JOURNAL. IJnLJjj VOXi. x SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY AUGUST 2 1800. NO 180 DAILY Salem woolen iisP! Hoie Made Goods Specials: A very select line of Boy's Knee Pant Suits of our own goods made up in New York. GET ONE FOR YOUR BOY! All sizes of Boy's Black Hose, the very best to be had: A?V for them. WOOWf fli STORE """ '-'-v.. Is our handsome Russet Calf Shoe for summer wear. Just the right shade, anatomically cor rect last, and the latest and most stylish details in trimming and making we have them in black also. Ought to be four dollars, any man's money, but we want to keep tiade at home, so we put it at the same price as order-by-mail-and-trust-to-luck shoes. Buy your shoes at home and get suited for $3.50, reduced to $2.90. SALEM SHOE STORE R. H. Leabo, Manager. RS State St. Ladd & IhMi Hank Wdg. GRAY Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, .Ore. 1 OQiiST OIMN ML 1,0( TUe Model Oregon Newspaper aod Family Journal. Uniting News, Fiction, Literary, Ranch aod Dairy and Market News In attractive readable forai. LI VHKLY Is untied Thursday morning In lltne to reach all part of the state the same week, The ,argest assortment of Men's Pants: Regular sizes, extra sizes and extra longs. No matter what size you call for we have them. A special unve un inem " he, finest line of Crash Mats for Men and Bovs to be found, Styles. in Patterns and OUR X SUCCESS X X X X Krausse Bros success has the envy of even Salem's Greatest Banker who has opened his No, 2 second-hand slioe store under the stairway where you can find anything you want, from the E.C. Small and Wm, Brown stock down to the pres ent time. We wish him suc cess even though he envies us. Yours for bargains in shoes at cut prices. FREE SHINE Krausse Brothers, 275 Commercial St. A Winner 2C 2 In the Race for Trade Carpenter's Tools. Blacksmith's Tools, Fine Tools For Every Trade at i7 BROS JODBSAL mLIM Lands the Sick and Wounded. A Dozen of the Oregon Men are on Board. Filipinos Driven Back Near Elpardo By Americans. llr Aaaoplntpil I'rru lu the Journal. Sa.v Kiu.ncisco, Au. L The hospital ship Iloliof nrrivud this nioriitug from the Philippines. Tho Relief luia:t20 men on Iward, most of whom aro Hick and wounded soldiers. Tlio Helief proceeded to a point off tho Presidio, where the government vessels McDowell and Car oline aro utilized in transferring the sick and wounded to shore. Among the sick on tho Itelicf nro 12 men of tho Oregon and fi of tho Washington reg- iinent. Two men of tho Wyoming rogi nient died on the voyage. Manila, Aug. 2. Mail advices from Cebu anuounco that a company of Americans last week attacked tho Fili pino trenches two kilometres from Klpardo. Tho rebels wore commanded by brothers CUinaee, prominent ami wealthy persons. Tho Charleston Hhclled tho enemy and tho Filipinos retreated. American casualties sight. Wasiii.notov. Aug. 2. Otis cables ad nitional casualties; Wounded .Inly 20, near Calainha, Hrut Washington com pauyC, Spawn Woodruff, neck, slight. Wahiiixuto.v. . Aim. 2. Following is u. of tho mm- from Commander Ionian. boat Machias, fcfnnto Dominge: "United States consul says tho death of Heureaux has no political significance. Motive for assassination Is supposed to to have been norsontil revenue. No dis order exists." From the Presidio, Joseph Fonc.1 received a letter from his two sons at tho presidio this morn ing. They aro mumberH of tho famous Second Oregon and will leave there Tuesday evening and Imi homo. Thurs day. Not a immibor of Co. K hut Is In good health. I-eo Fones canvassed the company and 00 men declared their in tention of coming to Salem. FLACJ AT HALF MAST. Tenth Pennsylvania Brought Dead Colonel Into Port, Sa.v Fhancihco, Aug. 2. Tho United SUttes transport Senator arrived last night from Manila with her Hag at half mast, on account of the deatli of Colonel Alex Hawkins, commander of the Tenth Pennsylvania regiment, United State volunteers. The Senator willed from Manila on July 1, with 88 olllcers and 721 enlisted men. The transport was at Nagasaki on July 16, when Colonel Hawkins was taken ill with cancer of tho ImjwuIb, from which ho had been a sufferer dur ing the greater part of his campaign in the Philippines, and for which ho had undergone treatment in tho military hospital at Manila. His' illness con tinued during tho following day (July 10) when tho Senator was at okoluimn. and two days later ho hism.hI away at SOS. After tho death of Colonel Hawkins, the command of the regiment was vest ed in Lieutenant-Colonel Uamett, who, like the dead colonel, is popular among the enlisted men, and iiuulo a good re con 1 in tho war. Of tho 769 otlicors and men whom Colonel Harnett brought to San Fran cisco, three are privates in tho Sixth ar tillery, United Status army, and one is a member of the Nebraska regiment, who was left behind at Yokohama when his companions suited for this jwrt on the Hauoook. A dozen stowaways wore also uuncoalod in the hold and were only brought to light after the Senator left Yokohama. When tho Tenth Peunsylvaua pulled from Ban Francisco for tho Philippines lust year tho muster comprised 830 men. Twenty-four went killed in bat tle or died in tho Manila hospital and thereat of the sick and wounded to tho number of seven aru on the hospital ship Iteliof, which, will probably urrtv hero within the next few days. Like the Orvgoii and Nebraska regi monts, the Pennsylvania troops, prior to suiting from Manila, voted in favor i of Mng musturtd out in Han Francisco. ; The Pennsylvania troops will dlsom-' bark and march through tho priuciiil t streets of the city to the model camp ' prepared for their reception at the Prwidio, whwre they will remain until umstenxJ out. FRUITS OF ORGANIZATION. School Buildings Will Be Painted Salem Union Labor. The board of directors of njIiooI dis trict No. 21 held a speufcl inttotfg Tues day for the purpose of eom4ting iu ruiigMHiMnts for the painting of the seltool h(tuitm. Hulery A Jenkius, th htigwne paint Mrs, who desired tlm soltool Uiard "to sign Uttrtr contract," as Jwlgo lhtvnIon, a membur of the board, faeUotJy ttf marked, imtwul of signing the agree ment proparod ami forwardi to them by the board, notified the Utard by let ter 01 tnwr inaoiiity 10 eoioiuy Willi ue tarms of the contract, ami iRstMid, ui stitntod aaoinpoei of thir owh Manu facture, which they forwarded to U board, doly signtxl. Voh motion, the aetioti of th board by wltih tho ontrat fur itmtiHg the imiA ami .ertu mihom wminia. ler fiUkiHi 77XO, nctfIly, WllMmn awarued to Hlery A Jenkln, tv Tho next lowest bidders, willing to eonuilv with tho terms of tho contract. being tho Brotherhood of Paintor8,Paicr nangers aim Decorators ol this city, tne board then awarded them tho contract on their bids of f 400 for the Kast school and f 120 for tho North. Tho work will begin next Monday and tho method by which tho Union will carrv it on is nractleallv as follews: The ofllcors of tho organization will up lwlnt a foreman under whoso sinwrvi- sion tho matter will Ikj. Kvery painter w ho is a member of tho union and who nesires to work on tho job will bo given employment. It is expected that tho job will yield wages at tho rate of $2.60 per day. but no workman will bo paid off until the none is completed. Tlion alter nil otnor bills aro paid, tho money remaining will bo divided among tho workmen in ox act nroportion to tho number of day's work performed by each, insuring each man tho highest wages possible, and his full share of the profits. Fall Trade. ino outlook for fall Is vory encourag- Sllir llllft n IT Tnnn 4lin mnwilmnt tnllrt.. Informs us that ho will be prepared hotter than over to attend to tho wants of tho public in tho way of fall suiting and overcoating. Ho has received a fow Into novelties which he will mako up In ilrstclass shutm nt tho tho lowest figure consistent with good work. Holms also a fow summer suitings left that he will mako up at a great reduction, Oi vo him a call at 7 State street. PEACEFUL HAWKEYES Renominate Their Governor Maryland Democrats Ditto. fly Aaaoclnted Preaa to (lie Journnl. Kaltimoiik, Aug. 2. The Democratic stato convention hold today nominated a stato ticket with John Waltor Smith for governor at tho head. Tho mooting was harmonious and all nominations woro iniulo by acclamation. Dks Moinks, Aug. 2. Tho state Re publican convention assembled with an unusually largo attendance. There is no op)ositlon to the rcnomiuatioii of Governor Shaw and tho principal con test will bo over Supremo judges. A largo portion of the delegates are anxious for an antitrust plank In tliu platform. Former congressman Curtis was chosen permanent chairman Governor L. M. Shaw was renom inated by acclamation. MARION COUNTY MATTERS Duslness Being Transacted at the Court House. .Marriage licenses have been Usued for W. II, Armstrong and Maude Pomeroy; Shirley lluck and F.llzaboth S. Illlg. County Jndgo Terrell has received the formal resignation of J. A. Kemp, Just Ice of the ihhico for Woodburn district. Mr. Kemp gives ns his reason for his ac tion the fact thai ho Is ill, and unable to attend to the duties of the olllco as re quired. A petition was also received, signed by n largo numbr of tho eitlreim of Woodlmrn district, urging tho a polntinunt of II. Overtoil to till tho vac ency. Tho resignation and iiotltiou will come before tho county court nt tho regular August term, when an appoint ment to fill tho vaceuey will doubtless 1)0 made. CIIOIIATK. W. Q. Westacott, administrator of the estate if Toy Sam. deceased, yesterday lllod his final account in tho probate court. Judge Terrell set tho time for hearing tho account for Saturday, Sep tomlxir 2d, at 10 a. in. Tho deceased has heirs in Salem and in Canton, China. W. T. Slater, receiver for the Will iams A Knglaml Hanking Co. has filed his report covering transactions from April 1st to July 1st, 1H1KI. Tho Inventory of the estato of Andrew Murphy by Martin Donahue. Virgil Sharp and Charles Wiggin, appraisers, has Ihicii filed, showing iiersoual prop erty S2I7 and real estate, 1210. in the matter of tho estato of Joseph C. Parrlsh, deceased, ), A. Piece, ad ministrator, by his attorneys. P. II. D'Arcy and S. T. Illclurdson, has filed a demurrer to the etitiou of W. S. HooImj, and the demurrer is siisttlucd by Judge Terrell, ClltCUIT COUItT. Klizaboth Simms, plaintiff, vs. Louis II. Pedorson, lUymond lirumhaughuml Kichard Koe, defendants, is the title of u new suit filed in department No. 2 for tho puroso of foreclosing it uiortgagooii 70 acruri of laud In section 28 1 5 s r I w given to secure a note for fftftO dated January 15. Plaintiff asks judgment for tho full amount and interest, aggregat ing J8H.I5, and flOO attorney's fees. The plaintiff is roproMUitml by Wood ward A. Palmer, of Portland. dkkim num. George (i, lllngliam and wife to F. M. Hrooks. lot No. 1. ami 2. in block No, 7. Drown addition to Silvertou, IkjikI for deed f 1,000. F. W. Durblii, sheriff, to J. H. Will iams, lot 7, block No. 38, North & lem, fftOO. Kiiuim O. Jory to II. F. Jory, lot 10 in hlk 0, Friukoy's add to Salem. ftHX). Win. M. lSushey to Joseph Ktzul, the west half of tho d I c of V. W. Hrooks ami wife in t D s, r 1 inut. f.1100. Ida May Klliott to (iio. O. Diiighum, lots I and 2 in blk 7, llrown add to sil ver ton. $1. rJmt.o& CyES All EYt DISEASES. INI UMU) MS.6CAUB 0M U08 -OHANULAUUri tit. SmIIMc MURINE) Will core tmrMtto. Itahhig ami Imi ruing yM ; any trouble resulting from strong wiimI or dust; all ohm of red lids, red eyus or ecaktf on Ild Will also strengthen weak eyw. re lieve pain from any Injury and pro vHt inllsiiMtion. It shouhl always I Hed afur any foreign sultotanee hu xm rentovI from the yM The relief exprintd hi iiwstant aneons and lh rtMtult always Im-ii- M. For ul by BARR'S JEWELRY STORE 310 BTATU STHCET V . - I WHAT j r z T. mi tJ .hM JZ itfr ow IMjJj Is Checked at Hamp ton. Tramp Confesses to Kill ing Two Farmers. Two Moro Murderers Pass Away Electricity. By Ity Aaioclnletl I'rcaa to tlm .louriml. asuinoto.v, Aug. 2. A special to the Kveniin: Star from Newoort Nnwa says: Governor Woodfln at the Hamp ton soldiers home, gave out tho follow ingolllrial statement .teday: "No now cases of yellow fover, no deaths. Sit uation is practically under control. Some dllllculty is being experienced In remov ing the troops from Fort Monroe. None of tho steamship companies will take them and no government transiKirtsare available. A Murderer Confesses. l.VDKi'n.NDKNcn, Kansas, Aug nuil) uivinu tho namo of It. C 2.-A Youmr tramp giving the namo of lias confessed to murdorinu A. ,, ,, -.. -. . C. Hush and John Cooley uoo ov prominent farmerH and stick raisers from tho Snlota Indian reservation. Hush and Cooley allowed Young to ride with them ono day and mai uigiii ne Kiueu inem Willi an axe, Two Electrocuted. Auiiuhmn, N. Y., Aug. 2. Oscar K. luce, a white man, mid John Keuuedv, n Negro, were put to death by electric ity in tho prlsion here today. Itlco murdered his wife, and Kennedy killed another negro. Machlnnts Strike, Pour lliutox, Mich., Aug. 2. Tho miichlnsts of thogrnnd trunk shops here struck today. Tliu einployinont of nun union machinists Is given as the Immed iate cause of tho walkout. Oermana Satisfied. Hkiimn, Aug. 2. A dispatch from Apia, Samoa, says Germans thuro are satisllod with thoapioiutmoutnf United States Consul Osliorn- as acting chief justice, and regard it as a pledge of tho Impartial udmiulsl ration of justice, Two Umatilla Convicts. .lite .Morse, three and one-linlf years fnt liir.iifii. .iitjl l',.i II11111111 .... .vu,. nun 11 ill. jiiiiniM, iiiii'w yours, for larceny, were today brought to tho pen by Deputy Sheriff J. A. Hlakely. three, IJand Concert, The Salem Military baud will again favor the nubile Wednesday nluht. hv giving an oKiii'air concert at tho inter section of Sti)te and Commercial streets. The concert will begin at 7:45 o'clock, and 1111 excellent program will bo ren dered, some choice new selections IkIiiu: promised. PER3QNAL8. Misses It 11 tli and Geuiveve Church, who have boon visiting at tlio home of their grand parents Judge ami Mrs. J. J. Murphy, returned homo this nftur noon. Prof. K. L. Winkler left for Nashville, Tenu., Sunday morning, whither he was called by telegram, to take charge of his musical work. Hx-Sonator Stoiworof Union county, came over from Nowwrt, this after noon. Prof. K. II. Anderson and family eniuo down from Drain this afternoon. A. T. Gilbert Is in Portland for the af ternoon. Chas Hen son. is home from Newport. FEVER los. Meyers k Sons Cl SALEM'S GREATEST STORK QJ Travelers OHiriuwiw- art Kin 11 u mii it YMallu'l ir tr' (Ull ami ao Hi. Come Early to Our x x x GRBAT FOR LADltS HOSIERY ) CORSETS UNDERWEAR ) IMk Royal 3r4B5aLUm.YfoRE Makes tho food more norAt iwa ACENTENNARIAN. In Polk County Who Will Celebrate His One Hnmiredth Dlrthday Aug. 7, Mrs. T. J. Wilson of Clackamas, came up today and went to Independence wnereon August , win io ceiouratcd the One-hundredth blrthdav anniver- rary of lior gmniKather, Ir. Willis Klllot, who lives with his son-in-law John Rhodes, four miles south of Dallas. !Mr. Klliot Is a pioneer, was all through tho civil war with his noven sons, live of them still living at Prineville, Crook county. Mrs. Wlhon is o3 years old and her grandfathers' descendants aro too numerous to mention, air. Klliot docs not get n pension, ns he fought under Gen. Lee's llag. He is In tho best of health, sitfforlmi Ho imimirincnt of his faculties beyond a little deafness. Mtssllorteiise Kimball, returned from Newport on tho afternoon train, YACHTING EVENTS, Columbia Leads By a Trial Race. Mil e in llr Aaaorlnleit l'rm to tlio Journnl. Nkwcout, It. I., Auir. 2. trial race today hotweon the DurinB n Columbia and tho Dofender, tho Columbia s mast broke off fifty feet from tho deck. At the time of tlio disaster she was fully a mile ahead of the Defender. Tho Columbia was towed In by the Associated Press tug. The yacht'suffer cd a little Injury to her hull. It will take two days to repair the damage. Cowns, Aug. 2. Tho Kinnoror Will iains' yacht Meteor ugaiii won in the second day h raclmi of the Koval yacht sipuidroii. POPULAR LOAN. Its Success Attracting Attention and Ad vertising Salem, Tho success of the Salem (Mipular loan has created considerable stir In other communities, ami many favorable com ments are seen In (lie press of the state. Our example will bo worth dol lars to other towns which contemplate isstiiuu bonds, lxtslilcs advertising favor ably the public spirit and sound bus!- iiesH sense ot Haiein s citizens. Any one who has (50 or moro of idle money can do no better thad subscribe for 11 fow city kinds. Tho smallost orders will bo tho llrst tilled. titiect Car Strike Unchanged, Ci.kviu.anii. ().. Auuust 2. There Is ' iiraeticallv no 0 hiiiiuu in the strike hI t ii- atiou hero today, Senator Clark Is Not Sure, Los, Aug, 2. Senator Clark, of Molilalia, stated in an Interview that in Ids opinion thuro Is nothing sure about William J. Hryau's nomination by tho Democratic party at Its next national convention. Tho senator also said that ho Is not sure about silver being the great issue for the next cam pain, though ho still calls himself a bimetallist. He believes to a certain ex tent in expansion, mid feels that the war In tho Philippines must be carried 011 until tho Filipinos surrender. Senator Clark will build a new sugar factory on the Cerilos ranch, which lie recently purchased, The eapaulty will will Ihi 1000 barrels per day. The plunt will cost toOO.IKK); umu. PA UK Kit. At tho family homo In South Salem, Tuesday evening at fi:SU), August 1, I8UK, I.IIIIh M wlfu of Itev. F. W. Parker, ago !I1 years, of consumption. The deceased was the mother of three children who survive her. There will he a brief service ut tliu homo at at 10 11. 111. Thursday. The re mains will In! takmi to Hubbard for burial, on tliu afternoon train. Any lady who enjoys trading Sn a nice, neat, well arranged Hosiery, Corcet and Underwear Department set apart from the rest of the storr will surely patronize us, This department is second to none In flic State for convenience and style XX X In this Separate Department at al Baking Powder delicious and wholesome rovwn CO., w vo. B Growls at Great Brit" ain. Will Raise Question European Action. of Attempts to luvado vaal. tho Trans- llr Aaiocilnteil Prc Co tlm Journal. Sr. PKTKiisnuno, Aug. 2. Dolcasho, minister of foreign affairs, started for St. Petersburg this afternoon to return the visit of Count Muravleff, Russian minister of foreign affairs. Newspapers here Intimate that the foreign Minister may raise the question ot continental action, in tho event of Greut Hrttaln de claring war against the Transvaal. Four Casei Fever. Anaiu'liitoil Prr tu tint Journnl. llr Wabiunhton, Aug. 2. Tho Marine hospital has received Surgeon Vlckery, of mi tno toiiotviug from t tl... Iltlllk..l..ll u.vl- S' . ... . diem home. "Tho enidomte in tho . Ill lllll .11111111111 Dill- home Is not extending, four cases woro admitted yesterday. Ono is now." The message Is constructed to mean that four cases developed in the Phoebus und were admitted to the home hospital. Troops in Santiago, llr Aanoelntetl I'rraa to Hi Journnl. Wasiiiniito.v, Aug. 2. Tliu wardo partment Is watching with great Holicl ttidu tlio progress of tho yellow fover In Santiago. Recently General Mllon jorm ully recommended the removal ottho troops at Hantiago to some ponu on mo Northern coast of America. Today Sco retury Hoot and General Miles had 11 conference 011 the subject, r EECHAM'S :-; PILLS aru tho bout nntl oufest : FAMILY MEDICINE i for nil BILIOUS AND t NERVOUS diserders: 10 cents and 25 cents Druggists. i If your going on a picnic To have u pleasant time. At KLLIH A ZINN'H Please drop In And your shoos let them shine. You want to buy some lemons, so When you sit in the shade, Then from tho spring Cool water bring And make soinu lomouudu. 1BV Stato at. Phono 2B74. 4 UolU. 35 Coasters l(iiieriibr tli iimihiiI 'tmfi'or mr MallOnlnrll'e- III jour orleri, THE EAR SALB FOR CHILDREN GRiAT SAL1I PRICES K w.