-"jkA '&'" ,HJ-,ci.w-iatra't.WTiw. r ) :. K f 8 u. ii SPE6IAL OF GOLF THIS WEEK. EVERY GOLF SHIRT IN THE HOUSE AT REDUCED PRICES. ALL S TRHW HUT FOR JUST HALF PRICE. NEW CRASH HATS AT NEW PRICES. G. BUonnsoii & GO.. 257 COMMERCIAL STREET. THE DAILY JOURNAL UY UOVUR' BHOTHltHa SATURDAY, AUUU8T 12, 1801). Dally, Ono Year 93,00, In Advance Dally, Tout MonUui $1 00, ! Advnnco. Wookly, One Year $1.00, in AJvnnoo THE NEXT CAMPAION, That William J. IJryiin will bo tlio Dumooriitto uundldulo for preHldimt hi 1000 becomes inoro nnd more' certain ns tlmo iniHHiM, lliirrlug nceldout to Mr. llrynn himself, nothing', it h'uiiib can prevent liim from receiving tlio nonii nation. No rival linn, ho fur iixmruil on thu houiio who would seem to Imvu tlio ghost of a chiinco, Thu jubilant prediction of iiiilbllryiiniliiH, uftor IiIb defeat In 181)0, that thu boy orator of tho l'latto would novor moro li liunrd of 1h w far from being ruiillxud that, ho far iih thu national Duniourutlti party In eoniiornud, llrynn Ih "it." Thu fuw Hohunihig politiiihuiH of thu bld.DuiiKwratlc hjIiooI, who havu ro imiined with thu organization in tlio liiK that thoy would bo ublu to turn down th now louder and wrest tho eon trol of tho party from tho now iilouiuut that niuio to thu f rout in 180(1, havo boon disappointed. Kor pumoiuil popularity muting tho rank and lllo of tho parly no living Domoumt can comu wilhln n IIioiihuiiI riilles of William J. llrynn. Itiithlly or wrongly, tho people of his own party havofailh In Ida ability, hlHiioiirtigonnil bin nlncority. Thu fooling Ih too Htrong for tho older polltlulumt I j combat. Convention uftor rouvontion oudnmw him km u uiiidlduto, together with tlio platform of 1800. Toxiih which was uguIiiHthlm lit Chicago In 181)0, endorsed him in 181)8. Indiana, lowu, Mlimutiri, Now UuinpHhlru, I'uniiHylviuila, Ohio, all uutliimiuHtiunlly back him for thu phii'o. Tho oasturn iolltloiiiiiH who aro inuli'uvorlng to arrungu'plaiiH to lay him and IiIh Ihhiio in thu hIiiuIo havu untlilug - to hopo for. Tho xtruugth of tho IKimo emtio iwirty lliw In tho Wont and South, and tho Wont and South havo littlo uso for outturn PotuoorittH. Tho CUv lands, CihIIhIiw, and 1 1 II Ih, who, four yearn ago woro looVud Umjii aa tho bond and front of lKnnooruoy could not now miutor n uorportd's guard wiwt of Now York City. Hryuu will hi tint onndldutu and tho Ohiijugo platform of .IHW1 will 1k roller titinl with tho addition of an uulMriut nnd probably an aiitl-lni6rialUt (nut nuti'UXpouHlou) plank. Ah ii ltopuhllo.ui wpw oxproMMMi it, "thuro will ho no attempt to nhutit tho fro rilvur Imuiu In 100.' No wisturu inlluunco will avail to foiw a itomproim Ikuoii (IiIh nlnnk. Tint Iioim) tliat Me- Klnhjy' oUaitlon would "wttlu tho monoy (iitojdluii" wuu not woll fuuiuM. Tlio iiiqiiu' quusUuii, tiowuvar, k nut llkoly to ho tint only prauiluuitL taHi. Tho trust (luuatlou, u tmeh will not ho an liwuo, for both put Mum will dwularo ngiilmil them. Hut ImporiallHiu will 1 ono of tin GOLD DUST THE BEST Washing Powder SALE SHRTS moHt iiromlnontiuoHtiouH, and may pos sibly over-shadow tlio money (uoslion It Kclf. On Just what HnuH thu fight will tako place it is iinponsiblo now to say, for tho Kituatioii Ih llabio to bu greatly changed between thin and tho campaign. It Ih likely that tlio ndminifttration will make a otrcuuoti effort to bring tho I'lill" ippinu wnrtooloHoboforothnt timo. For, while a wur on hand Ih naturally wortli many voles to mo party in powor, as wnH proven lust year, yet to nurse this I-'ilipltio iiiHurroction for anothor year, under all tho circumstances, would nave a decidedly contrary effect. Senator Ilurroughs Iiuh hounded a note of warning, and otiiur prominent Ituptih lluniiM aro beginning tosco the point. So thu war Nltuatlou will undoubtedly ho changed. It Ih also llkoly that within thu next year tho adininlHtratloti will ho able to mako up ItH mind to adopt koiiio dolluite lino of policy In relation to tlio Philip pinoH. ITkhi what Hint lino of policy may bu, and how far thin country may he committed to it by tho udmiiiiHtratlou or by congress, will giuully depend tlio tlio preeibo Ihhium to ho involved in tlio next campaign, Of two things, however, we may bu Hiiru: That llrynn will bu thu candi date, and that tlio platform d'ahirntlons will bo dour and un pilvocal; ho that tho light f will bo a clour "glvo and tako" in tho open Hold that in, if tlio Kopubllcau party can hu induced to como out in thuopuu, on both groat questions, currency and ImpurialiHiii. SUNDAY SERVICES W. ('. T. II. Itov. It. MeNail Howell of thu Second Oregon will udilross tlio meeting at 1 o'clock Sunday, caiiio liutxr from Manila. niiHr t'liinicii or ciuttsT, hcihntiht. ServiceM: howon sermon and chil dren's iiIubsoh at 11 :I5 a.m. Christian Soiouco liall corner of Court and Liberty slruulH. f'HIIIMTIAN' U'lHNdi. Salem chuicli of Christ Solent 1st, No. M)0 Liberty ftrcut. Morning Horvicu 10 :,'!() a. m. A Hormon from tho lltblo and Science uud Health witli key to tho Seripturtw by Nov. Mary llakor IJddy. Kvonlng Horvieo 8 p. in., Vwlnolay evening 8 o'clock. CHXTIt.U, ntN'OIIHOATIOKAL. Corner of Nineteenth and I'orry MtreutH. T. II. llonderaon . WHtor. Sor vlciw tomorrow at tho imual houra. Sub i.rt at 11 a. m., "Tho Kind of a Church I Like to I to Pastor Of." At K p. m. tint iwntor Mill lecture on "l'ooplo With ,tiin. hi Tholr liara." LKHUK UHTIIOlUHT lO'llHXll'.M.. l'rtwoh(nK by tho pastor. T. I'. Itoyul, at 1 :."W n. in. and 8 p. in. Morniut nub Joct 'M'rovidontial Iumi fiitiu 1'itmm. turo SiHWulHtion." I.viilng "A Now Heart. Sunday ih1hiuI 8 p. in. l'myeo uieotlni; Thuiwlay 8 i. in. llpworth LeenuTrlday 8 p. m. HVlNOUI.It'll.. Sunday m'IiooI 10 a. m. l'rwrhluc Sunday morning nt U a. in. Junior Y. 1. A. at 8 p. m., Senior Y P. at 7 p. in. Itov- A, K. Meyer, thoaMlotaut Mititor. will prwioh thw llrit of thu a wiritt of cennoUH on tlie "lUmutitudtw". Subject of thoiwrlow; "Tho Klnwlom of IIohvwi. Fur th evening, "Humility." H-M'nHT nifwcu. Itonald McKilloi) unttor. Public bor- vltv, Htibjucl "I'olMitlMl KniVMi" ut 10:0 in. iniiHluy ik'Iiooi nt is in. voting OOjileti intHMlng UHlby .Mr. iitiriiMii, HUbJoot.- "A Srvkoof PixiinU 7p. in. Public norviet) mibjot ukh)Ih1I.v prayed for an Oreg1'1- congregation, 8 p. in. pmver liutH'ting 'lliiirHlay ut s p. m 0RE00N AT PARIS. How Can We Get Any Return From an Exhibit There? Letters From Mr. W. H. Mills of the Central Pacific Land De partment. Tub JooknaIj prints n letter from W. II. JlillB, chief of tho Cciitrnl Pacific Itailroad Co., land department. It Ih In reply to a letter to Mr. C. II. Markham, general freight and passen ger agent of tho Southern Pacific lines in Oregon. Mr. Markham is intercHt Ing himself on behalf of tho company ho represents bh woll as on behalf of the producers of this stntc, to secure eomo henollcial results from a d is piny nt tho Paris cxiHjsition. In our lottor to Mr. Markham wo made a suggestion Hint as Franco hud originated and broiiL'ht to n high de gree of iwrfcctlon tho prune industry, if the Oregon exhibit would include n complete showing of our products on Hint line, green, dried and preserved, with the facta ns to the rapid growtli of trees, ease of cultivation and largo yield per ncre, Oregon might get an lin migrntion of the prune growing popula tion of Franco that would bo valuable. .mil mii.ih u.-rriiit To tho editor of tills paper of date San Frnnclm-o, August 10, 'DO, is as fol lows : Dkah Sin: Mr. Markham has hent mo a copy of your let) sr to him dated August 4th., and I beg leave to com mend the suggestion you make of con- ceuinumg your uxuioii iih nenny iih piiH siblo upon prunes. Of courso you can not uiford t j leavu out woolly your for estry Interests, nor Htill your mines, nnd especially your grasses. You havo tho llnest forage grasses in tho world, nnd they exist in tho greatest variety in your State: but every country sticc eds upon some single paramount industry, wliicli oy it s development carries up will it everything that is subordinate or be low that lino which might bo charac terized as paramount. "For Instance, Pennsylvania finds its paramount resource in the products of coal uud iron, uud while there would be some ugriculture in Pennsylvania, yet tho agriculture of Pennsylvania ns it stands to day is incidental to tho para mount industry of tlio Stnto. - So also uro other industries. The iirosoncu of a large population in Pennsylvania is duo to the paramount industry; bunco Hint Industry constitutes tho permanent basis of tlio common-wealth. A Statu should ascertain at the eailiest practic able moment what its leading resource is and push itt-elf to thu front in that direction. It will become supreme if it lias superior advantages; but a para mount leading industry is sadly want ing in nearly every Western State." It is a hopeful sign for Oregon that men of ab'Hty and recourcos like Mr. Markham and Mr. Mills aro taking a practical interest in promoting tlio de velopment of this state. Such men and the great cnrionitIon they represent have accomplished grout results for California in placing tho attractions of climate, tlio fertility of soil and the matchless resources of that state before the whole world. They can do tho same for Oregon, and as the wealth and pop ulation of Oregon increases, they feel Hie lniH)rtaiice and necessity of giving tills commonwealth greater recognition. Tlio policy adopted in Oregon of abol ishing Its railroad commission, and at tempting no legislative control of rail roads whatever, ought to make our statu tlio meets favored in the west, so far as receiving the assistance and pro motion of lU intercuts at tlio hands of those groat traus-coutinuutal corpora tions. Wo hopo to tee Oregon not only woll represented at the Paris exposition through tho agency of the Southern nnd Central Pucillc railroads, hut wo hope to seo Oregon as gonerously recognized in tlio splendid illustrated advertising mat tor tlioy semi out. If Oregon will assist the enterprise of those corporations by prewiring exhibits of her products, this state can got as line u display nnd greater results from an expenditure of say fftQM than tlio statu will get if it solids fafi.000 or 10,000 through a Paris ux position commUiinu, Under Mr, Mills's control, wo under stand that Oregon's exhibits will lie for warded uud exhibited uud advertised entirely ut tlio oxjHiiite of thu Southern and Central Pacific and made imrt of their exhibit hut entirely fur thu buuelit of Oregon. This matter should bt promptly taken up ami autod uikiii by the state authorities and ny our wmimorcial and agricultural bodies, HU tho chamber of uoniinervo, state fair board and state board of Inn tlculturo and State Agra ul tu nil college. Thoro Is more Catarrh In this sec tion of the country than nil other di- bouHis put together, mid until the lust row years wits supposed to bo lucur aid . For n grunt many years doctors nrouo'iticed It u local disease, and n ro se r I bod local ruiuudtoti, uud by con stantlv fullluL' to euro with imml irouliuoot. nronuuncetl It Incurable.; bcionco lias proven catarrh to bo u constitutional dUonso. uud therefore require constitutional ticutmont. Hull's Catarrh Cure, umnufucturcil by V J.i'iionoy t Co., Toledo, Ohio, is H'o only constitutional cure un the market. It lu taken internally In i doses rnmi 10 drops to a toiupoonfiil It acts directly on tho blood end mu cutis surfaces of Mitt system. Thoy of fer one iuimlrei' dellurs for any oh so it falls to euro. Send tor circular uud testimonials. Addro&i, , P. J . UH KN K Y CO., Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, o$o. I Hall's Fuinllv Pills uro tlio boat. "Our baby wis sick for u month with scvoro oouL-li undeuturrhal fever. She kunt k'uUIiik woro until wo iibod Oho Minute Ciugh dure It relieved uud oured her m u fqw days " U L. iNance. I'rlii. II'l'Ii Sohoo 1. liiutriiulo. Tttxtis. Stonos Drug Storo. lrrluilltiK stlous, bit a, $cmih& won mis and outs Mithoxl ami IiouUkI I.... 1X.fl.il. ..... i 5 . .. yjg--' I mi iHiwiivs whuii iiaioj suiytt. Iwnro of oouiiturtolt& SLohu Ilruu 'I ISkMIOli, CURnErJT EVENTS. Tho festivities in celebration of the .500th nnnlvcrflnoy of tho birth of the great painter, Antoino Vandyke, for which Antwerp, Holland, has been pre paring for many montliB past, began today and the city Is filled with artists of note and nrt lovers from nil parts of Europe. The exhibition comprises more than 100 Vandyke pictures and sketches, most of which nrc very fine specimens. England bus lent no fewer than thirty six paintings, three of them being loaned by Queen Victoria. What promlsos to Iw tho most sue csHsful swimming championships ever brought off under tho auspices of tlio Central Association of tho Amateur Athletic Union will take place late this aftornoon at Pleasant Valley, Wip., on tlio Milwaukee river. The arrangements tlmt have been made for tho banquet to be givon nt Denver tonight in honor of the visiting cryptic Masons givo promise of an event that will long be remembered as the most elaborate feast over spread in Denver. Covers will laid for -100 guests and tlio number will include scores of tlio most prominent Masons of the western states. Willis George Emor son, of Denver, will glvo the addross of wehome, to which Bradford Nicholl, most puissant general grand mnstcr of the United States will rcsjiond. Ilov, S. K, Husser, of Albuquerque, will re spond to tho toast, "Hobnobbing With Masonry. ' Thorpe 11. Jennings, grand master of Kansas, will answer to "Kan sas," nnd John Humphreys', of Trindud, grand master of Colorado, will make a speech on "Colorado." Itobert Ash, of San Francisco will respond to "The Now Hcpubllc," and Hester G. Drown, of Chicago, is to speak to 'The Purple" Glow." The menu is to bo tin elnlwrate ono of ninny courses nnd tho wines hnvo been specially imported for the occasion 'Gorman-American from all parts of the country poured Into Chicago today to attend one of the greatest reunions ever hold by America's adopted sons. Tho festival, which commences tomor row and continues four days, is tho four t inth annual reunion of tlio Dumles Kriegor Voroin, or societies composed of former soldiers of the Gorman army now living in tlio United States. There are nearly 100 such societies nnd nil of thorn will bu represented by large dele gations. An elaborate programme for the entertainment of the visitors has been arranged. A loading feature 'will bo a big parade tomorrow in whicli 10, C'JJ delegates aro expected to bo in lino. Among tho arrivals today woro largo delegations from Cincinnati, Milwaukee, St. Iiuis, Toledo, Cleveland and num erous other cities. Think of liv, iuir n year or two niter ono Ii denil: dctul all practical in. tents and purposes, Uend, with the auto graph of dentil in scribed on brow mid check and lip, T h ousn u d a of women live for n year or two after ull help fulness nnd happiness have gone out of their lives. When n woman becomes hope lessly helpless nnd unhnppy she is tirnctlc. ally dend The younc; woman to whom the future is n oreury waste, the young wnc who is a ueipiess, nervous Invalid, the inoth,cr whose babes nrc n burden in stend of n blessing, nil these, unless they take the right measures to recover their health, arc better dead than living. In the majority of cases these ghosts of women owe their condition tu weakness and (lis- ease of the distinctly feminine organism, frequently luey nave Deen deceived by the incorrect diagnosis of some obscure physician and do not understand the true nature of their trouble. It only costs n two-cent postage stamp for n woman to write and describe her condition to Dr. H. V. Pierce, un eminent and skilful special ist, for thirty years chief consulting phys ician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of HuITjIo, N Y. He will answer letters from ailing women without charge. He is the discoverer of Dr l'ierce's fa vorite Prescription, the greatest of all known medicines for women. It acts directly on the delicate organs concerned in maternity and makes them strong, healthy and vigorous. It banishes the In dispositions of the anxious period nnd uinkos baby's coming easy and almost painless. It cures all disorders and dis placements and checks exhausting drains. ' Previous to motherhood my wife was very sick," writt Dentils II. Cotmrtly. ltq , of Clear Water, M'tight Co , Minn. " Two both of Dr Tierce's l'uvorile l'rescriptiou made her well ud strung," Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bit iousness and constipation. Oue a dose. They uevet gtipe. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cuum sad twsuUftu Us htlr. ITOUUtS S ItllUftftBl growth. WYr rails to Kritor Orsj II sir to it. Youthful Color Cut tcalp diMt A hair laluoz. SOc.aaJtlulu )n;Uu University of Oregon. Tuition Free. First torut boulns Sent. IS. 1SAU. Excellent courses In Auolont and Modern LaiiK'uauos. Soloncos, Mutho umtlcti etc. 0 admit os from tho tenth urudo and from till acorodltcd schools ud .11 1 tied without examination. Students not fully prepared mooter, on 11 tako studios In which thoy are (letlolent, in the Knuotie Ulty High Sohool. lir ontnlot.uosuiid furthor Inforniiw tlun, ntldr.v. the I'realdota or llou. J. J. Wulton, See. Hugeiio, Oruuon. 8 1 7w aod dly O. H. LANB Merchant TailOr 07 STATK STItHHrr. tySulta S 15 and upwards, Panu &3 and wpwaid xrF--5. &y&hxo JsKT . iHlc9 Notice, I hava tmr stila on my Ho woll Pral ral Rnnoh 9IQO to 11 a at A I Qlovar vy At 4.Q0 iiorton In th fto.ld. PRANK OURUIN MMMlUeUUMMlffiMM iMMbodriksfaka A LIJ?U SATED. Dr. J. F, Cook, the Botanical Speo nllst. Succeeds Where Other Fall. To whom it may concern : This is to ccrttiy tlint .Uertlia r. uon tier, of Mt .Angel precinct. Marion coun ty. Orecon. Iiuh suffered from a cancer ous growth In tho left ear for about three years, liiegrowtn was cutout twico ono burned out once by Albany Physicians, but tho growth came back as bad as ever, and pained her bo badly that she had to bo taken from school. After tlirco week's treatment by Dr. J. F. Cook, of Salem, Oregon, tho Dotnnical Specialist, tlio growth entirely disap peared, nnd nt this date, four months since treatment was begun, the growtli has not reappeared, nnd tho car has en tirely healed leaving only tho scars In dicted by tlio Albany doctors. I hereby certify that tho above state ment is absolutely true, and that Ber tha P Conner, tho person mentioned in the affidavit, has resided in my fam ily sinco early childhood, bearing tho re lationship to me of niece. II. C. LoMi. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this eighth day of June, 1890. W. W. Hall, county clerk of Marion county, Oregon. IHJS1NESS CARDS. O. JHL UIACK Wcntiet, Successer to Dr. J. M. Xeene, old WlilM Comer, Sal:m, Or. Parties desiring suj eriol operations at moderate fees in any branch art In especial request. ALBERT A. JESSUP. Phono 1071. ItOOMS 1 AND U, flllAY 1II.K. HED FRONT LIVERY Firstlass Feed and Boarding stables, 104 iCOMMKHCIAL. STUKBT. .SALEM, OUE. Wm. ULLREY, Prop. BjsI Rigs, for C oromcrcial Men Btables 111 snmo block Hotel Willamette. (5Kufe teams and comfortable rig for ladles mid family drlylnir a spec ialty. Horses boarded by day, week or month uud best of satisfaction iruarantecl. .'1-1 tj SOULE MtOS. PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS poutland, onr For Hittctn and vicinity leavo order at tico C. Will's Muito atoro. ?n Ottl OFFICE, CITY II ALL For water service apply at cilice. llil't payable monthly In advance. Make complaints at the fii. Tho Intor-Stnto University Syatom of Musical Instruction. K. It. BCOTr. U. M. I'HKSlDKNT A National Co-operstlra Institution wlildi In houlunlnif to number ltn fnolilty by huudrmL and Hit pnplU liy tliouasad", Umtiriiclni; moro thHiitwi'iilyntairi. For the lnfU of l'upl's of t'rivuto Te. 'horn At Home. KIOUTII H01IOMHTIO TK.M1. CertlllcsttM Kranltxl from a rctutnrly chnr tvrol Institution. Bxplauatlcm of ho Hjntoui iu detail In tliPMi culuinus Watali ror it. h 1TA A.NUKUB-WI I.M.M AN. Hlnlo lto)rweiitutlT6 nnd Memtjr of tho Fsoully Htudso ovur llrst National lUnk lll.l Ono or two pIacch uhu for advanced pliijern Id jilano quartet. Steam Dye Works No. ID,1) Comiucrcinl street, opposite Wllhtmotto hotel. Ludles' and getitloiucn's clothing cleaned, dyed, re paired uud prossed. Fine blankets cleaned or dyad and ulcoly Ilnlslicd. Kid gloves cleaned, 10c; dyed a6c. Platino Photos, Enliirgomenta In Crayon nnd Wator Color. Photo Muttons. Amateur tlevoloplng and limhlng noittly doue. 1. J. UKOU'IS, Ouor.Nu FI.OOH 2H Coiniuorclul St., Sulein Oregon. fissay Office AND JLABOrtATORY. No. 71 Chenickcta s(, .1. H. T. TUTHILL Assiyer. G.S. nUHBURfilR N ErV MARKET Sr.te street, near railroad. Fiehoat snd best meats. My u)rons say I keep live best meats in town 3 2 CAPITAL CITY (Express and Transfet ' Mecss all mail and passenger trains. 1 gage and xmcs is all paits f the Hag o0 ITWIPI SC4VK& l Telephone No. 70. DUiOUE. & aKIlTON The Bast Prasorlptlon for Malaria k wate 5?U?,.!,K, WkstflKSTUTwis- miF'3i2& r F52 h I nf w VM If if I J i m 9 lJ vl m! MONTEZUMA Is a beautiful dappled chestnut lflK IiiuiJh high, nnd weighs 1700 lbs. He is n perfect nil purpono horpo. Will bo nt Huffman's stable, Salem, Saturday of each week in July nnd Aug ust, nnd the remainder of tlio week at tho Fair Grounds. Terms, $ 15.00 to in sure. Also colts liroken nnd bundled for sieed. II. 1). llirriiHitKoui). Kurtz & Hamilton PLUMBERS and TINNERS U8 COUIIT STREET. Milken specialty orull Kinds of Sheet Steel and Galvanized Iron work roofing and guttering, a full line of I'll inns and mi tun tiltings. I'rouint work and rcasoiinbie nrlccs. Wc carry in stock the Fairbanks wind mill. Call and sec us before giving your order for mill or tank. Phono 2114 PROMPT WORK AND LOW PRICKS Oregon Sliori Liuo Railroad The Direct ttotite to Montana. Clali, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives rhoico of two lavorllo routes, via the Union 1'aeliiu Fust Mail I.lue, or thu Jtlo iirnudo Heeulc Linus, Look ul the time li Days to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver .'H Days to Chicago 4i Days to New York Free llcellnlnir Chair (Mrs. UihlMertd Ton Ut UloepliiKl'Ars, and I'lilhmiu 1'nliioe Hleojiurs (i)criitc(l on alt train. For further Information apnly.to 110ISK A llAItKKlt, Agents, Httloin. W K. (OMAN, Cifll'l Auent C. O. TKItllY, Tr.iv. l'a.s. At l'.'l Third st . l'ortluiiil FllKt Mail Wilt I,nke. Denver Ft. Worth Onmlia, KaiiMiH City, titc l&pm H l. 111, a jiiib.v iiii'utru aitu attt, 8ixi. Walla Walla, Hnoknue, Mlnno Smi. kHiie Flysr .30 a, in. Whib, a.oll. Bt. Hnul. Ilnlulli, Mil- Klyr '.'.ao p m MHtiKco ( lileoco aim cunt. OCBAN BTKVMHllll'S. For Sun FrniiulMxi, Sail erury llvii Ua)-h. COLTfAfVMli 8 p in, I p. in s I), m. ex. Him Satur To Astoria uud way ijinitlns I P. in. ox Hun. day 10 1, m. I.OAVUI Arfla lem StlUllI WIMiAMRTTB IlIVKIt Portland, NewbrK ajl Ijoidluga. 7,15 am wuyG p. 111, lTua Thu Vjtl Fri Tu Thur Cat. uud Hat 10 11, 111. aiou For Dsytou Wl rrl 3:Wjim Lenve Ar Si WU.UV.MKTrR KlVICIt Hsle.n CorvBlllu AlUtny slid Wnjr 10a. m. lent u .III. INilnhi. Moil Hat 3 l. M1 Wed and Prl . f WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION Daily boxts to Portland as above. Transfers to street car line at Oreg City If the steamers arc delayed there oiina trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washing, ton, or California. Connection made at Port land with all rail, owan anrlriver bne W.H.HURLllUKl. 5n'l Pas. Act. Portland, Or. ( M. TOWERS, Agent, Trade street dock Salem. IIOISE & MARKER, City Agents. ), Uiiadiaiiraciic Soo Facilic Lice. Travel in comiort by the mu m I j LI the fastest train crossing the continent. It is a through train making fewstops. Its equipment is of surpassing elegance. It will pay you to travel by it. Fter full HurUeulHr as to rnt& Uiee ad oolite f C. P. K. iiBbllaiUans up. a r. look wood A gopt, Sahm Ore. DKIMnT. TIME HUIKDI'I.K. AIIRIK lou From i'ortlaud mm minimi 111 I W I II II. a bait, Ammii PoHtabl l K. J, tVjlu, a U.l A, YmxMr JLO, SOUTH AND EAST VIA THE SHASTA RO'JTE OFtHE ntE Pacific Co, EXFRKSS TRAINS RUN DAI1 Y 7:CO P M SI m) Lv.,,;FortTanrT7 .Ar lo:oo (7--00 8:00 A M 945 r 7'45 A Ar. ...Satem .... Ar Ar. San Francisco . Lv AM OOPM 5 00 I'M Ar Ogden ... .Ar 0:05 p m Ar Denver. , Lv 643AM Ar . . . . (Jmaha .... Ar 8'ISPM Ar .... Chicago ....Lv 7.00 am Ar. ..Los Angeles... Ar Smjpm Ar... El Paso . . . , Ar 4.15 PM Ar.... Fort Worth. ,.,Ar 7.55 A m Ar.. New Orleans. ..Ar lllo I'M O4SPM 8 S AM 6.30 p M 9 25 r M 2.35 f t 0.40 a m 8.40 pu DlNlNU CARS OI1SEKVATION CARS. Pullman lust-clans and tourist sleeping carl attached to all throuch trajni . Tourist car through to Chicago without change. feOSKIlURG MAIL, DAILY. 0V30 A M J Lv. . . Portland . . Ar 1055 A M Lv.... Salem.... v 520 pm) Ar....Hoseburg.. Lv ' 14 '30 1 Y (7.'30 AM VEST SIDE DIVISION. BETWKKN TORTLAND AND CORVAU1S, Mall tiains dally except Sunday. 730 A mTLy.... Portland.. Art 5:50 PM 11:55 ' Mi Ar....Corvallls.. Lvf 1:20 PM At Albany and rains of the C. & E Corvallis con.ect it' Ry. INDSfENTJENCE" passenger; KXPRKS8 TRAIN DAtLY KXCHPT SUNDAY. 4:50 PM) Lv ... Portland.... Ar I 8:25 AM 7:30 p MVLv. ...McMinnvllle Lv5.'5o a m 8:30 pm) Ar Independence Lv) 4:50 am Direct connections at San rranciscu with steamship lines fo HAWAII, 1APAN. CHINA, THE P1IILLIP1NES and AUS THALIA. For through tickets and rates call o- W. W. SKINNER, Depot Agent, or O D. GA11R1LLSON City Ticket Agent, 232 Com merclal St. Salem Or. K. KOE11LEK, Manage!. ; I V ' 1 F. & P. A. Portlam ( You Can Get aLower Berth. V Itli one exception the through trains or tho Burlington Route are almost Invariably well-llllcd. The oxcoptlon Is our St. Paul Chicago Limited. On tho limited tlicro Ih usually room uud to spare. Don't Infer that It Ms neither so linn, nor so fast, as ANY train of ANY other line between St. Paul and Chicago. On the con trnry, tlicro is no more beautiful train In America. It bus electric llk'ht, Hteim heat, wide vestibules, the most, satisfactory dlnlnn-cur ecrvlcc on the continent nnd lower berth for everybody. a. a Sheldon. (Icti'l Apcnt, Portland, Or. A Few Interesting Facts When pontile are contemtdstinc a trip whether on business or pleasure, they natur ally want the best service obtainable so far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the Wisconsin Central Linos are paid to serve the public nnd our trains are operated so as to make clotc connections with diverging lines at nil junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair cars on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled, Meals a la Carte, In order to obtain this first-ckss service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over TUB WISCONSIN CBNTRAl LINKS nnd you will make dirert connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further infoimation call on" any ticlet aent or correspond with J AS. POND, (ieneral Pass, Agent MlLWAUKKK, Wl3, or JAS. A. CLOCK, General Agent, 246 Stark Street, Portland. Ohk, Corvallis k Eastern Railroad T.1LE CA1?1). 2 For Yaquina: Train loavos Albany 12:60 p. in. Train leuves Corvallis.. .. 1:15 p. in. Tiulii arrives Yaiiulmi... 6:o0 p. in. I netiirnlntr: Leaves Yaqulnu 7-00 a.m. Loavos Corvallis HMO a. in Arrlvos Albany 12:'Jo p. in. 3 For Detreit: Leuvoij Albany 7H0 11. in. Arrives Dotrolt 115 a. in. 4 Hoturnint;: Leaves Detroit 12:2fi p. tu. A rives Albany fitfS p. in. GLoaves Albany 11:05 p. iu. Arrlvos Corvallis (1:65 p. in. CLeavos Corvallis OHO u. in. Arrlvos Albany... 7:25 a. in. One and twe connect ut Albany nnd Corvallis with Southern raoltic tiains, u'ivlnB dlreet service tjand from Kew- port and aujucont oenoues. No. 0 runs from Alliany to Corvallis on Mondays, Wednosdays and Fridays only. No. 5 runs from Corvallis to Albany on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days only. Trains for the mountains arrive at Detroit at noon, giving ample time to roaoli oumplng grounds on the Hroltenbush and Santlatn river the snine day. H. L WALDEN, EDWIN STONE. TriP. A. Manaser J. TUILSKK Acent, Albany. Ore. WTUaMBTTB'KIVKIt DIVlilON STEAMER ALBANY, Crt4u Zuwalt. Leaves Sulem at 7 a. 111. Tor Portland aud way londliigs every Tuosday, Thursdtiy and Saturday. TtM t0r has bean e-iulnixM wltfi flrst JJMS awewMoaaitoiif, ludtudfng n elegant uj5wrssd for oarrylng both (nglit and Utektitl StHM MiM, BS. .S. UUHS Agwi. JERSEY BULL Will Weod Jarxiv. H?rvJeti for seawfl Southern mmm only 1, spt onsh. Corner of Thlrteoiiht nnd Center atresia. h if llBOirjf i fctx.