The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 24, 1899, Image 1

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NO 172.
Salftm Wnnlfiii Mills WILD
I B 1 I I I II I I LP L II 9 wi i M B H B ir
Home Made Goods
Specials: A very select
line of Boy's Knee Pant Suits,
of our own goods made up in
New York. Get one for
All sizes of Boy's Black Hose,
the very best to be had: Ask
lor them.
4 "
"" " "
LALii o ' v ' ' v
Wcaroiinl we 'say
t mi't'iix Low Prices on Deal Stock, and blowing nbout it us n marvel,
but wo nro
Hewing down a clean, live stock, level with the dirt which is associated
with cheap prices.
Kvery Shoo in tlto Iiouk) subject to tho 20 per cent reduction,
(ioods marked in plain figures.
K. W i- Ikktklk. VVKWliwWWk.
pJi customer
Hb9 hswi
see lor yourselves.
R. H. Leabo, Manager.
83 State St. Ladd
Two Games.
The Cheinawa Itandmll nine on Satur
day afternoon defeated tho M. A. A. C.
nine, of Portland. At tho close of the
game the scoro stood 4 to i In favor of
('homawa. . ,,,,,,
Tho "Railroaders" and the Indoiond-,, tiumi milieu iiMiu wih.iw-m.'i.
game on Saturday,
to 13 in favor of
J lie
wHiro stood is
A Free Man.
Que of tho Jordan lioya was yustorday
discharged from the Orego.i l'n;
tiury and was in trouble last night 1m t
nrrrowlyosoapud an arrest at tho lnuwJs
of Out police.
11. WIesnor, o Lawrence, wa In th
city toduy.
William Armstrong, who us a dele
gate attended the mooting of tlto Grand
J-odge of A. O. V. W. lor Oregon atThe
i uiies u sate at iiume again.
Two Minnesota girls. Mbw Groger
St. lharlttound Miss Morolaud ol
verne, wero in tho city over Sunday
.. ...
Mrs. It. J. Fleming and children left
today fur Cedar llluffs. Neb., uixm the
recHiplofatelram that her brother
was drowned there yestenlay.
J. II. Kitchlng, of Chutnawa, whs in
Salm today with a load of oat. His
(all whewt was rat lost weok iiimI 1
cays it will go about W1hh1m4u ymr
aero, lie will out mUi oh TkHM-
day. Soring ata sown in OcloW
whieh he y will rub 1th) bush
U jKir art r ck-?.
- "" jrrZTZJ. - ,
The .argest
Men's Pants:
assortment of
Regular sizes
extra sizes, and extra longs.
No matter what size you call
for we have them. A special
drive on them
The finest line of Cr.ash Mats
for Men and Boys to be
found, in Patterns and
"" " " ""
" "- "
Cent Reduction
All Shoes,
Orlfrtintor of Low Prlcoa.
We Sh no thorn Froo.
Cross Shoes
Our hospital and nurse .Shoes
also Oxfords, have arrived. Try
a pair if you want soild com
fort. Our big Shoe sale is still
onwe are cutting prices right
and left--we buy our goods 10
per cent, cheaper than inexper
ienced opposition, hence can
and do easily undersell them.
Krausse Brothers
275 Commercial St.
This thing which some merchants ad
vertise ol buying goods 10 per cent,
cheaoer than anv bodv else. The cash
is the one who buys cheapest
illiu liic uiuy uuc. vvc uuy uiujr ui mt
best manufactures for spot cash and at
the verv lowest prices. None can buy
lower. "We have none of the lilTralT ac
cumulated in 15or20vears business and
and we are selling our new Spring and
Summer stock at cost. No one else will
offer you any such bargains Come and
& Ue-h Rank Rldg.
Climbing Upward in Sums of S50 to $500
at a Lick.
The total amount wibwriltwl at our
last rejKirt was fKWl.lW). Additions
sinco the bbovuare: mnr
J. 11. T. Tuthill t M0
IK. Orillith ?
K. A. Ryare WW
J. Rex Ryars 0
W. J. U'Awy, Hguut ... 1000
R. S. RttiUbtMigh.wlio wan w vrely
lmrt with a hoixt reeonOy by having
Mime of his tenth knocked out ami his
btw iHWrly broken, is gradually rcoovHr-
itg awl will Im aW to is out 111 aooui
twoweki!if ho Mrto Ismk-wi wxm
Wh-tWr yi v to th Cowttnr i'Mf
Ut iw to aa yoor imwhui jwb i
llkriy Uawa 8wJ Hff-
ftinl full olprorWoi ami hi
iM m yott ihmmI at llmnH A It.WH's,
Oregon Men.
WASHUutok, July S4.-'rh iwIiiit
apiMjintol tW WlowlHg trow mm
A.F. PreMott, A. J. ad B. V.
OHe ,MaBe-. ......
Mm. AuttW tWIll. ol mser vny, -..-- '""--. ? ,; . e..
agwl 7, hh Uf'UtfUt V- tbr ayluu. i
uniy nigtii.
Of Disorder and Vio
lence. Witnessed Last Night
Militia Men Out
to Resist tho
II Ananclntril I'rrn to tlir Jnnrnnl, July 21. Scenes of wild
disorder and violence were witnessed
yesterday and last night in connection
with tho street car strike was succeeded
tliis morning by marked quietness. The
city authorities were in conference
nearly all night and this morning issued
a call for battery A, First Ohio artillery,
three companies of tho Tenth Ohio in
fantry and tho Ixiverluro riiles.
With tho addition of these organiza
tions the military force to cope with
tho street car strike numbers 800 men.
Next will como a call for state troops.
Mob violence will 1)0 suppressed at any
cost. Last night a suburban car was
blown up between Wickliffo and Wll
loughbv, 15 miles east of Cleveland.
Tho outrage was not reported until this
morning. Tho car was well filled with
passengers, who were badly shaken up.
What Happened Last Night.
A Huclid-avenuo car, loaded with pas
sengers, was wrecked by an explosion
of nitro-glycorino or
lioforo 11 o'clock las
uuncotton shortly
last night. The in
lured were as follews:
Mrs. K. C. Martin, 70 Lebanon street;
compound fracture of tho skull, right
arm broken and internal injuries, which
may prove fatal.
K. 0. Martin, right arm Imilly cut
and bruised alxml tho legs and Inxly.
Mm. Catherine Harris, 1W Cornell
street, suffering from nervous prostra
tion. . .
V. S. Smith, MI Vienna street, Injured
about legs and body.
Albert K.tlassett, 12 Wallace place,
legs injured.
Dora Schesslor, 11 Oakdale street,
bruised ubout the Iwdy.
Late last night it was learned that
Mrs. Martin, ouo of tho injured, would
probably die. She suffered a compound
fracture of the skull, had one arm bro
ken and was otherwise injured. She was
with her husband, who was also badly
,rt- . . . ,
The force of the explosion was so great
that it shook nil the houses in tho neigh-
Imrhood, and was hoard for u distance
of two or three miles.
There is no duo to the identity of or-
sons who placed tho explosive on tho
track. Persons living in tho nolghlior-
hood say thev saw a man a in buggy stoj
at the corner of Kensington street,
whore the explosion occurred, and that
ho got out by the railway track. Ho re
mained there for a short time, and then
drove rapidly away.
Tho i)olico are now searching for tho
buggy in which tho dynamite is sup-
"BI 1 1 t.i.l.t.... imki.1 nil utll.
iiom.ii to nave oeen nuiuuii, nun "
tlons have been notilleil to lie on tho
lookout for it.
u'lililii a few momenta after tho ex
plosion, a crowd of 1000 people assem
bled, and the injured who wero suffer
ing from shock were cared for until tho
ambulance arrived. None of them wine
dangerously injured, their hurts being
conllned to brulson about the feet and
logs. Mrs. Martin fainted lwforo she
was taken from tne car. All were taken
to their homes in ambulances.
Tho motorman on the car managed to
..... .., ..f tim viwtilnile of the cur and
feu ... ... .... - ... .....Hw
then leu to 1110 nin-vi. ". nu.vv
recovered and lieipeu to wxtrioaie me
imsHUigers from the wreck. Passengers
who were on the car suy tho oxnlosiou
Mioinud to lift the whole front end of the
car, and it ripiod up the fhxir for some
distance front end. Tho ear was, in
fact, a comploto wreck, but strange to
suy, it did not leave the rails, und was
mi-mi in the barn bv the next outward-
Iwuiid motor. .
Tho jMilico were quickly summoned to
the scene of the explosion, and u forte
of men was detailed to Investigate with a
I view of running down the person who
placed thoexjilosives on toe iiuuh. n
lxy living iiour the corner saw 11 myste
rious man in the buggy. Ho sunt he
noticed the buggy drive up there and
hUip, und saw the man get out. He
fumbled about the rails for a miouto or
two ami then jumped into the buggy
.....1 .irnvii iiu-nv at a gallon.
There swum to be no doubt now that
Mayor Farley will call the throw or four
available militia comniH in this city,
in addition to thow already undr arms.
'Hut mil will inclwle tlitt battery of ar-
Muwtoll to send othur troops to Uie city.
' 4 t.t.iwu,ld Lov named Dorouch
mui tnu tsovurnor may ie iv
was shot and instantly kilkl by Ralph
ii..u.L... luui.uiiloti ooihIimUnt Uiw
aftwnoon. An iuiinenm hmOi, mrmml at
San Francisco Excursion
Only S17.c50 for the Round Trip,
Plenty of time to see everything.
Leave Salem August 3d.
Side trips to ML Hamilton,
Un vnnou ulacs of Intend
and various DlaceS 01 nieresi. ror uciuucu iiiiiiiwiiw
ticket "fnnuTri of W. W. SKWNBR,or H. D. Patton. Salem,
ticket enquire g Q
1 (jr
lwlice ehanrod the crowd and made
several arrests. Another car was
stoned- at Perry street. The police
again charged tho mob with clulw and
dispersed it.
Required of Citizens Who Wish to Sub
scribe for Bonds,
Anticipating tho quest ton whether a
private citizen would have to pay a
revenue- tax to buy ono of tho popular
loan bonds City Recorder Judith ad
dressed a letter on the subject to tho V.
S. Treasury Dent. '
His letter of date July 8 asked:
"Mav a nrivato citizen who has not so
surod a broker's license under subdivi
sion 2 of section 2 of tho War Ilevonue
law of 1803, subscribe for and purchase
any or all of tho bonds so offered, or
must lie purchase through a licensed
brokor in order to comply with tho in
tent of that law?"
under date of July 10, after quoting Mr.
Judith's letter reciting tho facts i to
the issue of f 05,000 of bonds, as follews:
"In reply you are hereby Informed
that it is not necessary for him to buy
these bonds through a broker holding tho
spwiut tax stamp. A prlvatd citizen may
subscribe for and buy bonds without
involving himself in special tax liability
as a broker, provided ho Is noteugaged in
the business of negotiating such pur
chases. See ruling 20,8711 In Treasury
decisions, Mar. 2:1, 1890, page 570, as to
what constitutes the business of a
broker in contemplation of tho statute,
which will lw shown you at tho olllco of
the Collector of Internal Revenue in
Portland, Oregon, D. M. Dunne, Ksq."
Respectfully Yours,
G. W. Wilsox, Coin'r.
A Pardon Case.
Jus. Lee, Jr.. of Gaston is sentenced
to three years in statu prison on a charge
of rape committed upon it not very
bright girl named llammack, whoso
mother is In tho asylum as n'result of the
family's troubles. Young leo and his
father called on the Governor Friday.
All the jurors hut one, (who Is dead)
000 petitioners, the girl's sister and
others ask Ills patdon. There Is a large
remonstance'agalnst a pardon. Young
Lee is out on parole anil the case seems
to be in liis favor.
Blow Your Own Horn
and blow it haul. The cheapest, quick
est and U'st way to make yourself heard,
when you have a jiroiwwlllnn to present
to tho pcoplu of Salem, is to use- the
JotmsAL want columns.
Most any sort of a proH)sitlon will
strike somebody just right, but you
must get at n great number of people If
von want to ferret out some particular
Threaten to Murder Graders
on the N. P.
Il- Aumii'lntril I'rrn In llir Journnl.
Roisn, Ida., July 2-L Word from
Lewlston Is to the effect that while the
Indians on the Nex Forces reservation
have outwurdlv submitted to an agree
ment witli their chiefs to permit tho
Northern Pacific grade through tholr
reservation to proceed, still tho young
bucks continue to manifest an ugly
spirit, which is brutalized by liquor,
furnished by white men. -Tlioy threaten
i huooimIouii on tho uradors attain as
they did a few days ago, this time not to
scare them off but to murder.
LOST. A pure blue MitlteMi cat. Rlue
riblsm around neck. Finder please
return to :U7 Liberty street. 7 21 !lt
If you are looking for sjH-ftacles or I
eyeglasses. Scientific metlusls run all
all through our bitsmesH of fitting night
and sight help.
If you are unable to pay a fair price
forgWos, make the fact known to us
ami wo will furnish them free of char
if any ono U really too ioor to ay.
All school chlldrwi shouni nave inoir
eyes tustwl Isiforw witoring sehoj.
Ctimo hi any time. No charge for the
UKHtwary touts.
-w t. f I . I D l Allrt
luniaiapias, , oew. "
the shooting, was quickly gathered.
hV " H xs&BLwJ
Hospitality of New
York City.
Otis Received Word
His Lost Men,
They Are in the Hands of Filip
Ilv Aannolnlril rrra In llir Jnnrnnl.
New Yoiik, July 21. Mayor Van
wyek, received the following cablegram
from Admiral Dewey:
"Trieste Letters wore received mid
the invitation is accepted. Kxpect to
arrive alsuit October I."
Admiral Dewey's cablegram is hi ro
ssnihe to an Invitetlon from tlie mayor
asking him to be the guest of tho city
uihmi Ills arrival hi New York.
Manila, July 21 Tho transport Sher
idan from SaiiFrancisco, with retuforc"
nieiits for Otis arrived today. Otis re
ceived 11 letter dated July 2nd, signed by
Charles Rliuiford and Fred I lopo assist
ant engineer and third olllcer of the hos
pital ship. Relief, who worooaputrod by
the Fillpinov. off Paratiaiitie, on
May K0.
The letter soya the prisoners are in
the hands of the insurgents Mind "are
receiving excellent treatment but tho
suspense was terrible." Tho writers
bog tlen. Otis to Intercede for their re
lease. Otis has ttken steps in tlutt di
rection. f?AN F11 Niis(), July 21. The trans
port Morgan City arrived this morning
from Manila with returning troops.
Corporal Thornton.
W. A. Thornton, Corporal Co. A .
Fourteenth Infantry, United States of
America is in tho city, arriving Sunday
morning. Ho was at Manila a year,
hut Is now discharged 011 expiration of
service. The Staigors and Arnolds on
Howell Prairie are Ills relatives and he
has made them a visit and will remain
In Salem alsiut ten days. The Four
teenth was in euirai'cments on Aiiuust ft.
8, and 10, 18I1H, and in numerous en
gagements in February, 18110, and has
seen alitrcat deal of hot work
The Tourteenth will bo remembered
as having been stationed at Vancou
ver and was twice at the State Fair,
Major RoImi has Ikccu made a lieutenant
colonel, anil Lietiteutant Lisseigtio has
been promoted to command of Company
Lane County Enterprise.
The Mooth. Kelly Lumber Company
are ooratiiig three mills at Saginaw,
and work nearly 1100 men, The) also
operate a mill nt Coburg and ate plan
ning to erect a larger one at Isabel, 011
the MelCeiule.
Issued By the City Council of Silver
ton 'Still in Litigation.
Hard ffidavits Aealnst !Urd-sty
By a Connter Affidavit Who
The second suit over the Bilverton
saloon liofti'O case was heard Monday
iMiforo Judge Itoisu at 10 o'chs-k,
Depuo and Cook and Holmes and
Kellogg appeared for Win, Haack and
the city of Bilverton,
illngham it Carson and Senator 1iu
Adams apHKir with K. Hardosty, the
ynr tt r 'r w
los. Meyers & Soin
d salkm's greatest stor kC
New Todau
crash skirts, covert
be fair with our customers we
will include these new things
in our i
White kid and Chamois
90?. a pr,
A regular ?1. 00 kid in
all shades. 75c
Alascot guaranteed anil
fitd S1.12
ILADItfljj Adolf, Peerles. and
GL0VD Carlton SI 35
C Our buyers are today in Chicago selecting good things for you. 1
date men, educated to know your w?Jits. They are extensive buy
k nnM rvr Tiinin minnUiPCP " t T
it It Ut U ii AA Hi fcl U AA
r Absolutely fcuRE
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
substituted plaintiff, who is also shown
by atlldavits to have been employed by
Smith and McCorklo as their attorney
and agent.
Tho former suit was dismissed by
Judge Raise because the party made
plaintiff had not sulllcieut interest in
tho case to have signed tho remonstrance
against issuing the license. Hurdcsty
had signed the remonstrance and hence
was substituted as plaintiff to meet the
objections of tho court to McCorklo.
Tho ullldavit of W. F. Davenport wis
presented to the court showing that
Hardest)' had slgiled the petition for
Wnt. Ilaack's license, saying ho bcliovcd
it would bo a good thing for tho oity.of
Sllverton, and then ask to have his
name taken off the petition liccause
Smith & McCorklo, the rival saloon
keepers had employed him us tholr at
torney and paid him a fee.
"Said Ilardosty further stated thai his
request amounted to nothing, that tho
council would pay 110 attention to his
said request, and that his sympathies
itH a citizen were with the Hitttloner
still." SubicrilH'd and sworn to.
F. V. Miller, of Sllverton swears that
Hardest)' said he was employed by Smith
& McCorklo, that it was a matter of
business with him, and that he had
nnthingagaiust Haack.
Another alllidavlt presented to the
court was from I). R. Drake who swore
that Hardosty told him hu was making
money out of tho suit and the longer it
could lie kupt in court the more ho would
make possibly :IOO or 1 100.
K. Hardosty swears: "It is not true
as stated in the ullldavit of V. F. Da
venport that I asked to have my iiiiinu
taken off of the petition of Win. Haack
because Smith & McCorklo had employ
ed 1110 its thoir attorney to represent
their interest in such matter or for any
other reason except as slated in the re
quest to the said council, or that they
had at such time paid me any fee or re
tained me as their attorney.
"I did not state to said Daveniiort that
my request amounted to nothing, und
that the council would pay no attention
to it, or that my sympathies as a citizen
were with Win. Haack."
This ullldavit of Davenport Is accom
panied by tho motion of counsel for
deft, to quash the writ of review for
the rensou that plaintiff has no legal
capacity or right to maintain the said
The oaso was hilly presented on argu
ment by counsel and the court adjourn
ed to two p. m.
And Throe Killed By an Ex
plosion Near Brownsville.
Ilr Ailnlril I'm In Hip Jnnrnnl.
l'lrrsnuiio, July 21. An exiiloslon In
a coal mine near Jlrnwnsvillu Pa., today
killed three men outright mid entombed
seventv'others. many of whom are lie
Woven to (hi dead.
Mlfiht llaye Been Worse,
An accliuiut occurcd at the homo of
P. M. Pearson one mile west of the re
form school Saturday evening at 0
o'clock, which hurt Herman (loaltzaii
employee and Arthur an 8-year-old son
of P. M. Pearson. A bird being shot at
which lieu towards the house, some
of the shot struck (loaltx and 11 second
load wits discharged at the bird which
struck the little son 011 the Ixsly. A
physician was immcdiatly called and
upon examination it was found that
they were not seriously injured and
they will be all right ill a few days.
TT-TW YTTfVr T Yf YV ??'
As our buyers passed through
San Francisco they picked up
for our immediate use a line of
skirts, ladies' ties,
, Boy3
41 Ik AL AX
A .
No War, No Arbitra
tion. But Will Be Settled Amic-
Maybrick Case Hopeless
Foreign Items.
Ilv AiiancliilFtl I'rfmi In Hip Jnnrnnl.
Nuw Yoiik, July 24. A special to
Herald from Washington says: There
will bo neither war nor arbitration over
the Alaska boundary dispute. It will
bo settled by umicublo agreement, both
by the United States and Great Hrltaln
making concessions.
London. Jul v 21. In tho house of
commons today Miuhael Davltt asked
mo government it in view or fact that
the conduct of Mrs. Maybrick, in prison
has Ih'oii uniformly good, the home of
llco would not recommend royal clout
ency In her case. Tho secretary said ho
was unable to hold out hones of ex
ceptional clemency In the case of Mrs.
Pa ins, July 21. A sensational case is
agitating tho Amorlcous here. A lady,
who is described by some of the papers
as Mrs. A., an American millionairess,
well-known in New York society, hut
who. tho consul hero says, Is a Miss
Hoblw, was caught shoplifting in
Dad I'alL
R. R. Willaril, ono of tho employes of
the Klcctric Light works and who had
been engaged In wiring tho candy store
of Fdlts iV '.Inn, Statu street broke
through the celling and fell 12 feet to
the lloor, and although no bones were
broken hu was badly shaken up and wii
carried to his homo.
After Immigrants,
W. M. Colvig, C. K. Henry and Fiauk
Davey hold a session of the slate Isiard
of Immigration toduy. Hut little hiisl
1 1 oss was transacted.
Its warm mv
iv friend and no mistake,
111 try it cold milk shako.
So come and
1 he weather not so warm will seem
If you try some of our Ice cream.
We have lemonade and wo make
It with carbonic water while you wait.
Try soda imp If you are in lufsto
Any flavor to suit your taste.
Wo have some drinks that will suit you
For wo have Ice cream soda too.
Where this place Is you want to know
So when in need just whore to go,
It is down at
As you piiHi by pleane drop in.
104 auto nt.
Phono 2874.
j 4 Uolls
Ciiiiaoo, July 21. September
Cash a red 72.
San Fiiancisco, Jiily.21. Cash 1.02.
I The Blcyclr.
Is Cone
John IlriK-k, a farm
er iieurtiorvals,
presented the cor
rect iiumlsir today,
mi' I happily walked
uwav with the wheel
crash suitings, and to
Great sale!
Boys' Suits
51,00 up to $6.75 dur
ing the sale.
II. S. and M. line cloth
ing all reduced.
They "arc tasty, upto
crs and WE
41 J C
iA 1L AJ. iL 11 kk