,sr DAILY JOURNAL. t vol. x SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY; ATJGrTJST 22 1899. NO 197 'rr''WHl npH"t? Salem woolen imi Heme Made Goods lis i GAME house for religious purposes must apply (or permission, furnishing tho following particulars: necessary; the STRENGTH Specials: A very select line of Boy's Knee Pant Suits of our own goods made up in luuiif l L - i u f- r" i I - . vmm nnvi .. I,ie irgest assortment of Alens Pants: Regular sizes, All sizes of Boy's Black Hose, extra sizes and extra longs. the very best to be had: Ask No matter what size you call for them. for we have them. A special anveon tnem 1llO finaH Htm nf ""..ok LI.. J... V "I11.01 IUH. Ul V I, ID 1 1 llilli for Men and Bovs to be But Pood Supply Getting Low. is found. Styles. in Patterns and Noncombatants Enforced to Work For Filipinos, Whv such build I ni? Is unto wnon tho uutlillm; will bo com- Dieted ; thu nnnio of tho building, whore located and nil necessary information relating to tho site and structure, and also tho plan of tho edifice ; tho nnmo of the religion, its method of control and maintenance; when thuro is n chief preacher, his qualifications and tho memou ot nts election. If the building is not completed within thu time stated by tho applicant, tho permit will be null und void. LABORI APPEARS MJOOUEfl Mttih STORt McArthur Establishing Municipal Gov ernment in Villages. Upon looking around Found it to be a fact that KRAUSSB RROS $3,50 shoes are equal to any $4 shoe to be found in Salem Call and see them at 275 Commercial St. Salem, Oregon. FREE SHINE ft N6W Era In the Shoe Business Wc propose to continue our Big Sale right on through the Fall season and will put all our inv mense Fall and Winter Stock, including a full line of Rubber Goods on Sale Sept. 1st, A big cut on every shoe in the store. SALEM SHOE STORE R. H. Leabo, Manager. 88 State St. Ladd & lhHi Hank Hidjj. iff 1 m New Attractions each Week. IE in will This week wo aro olTerlne ENAMELED IRON BEDSTEADS rliiTnr.it. Mlze9 beautifully finished and mounted, one of which make your sleeping room look cozy and cool. " " In our rooms you will find the furniture necessary to completly furn ish your heme nnd only needs to be seen to be appreciated, Our prices will prnyo satisfactory. Wo hope to have you come and look over our stock at your earliest convenience. F. W. Hollis & Company Ur Aaaoclntert I'reaa to the Journnl. Manila, Aug. 10 via Hong, Hong Aug. 22. Filipino rebels appear to retain much more righting spirit than might ho expected nfter their recent San Tor nado experiences and Lawtons drub bings in the south. After giving up San Fernando with a feeble struggle they entrenched at Angeles', working for several days, and impressing tho noncombatants into tho work thin saving the armed men for lighting. In a brush between the Filipinos and tho Americans during three days tho Americans lost several men, while tho Filipino loss was very heavy. Of those operations tho associated press correspondent was permitted to send only inadequate dispatches, dic tated vorbatom, by Gen. Otis' censor who writes only stereotyped olllcial phrases and adjectives into tho dis patches, tending to magnify American oorntlons and minimize tho opposition. All roiwrts from territory agree that thu scarcity of food is increasing and tho rolwl commanders at A party and other points have rofuscd to obey Ag uhuddo's orders in legard to closing tho tKirta liuld by tho rebels against Amer ican ships. Hundreds of people come into Manila daily and return to the rebel linos with food nnd other commodities. Guards (stationed along tho road roK)rted that 5000 porHons passed through the lines in three days ond that Ifi tons of rice wore curried out in small parcels on tho same road in ten days. Much of this undoubtedly goes to aid the rebels, but tho authorities permit tiie tralllc from motives of charity to wards tho women und children who are undoubtedly suffering. Gen. MaeArlhur is establishing municipal government in tho villages north of Manila. Tho mayor of Rulluug, tho ilrst town where Law ton established thu same ruio, who was supposed to lw one of the most friendly ami trustworty natives lias been placed in jail charged with ar ranging witli the rebels for an attack on the town. It is alleged that more than half of tho Howitzer ammunition used during tho light at Angeles was defective and failed to explode. American Soldiers Drowned. Manila, Aug. 22. While a reconnoi torlng party of tho Twenty-fourth in fantry, under Captain Crane, was cross ing the Mariiiuina rivor on a raft the haweor8 broke. Tho current, vory swift at that point, caused tho raft to capsize, drowning nine enlisted men. The United Statos transport Turtar, from San Francisco July 21, with Gen eral Joseph Wheeler and his daughter, troops of tho Nineteenth infantry and more than fl, 300,030 in coin, has ar rived. Dewey In France. Villk, Franco, Aug. Tho cruiser Olympia arrived this morning. Tho usual salutes wore exchanged. Otis Report. Washington, Aug, 22. Otis caplod thu war department a long list of names of inon wounded In thu rccunt engage ments in tho Philippines. Tito list show Corporal Otis, L. Denny, Co. K, First Washington, soverly wounded In tho chest August 18, near Son 1'odro Mocatl. ENTERTAINS THE RUSSIANS. TWO VOLUNTEERS EMPLOYED The Salem Fire Department Fills Two Vacancies With Soldiers. Tho city administration seems to bo friendly to tho returned volunteers, having given two of them places today, as follews: 0. J. Hull will go on duty as hoseman to succeed I'etor Grebor, who has been promoted to tho position of hose driver to succeed Frank King, resigned, nnd Titos. Townsend takes the place of Will Lnndon, hoseman, who has enlisted for tho Philippines. In Court to Defend His Client. TWO The Victor Fire. II r Aaaoclntcil Preaa to the Jaurnnl. VicToit, Colo., Aug, 22. Tho total number of buildings destroyed by llro yesterday, is 800. Tho total los is cstl mated nt from $1,000,000 to 2,(500,000 Insurance from $100,000 tofSOO.OOO. Internal Machines Sent to Him. Bath Loaded With Gun Cotton-Other Foreign Items. ORIENTAL NEWS. General Hale and Prince Kaw ananakea Arrive. With Royalty THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC. rjPiano, Violin. SEVEMUCT-CLASS TEICIIEBSSEYES Sill'ior, IltStorV. (Mr. LaRoy L. liewier has lwoii HariH0Dyt UnottrptlDt. violfn Department.) Send for TllWrV, CompOSitiOO. Circular or Catalogue, to FRANCESCO SELEY, Dean, Salem, Or, v ; 1T1U01M Howard Gould and Wife as Guests. 'Moscow, Aug. 22. Mr.;and Mrs. How art! Gould, with Tinted Statu Consul General Winsluw, ot Stockholm, as tnoir viiMit. vinltwl St. Petersburg this week on Mr. Gould's yacht Niagara. Thu party entertained while at St. Petorsbrg thu Grand Puke Alexis, uncle of thu and commandur-iu-clilul oi tno lljr Aaaoclntcil lreaa to the Jonrnnl. San Francisco, Aug. 22. Steamer Doric arrived today from China snd Japan via Honolulu. Among tho pass oncers woro General Irving Halo and I'riucoKawananakca, of Japan. Thu Hawaiian government lias given consent to tho importation of nearly ten thousand laborers from Japan during the next quarter. Thu steamship City of Columbia, has been abandoned at sea. in a waterlogged condition and her crew, thirty-eight men, are now in Honolulu. THREE HANGED. First LcimI Execution in the Klondike Country. Hkattlk, Aug. 22. Passengers of the steamer City of Topuko, which arrived last night from Hkagway, Alaska, bring news of the Ilrst legal execution in tho Klondike. A triple hanging occured at Dawson Auguss 1. The parlies hanged were two Indians, Dawson Nantuok, Jim Nun tuck, and one wliltu man, Kdward Henderson. Henderson was conviutod.of murder ing his partner, nunied'Potorson, on the trail near .Marsh laKo, in Bopioinnor. 1807. Tho Indiana were convicted of murdering William Malum and Injuring his partner. James Fox, on the McCilu toek river, In May 181)8. There were originally four Indians im plicated in the murder of Malum, but two of them died in jail at Dawson hist full. The execution was private and passed off without siieciul incident. NEBRASKA CONVENTIONS." To Meet On Same Date Diyan Is a Del-Bate. Omaha, Aug. 22. Tho .state tlons of the IXjinocrats, Silver Republicans in this oltv todav tiou candidates for justice of the ill GRAY Carpenter's Tools, Blacksmith's Tools, Fine Tools For" Every Trade at BROS Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore. air ana rommaiHier-in-ciuoi " ItiiMrian navy. Admiral Schilling and Captain Niloff and Captain Fouroff, ae eoinjwnied by the Cnlted State Ambas sador Charlemagne tower. Tha jmrty remained on the yacht an lionr. Tho grand duko uxprum! astonishments, at Die oomnletene of thu yacht and th comfort of iU apiiointmentti. I he Ni agara has returned to Stoekltolm, ami will go then to Mm. CHUCH RESTRICTIONS. Japan Will Place All Sects Under Control of Governor. Ciiicam, Ag. 8. A feiul to th T1mHaW front SaUl. Vt'wtU., Japan's nw law regNlatiHt: all faiths ami bulMs" lw mm into flt awl mush etuntNt has urUmx in bowk juftnee. A copy of tlte regulation has potHi rwived at tha Jbhim eNitlat :. Awording to it all mn, igin or Christian, ara Aaaml uwlar tlw abso lute oontrol of a local govarnor. Witlt nut liU onnitiu ovan a elmreJi can not be built or MUg hkl. Tlta rag Hkttlons avan no so far as to demand da- Utllad iHtormatlwi ramming tna pawor. lUfaru ooiuuMtHciMs! ralusktwc work. NroiMHatora of a faiUt must go Uoratlta MMnxor wiLk all dttaik. Tlw erltama kith hum ba fully axplainad. cimrch AixiiHa aoeoHHtad tor, and tha irsonal ami ralkekwtt Uktory of tha awtfettMl, IHraadkar and HHtmbara oNtHmal m wrUtoft. Tba ordar furthar Ue9t Vmt all wlio dcaira to eatabtiali ur kuikl a tPiiipi-. churrti, itawliinic or Wlura- couveu- Populists and of Nebraska met to place in nouiiua- sit- iremo court and two memlMirs of the board of regents of the statu univorsit; There will Imi a stromr attemiit mat! to fuse tho three parties on all the Herni ations, with a good prospect of succoss. Colonel W. J. Jlryitn is a dolegato to tho Democratic convention and it is rea sonably safe to predict that his wislios will govern tho action of that lody. This moans that fusion will bo a go, and that the platform will doolaru for free silver. On the question of the Philippines, tho platform will in all probability, declaro against expansion and criticise tho ad ministration for Its conduct of the war. Use Allen's Foot-Ease in Your Gloves . A lady writes: "I shako Allen's Koot-lOaso Into my gloves and rub a little on my hands, it saves my glove by absorbing perspiration. It Is u most dainty toilet powder." Allen's Foot-Ease makos tight or new shoos oasy. Always use it, to urea in ww Shoos. It keens the feet cool and comfortable, wo Invite tho attention of physicians and nurwoa to tho ab woluto purity of Allcn'B Fuot-haso. All drug und shoo stores sell It, 25c. Sample sent FKEE. Addross Allen 8. Olmsted. Lo Uov, N. Y, 1 II r Aaaoclntcil I'rraa to the JnurnnL Hknnks, Aug. 22.- N. Ijibori apeand in court this morning and was congratu lated by President Jouanstc, Iiborl re pliel in an eloquent speech. His reply to tho president coiisidombly fa tlgucd him and lie sat down Hushed and holding his side. Ho afterward once or twice nervously twitched his lingers as though he was suffering. The Ilrst witness was M. Gronior, tho former prefect of Ihtlfort. His testi mony was favorable to Dreyfus nnd dis tinctly hostilo to Ksterhaxy. Major ltollin of tho intelligence de partment was asked by Iibori during tho formor's testimony now certain doc uments of u later dato than Morciurs ministry come into Morclors possession. Kollln said that was not his business to explain. Finally Idibori asked Jou nnste to ropiest Mercier to uxplain. Tho General declined to answer, Lnbori insisted but Mercier still refused to an swer. Labor! then declared ho would reserve to himself thu right to take tho neces sary measures to obtain tho desired in formation. Kknniw. A nit. 22. Ijiborl lust eveniinr receivii I two mysterious parcels IhiIIuvoiI Royal v Absolutely fojBE Bakino Powder :r4s$OLVXEIYtaRE Mokes the food more delicious and wholesome otu iuiwa wwtpm eo., Kfw tokk. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Salem Y. M. C, A, Holds Its Annual Meeting and Docs Business. A meeting of tho board of directors of tho Young Men's Christian association was hold in tho association parlors last evening. Those presont wore: N, J Damon, C.J. Atwood, Dr. K. M. Hurd, John II. Scott, C. P. Ulshop, J. I. Fos- tor, Joseph H. Albort, W. T. Itlgdon and F. A. Wiggins. An election of tho olllcers of tho board was hold. F. A. Wicains bolnir elected as president ; C. P. Bishop, vice presi dent j A. T. Gilbert, treasurer! 0. J. Atwood, recording secretary. Plans woro formed for tho fall and winter in tho physical and educational depart ment. It was decided to call to Uils Held a trained and oxDorlonccd mini with tho ability to do tho highest class of physical work, and with the help of) an eiucieui assistant till tno olllco of general secretary. The work of tho association will lie pushed along new and up to dato Hues. railroadImkillep KRUGER REFUSES To Submit to England's Demand. to Ikj infernal machine, tixamiug them. The police it it Paius, iiu' nut telegraphs that infernal ., Honnits sent Ijdxirl been found cotton. corresiKind- machines tilled with gun Famine on East Coast of Africa. I.onion, Aug. 22. Tho Church Mis sionary Society has just received n re port stating that -10,000 persons have died tif famine on the east coast of Africa. Attack M. Guerin's Home. Losiion, Aug. 22. Tho Dally Chroni cle publishes tho following from its Paris correspendent: A detachment of infantry hart hist commenced an attack upon M. Guerin's house, which is likely to lead to blood shed Iniforo morning. Nolody is allowed to approach the scone, and the cavalry charges aro need lessly brutal. Uoilcr Explosion Aiti.lton, Wis. Aug. 22. A Imller ex exploded at tho Planing Mill today, kill ing two men and seriously Injuring eight others. Reed Resigns. Maine, Aug. 22. Tho rosig- II. Reed as congress man for tho lirst Maine district was re ceived by Governor Powers today. The Governor accepted the resignation, whlch.takps effect September, liOth 2:10 p. m. AUIIUSTA. nation oil nomas PERSONAL, tho asylum Nowjort to Mrs. after- Miss Olllo RolRirtnon, of force, returned today from Her Home near turner. Mr, and Mrs, J. Q. Wilson and A. A. Wheeler aro spending thu noon nt Cliemuwu. Mrs. Frankio Cornell, matron at thu asylum, returned today from Newport. MrM. Lyman Savago and daughter re turned today from Newxirt. Squire Purrar Is homo from Heal ItockN. By Tramps and Bodies Thrown Under the Cars. Ur Aaaoclntcil lrraa to tlir Journnl. Maiisiialltown, la., Aug. 22.Three tramps stealing a ride on a Chicago nnd Groat Western freight train shot and killed brakenuin Wilson and Conductor Mathews and threw their bodies under the wheels, The murderers escaped but an armed posse has started in pursuit. Prisoner's Plan to Escape, ClIlCAun. Allir. 22. Hidden In tlm clothing of one of tho prisoner) at tho l'orl Sheridan iniiird house vitstenlav. was found the kev to the nost mairaxinn. On other prisoners the oillcoro Investi gating a supposed jail delivery plot, dls. covered razors, knives, powder und cartridges. Further examination hv Captain II, I). Houghton, of tho Fiftli artillery, and Lieutenant Macoch. dis closed thu fact that the three unrieht bars In tho window of the guanlho'isu had been sawed through, the tvu bur ir.outal bars lteiug sawed until the exert ing of u little strength would break them. Then 42 prisoners in thu guard house would have found it an easy mat tor to obtain thulr lilsirty. The olllcers are satisllcd hut for the ohcuim of Private Miller on Saturday, the plot to free tho men would have In-en put into execution that night. It Is BiipiKwed the prisoners wimrud tho inagaxiuo key In tho hope thst the guards might ho deprived of ammuiii tiou, When tho cartridges found on the prisoners were examined, it was found that tho powder had Imjcii re moved from four of them and knife blades had lieen inserted In tho land. The catrldges resembled tho ordinary article on tho outside. Tim lead evi dently had been mulled and the knife blades soldered in. Tho sergeant who commanded the guard over the prison has Itcon placed under arrest, but he is not believed to have been implicated In the plot. Sen tinel Stuico also has leen placed under arrest, and it is probable that he will he puiiisiiiHi lor orinittlug .illller to oh- CllM, THREE CONVENTIONS. Political Patties Convcno to Nominate Ticket. Omaha, Aug. 22. Three conventions, Democratic, Populist and Fusion were culled to order this afternoon. In thu Democratic convention W, Y. Thomp son, national eommlttoemun for Ne braska was named temporary chairman, Tho Populist und Froo-sllver Repub lican conventions were a little slower in gottlng together. Indlmitlons Hlnt to the nomination of ox-govarnor Holcomh as candidate for supremo judge by thu three conventions. Ilr Aaaiiclntnl I'rraa to the Jnnrnnl. London-, Aug. 22. President Krugor has refused to submit to tho demand of .Mr. Chamberlain for tho appointment of a court of inquiry. Ho mnv have done bo diplomatically or hwlgingly. Uut, that his answer is regarded by tho Hrltlsh government as tantamount to positive refusal, in now nn established fact. Tho colonial ofllco is noncommittal, but there nro other ovidonces which amply justify the Btatomont. Tho re port that President Krugor has proposed now terms is somewhat verllled hv tlm guarded comment of tho colonial nillni oIlicialB, and tho irritability displayed there, There Is-not tho slig'litest doubt that they now heliovu war is tho only way to settle the controversy. 'I hey would far rather have had a curt, defiant answer than tho temimr Uing answer which tho Poor president has sent. Willi the former Great Hrlt niu would have plain grounds fur a quick commencement of hostilities. Under tho circumstances, which it is believed now exist, aggressive action needs considerable explanation to justify it in tho eyes of tho world nnd tho Eng lish majority who still declaro war would be an outrage. However, if Mr. Clmmberlln has lilu way, It is lwllovcd President Krugor's couutur-proiosnls will meet with Bcant attention, and unless tho Doors com pletely back down, which is not likely, the crises will quickly develop into war. It has dovolnimd that the war olllco has boon, aware of thu imturo of tl o Transvaal government's answur for sev eral days nnd that it was communicated to the war olllce, hence it is probable that Great Hrltnhi will delay denounce ment us little as Dosslblo. A high olllcial expressed to the repre seutatalivo of the Associated Press his disgust at what ho termed "Kruger'H cupidity und hypocrisy." Ho said : The kind of game which Krugor is playing must be clear to Americans. Thu protestations of tho Poors that thoy wish to llvo a quiet agricultural life, may bo tho tune of some of tho Veldut, hut tho gang in Pretoria is simply after money. Though President Krugor says many harsh things to the Ultlaudms, he never hesitated to make money out of them, either by fair or foul means. "ThoTruiiHsiud question cannot Ikj Judged by recent occurences. You must go liack W) years." A special iIohimU'Ii from Capo Town says thuro Is great daugerof an outbreak of violence on tho frontier, and that the scum of Koutli Africa is enlisting through the colony, mid Is being mint to Pitsauia ami Jameson, on the bonier. You had ought to go to Hills tt KIiiu'h And gut some of those Chocolate Oroams And Honbons that thoy maku Would maku you feel as if you had a steak. Wo have tallies, tno, am) popormint chows, With a good many other things that will suit you They are so nice and cheap in price That thu hIzo of your purse "uuts no Ice." Wo have fifty pieces of goods that are new Koine are soft and some that will chew While tho names of somo 1 cannot con strue Hut that makes no difference to tno or you. KLLIH A 'INN IB4Stnto t. Phono 2074. 4 nulls. WHEAT MARKET. Heptembei 71, 1.00W, Giiioaoo, Aug. Cash 711V. 8am Fhanoisco, Aug. 22. Cash Jluy while . our Great Sale is on los. Meyers & son C SALEM'S GREATEST STORE Huy our while Great Sale Is on ae w (5reat Sale of Silk XKIlaiete A Pain In the Eye May a eail by an wvident or It may lw a warning tlu ijlare iuwry. TW should I obtained at . Th tlMlr ww may I only twiiporary . Ngl.td, tlM wght way be imrmanwttly iHjSrwl. Ih mihcUo with ear JKWKLUY DKPAKTMKNT. W Uw Um faciUty lor tasting th BARR'S JEWELRY STORE JX8 BTATB BTnUBT. sad the List. 53.00 WAISTS REDUCED TO 54.25 WAISTS REDUCED TO 55.00 WAISTS REDUCED TO 56.00 WAISTS REDUCED TO 56.50 WAISTS REDUCED TO 57.00 WAISTS REDUCED TO 57.50 WAISTS REDUCED TO 58.50 WAISTS REDUCED TO 59.00 WAISTS REDUCED TO 52.06. 52,83. 53.60. 53.82. 54.37, 54,57. 54.87. 5-5.67. 55.67. Remember our buyers will soon be home and we want you to have these goods before they arrive The line comprises the very latest styles in Taffetas, Satin Duchess Corded Silks trimmed in velvet ribbon, Japanese waters proof, GrosGrain, Peaudesoic, India Ik etc. " ''1W 'I Hi jpl i .1 t i i?