and profit by his experience. It Is hoped that the owners will find (his Investment n Kiial one. and that other capitalists may W encouraged to make a similar one, as there Is room for all who may come. HOP NEWS. Krom Various Parts of the Willamette Valley. Picking was finished In tho I-emmon yard Saturday, and the result was con sidered good, .Mr. umimon novum picked more hops than last year by a ratio of ir to 8 on tho same ground. Thu hopi aro of flno quality and free from mould and lice, and have Wen cured In No. 1, condition. Picking In thu Fiddler yard will bo completed by Tuesday night, und the yield will bo alwut the same as last year In bales, but will weigh somewhat less, as thu hops aro not so heavy. It re quires a great deal more sulphur to curu tho holm this" year, owing to thu fact that tho lato rainy season has cati-cd them to remain green. A correspondent from (iorvaly writes that hop-picking Is Wing pushed will" nil S)Sslblo vigor, tho only drawback be ing tho Inclc of pickers. Tills occasioned l.v the fact that every ono wants to have his own crop saved at onco, while here tofore growers were not so anxious and t.u.ir turn with thu crows, thuH Insuring a long picking season for thoso employed In picking. The picking season win bo shorter this season than usual, as a consequence. Perfect weather conditions nre now prevailing. It In not too warm nor too cool for comfort, while northerly winds, cool nighls and foggy mornings, with heavy dew, keep tho vermin from spend ing ami mold from forming. It Ih really Ideal weather for 1iop-plcklug. The scare recently so apparent is nuw re placed with conlldenco. Thu quality is even as good as predicted, notwith standing" tho weather conditions, and while somoiriold Is noticeable in every yard, enro Is taken to keep It out l the pickers' hands, and many such vines aro thrown down by the yanlmaster. In ono yard near tho river, three acres were thus set off, showing quality will rule against quantity. However, there w ill W a largo yield in the state, ranging from 70.0(H) to S0.000 bah. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE A liusy Place Today Several Arrests Three Bail Forfeiture. .Imlgo Judah has Wen a bupy man today, as the result, probably of the first lull In the hop picking season. The festive hop is the meansof putting many more or less hard earned dollars Into the poukcts of tho people at large, and many Kein to think that It' Is nothing more than right to reUim some of the nickels Into the channels of the business from which they aro drawn. As a com-equenco the consumption of beer lias Increased within tho fast week and Saturday night it reached a high mark. So Sunday was n fairly busy day for tho police ofllcers In tho way of preserv ing the usual Sunday quiet of this city of churches. Three arrrests were made of drunk anil disorderly individuals. Win. Scott and Palmer Cole were each released on V cash bail to appear this morning, and Dickey Woods was given her HWrty on tho same understanding, but was required to deK)sit f 10.. As neither one of thu trio showed up this morning, their good money goes to en rich tho city treasury. Recorder Judah Is very busy making an nbstrant of thu subscriptions for city ImiihIs. Ho has ruled off a piece of pa per as largo ns the top of his table, ami Is nuking an abstract that will show at aglancoeach subscription, thu nggre gato of subscriptions of each amount from f'tO up, tho total, and, in fact, everything about thu bond subscriptions that tho committee may desiro to know in nsilguing tho bonds. It will bo all ready for thu committee meeting later in tho week. MARION COUNTY MATTERS Business Demi; Transacted at the Court House. Marriage licenses have Wen Issued to W. D.Jelfrles. of Salem, and Miss All- bio Gardner, of Zena; K. O. Piiier and Miss Cora H. I.lllle, of South Snfuui. Sheriff Durbln sold two pieces of land under foreebsuro proceedings Saturday. Sixty acres of land Wlouglng to 11. C ling, was sold for $1000 Wing bid in by Geo. Conner, plaintiff in the suit Twentv-llvo acres south of tow n belong ing to Geo, II. .Tones, was sold to Nuncv W. Miller, plaintiff, for fl8SU.77. iikkiih ni.ci). W. K. Dragor. and I.lllio Drager, to V. it, Snckett, small tract in Jefferson w. d. IM. A. N. Moorcs and Cora I.. Moore to Sarah W. Stinson, lot 'J, in block Tit), Salem q. c. d. I'llOMATK. Mrs. A II. I. a Croix has tiled a no titiou asking that she W appointed guardian of theestatoof Ambrose llloug, insane. New Goods Arriving Daily. WE ARE RECEIVING IAAENSE LINES OF Fine Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Etc., And will sell these goods at the lowest possible prices. Thesun does not always shine in Oregon, so prepare yourself with one of our new, Umbrellas; steel rod umbrellas, with a good cover, as low as 50c. We also have them in finl silk with fancy handles. We bought them direct from the makers, and will guarantee our prices lower than any other House in baiem. we nave aiso received a mil line ol Rubber Goods, Mackintoshes, Etc, BEST QUALITY RUBBERS FQR CHILDREN " " 25c BEST QUALIVY RUBBERS, MISSES' SIZES " " 35c LADIES' SIZES . " " 50c Mackintoshes for everybody girls and boys, ladies and gents, full assortment. Fine Clothing for boys or men. Hats to fit and suit everyone. Our Fall overcoats just arrived. Trunks and Valices, Blankets and Comforters. COME HERE FOR YOUR DRV GOODS AND GET THE BEST QUALITV OF GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. Uf FRIEDMAN'S NEW RA6KE Cor Commercial and State streets, Salem, Ore. Kine Hops. Iloppickiug liegun around Dayton. Although thero has lieeu oino talk of mold, thero is very little to lw found, mid the general crop is the linest It lias liven for years and u gtssl yield is ex pected. Hops at Uugene, Iloppickiug Is now progressing nicely mid this week pickers aro at work in all yards, Mold has made its upcar unco" In a few yards not well sprayed. Kxcellcnt Hops. Hearts from tho country around Or egon City indicate (but tho hop crop is In excellent condition, and that picking is tho p.iss Ismk, Instead of tickets. The is progressing under fawirahlo circum Ixsikkccpor keep his accounts and also ontoix all credits for picking and charges for supples In the kism book of ouch picker, hi that if a puw Ismk is hvst (hero is a duplicate account mid tho picker iIihw nut loo hU or her earn ings, as has Ihkui tho ease with the ticket system. Alexander I'inlay, a Sulem lueohaiilc, wuHlhoeoritnudorwho put up the new hulldinp, and who instill employil, has givmi the bMt of satUfactlon. Mr. Ouwltuiiuii has biislnnwi and executive ability, aswHllas hobi an oxmrt hi hop grow I tig, uimimii) thing up"ur to beilmi-e ut tho proper time and oveiy stiiuces. Mold has uiHsircd only in a limited way in some yards that were on low giouml or near tho timber. Thresh ers aro busy hi every direction, and tho grain is In surprisingly good condition, considering the the continued rainfall. Soiift farmers hau been paying fancy pi lee for hogs to Mil damaged wheat. J. I.. Krui-c, of ilsoiiville, soys that they aro overostimatiiig the damages, HOTEL ARRIVALS. wii.MMtrrrK. A. J. l'ieffer, II. T.. Thanhauger. A. 1. I.uco, .1. V. Ilailey, J. V. Streit, M. I.. Walker, A. M. 1'urrler. A. II. Starbuck, W. T. Jeffries. Mrs. W. 1". .Jeffries. Port- land; V. W. Parsons, V. Townsend, MIss.M. Perry, City; 11. K. Miller. Mrs. II. U. Miller, Seattle, Wash.; John Do lteuvn, Detroit, Midi.: J. It. Chapin, lewa: .i.T. htioon, iienry jiy,irot,ii. W. It. Lett. II. Haussmau, San I-'rau cisce: II. (I. McKlnley, li Crosse, Wis: W. A. Springer, Huston, Mass: Louis Nellssou, lair (iroiindsi C. F. Italstou, Advance agent of tho Jessie Shirley Co; Win. Morrison, San l'ranciico. COTTAIIK. 0.0. McClelland Albany: Miss l-:ilu Iseiiberg, Miss IUssie, Miss Maud tieonse. Miss I.ydla Arnold. IIinmI Itiier V. W. Kirplg. Iv. J. Arnold, Italeigh Htall, I'orllaml. Are You Hungry? No need to go hungry as von can have ii good iiimiI niimsI (or u few cents at the Wonder Itostuuruiit. Day and Night. """""" You Mill get a good i mm I well cooked day or night, for a dime or more at tho While I loupe Itootauraut. Save Money Hy attending our ehwlug nit wle, W'h uiv doing oxu(l' ui. U, udvrtU nud iixjkvi ti llnlsh li Jumntry 1, HHki. uiw uffurtng mr witlio teok AT niitri tosr tu ub. OurJCapes, Jackets and Collarettes lluvo arriiMl tbogo good wor 4roi) Uir meiitlw iigi), ami a the r .cloth Iiwl lieeit wit w o Iind to tako Ummh. 'Viy aro tho tlunst gtKls. w o o r hml thoy will U winriflcl w1U the rt. lk not mk this Qppurtuitii). Thf ifty Buyers ODILLIS. BROS.S CO. tfi FIRST DOOR SOUTH OP POSTOFRCE, SALEM, OREGON. JHFVto JMAmm f tr Bcptwubcr 15th. l'orthe hut month we've Ikvu oHiniiig iiii vurl4ms Hues of fall goods, and get ting our store in li;in for tho hwovy tnulo of tho )wr. Tho rush on all lines of hop HUpplie has kept us hunlliug, but wo do not want to stop long enough to a U"U in w inter iiudcrwwir, IumUu.v, nuioklntejibus, sIiihh, imtious. cotton blaukeUetc, we Uae tin strongest line wo h.io vol sIkiwii. Its business to tmpu)ooer yvsir, ami wo stinly to ilu this. How well well ask ou to come and mh-. Our shoo hue is a pride t tu for wo hao a host of satislicil customers. Wo make friends oorv time wo Mill a shoo. In tho hoaxy work sIuhw for men, or suiMiauiiiii siuHm lor women or children oluki sluvs, wo take ivs)hvUI pride, and in liner lintM they Miu't surHiw ourfl.M, K.tH), XM and WM lines. llamilloii Itrown, and Iticoaiid lluloliln's goods. In Muflktutonlios wo lutvo Miiuoof the biggiut vahmsyet. For scJioil use, for lumiiir women's wwir Its all tho same we're right at home, and then on un- derwiMir, wo think wo'ro Iwtter than oor. ltemeiulHir all of our goods aro STANDAItl) oiialilitM of high grade mako. Knight in l.irgoquuiitltion that guts tho price ami thou with our oloo margin of prollt wo certainly give values that oimnt Yuu'iv Invited to Mill. Woapproekito it wlutu folks oomo in to Itnik around. WIGGINS' BAZAAR, 307 Com, Mf HrifriT Ti-vIInrfft rorU.ys ami young mwi. CuiiductM by rll flDyrl LO11G0G the iWMiMlictfno Father. Healthfully 111. IIWXI VVHUKU amUttmclively liwatMl. (H miles from em 1 em, u iiiium trtwt ratiaiui ) voueurm hiui iiiokocuii Uuuksus; t'repanitory l.ltrnry. KioutilU-. CUmivuI. Nornul, iVjinniorvial. Scm-ul Coohskw ui Mathe m nt I o. burxoyiug. Drawing, Civil Sorvlco. Shorthand, Tvikw riling. IVIegrapby, Mutic dentil w ho on account ut lurni lalsir wikIi to enter lute in (all and Kao eiirlv in French, ttornmn. Skiiii1i, ItulUn A iiHvtal class it prmidl (or ti, spring Vcademu deitrts and le.u hern state ivrtilUutis and state diploiuM ron- vu 1 (en Soiul ivir catalogue. ddres. Tuk Pkwouiwnt Moi nt Aniul Cuilu.w Ml. Aug!, Ore. DIED. ALKN11AC1I. At tho family homo at tTiiiuauii, Miutiuy, M)'t. hi, iK'r.i, August Aluiihach, agel os, o(- con sumption. Funeral services wore held tislay at '. p. in., at tho homo ami tholssly buried in Loo Mission cemetery. Reduced Kates to Chicago, In-ginning Tuesday, SeptemlHir P.'. If you are going east call on tho Northern Tactile agents, tiioiiiih, watt i. to, '.".V Commercial street, lteinuinbcr that you save money by buying your ticket at Salem instead of going to Portland to buy. li-M-ilt JUDAY'S makkkt. I'outinii. Sit. 11. Wheat valiov ill : Walla Walla, rSc. (or new ft'.V. fo'r old. Flour Portland, J2.1K) to ',),'. Siier Hue '.'.ir ikt bid. Oats-Wlilto 120 lie, grey !K to UV. Hay Tiniothv fSdti)r Km. Ilopt llrtllk'; old crop tie. Wm1 Valley. P.'QPtc! 'Ivastern Or egon. 8(4 1 .Mohair, 27 0 :0. Millstuff liran, 917; shorts, S, Poultry Chickens, mlxMl,fl.,V) to l.oO llensft to 6.Wturkeys, live, llirjH.ti'. Kuiw Urcipm. in to iso iKir thu. Hides UreoiMlttHUiOllHSfgtits.iindiv M IIh, 7)ii(3-'a ; sheep jndts, I5fcj20o, Onions I to H41', ltutter Host dairy, ItOrtlW; fancy creamerv, J)0 to Wo per roll, store 22 tb 27o. Potatoes U5 to 70o or cental. iltgs Heavy dressttl Gci to oo Mutton Drtwstsl.dSiO lo 7c imr i)tmd. IKhiI SttMrs. :i.o0al,tX); cows, fS.00 Ji;t.M dressttl. lieof (1 to 74 VmU tlrosMXt, UMa'. HALKM MARKET, Wheat M). Wtxil lik. Mohair :X. Oats 05 to 30o. Hay HaltM, oheat and clover fd.tXi. Timothy fS.W. Kggs 16o Flour In wholesale lots fi.OO retail II.IO. Millstuffs bran (IS.OO shorts 15.o0 Htv lrvwyl, 5)o. i.ivocattio fttcera uvjeowsxii to Sheep $2.50(3 W. DrvsMtl Veal flke. Hutter Dairy 2is ortMinory Srw. Poultrv' Spring chickonst to UV. Hens !i cents. Potatoes -ICV Cyclone Cameras The Improved Magazine Cyclone In stock nt all times. ' A"4'' '',' 'A.'.'-''-', ',-.V'A''i.''V'j1.l 'Vfc'. Dreyfus, OIis,flgvJir.)aIdo!i We carry a full Hue of Supplies Card Mounts Plates Pper3 Trays DevclopcM Toiicm Call and exatnlno our line. Patton Bros, PS Statu Ttreet. XTfjjr) Rich Pickings Here For the man who likes uuiipio designs in cuff buttons, links, stmU, etc. Out of the many new- tilings offered this season wo gathered ti Hue of JKWKLUY, for men whicli will appeal to their good judgment as well ae their .......1 ,...,.. 'CI... ..4l. .1.... ..-.. .. ..!.. , it.i, ui' ,11 iiL'iun iiii' in Mljutliur skk-k, nut imsieraie price. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE' JIO BTATD STHDET How to Make a Good Salad Few iHXHilodo. because thev don't under stand the importance of choosing thol llnost olive oils and the right kind of' vinegar. When you want tine salmi or mavoiiiiiso dressing, wo can serve oui with superior viruin olive oil. that will, make you a dressing such as you will re-, mtiinoer a mug tune. v e nave Tarragon vinegar, white and red wine vinegar, ami the best cider vinegar, us well as everything in tho line of relishes. SonnemanN, THE GKOCEU 131 State st Telephone 51 m 11.. ...... ...ii 1 ..1 , ., 1 lieeu uiitti ini'ii iiiu iiitMu itiiKcu iiooui tunii IIIIV other men In fact their names uro on everybody's lips. Tho same applies lo tlioo nice, sweet, fragrant aromatic Havana La Corona, 10c Odip Champion, La Commerc?. Emblem, Tho universal None so sweet. verdict Is: No no so good. They aro perfection. All dealers. ifl.HOCKENSTEIN,Propp. GRASS SHEDS All fresh seeds. No old stock left over. Get our prices. Lowest in the city. Brewster & White I'lmuc 1781. TIIIC HLUUK AND KUUD MEN HI Court it. You Are Invited to Attend the UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC. If you desire a thorough Musical training, with Diploma and degree. College now in session. Phone 2916. A card will bring a catalogue. Address, Francesco Seley, Dean, Salem, Ore. Saleivt Studio INTER-STATE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Mrs. Effa finders Willntao Over First National Hank. Classes in Piano Forte playing, Harmony, Theory and Ctos Reading. Studio hours from II to 1:2 and 2 too. TWO FIX ifl xijjw" PIANOS IN STUDIO FOIt rsia OF LHMMLS. U M. KIRK, 04. SO, & 58 t-nonu oyi Statu St Grain, Hay, Flour, Mill Feed, Building Material. Lime, Cmcnt, Plaster etc, Grain, Hay and Straw stored Wagon Scales. Prompt und careful attention given to the delivery of goodt to .inv I"'' of the city. ' " s-tf HI NORMAL COLLEGE OFMUSIC UNO Afif '.. M. 1'tliMV. Miw. IW. DiriH'tor. Milt J. N. lluowN. I'riucinal of Art. Opening Dayw Tuesday Afternoon and EveningvSept, 12 Studie: Room No. 7. Pnttan Dlock. and urt-Iov lug Ipublic ctirdially invitttl. The mi: nithli Kiioul will bottiiuil to thu Iwst In tho Nor The music art courses nuic an i orthvve-t Shoes Shoes! FOUK DOI.I.MIS 1EU UAY-Mtw ar uetHletl to cut, uplu or haul cord vvtKxl. Will iay 50 cents for bidiltmg ami ow nr eortt lor nami Sitlom Vnol dollar Sitlou Hank or eonl tor haultiii:. lo., room 13, o lU.h S-Stf WOOD Wo aro still roiling 4 foot, large vvxh.1 growth wotxl S.36 nr itml W r agt. fiv Now Iwrg Frwtfd Fr umt Ko. man Itriok. the work at tlielllihtH' t'lnb Duildi.ig al Uvtrvl Vi uatom IIoum'. l s lUtTm-A o riion 30. ilW r tout cor I tiemkU, ' All Arranged. A fatWtled. coiitcutoil ftvling cmci over a ponton w hen all the arrange moiits for any event arv completcil Wlion vim know tlmtyou have lulU provided that w hull may bo rctiunt and ran calmly wait, know'ing that that w hioh you oxHVt w ill tome My new uttvk w now all arrangotl Tht lust eaxte okikh1 tontMiutsl IjiIiob Capo. Jacktti ami C'ollarotteii, and tho hMtM nnd counters are rilleil withal) varietitKi tit dry goods, all of which luvi Uvn bought toroah ami will le t-ol.i for ciili at prk-wi tlmt iiurtM )our get ting tho krgttst iMkMiiulo ipuntity of boet gols fur tho least amount of money. My tvk awaiti yotir iiuinvtimi. ' await wur rawing. W. II. IIoHMVt r IVinmervml ktrwt. fo cure I Grippe, itep warm, erpccUII) tut Lt. an4 uk Ur. MU" Ncowc. All Our Fall and Winter styles Now in, and we are slaughtering prices. We can save you big money on ewry pair of Shoes or Rubbers you need far this season. Save one fourth your money by buying during our Big Sale. We are in the Shoe Business to stay and we propose to lead them al in prices and quality. "iOURS FOR BARGAINS Hannoa L Sons Best Shoes S2.59 a Pair. SALEM SHOE STORE R. H. Leabo, Manager. S3 Mate St. Ladd & lUh Unk Bldg.