vmfSSKaaBBsmmis&wmmtHBmam tatuiiim!iajamumlimtmi jisarWifcij --.- .r,-- in MflfctSMthafeeVVMMMMiMnMrtlEMfeMi MAMWAiMMiMmilllMM MA tttu GINGHAMS ; PLAIN, CHECKS AND STRIPES. For 'Aprons, Suhbbhnets, Waists, Wrappers, Skirts;, f anipihg Pillow Cases and Sheets, etc. Prices from 6 Mc-to 46c Camping Supplies Blankets Comforts Bark colors, extra strong MankctK for outing trips. 50c 76c, SI, $1.25 and SI.50 Reduced In price to meet the demand for a oatiinlng coin fort $1 and $1,25 wr 1S Good fast colors, strong material. HOLVERSON'S 76c $1 ?iid $125 OABH, BTORE CJASFI iTORE I V h nn waist Goods i A new lot of fabrics for swell waists at a low price. These goods sell at sight, so don't delay. Yard New Shut! wide "Manialla" In pretty Btrlpcs, 4 9 12 Oei vd Initios, fine cloth r" i "Melroso"Zophyr ainghams i In narrow or V 1,7 net Vd V wIduHtrl)cV-prlct'dtoinHl(otlioiiMiiit!kHulliiiB..A ir pt-x u Crown Percales , M 1 v - net vd HtripoH and figures, light or dark patterns FANCY PIQUES nil colors Tim niuoli-calletbfor goods. Plain white In Imavv welts, narrow ami wido'strlpos, 15 to 50c yd OREGONIANS DISSAPPEARBD And Were Probably Put to Death By Amigos. ' -. 2. COMING CAMPAIGN Senator Morgan Says Will Be One of Many Issues. J.J. DALRYMPLE& COMPANY i G. ifV JL.X l Defective Eyl in Children Jh becoming ulurtnlng In Its nrovul. once, and parents tdnuld navo 1 1 prop erly treated nt once, for their future tianplnoMH iiud woiruro, 1 will test the night mid correct nil forms of Im paired vision, and lit the oyo with glasses that will benellt and relievo them. ... ... A handy repair shop Is hero to ux up any little hurt to your pcottieles; while you wait: other repair workdono at puomptly us possible und at fair charges. Your Kycs Tested Free. C.H-HINGBS OIIAOUATK OPTICIAN. IX) YKAH8 HXl'KlllUNt'lt. ODO COMMICHOIAL, HT, PERSONAL AND LOCAL, K. 1). C'uhm wuh ill on business from OervalH today. Soth Klggs, "f Crowley, was In Salem on business today. Frank Showers, thu hop factor, wont to Newborn today. K. .1. Miller, thui Aurora Imp Imyur, uih in the city Unlay. Col. Geo. 0, Itrowucll, of Oregon City, wuh in town today. - Muster Kenneth llawluy and sister huvo gone to Albany for an outing. A. A. Robertson, of the United Slide's marshal's olllcu, wiih In town today. DIvIhIoii Deputy Kuvcnuo Collector llolinau Ih In thu elty until Monday. Miss Margaret Huvugu Ih homo from a two months' visit with Portland WKATHEK REPORT. Tonight and Baturday, f'llr. Q The Daily Journal has V (i . t. rrrt v more supscnuers in ameni, a y and paid-up ones at that, a r -,: - f4 tnan any oiner newspaper. Ico Not aivcn Away. I raunot afford to give ice away, but am selling a pure article at a price that lit within the touch of ull. Uiuntai. Ick Woiikh. J. Muu'iilro, Pntp. 0 lfi tf l HOTTLKD CAPITAL HRKWBRY 1JKUK. Winger A Ucck,Kucccttsora to SoutliSalem Holding Worm. All orders for Iwtlled beer will ho filled nt the brewery. Kent on cold htonige. Free elty delivery. Telephone 2i:il. Ice Very Neaily Oivcn Away, Wo rati ulvo Ico away, to convince you come und co How big u chunk you net for little uiouoy. Our ice la manufac ture from pure distilled water, Capitol leu Workri, 0 28tf K1.IMIKU & IIhcic, frleudN. Tho editor of the Pontine! and little win will keup cool at Yaiuiua b.iy for a few dayn. ClniB. llouard went to Portland t IiIh inorniuu to accept a irsitiui in tho Portland iiiIIIh. Mr. and MrH. K. WiMHlrum moved to Portland thin morning where they will nmlde In the future. V. W. Kniltli and wife, of Polk county, have returned home, alter a two ueek'ri oittiiiK at Wilholt HprliiKri. MrH. C. Iv. Power, of Portland, who Iiuh been vIhIUiik her mother, Mih. S. Muudell, returuel today. Archie Mawiu left today for bin home at Portland, lie Iiuh a contract with (!. W. Hunt at Itiparia, WiihIi. Mih. Henry l'rltxwalter of Alo,ftho win in the elty vlnltiiiK frieudH and do Iiik Home tradliiK, returned tixlay. Jan. Kyle returned thin morning from Kugene where he had Ik-dm HiiKirIut9ud Iik the Hhlpmeut of a lot of eherrJH. Walt Jory and tleo. Iwilwil both of near Halem drove two line timuiH of dutft horweH to Poitlaud yiwterday for nale. Mrn. J. 1). Steluer and children of Howell Prairie left on tlio early train to Join her lumlmiul at their new homo in Colfax, Melviu Hurre and Kthel Truax, two Jeffernon children who have been vinit IiikMIkh Jennie PhllllpH, have returned to their home. Mr. and Mm, Samuel Menduuhull. of KprhiKllcld. 111., who luiN bttm vIhUiiik (leu. and Mrn, V. 11, Udell, and tl. V. Wiley, left for tho Pound today, Jim llarri of llorot How. hop yard wuh in Palom today looking after the interoHt of the tlrm in thu way of lutthiK coutractH for hulldliiK hop houmm, J. W. ltailey, thu Dairy oommlwtlonor. left (or Com county ttxlav. He hivh he Ih kept luuy looklm; alter the filthy dairltw alHtui l'ortlaud. People neem to iniiih an inai is invo.tiirv io run a dairy Ih to K't a lot of cowb Htablwl un In a lot in home kuIcIi near that city, feuil them Mop, and Mill milk, y Annnclnlril Prtmn in Hie Jnnrnnl. Ban' Fiiancihco, July 11. Three brave IiuIh of company M, ho went with tho Second Oregon, wore doubtlePH put to death by treaclieroim "Amigos," lant April, near Marilao, In the Philippines. Their humph are Clarence W, Mills and llalph McCoy, of Hubbard, Or., and fumes K. Lawrence, of KaHtern Oregon. "There hooiiih to ino little doubt," wiwl Captain J, M. Poorman, of com pany M, "that these boys were shot down like dogs after tholr capture. They were sent out on the morning of April 28 to reconoltor what had always Ihjcii regardeil as"Amigo" territory, lying ad jacent to Marilao, whore our camp was stationed. That was tho last I over heart! of them. The three woic heavily armed, and left at 0 o'clock, with the understanding that they should rc)ort at noon. We scoured the country far and near, but not a trace could be found of tho unfortunates fellows. It was sad news for my company, and tho wbolo regiment as well, for Mills, McCoy and Lawrence were among tho best men from Oregon, and were never known to shrink from duty, though It led to danger." Yacpjlna Bay Drowning, Nkwpoiit, July 1 1. Special. Thu drowning of Geurgb Iliirch here on Thursday at 10 a. in. wuh a pecullaly sad affair and is deeply felt by the ico- ple here, among whom the young man was well known and well thought of, having lived hero all his life, and lelng a straightforward, industrious young man. Ho was engaged in the IiiihIiiohh of Ashing for tlio market and in company with Frank Priest ami a foreigner known asHeaLIou Charley, had loftNowjiort in their fishing lxmt less than an hour be fore. They had crossed tho bar and gone south a short distance and were fishing over a reef just oposito the life-Having station. This is a very treacherous spot, as the water is shoal over thu reef and is liable to break at any time. It wassmooth when thu uieii Itcgau to Ash, but suddenly an extra heavy swell broke on the reef ami combed over, capsitug tho Iwat and throwing IIh occupants into tlio water. Ilurch was standing at thu timu and was thrown some distance from tho boat. Although a good swimmur, he seems to have sunk at once. Thu other two reached tlio InkiI and clung to her until rescued. Two members of tho life-saving ciuw witnessed thu accident, and the toat was launched and thu crew pulled to the rescue with all possible speed, reaching tlio scone of thu accident none too hood, as Priest was nearly exhausted. Itnreh was about !I0 years of ttgu and uniniir lied, Ills parents reside here. Here e are Bright and Eariy with Bargains in Hot Weather Goods lly AnNnclaieriTrriin to (lie Jnnrnnl 8ki,ma, Ala., July 14. Senator Mor gan says that tho Issues in the coming campaign will be many. "Tho more there arc, tho better for us," said Sena tor Morgan, "Tho congress that as sembles In December will in providing a government for our new possessions, have to modify a tariff, widen will ma terially strengthen ihe Democratic po sition." Objects to a Receiver. John Hughes, as administrator of tho estate of Seth K. Hammer, filed his answer in tho suit brought by several creditors and stockholders to have a re ceiver appointed for tho Gold Mountain A Dry Gulch Mining Company. The an Bwer denies tho material allegations of tho petition, and alleges that defendant Hughes, offered to delUerto the pe titionees nil the property of the cor poration that they could inentify. Gored by o Bull. U. Simmons, of Garden Rortd was In thu city this morning for the services of I). I). Keelor V. S., to sew up a severe wound upon his fine mare, caused bv a vicious Jersey bull. Tho wound was Just behind the shoulder blade and about six Inches in length. Tho rent has lx'on operated ujon and the animal will probably recover soon. Late State News, Geo. Durch was drowned out ovor the bar at Newport Thursday. Frank Priest and Sea Lion Charley were saved by the Life Station crew. Tho homo of T. K. Chapman at Mon- roe was burned Thursday. Los f2,000, Insurance $uu. Utvor. Atrllo und Lewlsourg nro to haven telephone line. Salem Cannery Sold. A deed was filed In the Marion county reoortler'H olllcu today conveying to . K. Allen the Salem cannery property and tho tract of land known as Mere dith's addition to thu city of Salem. John M. Wallace and Hugh F. Wallace, trustees of thu estate of It. S. Wallace, were the grinders. The consideration was 10,XK). Circuit Coutt. Judge Hoise this afternoon decided tlio case of Howell vs. Folsoin, a fore closure case; Judgment granted for $100 duo on note, but denied lieu against the homestead property, as Mrs. Fulsome and hiiHhaiidf. now threused) held prop erty in tenantcv by entirety. We propose to make the dull season our busy season, andto do so we will sacrifice all profits. We will sell: India Linen wortli 12c a yard for 8c a yd. Crasli skirting worth 12c a yard for. . . .8c a yd. Silk Veiling worth 20c n yard 8c a yd. Ladles' fast black huso worth 20c a pair for . ...12capr Boys' lllcycle Black hose worth 20c a pair for 121c a pr Fine shoes worth $1.00 to $5,00 n pair, sizes 2 to 4 to close $1.2.1 Fine Oxrord Tics worth $3.00 sizes 2 Ui 4 to close 7r; We have knocked the profits off all our beautiful Organdies, Chiffons, Lawns, Dimities, laces ana embroideries. Just a few words about clothing:-- Men's Suits for $5oo. Good serviceable suits only a few of them left, come and get one, before it is too late. They are the same as sold regular for 7,50. Now is the time to get bargains. FRIEDMAN'S NEW RM&T! Cor. Commercial and State streets, Salem, Ore Carload of Cherries. Jan. Kyle is loading a carload of Hoval Aune cherries for sliinment to Califor nia. AlMiut two tons came down this afteriioan from Kinreno to go with the car that is to be sent out tonight. Clerk for Land Board. Thu state laud hoard has elected l. F. 1 1 in il mil 11. of Albany, to succeed llasll Wagner as an assistant in tlio ollice of tho clerk of thu board. Hard man served two terms as recorder of Linn county. City Bonding Committee. Mayor Hishop has named the remain ing members of thu committee on the city Ismtl issue. It is as follews: Mayor niHiiop, Kecortier .iiiiian, Aiiierman Huron and Walker. These goutlcmun 1 1 uve thu work well In liuml, unit an ordinance covering sumo will no doubt hmiii Im forthcomming. Two U. S. Prisoners. D.ivu Harry, u counterfeiter sentenced for two years, and Win. Phlllipps who gets two years for forging a money order at Iicomh, were sunt to the statu prism at Salem today. Powth of July Funds, Treasurer Perry lluyniond, of thu Fourth of July couimitto'. still liana few unpaid bills in his hands, with the money ready to settle same. Claimants should call Tor it soon. I''''! Tempered Babies. Inaufftrlrnt nourlnlimrnt naturally produce llMemper (iuatil rgalti fri'tfulncitt l.i (.UiMrvii by tcedlut; uutrl tluun uiU UificittiUlotooU. GAIL BORDEN EAGLE BRAND f.9MPHliSFJl.M,LK ' Perfect Inftnt food TaLo no ubtUuto for tbo HAULU UltANI) hFNO For Hook t "liAiuts" OORDCN'S CONOCNBEO MILK CO., NEW YORK ttj DIED. MOHTISON. At the home near Hope well, Polk county, Thursday, July 13, 189D, the infant child of Mr. and .Mrs. Mortlson. Funeral services will be conducted to day ami burial will bo had in a neigh boring cemetery. KITCIIKN. In this city, nfter a short illness, at midnight, Thursday night, July 13, 1800, Mrs. Maud Kitchen, aged about 30 years. Cause, rupture of an abccHH. Tin. i1ip!isir1 tvim tlio (lailL'lltcr of Mr. and Mrs. A! Heed, who reside near this city. Sue leaves two small eiiuiiren. CropB in the Valley. A very largu and heavy hay crop of the lest iiuallty is being secured. Karlysown spring grain is looking very fine, and with fall grain will make a big crop. Late sown spring grain and there is considerable of It will need ruin to amount to very much. Fruit is ull scarce hut potatoes will be a goisl crop. Thu hop crop promises very well, but tho iiuallty and nuuntltylls never ascer tained until it is finally in the hale. m i Ordered Shot. Last night the vdluablo brown driving horse of C. A. Whale, at 101 Llbeity street met with an accident which was tlio causo of having the horse shot by order of I). D. Keeler, V. S. It seems the stall was minus a board at the Isittoni and it is thought the horse got its feet in under thu stull and that probably something suddenly frightened the minimal during tho night and the horsu jumped up breaking its leg. It was impossible to do anything for thu animal ami thus it wits ordered shot, from thu standpoint of humanity. What Uncle Levi Says, Levi llartumess, who is an old chum of Hill Hobsou, and who located in tilts county when Salem could't support a saloon, says that his hill farm near the Mulkey place, above Stayton, will have an inuuuiiHo crop. All thu grain crops In the hills will lie big ho says. The huckloborry crop near Sublimity prom bus well and that's no bad news for our Salem frieudH. Why Insure in the New York Life? Because- -Your Insurncc Is not u Luxury nor an Expense without tangi ble return, but an investment of u small sum each, year to mature 10, 15 or 20 years henco If you live. HOMER II. SMITH, Special Agent, Ollice with Salem Land Ollice. 0-Um3 Salem, Oregon Dawson Herb Tea euro constipation, will poslllvtly Just a few samples' Of the low prices that we are making at our ulosing out mile not (or 'MtaoWt Trntdi" but for tlrst-chus goods bought from thu invst hougon 111 A merlon. Men's Btlff huts former price $2.N) now UM Men's working uhlrts., iso Men'a pcroulu tdilrtH with miliars uiul ouffa j Men'n Huuuuer uiulurmittH J4(j Men's canton flannel under shirts jjjg ladles' belt, oil idies und QQlom , ... J6 I-ndica' Hummer union Milts, ,, , ,.,, ,$Jt Boys' Linen Pants, 20 per cent. Discount t3AJii The hot month made wanner yet in seasonable bargains. Cleaning up for our big tall line of goods now bought and most all on the way. Several summer lilies on which we want to reduce. Cast your eye below. Shoes 100 rutin LadhV Oxfords at.. 1(X) pair LadUV tihoea nt.... Men'u hcavv worklmr shot's. . . . 100 pairs ohlldren's white kid glocw rsr Ni -. liMHtfPu Kverytlilng in our atook at such low price u will make It an abject to you to uu your iruimiK wuh ua unti uiu r-T" PCSITIVKLY UKTIIUNQ FUOM HUSINBSS. QtlLyLIS BROS.S CO. huiuinttr lliutt only U. Our f.1 fit) uuuiH' line viol in lilitok or tun Itico A llutohln' warranted goods a SO M.lfi tine Tan Viol, Vmt Ton oil !U.lia tine Hlauk Vict . 8 Sfl UJhO tine ClwooltUo Viol . . (X) UVDlKS' Kleytmt pU llluuk TurmM Stole, Vui Top, Common &uih toe sum Hue V.UA Tun, wine cut Vent Tup 30 Wi0'linVIel, Vuet Top.. . 8 00 fB-16 liutM muck Vhit, imitation turns. l iHJ 1 1. 86 Hints of tun I OS All linos of Minos' tttus, nud ull llmw of Oxfurtln cut SO per cunt. W are eleaulug up sttnik In etrnt.t. Odd lots of tditHM at much Ittmt price. We keen our stock cltwu by uuiking it uu object to trutle Itwre und.buv luw. Situe nooil Iwrtwhw in moil's hitny hIkkvi and In UtdUm' buttons. Summer Hals Mun'silollar ornsjiera In white or nuvy 80t Tint 78e lino In blue or gmv . . . .tiOu tt8o llutw blue or white . . . 52c TOourush Imts ftey f0c crush hatH 40V JOourusl! huts ajy 86e ont siv These butt! nrtj nw, (nwli, vhmii mchh. lany of thoiu wiituble for In diwt or gmiUi. SeotHmtlt window. Leather Belts All of our big nseartniMtt of o MJU In blacks; oolortj, patent leutherx utr All ircaud ltX) liutM .... All SMk ontvi ou'll flud Uk on the ruck liwiile th door. WILLAMETTE HOTEL ARRIVALS Julius Low, Portland : Hugh Vess, San Francisco; II, F, French, Mo.-co Idaho; Sum S. Goldsmith. A. J. Wright, Port land; Ted liakur, California; A. Moore, bridal Veil, Or.; Win. P. Lord, City; Hurry Prltchurd, Portland; S. U. Rey nolds, St. Paul; Mrs. M. Horsey, San I-rancisco;.!. W. llailuy, T. 11. llraey, Portland ; W. K. Schul.u Chicago, 111.; J. C. Teige, San FraneUco; II. K. Chicago. i Al Are Welcome. Stdein will uive a welcome to all visit ors, ami those who are hungry will find a good niiHil at the Wonder ltosttiu-runt. REDUCED RATES. To the Portland Reception of the Oregon Volunteers. Fure reduced to fd.&Ofor the round trip iHitwcen Sulem and Portland. 7-1 1 at 0. It. AS. Co. II FURNITURE STO K U Wc wish the people to know that there Is a New Furniture store next door north of the postofllce, wherethey will lind the furniture they wish to buy. If you are planning to beautify your home yott will find u large stock of wall paper from which to select, ir you Intend having an outing come In and see our lire of camp goods. Come and tee us whether you want to buy or not, as we are anxious tint, you should know what beautiful wares we have to exchange for a small union nt of money. F. W. Hollis & Company Wood! f own ownJ Phone 301 We are now prepared loiioiivcruoril us follews: Liu ge body Fir, choice live wood, in cord lots f.MW pur coitl Lurgo Second Growth, cut from lartro trees, as irood us lurtru tlr. 2 'r. delivered at once. This is a chance to lay in your winter wood cheap. It will ne nigner soon, do not tieiny ; piueo ortiers soon as supply on iiautl is limited. own! 7 r i mo Ktit'cci'i'orH Milium Imp. t'o. & 'lit Clicuickcta and Front, OUTING Wo have had 1000 Cartoons made on purpo-o to put up Fresh Roasted Coffee anil Tea in llt cartoons, scaled up air tight for parties that are go ing to thocoastormountains. Humkmiikh, Coffee roasted twice a week, and put up just when ordered, and you got It fresh. OF Please mention it when you want it scaled. Again ItKMKiiiiKii, our Coffee, Tea, linking Powder, Spices ami extracts and order at YOKOHAMA TEA STOIIB, Telophono Red 2001. Frc Delivery. Sunday Excursion. Steamer Pomona will leave for Inde pendence at 10 u. m. und 2 p. m. und ft: 10 p. m. Hound trip 60V. 7-1 1 2t DeWltt's Little Early Risers ben elli permanently. They lend gentle assistance to nature, curing constipa tion und liver ailment. Stone's Drug Stororj CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Thomas Rhinitis, Ccntcrticld, O., writes: "I suffered from plica seven or eight years. No remedy gave me relief until DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve," porfectly harmless. Stone's Drug Stores. Notice. I havo for oale on my Howoll Prnl rol Ranch 200 tons of A I Clovor liny at $4.00 porton In the field. FRANK DURBIN. Dawson Herb Tea Is selling like hot cukes because It does the work. Have You Caught To thu faot that thu llucst thu city are uuulo at the On t pictures in F.lito Studio. 7-10 tf Cooper bhop. SI. STKWAUT, the South Sulem coop er.is prepared with thu Ixwt ttuulity of stock to make cooorugo of ull kinds, from a well bucket to a 10,000 gallon tank. Prices to suit thu times. Simp in South Salem. tl 10 lui Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns, cuts, brulbes, and Ivy-polfonlng, ijuicKiy neaiea oy new ill's witch Hazel salve, prevents blood poisoning. "DeWltt's" Is SAKKand sukk. StoiiQ's Drug Stores. Jacob Vogt, I).j stati: RTitnirr. Just received it full stock of Ladles' and Gents' Spring und SUMMER SHOES, Will sell for the next 00 days at the lowest prices ever know.i in Salem. Will lie pleased to show patrons our slock und guarantee satisfaction on every purchase. Prices the lowest. OIOL2: Sl son '1 ho little German Market on South Commercial st. All kinds of MEAT AND SAUSAGE In ocason. Prompt free delivery und satisfaction guaranteed, 7-01 m HV lie tiupbty Bears tho Signature :(S - JR FIRST DOOH SOUTH OH rOSTOPPICE, SALEM, OREGON. FOR HARVEST TRADE. We have prepared extonsivoly fur the men In gjovos, slurU. overalls. Jumiwrs, MK5ks, Mraw hata, etc , and we sell these ut Ifiwost raakut prices for cash. Also In tin, graiiltaware, and all KlnUsof kttohan thlugi, w are uinney jiuvera, heu you rig up your cook wagon oome am! see us. A very heavy orasb Wiwollmr for men's use. Rxtra good oilcloth, not the 18i,o kluds Jolly Tumblers ...-nMl.,... nivauu umr IHUOl . A sjdoudld oversUIrt in fast ulaok am! white ... .10 17J 90 and a dot .. . KKs 4g I WIGOIN'S BAZAAR HAOKbTP PHIUIK, 3ot COMMERCIAL STUEE Call for Bids for Hay. Hlds will be received at the otllce of the City Recorder for the City of Sa le.u, Oregon, from the date of this iiotite until 6 o'clock p. m. of Satur day, August 12, 1S00, Tor furnishing the City or Salem with fifteen lift) ions of cheat or timothy hay, baled and de livered at the olty hull In said elty ou or before the 1st day of Sentetnber. ISfiH. Done nnrsuaut tn tht orriar nf tim utHinion uouuoii of mid olty, made and eotorod ou the 6th day of July. ItttS. X. J. JUDAI1, , Olty Recorder. Dated at Satam. OriMin. ttiu .iniv !31SW. 7-13dwtf Srlp W tjtec tUuimU or tertmi. r. Mile' Jttlue U Kurui ttouuntU. OASTOKIA. Jwith f Ik KfaKl Yoti me Alirsrs Bwgtt A dl soused stomach undermines health, It dulls the brain, destroys the nervous system. All ttyspeptio trouuios are cured oy Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has cured thousands nf cues. lis Ingredients are such that it can't help curing. Stone's Drug Stores. Dissolved Partnership. The firm of Woli AMlosoke proprietors of the German Market, havo dissolved jHirtnerahlp this 5th day of July. C Wulz takes ahargt) and collect all bills Tho business wfll hereafter be conducted bv Wow & Sox. 7 6tf Many persons die of neglect, Dawson Herb Tea flxos'etn. The Prudent Housewife Takes advantage of the fruit season when it is plentiful and cheap and doed up her jellies, preserves and canned iroods. She is alwavs uru of gottini; here the very best and purest spices, bllgar, Wlllte WlllO Vliutrur, .ajiiiuo mm cider vinegar for this purpose, that will insure her friilU against spoiling. Our prices uro thu lowest. SonnemanN, THE GROCER 124 State at Telephone 51 Premium on Warrants. Any ptrt'o bavine Marion or J'ollc fouutjf MurntnUla ilUKtee ef. will do II tu call oi theotllreof Kugene llrevmnn, 210 Couhu-mtUI trv. with MUe i Ratkar. 1 will iHuw prvmlum ott all hoIi proprrlr emlortl war nt. Money to itxtn ai C anil 7 per ceut later t uu iraprot rvi (arm. No Coajratsulun. MJiliirSm KUGE UliBVUAS. Untie t'eniar Block. '.10 Counoeroial ktrcrt Coming Home. Tl,.. lirtlittnm urn iianiini' hniuit to litlVrt Ut!r lOstunat mud at tint KHto Sttulta, Suucoebor to Sporty, the artbtt. 7-10 tfj JERSEY BULL. Pull bloc! Jersey, service for season only 1, spot cash. Corner of Tbirteenht und Center ktrets. 55 tf tuowxASoM,