mmmtimmMmmtwiitmHmriiMtl MXMHllll i i m h-ii fcila" ijptwwu W mmmrmmm vm,mvm v " i ,c J 4 iiai i miiwiiiMMiwnHfii lujwmji-f , p, , r "spp--rv h F 1 I mmmmmmmm ;l H i , f i Hi I (MM - H I on these When you arc sweltering in your woolens ljenr In mind that a little Judicial investment in eearonablo goods Is economical, and good, from the standpoint of comfort and health. Fineslight weight Balbrigan andf'Ribbed Underwear, in all sizes from 30 to 50. 25c to $150 Cool-Summer Shirts in all imaginable colorings, styles and qualities. 25c to $3.00 Crash Hats, 20 cents, tip. NO RESERVE. 6. w. Jonnson & 60.. 257 COMMERCIAL STREET. A'fcw odd suits in Children's $5 to $7 suits, to close at $2,00 THE DA1U JOURNAL BY UOPBR BROTHBK8 THURSDAY, JULY 20. 1899. Dally, One Tear $3.00, In Advance Daily, Toui Montns $1.00. It Advanoo. Weekly, One Year 1.00, in Advanoo AN era;of small men. Alger has gladdened the heart of hi countrymen by retiring from the cnbi net an secretary of war. That he made a udod record In tho first half of the Spanish war no one can deny, ho far aH it was duo to hiH executive ability that an army of nearly a quarter of a million soldiers were innsccd and tMiiilppcd for movement in sixty dyn after war wiih declared. Hut Alger wan novor any other than ft .mall man. Ho had a small record in tho Union army, which was never puli lished but to hifi dlHoredit. He had n mnall ionn of honor, Hinall pride, mnnll conscience, and never caw In an Amorl can public career anything but a glor Ioiih opportunity to rob and plunder the public lie had made millions out of land grunt), franchises and timber land HtealH. That was his record. Uo Hpont hiH money lavishly in foourlug MoKIn- ley's nomlnution. lie organized the HIK-elal train of Union "generals" who rallied tho grand army vote, itlmt is now lielng oast for reHolutioiiH in denuncia tions of Clay Rviuib, MoKlnloy's pension commissioner,) so that It went almost solid to McKlnloy. Ilu helped turn the organised labor voto employed by tho railroad oorK)ratlonH away from Hryan, und he got Ids reward of a cabinet jmibI tlon. It haw coat the country mlllleim In money and many lives. timall men In largo places aro the moat costly luxury a democracy ban to undiiru, and let uh pmy the Hod of na tions vio may Iw spared the Intllutlon of another to succeed Alger. Another of that political Ktrlo could not gt voluit teers to bo wtorlihfd lit the tranches, sacrificed In tho camps, Haorltleed In the commtmiary, Kierlflml even for want of oJothlng and blankets as the Oregon have beer, at the Presidio. It In time untlon revolted effectively at the phio tiiax of mmill bikiIIh jHillllclaiiH in charge Of Hit) honor and Uvea of tho ieoplo. TUB POPULAR LOAN A 8U0CE8S. Tho popular loan of fflfi.000 Salani oily bonds la being taken by the lwople of thla olty and from present IndtonttoiiB will bo stilwurllwd for four Union over. Tho only problem Imforo the city la, how to give tha largt number a tlhaiiuo to luvutft. An Inspection of the Higimtitnw will rcfuto the theory that audi securities QQtiUt only Ins Biiecowfully told in largo minis to eastern capitalists. It inaugu rates a new era In the disposition of uninlfllpal and school district dehta, and also afford a guaranty of hwtlthlul In turtWt In looul admiulatnttlon. Tlmro la Httlo Jdangor of largo accumu lated holding of capital securing the lion's abare of thla lauid mwuo, na in that CREATES HAPPINESS A little woman can do a big lot of with little effort with Gold Dust. It the labor of cleaning more llun nvei both time and money, GJ&r Washina Powder is a brtnger of brightness, comfort ami ' health to every housewife who usoi It. A unt waste your energy in acruiumis - hard and rubbing haid with aoap in the fiJUfashloned way. Gold Dk,t nukes hard cleaning eaiy. Yot greatest economy buy our large package, THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY C1IKAOO ST. LOUIJ NHWVORK BOSTON Hot Day s White Duck Pants $1.35. Crash Pants St. 25. Crash Suits $3.50 to $4.50. Straw Hutu at one-half price. case they would probably soon bo sold at a premium to non-resident holders, whero money In cheater than It Ih here. Hut there I nn absolute guaranty on the part of tho present clty ndminiHtratlon that thiH hIiiiII not lie done, but that this loan shall bo scattered In email hold ing. Tub Jouiinai. would urge citizens to take thin loan Instibfcrlptlons of frotnfiO to $500, as n starter. Tho plumber and the iiiotonnwi, the drayman and milk man, the printer and blacksmith, the milliner nnd mocxoiigur loy, the grocer, the baker, tho eandlestlokiimkor nre the pcoplo who should be uucotirngcd to be come investors in a mnall way and Imj coino a safeguard of eoonomical adminis tration and good city government. And lot the entire city and school debt bo funded in the mime manner. MRS. EDDY'S DOCTRINE MIND. OF There aro one million Christian Pcion tints, all receiving their beliefs from the teachings und writings of one Individual. That Individual IsJIrs.MitryHakerKddy, of Concord. N. H. In 1HM. whllo living in l.ynn, luas., Mra. l-Mdy, then Glover, claims to have met with a aeveru acci dent. Her caw was pronounced Iiojhj less, she says, by tho physicians, hlie claims that she became aware of a "divine Illumination and ministration." Ilnr nttiMiiluiilH IhiII(ivo1 her to Ihj de lirious and at tho point of death "when to their bewilderment and fright," she wild. "I felt that tho Divine Spirit had wrought a miracle," she said, in rof erenceto this experience. "How, I could not tell; but later I found It to Ihi in perfect Hciontlile accord with the di vine law." Bucli is the remarkable claim of Mrs. l-Mdy, who straightway wrote a Iwok which sells for (5 a copy, and which has Is-en Isiught by eovoral hundred thousand of her followers, who study it with a reverence aecnnil only tothoHiblo. Today Mrs. Kddy Is not only the head of the church, having more than a, million avowed followers In tho United States, but hor word is tho solo law of the church. Hrighaiu Young was not more absolute among the Mormons. And the Mormon faith did not spread as rapidly as the Chris tian Science faith has. Mrs. Kddy said last week: "My decision Is llnal on all pumtions iHirtrtlitlngtn tlieSolenco every where." Bo much lor tho lKiwer of tho strong mind over tho weak. l'eiidlo ton Kast Orcgouiau. Mrs. Kddy's hook is not fA. It is (8 and N)stugo. Ilur power awonllng to hor book is not "tho power of the strong mind over the weak." The editor abovu quoted could ascertain from "Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures" that according to Chrlstktn Science there is but one mind divine mind, mid that tho command In the Scripture to bo spiritually minded and of like mind with Christ, means literally what It says, harmony of the Individual with the it or divine mind. Hence, Mrs Kddy's Ittadertihlp la not the supremacy of a strong mind over weak minds That is the mental process of much of the old theology, statecraft and edtna tloual systems, whloh proceed Uon the theory of a few strong superior mimls ruling over the iuhnhm wlm arc t re main wtMtk minds. TtiK Joi'rsai. WlievuH in religions tol eration and progreM. Wo cuu (Hc much that Is giHxl in all rttliginna, fnnu the old Catholic mother church to the newest i branch that Is easting Iht alwdow our tho whol wtrtli. Ghrlstiau Science. liiMifar us it is n religluu of tulenttioii, uvurallty, economy ami higher spiritual ity, the whole world will widcum it. If Ita followers can live upright lives, make good Neighlwrs, antl keep well Iku sides, they lutvt nut v bUje un the rest. cleaning lightens J 1 l 1 LlXHsi. ! 1 1 fiSSL hall and '( I l Ay , r-. ' 7 . ywsw, Jjr tr "TnIt" " I . nHntWcu flltTTUl GOVERNOR BOUTWELL. He Is Indignant Over the Attempt to Change the National Ideals. Kx-Govcrnor and ExSenator George 8. Iloutwcll icakH witli great warmth of tho proscnt national situation In a let ter written to express his regret at not being able to speak at tho Clnn-na-Gael gathering In Hoston on the Fourth. He says : "Tho circumstance that the speaking on tho occasion of the reunion and field day of the Clan-na-Gael, of Massachu setts, July 4, will Iw in the evening, scorns to mako it unwise for me to ac cept your Invitation to Ihj present. This decision is very much againBt my Incli nation, which is to Join you and to give further public utterance to my opposi tion to the un-American and tin-Itopub-llean jiolicy of President MeKlnley. "Thorc has been no other such depar ture from American IdoaH and princi ples In all our history, not even by Jef ferson Davis, as is now in progrosa un der the lead of the president. Jefferson Davis did not contemplate the destruc tion of the American Republic; he only contemplated Its division. President MeKlnley is transforming this' Republic into an Empire, and tho iermanent es tablishment of our authority in the Philippine Islands is the consummation of the undertaking. We aro engaged in a war which noonc defends, which no one can defend as a just and righteous war. Its supporters aro apologists, laying the responsibility for the war sometimes on destiny, some times tijMm Divinity. Is it an answer or only a guilty pretext when we say that for $20,000,OCO we have purchased from Spain the title to the Philippine Islands.and therewith tho right, through war and slaughtcr,to subijugato 10,000, 000 human beings who never injured us, and who ask only for the right to man age their own affairs a right as sacred as the right to exist? For the execution of this unholy pur- two a call is now iicndini; for the en listment of .'10,000, soon to he 00,000, and then 100,000, of the youth of the country, whose destiny it will he to eitlior fall in battlo, or to perish by dis ease, or to return broken in health to Isjcotne the recipients of jwnsions to lw jmid from tho lnlwr of those who may have to remain at home. This sacrillce of men nnd tills waste of money and the consequent burden of taxation tlirouch generations are not more to ho regretted than the humiliation to which the coun try is now subjected in the abandon ment of tho republic and the acceptance of Kugland as our guide and model in affairs of government. This administration has been inveigled into a policy which involves an alliance with Kugland for the defenso of her eastern empire against the frown Im: su premacy of Itussia, that has already laid its iron baud Uhjii China, and which is yet to ilomlnate over Japan. c are now to choose whether America shall re main a republic and lead the world on to higher Ideas and to purer practices in public affairs, or whether wo nre to ac cept tho ideas and principles of dosjotio governments. Justice and peace aro Ksihililltio8 in a republic. Justice and caco are iin M)ssihilities hi aiu empire. Imperialism and republicanism are imossible in the same government. The greatest crime which mankind can commit, is the in auguration of a war and the prosecution olja war for the conquest of territory and the suDjiigattou oi copios, witn mo in cident and inevitable wicrillco of human life. Tlie founders of this government pre ferred republicanism and txHtco to imper ialism and war. President McKinley and Ids supMrters are engaged in nit ef fort to revise their work and to revise their opinion. This is the issue. Let us unite, one mid all, whatever may I to our differences on other matters and whatever our nationality, and de mand the abandonment of the uiiiust and thus far unsuccessful war in the Philippine Islands. Tho Best Proscription for Mnlnrln. Chill HI reverti boltln of (I novas Taste i.khh Oil I l.l. Ton to. It It tliHiity lion and (iuliilnutiia tnttMM form Nn rnrt, no pay. 4ui frt i. 7-1 niw "Klondike"' Picnic. The families uf returiutl Kloudikers had a picnic at the fair grounds yostcr- day. rhoto HirticiKttiug in this re union were Pmf. J. O. Hall and dun ily, t'liaa. Welch and family, Jixd Hewitt and family, John Hay no ami family. It tin t much trouble fur a realty healthy man to be dooU humored. Jollity and exhuberant health ate a pro verbial combination The hearty inau who Ix al -ay Unfiling i!oen't have any trouble with hi ttiifestion It has been iuiiI that UukIuiik inaea people healthy The truth it that health makea people laugh. It i iaitMMible to rittimate the tre. mtndous Influence of health upon human tjiarueier a man witu a. neaiuien& will not be in 11 happy, contented frame of miml. A mat wih mi Hers fruni a weak ttuiuaeh ami an uairel dlKeation will alt and Hfumble Urn ugh the bt meal ever ptepjiol A bilious wan who is not a bore, is deserving of a place in a muteurn A Hervoua wan who i not petulent and iUull-fimlinu is a curiosity All thee con Jltlons lead to grave disease, when the victim beeomea not only diai;rveable, but dependent as well A wise wife wilt real ise that while the old wying that a " tnau'a , heatt l in his stomach." is not literally , true, it is a fact that hi atomach sweetens or aura hi character according ait it is l healthy or unhealthy Or Pierce's Golden Medical l)tcovery t the bet of luediciuea ' for the eruditions desctlbcd. It makes ' the weak stomach strong:, the impaired 1 dleeslioti teifect. Invigorates the liver. punfies and enrkhea the bloot and tones the utrtc. It tear down half dcd. tueit tiasuea and replace lharu with the firm wuftcular tisaue of health It builds new and healthy nerve fibres and biatu cell. It dissipates uerwuno and melancholy and imutt uieutat elasticity and couragv. It l tRe best ot all known meUlclnc for I nirvua disorders, , Taruh )mw kUOtm irmtMtnt I am eae tmaaan mmicm Mttli SjiMdSjbataau aim fcai t MUHrTtalmlalUa at II faWjwmtW af taW UatitUr 1 Ilur bMitw tfiua I cnl sJ (lite kit td'ertsai a pimatut aui." 1 yv Mjpr(i00DLlTn ' II W. ic l JM KU1H - " ksMI - IW ' n VWiUI iiBh proiiate asnt a&taEM I i t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' r ' "" I vUUDJ.Il.EOO unuw BEECHAMS PILLS cure bilious and nervous Ills, sick headache, disordered liver and Impaired digestion. to cenU and 9S cent t nil dm rtorea. JOURNAL X-RAYS, What will become grce alliance now? of the Alger-Pin' Kvon the few who opjwfcd and villi fled the popular loan arc now said to favor it. A good way to dry up a cow is to keep her in a pasture without shade in a blazing hot sun. . "Tim funerals of United States Sena- ators cost the nation, on an nvoragc, f2,76l n piece. Funerals for most of our present senators would le cheap at Hint price." "Tho lion never sleeps," says a Hrit- ishpaiK-T. "No; it is always seeking its prey," says the Toronto Citizen. And tho eagle? Wlmt of him? Oh, "lie's a bird!" Kxchange. Tim Manila nrosfl correspondents' round-robin had one good effect. It started Alger out of the cabinet double- quick. ow let some oi tnerosioi me small fry in large places get a move on. One of Tom Tongues' organs is shed ding tears over the woes of the wheat grower because transportation takes so much of the proceeds of tho crop. Yet Tom Tongue is the firstOregon congress man who has failed to get an appropria tion for the principal competing harbors. Thondmiration (?)of Oregon oople. for Goncral Otis' censorship is becoming daily more profound. It now devolopes that tho decision of the Second Oregon to he mustered out nt 'Frisco was reached and the official ballot tiled with Otis before they left Manila, but for some reason it was suppressed. The Simon Republicans whonreTHK Republicans of Portland ami the state, who never made any pretensions to be ing Free Silver Republicans, who never straddled with Mitchell and Mcllride to catch tho silver voto, will not gathor grapes from thorns nor ligs from thistles by any compromises to return Mcllride. Shake Into Your Shoes. Allen's Fool-Eusc, a powder. It cures nalnful. smartlinr. nervous feet and inurowinK nails, and Instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort, discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It Is 11 certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today Sold by all druggists and shoe stores Uy mall forilc in stamps. Trial pack age Fit BE. Address, Allen S.Olm stcd, Leltoy, N. Y. 4 James L. Lnnibrith, of the S. I.. & T. Co., returned from Milts in California. The Homeliest Man in Salem As woll ns the handsomest, und others aro Invited to call on any druggist and uct free a trial bottlo of Kemp's Balsam for tho Throat and Lungs, it remedy Hint Is guaranteed to euro und believe all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthmn, Hronchltls und Consump tion. Price 25'.'. and 60c. cod&w Notice. Olllco of the secretary of State. Sa lem, Oregon, Juno 21, ISiHI. Notice is hereby given that the State Hoard of Agriculture having, in compliance with an Act of tho Twentieth Legislative AflHombly Wed in tho olllco of the Sec retary of State February Kid, 181(9, deeded to the State of Oregon the lands known as the "State Fair t J rounds," tho appropriation of $7,000 for tho pay ment of the warmnt indebtedness of said State Hoard of Agriculture issued prior to February Kid, 18KI), proiierly en dotxHl, warants, will Ih) issue! on the State Troasurer to the extent of the appropriation. Interest will not Imi al lowetl after this date. F. 1 Dunbar, Secretary of State. In accordance with the nlovc notice, holders of all warrants of the Oregon State Hoard of Agricul ture dated prior to February Kid, 18tM aro I lure by notified that the same will bo paid 011 presentation at the olllco of the Secretary of State, or at tho olllco of tho undersigned, and that interest will cease after this date. J. II. Allnirt. treasurer of the Oregon State Hoard of Agriculture. 0-2tl-tf. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. M19 Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Qlgnuturo of Sfiafe 'What might havo boen"-ls the sad rcileutlon of thousands of con sumptives. One Minute Cough Cure cuies coughs ami colds. Stone's Drug Stores. TODAY'S MAKKKT. Poutuksi) July 20. Wheat 69: Walla Walla. 67c, valley Flour Portland, 8.S0; SiiHrniio s' isr tun. Uats-Whito Hay Timothy 8tr0por ton. Hojw HttlSc; ohl crop c Wixil Valley. lt13c: Hateru Or egoii. 8alS. Mohair, ST SO. .MilMull liran, f 17; aJwrto, lis. , I'otiur' ciirCKous, muwi, fa.outB4.uu turkeys,, live, lSftlS). Kggo Oregon, 17 vr doc. Hides imtm, saltetl(K)llMSAlVo. tuvtlur (W U, "VjftSS ; sliwp jHjltri, UftSOo. OiiUmis 76cAU0 iMir sack. llutter Ileal dairy, 102 13l;c; faiwy cnamwry, 40o yet roll. Potatoes f 1.76 to $2.96 (or ohl t f.00 to 2.'J6 for new. Ilitgs Heavy droned 6tStl Mutton Weathers 4c ; drgcd, SK lliiif Steors. 1.00iHJQ; taws, B.U taU.OddrosMHl, 77?. Ytwi-UrusMHl, 6Sc SALEM MARKET. Wheat 47. Wool 10c, Mohair Xi. 0t IQo. Hay IUiUhI, ohtwt, IM Eggs, 15c Flour In wlvolotala Iota 4I4Q riatl lIUbiulT-braH I Hoi lrtfd, U4t Livw ofttU M Sht-.60 urtttl veaiaKc. lhttor Dairy lye croainrv Sue. Poultry Spring cluckeua Itv Huns 7 to is wnt j.. O. fi. niAOK Dentist Succcuer to Dr. j. M. Keene, old Whlti Corner, Salrm, Or. l'att its dejlring wperiot operatiooi at moderate few In any branch an In especial request. ALBERT AJESSUP. Phone 1071. nOOMS 1 AND a, ORAV ULK. SOULE BROS. PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS IOKTLAND,:oltli For Balem aint vicinity lenvennleni at C. Will's Miulc Htorc. Ooo Salon Water OFFICE, CITY HALL For water setr'.ce Jtouly at office D1P1 payable monthly in advance. Make complaints at the rgi":. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfet Meets all mall and passenger trait.. Hag' gage and express to all paits of tht citj Prompt seivice. Telephone No. 70. WHITE & DISQUB. O. H. LAKE Merchant Tailor 07 STATU STUEET. CySuita 1S and upwards, Panto $3 and upwardt HED FRONT LIVERY First-lass Feed and Boarding stables. 104 COMMKIICIAL STRKBT. SALEM, ORE. Wm ULLREY, Prop. Best Rigs for Commercial Men Sublos In same block Hotel Wlllnmotte. tfirSafc teams and comfortable rig for ladles and f am Ily drlylntr a spec ialty. Horses boarded by day, week or month anu best ni bUiismciion guaranteed. 3-1 tf You Can Get . aLower Berth, With one exception the through trains or the Hurllngton Route arc almost Invariably wcll-lllled. The exception Is our Hi. Paul Chicago Limited. On the limited there Is usually room and to spare. Don't Infer that It Ms neither so tine, nor so fast, as ANY train of ANY other lino between St. Paul and Chicago. On the con trary, thcro is no mure beautiful train In America. It has electric light, stetui bent, wide vestibules, tho most satisfactory dining-car service on tho continent and u lower berth 'or everybody, A, O. SHELDON. Ocu'l Aent, Portland, Or. Oregon Short Line Railroad The Direct Itoute to Montana, Ulali, Colorado and all Eastern Nk (Mr eholeo ol two larorlte routt. via the I'ulou l'acine Hat Mll Uno, or the Klo (Untitle SeeiiU Uiin. L(Ktk at the time H Days to Salt Lake 2 Days to Denver 31 Days to Chicago 4 J Days to New York Free IteellHtiiK Cliatr Can. Unhalitarwl TAu lt SieeplUK Cars, ami l'ullmaii l'nle 81eeen wratel on all trains. Kht further Infarwatlon applytto IIOISK .t 1IAHKEK. Airents. Salew. W. E. IXIM.VK. (len'l Atent O. O. TBRUV. Trav. Paw. gl l'JI Thlrtl S Portlaml Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns, cuts, bruises, and Ivy-poUoning, quickly lioulcd by Do Witt's Witch llnzel salve, prevents blood poisoning. "DeWllt's" is SAFRand suhk. Stone's Druu Stores. Notice. - I have for sale on my Howell Pral rol Rnnoh SOO tons of A I Clover (my at $4.00 perton In the field. FRANK DURBIN Have You Caught On To the fuel tltat the tinost picture in 1 theultyar made at the Elite Studio.! 7-10 tf ! Btut tia sp to Kd Yw Mt AIniH BwjV Notice to Contractors. The Board of Directors of School Dis trirt No. &4, will nnvive bhls not later Itatu Aur. 6. 1SK9, for nmairinc furnaces ef w North, Eat and Uncoln tchool lHtWdlHajs. atvonling to tlie speoineutlon t (Ue with Us cittrk. Ily onlw 0 Ikvinl of Directors. 7 17 Ul J. llAVMtiARTN'HR, 0rk. Thomas Rhoad?, Centerfiald, Q., writfls: "I suffered from piles seven or oluht years. No remedy imve cue relief until DoWitt's Wltoh Haiel Salve," porfeotly harmlaiu. Si 0 tin's Drug Sturm. k A LATE BAYED. Dr. J. F, Cook, the Botanical Speci alist. Succeeds Where Others Fall. To whom It may concern : Tiii in in ortif v that Bertha P. Con ner, of Mt .Angel precinct. Marion coun ty, Oregon, has suffered from a cancer ous growth In the left ear for about three years. The growth was cutout twice and burned out once by Albany Physicians, but the growth came back as bad as over, and pained her so badly that she had to be taken from school. After three week's treatment by Dr. J. r. Cook, of Salem, Oregon, the Botanical Specialist, the growth entirely disap peared, and at this date, four months since treatment was begun, the growth has not reappeared, and the ear has en tirely healed leaving only the scars In flicted by the Albany doctors. I hereby certify that the above state tm.nt. Is nlmltitilv true, and that Ber tha P Conner, the ncrson mentioned klUIIVU in the affidavit, has resided in my fain- n.... 1.. J. it. 11 .1 iu..,. .,., t in n. i..i:n,, inmn nf nii.p,.. II. C. LoNd. Subscribed and sworn to before me this eighth day of June, 18IW. W. W. Hall, county clerk of Marlon county, Oregon. Kurtz & Hamilton PLUMBERS and TINNERS 08 COURT STREET. Make a snccialtv of all Kinds of Sheet. Steel und Galvunizcd Iron work rjoflng and guttering, 11 full line of Pumps und pump llttlngs. Prompt work and reasonable prices. Wc carry In stock the Fairbanks wind mill. Call und sec us before ulvlug your order for mill or tank. Phone 2:14 PROMPT WORK AND LOW PRICBS Tho Intor-Stato University Systom of Musical Instruction. k.h. soorr. u. m. piuwidk.vt A National (!Miieratlre Invtitntiun which I (CKlnnim? t niimlwr lt faoulp" by htuitlreda anil its paplln by tlioiixindo, HmliruoloK iiinnt tliantwrtityitnlfH. Kor the benont if PoplU ofl'rlrnto Teachers At Home. KtOHTH HOIIOI.AMTIO Kn. OrtlficatM itrantcxl (rom a reuularly char tiTid inntitutlon. . . Explanation or he ayxtem In dotail in tliCM) columns Watch for It. KITAANUKKS-WILMMAN. Stato IteprcnentntlTo and Member of tho Faculty St lulao over Klrt National Hank IlMx., One or two place ojien for wUnucetl plajors In piano (innrtct. Steam Dye Works. No, 10 J Commercial street, opposite Willamette hotel. Ladies' and gentlemen's clothing cleaned, dyed, re paired and pressed. Fine blankets cleaned or dyed and nicely finished. Kid gloves cleaned, 10c: dyed "in Platino. Photos, Enlargements In Crayon and Water Color. Piioto Muttons. Amateur developing und finishing neatly done. . J. IIROWN, OltOCNU Floou 243 Commercial St., Salem Oregon. r ftfE 02 IVIONTEZUIYIA Is a Ix-auttful dapphnl cliestnut HS; haiHlw high, and weighs 1700 Wm, He is a iertect all purjrose honfe. Will be at Huffman's stable, Salem, Saturday of eaeh week in July and Aug ust, ami the remainder of tho week at tho Fair Grounds. Terms, f 16.00 to in. sure. Also oolts broken and handled for speetl. II. It. RrnisniFoKD. Assay Office AND LABOrtATORY. No. 71 Chemekcta st, .1. U. r. TUTIHLL 4syer, (1$. fHffiBDu6.ll - Js VV tVIA.RPCE'T iit -te street, near railroad. Freshest and bew meats. My pa'jons say I keep the best 3'eumtcwn 3 3 Annual Encampment. Or t .!... I Trw.on Wlnr-iii ltnnnuili Au,.im'.'t Mi.nnii Or. itnmiiinne. ig August 7 and continuing through tlm wMk. Gool siwakers and am lira- ad amuee- and old. mentii provided for young Rvervotie earuustly InvitiHl to 1 out, egpeaially all ex-eoldwrw, ami murines of the wnr of ISol-, ua tnnura mi 1110 mir nun ciwiii ur 11m PiiTlltmlnAa. 7 16 lm lh' order of earnmltteo. ' t n 1 To cure 1 Grippe, keep warm, etpeclallj d'cfset.anaukeDrrilil.i'Nefvlue. SOUTH AND EAST THE SHASTA RO'JTE OF THE hie Pacific Co, KXTKESS TRAIKS RUN DAI1Y H7xp 945 r 7--4S A Ly...;Portland. ,.Ar Portland (8tt 1 7.' 8:00 ah Ar....Satem .... Ar 33 AM Ml Ar. San Francisco. Lv 00 m 5'oopm 65 r m 6.40 A M 815 P M 7.00 A M S'lS PM 4.1s p M 7-55 a m Ar Ogilcn ;.. .Ar Ar Denver. . Lv Ar .... Omaha .... Ar Ar .. .. Chicago ....Lv Ar. ..Loi Angeles... Ar Ar .... El Paso .... Ar Ar....For Worth... ,Ar Ar. . .New Orleans. . . Ar IltOPM O45 m 8 S AM 6.30 p M 9'Sru 2 3SP 8.40 a m 8 40 PM DINING CARS OBSERVATION CARS. Pullman lirst-clats and tourtst aJeeuino can attached to all through train . Tourist cr - , ,, , -7 uuB -- """,-, ily 1 ROsenuRO mail, .daily. ' 8.'5o A M ) Lv. . . Portland ..Ar 1 SnoAMl Lv... Portland loSS A M f Lv .Salem. . . Lv .2o pm! Ar....Roseburc.. Lv WEST SIDE DIVISION. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVAUtS. Mail Mains daily except Sunday. 7I0 amILt.;.. Portland. . Art 5:50PM U.-S5 fm Ar....Corvallis.. Lrf 1:20PM At Albany and Corrallis comJect ir rains of the C. & E. Rr HTDeTendeTJce" "Passenger. : KXrRESS TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 4:50 PM) Ly ... Portland.... Ar I 8:25 AM 730 p M Lv. . . .McMinnville Lv 5:50 a m 8:30 PM)Ar Indeindence Lv) 4:50 am Direct connections at San rranctsco vritb steamship Him fi HAWAII, lAt'AN, CHINA. THE I'HILLHMNES and AL'S. TRALIA. For through tickets and rates call o- W. W. SKINNEK, Depot Agent, or C- D. GABRIEL-SON City Ticket Agent, 232 Com- mcrcial St. Salem Or. K. KOEULEK, Managei. ' t C I I I F. & P. A. Portlan 1 0.R.&R ar.rAOT ron 1 TIMK BUlKDULE. From 1'ortlaml Aiir.ut "va'n ' Mali Bait Lake, Denver Kt. Worth umana, naiiaaa v.u), 01 U)iils.Chlcao ami Knat, . iSpni, sToT Walla Walla. Hpokalie, Mlniie- Sxj. kan Klycr t .11 a ru. Icnne MKili. ttt. raai. inmuH, w nnkcc Chicago and nut. Hyer 'i.SOpm OCKAN HTEAMMIIll'H. llflMH). Sp in, ForttHii rraiielseo. I p. la Hall etory live daya. an. in. coi.u.MiiiA uivKit rt.Siml , HTKAMEIIS, Sat 11 r- 1T0 Astoria and way hnnitlliE, 4 P. ai. ox bn. . ''u1 iu p, m. Sa'iorn6! WILI.AMETTK ItlVKIt A r Sa lem 7.15 am roruaiiti, .mjwihti: ami xrny G p. in. 1 Tim jndlng. .Mom wedt Irl T11 Tlinr Sat. i ;:upm Tlin and Sat IU a, ni. M011 Wis! KrI For Dayton Ar Ha iti V Kit Wm and Way 10 a. in. M011 I Wtl an.) KrI Uave I VM,WM8TrK HnlumCorTalHa Albmiy TtiThti l'oliil. Hat I 3 p. in WILLAMPTTTE RIVER DIVISION. Dally boats to Portland as above. Transfers to street car line at Oieg City If the steamers are delayed there ound trip tickets to all points in Oregon. Washing ton, or Callforni a. Connection made at Pott land with all rail, ocean nndriverllne W. II. HURLIIURT. (ien'l Pas. Ant. Portland. Or G. M. POWERS. Agent, Trade street docV Salem. IJOISE & BARKER, City Agent. Corvailis & Eastern Railroad TIME CAW). 2 For Yaqulna: Train leaves Albany .... 12:50 p. in. Train leaves Corvailis. .. 1:45 p. 111. Train nrrlves Yaqtiiua... 6:60 p. in. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaqulna 700 a. 111. Leaves Corvailis 11:40 u. 111 Arrives Albany 12:25 p.m. 3 For Detreit: Leaves Albany 7:40 u. in. Arrives Detroit IL.Via. m. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:26 n, tu. Airlves Albany 5:36 p. 111. 0Leaves Albany U;0."p. m. Arrives Corvailis 0.56 p. w.f 5Leavos Corvailis 0:40 a. 111. Arrives Albany 7:25 a. 01 One and two connect nt Albany nnd Corvailis with Southern Pucitlc tiuln. giving direct service ti and from New port nnd adjacent beaches. No. 0 runs from Albany t" '' Tvallii on Mondays, Wednesdays an. Fridajs onlv. No. 5 runs frnui Corvailis " IMcf on Tuesdays, Thursduys and Satur days only. Trains for the mountains arrive si Detroit at noon, glvlug ample tlaie to reach camping grounds on lie Ilreltenbush and Santlatn river the same day 11. u WALDEN. T F. A I'. A. J.TUKNKH Aareut. EDWIS sTi'NK Ma : Albany, tire WILUMETTK ItlVEIt DIVISION STEAMER ALBANY, Captalu Zamalt Runnlne between Portland ait,l 1 i.n-allii Hopping ut all way laudlug. KIVER BCIIEDL'LE. WilVS. Tuesdays. Thnrwlayi and Bn'tx Leave Corrallis- n,.. Leavfra Albany .-.i, - leaves Uuua VUta. Ixave Indepeiideneei leaves Salem.. a at .... Ha a ... -10 a. U 4 leaves Nowhere -Arrive l"ortiad. I'P Mondays, Wedni-adaya anil Fridays. Leavm Portland ;' leaves Sewbert 1 JJ " Iave ailem. ? S P S 1avB Raoua Vista ? !' Leav LeaviM Albany - 9 3)t .11 00 p Arrive Corraflii. The sUamer has been e.ilpieJ U l.rl- olasa acouuelatIoHs. tneiudltif an eieas'" I UimirpaMed for carrylnB both freight and ' iiastenxer. DooK.K)t of State .uggt. Call for Warrants. Notice is horoby given that then? funds on liunu apMicaiue to " Is-' funds on hand apidicable to th iment of warrants of tho City of slew ior rayiiimiv i w - . liank a mtartist Avill cease from dat" flta notW Jo"1 ',"-, Oitv Tn11" , . . , rt icfViot ialrxus, Or., July tt, 16W.-IW Southern (4-,3opsi l 0.'P u 1 7no a w bopros- iilmwn on the general funu anie"i'- wllors on or lwfere A'prJl 1. lt7. llokwn as woll gala watninU wfll phjase l"1,,1'.; aasriijfcMCi