The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, August 24, 1899, Image 1

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vol. x
NO 199
Home Made Goods.
Specials: A very select
line of Boy's Knee Pant Suits
of our own goods made up in
vim do vi The ianrest assortment of
Aien's Pants: Regular sizes,
All sizes of Boy's Black Hose, extra sizes and extra longs.
the very best to be had: A? In No matter what size voir call
for them. for we have them. A special
drive on them
7 he finest line of Crash Hats
for Men and Bovs to be
oral other
ho judged thoro were scv
cam pa about na lnrge.
Pennsylvania Repul)-
licans Nominate.
in Patterns and
Matt Quay is Still in the
Confidence In Torres.
Tho minister of war says General
Torres, commanding tho federal forces
near Torin, has tho Yaqui situation
well in hand. Ho has 300 national
ituards, 1,700 infantry, 400 cavalry and
two machine suns. No more troops
are to bo sont. Tho hosttlos will not
risk another open engagement. They
havo escaped to tho mountains, and
guerrilla troops havo been organized to
follow them.
F. M. Howe and party came homo to-
day from Newport, after enjoying bath
ing in tho surf and catching tlsh for two
uiooi&h iua
Mississippi Democrats Nominate State
Ticket-Other Political Notes.
Upon looking around
Found it to be a fact that
$3.50 shoes are equal to any
$4 shoe to be found in Salem
Call and see them at
275 Commercial St.
Salem, Oregon.
New Attractions each Week,
This week wn are elTcrlni: ENAMELED IRON BEDSTEADS
,mr,ro..t. -IM lip.uiMfiillv finished und mounlod, one of wlilcli
make your sleeping room look cozy nnd cool.
In our rooms you will And tho furniture necessary to completly furn
ish your homo and only needs to be seen to be appreciated, Our
prices will prove satisfactory. Wo hope to have you cume and look
over our stock at your earliest convenience.
F. W. Hollis & Company
Piano. Violin. SKYENVHltST-CUSS TEAl'lltlUMiM Itf
Singiojr, History.
Harmony, lounitrpoini.
Tlipnrv nnmnnSfinn.
t vwi jf r.,v-- nt- rt r O I n
hKANULbUU UtLtT, uuan, omuin, ui.
Mr. I-oltov L.tiesnor 1ms heen
engaged as tlrst assistant In tho
Violin Department.) Send for
Circular or Catalogue, to
nr C
sm Sale is Stil
Indeed in the matter of low prices for Shoes
it will be ever
on. uur tun aiui-rv ui
Ur Aaaoclnted I'reaa to (lie Journnl
Haiiisiioiio, Pa., Aug. 21. Tho Ko
publican state convention nominated
Col. James Harnett, of tho tenth regi
ment for stale treasurer. J. Hay
Brown Lancaster, for supremo court
judge and Joshiah II. Adams, Philadel
phia, for 8iiierior court judge.
The nomination for supremo judge is
equivocal to election by reason of two
vacancies und no elector boingentitled to
vote for more than one person.
The platform endorses the administra
tion of McKinley and Governor Ston e,
nnd commends the executive for his ap
pointment of Quay to United States
senate and pledges tho party to reduc
tion in expenditures of the departments
of the state gover uuient.
A demonstration was givon Senator
Quay when he entered tho hull ac
companied by State Chairman Klkln.
Tho convention was called to order by
Chairman Klkln and Senator Penrose
was olected temporary chairman.
Jackson, MIsh., Aug. 21. Hon. A. II.
Longino, of Washington county, was
yesterday nominated for governor of
Mississippi by tho Democratic state con
vention, without opposition. There was
a stormy time In tho convention over
tho adoption of tho report of tho plat
form committee, tho contention boing
over the indorsement of Governor Me
Lnurin's administration. Tho resolu
tions reported by tho committee indors
ing the govornor wore dually ndopted by
a vivo voen vote.
The platform indorses tho declarations
of tho Chicago convention of 181)0, and
declares Hon. W. J. Bryan to bo "tho
ablost exponent of thoso principles, tho
statesman and patriot, tho great tribune
of the people." Of trusts the platform
"Wo enter solemn protest ngainst tho
oncroachnionts upon government, af
fairs by aggregated capital in tho form
of trusts and combines as being Inimi
cal to tho boat interests of tho massoh of
tho people, ond tho cause of ireo and un
trammeled government, and express
ourselves us unalterably determined to
nid by nil possible nnd proiiur moans the
control or destruction of tlieso enemies
ot government."
A last evening's sosslou J. L. Power
was nominated for secretary of state ;
F. W. Hrown for mipremo omirt olerk j
II. L. Whltford, for supurlntondont of
public odiieation, and A. Q. May for
railroad oommitfslonor for tho southern
district. Tho ticket will be completed
Jacksok, Mis., Aug. !. The Demo
orotic state convention adjourned today
after having nominated a oompleto state
ttflkul. headed bv A. II. I0Uglll0, of
Washington county, for governor.
tu Meet the
Department Does Not Apprehend Inter
national Complications.
Arrangements for Transporting Troops
Made Newport Haa Arrived at
Troops Sail Prom
Mokes tho food more delicious and wholesome
aom lumtia rowotn co., w voiw.
Rumors that Hostalities
Have Begun.
Are daily arriving and will be put on our
shelves the tirst ol tne coming .num. , a.,
sold at figures close to the bone. Good Hop
Picking Shoes for next to nothing.
R. H. Leabo, Manager.
8S State Ht, Ladd & Ih1i Bank Bldg.
tlr Aaaoclnted I'reaa to the Jaurnnl.
Washington', Aug. 21. Tho state de
partment does not apprehend that in
ternational complications will arise out
of General Otis' courso In excluding the
Chinese from tho Philippines as this is
said to bo only a temporary military ex
pedient, leaving tho general question to
bo determined by congress.
Ciucaho, Aug. 21. Captain rainier,
chief quartermaster of thodepartmonton
tho lakes, completed all arrangements
for tho transportation of tho Thirty-Unit
infantry from Fort Thomas, Ky., to San
Francisco, whence they will sail for
Washington, Aug. 21. Otis today re
ports the arrival of tho transjort New
port at Manila.
Washington, Aug. 21. The following
appointment is announced for tho new
volunteer regiment. To Ihj llrst lieuten
ant Jas. F. Caso, lato Captain Second
Oregon infantry. Tho altovo appoint
ment with thoso already made tills tho
quota for Oregon.
Coast Clubs Represented nt Astoria Or
ganized. Ily Aaauelnleil I'reaa to the Juurunl.
AsToiiiA, Aug. 21. Tho Pacific Coast
Association of Amateur Oarsman was
organization hero hist evening. Tho
clubs which havo joined it are as fob
Iewh: South Ends, Alamedas, Pioneers,
Dolphins, Ariels, University of Cali
fornia and the Astoria rowing clubs.
Tho Vancouver, Victoria and St. James
Hay and expected to Join later.
Tho rules anil regulations governing
the National Association of Amateur
Oarsmen woro adopted, with but slight
exceptions and alterations. Annual
meetings and regattas for next season
will bo hold in Astoria. The following
olllcera wore elected : President, D. O.
Fulton, Astoria; vice-president, O. J.
Pembroke, Han Francisco; secretary,
Harrison Allen, Astoria; treasurer, h.
C. Hughes, Astoria; K. C. Hallock and
Harry Hamblott, Astoria. The Imard
of directors Is coniowed of Dr. C. C.
Dennis, South Kudu; K. J. Pembroke,
AlamedaH; W. P. Kspey, Pioneers; W.
T. Uothcopf, Doljihins; J. H. Bookman.
Artels; James Hopper, Unlvorsitv of
California, and (ieorge James, of the
Olympics. Another meeting will bo
hold tomorrow to perfect further details.
J. 11. Miller of Pendleton Probably Fatally
1-bniii.utdx, Or., Aug. SI. J. H. Mil
lar, a Buloon.keoi.Hjr, of this city, was
shot and prolsibly fatally wounded a few
minutes before 12 o'clock last Wodiuw
dry night, by Ed, h. Mims. Tho trouble
trouble between tho men began in ft dis
pute ovor a card game. Miller accused
Mims of doing crooked work with tho
cards, and barred him from a game or
bolo which was Iwlng 4ayd for money
in Miller's saloon. A fight uiisuw , dur
ing which Mims drew a pistol and shot
The Natives Arming
With Mauser
that Emperor William has refused to
accept tho cabinet's resignation. Later,
however, a partial reorganization of tho
ministry will be made.
TonoNTo, Aug. St. Tho American
yacht Uoncsso beat tho Canadian,
Uenvor, in todays race by over a mile
and n half. Tho American wins the cup.
The Inhabitants Givo Him An Ovation.
"liSiTSl w
rP? A V
Carpenter's Tools
Blacksmith's Tools,
Fine Tools
Fori (Every
Trade at
Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore.
ToirM' Column Declined
Potah, Mexico, Aug. SI, via Nogalee,
A.T., Aug. 24. General Torrtw, with
his command, arrived opinio Torin
this afternoon, and every one I asking
why he advanced to within two or three
.lUw of where feeverol hundred warriors
were known to bo and then turned and
marched to Torill.
- Information baa mn received that a j
r.t inanv of Uie rebels have ruUarned
within the pt tw dy t Vtown. und
other place from which Uiey had loen
routed. A small bawl of Indian, with
bows awl arrows, have bee iwmig up
and down the river. kilUwg all thelwrsee
and mule they oouw niw. a grem
many ralUi have been cowing down the
irm during the lat wek. Tltey are
iUL kv the Iwllaiw a WW "-
as & ri m u,alr way to Uw 8Urra
A short time a' "" "
ant rl, Joaquin VoaUm, the eommhi
rteat IVrtaw.wwt a Vaqui u. Uw
Daatt HWURtaine with torn hw
tobeMt thece on partttntf. re
wrne.1 today ard t4k how Is wan
Uikffi nriHr by now hoetUiOe-
ui tmiut. ChUipK to be a tywi-
ihlMr awl eer to Join them, be gid
.r MUlidMMM. MMl C OJW
Unity arriveU, be woumeu
borM he had wUetl, aJ i4oed to the
btttth. and pulled out w m mm
biMhMdd. II mft there
tj0Hl-vxt . . -
Ig thu one jJ. "l "ow OUH
Miller, thobullet taking effect just unde.
the rllwon the left hUh, passing tjiiwigh
the abdomen ami longing uimur vn mi
in frnniof tho riuht bin. Miiiisisa wm
Ur Aiaoolated I'rc. to flin .loartint.
Soutiiamiton, Aug. St. Tim steamer
Arundel Castle Bailed today with thirty
olllcers and 770 men of vnriotw regi
mentH bound for Cape Town.
UiiiitALTAK, Aug. SI. A Manchester
regiment of 1,000 men has sailed for
Capo Town.
London, Aug. SI. Tho Johannesburg
correspondent of tho Timos says;
Disquieting reports have boon recolvod
hero from Natal. It Is said that Hundav
a train from Johannesburg was llreil
tijion in Transvaal territory.
The feeling near tho bonier is bitter
and the Boers are armed with Mausers.
Notes From Chamberlain.
Phktoiiia, Aug. SI. Conyngham
Ureeu, the Hritlsh agent and charge
d'affaires at Pretoria, presented to tho
government a dispatch from tho llrltlsh
secretary of state for tho colonies, Mr.
Chamberlain, the nature of which has
not yet been divulged. The presumption
is that it Is connected with tho recent
Kxir parleurs. The members of tho ex
ecutive are appcarontly more cheerful.
Substance of the Answer,
Cai-k Town, Aug. SI. From an ex
cellent unollleial source of information,
it is iiHcortalned that tho substances ot
the Trausvaul's communication to tho
British government, in reply to tho hit
ter's domand, is u concession of n live
year's retroactive franchise, a share In
the election of the president, and an in
creased representation of tho gold Holds,
probably eight additional seats, and a
stipulation that all other questions are
to lie submitted to arbitration but not
by a foreign power; that (Ireat Britain
shall not use international Interference
as a precedent, and that the British
government shall relinquish all suzer
ainty rights.
Joiiannksiiuho, Aug. SI. At a moot
ing hero of SCO Germans, a committee
wan aniHiiutod to express to tho
Tranvaal government a willlngnesH ot
tiermaiiH to volunteer for service In cute
ot war, hut requesting that they be en
rolled lu separate corps on account ol
hardships endued by (lormaus in tho
Magato campaign.
London, Auir. SI. The Martinis
mi ry siteiil tne aiieriioon aim
Is believed
Transvaal is partly resitous llilo for
premiers visit.
bury six
with Qu
ueen Victoria, it
that tho grave situation ot affairs in tho
Duiinan, Aug. S4. Tho Natal men be
longing to tho British reservo belonging
liiiro havo been ordered to hold them
selves in readliioff to rejoin their regi
ments. IIhhi.i.v.Aiik. 31. The Associated Press
uorroa'ioudunt hero loam authoritatively
Admiral Denies Some Incorrect
Reports Made of His
Ur AocUeil Irraa n the Journnl.
Nick, Aug. SI. Admiral Dewey, ac.
coinpanlcd by Flag Lieut. Brumby and
the American vice-consul this morning
returned the visits mado yestenlay by
various army, naval and civil author
ities. The inhabitants ot Nice gavo Dewey
an ovation as ho passed through the
strceta. Ho returned to Vlllo French
at noon.
Tho admiral created a maiked im
pression here, all thoso who saw him
being stuck with his extreme amiability
ami modesty.
Dewey expresses regret at tho Incor
rect reports concerning his reception at
Trieste. It was, he said, most courteous
and hearty. "Not only myself," added
Dewey, "but every onoon tho Olympla
received every iosslblo attention."
Agrees to American
And He Is Paid a Royal
Sevoral Other Chiefs Also to Receive
Will Exclude Chinamen.
Aaauolntril Vtttm tu tti Journal.
Wahiun'iton, Aug. SI. The state de
partment has lieeu Informed, through
diplomatic channels, that General Otis
has applied the Chinese exclusion laws
to the Philippines. Tho information
was a surprise to tho authorities here.
Tho matter was brought to tho atten
tion ot tho stale department by the
Chluoso minister, and Inquiry was made
as to how the action was brought about,
as tho Chinese government ban been
sollcitious, since American military con
trol was established in tho Philippines,
that tho United Ktates exclusion laws
should not be extended oyer those Is
lands. The Chinese olllelalH were advised that
any action, taken by (leneral Otis lu ap
plying the exclusion laws to the Phil
ippines, was not tho result ot instruc
tions sent from hero.
There Is llttlo doubt that tho Chinese
will seek to havo (leneral Otis' order
hold in abeyance until the authorities
here pass Uou tho general question,
which has been under consideration
iMjtweeu tho two governments.
The state department has received an
iuiortnut letter from Mr. Williams,
former consul at Manila, who still re
mains there lu a conditional capacity,
Ho says the native Filipinos are strong
ly op'ioitod to Chluesu lalmr, and,
in his opinion tho exclusion ot tho
Chinese from tho Islands would ma
terially aid lu bringing tho war to a
close. Ho places tho Chinese (Mipula
tlou at 6S.000
Tho Doat Proscription for Malaria
Clillla mill Kov.rlm boltlu of liiorHlMirr
tiM Ullll.l. Tonic. It la (Imply lion ami
Oiilnltialti a lutoli furin No mire, do par,
Trie too. 7-17 il Aw 4tn
Ur Aaaoolnted Ireaa (a Hie Journnl.
Manila, Aug. SI. General Bates has
returned from Hulii, having Huccossfully
accomplished his mission there. After
live wooka' negotiations, with much
tact, an agreement was signed wbloh in
substance was as follows :
'American sovereignty over the
Mores shall lie recognlr.el. and there
shall bo no persecution against religion ;
tho United states shall occupy and con
trol such parts ot tho archipelago as
public interest demands: any person
may mirchaso laud with tho Bultan'a
cum-ont;thu Introduction of lire-arms
shall bo prohibited ; piracy shall bo sup
pressed ; the American courts shall havo
jurisdiction, except between tho Mores:
Americans shall protect tho Moros
against foreign Imposition, and tho sul
tali's subsidiary from Spam shall bo
Tho sultan and
the agreement.
several chiefs signed
Nuw Yohk, Aug. SI. Tho Manila cor-rcs-M)iidout
ot tho Herald, describing
tho agreement with tho Sultan ot Sulu
says: Tho Hultau agrees to all Amer
ican terms proosod and recognizes ab
solute suzerainty ot tho United States,
An Important clause of treaty gives
tho Americans the right to purchase
land, Wo retain all 'torts which tho
Spanish formerly occupied and reserve
tho right to open others at our discretion.
Tho Sultan collects no revenue but
will receive an annual salary, maintain
ing law and order. Several ot his prin
cipal chiefs are also salaried.
Ida of candy at KLLIS k 'INN'S
Down to their store make haste,
During these times wo havo many kinds
Flavored to milt your taste.
And in tho counters madu ot glass
Or what Is on tho shelves,
Wo know Its good, wo know it should
For we made It all ourselves,
IH-vatnto at.
Phono 2U7'V.
V Uulle.
ug. SI. Soptembui 7ltf,
Cash LOOK.
Cash 71.
San Fkanoihco, Aug. SI,'
in-law of ex-Stata Senator Y . Y. Mat
lock, ot this county, ami was deputy in
ternal revenue collector under Henry
Blackmail. He gave himself up and
was turned over to the sherilT.
Buy while
is on
I os. Meyers & Sons I?
Wi I A It'
, L '
I 9 JiF
A Pain in the Eye
Mar be wusod by an -Mutant or it reay
U l warning that .gM?, --J2:
They mmmiw "" ""-
Then their nw way be only temporary.
vLu-l. the waht way l iMjrmane-itly
latarwl. In eHecUon with or
We have the facility tor Usting the
118 BTATf "".
Summer's Son Will soon Wane
To make room for our Fall Stock which is daily arriving, we
have picked out a line which we are offering at greatly reduced
prices. Call and see the fourth window displayvit will save you
dollars Here are a few prices
A $15.00 line at $8.50
A $12.00 line at S7.75
A $10,00 line at $6,95
A $8.50 line at $5,95
A $7,50 line at $5.75
'These arc bona fide reductions,
We can afford to do it
m i