The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 18, 1899, Image 4

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    T"V" "I'J""?!'-1 ""'WJP'R-'1
r-yfjJrTi r"Yj
' "flUfc CWHT -!- t" '
. J
I f
iirowVi mTdyTftarananfii -.-.-.,.
Mid - Summer Sale
Beginning July 24. and continuing throughout the week
we will hold one of the Greatest Dress Goods Sale, ever held in
the city. There is No Goods Reserved. Crepons, Black Goods
and Suitings, all included.
feii? Special Discount tor Six Days " J"y 7-1
A new lot of fabrics for swell waists at a
low price. These goods sell at sight, so
don't delay.
il wide "Marsalia" in pretty htrijxiB, O 1 .'") - ,rJ
r Shades, One cloth xL L P" yO
"Mclroso"lZophyr Ginghams In narrow or y) ) .a -rA V
wide ntrlje priced to make them (iiiuk soiling. . Xr t ptl yU
Crown Percales
KtriK!H nml figures, light or (lurk pattorni.
8 13 per yd t
nil colors
The miiuh-onllod-for goods. Plain white
in heavy waits, narrow uiul wide stripes,
15 to 50c yd
0. J. Wright went to Dallas today.
Arthur Ide has gone to Portland to
visit friends.
L. J. Davenport, of Sllvertoii, was in
Salem today.
Mrs. U. S. Laughrey went to Portland
today to visit,
Attorney D. C. Sherman is attending
court at Dallas.
Wm. Francis of Roscdale was a Sa
lam Tisitor today.
L. J. Newbra has gone to Dayton
where he will work.
Guy C. Miller went down to the Chau
tauqua tliis morning.
Chas. Border was n passenger to
Weston this morning.
Mrs. K. J. Hadley went to Portland
today to visit with friends.
Chas. P. Hein, the Aumsvitle mor
chant, was in tho city today.
II. C. Kpleyt of the Salem dentnl fur
low, went to ivewporl today.
VA O. Patterson, has gone over to
Yaquina Hay for a few weeks.
Harry Ilinkle tho stock buyer went to
Gerrais today after u lot of stock.
E. K. Humphrey returned from
Albany via steamer Albany Sundny.
Chas. Stege has a new Advance Sepa
rator at the dock for this season's run.
Harry Btnploton has gone to look up
a camping sito for his family, who go
II. I. Wilson went to Portland this
morning, where he will visit before go
ing east.
Miss Maude Casey of Dallas took
steamer passage for Portland to visit
with a brother.
Ir Neleon, of Portland, who has been
doing businoss in Salem the past week
returned today.
John L. Jones, of Dallas, came over
this morning and went to Oregon City
to attend Chautauqua.
C. B. Bishop, a carpenter arrived last
night from Kcdlands, California, to
make his home in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Meredith and
daughter Jeannette, went to Oregon
City this morning to visit friends.
J. Sleep and M. Arndt went to Port
land this morninir to work for the
Southern Pacific railroad company.
Subject oi Rumors and Sundry Hot
Weather Speculations.
Belief That a Lxition on the Mrs.
Site Is Pretty Well Determined.
A rumor was circulated Monday that
the Salem postofllce site was pretty well
determined upon, and would go to what
is known as the IUely site, corner
Chomekota and High streets.
Mrs. Rioly's lot and Miss Margaret
Savage's lot, the Riely site, cornor High
and Chemoketa streets, wero put in at
$7,000. If tho owners get ft ,C00 they
will secure a fair price because the lot
next to the Mrs. Riely site was sold to
A. li. Huron the pait year for $1,500.
Mr. Buron as alderman is working
hard for the Wilson avonue proposition,
although the Riely site would be a
windfall for him.
The IUely location theory Is confirmed
by a strenuous grapevine telegram to
the Mollride push organ at Salem,
printed double column wide in a frame
border as follews:
A report was current on Salem's streets
estcrdav that tho silo for the United
Hates government building at Salem
had been selected, consequently the fol
lowing is self-explanatory:
"Washington, D. C. July 17. (Spec
ial to the Statesman.) The public build
ing site has not yet been selected. P. S.
Garretson's report has not been made to
the secretary of the treasury."
That is taken as equivalent to saying
Kvory few years. When have you hud
your watch cleaned and oiled When
tho flhorges for good work of this kind is
so very reasonable you can't afford to
neglect your faithful timepiece, think it
over and remember my prices.
Nuw watches at low prices.
Second hand watches at bargains.
Tonight mid Wednesday fair.
p The Daily Journal has v
fj more subscribers in Salem, &
y Jn5LPulklAP ones :u ln:lt
ft than any other newspaper.
Ice Not Given Away,
1 cannot afford to give Ice away, but
am nulling u pure urtlolu at a price that
is within the roach of all,
Cuvhtai. lit Woiikh.
J. .Miigulro, Prop. tl in t(
Kllogcrft l)cck,Successots to HouthHalem
Mottling Works.
All orders for buttled beer will Imi lllled
at the brewery. Kept on cold htoroge.
Pre) oily delivery. Telephone Xl.11.
Ice Vety Neuily Olvcn Away,
We, can ulvo Ico away, tounuvlui'o you
uoine it ml nee now big n chunk you got
for Utile uionoy. Our Ico Is uinmifao
luru from puro distilled water.
watdtol Ico Works,
fli8tf Kl.l.NUHIl limit
Reduced Hates.
Tho steamer of the I). It. A, N. own
juny inttku the luw rnto of one and one
fifth faro, all iHirsouti wishing to attend
the Willaiuutto Valley Clmiitnuqiia As
ablation at Gladstone Park, frum the
18th to lAlth InoliiHlvv. 7 15 Iw
P. P. F.Fiir Pun Fitw at the Mite
studio. Only plaoe )im euu got them In
Mrs. I). A. Waters is visiting Portland
fi lends.
S. P. Smith, of Smithllehl, was In
town today.
A. Peers of Mission Bottom, wuh in
Sutum today.
Miss Carrie Lewis lias gone to visit n
Seattle friend.
Mrs. N. W. Painter, of Ilrooks, viiitwl
In Sulum today.
Alfnl Siiuvalu went to laitlmin to I in
to repair a ear.
Kx-Gov. Z. I. Moody tisik the earlv
train for The Dalles.
A. T. (jillmrtund P. It. An win went to
Portland this morning.
A. N. Moores, the Sulein lumber king,
went to Portland this morning.
Mrs. L. K. Lewis left on the thirty
train to visit her brother at Tacoma.
Mrs. P. M. Parrisli who has Ihmiii vis
iting Mrs. II. G. Guild returned to Port
laud this morning.
C. Marsh, Miss Claudia Gillort and
Prof. Ilawley were passengers for Glad
stone Park Oils morning.
',. M. Parvln, left for N'owiwut today.
Mrs. Parvln and dnughter, mx. J. M.
Hrown follow WediiOMliiy.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Church, of India
imHliM, Ind., are in tho city a few days.
They ur seeing the country.
Miss Minnie Neece, of Waverly, HI.,
who is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Prank
Talkiugtou went to Allmny today.
Mrs. Lllis mid urnudMlaughter, Malsil
Smith, and Mrs. C. A. Johns mid chil
dren of Tho Dalles loft today for Soul
Little Mildred lligluy returned from
Portland today, where she has Ihhiii vis
iting Iter gniudHtreuts, Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Hagloy.
Attorney and Mrs. Unils Tnrploy, of
Portland, arrival today to visit at the
paternal home of Mr. and Mrs. II, C.
Tarpley and Bilem friends.
George Pletchor, formerly of Mon
mouth, has Ihhiii tendered and lum ao
repted the Msitiou as hwul ho-tlor in
K. C. Hansen's livery stahhts.
Mm. Lillle Gonlou l(t todav for Daw-
nni City, where she Joins hur hiisUuid,
Mr. Gonlou, and her father. II.
Klllett, whofto iHiiues are in Polk count
just west ul Sulein.
- Mrs. G. II . Gray and nlwv, Miss Mynt J
Roylngtoii, of Pontine, III., mimI Mrs. K
j. i iioinas, oi .MtiHrvtil, art expm.Ul
In ShImii to spend the sitinuuir. Tlu'
will he guests of their cousins, Mrs.
(.'. Adums and Mnu K. M. White.
The following partie extH!t to start
on next Thursday iinirulug for a two
week's outing at Slab Cnik, all Wing of
RotHlule Hxeept II. M. HniUHtn ami W.
lbliHumlson, uihI sinters Unru and
Lurn: John PemlKirtoir ami fttiully.
Joiwo NewUy and family, L. Crtwleraml
family, August CoIduiuI sUter IaI,imI
r rout, rower, i ntty w til nil Umo
and oHiiip in hio jwirty.
The city of Portland spent thousands of dollars
in preparations for n great reception to the return
ing Second Oregon regiment. Arches were erected,
banners were 'bought, streamers were hoisted and a
general holiday by land and water was to be de
clared from Oregon City to Astoria, when the Hid
news came that the immortal regiment would bo
mustered out nt Portland anil probably scattered
never to reassemble again in full strength. A eitlxon
of Portland sends us a parody on the burial of Sir
John Moore, as expressing his feelings. Ed. J.
Not a drum was heard, nor a funeral note,
As the news from the transjwrts was hurried;
Not a man gave out a welcoming shout,
Ere the hopes of our eoplo were buried.
Wo buried them quickly nt dead of night,
And the morn saw our sad thoughts reluming;
Hy the struggling sunlsjam's misty light,
And affections more dimly burning.
No useless grumbling escaped our lips,
When the gov'nor told the sad story ;
Anil caught our defeat from the newsmen's tips,
And our day of departed glory.?
Few and Bhort were the prayers we said,
And we sjoko not u word of sorrow;
We smothered our wrath, and wo ate our dry bread,
Anil hoped Iwttor news on tho morrow.
We thought as we hallowed each empty bed,
And smoothed down each empty pillow,
That tlioGoldenGute stranger had turned every head,
Of our henes brought home from Manila.
Do they lightly talk of the spirit that's gone,
And o'er its cold ashes upbraid us;
Do tliey caro but little, hut still cure on,
To the root of nil ovil nlsmt us?
Rut half of our heavy task was done,
And the reception forces untiring,
When wo saw the galore, and heard tho glad gun
That our foes were so joyously tiring,
Slowly and sadly our plans were Isid down,
Por the heroes of fame, fresh and gory;
Wo curved not a line, we raised not a stone,
Hut we left them alone in their glory.
20 per cent. Discount
Dawson Horh Twi
will ixttlMvsiy
Just a few samples'
Of tho low priee that wo aro iimklng nt uureUxduK OHtwlenotfnr Raaket
bought frain the Intel hmm In A morion.
The hot month made warmer yet in seasonable bargains.
Cleaning up for our big fall line of raods now bought and
most all on the way. Several summer lines on which we want
to reduce. Cast your eye below.
Trash" but for tlrit-oltws goods
Mon's stiff hats former prtaafcfi) now
Men's working shirts .,,,
Man's jtmnilo shirts with collar aiRl fmffs. . . .
Men's Mtlininur iindaranlu
Men's oantou tlunnel uiuUr shirts
Ladies' Italu, all sites uiul uolurt .!!!...'.! 6
ijuiies Hiuiiiir uiitoit Hilts
Boys' Linen Pants,
niy ctt. our n ou
gunts line vioi in ultwk or tan
Rice A llntehins' warranted
Woods tm Tim Vlel. Vest 'Van
ttM tlno llluuk Viei . . .
ttAQ tlno ClHHHilute Vlel . . .
it n jjg
KlouMiit M. Rlaok TurnM
Sole, Vest Top, Common Son to
too ...
Pine MM Tan. Mtme out Wwt
10 Tan Vlel, Vest Ton
it 45 Unas Rlaok VM.ImitatJoH
turns .... .
Il.flft lines of tun
All lliuw of MiMs' tans, and
lines of Oxfnnls cut 20 or emit. Wo
are cleaning up snxik In earnest.
Odtl lot of UtK'a at much less
IN-iroA We keep our stoek oloau by
making it an objeet to trade here
uiul buy low. borne good Kiraiins
in meirs heavy sluxv ami In kidiiis'
2 80
2 82
S 00
1 00
1 OS
Summer Hats
Meu'sdollar uriishors in white
or navy gQe
The 75o lino in blue or gray (SOo
05o lines blue or w bite . . . . 53c
70o crash hats stfo
50o crash hats 40i
40o crash hats....- 3$o
86o ones ... ... 20o
These bats are new, fresh, eleun
goods. Many of them suitaldo for la
dltworgoMte. See mhiUi window.
Leather Belts
All of our big aortttttMt of Soo
whxU in blacks, eoto8j uteHt
hwthorv etc jp.
All 17o and 11V lines 7.14c
All 35o ones ... jgy
You'll tlud tluMi on tke display
rack inside the door.
Here We are
Bright and Early with
tains in Hot Weather Goods
We propose to make the dull season our busy season, andjto do so we will sacrifice all profits
We will sell:
India Linen worth 121c a ynrd for 8c a yd.
Crash skirting worth liMc a yard for. . .8c a yd.
Silk Wlllog worth 20c a yard Sea yd.
Ladles' fast black hoso worth 20c a
pair for 12Jcapr
Boys' ilicycle Black hose worth 20c a pair
for .. 12Jc a pr
Fine shoos worth 1 1.00 to (5,00 a pair, sized
2 to 4 to close .; $1.2.r
Fine Oxford Tics worth 83.00 sizes 2 to 4
to close .' "fie
We .have knocked the profits off all our beautiful Organdies, Chiffons, Lawns, Dimities,
laces and embroideries. Just a few words about clething:
Men's Suits for $5.00.
Good serviceable suits only a few of them left, come and get one, before it is too late. They
are the same as sold regular for $7,50. Now is the time to get bargains.
Cor Commercial and State streets, Salem, Ore
that when the report is made it will
favor the IUoly site.
Mr. Riely, who has lwcn managing
the matter for Mrs. Itiely and her sister
has been receiving congratulations for
landing the prize. He denies any
knowledge, however, except that he is
on very favorable terms witli the McUrldo
Patterson push the powers that lc,
and is prepared to give title.
When seen by the reporter of a live
newspaper, l there be such thing in the
Capital City, he admitted that he in
cidentally but only as n "Jem" re
marked on Mondny to one of the Waters
abstract firm that they could go nhond
and get out the abstract, that the thing
was fixed. But this was only as a joke
and that he disclaimed meaning any
thing by that.
"It is n very nice corner," said Mr.
Itiely, "but if we get tho location Jt will
l entlroly on its murits. I neer called
on tno government agont when he was
at Salem. He was introduced to me on
the street but we did not talk site."
Mr. IUely occupios an advantageous
iwition in leing vry close to the Me
Bride twoplo who look closely after tho
interest of their friends Mr. Itiely is
also the close, trusted and confidential
friend of Collector Ike Patterson and
U. S. Dist. Atty, John Hall, who must
finally pass on the title, which will rut
some figure in tho disposition of tho
It will bo recalled thaPMr. Gnrretson,
who is to rejort on the various sites was
not an oillcer of tho architect's depart
ment, but was given a furlough from an
other department to make tho trip for
his health. He was well supplied with
free cigars to greet and treat all who
called on him and he gave the general
impression that he was well advised
about the affairs at Salem before his ar
rival. Tin: Jouknai. has no interest in any
of the sites, but enturos the prediction
that the IUoly location is as likely to Ir
elioheu as any. So far as Mr. MuBride
is concerned, other matters lieing equal,
he would serve thoo near and dear to
him, nnd he will probably not hump
himself to help out the Willbon Aeuue
sito proffered attho hands of what he
calls blooming reformers and econo
mists like the profit nnti-piiHli city administration.
C. W. Wats, Albany; Ueo.C. Burton,
I). 1 Bosenfold, Portland; 1 W. Jaik
m)i, San KruneiMM): Mies Myra Davis,
Pendleton; J. K. Magers, Portland; F.
J. Calif, Chicage: F. A. Henndlv, New
York; II. M. Ogden, Portland, John D.
Daly, Corvallis Or., C. O. Terrv, Port Pert
land: K. Jtoharell. Portland?' A .
Johnson, New Orleans.
Why Insure in the New York Life?
Bbcausk--Your Insurncc Is not u Luxury nor an Expense without tangi
ble return, but an investment of a small sum each year to mature
10, 15 or 20 years hence If you live.
HOMF.Il II. SMITH, Special Agent,
Ofllcc with Salem Land Ofllee. C-0iu3 Salem, Oregon
We wish the people to know that there IS a New Furniture store
next door north of the postotllcc, whero they will find the furniture
they wMi to buy. If you are planning to beautify your home
you will find a large stock of wall paper from which to select.
If you Intend having an outing come In and see our lire of camp
goods. Come and see us whether you want to buy or not, as we are
anxious tint you should know what beautiful wares we have to
exchange for a small amount of money.
F. W. Hollis & Company
I We are now prepared rjL... n -w
own icw,Li Phone 301
as follews:
Large body Fir, choice live wood,
in cord lots. . J2.II5 per conl
I-trge Second Growth, cut from
lnrire trees, as i?ood ns lan flr. i9."V
delivered at once. This is a chance to lay in your winter wood cheun. It will
be higher soon. Do not delay; place orders soon as supply on hand is limited.
7 5 1 mo
fcucrcffon Siilem Imp. Co
319 Chetneketa and Front,
Wo have had 1000 Cartoons I
made on purpose to put up
Fresh Roasted Coffee and Teai
in lit) cartoons, scaled up nir
tight for parties that are go
ing to tho coastor mountains.
ItEMKMiiKit, Coffee rousted twice u
week, and put up just when
ordered, and you get it fresh.
fjW Please mention it when
you want it sealed. Again
ItEMUKUKii, our Coffee, Tea, Baking
Powder, Spices and extracts
and order at
Telephone Bed 2091.
Froe Delivery.
John P. Jonos,
Burin, Portland ;
wife, Woodbum.
W. r.
A. P,
FirWg, I.. T.
Braiiigas nml
ifk ...! t I r-.i i. -. ..
iiiu jwun iMn-a uiiunia m ,, ft . 0r
iw pairs j.amw bimh hi,, , fLyy pur
jieirs nmyy wording biux.,m , ...
100 jairseinidreii's white ktil glattts
tM I
flQ0 I
We have prepared cxtenstvoly for the men In gloves, shuts, overalls
Jumpers, socks, straw hats, eU , aud we sell these at lowest racket prices for
cash. Also In tin, uraulteware. and all klndiot kitchen thlngi. we are monev
IVun ...... .1.. .... ........,, I. .. .! .... ... ' "
Kven tiling In enr stoak at suoh low prlntM m w)U uwke It an Mvl lay; S4Vcrs When you rig up your cook wagon come and see us,
mmsr DOOR SOUTH Ql postoppich.
SliM, OltSOON.
A very heavy crash towellon for tuen'a use. . .
Hxtra good oilcloth, uot the lc kinds . . .
4elly 'lHtmblers? ...
Ilorso-hldoglovfti, Mm and water proof
A splendid ovorslilrt In fast black and white
Bids for Painting School-houses,
Sealed iids will be rtvoivel Uv the
Clerk of School District No. l, not
later tlwtn July 21, m, at the iMHir
of one o'clock p. m. for iMiuting the
Mnrolu, Park, E;wt ami Nortii ScImwI
initKiing, uixHJiMing to tlw specific
tMiw in tlie hamls of the clerk. I
For materwl, 500 en I Ions uanuini. Itnu J
Unseed Oil, (moroor U)e). 4000 nound.
iHioro or let), white lead, (Carter's or
riomwr; at me optkn ol tlie Jloard.
Seiwrate 1h1u must Iw made for each
building, and each bid to upecifv hjiw
rutelv the cost of labor and material
Bidders to furnish all brm-liea, Kuf.
folding and uecei:iry appliancos.
Each bitl must be accompanied by a
certified check of or a fAO bond or
note u Hit apnruvwl Mvunty, guarantee
ing a oona ot tliewnveosful bklder. Sakl
bond to bo In double the amount of eon
traot price, and to be furnished ujkhi
to Have a First-Class
K. L. Mawn, the old Buenu Vista
hiackiiiultli has conclmltHl to build a
new blacksmith nnd repair shop at
Lllwrty, on the Smith lot in the rear of
the store and nostomYe Mr. Miimh is an
all round good workman nml thoroiiL'lilv
understandfl all hraiuhw ofthebuttinocix.
His work is guaranteed to give satisfac
tion and when this new slum is in full
oemtion Liberty people will no longor
have to come expressly to Salem for
their work, ami it will he both comou-
lent ami a ueiieut to the coiiiinunitv at
large. Mr. Miuou w ill do a strictly cash
or trade busim. All kinds of farmers
produce taken in imyuiout for work.
Excursion Rate,
The 0. C. T. Co., will make one and
one-lifth fare round trip to Oregon City,
to all parties attending the Chautauqua.
Steamer leaving dally at S a. in. 7-15-St
Pe Witt's Little Early Kisors ben
etlt permanently. They lend gentle
assistance lu nature, curing conttpu
Hon and liver ailments. Stone's Drug
Jacob Vogt(
9j statu sthebt.
Just received a full stock of Ladles'
and Gents' Spring and
Will-Fell for the next 00 days at the
lowest prices ever know.i in Salem.
Will be pleased to show patrons our
stock and guanntee satisfaction on
every purchase. Prices the lowcit.
The little
(.ieruian Market on
South Commercial st.
All kinds or
In reason. Protnnt free delivery and
satisfaction guaranteed.
All work to bo annroved hv t)n Rvp.i
or any one selected by them for imtivo
twn. Tlie lloiinl rooerviM the righf to reject
any or all bids.
By rdr of U ltvir.1 &kA.J ul,.
irk Xa. W. Markw Co., Ore.
II. A. Jaussfev, )
M. L Chawhbrun, I OMMwIttee.
Dawson Hejb 'Pea is sQillog IJke Uot
wkfts iMMUtQuanjiM the wffrk.
A diseased stomach undurmines
uoaiiii, ituuiis tno bruin, destroy
mo uoruus iysieiu. Alt uyspoptlo
irouoies are cured by Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. It has cured thousands of oases.
Its ingredients are such that It can't
helpourlng. Stone's Drugstores.
New Work.
Tlie new nliotoa that we
are making
o tiw muiiw ooys are the linest ever
seen m the city. Four full leueth tic
ures on one card. Klite studio successor
to SHrry the Artist.
Great Power
We obtain from water but to apply it
you need to use suoh provisions and
groeerfes ad you can buy at Bransons A
ltugau's. 17 etxl St
St. Paul Baok Closes.
St. Paul, Only 17. The Uermaiila
aplUlUed at f 800,000, was leed hy
glate amtner Pape. ThdClast state
mt)iit sjidwed. d9po4iti en hand ef near
ly lulf a lutUlou.
'Oh! What a Difference
in the morning" when you lay one
of our tine toilet sets on your wash
stand the day before, " Thej i"
adorn the room, besides leing ''"ll
euient with washbowl and pitcher
slop bowl, snap and toilet. Our tine
toilet seta of decorated china, Kng
losh porcelain are handsome, and
the best quality for the money i or
124 State t Telephone 51
Dissolved Partnership.
The firm of Wolr AMitwcke proprietors
of the German Market, have dissolved
partnership this 5th day of July. V
U'oU takes charge and colleot all bills
The busiues will hereafter be conduct!
by Wow & Sox.
7 5tf
Many persons die of neglect, Dawson
Herb Tea tixej 'em,
Coming Home,
The soldiers are comim? home to luw
lN?r pisLires mode at the Elite Studio,
fugtvlSppfa Sperry, ttie art&t. 7-10 u