VI f SPE6IHL OF GOLF THIS WEEK. EVERY GOLF SHIRT IN THE HOUSE AT REDUCED PRICES. ALL STRAW HATS FOR JUST HALF PRICE. NEW CRASH HATS AT NEW PRICES. 6. IV . Johnson & 60., 257 COMMERCIAL STREET. THE DAILY JOURNAL BY blOWBin. UKOTHUR3 Fit I DAY, JULY 28, 180D. Dolly, One Year $3.00, In Advnnco Dally, Toui Monttu $1 00, L Advnnco, Weekly, Ono Year 01.00, In Advance THE DUTVOFTHEHOUR Too many peoplo expect ImpoHHibiL ltiH of Prodilunt MclCinhiy. In u com niitrohil uno Hits jtrositest inun never K'lt to l) jiri'Hlilont at ttio hands of tliu party of wealth. Tho charno Hint Mc Klnluy Ih a wooiid-ruter In not trnu. Iiu Ih at brainy and Independent a man an tlio parly of woultli, corporation! ami conitncrcliillmn iluru elect to olllco. Tho duty of tliu hour Ih to Hiipjiort tlio administration. Tlio oyos of tliu world am upon iih to huu how wo nIiiiII coinu out in iluulliiK witli tlio results of tho Hpanlsh war. Wo wore nil In fa vor of goliiB to war with Hpaln. Lot iih not uvudu tho roHpoiiHlhlllty of tliu outcome, to mnko K)lItleiil capital out of tlio oituatlnn. Lot Itcpuhllouus do iioiiiiuo thulr parly IcinlorH. I-ot dm up hold our country, DlMlutttrotttod people nnii afford to hu patriotic before thoy nro partisan. ltu hold tho upootitelo of tliu lundlnu paKir that helped itarry Oregon for MuKluliiy, thiiiouiiuhiK hliu In uniiuKimircd toruiH. Why? If tho fmition it roproflnnts had w'lMred till tliu federal olllcos what would ho IIh tone? Tliu rand army aru diiiioiiuclnt; MuKlnlny wliuii I liny organ lml to elect hliu mid called all old sol HurH I nil torn who refused to Ihi unrolled. WliyV HtHtaiiHo thuir puiihIoiih aru liuld up by Clay ICviuih, Trnvtilliiig inun nro duiiouuuliii; MeKlnluy for tho develop iiiiint of tniHtH. Why? Hocuuho clump oiitiiK conitnorulnl systems thrown thuin out of a Job. Criticism from hiuiIi miurccs U not koiiuIiio, slnnum or dlshi toniNtiiL Tliu duty of tliu hour Ih to Ihi fair and just to our country intliur than to our party, tub heroes of oheuon. Tho Second Orison may Ht lit ho iIIb olmrmsl at Vancouver. Well, If thoy come Home on foot, tliuy will not a in ception Hiiuh iih wan imvor uouordod muu Ixiforu In Orison. Thuy nro not tho first homos Oregon ovor had, but thuy nro tho flmt wo'vo had a ulmuco to pub Holy honor and wo aru going to do It. Tht ruturn of tho Oregon In u rol- Crippled by Rheumatism. Thoie viha Imvn IthoumntUm tlntl theuuclvei u rowing blend tly worno till thowhllo. Goo ri'iiHon of thlH u thut tho remivllea prcaorlbcil by tho dootor contain lnoroury ami Htii8li, which lib timately Intensify tliodUonxo by oaiu Ing tho JoInU to nwell nnd tltTen. produultig anovoro aohlngof tho Ixnich. fj, B. 8. htui boon curing IthuumntUm for twenty yonra ovuu tho wornt ouo wldoh coined lmot Inournble. Clll. O.K. UuittiM. tho untlllllF nllrmn eouduutor, of OmuuiUU. 8 (I.IuImii tfiiMrl nr wuu iinmiHiBiiam vriuwi coiivliu'ta in. I iu iuto i Hiy uiiv euro (ur tbi nlnf ul uu- ( My: "I vr4 grfttl iui(rr Irum luut I'ilUr JlUuniiUm I -I Wo jfrt. I txiuM iral iiu irmnun t iviht Irom ally mHtlulm pna (oFUml by my tiliyalolaii 1 took U)ulUou UiU tlfu)uur d. 8. H.. and now I aim m well aa I aTrMatniuylifo, lam uir (itai yuuriiieultliiii cUiihI Hir.aml would rtiuiiMuiiu to auy un -"ti-iutrrtng Irow auy woo4 tll. Kvcrjlxxly knows thut lthoumutUm It a Ubensctl atoto of tho blood, it nil only n IiIihxI rtnuoity la tho only pronur tnmtiiiunt, but n remedy oontulnliijj ttotttth nnd incroury only Hgumvutci tho troubii). cecrb.r Blood i k S k. k. V feHFate4)ls Tho mJM$2Mt9T jiffmSL x9Bm&MwJi MPM"" tiling Purely Vegtnblo. boo dlrot. to, howiUlurno to llo in tlwir own tho very OftiuM of tlio Unwise- nnd u kv- 'hhjii, unmoJtwtiMl hy otliom, and liinNnut euro Jtlwuyd rvaylts It I tiie W w doubt haw Won Uft to h only bUwl wnitHly KuttiniiitHKl tu oiD W XytmAm 111 thttJrowa way but fr tftliiiioiKilasJi. itiomurv or othur Jrii. UlBtllHOovorelnofgoWIn thoTrntwiirtl." gcrouil tiiUreriiJ, Tho iIumwiuI of tho frxlwru" Ung- Oo1!" ,UAutnUOooy I?"1 M,ttlflc W t IuhiuihI of HrttWi vj .. ' ' ititl UpoHN uiwlwxpluit tlo Ttuh- SALE SHRTS mi'iit, and tho plan to parndo ns hiicIi nftur they aru diHClianrcd would ho a novel affair. It seems Impractical and linKiHHlblo, If those words npply to tliu Oretrons. JJut horo Ih tho latent from tho war department, via 'Frisce: "OrdcrH to have tho reulinent iiiiih torcdoiitln Han Francisco will stand, unless tho regiment, by a niajority vote of tho volunteer should decide to Ixi miiHtered out at Vancouver IJurrackH Many of tho people of tho Htato want the rt'ulincut to return iih an organization. Li meeting tliu express wishes of tho rruiment, iilroady approved hy tho hcc- retary of war. thin ean ho douo only iih thoolllceiH and inun agree to It. Tho law renuircH that tho amiH and all nronertv hoturmil in on inuHtorinir out Tho iiPlinir secretary of war directs that, so far iih tlio orderH already uiyon and tho law and regulations will allow, you arrange to meet tliu wIhIidh of tho peo ttlu of tho Htato, iih expressed by General lloobc. Signed, II. 0. Corhlii, Adju tant tumoral. If tho men are iiiustorisl out horo tliu government, of con rue, Iiiih not tho JKiwiir to force them to return to Oregon In n regimental formation. All thin Ih not to the point. Tho Or egon cannot lie expected to snerillco thulr travel pay of about 10,000 In or itur to accouimodato oven tho wishes of thuir own families and will not do so, all thliigH coiiHldored. Tliu K!iirlunH military record of tlio Fecund Oregon ought to entitle them to emtio homo lit full uniform, with all thuir uniiH and tiiilpmuutH, froo of all uxpiuiHu, and let tliu Htato that Hunt them forth nee them in all thuir glory und let the prudent generation for ouco behold a regiment on ItH foot, under tlio command of ItH olllcurH and with old glory Heating over it. Technically, tho Second Oregon, if (Uncharged and paid off nt 'Frisco, will havo nothing duo. ItH comjionmitlou of fl!l.6() a month, rutioiiH, clothing and travel pay are all thoy aro untitled to. Hut It will Ih) a hinting relleotloii on tho generosity of tho nation and will brand with Indifference tliu eoplu of Orogou If tho crook regiment of the 1'hlllppiuo campaign como (draggling back to their o n Htato at thulr own toe- KIIIH). To Dura VJuuaiiputloti rorcvn. Tuku ISuncuruU OuiiUv Culliarllc. loo ntUc (I Q U. U, tall touurv.druttvlku retura moucr. Tliu bent of nil IMIIh nro Ukfuiiam'h UAUFOUR AND KRUOEIt. Tho dpecuh of Sir Arthur Ualfour on thoTranHtuil Hituittiou Ih lit the iiatuio of a bluff and threat, and coucltidoM with a whine about "frco-born KngliHh- men Iwlug tnxttml iih an Inferior rauo.' AmcrlctuiH Hhould not Ik deceived by Hiieh HopblHtry. Tho Kugllidinmi! Iiiih id griHit rlghtH in tliu TruiiHvunl llepulv liu iih any other foreigner, Tho princi ple that a free republic, a sovereign na tion lit the oyutt of tliu world, may make Un own termaof cUIwiuhlpto foreliura, wi lung iih thorn bo no iliiwrlmluatiiti pnictlciMl, hhould Ih wtcnslly upheld by AmorloHUH. Aiutirlntim tleteriulnt how long fot oiKiicrx 11111111 rtwfalo hero bufuro thoy cttu Ikiooiuo oitltons and tho toima of iiattt rttllMitlnu. AmeHwuH ilwtde that only it frtHflMtrn Aiuerlwn nlmll ovor bwoino IViMldeut. If wo were a lit tW Imndfull of poopto llkw tho TniUHvaal ltwpuhlle England would long a huvo HMigbt to fori'o us to Ihmoiiw it ilypiuulenoy with out of thv ItriUah arktiwmry for our rulor. Tho Tiioutnu Ltklgur ttxprnHva tho right thought of Autarhkiiw im thU I subject i "St lung ItH KughiiiilthuKUmiHWMr tin Kvm tho Trtuihvmil U given ovor to llritlhli control, Utth In domuHtio mid 'nroigtt off aim, mi long will Ojdi Ihtul nuiutlit in nt the (runt and tight it out. Ho may 1h fotvod toylohl, but ho and his eiuoiHirn ihk))io aro nai inciiniHi to gte in until mey uro mi by Httimrlor foi'o. i ., K. i oumpolUHlto ilo; "ThoSyiuiKitby of liberty-loving ko pie will U with the stttnly, if tinpro- Ull'tWIV, t,P, ,1HU Villi MIWMV l, in? iioiiuioue. inoynoxor niivo imhiii ug ' erosMirs. but have mnvttat fnrtbur into dUOa VOiil and destroy tho proetigc nnd fluonco of a free Itcpublic that Ih yet In bondage to capitalism. In- not Ilrnnly la Dlood Deep. Clean blood mean a clean akin. No beauty without it. Cacaret, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, b stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Uegm to-lay to banUh pimple, bolls, blotches, blackheadi, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking CascarcU, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c,25c,G0c. CURRENT EVENTS." Among tho trniiH-Atlnntlc paBPcngera milling for Now York in Champion Jef furieH who goes abroad primarily for tho purjioflo of mooting Charley Mitch oil and nlno to full (II ncvural engage uiaiitH for oxhlbltiouH In Ixmdoti nnd ParlHalimtdy armngol for by Manager Hraily. KpworthloH from a dozen HtntoH are gathering at Clear Lake, Iowa, in force today for the annual unfombly of the Hpworth league of tho Northwest. The itHfioinbly will Ihj formally ownwl HiIh evening and the mjmIoii will be contin ued for tun ilayH. Highly interesting program hnu Imjoii nrrauged, tho lint of HpenkurM inclndiug a miuilicr of men nnd women of note. General John C. Hlauk, of Chicago, wilt be the principal orator on 0. A. It. day. The delegates to tho nnniiol conven tion of tho Commercial I-nv league of America aro at Anbury Park, N. .T. After truiiHacting a quantity of routine hiiHluoHH nnd liHteniiig to tho rcportn of Hoveral of tho convention committees, Governor II. Foster II. VorheiH of New .Tcrwoy was intoduced, and for an hour onterlained the lawyerH with nu elo (iientnddroHH, touching on tho bnnk ruptoy law triiHtH and a variety of other mibjeetH of intercut to tho delegates AtNlagnra Fulls, N. Y., thero wuh an iucrcnHcd iittendauco of delcgatoH when the UnitcH StatoH League of Iicnl Iiuilding ami Ixiau AKtochitloiiH reiiH Hijmbled for the hncond'H ilay'H huhsioiis In tho laigo meeting hall of the Inter national Hotel thin iiionilng. Tho twenty Huvunth annual regatta of tho National AHHOciatlon of Amateur Oanoneii, which tnkoH place on tho CharloH river nt IloBton, iK-ginnlng (IiIh afturuoou and concluding tomorrow, ban attracted more than two-score bontH nnd it hoHt of oarHiiien, iiuludlng a majority of tho crnck iimatcur NjiillorH on tho continunt. Wliilo the Philadelphia, lliwton, New York, mid Home of the wcHtern wulhirn are hojioful of carrying away the regatta Iioiioih it Ih admitted that tliu Canadian men pull utrong slrokuH, and they aro all In tho pink of condition. While tho uttondnuco Ih not ho large as It Iiiih been In ycarH, the ri gatta ncvortholoHH piomlnoH to bo tho iiiohI clocely contoHted of any ever held under the auspices of tho Awoetatlou of AmatuurH. DiHpatchoH from Vienna tell of pro p.triitioiiH hu a gmnil M'tilo for tliu mar riage of I'rlnce Danllo, crown prlnuo of Montenegro, mid Diu-Iiohh .luttii of Mcckleuhuig'StrelHt. at Cettlusu. The olllelnl ceremony iih will lako place Sun day next and the fetus in celebration of the matrimonial alliance will continue during the entire week to come. The Mouteuegraiu capital is tilling up with visitors from all parts of the continent anxious to view the unique fetes which, It is said, will Ihi much more ohtlsinite than thoso of 1KIII, in honor of Princess Mllitza and Grand Duke Pierre's be trothal. The prince was lxirn on Juno 1ft), 1871, and tlio royal hrido-lo-be, who Ih the second daughter oftho Hereditary Grtiiul Dukoof Strulitx, on January 'J I, 1880. lly thlHrulon the relationships of tho Montenegrin house with the grout huropixindynaMloH will Ihj furthur ex tended. Two of tho daughters of Prince iMuiinniH an mnrrlou to Kuss an urnml dukus, and two othurs to tho crown irlncu of Italy and to Prince Francis loeih of battenborg rosiiectivoly. Don't Totiarro Sui and Kuioki Your 1.1ft Anay. To quit tobueco cnlly and forever, be lime nolle, full ot life, nerve) and tlirer, take No-To-Iliio, the wnmler-worldT, tlinlinnlUH trealcmen trong. All ilruKgUU, Wcorll. Curo guaran teed. Ilooliltl nnd sample free. Address Sterling Hcinedy Co , Chicago or Ncir York. Chemawtt Won, The riioiuawa won the trophy cup n tho Chiiutauqii yesterday from the Y. M. (.'. A. team nf Portland alklnir th ptoor. When a bultica man get to the point where lie caunot aleep nt night, where he is so shattered of neie that it is toituie to even tcmulii In lila bed, ami he has taunt up and pace the floor it ia time fr that man to tiling hiuuelf up with a round twin If he duea not it means tiervout prnktratiuu and Hieulal. if out phynleal. death Pur u man who rt into this condition thete It a remedy that will brace htm up. put hltu on his feet and make a man uf hi m airuin It ia I)r Pierce's IkUttru Mcitlcul UUcuvety It Koes to the IkiUoiu of things. It aeatehes out the first cwitse When a man ia tu this condition you can put your finger on one of two sputa ami hit that find oit -the stomach or the lUer or both This great medicine acts diietly on theae sHt It promptly tiunsforma a weak atom ach into a healthy one It facilitate the How of 0tgelie luices and makes dige lion and aaslmitattuii (terfect It stvea a man an appetite like a boy's It invigor ate the uer ii fill the blood with the llfe-Kivliip elements of the food, and maVrs it pi iaU pure, itcb, ted and plentiful The Wood he life current, and when it It filled with the elements that build new and healthy iHnuek, ii nova not tase long 10 mate a uun welt and snout; It builds firm, muscuUr floah tiaauea and strong ami steady nerve fibers. It put new Hie, visor and vitality into every atom and organ of the body ft cure nervous exhaiutiou aud ruoatratioo NttthtHtr "Just as good" can be found at wedwiHC stores. -1 tuu tunrfnl alMMtt Mevrn yean wHh a Mia la the back of Hiy head aud tuck " kHimMi Ktit UuMmixL V Vtuct. URH Qv. ai ' I MHvr4 I Miirvrea rV Ur yr and smK Cmi Ilk IMM C Id 'ftaMu Moikal DUmmv iul luuaaJ at-mi. l I mI for Sve mule aaU u aiiglJtouil ctarywuc lint 1 aw tu wo.l hwHtt" Hoaws-oo BLOOD full of vitality comes from the use of Ho8tct ter'w Stomach Hitters. Itctirea Dyspepsia Indigestion and constipation. See that n PitiVATn Kevk nie Stamp cov ers the neck of llottlo. JITTERS Dissolved Partnership. The firm of Wok AMlca-ke proprietorH of the German Market, have dissolved partnership this 5th day of July. C Wolz takes charge nnd collect nil bills The busiuessiwill hereafter lie conducted by Woi,z ft Sox. 7 7 5tf Mnny persons die of neglect, Dawson Herb Tea fixes 'em. Amateurs. When you are looking for some one to do your developing and finishing, re member that the Elite Studio is doing first clafl work at modoroto prices. Notice. Olllco of tho secretary of Stnto, Sa turn, Oregon, Juno 21, 180U. Notlco is hereby given that tlio Stato Board of Agriculture having, in compliance with an Act of tho Twentieth legislative Assembly filed in tho office of tho Sec retary of Stnto February 23d, 1800, deeded to the State of Oregon the lands known as the "State Fair Grounds," the appropriation of $7,000 for tho pay ment of the warrant indebtedness of said Stnto ISoard of Agriculturo issued prior to February 2I5d, 1809, properly en dorsed, warnnts, will bo issued on the Stato Treasurer to tho extent of the appropriation. IntereHt will not be al lowed after this date. F. I Dunbar, Secretary of State. In accordance with tho above notice, holdors of all warrants of tho Oregon State Hoard of Agricul turo dated prior to February 2,Td, 1800 are hereby notified that the samo will bo paid on presentation at tliu olllco of tho Secretary of Stato, or at tho olllco of tho undersigned, nnd that Interest will ceifo after this date. J. II. Albert, treasurer of tho Oregon Stato Hoard of Agriculture. ll-2(l-tf. A diseased sLomucli undermines health. It dulls tlio brain, destroys tho nervous system. All dyspeptic troubles nrc cured by ICodol Dyspep'.hi Cure. It hits cured thousands of cuius. Its Ingredients ure such that It can't help curing. Stone's Drug Stores. Pullman Service to Yaquina. The first Saturday night excursion to i mi ulna wiih well patroni.ed, This new regime with a Pullman car service to Oregon, h popular seaside resort promises to Imjcoiiiu very popular. HuHinesH men in any city down tliu valley can tuku the night train to Yaquina, get a good night's sleep and reach tho ocean in lime for breakfast, and after sending it whole day at the beach can return on the night train in time for business next morning. Take the (norland train at Salem at I): 15 p. in., Saturday. Thomas Ilhoads, Ccuterlicld, O., writes: "I sulTcred from piles seven or eight years. No remedy gave me roller until DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sulve," perfectly liuruiloss. Stone's Drug Store I. fteantha jp ll '! Y Have Altt3fS Bwfth For the Seaside, Your family want the homo news at tho Seaside. Tut: Daily Jouiinai. will bo sent by mail at a seelal suniinur re sort rate of One Cunt a Duy. No order taken for less than tun cunts. 7-18t( Dawson Herb Tea Is selling like hot cakes because It docs the work. DoWltt's Little Kurly Risers ben ellt permanently. They lend gentle assistance to nature, curing constipa tion and liver ailments. Stone's Drug Stores. "Sweet Home" If you want f rush home made candy, Ice cream, Ice cold summer drinks, or a good cigar call nt tho "Swcef Home" No. 32(i Conimurciul street. 7 20 tf Notice to Contractors. Tho Hoard of Directors of School Dis trict No. 21, will receive bids not later them Aug. f, 1800, for repairing furnaces of tho North, Knst and Lincoln school buildings, according to the HpocitloutioiiH on file with thoclurk. Hy ordor of Hoard of Directors. 7 17 td J. Hadmoahtnhu, olurk. 'What might have lwen" Is the sad relleutlon uf thousands of oiin suinptlves. One Minute Cough Cure cuios coughs and colds. Stone's Drug Stores. Tlio Host Proscription for Mnlarlu. (Iililaaud FeerUa IhiIIIk of UiiovuhTantk ikih t ll l.l. lusio. It la ktiuply lion and i inline In a IimMmm form Nu um, npa. I'un xv. 7-17 iltVw 4m CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. llio Kind You Have Always Bought Sears tho Sluimturo of ULO& KED FRONT LIVERY First-lass Feed and Boarding stables. 101 t.'OMMHltaiAI. Stukht. SALKM, OUR. Wm. ULLREY, Prop. Best Rigs for'Comnicreial Men Btabhti Ui uue bWk Hotel WllUnwlt. ttSitfo toatns and comfortable rlvr for ladlos anil family drlvluir a b(v; iuiigr, uurMis wKiroca oy nay, wcok or itiontli ami U'uiirunteed. iHMt of NatlsfuQtlun .1-1 tj CAPITAL C1T Express and Transfei Mis all mall and passeBger traUk, lUc page an4 suikcm to all p1'1 of the M hiHupt skc, Tclhue N'o, 70. WHUK UlhtUK. SIX . ytt-i-Jl. WiafyZT&ccJUA .itHihtiWiiiiiin- BUSINESS OAitbs; O. JHL CQACK Denttet, Successer to Dr. . M. Keene, old Whitt Comer, SaLan, Or. Parties desiring superioi operation at moderate fees In any branch atf In especial request. ALBERT AJESSUP. Phone 1071. ROOMS 1 AND a, OKAY HLK. SOULE BROS. PIANO TONERS AND REPAIRERS rOUTLAND, OHB For Butctn and vicinity leavc"order at Geo C. Will's Music Btorc. OFFICE, CITY HALL For water service apply at office. Uil' payable monthly In advance. Make :omplalnts at the nfr'!. You Can Get aLower Berth, With one exception the through trains of the Hurlington Route are almost Invariably well-tilled. The exception Is our St. Puul Chicago Limited. On the limited there Is usually room and to spare. Don't Infer that It (Is neither so lino, nor so fut, as ANY train of ANY other lino between St. Paul and Chlcugo. On the con trary, there Is uo more beautiful train In Amcrlcu. It has electric light, steim heat, wide vestibules, the most satisfactory dining-car servlco on the continent nod lower berth for everybody, A. 0. SHELDON, (fiii'l Ai'ent, Portland, Or. UFCAUTi Mill TIM P. HWIKDCI.K. Krnni Portland AIIRIVK 1'imt .salt IjiIco, Denver Ft. Worllil Mrtll I Onialia, Kaiinaa City, Htft 15pm n 1 1. in, umin.i nirngii ami r.iiBi, Hivo- Walla Walla, HokHiii, Mlnne itlxill. Ht. Paul, llillllll,, Mll wankev Cliloofo and cast. kanu knue Flier also a. m. rijer '.'.iWpin oci:an htkamhiiiph. t p m, For San HraiinlRcii, Hallerory II vo day. I p. in So. in. COI.UMUIA lltVKIt in. Bon1 bIKAMUUS, I n. m. bat ii r- ITo Aitorla and uay IjindlucH, ex Hun. uay 10 p, in. Iavo Httlcm rSa loin WII.bAMKTTK HIVKH Portland, .S'uwbt'ri,' and Laudlugii. 7J a in way C p. m. lTlia lliu undUat .MODS Weds Frl Tu Thur 8at, 3:J im 10 n, m. .11011 Wwl Frl For Dayton 'ArSa-' I lorn U'ave Wll.UAMBTTK IltVKIl Hali'm l orTallla Allmuy and Way 10 a. ui. I.Mon Wed 'and Frl Tu Thu Hat 3 p. in I'olnU. WILLAMETTE HIVER DIVISIOiV Daily boats to Portland as above. Transfers to street car line at Oieg City if the steamers ate delayed there ounu trip ticket to all points in Oregon Washing ton, or Oalifornl a. Connection made at l'oit land with all tail, ocean andrtver liner W. Il.IIUKLHUK'l. Gen'l Pas. Agt, Portland. Oi G. M. IX)WKK.S, Afient, Trade street dock Salem. I101SE HARKEK, City Atenu. A Few Interesting Facts nen people are contempliting a trip whether on busmen or pleasure, they nalur ally want the bct service obtainable so far as speed, comfort and ssfety is concerned- fcmployes of the W isconsm Ceimal Linos are oaul to lene ihe iiuhlie and n,i, IimI. ,. operated so as to make cloe connections I with (ilvermntT lina -il nil iinAitn ..... I i,..i..: .1 "rL-,:. "" "'":""" .I-"""-1 1 uiiiiKu 1 aiacc oieepiug and tuair cars on through trains. Dining car ervice unexcelled, Meals a la Carte. In older lo obtain this first-clus ak the deket Rcnt to sell you a ticket oer TUB WISCONSIN CBNTIIAL LINKS t mm you will nuke dirert onnecliM at 1 at. Paul lor Chicago, Milwaukee and all ' iHwnit rsut. For any further iitfeinutlen call on any ticket aent or ewrion4 uilh AS, 1)N'D. General Pass, Acent. MllWAUKBk, Wl, or JAS. A. CLOCK, ' fieial Acent, 346Siaik htieet, fOKTLAMt, OKK, O. H. LANE Merchant TailOr 07 STATU KTHUIvn CT-SuiU SIS and upwards, ' Panta S3 and upward Notice. I hava for sale on my Howell Pral ral Rnnah 2QQ tons of A I Clover ayutS-KQOperton In the field. FRANK DURBIN. EihaattUa aaU utcK dowa follovs drn frsveat it Uv unij; Dr. Miles' Nervine. wriTTTirtiWili'f "' era water to., IBB OK G$N 1 1 MM rrr" """ -iiiliiriilriiiii VihMAa iiVma r-'i' i Ii ii li mum' Tf'rtl aii ?"J MONTEZUMA Is a beautiful dappled chestnut 1()4 hands high, mid weighs 1700 lbs. Ho is a jKjrlcct all purpose horso. Will he at Huffman's stable, Salem, Saturday of each week in July nnd Aug ust, nnd the romnindor of tho week nt the Fair Grounds. Tonus, f 1C.00 to in sure. Also colts broken nnd handled for upccd. II. It. HuTifHitroitP. A LIFE SAVED. Dr-J.F, Cook, tho Botanical Sped nllst, Succoods Whero Other Fall. To whom it may concern : Tills is to certify that liertha P. Con ner, of Jit. Angel precinct, Marion coun ty, Oregon, has suffered from u cancer ous growth in tho left car for about throe years. The growth was cutout twice and burned out once by Albany Physicians, but the growth came buck its bad as ever, and pained her so badly that sho hail to be taken from school. After thrco week's treatment by Dr. J. P. Cook, of Salem, Oregon, the llotnnical Specialist, tho growth entirely disap peared, and nt this date, four mouths since treatment was begun, the growth has not reappeared, anil the ear has en tirely healed leaving only tho scars in Dieted by tho Albany doctors. I hereby certify that the aliovu state ment ia mVoliitely true, and that Ber tha P Conner, tho person mentioned in the nllldnvit, lias resided in my fam ily since early childhood, bearing the re lationship to mo of niece. II. C. Lonci. Subscribed and sworn to before me this eighth day of June, 18WI. W. W. Hall, county clerk of Marlon county, Oregon. Kurtz & Hamilton PLUMBERS and TINNERS US COURT STUEBT. Milken specialty or "all Kinds of Sheet Steel and (Jnlvaiilzed Iron work rjoflnu; and guttering, it full line of Pumps and pump fittings. Prompt work and reusoimulo prices. We curry In stock tho Frtirbanks wind mill. Call anil see us before uivlng your order for mill or tank. Phone 2:14 PROMPT WORK AND LOW PRICES Tho Intor-Stato University Systom of Musical Instruction. U. II. HCOTf. D. M. I'UUSIDBNT A National Co-oporatUo lnntltiitlnn wliloh Ii Ix-t'lnnliiK to niiniiM-r Ita faotilty hy hundred and ita pupil by tlinuaaudu, Hmlirocluif innrv tliantwentystatea. For the bennfit of l'uplla of 1'rlnite Teachers At Home. KIOI1TH HOUOI.AHTIO YEAR. Icrllticaie granted (rem a retmlarly char tered Inatitution. Uxplauatlon of he n)tom In detail In Ihfwj columns Watali (or It. KTTAANDKIIS-WILMMAN. Statu Itoprvnentntivit and Member of the Faculty Btlldeo oer Flrnt National Itauk llld One or two place oa for wlranced plaiera In piano quartet. Steam Dye Works No. 1D5 Commercial street, opposite Willamette hotol. Ladles' and gentlemen's clothing cleaned, dyed, re paired and pressed. Kino blankets cleaned nr dyed 'ind nicely llnlshed. Kid glovos cleaned, 10c; dyed i6c. Platino Photos, Lnhirgoments In (Crayon and Water Color. Photo lluttons. Aiuuleur developing and (hushing nontly dono. h. J, HUOWN, UKOl'Ml 1' LCKIlt " H Coniinerolal St., Sulcin Oregon, fissay Office AND 'LABOHATORY. No. 71 Chemeketa st, TIT! HILL Assayer NEW MARKET ' St.te street, near railroad. Frcshcit and I bet meats. My patrons say 1 keep the best i meats in town 2 2 Annual Encampment. I Of John A. TAian Votorun IttHinioii AfitootatwH at .MelMinwi, Or., couuuriit iHg August 7 and continuing through tlio Wttok. Gothl siMkurij and aiuu mmM iiravrital tor young and old. BvwNne aaruwKly mvitwi to Ko prt MtL wiQokiny all x-oWin, Miikm MHd umHims a! Um yur oi 1SU-. a well (M otUM oi uw wur WIIA rsiiuor ;l.. PhililMHM 7 1& iiu H 4ii'rf , iiuiuiitUv. I. H. T. G.S. ntBRBBBGER lattfct SOUTH AND EAST TE SrKSTA RO'JTE or THE Southern Pacific Co, KXPRKSSTRAtsS RUN DAILY V (7.-oo 7:00 P 9.-4S P 7 '45 A 3 Lv.,.;t'ortland. ..Ar 8:00 am Ar. ...batem .... Ar. Ar. San Francisco . Lv AM OO PM 5 00 v M 6:05 p M 6.43 A M 8 -15 V M 7.0O A M SMS PM 4.ISPM 7-55 A m Ar Ogden ... .Ar Ar Denver. , Lv Ar .... Omaha .... Ar Ar .... Chicago ...,Lv Ar. ..Los Angeles.., Ar Ar .... El Paso .... Ar Ar.... Fort Worth. ,.,Ar Ar. . New Orleans. . . Ar IIIOI'M 6 45 PM o SO A M 6,30 p u 9 as ' it J 35 r m Mo A m 8 4or DIN 1 NO CAUS OBSEKVATION CARS. Pullman tirst-class and tourist xleeping ca?( attached to all through train . Tourist cars through lo Chicago without change. ROSMlURQ MAIL, r-DAILY. 8. 3o A io;S5 A 5:20 p Lv... I'ortland ..Ar Id.'io p u PortTanof M Ml . Lv... .Salem.... Lv 1 sop it Ar... Hoseburg.. Lv 17xoa u WEST SIDE DIVISION. BETWEP.N I'ORTLAND AND CORVALLlS. Mall tiains dallyexcept Sunday. 730 A M FLy. . . .Portlalul." Arl 550 p u 1155 TM) Ar....uorvanis.. Lv t.-ao PM At Albany and Corvallis connect i tains of the C. & E. Ry. INDEPENDENCE PASbENOElR; ' KXPRKSB TRAIN DAILY gXCKPT SUNDAY.! 4.-S0 P 7-30 P H:3o r SI M) Lv ...Portland.... Arl 8:25 AM Lv....McMinnville Lv- 5. -50 a m Ar Independence Lv) 4:50 am Direct connections at ban Iranciscu wiTJi steamship lines f HAWAII, IAPAN. CHINA, 'IHKPIIILLIl'INES and Al'S. TRALIA. For through tickets and rates call o- W. W. SKINNER, Depot Agent, or 0- D. OAIIRIhLSON City Ticket Agent, 232 Com. mercial St. Salem Or. K. KOElll.ER, Managci. I . F. & P. A. PortUn t t Oregon Shon Lino Railroad Tlie Direct Itoulo In Montana, Uiali, Colorado . and all Eastern Points Given choice of two tavnrlte route, via Ihe Union I'liclUo Knxt JIull l.lnc, or the Itlo Cirande Hcculu I.lnci. Look nt the time i Days to Salt Lake 2 Duys to Denver ;ij Days toChlcnuo 4i Days to New York Free Itcollnllif! ('hair Cars. UphnlMered Tim Ut SlmpliiK Cars, and I'lilbimn Palace Hlrupera o)eratcd on all trains. Fur further Information applyito ltUIHK A 1IAUKKU, Agent", Salem V. K. COMAN, flen'l Aueiu ('. 0. TKKUY, Tmv. Pais. At 121 IhltdM.. Portland Soo Pacific Line. Travel in comiort by the IMPERIAL LIMI11 the fastest train crossing the continent. It is a through train making fewstops. Its equipment is of surpassing elegance. It will pay you to travel by it. For full Diirticuhirs as to rates. Mum and copies or U. P. R. publications ap ply to C. M. LOOK WOOD Aucnt, Salem Oro. II. II, A bolt, A yent Portland. K. J.Coyle, A.G.P.A, Vancouver 13.C. Corvallis k Eastern Railroad TIME CAttD. For Ynqulna: Truln loaves Albany .... 'I rain leaved Corvallis... Train arrives Vaqulnn.. neturnltiL': . 12:60 p. m. . I:4.r p. in. , fi:f0 p. in. "00 a. tu. .11:40 a. in ,12:' p. 111. Leaves Yaquina Leaves Corvallis. Arrives Albany. i'or i;eiroit: Leaves Alhiinv 7:40 a. 111. Arrives Detmit lltoTiu. in. Itelurnlnu: Leaves Uettolt 12:2fi p. Airlves Albany fi'5 p 0Leuves Albany tl:W p, Arrives Corvallis 0:65 p. SLeaves Corvallis HMO u in. tu. tu. in. 111. Arrives Albany 7:25 u. hi. Ono and twe connect nt Albany and Corvallis with Southern Pacillc tiulns u'IvIdk direct scrvlco tinnd from Now port und adjacent benches. No. 0 runs from Albany to Corvallis on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Friduys only. No. 5 runs from Corvnllls to Albany on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days only. Trains for the mountains urrlveat Detroit at noon, itlvlnu' simple time to reach eamplnir urtuiniN nu the rirellenbush uud Sanliam nior the same duy. 11. I. WAI.DEN, T F. A P. A. J.TUKNKK A sent. iu.nk. Maiucer Albany, Ore. WltUVJtTTE'KIVEK IlIVISION' STEAMER ALBANY, Captain Zuiualt Hunnlne belMfewi Portland and Corvnllls pupping al all way Uudlngs. KIVKR 8C1IED0I.K. DOWN - Tuesdays, Thurwlay and 8uudj leaves (orvallit., - 6 a. ia las Albauy m 7 a. m , ft . m mm- IH 10 a. tu 12) aa lavM Bueoa Vit livtM ludpuIHce.. I.av VirL. Arrhe lwiU.l , UBMtrt DJtWIH.. t'P Monday. Wedneday aad Friday. Lhtm lMiUn.i . . I,, a. m lav( N'MuUary Ifl-Mn M Iavi RWm 3 JO p. m lt4 ImlapMttlu. , 504 1. M Umv tfoetia Vhtu ... 7:30 p. m 1 4MVM Aftalij :,lo p. in Arrive rtarnt . iirnipu Th stawer haa ten wiuipl wlUi 8it hua aavoiitBtedatkwC InikidIRt n ahiflaiii nsMMrsaitl few ariTlair Ltb fntiKhl au4 Ganai cb f lutsMixr. 1k k-Fuet oj Mate Him-I. KD. X tUEh A.