Lazy Live I have been troubled ercat lcnl with a torpid liver, whluU produces cormipa- m tion I found CASOAKET3 to bo nil you clulm for them mnd secured lucb reller the first trial, ibat I purchased another supply and was com pletely cured I shall only be too clad to rec ommend Caicarots whenever the opportunity Is presented" . J. A. smith 2910 Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, Pa m ZJr CATHARTIC . Srfjfe" TRADE MASH RtOISTIRSO gf Plnnunt PalataDlB, l'otent Tnsto Hood Do ; OooO, Norer sicken Weaken or a ripe 10c 3&c,Uic. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... , Bttrll.' tltmtit Caip;. (1iltii,, Y.rk. S0 Un.Tll.nrin "r'' ani1iiiir.iMi.dtiir all dm , flU I UORO guti to C I' UK Tobacco HaWU ft" STATE NEWS. Tlio verdict of tho coronora jury in tlio Miller case, whorein E. L. Minis shot J. Honry Miller, was murder in tlio llrst ilcgroo. Minis 1ms been nr rested. Minis is n son-in-law of William M. Matlock, ox-Bonator from Umatilla county. Ho has been n practitioner of a the local bar for thrco yoars anil served as deputy revunuo collector umlor Clove land's tulmlnistratlon. Mints says ho shot Miller in self dufoiiFo. 5'CVMD0'J Small Annoyances Ou a frtt and Uirry ' en;. Lcurtni.k ' overnight; no iniil.-rc:i i.i the; no cresm f;r the cc"ce;nomlix i lor the baby. o. C. T. Co's l'ASSENQlMl BTEAaiKH pOMQNA altonA LEAVKSU'OH POllTLANI) Daily oxoopt Siimlnv nt 7 a m QUICK T1MK AND CHEAP HATES. Diiok Iwtween'Htato and Conii His. M. 1'. HAL.DWIN, ABont. ; 4 A I.I, INTF.UKSTtll IM (IO(U) MUSICAL WOIIK J MAIli: WKtX'llltK AT TIIK hfUIlIO. 0 0 I).,R II 1I..1.I. ! jd n. nuuiMiij Salem. Oregon. P 1 A rj II Teacher of Piano and Accompanist. Studio- I)' Any IlullillnR. Huoni 10, (m th vmun. m, j ui. ii.iii, f0 jPtKSUNALANU LOCAL for iiitilltloiial ljucnl News neo 1'oartli I'bko. r FOREIGN NEWS NOTES. Ilcnuty In Illonil Ifccn. Clean blood moans a clean skin. No beauty without it. Casearets, Candy Cathar tic clean jour blood and keen it clean, b stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Uogin today to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Usenrets,benuty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Tho annual mooting of the East Colum bia conference of tho M. E. Church, South, will convone in Heppner on Sep tember 5. Uishop Duncan, will preach tho opening sormon. About 50 minis lorsMind delegates will bo in attandnnco, besides a largo numbor of visitors. The conference will last until Monday, Sop- tetnlwr 10. Don't Tolnrro aim mill Smolo lour Life A nor. To quit tobacco citilly and forever, bo mag nctlc, full of life, ncrvo nnd vigor, talio No-To-line, the wondor-worUer, that umlce weaU men strong. All druggists, COoorJI. Curo guaran teed Ilooltlct nnd samplo free. Addroes Sterling Jtetncdy Co., Chicago or Now YorU. Dr. George W. King, of Pendleton, died Wednesday evening, after a long illness. Ho was born near Glasgow, Mo., November 14, 1814. Entering tlio Union army in IStKl, ho served to the close of tlio war. Iu 1835 ho was mar ried nt Portland to Miss Jeannetto Powell, daughter of lion. David Powell, Oregon pioneer. How Are Your Kidney f Dr. Ilobbs' Hparagut t'llli cure all kidney Ills. Sam clofrco. Add. StcrllnK ltcmodrt'o.,ChlKii;oorN. Y. Little Cables From Foreign Landi Con densed. Tho latest news from ilonnos, I'rnnre, of tho Dreyfus trial givosomo hoiio for tho Droyfiisistos. Tlioir attorney l.aborl is lighting the battle of his life, and if ;ho wins he 111 bo tho most noted lawyer in all Franco. Ho is driving his adversaries to tho wall ono at a time, llo has torn tho last shred of credit from Merrier and added tho nauio of Captain Freystmotor to tho list of.horoos who have risked everything for Dreyfus. A llerlln dispatch announces that thu proposed reorganization of tho eabinot will bo nostnoned until reliovinc it of some of its inefllcient niombors like llaron Von der Hocko dor Iforst, tho minister of tho interior, has boon post poned to nuicter times: his majesty, sV in. liili illuciiilliilno mum of the ...v...... --I - - most refractory ulllclals, who, as dole- eatos. voted ami imitated nuainst tho canal diii. Tlic correspondent of tho Asioiated Press learns on good authority that (lermany ami Spain have been for wuio time negotiating for tho sale of Slum's remaining colonies in Africa, iHirtlc uhnly the Island of Fornando Po, which, as it iscloso to tho Cuinoroons, would be of considerable importance to Ger many, and tho Kloboy, I fill and Corisco islands. The burgomaster of Siwnd recently received a lettur from Sun Fmneitco, signed "Charlos Wugur," who claims to be a native of tho town, offering to h.ueit a bequest of $100,000 for tho In ttcrment of tho pavements. Tho of f. r was accqitod, but it has now bii it-i ertalnoii that no suoh jwrson axUie, and that somebody ban lii playing a practical joko on the town. Vtlurenw) Marque, Dsloga Itay, i Saturday, sovtinil iwwoiw wieitwl of biing emisarlwi of the Tranivnal !.'icriiineiit were urroitod. Tho Soldiers' and Sailors Reunion Association, cf Southern Oregon, will meet at Grants' Pass during tlio week beginning Soptombor 18. Confederate veterans and soldiers who (ought in tho Spanish and Philippine wars -luivo boon inUto.l to take part. O J&. &i 'jC p HL Ju -i. . riours th y) ,ne ,,m m "m m B"rl Blgnaturo spl . . of Ws-VZ 4c44M Mrs. Martha Evelyn Coukliu, wife of Arthur Conklin, editor of tho Oregon Mining Journal, of Grants Pass, died at 7 o'clock Saturday evening, after a short illness. She hccniue unconscious at I) o'clock Friday evening, and did not re gain coiihclousnoss. Tho family consists of two girls aged 7 and I years. To Curo Ouumputloii nrivr, TaUo Cusoarcts Cundv Uutlmrtlc. lUe or SAo. (fC.CC. fall to cure, druciiUts rtfurd inoucr. Prunes for Sale. Uncle Bill Anderson has aliout n ton of tine Italian prunes for sale. Call on him immediately and got a bargain. 8-l"-'t0 ..... -- ThoLaGmndo Masons will build a threo-story brick tomplo, tho upper story to Ik) (xicnpieil by them as a lodgeroom. Tho building will huvo a frontage of 50 feot and a depth of 110 feet. Tho osti muto cost is $15,000 which moans that it will cost something more than fJO.OOO. ? ' BinMirt a ra B3 Ki I FasvU Hr, ? ry ite w$ s to CONDENSED MILK is always available. Has stood first for forty years. Ccni tat DooU on " Babies." ocbocvs ccsoustD mrK co., r, v. tMfeO'89r' The Jolly Hop Pickers. A hop optimist says that hop picking partios aro already forming. Many people make the hop season their year's holiday for there Is a free and niry com- rniiesnip among lion pickers akin to that of soldier life.ttnd the work is just hard enough to make tho fun enjoyable. Wages will be good in tlio tielils this year. Some of Salem s best people will go into the hop fields by families. They'll have a ijood time, and some money to spend when they get home. To-Nightand To-Morrow Night, And each day una night during this week you can net nt any druggist Kemp's Ualsam for the Throat nnd Lungs, acknowledged to bo the most SHccossful remedy oyer bold for Coughs. Croup, llroiichitls, Asthma and Consumption. Get u bottle to. day and keep It always In tho house, so you can check your cold at once. Price 25c and 60c. Sample bottle Tree ood&w NARROW ESCAPE Sunday Travelers on Yaquina Train Are Lucky. The excursion train coming out from Yaquina on tho C A E road Sunday night had an uncomfortably close shave. It was so close that nil tho car stops on the port aide of tho train wero shaved off. Between Morrison and Elk City a large rock had rolled from tho bank nnd lodged by the side of tho track, or rolled down as tho train came along about 10 :30, and was not seen by tho engineer. Tho pnssengors wore very slightly shaken up, but not enough to alarm them, and tho train was delayed only long enough to ascertain that no dnm ago had been done except tho loss of the steps from ono side of tho thrco coaches Lw C'5fck3?rt utiRBrfc H lH H B iB K Hkkcham's Constipation, Pills No equal for "Our baby wis sick for u month with severe cough nnd catarrhal fever. She kept getting worso until wo used Ono Minute Cough Curo It relieved utid cured her in u few days " IJ L. Nance, Prln. High School, UlutTdalc, Tcxub. Stones Drug Stores. "Sweet Home" If you want fresh homo made candy, ico crenm, ice cold summer drinks, or n good cigar call at tho "Sweet Home No. S2HJ6 Commercial street. 7 ro tf OAS-POIIIU. iJeari tbs J llie lnd Y03 V1 AtVtayS D0Ulil Blgaature of llie Kind Ycj H?o Ahvars Removed Home. Yesterday A. S. Thompson of Silver- tonctuno in after M. Johnson, who has been at the homo of P. J. Larson, on Commercial street strickon with a slight stroke of paralysis. Mr. Johnson had so far recovered as to bo able to sit up and his friends think ho is in a fair way to recover. Sioo Reward, Sioo. Tho readers of this pupor will be pleased to loam that there Is tit least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages and that Is Caturrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is the only positive cure now known to the uiecllcul fraternity. Calarrli being n constitutional disease, re iiulrcs ti constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, uctlng directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying tho foundation of the disease, mid giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tlon and assisting nature in doing Its svork. The proprietors huvo so much faith In Its curative powers, that they olfer Ono Hundred Dollars for any case that It rails to cure. Send far list of Testimonials, Address, V. J. Ciikni:y,& Co, To ledo. O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills arc the host. Eodol Dyspepsiu Cure cures dyspep sia. "The public can rely upon It as n master remedy for all disorders nrla lug from linpcrfcctdigcstlon."- James M, Thomas, M. 1)., In American Jour nal of Health, N. Y. Stones Drug Stores. CASTORS A For Infants and Children. llio Kind You Have Always Bought &; for Enfants and Children. Tho Kind You IIuo Alwuyn lloujjlit luis bnrno tlio Blffiin turo of Clms. II. Fletcher, and litis been inmlo undor his liersoiuil supervision for oer JIO years. Allow no ono to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations nntl Jmt-njuiyood" aro but Kxnerinicnts, and omlnngor tho health of Children Experience against Experiment The Kind Ton Have Always Bought Bears tho Signaturo of aL&mz&t In Use For Over 30 Years. ' saws.csaViiM INTBUBTATB ETTAANDERS-WILMAN Associate Teacher Western Cotuetva toty, Kansas City, Mo., representing the Inter-stale System, af Salem, Ore. Orcr First National Bank . Residence 376 Church street, Studio houis 9 to to 5 orNjrNflsWNNv 1 TMr rrNTAUM COMMNV, TT MUWWaW TWtT, NfW tOWH CITY, The Head of the House Hns many cares and resimnsibllitles rest ing on his shoulders, without burdening them with it shirt that will proven thorn in his side, or a collar that will prove n trailing yoke when it is done up by ioor laundry methods. Urlng your linen to us anil wo will make It n "thing of lieauty nnd Joy forever" to tho wearer, whlloit lasts. Salem Steam Laundry. COLON KT. J. OLMSTP.D, IMlOPlt. Phono 411. 'jaOLIlmrty Street WANTED. Now today navottuemooM tour Uum or lean In thh cohinin tiacrtcd Uiroo Umoa for 23 obi SO ota a week, $1" per monUi. All ovor lour liuoa at sntno rato. I'OUND-Soldlor'fl dtschargo, of Wm. Ilnnnan, Co. M.Sccond Oregon Volun teers, in room nt Hotel Willamette. Call or sond there for same. 8 28 ;it WANTED Young man wnntH work. Accustomed to hotels and restaurants. Address W. L. T., caro Jouknai. UOOMS. Furnished, or uufurnlahed, single or In suites, dining room ad joining, homelike, second tloor Coltio block. Mnttio Hutchlns, Prop. K-25-tf LOST. On road about seven mllea east of penitentiary, n huly'Hgray furrnpo. Finder please leave nt this olllco nuil ''' get reward. 8-25-llt ' FOUSALE.-On tho coast 108 creV mostly bcnverdniiii partly iiritiroml suitable for growing onions, potntoos, hay, etc. Largo outrange; handy to shipping iHiiul cheap freights. Marlon Kuble, Wiildport, Ore. 8 22 4w Boars tho Signature of University of Oregon, Tuition Kree, First term begins Sept. IS, 1800. Excellent courses In Ancient and Modern Languages, Sciences Mutlio tnutlcs etc. Uaduiitcs from the tenth grade and from all accredited schools admitted without examination. Students not fully prepared to enter, can take studies In which they arc deficient, In the Eugene City High School. For catalogues und further Informa tion, address thu President or Hon. J. J. Walton, Sec. Eugene, Oregon. 8 1 7w eod dly matmnaMBBWwmiwaMaBiMiiiBWawaBMaMM Best and largcsMline of Bicyclco in the Gity, Car load shipments Direct from Factory 1 JiilucutoTour iiwel 'With Uuacurata. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation furcvei iOc.aec. It C. C. O. fall. tlruBBtt retuml inonei 1 ,i... , ,!.,. ... 11... .. r , liailllllUIl LlllIK, III Uliuuiu:ujr, vin, says hu sulTercd with piles twenty youis before trying DoWitt's Wltclil Huel Salve, two noxos 01 wircu com Slotely cured him. rftonos Drug ptoros. G. S. Clark, attomptod to commit sui cide at Condon, Wwlmnnluy, by slashing his tliroat and wrist with a iwnknife. Ho was despondent beottUM of illness. To Cleanse the System. River Newa . Tho river steamers of tho O. C. T. Company will run to independence un til further notice. The rain of the past week hns swelled the river to 4 feet uboo low water mark The Academy of the Sacred Heart SAUUM, OKliOON. Under thodireotioii of tho Sisters of the Holy Niiiuoa of Josus and Mary, will re sumo studios on September 11th for young lady loardorH and also for day pupils, including lxiyu and girl. Parents are earnestly requested to enter their ciilliironniiiiooiiDiiiiiiioiuiuiiniiiKwiuii. An ubsonco of more th iug tho scholastic inn twoweekndur year, will luturfero with tho conferring of cortilleutoH nnd Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartlflclallydlgcstatlJOfoodandnlda Knimo in BtrniiL'thenlne and recon- ... ., i. o.l..n '.y ... -"---0----: - - v. ..... Kllectuaiiy yei gonuy, wiion W!',,c structlngthe extmusieu uigesuve or or bilious to permanently overcome habitual constipation, 10 hwukuh nm kidneys and liver to a healthy ac tivity, without Irritating or weaken ing them, to dlsl haufUohos, culds, or fevers, use Syrup or Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. V I ondon dlpteh from Citiro my Tie- sirdar, Lord Kitclmer of Klmrtoum, Mir awfully opened th AtUra brklga .iturday, which was conitructed by a Philadelphia firm, nftur comiMtition with Hritish tlrnw for thu oontMot. 'II.. f.mngNows syi: "It now re- ...? s t-. 1m seen whether this bridg ' 1 1 It tn inenea on lines condemnwl by 1 ngbMi Imgineers will stand th tbara"a rutdung lUxnls. Edward lUmfo, of Weston, was ihwdieil into a barb wire fenee by his honse, severely cutting his log. It to feared blood iwlfcon will net In. Stock Up. Whether von are alnwt to harvest 1 your wheat or are making your plans to ' wilier yor hopa, You wUf netal a l a . ' ..IJ..U .ihjI sitkAalllMalBBt tuiniiir h iniviwuw h -..- "-: . kept lor iate uy cans, it is me latent jibcuiuiuu uiKcav ant nnd tonic No other preparation can approach it in eniclency. It in stantly relievos and iermanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, jloklleadacbe.Gastralgla.Cramps.and all other results of Imperfect digestion. Prepared by C. C DeWItt & Co.. ColcaQO. b'l ONE'S DRUG STORE medals. furnii-li study. tion. Tlio music and art iluimrtmuiiU all the essentials for ndvuiiued Prosiieetus Hint free oil appllmi-8-U2 lilt THEY ALL WANTED IT I! You are the y Uiouclit the tileycle In the window, was the only one we liuil, Theic were ilenly mor limlOe however, ami w old 'cm one each, Vc cau 111 vou out also WITH A RflWPORD, LEUELflND RE5CENT. PRICES: $25 to $75. Wo have,.,. Besl Bicycle R, M, WADE , CO. Tholntor-Stnto Unlvorelty SyBtom of Musical Instruction. K. II. HCOTr, I). M. Pt.UHIDKNT A Nutiiifitl (Miiratlfo Innlltntlon whlph U iMilnnlnir tn nilmlMtr IU UanlLy hr hHMUl iu funlty HMimifllliK iNiiiirml. iniiro nnd lt iuiIU liy Uiouiid1., Iliaiuweni)iini. Kur the h)nvnt or I'uplta ofl'rlruta 'IWhwa At Home. KIOIITII SflllOMHriO TMU. CrtitiMlw rntwl from a rrifvlarly char terej liutiluliim. KsnUnatlou of he tj.leiii laitvlall lu thiwi eoliiNiiM Watoli for It. LrrAASDRflH-WIUUMAN. Ht-ite lti.rtH)t'itlT .n.1 U.mlatr uf tl. I'uUlllT -"- "-.-."": ."..". a"i.-iii.i.. 1 1'lrat Naimaai iwub. iiihkm , ue. oiu fur 4iul player In Water Prolongs Your Life, If your house is not supplied with a Hath It ought to Imi. 1 will uitiku the Iron Tank, put In tluiTilb, tho bout of Plumbing, and do all kinds of tin work. On 1 1 uud ask for oetlmatofl. T. S. BURROUGHS; 10.1 HTATE.STItEET PHONE mil FOU SALE.-fi'J acer farm. Hltuatoil .i inilo east, of Sheridan, Or., 011 county road; good I room houso, wiHxlshed, well of water, now barn, henhouse, largo family orchard, (bearing) good spring water In pasture of Ifi acres, balance in cron, nricn M.- 800. $1,000 cash, balance time, a bar gain If taken in !10 days, for mora In formation call or write to owner on place. L. H. Murray, Sheridan, Or egon, 6 17 lmt WANTED. lluyors for now mountain hacks, platform wagons, hugghu. eastern or homo mndo. Also Hovorui second hand wagons, strong, useful tiiid cheap. Call and see them nt tho Salem enrrhuto fuotorv. iltU) Comiuer Ja.clal street. Werner Fennell. 8-11 tf WANTED. Men to cut, or split or haul wood. Wo will pay 60 cents for split ting. Cash overy week if wanted. Salem Fuel Co., room LI, ovor lliwh bank. 8-8 tf WANTED. Wheut, oats nnd barloy. bags furulsheil, (Jet our prices be fore you soil. Olllco on Court street' rear of Dalryiiiiilu's store : warehouse bibor Eschiiugo building. Ilartlelturiiliico. rillsuii, 8-7 U U1UYULE I'ATII If your bloyolo needs ropulrs bring It In, wo have 1. tho skill and Block to keep It In llrst class condition. Wc carry a full a lino nt sundries and makoa spoclal- 2lty of cnamollng comound see us. wo satisfy our patrons. Oardnor iSs ttWhito, 288 Liberty sticot. Holinuu's t block, next door to steam laundry. Phono 11865. 120-1. II')U8K CLeTnEUS - Itomeinbof that tho l)ost and carpet reit pupor sold 20-tf paper Is tho heavy felt at Tim Jouhnal olhce. C" Htll0 OTff 1 DIM niano uuarUU One or two 1 IlrawetMi A Kagan. A switclilug engine struck a wagon in which William Smith wa waited at Hoebrg, Friday, and deiuoliahetl it. Smith reaped injury. o j&. sb ro O i. X uSJu . 00 best mm mm Is iMiied Thursday ni'irning In tluiB to ronuh all m of the btato the shiii wok. II tc ia aeir lor uivcc, t pur.flti th ttixxl, r 1 r iwc utungvo. I 4KC9 TOU UTU&g i 0' U.l irtlpcbkt v4i(M oil wWF!7jt VT-M 'Mil Hariitl liAX al w v. 1 I jpr- t k. .ra m w ?wm 1 mmt r. af 1 Bfciai "7" QfSU 1.00 Weekly... HAKU000 KEST085D ti3i?Rffi"SSKa rtM.lrriiri I ion r all rtrvHM ilnmun. swh aa Wjk MamiMv. HaulaflM.UiikulliitM.fal MaHltuol. Kluhfly llmlv NvaiMH, U ut jtwf iu 0n-fllc Oimiu, rul CWI imc si wnuwnii wimu ioti iu ten, Infirmity erlnHHMy. Caa I earriad in vel ticket, fits per lx, fi rSr la. by laafl kmM. CtreuUr free. AlrHrunlsu. Take uo other. TBaufadHrtNl ytl rau MedilneCo.,l'art.l'faucc, (.nu v-navlit DrutcCo.ilUlrlbutluiraKenU, TUIRD AND VAMKIU. Ht . lnBTtl, O0OK. FOU SALE Y D. J. FRY, SALEM, ORISUON.U )W aaaaaaaaL- avfTvaiifeait THE OLD POSTOFFICE STABLES BBBBBBBBBBtakP1sl &f ;t)2 KKIlltV BT BALKM, OH. jrrFIDLER, proprietor. Horses Hoarded by the Hay, Week or Month. - wti?i'i - T he Luxury of Hot and Cold Water (11 your homo cannot bo overestimated, when supplied through tho medium of mcNhiru sanitary plumbing appliances. U'o are prepared to lit up vour humu with all tho latent Ideas 111 sanitary plumbing, Htoum and gas titling, amf at jirleirt that will enable the man of mod urate moans to enjoy It. BARR&PETZEL 314 COMMKKCIAL HI'KEST. Telaphone No. 3J7I Ktutidlng Teams, loo.' Hlnglo Horse 10a. inai 4rUi The 5-year-oW eon of Moaen McKionejr. r iriinvtuii. waa kicked in Um hi f 1 .. 1.... n. .rfltur ilar. It to thought he d UT ...I niH.nir. iO0-UAt, from I ' - .'n dniiUI M . . . a-l.. - now. Wialitaaalar. mt;i.f.Tk it mi I iu a ior. um" "-' . . . , ,i. .(.. lurtuiutlr Oat ' n. . .... iLaJj if l v In Uui ' z -v.'-.M-vr.i".vir r.,.. it . uiiiia rieuer em vr ..7 , fa.ic.,tin.,B.uiU, It-It aiile n IU a ktiiw. Fourten wn will UH -vice exawluaUon at ai: City, Sep tember first. A bank itb fM apiUl baa hew atari! at Antelope. Sao fell near Wet4o to-t w. In two rwrbtannlnlM all IiuiHirUint Foreign, National awl UU( Nw. Use Aliens Foot-Ease in Your Glovaa. A lady writes. "1 shake Allen'. J - I hase Intu uy gloves and rub a 1 ft i nn my hands it saves my glovei v a'lvjroiiig perripiratioti. It l a r c ilaiuty unlet powder." Allen' 1 i-Ee maketJ tight or nw shni ' iy. Atwas ue It tu llreafc In Nw ":.(-. u keep the feet cool and i.f.jrtable. We Invito th ttwntJon t puysiciuns and nursge Vu Uie ab- utt purltv uf Alleo'ti Fo-B. drug ami shoe sUiroa sail t . 26o eut FRRK. Adda Allen s Moisted. Le Roy, N. Y. I Si '. 1 rt 1 KJ i-i J Jill WtWLT JOURNA j Tlw Modal Oregon Newsiwnr and Family Journal. Calling News, Fiction. LlUrury, Ranch and Dairy naJ Market New in attraBtlyo readable form. Special rates given to Commercial men. Urlrva mada to an plnl at all houra. ;Hr Ms a nail amlviatliflI. i'htie 41. SiKldan DrJik. Mrs LI. JudaoH ami ilauglitrr I, ' f"r JuoL'tuMi City, Ijiiio coiinty," 11 rwvivvd a tehijram ll vwomtl '' tier uir Mrs rrnk tUiand, lu. 111 the niiitr l'ut snilta ' Juiu-Uoti, dW Jvhi-Uj- attsmaauo. nrtiier )wrtit'ulara. (Hlter frksuda r 41 mi hate Ikxmi iutiri.'i m 'I e ' i vl. in. Oraat Oprertunsty aw Haaae Saekaw. To etoae an eaUla which to iuvulred. town .rUa, aWi"" amall tnscW in fruit al iHiierwai" m i Only partial WuM rlurL In ,,Ui,W kLivii. Wsm.-ra M-; Tlot Uk. r jaih mm -81 a m Aa ii4lbHt Aiwat I'fa Pafstrfor Haa. Omi far mmftm free. tke W SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS' limlf Qrowrr and ScmIp Clanar. TaUlJoiitKALliaaUiefulleat repoftof the doing f M ltg'll'e ' fcUl ''l,a,', w " ,w,r" 4tU, U-r ifid . i cmmeiit H all BnWla Wt4r. HwA a trial MbaertpitoM. HOFKU 1JKOS NOT GROCERS TO THE PRESIDENT. But Grocars to the People. We keep in Stock a full Variety ofiProvisions, Groceries and Fruit Anything and everything you need. At prices to compete, call and compare. HARRITT St L.ACDRJBNOB OLD l-OBTOKWCI! OKOCHHV, cure tndiiatLh i'm I'm ti li.r 4Hiiaiaa' h- lta. MmawituMtyei in.ikiluHa uf alMMslwe. il w y . x h t unrnkftm. I'.ihKim, aft'l aot Inn- limltmCHiM'uCa " ". ioiinit )!' " "r "V'"") wr t- vn . .,. ij, .j. Ml U I M Uf VaTl BBBBBBVA. n 1 fBW l1 r m-mI li sMltt WT.H'jr. HED FRONT LIVERY Firstlaso Feed and Boarding stables. InhOUMMKItUIAI. HTItHKT. ;halrm, oiib. Wm ULLREY, Prop. Best Rigt. for Commercial .Men 8uUm In MiuDftbiftk Hotel Wllluw(U, t)2rHafo teams und comfortable rig for ladle and fuiully ilriylm a npe alty. Horse boarded by day, week or month mid )nml uf satlafactlflii ifuarantt'cd. 3lt - - l"llUI M Rnrfal fAlInrfA K 1 11. I 1WK. 1 VUUUIiVJ utwl atAwttntluai UiMllttl. (14 M ttatom. 40 wWeaTrtMii l'rtiaU.) OaSit-we aiat Thwim OoDWiBai I'rejeMatary JKry, aKuna! olaakatl. Kornal, (kmwgnM. )hul OngMa n Ma 1 Vur luura auil MMUU IHMI. CuHilUal -.-' jr-"..".w "';. . fi .-i.i.r..t' iMttatiHHiiw rauMsra. iitwiuunii IIHM iSK. arverK7lraw1iK, Olvil Berviae, Preneh. CtarwaH. Spat. h. Italian Hhairthand, TmwritlHif, TeWapny. Mnrf. A apeeial abs4 is nrtwMyil jer atn, dinlawlwHitmntoTfrinrar.wWitenter fall aw) iettvi early in ewiiifc AmCSkSmtmM twUratte aertlliatw awUtetn .llldomaa wn furred. Hcnd for catalogue. AddrHaa, ,,. . ,vrT TuKl'RHiia);MiTAK(UiuiEiiK. Ml inxeLiire. Notice to Hddtfo Contractors. - Tho uiidondgned Hill recolva, at his otllce In Alhauy, Or , sealed bldg uutn Hepteuiiior ui, ikrtj, at uiu notir ol 1 o'elock p. in. fur the building of lira eylwnUr pier uiuler the Oretni Furry briilge, over tlie Sautiatu river msr Jufferwii. Orvtwii. Pkini hihI selrloatifliis far said work tin be aeeu at the ollleo of the alerk of Marion eunnty, also at my ollUo in Alb any. "kU Ht euMrla of Marlon ami Linn Moonlit renerve the right to rejtyt any and all hid. Honda in tha lum hidden H'lll Isj Maatwl ol the anotfoudul bidder tni award uf euiitiaot- FKAMKOUAimiHK, 8 21 121 i fork t bum County, Or. f V , t ;i ' i 'V i !8J