DAILY JOURNAL $ Tho Dally Journal's lnro olrculn- I tlon Is no accident. It's tho rosultof t high quality and luwprloo. t ! Latest Assoclatod Press tela- 4 grnms, Fresh Local news and Live Pdltorlals mako Tho Dally Jour- i Editorials m X nal. 4 A VOXi. X SALEM, OREGON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 11 1899. NO 211 THE wviiri7mtwmNmnmnmnmimTmrmm'nvmm I JSCDon't Fit Out : TILL iTHE NEW YORK RACKET.? Wo have juit tlio gloves tliat yon neori. A gnori glove fur 2.1c. All sm No. O'u to 11. A tatter glove for UOc. b&owh's Those .. fc IN stanri tho wear. Tliero are no better shoos marie. Our low prices make them bargain. Clothing, hate, shirts, underwear, hosiery. Almost anything yon want, and tho price- are money Rivers foryoii. Heat grade of oil cloth lCc. a yard. Cash only and one price. E. T. BARNES, Prop. I Salem's Cheapest Cor. Commercial VMAiAtAUUAiHUUAAUAiittAAUtAUMftMtaA.M4AAUtM4AUl "llkEOPLE are not looking for Shoes bought 10 or 12 IIa years ago, but want high grade goods, late and up-to-M- date and can always find them at our store. We do not advertise llanan & Son Shoes at $2.50 a pair, bought ten or twelve years ago --we let the Jay Shoe Store do that while we shall continue to conduct a first-class store as always before, and give our customers the latest styles and lowest prices. KRAUSSB J3ROS 275 Commercial St. Salem, Oregon. GRAY BROS Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem Ore. :'c Carpels c i -Jf CO. competitors cannot meet. uanLj3i l t'A i vmzSswK' HJ7 w ts -- . ?i M-v , T. si- 5Sj h .l 1 T'iSPkVrrr .'' I ST. VJ& iU 1I'SMSSJ-W IN CARPETS We have the latest patterns in every grade from the cheapest Union to the best body Brussels. Good Union Carpet Better " " All Woll Ingrain Tapestry Brussels Roxbury tapestry afraV For Hod Picking YOU VISIT 3 mark Shoes T.mJ SHANK One - Price Cash Store, : and CheimkiU Sr. : Carpenter's Tools Blacksmith's Tools, Fine Tools For Every Trade at Ruren & HamiltoN J x HOUSE FURNISHERS a bideboards Hard wood with bevel plate mir rors and antique oak tmish. only sa.io. utners at 514. in Solid oak well finish-1 DOOK VUSCi, ChilTonirs and China closets at prices that our 0-c (J l S n sj &'oing at wholesale prices. 30c per yard 35c " " 50c - " 50c " " . 75c " M II Ask To See Our Bissell Carpet Sweeper JMiWM TALKS Reiterates His Form er Statement, He Entirely Agrees With That Filipinos are Capable of Self Government. Mr Aftanrlnlnl I'rrn tn tlir Journal. Nkiv Yoiik, Sept. 11. Tlio Worlri publisher a dispatch from Gibrnlter giv ing an interview with Admiral Dewey, just taforo tho Olpmpia willed for New York. The World's eorrosonrient nskcd the Admiral for a statement of Ids views as to tho I'lill ipplnes policy. "I've little to say" ho said, "until the recommitted dations of tho commission of which 1 am a member, are laid before President McKinley. "Did yov rend what Schrumann, one of the commissioner!), has to say tion IiJh return from tho Philippines" "As ho is ipiotod in the nevsp.icrs hodellnltuly explains my h)iIIIoii, I ipiite agree with what Schurmnii says, indetil, I attach grout imKrtauco t his opinion. Ho is an able and high minded man. Wo weie invariably in accord." "I havo not changed my opinion which I stated in the early days at Manila, then speaking of tho knowledge of Ixith people, that I consider tho l'iliplnos more capable of self government than tlio Cubans. I took tlio keenest interest in those I'ilipinoi, who wore umployi 1 at the ar serial in Cnvite and often I wuHsurpriHcd by their intelligence. With lair ami proHtrly directed opH)rtnnitios then) are great im'wobllltios lit the I'illpiitos," Joined the Rebel. , Mamm, Sopl. 11. Tho mayor of Imush.is ilisupisxiriMl anri it Is supixiseri ho Iias joined tho roliols on promifo of receiving a generalship, lie was colonel in the insurrection of 1837. Kohk, Sept. III. Captain of traiiKrt Morgan City, which was wrecked So temtar 1, by striking a reef eight miles fro'tt Oimnnchi, says tliero are good Picture Holding J HlPapcr Half Dollars Have their weight with us and do here what it takes dollars to do at some other places You should see our Center, Din ing, library and Extension tables Mm IS1 prospects of saving tlio vessel and that divers havo been engaged for tlio pur pose of trying tollo.it her. Case's Opinion of Otis. Citicioo, Sept. 11. Captain J. .1. Case, formerly of the Second Oregon volunteers who isvisitin here says!, "It is tlio general opinion of olllcers that if General Otis wero to con lino trim- self to ouo department tho war would progress more satlsfactorylly. lleneral Otis makes a Hrst-class civil governor. In tho Held there wero Bovornl instances in which ho held troops buck after they had accomplished their work and thus necessitated it being done bver. I CANOKS IN TOW. Indian Uoppickers Towed Into the Sound by a Tug. If tho modes of tho Indians have changed, so havo the ideas of a majority of them regarding transportation at followed, since thoriny they wero induced to come to tho bead of l'ugct sound to earn a few of the w hito man's dollars by hoppicking. Some of them discovered lust year that instead of starting two or three weeks a head of time to give them ample opiortun!ty to reach Uieir Held of latar. they could bin it tug-boat that would take a string of !!0ort0 canoes, nnri tow them at nn average seiil of eight miles mi hour for $1.60 to 1 jht boat. This the Indians concluded was a iH'tter way than having to row or paddle 100 to 150 miles, so that is what thov did this year. Instead of a lot of old squaws vigorously plying a pantile, tlio scene was one of a string of young bucks seated at tho stern of tho boat, rigged up as If for dress parade, larlly balancing an oar to keep the craft In lino with the long string of canoes Iming yunketl along by tho tin: Tho other occupants of tho canoes, varying from It to 10 In number, euloveri a imp or played cards to while away the time. .Thus In tno short space of n vear has tho Indian mode of navigating long ills tances changed immeusurabiy more than In tlio juist lf0 yearn. Up to a year ago a few weeks before hop-picking time, tho Sound, from Olympiu to the entrance of the straits, was dotted with (hose small craft, U-iug vigorously urged forward by thoold as well as the young, nmi lor weeks ncioroumi alter non-nick iug the lives of the nteiiiiilxi.it men were made mlscraiilo on ilark night anil In foggy weather by the constant dread )( running down some of these small craft. By ulif lit no Indian ever shows a Huh!. iiuri their prehonco in u fog can never be lenrncil till a steamer Is nearly on tliem wiiouuioy Dogiu to yen .vigorously. All this, however, is cfiangeil by the new coliriitiions, nud it is execteil that by next year out of a licet of canoes esti mated at between 700 and 800, leaving the various reservations, not more than 100 will come up the sound as did their forefathers, ly wlinl or piuldle, tint that they will take advantage of tho now conditions and bargain for a tow. This new condition bus also its c licet on the cities of Tacomaaud heattle,usby this means tho lariro lxxly of Indians is brought into the cities in a single day, so thai u low Hours atler a tow arrives, the streets are crowded with Indians of all ages and Sizes, )Hldllng their- wares Ikiiio nud woodwork nud liaskets. And strung along the street for miles, tho sqtuiws may ho wen seated on the curb stones, patiently waiting the coming of thier lords, who have In-en on the still hunt since the moment they struck town for a Isittle of the white man's whisky. Uunuitstloiiably tewini: Indian J and canisis to the hopllclris will-have quite an effect on the lulior market during the hoppicking ncasou, as In previous vears many Indian families remained at homo because they did not rare to un dertake so long a voguge to tho hop fields. One promlueiit grower says that next year he will charter a tug ami bring Ills nickers and tho-e for iiolghlsiriug yams, free of tost to the Indians Sued an iuriiicomunt, he says, tho Indians can not withstand, so next year he will have no trouble as ho ilid this season in obtaining pickers for his crop. Hod and Oun Club. There will Is' a meeting of the Marion County Itisl and (inn Club at the ollice of Iloise and Darker Tuesday evening, Kuptenilior l!.', to mako arrangements for riioiving a shipment of (black spit ted trout (mm the United Stutet ilgli oouimissioiutr and fur the trunnuctinu of other biisinoM. v, II. I.Kfim, I'reoidsnt. Jos. I1aun(vhtik, Kecrutary, 0-.at Use Allen' l'oot-lie in Your Olovcs, A lady writes: "I shako Allun'i Kool-Kae Into my gloves and rub u little on my hand. It saves my glove i by absorbing parsplralluii. It Is a most dainty toilet powder," Allen's Kool-Kao makes tight or new shoes eay. Alwas use It to Hreak In New Uhiws. It kceiw the feet cool unci cumfurlable. We luvlU.- the attention of pliyHlciiiH and iiurng Ui thm b Milute purity (if Allen's Fooi-K'istj. All drug anuvhoo storos sell It 'l'x Kamrile sent I'ltKK. Addrest Allen S.' Olunttcd. Ia3 Iloy, N. V. I riiero'n alwas hope wlion there's One Minute CouirbCure. '.'. attack of pneumonia left my lungn iar the tirt stages of consumption. (Jneiiin ute Cough Cure cured inc." Helen Mollenry, linmark, M, l Stomw Drug tj tore. Grip ll lUvlag t)iuuiwli f vUtlmt. Or. Milti' HeTine U urisg ttousiudi. Stop here at THE PAIR STORE lor all supplies for hop picking and threshing, or anv general use. Lots of new goods just arrived and will lw void at the lowest racket prices. Crcat reduction on all dimmer goods. FRENGH JUSTICE Is Scourged By the World. EngllshjQermaii and Aus trian Sentiment. $ l .! 121.1 Plainly Expressed in Both Pulpit and Press. llr Aiaurtntrd l'r tn 111 Jnurnnl. Uavcott Talk. IH.iiiis, Sept. 11. ItU rumored that a committee coinioe,l of the leading manufacturers hero is being formed for tho purs)se of preventing German par ticipation In tlio l'arls exposition. Kiench-Ameticsn Treaty. Wasiiimiton, Sept. 11. Somo of of llcials express fear that thu DreyfiiB vlnllct will have a serious effect on tho French-American treaty when it comes Is-fore the senate. N HuncatUn Indignation, llirn ai-kht, Sept. II. Several hundred people marie a demoiistaatloii last even ing in front of tho Trench consulate here. They were dispersed by the mh lice and approaches to thu consulate were occupied by Millceluen. llcilln Uiupifled. IImiiin, Sept. 11 the Dreyfus verdict causes a feeling of almost stuplllcatiou In llerliu. , Indignation in lndon, biNiiuv, Sept. 11. Ills bard to do serllsi the Indignation the verdict of the Dreyfus i-ourt-inartlal ban evoked every where in Knglanri. The oxcitcmuut In the Jew Inh quarters of Iindon Is only natunil. Special prayers were offered throughout Saturday in all the syna gogues on iHihalf of Dreyfus, and as soon us tho verdict was known, Jews and Jewesses were seen at every street cor ner expresulng execration, and loauy sobbing bitterly. In almost all tho places of worship references were made to the verdict. Cannon Scott-llollaml, at HI. Paul's Ca thedral said. "A nation is on its trial. France stands at the Judgement bur, All civi lization Is waiting to know whether to morrow's news may udd anything to qualify the naked cruelty of a bare tele gram, anything to relieve the stuggcrcri coiucloncuness,' Kev Hugh Trite Hughes, the well- known Would) an divine, preached ut St. Junior hull, utylug: "Five unhappy jurigus have a I ready tukcri their pluio In the Judgment of tho llilmuu rate, beside Judus, I'ilate, Judge Jeffries and nthororeaturu. They have sentenced their victim to a denude of Imprisonment, but they have ilijcrosl themselves forever to the scorn and deri sion and exeeretlon of the human ruce. Unless I'ranci) ahukiiM off this lufuuiy she will lie left without an ally or friend." Itev. Arthur Hoblus, uluiplaliiin-ordl-nary to the qui-n, irechlug at Holy Trinity, Wlmlisir, suld: "The olvlllieri worlri la aghast at this gri-at crline of live abjict judges," London Newipaperii Th Mai; "Itunues Is Fruuve's moral 8ed4H." 'I he OrJ.hl: "Ibe IteniieK verdkt will live forever as the supreme offttrt of human wr(ngheultsliiem," Tho Telegraph : "This Infamous judg ment disgraces. Franc, dishonors her army, Insults tho kaiser anil offends the U'st principles of humanity. Tliero seems nothing left for France but a rev olution, and a war will reduce her to the level of Spain. Tho Times, "Wo do not hesitate to pronounce It tho greatest and most ap palling prostitution of Justice tho worlri has over witnesed hi modern times. All tho outrageous m-nndals which marked the course of tho trial pale Into Insignifi cance bcslrie the crowning soaurialof the verdict." Nothing Dut Execration. With tho except 'on of tho Jesuit or gan in Home nnri V o antl-Semlto pa pers, tho press .Itho whole world la ringing with execrations. I'.vcii tho Htisslan press Joins in tho chorus, al though, perhaps, the J ews are novvln'ro more hated than in llussla, The Judges are overyw here dorfcrllHil as criminals, and gloomy stHVulatlons are Indulged in as to what future Is in store for France. Tho Oerman press is esH-cially Indig nant, the Nattonal Zeitung remarking that "oven the worst enemy of Franco coulri not huvowlsheri what bus hup-Hned." To lloycott France. .W" York, Sept. 111. Congressman I)vy announced today that as soon as congress meets ho will Intro duce resolutions In the house with drawing tho support of this govern ment from thu 1'uris HxtMisitlnu on ac count of the Dreyfus ease. Uocolt Urged Uy All Nation. LoNiiov, Sept III. l'uiersof all nation alities full In with tho idea of lsycottlug tho iiximsltlou. Mrs. It, S. lleuu went tu Kugwnetisluy to attend the weildiug of hor sister. Mlm Clara Condon, who is to Irn married next Wi-duesilay to Frederick Half, u young hiisluess man of Pendleton. Airs, lleuu was accompanied by her von Harold, anri other lociulx-rri of the family will follow tomorrow. Walter (Iray returned home Sunriay. He works for tho telephone couiuuy anri travels around with a tuitrol wagon following the lines throughout the state, lie Is accompanied by tho fore mail, Will Kern. SOMETHING ELHCANr, YOU IIAVL' NtiVUK SlillN IT HUPOKI.'. CUSTAUD CIIOCOI.ATUS ITISTIIUI'IMBSTCIIOCOUIK IIVUUMADBINSAULM IT CAN Uli FOUND ONI.V AT ELLIS & .INN'S jn-vHtiito m. IMiono 1!U74. v tiulis. I o. Meyers & Sons Gl SALEM'S GREATEST STORE Q at BUNKEIS Monday Only We will jjive the hop pickets a chance to tfet cheap bedding. We will offer for sale 300 pairs of white blankets at 29c a pair Ladies' Jackets a line to close, foimerly sold from $2.50 to 56.00-a little out of style with us. If you are not so partic ular you will buy one at 78c until sold Just right for hop yards and out ing wear HOP PI6KERS' FESTIVAL Royal r Absolutely Hjre Absolutely Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROTAl Mtft WMrWH CO , Mw VO. mm BUD&ET Items of Interest from Abroad. Tho Situation in the Trans vaal, India's Crop Outlook Improved Ow ing to Rain. llr Aaiurlntril l'rrss tn tlir Jnurnnl Iaindov, Sept. 11 Tho activity In tho admiralty and tho war olllco continues today though there is nothing new re garding tho Transvaal situation. Death On Transpoit Senator, Wahiiiniimn, Sep. 11. The following cablegram was received at the war de partment this merning: Manila The transiort Senator ar rived this morning, one canually, Wil liam II, Ocodthwalto riled at sea. (Slgneil) Oris." The nenulor curried ten olllieis anri IUKJ rivrults, India's Crop all Kight. IIomiiav, Sept. II. llaln has iiu provisl theuropnutltsik In western In dia nnri fears of n faiuluo havo boon re inoveil, A Munificent Clltt. (iiiiiiAt.TKii, Sent. II. llefore sailing from here yeslenlar for New York Ad miral Dewey and the olllcers of the iiriilscra Olympiu, pro?outeri thirty pounds to I'epplalt, gunner of the llrll lull battleship Devastation, who while tho warship was llriug a salute In liior of Ihoarrlvalof tho Amur lean admiral Scptemhorltli had hls'hauri shattered by the explosion of a charge which he was ramming home, I'epplatt's arm has I wen amputated. Dyea For Bail. Vutoiih, Sept. II A hirgi-Mirllou o( the town of D)iii Is hxiii to be moved to Skngwuy. Ilulldiiigs will be moved on scows iii'roM thecnu.il. Raking Powder 'Pure Uoy Recovering, Frank Winters, tho lL'-yenr-old bov. who sustained a painful Injury to hi I injury to his arm at tho Woolen mill, Is doing nicely and is around with his arm in a sling and Is flittering but little, considering tho severity oi ins injury. ino arm wuh broken In two places, dislocated and badly lacerated by being caught between tho side of tho elevator ami tho passage way through an upper Hoor, and the wonder Is that U was not torn from the shoulder, as the space through which It wan dragged la llttlo thicker than tho hand, A Special Program. Will Ik) given by pupils of tho N. W. X. College of Music and Art, Turiday afternoon nt tho studio, Itoom 7, 1 atto i block. This will Ik) the opening ot Dr. I'arvin'M musical college, and nil lovers of uiusle and art are cordially invlt l to attend. Arrangements for harois lit either department may bo made at this time. HatemTtJtrcet Lights, Ma. Km roit Tlio new lamp In the center of Marlon Square Is n wise act on the part of our city fathers. It was admiral by everyone last night, It in-r-fivtly lights the Interior of tho whole Siiuare, anri the surrounding walks on all four sides of tho streets and sheds more light than a lamp on each corner of tho block would do. I would suggest that if the council would pass an ordi nance compelling all citizens to trim their trees Ismloring on the streets at least 10 feet alsivo the sldow alks w o vv oulri boa well-lighted city nnri nil tho lights would li available. Tho lights lielng so high ami tho trees so tow hides all tho lights except under the lights. On I'rout street, near the extreme north end, the trees are so low thatthoy hit one In tho face passing anri It Is aa riurk as Hades only a few feet from the electric lights. Citizwx. WHUAT MAHKIST. Cuicvno, 1 1 Sept. . SeptemlMji Wj, Cash 7-J. Hvn Knv imxi, Kept. It, Cash 1. 01 SKI & Dandruff is disease, j Ayer's ' Hair Vigor cures the disease i j that produces dart: driiff. Ladies' Skirts A good assortment of ladies crash and covert skirts regular 51.00 qualities. Special 73c each--: New Goods We are opening each day some of the finest goods ever brought to Salem. Our buyers' Eastern trip was a great success. They bought them right. We sell them'right M THE FAIR STORE New Goods 78c Jackets "Hi