j Wrt ..j- ., fc- i f i ,f p .- V1 mJ s PE6IAL OF 60LF SHIRTS THIS WEEK. EVERY GOLF SHIRT IN THE HOUSE AT REDUCED PRICES. ALL STRAW HUT FOR JUST HALF PRICE. NEW CRASH HATS AT NEW PRICES. 6. w. Johnson & Go.. 257 COMMERCIAL STREET. THE JAIL! JOURNAL BY UOCBH BHOTHICW3 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1891). Dally, Ono Year 93.00, In Advance Dally, Foui Months $1 00, l Advnnoo. Woolcly. Ono Year $1.00, in Advance THE HALEM HOC Tho Kuleiu liotr in all right. Ho Ih witling oven with Kuuutio on Unit piitnt fug contract in quick order. Hnturilny tho contract was lot to Piiuh ft (I my, of fiiilein. to comitruct tho now koiuiico hall of tlio Stnto University, ut Eugene, at tho contract prion of tllt.frlR. That h( a fluu kind of a hog to liavo around, hy tlio way. Allmny Damocnict. Haluni contractors nru all right. Thoy aro hogging contracts all ovor tho Ntato. Tho mom buildings thoy put up, tho more (luiiiaud thnro hiiuiiih to ho for tholr norvlcoH, Tho Kiigono con true torn who agreed to palut tho Halom school Iioiikoh waulod to Introduce a prlvato construe, lion of tho contract, and hence their Itoiid could not ho accepted. CURRENT EVENTS. Every county in tho ntato Ih repre sented at tho coiivoutioii of bolting Ken tucky DomooratH which wiih called to order nt l-uxlngtoii thin morning for tho purpose of deciding on what Ih tho Imst course to tako to defeat WllltaurOoolxd and IiIh itHHoolatoH on tho ticket noinl. naled hy tho recent I.oulsvlllo conven t Inn. It Iiiih Ihjoii all hut decided that ex-Governor John Young llronu shall ho named for governor, hut coiiHldorahlo difference, of opinion oxlstn iih to tho ad vlHahtllty of nominating a full ntato ticket. TIioho who uigo that a full ntato tlokiil ho named, and who appear to lw in tho majority, suggiwt tho following (nr tho placoH to ho filled- W. (!. Owuiih for lloutonant-governor; W. I'. 1'. llrcoklnridgo for attorjioy-goueial; John It, Duulap for nonrotary of ntato, with 1'. 1'. Johnson for United Htaton nonator against J. 0. K. Illaukhiiru, Tho most dllllmilt puit of tho conven Hoii'm work in tho framing of tho plat form an it h necessary to construct a lliiaiioial plank ngrcoahlo to Ixith tin sound money and free nllvcr factfoiiH of tho bolting Domooratn. Pittsburg Iuih uapllulated to 10,000 strangers who am hero to attoml tho an nual convention of tho Young IVople'n Christian Union of tlio United IWiy. terlau church. IKiIegutos are hero from nearly overy ntato In tho union, as well iih from tiermauy, Japan, India and otluir foreign couutriiw. Tho convon tlou will Ik formarly upuiiMl with wel coming meeting tonight ami will con- Catarrh is Not Incurable Hut It onn not ho cured by npniva, wiudm nnd iuhnliuu mixture w lilon roituli only the surface. Tho disoaso l III tlio blood, and can only ho maulicd through tho blood. 8 H. 8. In tho only roiiuuly which onn havo any offcut upon flutavrli; It euros tho i1Ikhiio permit iiontly unit forever rids tho system of overy truco of tho Vilo complaint. MIm Jtwl Often, ut Munttwller. Ohio. vrrlua: "I vraa af. nietwl (ram lu(ajr vritii catarrh, and hi one (h know in tutfuriHic II ItKHtHPt Iwllcr llutu !. TLB V N v f "pro) mmU lio Iwim t rarity . mil tllWIKH I UlMHt IUIU roHfUniiy far lu ytt. tho iUmmuo bU Ormvr hold tlmu vrr. 1 lrltt a uuwlwr at UihhI t u v1it, WiiJ Ibflr liliirrl lUKn-tlirnh illlcl i i mjr Uuom thilKflW w rUumUm, I v lu UiMfHlWe MtMHiltuH, nuil n(lr tt Luliiinil nwiliHBiii, Nv(wrtstlHtumU. (hhMmk h k MlycrtW! m oure (urUool dlMwr. I 'lfokla ( trjr It. Ai kh my jflew umlor lh rltlt ih wodlH!S I Mgn u Imimtvft. hJ fir UKluir it fur " r tm f rx'rvrrm"iiem mwuvwm Iwo ninnili I u miMtl w.HtplAioljr, Ih drcilfnl dlMn cmltMlMl fnxii mjr If ui, dii.l 1 1 nvi hail ho rwiurti uf It " Many I ve Ik'cii taking local troaN inont fur wirn, noil flnu thonisolvoa wor now than vr. A trial of CCCfor Blood Mf kijr Tho SMSSW muuiio on so. to be tho right roimnly It will euro the imwt ob Books iiiMlh'd free to any Btklre. by ' Wwift Bprtolllo Go,, AUui.u, ilu tt SALE llniio for ono week. Prominent anion). thoHo wlio havo arrived to tako part in tho proceeding am MIhh Mnrgarot Loltch, a Coylon missionary; Dr. K. H. Hcoval, of WooHlor, Ohie: Hev. J. A. I louderion, of Sparta, III.; Hov. Jesso Johnson, president of Muskingum col lego; E. 11. MoKown, of Itock Island, 111.; Itov. E. It. Marquis, of IndlanpollB; Hov. Dr. A. C. Dixon, of Now York ami MIhh Anna S. Harlow, of Philadelphia. Though hut it docado old tlio union Ih ono of tho strongest of young pcoplo'ti Hodutliw, tho inouihorHlilp exceeding 100,000, distributed ovor many Htaton. DoHplto tho fact that the election of governor in Alabama doen not take place until next year, the Johnston and anti-JohiiHton faotlounof tho Democratic p.irty are already preparing for tho struggle for nupremaoy, (lovornor JohiiHtou, wIioIh now nerving IiIh hccoiuI torm, Iiiih lxou credited with aspiring to tho United Status nenatorHlilp, hut an offorl Ih being made to prevail on him to ntaud for reuomluatlou for governor. IIIh prominent nupportern Instills city anil olnowhore throughout tho ntato aro circulating Hl!tloiiH calling on him to make tho race for a third term. Tho pjtltloiiH net forth that (lovornor John Hlon Ih the only man who can maintain and carry out tho reforms which ho Iuih inaugurated in the management of tho Htato'n affairs, and ho in urged very forc ibly to nook another nomination, In many partH of tho world theio are liolng held today olcctioiiH which, though luiortaut to thono immediately concerned, create little ntir in tho world at largo. It in the triennial election day of tlio JimuiU and in Europe, America, Anla and wherever oIki tho well-known Catholic order Iiiih ontablinhed Itnelf thorn) elections aro being held for the choice of proouratorH of the vuHouh prov- incoH and tlio many sulKirdiniitn 'olllcurs of tlio nooietv. Tho provincoH In thin country am those of Maryland, Now Or leaiiH, California. Itookv mountain, and the (lornmu province, with hoadipiartorH in imiiaio. Ohiulored HtmuiiliouU loaded with hunilredH of mommim of tho Knightn of Columbus, with their wIvoh ami faml- Hoh, went to Pnt-ln-ltay, Ohio, today for a week's outing under tho aiiHiilcori of tho ntato (livinlon. lleail(uartorH will lm oatahllshod at the Hotel Victory, which will ho tho scene, of hulls, ban (iietH, vaudevillo oiitortalumentH ami other nodal festivities (lining tho re mainder of tho week. Allium: tlio veil ing Knights am delogatlouH from Kan dunl ky, ( lovolaud, Columbus, Ciucin. uatl and numorouH other plnco. Don't Tabirro nni ml Smoke Your l-lTr Awtj, To quit loliaooo ouhIIjt unit (uruior, lo mac netlo, lull of life, nerro mul vluor, talia No-l'o-Hue, tlia wonderwotkxr. Hint nmlmi urah men utrone, All (iriiKsUia.tOoorll. Ourotiiurun tent llooklel tout aamplo froo. AilJro Utorlliik' ItouiiHly Co., Clilcao or New York. LONU URIDQE, The Turnir Uloyole t'ath Will UoJrc the Heform School Hill. It will noon lw uuniKienJury for whiHil mou to climb over tho luform nohool hill in g'lc Turner. Tho hloylo totharHind the hill inuttarly oomplotMl and work i being piuhod on tho bridge iuroi the Imttoiu. Thin liriilco will W KWO fuel long, planked withaxJf triiaUiut one Inch apart ami will ixmI about fitOO. It oorrlcH thu xith iieniM the low ground botwiHui tho S. I'. trnok and tho Turner nwd wiHith of tho reform nohool, Whwilimm will greatly apprwlato tho gvkul jmlgmwit shown hy County Judge Ttirmll in laying tho bkyol imth hy thin mute Inntwiil uf ovr thu hill. The path lwut tho Tuni wr rni tUUt oklv uf tho Hoform nvmuol ami kuow tho lovol ground near tho S. 1'. trnok until the hill In Ki!itHl, when It crowiw to tho Turtwr nmil mkhIii ovor tho long hrklg now ImlUlini-. The way In about mie thlil of a milo lunger but avoids tlio hanlMt hill Initwouu ham ami Eugouo. llml tlio mth followed the nxd it would havo nxpilriHl a brltlgo of pruc tkidly the namoilimomiiomi tocronh)w ground botwoou tho Heform hjImkiI and Turner, ami after oonsultatiou with l'runidont J. 11. Allwrl, uf the whwl- moire iWMWlatioH, Jmlge 'lVrntll IhiI tlio path whom It it how being ImllU Chanfio of Time, The new whedulo of the SwiUiorw !' (uflo w ill bring the north boHHtl ever- laud, that now arrive ntisii a. hi. to Salem at 0:10 a. iu. Tho flrt train in on the new time wilt arrive Thurwlay morning- KituraUTuur irU Wllh ltcarta. OanJy OuiUartto, euro (iultvatfaNt njf. Iftj. to, li 0. 0. 0. tall, arutffft W rv(ul ihohot, s E AROUND THE EVENING I - For Wotrn Hetlectlon on tlie Ncwcit llooki and Magazine. jTiimmuiiiiuuuuiiuuiuiiiJiuiiiiiiiiiin lltlOFHEKIIOOI). Tho crcnt nnd crowning of all good, Lifo'H final ntar, in Urothorhood ; For it will bring again to Enrth Her long-lost Poesy and Mirth ; Will Ecnd now light on every face, A kingly tower upon tho race. And till it come, wo men are slaves And travel downward to tho dust of graves. Come, clear tho way, thcii.clearthoway! Blind creeds and kings have had their day. lireak the dead branched from the path: Our Impels in the aftermath Our bono is in heroic men, Star-led to build tlio world again. To this Event the agon ran : Make way for Brotherhood mnko way for Man. Eiiwi.v Maiikiiam. fllK AUTOI OBOIIOK W. CAItl.K. "Strong Hearts" is tho Inlust work of the great expositor and creator of southern fiction, if mich phrase may be permitted, since the national heart has learned that it really boats for no such thing ttH ecctlon. The Story of tho Soli tary, tho TaxidermiHt, and the Entomo logist, nro ono in lootio tomiKirainent, Hymputhy of treatment nnd crfectly ar tistic atmosphere. Thoy apiottred ut different timen lu tho magazines but are hero gathered together appropriately in one cover and should never bo sopnrated. In other werds: Behind these subtitles and changes of time, scene, characters, this talc of strong hearts is one. Tho author lays down the principle of his art "that religion without poetry is ns dead a thing nsiootry without religion." And again ho says: "Taking that great factor of life which men, with countless lights, shades, narrowness and breadths of meaning, call religion, and taking it in tho largest sense we can give it; in like manner taking poetry in tho largest sense k)hhII)1o; this cluster of tales is ono, because from each of its parts, with no argument but tlio souls and fates they tell of, It illustrates tho indivisible twinship of Poetry and Religion; a one 1104s of ofllco ami culmination, which, ns they reach their highest plane, merges them into identity." Tlio superficial reader, who may boisterously enjoy a superficial religion, may seo no religion in those tales. But it is there tliodeop religion of conduct demonstration into daily life a golden thread on which are strung tho deeds of life, holding them in a pure and Immortal correlation. Chas. Sorlbnor'H Sons, New York, are tho pub lishers of all Cable's writings. tiii: oiiio riMii.isiiis'o not'Hi:. A beautiful specimen of tlio printer's art is tho new illustrated catalogue of Tho Werner Company of Akron, Ohio, the largest ami most thoroughly equip jted hook manufacturing establishment in America. From the modest beginning of a small local printing shop, tlio fac tory Iiiih rapidly grown into ono of woild-wido fmno. Many important works havo emanated from this estab lishment ; for the linn not only manu factures its own publications, from start to finish, hut also innnv owned It other well-known homes. The litho uraohic branch of the uroat establish ment lias for yoam enjoyed an enviable and far reaching reputation. Aside from the technical excellence of the llrm'H new catalogue, which lu itself is no small evidence of the linn's mechani cal achievement, it will bo of interest to all booksellers and hookhuyors, re cording ami iloM'rihiug as it iloosou ItH hundred of pages, alnmt 260 titles of The Wei nor Coiiipuiiy'H owns pub lications. Those cover almost every branch of literature, so that every hook lover will llml therein something to in to rout him ami to suit his xirticulur tasto. Two of tho most Important publica tions of Tho Werner Company arodouht lens their unexcelled Americanized Edition of the "EncyclopiiMila liritan nlca." inltO volumes, and the "Werner Universal h'ucyclopn'illa," in 12 vol umoH, Imth carefully revised ami brought down to date. Too much mmoo would ho needed to enumerate all thoother valuable and Interesting works published by this llrm; wo mention some, however, of their latest publications, viz: An olalnirato Illustrated history of tho "United States Armv and Navy," Ell Perkins' "Thirty Years of Wit;" a new edition of Marshall P. Wlldor'a "Po p!o I'vo Smiled with;" an "En ovolopailla of Superstitions;" Honrv Wattemon's "History of tlio Spanlsh" Anmrican War;" Mr. Uillotto'e "Cook Hook," etc, etc. lkatn ifetrulhal. A few your age a Nw Vik newspaper cououctod an opi ilUctuumui unou the topic. "U Manksc a PallurvV' The niunver t eaiy and upon ike ui face Where there U mutiul love and rtmpect, if there U ahwi health, liiurtiiige U a aucceaa. Whew health ia left out. evw the tuoat aideHt love W not count, and marriage i iuvaiUbly a fuituie. MmWrn wrltiiee ha cried the warning ao often that all auouht icaltae the danger of wciltock to iKple in Ill-health. In a M of thU kind death lurka on every aide In Ihe kiw of betrothal and the care of the ueueyiuooti The man who la mtTeiing fioui ill health ia a phyalcat bankrupt, and haa no right to condemn a woman to be hi uuibe lor me ana llic nioltier of babe that inherit hi phyaical weakue.. I)r Pierce' Ookleii Medical Ducovery act directly on the digestive oiganuui It luaVea it atroug and It action perfect. When a uun' ill giMtieu i all right hi blood will be pure; whju hi bloott i pure hi nervou ayatetu Will be atioug and hU health vigorou. A woman who aviffera front weakne and iHaoaie of Ihe delicate organUm of her e la ceilain to uQer ftoiu general tll-jiaalth, and to be au unhappy, helplcaa luxlla aad a gtMppolntumit a a wife. Iter children wW U weak, puny ad pccvtth A happy htue U au impiblllly for her until Her health i nwtored. I)r Wercc' Pawnie PieneiiHttoH cure all trouble of the Ul. UMtiy fewiniNe organUia. It cure them ly, eemtilelely and permaaemty It r w4fehfld and malhihaail !Uih wodfalHa are told by all goa4 deilcr. V us Ifour Stomach Works hard every day, 1b it Btrange that It stops occasionally? Don't shock It with some Krlplng purgative, but use Ho9tctter'fl Stomach Hitters, a remedy everybody knows. A dose of the Hit ters taken regularly will keep the stomach sweet, the bowels regular, and prevent, as well as cure, all dis orders of u weak stomach. Sec that a TuiVATK Huvknui: Stamp covers the neck of the Bottle, Bowaro of "Somothlnff Just Hostettcr's Stomach as oood" Bitters A KKMOVAt.. Loo A Shephard, publishers, Boston, inform their friends of their removal from No. 10 Milk street to No. 201 Dev onshire street, near Franklin itreet. It is with somo regret that they leave the familiar pluco "Next tho Old South Meeting House," after being there dur ing the last fourteen of the thirty-eight years that have elapsed since the estab lishment of the house. Ixio A SI cphard's catalogue contains thousands of tho best works ever printed for children nnd young jieojilo. Tho name of tho firm Is associated with the cleanest and best literature in the minds of millions of Americans. Tho 00 pages of McCluro's ojieii witli a Hash ami close with a dash. The art features include n cover designed bv Will II. Low. a portrait of Cecil Uhodos, tho scene nt Lincoln's deathbed, and a portrait of Mrs. Lincoln. Tho literary feats aro Miss Tarhcll's Lincoln paper, and tho Irish humorist story of St, Patrick and serpents. This latter is by Senilis Macmanus, a native of the old sod carrying a great deal of the native llavor into his writings. Miss Tarbell's account of Lincoln's funeral is to ap pear in the September number of this lender of the dollar monthlies. AUOUHT I'KIIIODKVU.H. Tho Bookman is a brilliant number in illustrations and matter, with the edi torial features of "Chronicle and Com ment" and "Ixitter-box" snappy instead of gappy. Tills concludes the ninth volume. With September will beirln a series of articles on Now York in fiction, reminiscences of nil the noted novelists who have made tho Empire City the! r home. Tlio Bookman is $2 n year and easily leads all similar publications in its combination of "Belles Lotters" nnd art-nows-criticism combined. Its editor, Mr. Peck lias made it one unbroken success from tlio start. Those who wish to niako preparatory studies of the Paris oxomtioii ean do no hotter in tills country than to take the Parisian Magazine. This mouth is de voted to tho Swiss section ami also some general information leaks out about the whole enterprise. These articles aro il lustrated and a hound volume of this magazine containing the first part of tlio series on the great event of 1000 can be had for 50 cents. Address the Parisian, Carnegio hall, Now York. Current Literature comes in an azure and brown cover with its usual curgo of one hundred and fifty articles mid iMtems. There am extended readings from the best now novels, all tho good poems now or old, u very able editorial department, fun, fact and humor, hook reviews ami criticisms. At tho price, thit monthly quarto, 25 cents a cony, affords a library of select fiction And lit erature indeed tho cream of all that's printed and edited ami selected with groat taste ami printed in admirable form to gratify tho appetite of tho gen eral reader. Current Literature Pub. Co., Bryant Building, New York. During the summer months fruit is a subject of no little importance and many iiiterontiug and lichiful hints havo boon given for the benefit of the consumer or the preserver. Of the proior nerving of various fruits their uses on tlio menu and recipes providing for tlio present and future consumption, is information to bo gained from the August issue of Tablo Talk. Other topics of interest aro "The Early :Trainlng of children:" "Cooking in Stoneware;" "Dishwash ing iih it Should ho Dono;" "Walking as u Fine Art," etc., etc. The readers of this paper aro offered a sample copy of this magainu if they semi name and address to TabhiTnlk Publishing Co., riuilciolplila, ra. To young men who would make jour nalism their lifework a writer in tlioSat tmluy EveningPost of Philadelphia nivh, "Don't," but, having thus freed his conscience, he elaborates entertainingly with anecdote and reminiscence the joys, tho vicissitude ami oxorieucos of the young man who has ink in his blood. The series will begin in the Post of August 12. Ilutr An Your Kidney I l)r UobbVSnaraim I'Ute euro all kldtxiy 111. Sam. plofrvo. Add fiterllu lletutHlirCo.OhlpaiioorN. Y. Tho Boat Proscription for Mnlarln. OhUUuttil fever U a ImttU ol (IhiivnhTjintk I.xhh Cliil.l. Tenia It U .Imply lion mul Uiiiiiluein a tiulelM lorm. .No euro, u ly, in 1e60o. 7-17 d w 4m S, C, STONE, M. D, Vroprletorjof Stone's Drue: Stores bALKM..OUK10N. Tlie autre (two In numtr) aro locate! a No. U and !UJ (Ntmtnervlal ttreet, aHd arv vll ttuckwl ulth ai-oiiipk-le line ofdruitaaiHl mtsllt'lmw, tivllei artllf, perfumery, bruahai !., etc, vte. DR. 8TONK llakhad aime'Jt)var exiorienee In the praa Ueeut wwlkiiteand mir taaVvi no eharge far MUHllatlN. eiaminatum or presort inlou. JERSEY BULL. Pull blood Jeniy, Borvlco) for soKon only II. lot cash. Corner of Thlrtoenht nnd Conlor streota. 5 tt Uuown A 8.. HED FRONT LIVERY First-lass Feed and Boarding stables. U4 COMUKltaiAL(STKBKT. SALKM, ORE, Wm ULLREY, Prop. Best Rig& for Commercial Men 8aU la um block HaW WllUawM. n-aia teams ana comfortable Hi; forludlAsaml family driving a spe lalvy. Hirswbrihid by day, wtjk or montb am) Utet nf sutUfaBttan irtianuiteud. VI tj mynfiTini'i rr iMMPa BllSlNESH CJAttDS O. JH. IHAOK Dentist, Succeer to Dr. J. M. Keene, old WTiU Corner, Sibtn, Or. Part its dMiring aaperiot operations at moderate feet in any branch ar In especial request. ALBERT A. JESSUP. Phone 1071. HOOMS 1 ANU I), (MAY HLK, SOULE 35ROS. TUNERS AND REPAIRERS PIANO I'OIlTIiAND.TOmi Kor Halcin ami vicinity C. Will' Music Htorc. IcavoJJinlera at dco ei later OFFICF, CITY HALL' For water service apply at office. Jhl'i payable monthly in advance. Make complaints at the &"., You Can Get a Lower Berth, With one exception the through trains of the Uurilngton Route urn almost Invariably wcll-llllcd. The exception Is our St. Paul Chicago Limited. On the limited there is usually room and to sptire. Don't Infer that It l" neither so line, nor so fut, as ANY train of ANY other line between tit. Paul and Chicago. On the con trary, there Is no more beautiful train lu America. It litis electric light, stciui heat, wide vestibules, the most satisfactory dlnlug-car service on the continent nnd lower berth for everybody, A. 0. SHELDON. (Icii'I Ai'ont, Portland, Or. Kimt Mull Salt LiiIcd. Donver Ft. Wurlli Omaha, Kamuu City, til C 15 pin H p. in, Lutlla.l lilcaifO and Kimt, HKI- kum Kher W'nlla Walla, Hpokauo, Mlniuv 8lK- hIkiiih, ni. rain, iniiinii, 3in wiuikco Chicago and iuihI, kniio Myor s.iw 2.30 p u OOKAN H1KMHII1IU liclncil. 8 p in For Han rroucliico, I p. Ill Ball etery live day. 8 li. in imuMiiu mvKit 8TKAMUUS. nx. Him Satur day 10 p, in. T Aatorla and way IjiihIIiiih, l. m ux Bun, Iiavo r4a- I mi) Hu cm WlI.l.AMKTIK H1VKII Portland, Newlmrg and IndlngH. 7. IS am w ny C p. in. ITU. ilOllll WeU Frl Tii lliur 8at. 'liiu iiudUat 10 II, in. Moil Vtl Frl Fur Dayton 3:80 jun .'Ar 8ft. U'avn wif.uvMirrrK itivmt iem Tu Thu I'olnta. jMnu Hal WaI p. m anil Frl WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION Daily botta to Portland as above. Transfers to street car line at Orcg Cilj if the steamers are delayed there ound trip tickets to all points in Orecon. WasMne. ton, or California. Connection made at Tort land with all rail, ocean andnver line. W. II.HWRLHURT. Ccn'l Pas. ArI. Poitland. Or. . M. POWERS. Agent, Trade street dock Salen. 1JOISE i: HARKUR. City Auenu. A Few Interesting Facts When poople are contemplctlng a trip whether on business or pleasure, they natur ally want the bet service olnainable so far as speed, comfort and sfety is concerned. Employes of the Wikcomnn Central Lint are paid to serve the public ami ourltrain. a,- operated so as to make cla-e connections with diverging line at nil junction pomts. Pulluun Palace Sleeping and Chair car on through train. Dining car ervice unexcelled, Meals a la Carte. In order to obtain this matckss service. asV. the dckel afietit to ell you a twket ,oer TUB WISCONSIN' CBSTIUI, IJSBS ami you will mske diren eoamolMtvs M. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee ami iolnis Bast. at all any ror any lurtaer infoimaiion call on ticket agent r aefreMteftd with JAS. l).NT), General Pass. Ant. J.S.A.CLQCK, Ma"K. WW. GHial Agent, IKTUM. Okk, O. H. LANE Merchant TailOp 97 STATR QTVum CSTSiUta S15 and upwards, ' PanU S3 and upward I l k Olf&N mm m ll Utl'AIlTl T1MK HdlKllUI.K. AllllIM toil From l'orUnud Notice, I have for sale on my Ho well PraU ral Ranoh SOQ tons of A t Qlovor yat$4.Q0pe rton In thaflold. FRANK DURBIN . .'t--?ililrtiflTffM.fll i I irll I ( il r i i 1 mi u ?!; D IVIOiMTEZUIVIA Isn beautiful ihippleil chestnut 10, hands high, and weighs 1700 lbs. He Ih a H.rlect all purpose horce. Will bo at Huffman's fitable, Salem, Saturday of each week in July and Aug ust, and the remainder of tho week at the 1'alr Grounds. Terms, $10.00 to In sure. Also colts broken and handled for epoed. II. H. Hutiikiifoiid. A JjTFE SAVED. Dr. J.F, Cook, tho Botanical Spoo allot, Succeeds Whoro Othor Fall. To whom it may concern : This is to certify that llertha 1'. .Con nor, of Mt. Angel precinct. Marion coun ty, Oregon, lias suffered from a cancer ous growth in the left ear for about three years. The growth was cutout twice and burned out once by Albany Physicians, hut tho growth came back as bad as ever, and pained Her so liailiy tnai she iiiui to Ihs taken from school. After tlireo week's treatment by Dr. J. F. Cook, of Salem, Oregon, the Ilotanlcal Specialist, tho growth entirely disap peared, and at this date, four mouths since treatment was begun, the growth has not reappeared, and the ear has en tirely healed leaving only the scars in llieted by the Albany doctors. I hereby certify that the above state ment is absolutely true, and that Her tha 1 Conner, the tiersoii mentioned in the aflldavit. has resided in my fam ily since early childhood, bearing tlio re lationship to me of niece. II. C. Lo.nci. Subscribed and bwohi to before me this eighth day of June, 181)11. W. W. Hall, county dork of Marion county, Oregon? Kurtz & Hamilton PLUMBERS and TINNERS 1)8 COURT STRKKT. Mukca specially of "nil Kinds of Sheet Stcul and Galvanized Iron work rjoflng and guttering, a full line of I'umps ami pump llttlngs. Prompt work and reiibomiole prices. We carry In stock the Fairbanks wind mill. Cull mid sec us before L'lvlug your order for mill or iniik. Phone H PROMPT WORK AND LOW PRICES The Intor-Stnto Unlvorslty System of Musical Instruction. K. II. HCOIT. 1). M. PHKSIDK.vr A National Co-operative Institution wliloh la UyinnlnK to mimlior lt faculty by ImiidroiU and ilH implla liy tlioiliuiudi, KmbrautuK innr than twenty matt. Fur the benefit of I'uplU ori'rlvutuTvaoliora At Home. KKlltril SCUOMHT10 YHAU. OrllHoattM irranted (rum a rwularly clmr- ivron innuiutiou. liiplanatlon of ho ajrutuiu In detail in tliiMo i'dIuiiiiu Watoli for It. KITA AS DKK3-WI LMMAN. Stale KHiri(entatlvH and Member nX the Fuoillly Btlidwi orer Klrat Natltmal Hank llldtf., One or two iilaota open for advauead plajura in piano iuartat- Steam Dye Works, No. 105 Commercial street, nnpoMto Wllhuuetto hotel. Ladles' and gentlemen's clothing cleaned, tlyod, re paired and pre.sMul. Fine blankets cleaned or dyed 'ind nicely llnlhheil. Kid gloves clounod, lOo; dyed Jfic. Platino Photos, Knlart,'oiHonLs In Crayon and Water Color, l'hoto lluitons. Aiiidtour developlnir ami llnishlni: noatly (lone. 1 .1. HROWN, fixoi'M) Floor 2LI Coiumorclal St., Salem Oregon, fissay Office AND LABOHATORY. No. 71 Chemcketa s(, J. B. 1. TUIIDLL Assayer nwnm NEW MARKET Ht.te street, near railroad. Freshen and bet meats. My patrons say I keep the best peats In town ar Annual Encampment I Of Jolin A. IjiHtan f torun Iteiinion Aatociutiou at Mohanui, Or., commono ing AiigHBt 7 and ooiitinuiiig through Uitt . Good spoakera and anuiH Hnta provklatl for jxmuii; and old. KvryHo armaeilv iiivitotl to Ivpron otiU oapoaiaUy all x-soldUrs, sailors RMl HrtH 04 Old war of ISitl-i, as v)l u ggMfore ot tlw vr with SiwIh r tb rb!U)p)mM. 7 15 lm liy onW of committeu. uUi SOUTH AND EAST VIA TE SHASTA RO'JTE OF THE DIE Pacific Co, KXTRKSS TRAINS RUN DAttY S7:oop 9--4S i:4 a SI m) Lv. . .Portland. Ar.,.,Satem .. Ar (8:00 .ArJsj Lv ( 700 8:00 AM Ar. San Francisco AM OOPM 5 uo r m1 6:05 P M 6.43 A M 815 P M 7.00 A M 815 PM 4,15 PM 7-55 A m Ar OKilen ... .Ar Ar Denver. , Lv Ar .... Omaha .... Ar Ar .... Chicago . ...Lv Ar. ..Los Angeles... Ar Ar ... El Paso .... Ar Ar....Fort Worth... ,Ar Ar... New Orleans. ,,Ar lilOPM 643 PM SO A M 6,30 p M 9 2SI-M I 35 r- M 040 Am 8 40 m DINING CARS OBSERVATION CARS. Pullman hrst-class and tourist iilcepi nciTi attached to all through train) . Tourist crt through to Chicago without change. ROSKBUKO MAIL, -DAILY. 8:30 am) Lv. 1055 A Ml-Lv. 5.2o pmI Ar Portland . . Ar ( 430 p Salem.... Lv i 1 So.-pjj Roseburg.. Lv (7.moam " Vest sf de dTVisIon . BBTWREN PORTINI) AND C0RVA1.L1S, Mall Mains daily except Sunday. 730 am Lv. . . .Portland. . Ar I 3:50 r k 1 1 .'55 i" m ivr. . . .urvuinn.. l.v I .'20 t u At Albany and Corvallis con tti 1 tains of the C. & E. Ry. INDEfEWbENClTTAShENULK. " KXPRRiiS TRAIN OAILV KXCRPT SUNDAV.l 450 I'M) Lv.... Portland.... Ar I 825 am 730 Pll Lv. . . .McMinnville Lv 550 a m 8:30 ri) At Independence Lv) 450 & Direct connections at ban Francisco will steamship lines f HAWAII, 1APAN CHINA. THE PHILIPPINES ami AUS. TRALIA. For through tickets anil rates call o w. W, SKINNER, Depot Agent, cr ( D. GA11RILLSON City 'Picket Agent, 232 Com metclal ht. Salem Or. K. KOhlll.KK, Mmi.ii v ' F. & P. A. lWls ordai Oregon SI1011 Line Railroad The Direct iloutc to Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern I'oiLts Glvi ehnlcc of two Invnrllc ro 'ten, via thr Union I'nclhu FhhI Mall 1 v, or the Itlo (Iruiide Ucciilu 1,1 uox. Look at the time H Days to Salt Lake '2 Days to Denver ilj Days toChlcuiro 4 Duys to New York Free Itcclluliii; Clnilr (Iiirx. Uiilinhtercd Tun Int Ulocplnfr Cars, and Pullman l'atiicu Hlcepcrn 0eriilcil on all trains. For further Information npply.to IIOISK iV HAIIKKIt, Axcnta, Salem W li. COMAN.Oi'li'l Axeul C. O. TintUV.Trav. Puih AkI l'Jt'lhlidHt.. l'ortlmiil Soo Pacific Lino. Travel in comiort by the II the fastest train crossing the continent. It is a through train making few stops. Its equipment is of surpassing elegance. It will pay you to travel by it. For full D.irticul.ire uh to niton, time and copies of (J. P. II. publications ap ply to 0. M. LOCK WOOD Anent Salem Ore. II II, Abott, Auent Portland. E. J, Coylc, A.O P. A, Vancouver H C Corvallis & Eastern Railroad 2 For Yaqulna: Train leaves Allmny . 'iruln leaves Corvallis 12:50 p. in. l'4.i p Train arrives Yaqulna... I ItcturninL': .r):r.O p Leaves Yaouluu. ... , . . 7-00 a ...11:40 a ...12:i')p. Leaves Corvallis..:. Arrives Albany .'1 For Detreit: Leaves Alhunv Arrives Detroit 4 Keturnliik': Leaves Detroit A 1 rives Albany.... OLeaves Albany Arrives Cor villi li .. 7:40 a. in ;5.ria. ui. .12:2on ui. ft:.'lftp 111. li.-a') p. m. . (l:.V) p. Ill "ALnnvn.4 Corviillls :-IO II in Arrives Albany ;,I:3ftau!i One and twe connect Albany id Corvallis with Southern i'J? ?.. nv' u-IvIuk direct eervlw t'"'"' from p,ew port and adjacent loJ rirvuii3 No. 0 runs from Albany UK -naiiw on Mondays. Wlnew " - nNn s runs from Corvallis to Albany onXS. Thursdays and SatuP d TraAr the monntaliu. arrive at Detroit at iio-.ii. (llvlm ample tlu.e to reach cauiplnir imiund on tie Hrelterihusli and Santlam river the " ' t F A P A Mali J.TVRNEK Anl. Albany. Ore fi rffittnn Southern Canadian Facile Jv II AM' VILUMETTE:RIVKU DIVISION STEAMER ALBANY, Captain Znmalt Leaves Saletn at 7 a. in. r Portland aud way landings every Tueday. Thursday and Saturday. The steamer ha. been .JX'i'C1 ? Jia'. olau aecoiuruodattoiis, InMUdlug an ,''uliurpassl Jar earryinij U.th UtM auJ paskvUKers. nookVat ot Slate slreell.j. Hom Xgnt CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfci Meets all mail and paakeog traih Bk 0 ge and express to al) parts of 'h f lOnipt seo ice. Telephone No. 7 DISC-UK & SKIPTON