1 HEAD ACHE Both mr wife and mraelrhare been ualnc CASCAKETS and thev are the rest medietas we hare ever had In the house Last tteeU my wife wis frantic with headache for twodaya, she tried some of yourCASCAHETS. and they relieved the pain In her head almost Immediately We both recommend CasciJrcta. CrtAs. STCDEronu. Pittsburg Sate & Deposit Co.. I'lttiuurg. Pa a CANDY TFtADt MANN njOtlTtNID Pleatnnt Pnlatablt. Potent Tarte Oood. Pc Uood, HererSidieii Weakun orGnie 10c Ec.lUc ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... I.rll.r HrMxl; Ui..ii.t,Vc, XIKI. Ht Trl. SI? lid Tft.nAP S41M and nriitrel by all druj (iU'iU'UAO gl.nti. 4'llltH tobacco Habit o. c. T. Co's I'AfcWKNQKK 8TEAIUKU POMONA JL !() TFT ALTONA liKAVKBICOlt POIHTAND Hatty pxrept Sittclnv at 8 a. m. QUICK TIMk'anD ClIKAt" iTaTKS. Dock lmtnofln State and Court Bta. M. I. I1AI.OW1N, Accnt W& S, C, STONE, M. D, Proprietor of Stone's Drue: Stores BALKM,)UEUON. inenoroi (two In number) aro located a No. 'ili ami .133 Commercial street, and arc well KtiK'i.eil wltii ui'iiinplele lino of drugs and incillrlnea, toilet nrtleies, porfuracry, brushes cli'., elo., etc, bit. 8T0NB lliinlmd some 2.1 ycari oxporleneo In tlio prno lire of loeillclno and now makes no eliurgu for ciiusuliatlon.exninlnatlnn or prescription. DiinnnnnnnnnnnirnmrnnnnnnniTia PERSONALAND LOCAL 1 p I'ornildllloiml IM'HlNi'iMiK'oJ'mirtli 1'ako.: Euuiitiuuuuuaiiiiiutuuuuuiiuiiuii'a Mr. and Mrs. II. I,. Foul, of Wood- liiirii, came up to Salem on their wheels to attend chinch Sunday. Mr. snd Mrs. Julius Uucf left for llieltriihush hot springs Saturday. t S. V. Daniels went to Oregon City Sunday. W. ',. Kelly went ti Portland tii visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. linrggraf camo down from Albany Sunday. L. It. Searls, a Salem hop buyer, went to Portland Sunday on his way" Hast. Mr. and Mrs. Fnd Krixson returned from Corvallis on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. A. .1. Niokum, of linker City, who have vueu visiting friend 8 here, went to Portland today. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. IJuloy went to Now burg Sunday to visited Mrs. Duley's parents. Noah Summer has gone to Portland to accept a jiosition in a mill. A. K. Wutkiiis shlped a lino span of horses to Portland Sunday. The Misses Walker and Allie llirsohy, went to Newport over Sunday. Miss Maud McK it mid ftoin a Portland visit Satt v u vit. Harry Sutton, wont to Newport to join his family for an outing. Miss Clara Churchill, siont Sunday tit NewiKiit. Geo. Gans. of Warm Springs Indian agency is visiting his parent on Ferry Street. Miss Potreni'la Connolly of Portland is visitini; Miss Margaret Parkhurst in this city. Miss Constance Jordan of San Fran cisco is the guest of Mrs. Ilulat in this city. Mrs. Aikerman who has Ix-en taking an outing in the country returned homo Saturday. Krnest Lane) tailor ot tho ltuform hchool.went to Portland Saturday. Mrs. J. Ci. Johnson and children aro rusticating at Hoseburg. T, Welch returned from Corvallis Sunday by steamer. J. A. (iwinn, ehief engineer, and Henry Drown, llroinan, oinployou on the government snag boat, Muthloma which is now at Newlwrg, camo down Saturday night on their wheels and re turned t j their craft Sunday. J. M. Kcono of Medford, formerly a a S.ilom rounder, passed through Sa lem on his way to Niagara Hills, to at tend the National Dental Association. Frank Draski, of Montreal, Canada, who is touring tho continent awheel, paused through Salem bound to South ern Oregon and California. U. D. Conover and family of Dayton, spent Sunday in Salem. Miss Flo Young, of Portland, arrhed on tho Albany Saturday night from Portland and is thu guest of 31 r. and Mrs. T. K. Cautlold. J. C. Kinith, who friends and relatlvos has heon vUiting hurt) retiirutMl to his home in 'Frisco. Mm. Margaret J. Idewwlleii, wlto HvtJfl at the home of J. (i. Smith, jiut MMitli uf tho city, opHite thu CutltelU: coin tery is remrt h1 as ery low witli a com iiluution of diseases. Missis Olivo and Klk Cirrn wuro pasriongurii to Oregon City this morning where thev will tnp for a few days, when they will g to the country for a ('rtiiight of pleasure and rwuiH-ration. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is thelatestji&corered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in eSlciencj. It in stantly rellerei and Kruunently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ileartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, 3lclcHeadache,Gastralgia,Crarnpa,and all other results of Imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C D'h . Co, Cfelcaija. SHIP AliDfcCREWllJlSAPPEAR. Captain Is Supposed to Have Been Murdered. Havana, July 24. Tho schooner Gal lilee cleared from this jnirt in Ajiril for it port In Piiiar del ltio province, litit never reached there. Her captain, at the time of sailing, liail in his iwssession tlir sum of $0000, and was accompanied by his nephew, an 18-year-old loy. Disappearance of the schooner has nevor been satisfactory explained, lait In May it rumor reached Captain W. L. Pitcher, superintendent of the depart ment of corrections here, that four col ored sailors, accompanied by a white boy, were squandering money in the city. Steps were taken for the arrest of these men, but before thev could be wkoii into custody tliey disapearod. An investigation was begun and it wan Droved that the iii'ltoos m mii.stlmi had been aboard tho inNsing schooner wnon sue sailed, but had returned the next day in a small boat, explaining to thnir friends that the schooner had gono down in the night during a severe storm and the captinn had been lost. The men took passage for Spain, taking tho hoy with them. One of tho negroes, who acted as mate, and the boy, left tho VCSTl at Poiica and einbarkiililnnii mi. other shin for Snain. Consetitioiitlv only throe of the party were arrested at San Juan. Captain Pitcher lias just received a cablo message through Scnor Sagrario, tho Spanish consul-general here, advising that Nigo, tho mate, and the boy had deen arrested at Ferrol, Spain, and were held subject to requisi tion from Havana. Don't Tobacco aim and Smoke Vuur Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and toretcr, boning netlc, full of life, nervo nml visor, tulie No-To-I)nc, tuuwnniler-worlier, thatinnlics weal: men strong. All druggists, 60o or (I. Curoeuaran- teeu llooldct and sample free. Address Sterling llemedy Ca, Chicago or New Yorlc Oregon Personals. To give a faithful reiort of personal movements of peoploTiiK Jouiixai, re prints following from a Sunday Portland paper: Mr. John Kirk and family are at New port. Miss Klla Uineman was a visitor at Silver creek falls the (list of tho week. Judge and Mrs. Oeorgo II. Ilurnett and Dr. and Mrs. I). A. Paine have re turned from a trip t Mount Hood. A. L. Thomas, of Salem, is hero for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. McGili, of Salem, are hero for afow weeks. A. N. Moores and family are uxpretod over from Salem tonight to occupy their new cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Uuiiii, of Salem, are hero for a few days. Tlio family of Postmaster A. D. Cross man and Mrs. McCullv, of Portland, are sojourning at Olsenville. Professor Condon and family, of Ku gone, are cottagers here for the summer. Miss (ieorgia Stevens and Miss Mar garet KepH'l, of Keokuk, la., are Mini mer guests of tho family of (iovernor Stennenberg, of Idaho. M. Howe and family and Jacob Schrain and family drove over from Turner, and have pitched tents on the bank of the Nve. Mrs. O. 31. Frazicr, of California, Is their guest. Hon. A liner Lewis and family, of Shaw, aro temporary residents of the white citv by the. tea. Mrs. Ci L. Hover, Mrs. S. II. Hatch and Miss Maud Griswold, of Salem, tiro tenting near the beach. Leo Drown and family, of Stay ton, aro at home in the!" now cottage, nigh the Nve. 11. l" McNnty and family, of Salem, aro domiciled in a Nye brook cottage. If you liuvo hud the grip tnko llood'i Kursiiparlllu. it will braco you up, purify your blood, and over coiuo all bad clfcuts of tho disease. Younsr Folks Par., A largo number of people gather d at tho residence of St'ito Printer n.nl Mrs. W. II, Leeds Saturday evouiug and were very gracefully entortnnied by tho young hostoss, Miss Ituth Letils. Those Invited to tlio party were: Ituth Church and Genevieve Church, of Portland; Lois Peebles, Alice Peebles, Ityth Gutch, Mollle Johui-ou, Florence Digger, Nina Duslmell, Olive Didilell, Lena Clark, Crisslo Clark, Alico Colo man, Margaret Dowsou, Lnlu Care, Desslo CornollouH, Alta Savage, Kva Savage, Ituth Purdy, Utta Fay, and Muta Klein; Master Italpli Ieds, Her bert Junk, Laurence Hofer, MackHofer, Freil Perkins, Frank Cary, Phil Patrick, Wallace Ulddoll, Kllwrt Watt, Krnest Dean, Van Sutherland, George Darr, Seymour Skiff, Fred Pierce, Frank Cat terlln Cyrus, Woislworth, Dalph Mat thews, Kd. Metschau and Guy Hunt. Tho bast of all Pills aro Dkkciiam'h. Sum Votttch one of the Conductors of thu S. P. Itailrmul was in Salem Sunday and went with Ids family to Newport for a 80 day'a outing. Mr. and Mtb. 0. L. Darling and Sam Floyd and T. J. IiusIgiiont went to Nowjiort Stttimlay night for a Sunday outing. To :uro coinupntion rororoH Tuke UiMuteU CiioUv Catlwrtle. loo orVc If C C C faU to cure, drueutus ruluinl ioucr A Cycle Thief. A wsirmnt was isied SaUinlrty t Staylon for tho arrtwt of a lioylo UiW, but the felkw otflfliKxl. At lust w coitnU oonstuble Jask KirlmnlHHi ImhI not luwlwl hU man. It. D. Holmun wimo down front Al Imuy SwihIbv rttturnlng In the ewnli. Ho gays Allwny Is making nnt sul stantwtl ImproveHHtnUi. Mrs. D. F. Mooro, of Kti8WM, UiU morning arrivwl uom iwiku Uwt liw iiHUierM.J. IJwlkn wan lying at the iKMiit of dtfath. Frank Koitw rwtMrw! to hW ItWHu ... l.,rtlanl tli Li iiuirttiie afttfr a viHL ill the city with Churl. Kvann on Mill treat. C. K. Dill went to Nttwlwrg tW Hiarn log on btwinefaau Mr. ami Mre. D. C. Howanl wont to Portland this HMirttiitK, w1r Utwy wl visit N)Vrel days, hm pfntwwl U IH ., WajJt.. Ui mwnJ a mouth on lb luMlll. .. Hv , .. . . -- , Rolwrt Howl of Marioat was a o - uuuuu-ii P.nUMtl tliia moniiuM via StoMiiiwr. AiituHtf Van Kmboii wvnlto Portland this morning ia UHw " 1- JaoubSoii wwlt down l Portland tluo morning on Iranian. Alvin Oalfrey rutnrnwl to Poland "" JMMJ, "- J- " IlilP' was? wSfj&riafS yv 'fwm zsm 3slfcTvrs?: r-2.v,-5sws Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels - leaNSES THE 5Y5TEM OVERCOMES LrrtJ' H4b,tualCoNstpat.on ITC nr PERMANENTLY BUy THE GtNUINt-MAH'f D Oy 3UI?RNIA JTG SYRVF. v'S."- "'?&. t-X?x ro stu er au CRussr& race tot fin coinu MEN WANT TO COME. Qenerrl Beebe Wires About Sentiment Among Volunteers. The latest news concerning the pros pect of tho volunteers coining to Port land in a body is contained in the fol lowing telegram, which was received at Portland Saturday, and which is self- explanatery: "General Shaftor Is away, and 1 can not arrange In regard to the men retain ing their anus after reaching Portland until his return , Monday. General Summers is iIohi-ous of bringing the rrgiment in a body to Portland. I am quite conlldcut that all will go. Date for muster out Is iet for August 7. 1 think the sentiment to proceed to Per laud in a Isidy is strong among the men. "Ciiaiii.kh F. Dkimik'" 'treitt lth jo -4 whether yoa eontlou tbj- nrrvvHiiiiuy luu.ccufliuil, n U ' iruiuvea lueuiiiroior tobacco, w VUllllflUHIUIIirN.i liufllll itorra Init manhuod, tine, utlrltlf, thi. lilOOU, I boiei muM tou ironjt 400.000 innanu. rllMrurnl ltuv anti i buuk NO'l'O UAIlfruui u i; our uwn limiriiUt, wLe uiToucn turui. lavft 11 who DAtUntlv. iwnUtintlr f)n VHArantF'd turnp. up hh rr,in.l mnn Bl.tlltkn'i,C..,lUtl., ..U!I, I,a, OjaLSToaaiA.. Peirs tha , 1 1 Kind You Haw Always Bfwuh' Ladies Can Wear Shoes, One size smaller after using Allen's Foot-Kase, u tiowder to beslmkoii Into inc. shoes, it makes tight, or now shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It's tho greatest comfort discovery of tho au'e. Ciiich swollen feet, blisters and callous spots. Allen's Foot-ICaso Is a certain euro for Ingrowing nails, sweating, hot, aching feel. At all druggists a nil shoe stores, 2.re. Trial packugo FIIKK by mall. Address, Allen B. Olmsted, Lo Hoy, N. V. 2 'What inlulit have boon" Is the sad rcllcctlon of thousands of con sumptlvos. One Mlnuts Cough Cure cutes coughs and colds. Stone's Drug ytoros. Pullman Service to Yaquina, Tho llrst Saturday night excursion to Yanuina was well patronized, This now regime witli a Pullman car service to Oregon, s popular seaside resort promises U become very jKiimlar. Dusiness men in any city down the valley can take tho night train to Yaquina, get a good night's sleep and reach the ocean In time for breakfast, and after 8eutling a whole day at tho Wich can return on the night train in time for business next morning. Take the overland train at Salem at U : ir, p, in,, Saturday. Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns, cuts, bruises, and Ivy-polMmlng, quickly lioaled by DoWltt's Witch Hazel salve, prevents blood poisoning. "DeWlttV' Is HAKKitnd SL'itic. K tone's Drutr Stores. Notics to Contractors. Tho Doard of Directors of School Dis trict No. Hi, will roceivu bids nut later tliHiu Aug. n, 18WI, forrejHilriug furiiai'tw of tliu North, liust and Llueoln hsIiooI buildings, according to the swclnitlnns on file with thcelttrk. Dy order of Dotird of Dirwtors. 7 17 td J. J!auioaiit.'hm, clerk. Thomas Ilhoads, Centerlield, 0., writes: "I s u do red from pllos seven or olght yours. No roinudy gave me roller until DoWltt's Wlloh Hazel Salve," iwrfeotly hnruiluss. Sujdo's Prugblorei. T. T. PftrkBr went to WlwutluiMl Kmii day to s4ioriiitoiul thu work of gutting out a lot of ship kiHHtg, for lire Maru IiHirl navy ynl. Milurat Vour Iluwla Wltlt (laararcta. Oalhfrtle, Mire eia4lrMltM furoiei It O. C. C. tsU, dmgrtWi rtlio-1 wwvtr IO0.S6. A Dig LB Drive. C. K.SjwHlding.oiH 4 Urn Iwnvy loattft-r uf til PacittV ruiut is ut prwMMt iiiMr running oak of tint lftrt drivwi of i ever brought from th utjr river fur Uf OrMMon City sr mill. Th drivw wmsiirU of 0,000,000 hwt of 1m! hi hB. Sir. SpNkUg has hmm at work wiih a lurga fore uf hmm bouuting tit troughs south of tlw city to ojrtfvMtt th l"i from oittg untray. Thin loggiim ilnn has tlm eontnwt of tiiriiiiJiiug all the lugs for tliis aompMuy, thu iluiiig nway witli all uiirMtM- of couilrUtalUMtK to rata ! tlie i-rn of ' by individual., - SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS' . !. Drewee and ScaJa Cmw, Alt Vb n't prtaratsltat wV tttiin Uu Uur S UlUOfUl .iaai btftf r uo livm a i9mmm lYTJf1fS-CaSWTVi'4 r U1SKJAVi.KT !afltti Jr "riwM iB 1 zswn vk 1 ' I Wf rwrn l em m & H "Ar-IJMU V lailll KJ.nlfl .iH m ii ifui T-1I PV W av tav K I r.n aaa&. vi WBmi A Family Reunion, harly hriitay morning four carriages uuiuHimng u merry company of ladles. gentleman and children, drove up Stnto Bircei Binning lor tue Old J)r. savage home In the Waldo Hills, where a re union had been planned, nod considering n larin) familv of children, nml tho venrs of seiwration and changes, that naturally follow our paths, a surprisingly large number had gathered to do honor to the occasion. After a beautiful drivo thirteen miles, past HvKls of waving grain of all kinds and colors, wo reached tho old home. As we drove up tho lano we stopped in front of the huge cedar trees on either side of tho walk leading to tho home, each branch containim; sweet memories of childhood days. All about spoke words of welcome, and wo soon realized that others had proceeded us, for the merry laughter ot voices within greeted our ears. After tlio usual form of congratula tions and hearty hand shakes, too one always important feature was discussed namely, the dinner. It was plain to be seen, our plans must bo changed. A pic nic dinner in tho grove would be imprac ticable, owing to tlio unsettled condition of tlio weather. Tills caused a slight disappointment, particularly among tho mo junior members ol the party. How ever, their weeping was turned to joy when "Come to Dinner," was an nounced. It consisted of every tiling good to eat, spread upon spotless white linen and cut Mowers, and ocean spray. The sweet music for tho occasion, was furnished by two caged singers, which seemed to realize their responsibility in entertaining the company. After dinner those who were able ad journed to other parts of the house, fhe younger momliors of the party in dulged in music, vocal and Instrumental, while the older ones were conversing u on tlio past mid present, the possibil ities and probabilities of the future. Despite the pleasures of the day a feeling of loneliness stole over all as we thought of former gatherings at the tlear old home where father and mothers voice were llrst heard to welcome and last to say, good bye, but which hayo long since been silent. After the good byes were said the company disjiersed goiiy? to their various homes with many pleasant memories of tho dav. Those present were : Hon", and Mrs. L. C. Grilllth, Clvmer: Mrs. Dyrd, Salem ; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shanks, Mt. Angel; Mr. and Mrs. 11. II. Savage, Salem ; Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Savage, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Savage, Clyinor; Mrs. Myrtlo Nendell, Woedburn: -Mrs. Dr. Ketchum, Inde pendence; Mrs. Sarah Savage, Watson vlllo Oil.: Misses, Alta and Kdna Savage, Salem ; Kthol and F.lln Savage, Clymer; Kate, Jean and Dertlia Ketchum, Indepcndauce; Lucile and Lola Nendell, Woodburn. Masters, Hoy and Harry Savage, Salem; Albert anil Mayland Savage, Clymer; Lester Nen dell, Wnodhuru. Example Is Bitter Than Precept, Those sententious proverbs, or old saws, which are used us prcllxcs to all of the Ilm.d Sarsaparllla advertising in thousands of papers throughout the country, are evidence of a new and or igliial stylcof display advertising both pleasing and cITcctlve. Tho 1 1 cud llrui Is to be congratulated on so cleverly adapting such wisdom as has littered down through centuries. An other charming thing about this Hood advertising Is the unique typo nicy are using, a Improving. Tlio young lady from Turner, upon which an optiratinn was performed Sat urday for appendicitis Is slowly Improv ing. There Is more Catarrh In this sec tion of the country than all other di seases put together, mid until the lust row years was supposed to bo Incur able. For a great many years doctor pronounced It a local disease, and pre scribed local remedies, and by con stantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. .Science has proven catarrh to boa constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional tieatiuenl. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken internally In doses from 10 drops to a tcaipoouful It acts directly on the blood end mu cous surfaces of tho system. They of fer one niincirec dollars tor any ciso It falls to cure. Scud for circulars and testimonials. Address,' F. J. CIIKNKY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, die. Hall's Family Pills arc the Lest, Call for Bids for Hay . Hlds will be recclvod at thoolllco of the Cl'.y Itecorder for the City of Sa leai, Oregon, from the date of this notice until ft o'clock p. m. of Satur day, August 12, 1801), for furnishing the City or Salem with llfteon (Ift) tons of cheat or timothy hay, baled and de livered at the city hall in said city on or before the 1st day of September, 180!). Done pursuant to the order of the Common Council of said city, made and entered on the 0th day of July, 18(1') N. J. JUDAII. City llocordcr. Dated at Salem, Oregon, tins, July i.i.isoii, 7-i:Jd&wir Salem City Bend Sale. Notice Is hereby glvon, that pur suant to the order, of the Salem City Council, hud and rucoidod on the llth day cf July IbOJ, subscription lists will bo opened, at 8 o'clock on the morn ing of Thuraday, July 20, JSO0, at the oMIee of the city recorder In the olty hull of said city, for the purchase, by the citizens at large, of $05,000, uiu nlclpal funding bonds of said city of Salem, Oregon; (said Usue to consist of Iwnds In the sums of m," "JI00," .J2tt) .. .'uioo, an(j "uooo,") prlnol- pal payable at the otllce or the olty Iroasurerer of said city of Halum. Or egon, on or boforo 10 years after (lie 1st day of October 1800. the date of Issue of said bond; the interest thereon, at the rate of 4 percent er annum, pay able semi annually, at the otllce of said city truasurcrer aforosald. on the tlrst days of A prll aud October of ouch and every yoar thereafter, until call or maturity: principal and Interest piyuble lo gold coin of tho United Status. The city recorder of said rlty will receive, tile and register all sub sariDtlous In this behalf, and said sub scriptions, under IhUpubllcation, will close at t.oclock p, in. of Friday, the tlrst day uf September, ItiW. Done by the special Cutmnitteo uf Dom) lii.. this, Saturday, July J&, luw, at tialem, Oregon. C P. DISHOP. Major. N J.J U DA H. City Itecorder A. D DCUBN.Couocllmaii. KP WALK Kit. t'ouiicilm .signed tilgnedi T-lStf, fs&i ?CiT? wSfe. mWwi sisl iH H to, B Wwl lH for Infants and Children. Tho Ktntl Von Hiiro Always Bought 1ms borno tlio fllffim (uro of Olms. ll. Fletcher, nml lins been mmlo untlor bin licrsoiml HUKMvisloii for ovor 0 yours. Allow no ono to deceive ynu in this. Counterfeits, Imitations nml "Just-ns-jjootl" tire but Impertinent, and undungcr tho health of Children Kvpctloneo ngiilnst Kxperlmcnt, The Kind You Have Always Bought Uonra tlio THEY ALL WANTED IT!! You ire they tlioiiRlit Die bicycle hi the lndow, wait the only one we liuil. Tlirte vere plenty mor limlile liowrvtr, tid olil 'cut one rati, Wecaufil vuuoullUo WITH A RflWFORD, LEUELflND, RE5CENT. In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CIMOU COMP.Mt, Tt MUHI milt, Nlw ian eiTT. " II I " " L I " I ' " " " " " Water Prolongs Your Life. If your house is not supplied with a Math it ought to ho. I will make the galvanized iron Tank., put In the Tub, the bust of Plumbing, and do all kinds of tin work. Call mid ask for estimates. T. S. BURROUGHS I0H HTATK.STIIHKT iJAHHOOI) RKSTOKEl) XVViRfWKJttJS; $?!? irmi-.h (jiiirniilrr.l t'i i.u-U'l rlvu him-iim', mh-Ii W.mL V t, MeUKiiv, llr.uliul, . ilriuliiuM l.ol Munliuuil, fViuhlly I'lin ( , L IS mon. Ncrvoimu ., Un- iff K-tr ty oullilul error.. xcwivr me y. Ca 1 tiren bo,i for It. no oilier. Ma by mai rnuhl. nufutluitJ by the X.aue-JUuvl Urua TUIKO AHU VaMIIILI. iniiriniiy or iiiumty. luu iwoinlcil n vctt ixjcktt. Iioittri P()lt SALI-: IJV I). J. IfRV, S VL!JL, Oil 13 K)ST THE OLD POSTOFFICE STABLES. Special rates gWon to Commoiclal men. prlyra mn'la lo all polnti at a'l hour Olye in a vaII am) Iw unlliflivl. I'luine 111 NOT GROCERS TO THE PRESIDENT, Bui Grocer to the People. We keep in Stock a full Variety of Provisions, Groceries and Fruit. Anything and everything you need, At prices to compete, call aud compare. HARRITT St LAiDRBNCB nj.u poHTomcf. auooHuv, Grand Clearance Salo of DRAIN Doat Dm Kiwt r.iiii.,.nrat M-rtod "W "irji 3 m JfcJ - ISSP Sirrnaturo of TRYING TO FERRET SECRET OUT THE of that wonderful llnish and exquisite color on her hubby's shirt front, collar or cuffs many a wife does, and wonders how we do it. Perseverenco and elbow grease goes a good long way toward the llnish at homo, hut we jstssess the secret of attlstlc and U'ltutiful laundry work that detles competition anywhere, and we keep it to gratify our patrons. Salem Steam Laundry, CO!. J. Ot.MHTi:Al, 1'ltOl'lt. Phono 41. 1!.'I0 Liberty Street. Best and largest line of Bicycles in the Gity, Cat load shipments Direct from Factory PRICES: $25 to $75. We have..., Best Bicycle R, M, WADE L CO. l'l IONIC loll in l.iiwralOe Ortcwn. fMu.rit ol .timiil.lnt winch lri in CltcuLiT Ircc Allilruuviaiii Tiki. ltau Medicine Co.. l'jtl.l'rancc. Co. dUtrlbullnif igtnU, Hm.. I'OHTtANO. Okkoom. t2 1'KIIHY'Hr,. HAI.HH, (lit. J. .FIDLER, proprietor. IlorMs Hoarded by then Day, Week or Mouth. J. Standing Teams, Ifta. Kli gle llorso 10a. TILE T make room for new stock from the wimiiiur run of tho factory, I will Hill all Tilu on hand at llftton per ueiit (IImmhiiU. New W tho time to buy tile ehmip. Call nt onto and won re a bargain. k in thu market. I ( v m ii- in M imanta tWMMS4sMmmTlm4i INTBR-BTATE ETTAANDERS-WILMAN Associate Teacher Western Consetva-' tory, Kansai City, Mo., reptesentlnj; the Inter-state System, at Salem, Ore. Over First National lianlr. Residence 376 Church street. Studio hours 9 to tO 5. ) NJrJaTSMNaWSJatV I WANTED. New today navcmaeraunt.i lour Iluoa or leaa in this column 'naeited tareo times for 25 otsH SO eta it week, $1 por mouth. All over tour lines et ume rata. LOST. A imlr of bow spectacles, nickel rims. Kinder can obtain reward from .louiiNAi. Okfick. 7-14-Dt HAY FOIt SALK. 100 tons of choice cheat hay at 1 1 per ton in tho field. Farm half mile north of Kngor on Howell prairie, V. T. Kammlen. 7 10 (It WANTED. To buy rye for milling. Ap ply to or address Joseph Drcelisler, Salem. Mill on Marion between Fourteenth and Fifteenth street. 7 18 lino WANTHD, mon to learn barber trade. $1)0.00 monthly guaranteed after 8 w eoks practice. Can place BOO gradu ates on palace trains, hospitals or city shops at once. Write today for cata logue. Moi.rii'h H.utiiKit CoixniK, 7-lM-Ot Sail KrauclBCQ, Calif. OIUL WANTHD. A competent person to tin general house work. Apply at corner of Ferry and Winter streets, It. Cartwriglit. FAUM WANTHD. Tho undersigned want a farm of (mm 60 to 100 acres, will take it for cash rent or on shares. Good reference. Apply to J. 8., euro Journal Olllco. 7 10 lm VKTKKKNAKY. A sure colic remedy guaranteed to euro. Kvory stock man ought to bo supplied and keep it In case of emergence. It does not looso Its strength. All kinds of veterinary business attended to and calls made promptly. I). I). Keeler, .'180 Front street, or at feed yard. 7-7 tl & w 1 in DKTUOlT HOT SPUINUS-I am In the Held again, wdth my pack horses, to carry you to tho springs, or any place In tlio mountains, in tho vicinity of Detioit, I have been hero suvon years, can take you to all thu good camping, hunting, and llshlng places in thisparlof tho mountains. Frank Perkett, Detroit, Ore. 7 3 NO VACATION. Miss Shelton will continue her music classes during thu summer without interruption. Pupils lecelved at any time. Terms reas onable, Studio. -178 Front street. O-L'7-ltn UOUHH FOU ltKNT.-Clood six room building. Call on Thus, llolmaii, H7i) High street. OlUt ROOMS, Furnished or unfurnished, Single or in suites, dining room ad joining, homelike. Second lloor Cottlo Ulock. Mattlo llutchlns. Prop. Doom IS. 5-3-t FOU SALK-OtKxldry wood, delivered to any part of tho city. Prlco reason able. Ix-avo orders with Ilarrltt & Ijiwroncoor l'Viners' Feetl yard High, street. o-lKKim inUYCLIO PATH-ir your blcyclo needs repairs bring ll In, wo have tho skill and stock to keep It In llrst class condition. Wo carry a full llnoof sundries and make a special ity of enameling como tind sco us. wo satisfy our patrons. Gardner & White, 'M8 Liberty atiect. Holmairs block, next tloor to steam laundry. Phono 2855. .20-t IIOUHK OLKANKItS- Itouicmboi that tlio best and cheapest carpet paper is 1110 ucavy roit paper aoiti at'i'UKJOUHNAI.0! , OlllCC. 20-tf Have You Caucht On To thu fact that tho finest pictures In thu city are made at tho Hllto Studio. 7-10 tf A Luxury That All Enjoy. and that health unit comfort Is depeiid out usni, Is a kxmI bith tub with omiii sanitary plumhlug. Wo will fit up old or now houses, aud contract with plumbers at a low esttmato for up-to ditto scleutlllc plumbing, steam and water, lilting, or any kind of plumbluif, that is the acme of oxcolleuco In this line. BARR&PETZEL 314 COMMERCIAL STKEEl'. Telejihono No. 3371 11 i. ii.. m wmmm P Headquarters for Screen Doors, E(c, Ijtwn. field and jsjultry feiico and sliliigleii at lowest prices. HALUM X-U6NOUC WOKK8, Waltkh Uobi.ky, Prop, 16 iUiatHtrwl CURE YOURSELF! IU lliar aU fur ll tiliki U?atl irilltalluUat ur ulcWrAltaibtk 1 ot Muttl bmttu. I .intauLAi. tiil Khi VatllU IttfumCiitS'titCa "', KiU-uiwa. ltUU WJ IITHgil! auiiafe lit til A I It HTaiatilf. )iu. 't iuuU. aim. iirur kmi vu iwiuMf Premium on Warrants, Anrl'rtlM Utlne Marlon or I'nlk comity wnrrwni i niiu m, win m wsn w iii m llmoilltaof Kiuimtf Ilrnrniau. 270 Omuiiotal tit. with llnUe A ilaiker. I will allow rmluiii 011 all mieh properly eiulonnnl war rul Moaay tiilmm al anl 1 Mr cent ln(rr r-t oat InwHOVtil Utmi. No CiiimlUiD, U.UkVhi , WtlrlNK HHEVmaN Uliltu Oeruar III00V. I0 CoiuuitlcUt lrvt JERSEYBUIiL. ; FuUlblooil Jortwyi rvlc3Tor seaaoj only li Mot rash. Cornur of Thlrteonht and Center at i vets, f. 5 it UaowN A'Hom. m m a m I v wsii( ,PSaii av 1 uiir.n -aj VI.IwM'ftV MCI Ml M lUMltf. w u-ww m I' Aftmlii0.y a t M lE' I n ,r 14 his imrunta Mr. and Mm. J. toilf( SB 3tl 1 ar tJjJim l, Halwm, ('rgoii ,