The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 18, 1899, Image 1

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    yvjr' (
JULY 18 1899.
NO 107.
-iirrw'"tkkkkt"u'lll nfc
I Most People Talk
About the shoe they buy. If the shoes please, what
they say helps the shoe man. Poor shoes create
comment that will kill anyshoe man's trade. Our
shoe trade continues to increase, That's proof
that our shoes give satislac- traob mark-
tion. We carry the
shoes, and sell them at a very
low profit. If you've worn a
pair, we feel sure ot your trade 'STAHPfomsf'
in the fuiuie; and if you haven't, we would be
pleased to have you give them a trial.
Summer Clothing
for the warm weather. Don't sweat. Buy a cool
crash suit or a light serge coat and be comfortable;
Full crash suit for 2.40. All kinds of light
weight underwear from 25c up.
Cor. Commercial and Chemeketa Sts.
Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store,
E. T. BARNES, Prop.
Oregon Volunteers
Protest at Press Censorship
wcutlicr nml in (lancer of nncnmonin.
The disnutcli stated that having j"t
ri'uirui-u ironi u troiucai climate moy
could not witliHnnd the cold, nnd there
woro plenty of overcoats in tlio quar
termaster's department. President Mo
Kitiloy directed that such clothing as
was necessary for tho comfort of the
troops bo Issued to them.
It is stated at the wardcpartmeutthat
tho mutter of clothing for tho troons is
at thoir own diglwsal. Kach man is al
lowed f 100 annually for clothing, and if
he does not use the whole amount ho
draws tho residue. Tho Oregon inon can
draw upon tuts clothing credit if tliey
want to and get overcoats or other things,
hut it will bo charged to their clothing
account and taken out of tho money paid
them when tlioj' are mustered out.
Red Cross Shoes
Our hospital and nurse Shoes,
also Oxfords, have arrived. Try
a pair if you want soild com
fort. Our big Shoe sale is still
on we are cutting prices right
and left we buy our goods 10
per cent, cheaper than inexper
ienced opposition, hence can
and do easily undersell them.
Krausse Brothers
275 Commercial St.
-91 " ""
" m im
Per Cent Reduction
On All Shoes
Wcaronot we SAY
t making Low Prices on Dead Stock, and blowing about it as a marvel,
but wo a ro
Hewing down u clean, live stock, level with tho dirt which ii associated
with cheap prices.
livery Shoo in tho lioitno subject to tho 'JO jMjr cent reduction.
Uoods marked in plain figures.
G&bWA' - 2EWw
OrlpHntor of Low Prlcos
WoSh nothom Froo.
W. h W W.WWW.
Summers Attends a Cakewalk
Gives Geer Guff.
Piepared and Bids Asked
for by the Board,
At u meeting of the siMiool board last
evening BpeciflcatlonH for painting the
school hoiie.i of this district were
adopted as follows .
All exterior wood surface to recoive
two coats of pure lead and ofl.
I'irot coat to bo raw linneed oil.
Second coat to bo boiled linseed oil.
All fcalen or blisters to bo scraped off
ltoforu applying first coat.
After tho first coat is thoroughly dry,
putty up all nail liolus and cracks.
All amps and jwrch floors to receive
two coats.
All wood work under porch and bal
I'imy to recoive one good coat.
The colors to bo selected by tho lward.
All window sash when putty has
fallen out or loose to lw puttied after
Jlrst priming.
All cresting to recoivo ono good coat
of black asphaltnm.
Oil to bo tirst class quality.
Lead to bo either Carter's or pioneer
at the option of the board.
All coloring to bo of Masury's man
ufacture. , , .
All satih runs that have been stained
to bo stained one coat cherry, and all
runs that havo been ialnted to be
minted one coat.
Jlids are advertised for in another col
umn of this pajior for tho above work
a..d will lie opened next Saturday eve
ning at un mljonrnod meeting or the
Enlarging Quarters.
Neakerman & Hoirer. who own the
briok building adjoining thoir pruaent
Commercial street saloon, are having an
owning cut through between the two
rooms and will occupy tho north room
om a store house, as they soon exoct to
Add a wholesale liquor department.
For the Seaside.
Tour family want the home news at
tho Seaside. Tits Daily Jouhxal will
Jw wilt by mall at a njieoial summer re
sort rata of One Cent a Day. No order
tjfccii mr iaa man ten CUnU. 7-1HU
llr Aanrlnleil Ireai to the Joornnl.
Wabihnhton, July 18. It was stated
at the war department today that no
attention whatever will bo imld to the
"round robin" of tho Manila presH cor
respondents. The protest waH not sent
to Otis and It Is said he will not be
called upon for any explanation.
In addition it was intimated that very
encouraginir news had been received from
the Philippines and that the situation
was very much better t him Is generally
Xkw Yoiik, July 18. Tho Washington
correspondent of tho Herald quotes a
inemlxtr of the cabinet as follews:
"Either General Otlsor the nowspupor
corrcsoiulcnts must go.
"TodojMirt tho correspondents would
probably Ihj accepted as a return to tho
old .Spanish method of muzzling the
"To relievo Otis will mean an olHclal
acknowledgement of his fault and de
moralization of military discipline."
KkwYoiik, July 18. Tho special to the
Tribune from Washington says: "What
every army olllcer In Washington bus
long feared and what civilians wen) lw
gluing believe is now nrcclscly continued
by tho remarkable dispatch from Hong
kong, containing the protest of tho news
paper men at Manila, which will take
rank as a war paptr with the celebrated
Santiago round robin.
In tho war department for more than
a mouth the feeling existing among the
higher olllclals, that Otis was misplaced
in command at Manila, has been grow
ing Irrepressible.
Washington, July 18. Following has
been received from General Otis:
Manila Continual heavy rain and
cyclonic storms. The Colorado regi
ment sailed on tho' transtiort Warren
yesterday. In addition 1110 discharged
men took passage. Tho Callfomlans on
the Sherman have arrived from Negros,
Tho vessel must await the subsidence
of the typhoon now prevailing.
Shiyerihg Volunteers.
Sax Fkancisco, July 18. An Oregon
volunteer was found on guard duty Inst
night at tho Presidio, wearing four suits
of clothes, with a niece of flannel shirt
tied about his neck for a mufller. He had
borrowed these things from the boys in
his company. A year or two ago lie was
a Stanford senior weighing 170 iKiunds;
now he Is reduced to lit) nnd looks liken
Scores of men In tho Oregon regiment
nre passing through this experience,
while tho war department Is busy with
the eternal red 4ux. Another effort was
made by the Hod Cross Society and (leu
end Summers tohuvothoOrcgonluns pro
vided with overcoats and blankets. It 1h
thought that by tomorrow Adjutant Hub
cock, of this city, will receive orders to
draw these nrticlon from the quarter
master. Meanwhile, the soldiers aro borrow
ing from each other, while half of the
boys are obliged to remain in their
tents or take the consequences in the
fog and wind outside. General Shatter
Is not in the city. If the government
fails in its duty, it Is safe to say that the
two mouths' buck pay received by the
troops Saturday will lie cxpendeu for
necessities, which the present health of
the regiment cannot continue.
Oenoral Summers and hundred of
bis mou were guests of honor ut the In
ternational calcewalk carnival now in
progress nt the Mechanics pavilion.
Summers Is Hedging Behind Oepr.
The following letter was circulated
G. W. Harris, loft for a few weeks
outing on the lower Soda and Fish I-nko
Mr F. I-ovy, the hop merchant, vis
ited his hop yard this morning export
ing things in fiui condition.
Wm. Lovolaeeand Clarence Fltzmoyer
of Stayton went to Portland today from
...I .1 W.,.,1. !....!,...
wound iJioy Bl i tmeium n wmiiifctuu.
Win llobblns was yorterduy hurl
while hauling wood, a load tipping over
and severely crushing his foot. He will
hi laid un for several weeks.
Ed and Al Shafer of Stayton went to 'the regime t. Tn iU
Portland via wheol and from there " Fuancisco, July 17.-roHs
expect to go to The Dalles via steamer i Excellency, I r.Geer, Governor o Ore
an I thence by wheel to Eastern Waslg""- Sir-Hie mil stcd men of the
inctoii to hnrvtiHt I Kinnt Jwiiro " express to
1, .Mini i t i .., ! wmtiinent of gratitude
Mrs.AlfrtHl Parker and Joe ! whldi your noblo mid oiiprcolntlve eon
nntl Johnnie went to I or land this morn-1 ,,U,t ,ma inHlIrwi ,., of ug. ptttriot
ing, whore her husband is omnloywl. i() , ,)0l flml w,,ruHH0 , nUiv
They took the steamer Pomona, It Iwing aj0C '
their first steamboat ride. e'wlio holds the reins of jKjwor with
Goo. Whitoakor of Ilrown's Island mv)x toleration that jorsonal pledges are
was in the city today circulating a i-1 Btierillccd to his inferiors' convictions
titioii to got an outlet from the Island, I 0( right, commands a loyalty that con
having been forbidden road passage by tests in arms full to maintain, and none
imrtios owning right of way out from the i can lie more sensitive to resitectful con-
sland. uidoratlon than the enlisted men of the
Iia itimilifituMl a ilritttitr
V mw.. ... ... - . . , , . -.. . i ..
u-fts loklim for tho animal wieh sot oUHlliilitly. KnlWUtl .Men of tlio sw
away from hfm wiiiiu time during the wh! Oregon Volunteers."
, . , , . , , , x, Pmident Orders Clothing.
Mrs. Ivy Parrtsli, aister-in-law of Mrs. ... ... 1S ,,rtm,Aunt M,
u n..Ii.l l...Un.ii.ii, inn.l ASHINOTOX. JlllV 18. 1'rWtHIWU Jit'
l.l'.nXml PfcM Pnrri.l, u hn liaa I KW!y 1S twolved Utolwtraill Will
i i i.. 'li...iii-o w..,..t- fr.r i, I San Kra iiisoo saying tlwt tli
. io ........ i. .,i i,.. I..J. ,.(.i I truns at the l'rauft1
iiunv " iiiuiuiid ..", ,..v-.
from Daw con.
Uisliop H. 1 ISareloy leaves tonight
for 'Frifeoo. He promised Tin: Jouksal
to visit the Oregon lys at the Presidio,
Mrs. Kuth Sayroti resolved a t&Je
grain this afternoon that Mr. and Mrcu
John Farrar and Will Sayree wHklr.
rive tonight on tlw overlaml.
Southern Pdtific -Road Master
Fell From a Window.
II Aftaoelntril I'rca to thr Journnl.
Rii)t.i:, Or., July 18. J. T. Galvln,
Southern Panlllc roadmaster, was found
early thin morning beneath his 1m.i1
room window at the hotel.
He had a fall of 20 feet and died with
out regaining bis consciousness. It is
sup)oscd he bad leen looking nut of tho
window and lost his balance. .
List of Teachers and Employes Neatly
'Uio stale Doani oi education hold n
meeting todaythnd olected teachers and
some of tho employes. Mr. and Mrs.
0. C. WcntJTWfro some time ago chosen
superintendent and matron, nnd tho
following elections woro added today :
J, H. Early and lien Irving teach
at f 17,50 per wiek.
Eva Htallonl. Hulsoy, teacher.
Ralph II. Drought, teacher and as
sistant lioys' supervisor.
Manmiie Ulmliilrarluin, girls' super
visor and seamstress.
Mrs. W, E. Mitchell, boys' super
visor ind assistant matron.
Vorlimla Staiidlnh, c(K)k,
M. I.. Latuuruttu, teamster.
Susan J. Jury, laundress.
Tho H)sItiou of engineer was not noted
iimii for tho present.
Extensive repairs and Improvements
were ordered on the building.
Supt. Wont and Prof. Ackeinian
were uuthnrhtcd to arrange course of
study and llx the term, which will be
ids nit :il weeks.
To Earth Will Rise
Condemnation Abroad o! the
Press Censorship.
IAV4 1 Baking
nmawvjtix IPURE
Makes the food more delicious and wholesofne
ww Mwa powcch eo., tn vokk.
Officers Serious and Have
Nothing to Say.
The Palapo Matket. ,
One partner retires but n younger man
tills the place Mr. Wesley Edwards
has purchasiHl tho Interest of Mr. Col
lins, and the business will bo continued
under the linn name of Mnyor& Co. Mr.
Moyor expresses his thanks to his many
friends for past patronage and declares
it the intention of the new linn to offer
the public tlio best to lie had in the
Circuit court Is in session at Hills
Ixiro. Edward Freeland Jenkins, of The
Dalles died on Monday night of apiH'ti
(Ileitis at St. Vincent's hospital, in Port
land. Corvallis is to have a new sewer sys
tem to co-oenite with the one at the
agricultural college saystom at a cost of
It. S, Shuridau, of Hosebuiy, and
Deputy U. S. Marshal Collier while sur
veying a mining location in the Ilo
heuiia district, were driven out of their
work by Jim Jennings, who broke Mr.
Colliers surveying instrument by a
blow from a Winchester rillo which he
The following notice was served on all
the caiinerynien Monday by Fish Com
missioner F. ('. Reed: "As many cdm
plaints have Imou made against the use
of bluestoiie for tanning salmon nets,
and as it may lie injurious to tho salmon
Interests, and is without doubt contrary
to law, ull jiersons are hereby warned
against allowing the same to is put In
the waters of the Columbia river.''
ml. uuloratlon tiatt tne enlisted men oi tlio
, K. McCoy, the Salem bridge lniiMer, j United Status army. We feel most highly
vo to Dallus Monday. While there i honored by the attentions received at
purchased a drivlnglwrtie. Today he ; tho hand of youself and staff. Very
Im t
YOt It I
llr Aamielntril I'rfm tn I lie Jimrnnl.
London, July 18. Tlio Iiudon nftor
noon newHp:tM!ra generally,!)! comniciit
ing on tlio protest of tho American cor
respondents In Manila against the press
censorship, denounce the American-Philippine
campaign ur managed by Secre
tary Alger and General Otis.
'Hie St. James Gazette savs: The
Great American people have been hood
winked byjlts general and Its adminis
tration, who have kept up it series of
suppressions of the truth.
The Pall Mall Gazette hwh: "Tho
correspondents have dono ther duty to
the public as Journalists and gentlemen
The Times in a leading editorial says:
"Alger has run tho war olllco us a itoll
tieal machine, Military posts lniv
boon bestowed on political friends with
outregard to Illness or the Interests of
tho country. Dishonesty and corni
tlon have been rampant whenever there
was public money to lw handled.
"McKlnley Is Incapable of ridding
himself of tho Incubus of his secrutarv,
who, evidently regarding hinisolf as
having the President in his jKieket, so
lenely defies the public Indignation
aroused by his mismanagement,"
Waniiin'uton, July 18. Tho Cabinet
meeting today was longer than usual
and the members, after It had adjourn
ed, were more reticent than usual. It is
admitted there was somo discussion of
the "round robin" sent by the Aiuorl
can newspaper correspondents from
Manila via Hong Kong, but all Informa
tion regarding the character of the dis
cussion, the nature of the decision, If
one was reached, was refused.
A cable from Col. Denby, a member
of the Philippine commission, was read.
It showed a fairly Ballsfaotory state of
affairs, One of the cabinet clllcers said,
but the cable did not sav that pcaco
negotiations with Agulualdo werostlll In
Secretary Hays also had a cable from
Ambassador Choato relative to tho
boundary Hue negotiations but it was
not encouraging.
Manila, July 18. Tho natives of tho
provinces of A I buy, South Cuinnrlnos,
and Isorth Ciuuarliies aro endeavoring
to throw off the denomination ()f the
TugnlB, and the mxjiIo aro willing to
declare.allegiancoto the United States
when troopB are sent to protect them.
though that it must have been some-1
what dammai!cd. dnxnito tint fm.i timt
it waH protected, by waterproof eovor-
Consumes Cloth lor the Making of Jack
Tor'a Clothes.
Ki:w Yoiik, July 18.-Flro at the
Hrooklyn nnvy.yard last evening threat
ened much valnublo proHirty in the
building occupied by the provision nnd
clothing department of the bureau of
supplies and accounts. The lire was
discovered on tho third floor, In which
white duck cloth was kept and cut up
for the men In tho navy. About 5,000
worth of cloth was on the lloor and It is
thought that it was entirely consumed
by Humes us tho fire swept from one end
of the building to the other.
On the second floor was stored, in
bales covered with waterproof material,
nil the other cloth for the other suits
worn in tho navy mid needed for other
purposes. The eloth on this lloor was
estimated to be valiind at ubout $o()0.
000. How much of it was destroyed by
water could not be learned but It wnt
Between a Freight and Pas
senger Train in Ohio.
llr Amiuulntril Vre to thi .lonriinl.
Poiithmoutii, Ohio., July 18. A head-
Oil collision between n ihumoiunip nml
freight train occurred today on the Nor
folk A Western railroad near Haverhill.
iiiivu iruiuuieii were Kincn unit two
trainmen ami a tramp were seriously
injured. Xo passengers were hurt.
Sr Lotus. July 18. Tho Southliound
flyer of the Illinois Central, was wrecked
south of bore today. Fireman Jones was
Kineu ami lourpasnengors injured, The
engine left the track, turning over and
derailing the cars.
Steel One Will Take Place of Present
Wooden Mast.
IbiiHTOi., It. I July 18. Captain
Rhodes, of the Columbia, received or
ders on Saturday to sail for Newport as
soon us iKisslblc, mid he will not delay
his departure beyond Tuesday. Tho now
top must of Washington plno, which
was sent up last Thursduv, is slightly
taller than tho old spar anil the better
llttlng sails mo exjiected to inako their
inllueuce felt in the coming races nn
Tho Columbia's now 107-foot steel
mast cannot bo completed lieforo Tues
day, and may not ho rndy in time for
the tlrst Newjiort contest. It Is taller,
thicker and stronger than tho Defend
er's steel cylinder, which has withstood
the most severe strains, and weluhs
1,(00 pounds less tluiii the big plno spar
Comes from Yukon
mast Is
Ntnmluut. When
slopped the Columlila Is not ex
puctod to heel ho much In n stiff hreer.e,
iih the present weight nlwve the deck
line will bo materially decreased,
Business Delng Transacted at the Court
in I'llOllATi:.
James Farley was appointed adminis
trator of the ostuto of Richard T. Me
In deiNirtuient No. 2 u eoninlnint whm
flliul by t, O. Rower against Ellcabeth
newer, lor divorce. I to alleges deser
tion, A complaint Is also II led by (1. A.
Webb and A. (I. Anderson iigufust I.. II.
Wesley to compel conveyance of prop
erty under contract.
Steamer Portland Arrived
From St, Michael,
Many Penniloss Miners Returniug
Every Day.
Ily Aoi-liitriI l'rr t the Journnl.
San Fiiancisoo, July 18. Tho
steamer Portland arrived from St.
Michaels today with 150 passengers and
$1,000,000 on bounl. Most of those re
turned tiro without means. Alxnit
fl(K),tKXl In gold, owned by a few lucky
people, ami tho balance being the
property of tho Alaska Commercial
Ureak Jail.
Wai.i.a Wai.i,a, July 18. Four prison
ers oscaiH'd from tho city Jail last night
by suwlng nut nn Iron bur. They were
James Kelly, Hong Git, ami two high
waymen, wlio had been arrested u couplu
of hours before.
Up to
A Uroken bulkey.
While driving his trotting horse,
"Hugo" on tho race track at the fair
lair grounds this morning, R. Klgeri
inut wiiu an iieciuciii which came near
roving serious, A briico on thesulkey
leciimo loose and striking the horse on
the leg, caused him to do considerable
kicking. Mr. Klger was struck several
times and more or less bruised, but for-
tuiiiueiy ueitiier no nor tue horse were
Company Did Not Live
Recent Agreement.
Ci.kvki.ani), Ohio, July 18. Decision
to declare another strike was reached
utter a meeting of the men, which lasted
nraotlcully throughout tho night. Dur
ing the early hours of yesterday not a
car was running on any of tho big con
solidated linos, 15 lu number. The of
llclals of the company have asked for
police protection and say they will at
tempt to start cars on ono or two Ituea
very soon, birge crowds are congre
gating at all the burns of the company,
but so fur us known no violence Iiuh
been coiumittced.
Training Progressing,
The number of horses in .training 'at
the fulr grounds nice truck is Increasing
almost daily, and a large number aro al
ready there with more to come. There
are soverul fust ones both uinong the
I ant ss and running horses, and n
great racing progtiim will be among tho
features during the fair.
loiisly injured. The sulkey was badly
Returning Klondikers,
The steamer Roanoke arrived at
Seattle last evening, from St. Michaels,
and tho following named Sulemites
were on board, who are oxcctod home
on tonight's overland train : Joel Hewitt.
Mr. and Mrs. Juo. Furrar und Willie l
Sayres. (loo. C. Mourer Is alsoexHcted I
from the Copjs'r river country.
From the rolling Columbia river
To Oregons' Southern land,
The wheelmen know which way to go
Tollml Ellis A Finn's stund.
And when they puss through on their
iMitter feel
After they drink ncoul milk shake.
jo tiioir store iiinir way tliey
They stop their wheel mid lie
ICHStnto at.
Phono 2U74.
4 Rolls.
Assistant Postmaster Cates, of I'liiou, '
has the snutllox und orderinl the pa
tient taken home and fuuniiitliied.
Oiiicaoo, July 18 September 71J
Citili 3 red 7H)$.
Han Fkancisco, July, 18, Cash 1.00,
'rT v y ''' f n t tt"ittt TrTrrnTTVWTTrryrTT wrrrr tttt
If you
look in
eyeglasses. Si'ientitlc methods run all
Io Clearance Sale.
Wc do not have a clearance
sale for 30 days, Our goods
are bought for cash and' -wc
own them,
iw urtsjou
overeoato uihI were stiff wring from the
I Han Franeipoo sayiu:
ItrnniMi at tlio l'riwttilio wuru without
g for sp!Ctaclo
all through our busmen of llttlng sight
and sight helps.
If you are unable to pay u fair price
for iMusHori, make the fact known to us
and we will furnish them free of charge
if any one U really too jxior to ay.
All school children should have their
eve tested before entering school
Come in any time, No charge for the
lieowsary test,
No. 4569
lli line
1 wrlllilu
os. Aleu6rs & Sons
8 SAIvEDM'S greatest store tj
Save your
Wn limy
liurtt lit
(Ivr lli
member 0(jp CRFRT SRI F!
To Hear Sam Jones.
A large delegation of dtiums and
ficials went to Gladstone Park from
lem to bear bum Jones.
San Francisco Excursion
Only $17,50 for the Round Trip.
Plenty of time to see everything.
'Leave Salem August 3d,
WASTKD.-ToiHiyrwifarwiiii AM$ide trips to Mt. Hamilton, Tumalapias, Berkley, Palo Alto
teHi,n, 3,DiL!and various places of Interest. For detailed information and
p&urWth awi Fuwui. rtrt. tickets. eiHiulre of W. W. Skinner, or H. D. Pattqn, Salem,
Dr. C. W. BARR, Aanager, Lebanon, Ore.
While our buyers are East we propose to reduce the stocks
clean out the store v make many improvements, and in an
fc elaborate way prepare to receive the extensive lines which
tliey will purchase direct from the factories
w:b want to reduce
U it 44 Ut .U U 44 m fat, ik 4 Ai iA i U JU ii ,U U. AA t, Ai u.