ji,i..ifaflii ' wrtMaitviTT mrtfiM In fie 1a urn" 5k vaBBBBaFi VsNaaaW iTfll irnsfc l Pv flVJBHJI Comrade S Hm Buriis of Iowlston, III., had somo thrilling ox- forlcncea, but nono seompd tnoro dnuRorous liantliosoof lilalatohearttrouulo. Ho says: "I had severe palpitation of the heart for years. My physicians said I was liable to drop dead any moment. Pulsation at times would be 150 a min ute and I could scarcely breathe. I grew worse under doctor's care and began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It gave me prompt relief, and today I am in good health." DR. MILES' Heart Cure U sold by all druggists on guarantoa first bottlu beuullts or money back. Hook on liuart unit nerves sout free. Dr. Mllos Modlcal Company, Elkhart, Ind. O. C. T. Co's PABSKNOKll BTKAtoEIl POMONA altonA LKAVESIKOll POirrLAND Pnllv nxernt Siindnv at 8 a. in QUICK TIMK AND CllKAP ItATUS. Duck betweou Htato and Conrt tit. M. P. 1IALDW1N, Acent. S, C, STONE, M. D, Proprietor of Stone's Drug Stores 8ALKM,.()ItEaON. TliiMtnrm (trtn In number) nro located a No. 'AA and 3TCI Commercial ktreel, nnd are uvll MiK'kvil with a cuinpluto line otdriiKsand inudlrlnea, toilet nrtlcles, iorfnmery, briulies etc., etc., etc. 1)U. STONK IIiik had omc2S yearn experlcnro In tlic prac tire of medlclneand now mnkcii no clihrgu (or coiunl'atluii, examination or prescription. DnnnnnnnnnnnnnnminnTmnnnTTc I PERSONAL AND LOCAL! e t Kor additional Liion! News eo Fourth Pane. 3 DuuuuiiJiuuuuuuuuuuiiuuiiuaiiua Fred Ko.er mid the llashor brotlierx, wlm liiul fairly good eluiiiiH In the Klondike, have ("till out and are onrnuto lionio. I.. B. Guor cnnio up from Iluttovillo last oven! up;. 1. M. linker witH it passuiijjor ti Port laiul this morning on his way to W'nlln W'nlln. John Ilndsnn hiiHgono to his homo at Xuwlierg. aftor a visit with Jo. Scott, at Liberty. J. IliokH mitt A. II. Ballard, both Portland photographers, nimo up yes terday via wheel. J. (i. Rcnniu and Millwright A. NY Douhit leave for .Ionian, l.lim county, to jilaco now mnehliuny in Mr. Bonnie's mill thure. Miss Mabel Slimm has gone to spend tlio summer with her alitor utiir lude pendonce. I). W. Matthews has taken a position in Brannon & Ktigan's grocery store during tho nbionco of 11. M. Ilrtuihon nt VnwiMirt. A. D. GrilHn, ox-piirgenut-at-arms of the Iioum) of representatives of this state is in tlie oity. II. M. Hranwm and family havo gono to Vnqulna to begone two weeks. V. I). RUloy, of Wnldport, was u S loin visitor. Miss Bertha Kay has returned from a viait with Mian Colo of uetir Tumor. MiK. Ifrownwent to Portland this morning to visit hor aister. V. J. Johns was n jKiseengor to Port laud this iiioruinlii. M. M. Ksholmnu wont UliuUtoiie this morning. Sheriff W. (1. Henderson of Yamhill county was in town last night. Mrs. W. Duncan, of Alameda, Cal., is the guest of Sheriff Purbin, anil family. Mb Francis Xorris, who has been visiting in Salem and vicinity, loft today for St. Il8, Mo., hor home. Mies La Blnnuho Belle has roturntHl from a Portland visit. Mite Inez Field has gone to SuIIn.Wii., to vMt friends. Prof. I- G. Cochrwn left this morning for Tnooma tolook over his new mention. J. J. Ticknor, has gone to the lower Kxla spring for a month of recuperation and enjoyment V. K. ritipiw. f Medfonl, is ! jkoiiitctl a notary. Senator I. D. Driver is in tin- city. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartlflclftBydlgeststliefood-andaldJ Nature la strengthening and recon structing the extiamned digestive or gans. It is tne latest aiscorered digest - ant and tonic No other preparation can aDDroaoh It in e31clencr. It In stantly rellvei and irrnanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. SIcfcHeadache.Ga.stralgla.Cramps.and all other reaults of imperfeot dlcestloo. Prpartl by C C DWIU 4 Co, Chlcaao. BBaaawiafchi THE HOP CROP. Report on Conditions In New York, ting' land and Europe. The recent rums nave brightened up the vines considerably .hut as mot of them nro in the burr they will not grow much more. It is generally ncknowl dged that the vine was seriously checked from one cause or another and failed to arm out or grow ns it should. This is tlio general coniplnint from tho hop growing sections of the state. Tho crop, therefore, promises to lie much short of a full one. Crop ndvices were variable, and upon the wholo indicated somewhat unfavor able growtn of vine in Xew York State, yet causing no increase in the lato es timates of probable shortage in the crop. I hero was also a smattering of unfavor noio accounts in tne rejiorts lrom somo localities, on the Pacific Coast., How ever, buying interest is not stimulated perceptibly, and probably the only stir is in the direction of circulating re ports of high bids for il8W) crop in the face of sales nt 15c and thereabouts to brewers. A corresjiondont of tlio Wntervillo X. Y. Times writes that paper as follows : It is said mid seems to be true that hops uro continually doing the unex pected. Said a dealer last fall, "If wo export as many this year ns last the price will go to '25c." We have exported 20,000 bales more and the price has been 10c. So of the growing crop, wo are sadly disapointed, for we havo tho worst case of curled leaf blight remembered. And so curious no one can even suggest n cause which satisfies the conditions It bus been called "a scald" nnd thought to he the result of hot sunshine, but this theory fails to suit tho case. Whnt ever the origin, the results are evident and bad. For it time tlio plant energy is gone nnd it stands still, the vine joints become fixed at about one-fourth Iho healthy distance apart. Tlio under side of the leaf contracts, causing the curl of tho leaf which is a conspicuous feature portions liecomu an injured light green nnd the edge of the leaf in some cases and to some extent dry and brown. After the mnllgn inlluence has ceased, the plant energy and healthy growto is resumed of a light green color but the new growth is slender, thick and fuzzy. How much this check nnd change of growtli may injure tho iiuul ity or amount of the crop, no one can foretell with any reasonable precision. Tills will not lie u top crop for a feature this season is it lack of top growtli. Tho upper arms are short or none at all and the tops of the ioles are conspicuously bare. Some lice can lie found. All that has been said of the strong statistical condition of supply und de mand is proving true, but all of the skill of the manipulating dealers hns been brought in play to depress) prices in the hope of securing l'acitls ironclad contracts. The crop estimated nnd re ported in the Commercial Bulletin by the deulors at 11)11,000 bales will guln only 1(0,000 bales nt the most as esti mated by a reliable man on the ground The state crop must bo very much loss than hist year and the United States crop cannot from tlio standpoint of to day lx) u halo more than In 't)8 at the most, with many probabilities of being smaller in tho aggregate. Hoi (inowKii. CONDITIONS IN KUIIOI'K. Various reports from tlio hoi-growing districts of Sussex, England, concur in lie statement that the bine has made greater progress during tho pn8t weuk than nt any previous period this season. At tlio same time, however, there nro complaints of the backwardness of many grounds that have not been looked after; in those tho bino has not yot muMitil the tons of the poles and the 'laterals are very slow in coming out. There is rather more vermin than was discernible a week or ton days ago. WOltCIIKSTKIt. Tho plantations in this district con tinue to progress very ranidly, and much of the backwanlness of u month ago bus been made up. Although thoro is a general sprinkling of vermin, It does .,, t,w.rnitm lllfltnrlllllv. Ullll VOTV fOW vrnuurH httVO tllOUitllt it llOCOSiMiry to eoiumencu washing. Tlio small spec- illative trade doing in tne winy pari oi Juno has boon checked by the Improve ment in crop prospects, mu tne snort nttes of supptios keeps values linn. MAIDHTONK AND DISTKICT. The rate of progress since luat week has boon most satisfactory in all grounds but more esiwcinlly in thoco that havo iw..,i. null farmed nnd cultivated, whore the bine is well over tho tops of the wlos i nml strlinrs. and is throwing out hit-: orals in rich profusion. Generally speaking thoro appears to bo n slight in- urwmu ui iwi'iii'i .......... .... -", "i ns yot, tho attack not bolng of gulndont force to warrant it. CAXTBItllUllV. Under the intluonce of the warm weather the bino has during the past .......I- iimiln HYpnlhmt nrourus. nnd whore well forwarded it U throwing out lutoruls i which look very vigorous, inure is no sign of disttUfcom any form, but up to the present it has not boon necoasary to either wash or sulphur. There is a good run of bine in all tho well-farmed planta tions, and everything at present looks favorable for a full avorage crop. MAUK MNK KXPKKWi nnrvKi. Tin. Limitation ronortfl nro on tlw whole fairly encouraging. Mv own oh- agnation confirms the irregularity aml iMickwardne of growth, which many of my correspondents refer to but I am Ktltliriiy have not beuii troublesome, beyond the ( early uttucka of flea und wireworin, ami now the bine is gaining in Htrength we may hoiie for ctmprraiive uiumwmy ami release from largo outlay for wash i ing ami it ia equally clear that the merchants desire to handicap the iiie tuble advance to the utmost of their iKiwer. Tliwy understand tlw ioition as well m wmIo. awl they know Uwt tl.ex will b nnped to double or treble every shilling they how yiW. , when the rww crop arrives. Rrerjr iioMible effort Is Uwfor big muile to Lit ujion todiiy'a nwrket, ami Iilwlw iu Ut there be a wbtHttal note of alarm beard irom Uw pteHtaU, It m.II tn- ecbol in the Borough with i ..,.., i. .w. M,ii.liLv. We are how Uter-1 fre HiUutc h,kw Natr,aml tiA . w ,""'"" "VTV ' Z w tw uufukW rhu" !". y l ,w UMu" for 'K lL fc-V Ui. CJaHfornkiiwi '-a ",,u,,,3a,3 r lawyer rlu. m m P''H H sdWH'ing market atV-wkH Hail, Spring's First Bom Flowers. " Hotv welcome they are, these new blooming blossoms. They are purity personified, these bits of life, with their bursting buds, joyous in their first sight of Spring. There are no impurities about them. Humanity, however, con tinues to have its troubles. most of which can be traced to impure blood. Hut humnuity rests more contented now, for it knows tlint Hood's Sarsapa rilla, the wonderful blood cleanser, never disappoints. You need it today. Poor Blood-" Tho doctor said tbere were not seven drops of good blood In my body. Hood's Snrsnpnrllla built mo up and made me strong nnd well." St'gir. K. Drown, 10 Astor 1(111, 1.ynu, Muss. Poor Hoalth - " llnd poor health tor years, pains In shoulders, back and blps, with constant headache, nervousness and no appetite. I'scd Hood's Sarsapnrllla, Rained strength ami can work hard all day; cat heartily and sleep well. I took It be cause It helped niy husband." Mrs.' Elizabeth J, Otrrius, Moose Lake, Minn. Tutrora-"A tumor as big as n larce marble mine under my tongue and Instead of letting my physician operate on It, I used my favorite spring tonic, Hood's Snrsapa rllln. The bunch soon disappeared." Mrs. H. M. CottURN, S I'nlon St., Lowell, Mass. Catarrh-" Disagreeable catarrhal drop pings In my throat made me nervous and dizzy. My liver was torpid. Hood's Sar sapnrllla corrected both troubles. My health Is very good" Mns. Ki.viba J. Smiley, 171 Main St., Auburn, Maine. Dyspcpstai OtC.-"A complication ot troubles, dyspepsia, chronic catarrh and Inllaminatlon of the stomach, rheumatism, etc., made me miserable. Hmljno appetite, until I took Hood's Sarsapurllla, which acted like magic. I am thoroughly cured." N. D. SKKi.r.T, 1874 W. Uth Av., Denver, Col. Impuro Blood-" I'lve years I suffered with pimples on face und body. Hood's Sarsapnrllla cured me permanently. It also cured iny father's carbuncles." Albibt K C'hakt, Tustln City, Cal. foods SaUalHViiffa "llno.l't I'llTTfuie llvrr lll Hie iwn-lrrlUtW and only caOiartlo to take wUliTll' "iUMniwuffliT increasing the tension, and causing holders on this side to consider the pro priety of the rcshipmoiit of some thous ands of bales. Should this be carried into effect, consumers will bo driven to buy Knglisli hops at any price, nnd there is an almost certain oiieulim for an important advance in values during tite next montii or so. There Is more Cuturrh In this sec tion of the country than all other di seases put together, nnd until tho lust lew years was supposed lo tic incur able. For n i;rc:il ninny years doctors pronounced it u local dlseic, und pre scribed locul remedies, und by con stantly railing to cure with local treatment, pronounced n inctirauic. Science 1ms proven catarrh to be u constitutional disease, und therefore requires constitutional tieatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market. It la taken intcrnnlly in doses from 10 drops to a teat poonf til It acts directly on the blood end mu cous surface1) of tho xystcui. They of fer one hundrei' dollars for any case it full) to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, R J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. hold uy UrUk'glHtH, OK Hull's. Family Pills uro the bet. Putting Up a New Line. A force of linemen, employed by the tho Oregon Telephone A Telegraph Company, reached this city last even ing and will nt once begin the work of stretching a lino between this city and Albany. People say Hood's tiursupurlllii cures when all other preparations full to do any uood, und you run no risk in giv ing ltd fair trial. U. A. Ilockwoll, hits returned from his eastern trip ami yesterday joined ills family at Gladstone Park, whore the are attending the Chautauqua. BKKCHAM'S Pills for distress after eating. Mitts Claudia Gilbert has returned from a visit with Portland friends. Mrs. Dr. McKiuuio, of Eugene, is vis iting friends iu Sulom arriving vector day afternoon. Pullman Service to Yaquina. The first Saturday night excursion to Viiiitiiuu wus well iHitronix.ed, This new regime with a Pullman ear service to Oregon, s popular seaside resort promises to Imx-iiiiio very xiulnr. Business men in any city down the s'ulley can take the night train to Yaquina, get a good night's sleep und reach the ocean in time for breakfast, and after sKiudiiig a whole day at tho IkkioIi can rot urn on the night train in time for bushies next morning, lake tlio overland tram at Stilem at U:6 p. m., Saturday. Three Tons of Gold Skattle July SO. Over three tons of tho gold brought from Alaska by the steamer Itoauoke was deioslUMl by the United States assay otllce today. It was the property nf 100 individual dojiositor' j -"-- TZZrZZ , lliwimiwnum ...v wM.iw.a.n.. ..M.. ... Commerce was contained in Id 1kxm weighing -100 Kunds each. IU salue ex Irol iu dollars was fl, 250,000 Seven gutheriand Sisters MIR MOWER thould be used br crcrr woKiiui, man od child de siring rich, soft, luttrou liwurancoot tte hair. U (urnltbcs liut Uk, rlflit MiMuualaa to Un lulr txilU tad taeauniie the uilurul Oow ol luUr iaott uro ll liferents dandruff jod immature vtt tJri. It It U watt rv'ranlnf. cttMns xl luritontlug dnmttut Ul cn Ui otf UhMd. Iiyeurdlr anno(ap Ur Vwi, vrrltc to iu nnd wo wM Ve to it Uut you ro HipVHed. Seven Sutherland Sisters M lijtfctfin MrK. New Ywk OUy, t( vvfI I 'WM't I'M f i ficfc A. O. U. W. Qrand Lodge. The A. 0. U. W., grand lodge nt Tho Dalles elected Its olllcers as follews: Grand Master. D. C. Herrin, of The Dalles. Grand Foreman, llalph Fecnoy. of Portland. Grand overseer, C, C. Hoguc, of Al bany. Grand guide, J. M. Dixon, Lafayette. Grand recorder, Newton Clark, of Hood Biver. Grand receiver, 11. L. Durham, of Portland. Grand inside watchman, C. II. Dye, of Oregon City. Grand outside watchman, J. E. Mel Inger, of Dayton. Grand trustee, Geo. W. Procbstel, of Weston. Supreme representatives. Win Col vig, of Jacksonville; E. L. Smith, of Hood Biver, and Newton Clark, of Hood Biver. The Salem men decline to run for any otllce, as they want the grand lodge in Salem noxt year, nnd may get it. Tlio Degree of Honor also elected its olllcers, with tho following result: Grand chief of honor, Miss Maggie Baker, of Albany. Grand ladv of honor, Mrs. Stephens, of The Dalles". Grand chief of ceremonies, Mrs. Bel knap, of rrinevllle. Grand recorder, Mrs. D O Herrin, of The Dalles. Grand receiver, Mrs. Dr. Dallas. Grand usher, Mrs. Ijutrn Baker City. Grand inside watch, Mrs. Mason, of Smith, of Kastubend, Simmons, of Astoria. Grand outside watch, Mrs, of Grants Pass. Tlio supreme representatives are not yet elected. OA8TOK.IA. Hears tks rf 8 KM YCll H3W AlwajS BOUjM Happy Thoughts, To nlcusc, attract und give people something to tulk about, Is uti art In writing n prosaic advertisements. Hood, or Sarsitparlllu fame, Is the or iginator In mi extensive srnso of the Idea of uslni: proverbs and wise saws us a prolix to u plcusunt Introduction of the well kti'iwn virtues of Amer ica's Greatest Medicine. These quaint, quotations often lit, the nows of the day with startling directness und the moral is easily drawn, witu natural good to Hood's Nursapar Ilia. 8 Tlio SalomitoH who went to the Klon dike, have most nil left for home, and thorfo remaining there will conto us soon as they can secure enough of the yellow dust to repay them for the hardship" endured since leaving home. A Child Enjoys The plcnsunt lluvor, gentle notion, und soothing ntiectof Syrup of Figs, when In need nf n laxative, und If the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow, lb) use; so thut It Is tho best family remedy known and every family shout) havo n bottle. Manufactured by tho Cali fornia Elg Hvrup Co. OASTOXillAi Btut tU rf 1ha Kini1 You 1,aYJ ftl,,af, Bou Bids for Painting School-houses. Sealed bids will be received by the Clerk of School District No. 5! I. not later than July '-'-M, 18!M, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. for painting the Lincoln, Park, Last and Virth School Ituihllngs, according to tlio Hpecillca tions in tho hands of the clerk. For material, WX) gallons genuine Haw Linseed Oil, (more or less), 1000 pounds, fmore or less), white lead, (Carter's or Pioneer) at the option of the Board. Separate bids must lie made for enuli building, ami each hid to specify sepa rated the cost of liilxir and material. Hinders to furnish all brushes, scaf folding and necessary appliances. Each bid must bo accompanied by n certified cheek of '3 or a ffto bond or note with approved security, guarantee ing n bond of the successful bidder. Said ImjikI to Im iu double the amount of con tract price, nml to iHi'furnlshod upon accontanco of bid. .All work to be approved by the Hoard or any one selected hy them for inspec tion. The Board reserves the right to re J tint any or all bids. By order of tho Board, School Dis trict No. 81, Marion i;o uro, II . A. Johnson. M. L. CiiAMiimti.iN, Committee. ci J. Bai'Moaktnbii, Call for Olds for Hay. Bids will be received ut the olllce of thoCP.v Itecorder for the City of Bu- Ioji, Oregon, from tho dute of this notice until A o'clock p, in. of Satur day, August 12, 181)0, Tor furnishing the City of Suletn with fifteen (16) tons of cheat or timothy buy, baled und do llvered ut the city nun iu sum city on or before the iHt duy of September, lhOlt. Doiio pursuant Mi the order of the Common Council or auld city, inude und entered on the Oth day of July, 1800. N, J. J HI) AH, City Itecorder. Dated ut Salem, Oregon, this, Jul 13, 1800, 7- 13tlwtf Salem City Bend Sale. Notice Ih hereby given, that pur suant to the order, of tho Bulcm Oily Council, bud and recoided 011 the Oth day of July 180J, subscription lists will be opened, at 8 o'clock on the morn ing of Thursday, July 20, isoo, at the otllce of the city recorder In the city hall of said city, for the Spurcbuse, by the citizens at large, of 105,000, mu nicipal funding bonds of said oily of Haletu, Oregon; (said Issue to conoWtof bonds In the sums of W0," ilOO," "I2C0," 'WOO," and "1000,") princi pal payable at the orilee of the elty ttcuaurerer 01 iaia city ui huium. ur egon, on or before lOyoars after the Ut day of October I80U, thu date or Uue of said bond; the Interest thereon, at the rate of 4 pereent per minum. pay able setul anuually. at the orilee of ald city treasiirerer aforoald, on the nrat days of A prll and (Jctoijcr of each and every year aherenfter, until call oriuatuiity principal and Interest Siy utile tu gold ol n "f Hie United tuUM. The ct.v reemder of wild city will receive, file and icilater ali sub- nrlnllnnii in I Ilia txilinlf mill k:illl kill.. Ksrlpllon, under till publication, will riuse av ,uvm. jj. iu. hi riiuij, mu Mrst day of September, imi. Dune by the loclal Committee of Huml Issue, this, Saturday, July 16. IW9, uttiulcin. Oregon. Iblgnwl V V. HIBHOP, Mayor, llunttd K 4.JUI)ATKO.tyltwurdr tSlgned A. II. ilUltHfi.CoHnolliiittii. leried 1! I'.WALKHIU'ouimilmui! for infants Cnstorln, is n linrnilcss ftulistituto for Castor Oil, Pnro Rorio, Drops nml Soothing Syrups. It lu Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Moi'iihtuo nor other Nnrcotio Hitbstanve. It lcstroyrt AVnrniH ami allays Fovorlshnoss. It euros DIarrhu'n. ami AVIml Colic. It rollovcs Tooth ing Troubles ami cures Constipation. It regulates tlio Stouiiich ami Uowels, irivintr healthy ami natural Bleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tlio Mothor's Frlcml. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tlio For (CiYcUcZ In Use Over THC CrWTfcUH COMMNTiTtMUHmif T HHMHHMriRMHIMM THEY ALL WANTED IT!! You re they tliouslit the lilrvcle In the vrliiilovr, wm the only one we had. Thie were plenty more ltmlde however, ami wl, oia'emoueeat.1.. "Wetauut vou out alio RflWFORD, LEUELflND, 'RE5CENT. Water Prolongs Your Life. If your liouxe ih not Hiippllcd with a Hath It ought to be. 1 will miike the galvanized Iron Tank, nut in the Tub, (ho Ixiftnf Plumbing, and do all kliulH of tin work, Call and tiflk for ontiiuatuK. T. S. BURROUGHS IIKI 8TATE1STRKKT ;?3llnAit ut'rrnnrn mwmvvu iiuo J mu r.jT.i ClJlH. Tbl womternil fif- -. uinerfyiiiwlHntrvilloi-urvnU umwi ill, uIiim Went: f ,,. .icuiiHy,uciiiivii,wiikeiiiiiiHM.iArt Minilifivl. Nlulilly nml. lon. Nervuudieu, Um ut miwct in Generative Oripiin, enntril hyyoiithful ernr. exceMlve iim of Mltnutnnta wlilch lii to Infinnilyorliiaanity. C: liecarrlnl In t ixxkel. fi.enix-r box, 6 for fj. by mall prepalil. Circular free. All UriiRKlXa. Take no other. Muuufiiclurtd by the i'cau Medici oe Co., l'arU.I'rancc. Ijittc-DuvU UrnurCo.diitrlbuUasaKenU, six Tmao and Vamiiiu. Bra., Cortland, Okkoon. F() SAL IS WY 1). .f. THE" OLD POSTOFFICE STABLES. tSBBBBBBBBBBBBLs4klBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW HaaaaaaBBam W -m. j- w BPHT-fBHarHaBVaaw iJWSfWi bTbUbbbbbbbbbbbFbtW JaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaKcI TT t Mmm9ri jBBBBBkMHAa3 PaTBar3sjpaara) Special rates g'von to Commercial men. Ilrivra wailo tn all point at all hoiim, OItiii a tall ami bu atlllil, Phone 181. NOT GROCERS T0THE PRESIDENT. But Grocer lo the People. We keep in Stock a full Variety of Provisions, Groceries and Fruit. Anything and everything you need. At prices to compete, call and compare HARRITT & LAOJRBNCB OI.U I'OHTOmCK UIMKJHUY, Grafid Clearance Sale of DRAIN llM,t Fit come, first served J.. 3B- 3MC XT 3EK, 0E 3BC " , TaStf KairClroumls. Bulum, Oregon. Jari'.rriXlh'iilnli'a im-aiMnim. and Children. Signntu.ro of 30 Years. wctT, mwi jymjjj It's Hard to Get Over the fact Unit your shirts, collars, cuffs, duck trousers, and crush suits keep fresher and look newer and bettor when hiundored hero than hy any other laundry In town. You can't boat our tine laundry work anvwhere. If there wan such a thine as making It more perfect, we would do it. Itring your soiled linen hero and try It. Salem Steam Laundry, COI. J. Ol.MBTKAD, I'ltOlMt. Phone 41. 2:10 Liberty Street Best and largest line jBicyclcs in the Gity, oE Car load shipments Direct from Factory PRICES: $25 to $75. Wo havo.,., Best Bicycle R, M, WADE L CO. PHONIC l.'.ll iivuinar. xuiu,i iviinw ?IV, HALIC.M, OllISGON. 12rHllltV HT HAMIM, OH. J. J. 'FIDLER, proprietor. HnrHtiK Uonnlml by tho Day, Week or Month. Ktiindlim TcauiH, )ru. Bli.gle llorsu 10c. TILE Tn make room for new ahuk from tin- summer run of tho factory, 1 Hill ill all Tile 011 hand at fifteen Mr emit dlsonuut. Now is the time to buy tile aheap, Cull at OIH54) ami seeore a Iwiryalu. UrU - k iu the market. (k ,ZJL.JJ ilWl intbr-btatb ETTAANDERS-WILMAN AjsocIaic Teacher Weitem Consetva tory, Kanws City, Mo., representing the Interstate System, at Salem, Ore. Over First National Banlr. Residence 376 Church street. Studio houts-a to tos. s9NratayiRs 1 WANTED. Mow today advertisement tour tinea or leu In this column tnaortod tnroo timos for 23 eta., SO ota a week, $1 per month. All over lour lines at same rota. HAY FOU HAI.K.-100 toim of chotco cheat hay nt $1 por ton In tho field. riinu nun inuo norm 01 iriiigor on Howell prairie, W. T. Hamsdon. 7 10 (It WANTKD.-To buy rye for milling. Ap ply to or addre88 JoHepli Urechslor, Salem. Mill on Marion between Fourteenth and Fifteenth otreet. 7 18 lino 8TUAYKI) A bay liowo with white hind foot, has now halter on. Iteturu to J. K. McCoy, on Capital street, and got a reasonable reward. ll)3tt FOU SALB CHEAP-2 bicycles or will trade for wool or grain. Agt. O. K. it X. Co. Trade street dock. 7 It) 3t I.AN'l) FOU SALB In Polk county, farms of nil sizes, stock ranches nml largo tracts of hind, low prices. Call on or address J, H. Monui, Monmouth, Oregon. 7-18-atf AT PKIVATB rUr.B.-Ono piano nnd an entire stock of housohold gooils, one gootl spring wagon, liny und grain. Call ut the first house south of Lin coln school, on High street. A. B. Hawks. 7.I8 3t FAHM WANTBD. Tliu undersigned want a farm of Trom 60 to 100 ncrcs, will take it for cnsli rent or on Bhares. Good reference. Apply to J. 8., earn Journal Ofllce. 7 10 lin VBTBUByAHY. A sure colic remedy guaranteed to cure. Bvery stock man ought to be supplied and keep it in case of emergency. It does not loose Its strength. All kinds of veterinary imniuvnn luiuiliiuu calls made promptly. 380 Front street, or business attended to and 1). 1). Keeler, at feed yard. 7-7 u iV iv l m DKTUOIT HOT SIMUNUS-I am iu the field again, with my pack horses, to carry you to the springs, or any place iu the mountains, ia tlio vicinity of Detioit. I have been here suven years, can tnku you to till the good camping, hunting, and fishing placet) in thlspsirtof the mountains, Frank I'erkett, Detroit, Ore. 7 3 0 .NO VACATION. Miss Slielton will continue her music clauses during thu summer without interruption. Pupils received at auv time. Terms reus. ouahle. Studio. 178 Front street. (K.'7-lni HOU8B FOR HBNT.-Good six room building. Call on Thos. Holman, 37(1 High street. tl24t 1100M8, Furnished or).tiiifurnishod, Single or iu suites, dining room ad Joining, homelike. Second floor Cottle lllock. Mattie Hutchlns, Prop, Hoom W. o-3-t FOU rALB-Oooildry wooil, dellvoreil to any jmrt of the ulty. Price reason able. Leave orders witli Ilurritt A Ijiwreuceor Farmers' Feed yard High, street. 5-l!0-3m 1J1UYOLB 1'ATII If your bicycle needs repairs bring It Iu, wo have the skill und stock to keop it In llrst class condition. We curry u full lino nf sundries mid uinkoit special ity of eniiincllug come und sco us. wo uutlflfy our patrons. Ourdnor White, 288 LlbeM.y sticct. llolinan'a block, next door to .steam laundry. 1'hono 285S. l-'JO-t IIOU8K CLKANKIIS- Itcmemlwr that the best and cheapest carpet paper Is tho heavy felt paper sold utTliKJouitNAl. olhce, 20-tf A Force Pump For a private country house, or ihero there is no public water supply, is it great convenience to the hoiiHUKeoer, und should 1hi of the most serviceable kind. We will place any kind of a pump in your hoiiM), or outside, In n manner that Is substantial and complete, and that will prove satlsfacDryut all times. I'liimblug of all kinds, steiim and gas fitting, and Imp ie is a specialty with us. BARR & PETZEL 314 COMMK11WAL STKKST. Tcletihone No. 2371 Headquarters for Screen Doors, Etc,, l4iwn, field and poultry funci and shingles ut lowest prices. HALUM KlNOI WOHKU, Waltbh Uoulkv, I'rup, IS ti butt) Strort CURE YOURSELF! I'm IIU 14 far uulialiim' ,..,l, IUd4KIIUalliM utluil.u. ut uU.f.lWiu "I uiii',111 iuuibrii4. r.lnl-... ami iiwl ..lllu. u,r...(V.iuiiCA al e' Ml"""! .. mmm.Um. tr muI Iu Ula t.iwr, ll ui. Mr a UllU, U.J. mi.u w .vwAa... 1lulr .! tt i4iM, I Premtum on Warrants, I Aur rtli hatuitf Marlon ur I'ullc rouuty wurrnltu iIUium of. wilt do well u oill at I UiBonlmof KuKene llreyiiuu, 970 Comiaarclal l.tit.l, wtiti lMv & llarkrr. 1 will alluw I premium 011 all uoh roirlr amluravil war ,u, mwhu, iuimhii u u , yvr Will .bitt ail nil lnilroil Ututt, No cimouImIou. JUiUShi Kl'OKNK HUKYMAN VrliltB Tomer liloulc. TO Couiwarlaltrel JERSEY BULL. Pull blood Jersey, services for season only f 1 pQt cnafi. Corner of Thlrteenht mill CenHjr ftieshj. ft 6 tf lluows A Son, 1 mmM 1 VtmWBkMM AaBBBBal F, i!i.r ifWiJlu.'uil napw uui..!. ai - Till paaiaeiaaiii.B.BQ -1 VBBv'r 1