jsv&ttivip' y j nnmTrtr '"""' Make No Mistake In buying Con densed Milk. Take no sub stitute for the Borden :le Brand CONDENSED MILK There are cheaper and In ferior brands to the Eagle, but none that equal It. It has stood first for forty years Send for Recipe Bsok. BORDEN'S CONDD.SED MILK CO., N.Y. O. C. T. Co's l'ABSENOKIl BTKAMEIt POMONA JL AND TT altonA LKAVK8 FOll rOllTLAND Pally except Snnilnv at 8 a. in QUICK TIME AND CllKAl' HATKB. Dock botween State ami Court Bts. M. l. BALDWIN, APDt l S, C, STONE, M. D. Proprietor or Stone's Drue: Stores HALKM.'oilKOON'. Trio stores (two In number) are located va No. 'ZSS nit J XO Commercial street, and ore woll stocked nltli a complete lino of drugs nml ii'dlclncit, toilet articles, perfumery, brushes to.,otc.,ctc. DR. 8T0NK HbnIimI tome 2.1 jcars experience In tlie prac tluoof medicine and now makes no c-lihrgc for ronanltatlon, examination or prescription. pnnnnnnnnmTnnnTrmTmmnrnTTTTTg i PERSONAL AND LOCAL: - Tor additional Iocn) Noc Fourth Page. tiUiiiiUliiliJilllUUUUUlillUUllliUUiiU E. Curtis, went to Albany lust own ing. J. M. MileH weal to Portland on bus! iu'bh Mth. dipt. Geo. Itiuib in vlnitliiK 1" tbu city, II. A. Townsend wont to Portland on business. I. Monro w of Albany was in tbo city yostenlay. Bishop ltarkloy, wan in Salem to heo thu editor. A. 0. MoNnry, wont to Independence last evening. S. Furrnr has gone to join bin family at Seal Hooks. 0. W. Caspoll, of Stnyton, wuh In Fa loin on Tuesday. Hon. and Mrs. I). II. Ioonuy wore in Salem yeatenlay. W. Shipnian wont to Portland today to visit bis sister. .Minn Paulino Loonoy graced tbo city at tbo editor's reception. Miss Mabel Johnson, of Corvallm, is in the city visiting frionds. MIbs J. Hernlce Cameron of Jackson ville in tbo city yesterday. State Senator nml Mrs. X. II. Looney wero Salem visitors yostenlay. Mrs. Ira Smith, of Indepandonce, oamo down this morning to visit. Clias Ixo was a passenger to Portland to take a situation this morning. David Guthrie came down from bis ranch to see the Missouri editors. Frank 1$. Leach, of Independence, was it business visitor in Salem yestoroay. Ed Smith went to Portland to today accept u Mjsition with the O. It. A N. Co. Mrs. W. W. Hall, went to Woodburn yostenlay for a visit with her old neigh bors. Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Wilmotund fam ily have returned from a visit up in I.ano county. Mies Marie ami Dorolla Sbivos, of lluena Vista, have roturnod home after a visit in Salem. Mrs. A. J. Qiboon loft yesterday for Missoula, Montana, for u visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. Sallie Dyer was added tQ the ro oeption committee and escorted tho com mittee of twenty to Eugene. Prof, and Mrs. E. J. Hadloy, of Port land, are visiting at the home of Pre siding Eblor and Mrs. N. Shupp. Frank I-oe, oilltor of the Northwest Pacific Farmer, and secretary of the Portland Prow Club, wai in Salem yes tonlay. Miss Mary Halwrly, of Willard, has lwen appointed imrve at the Itefonn school, taking chnnio of bur duties on July 1.18111). Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aida Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It U the latent iiscotered dlgest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In eSlclency. It In stantly reilftTejaod permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. SlckHeadacbe,Gastralgla,Cramps,and all other results of Imperfect digestion. prcpartirby C Dswltt A Co., clrjlcaao. Exposing tba keco'rd. Post Oxford Trlbune: The Salem CaimtaI Journal has compiled a series of statistical tables showing just how each member of tbo lato legislature voted on every question that came be fore cither tbo special or regular bcssIoh at Salem last winter. Last week the llrst of the series appeared, showing how each momber of the bouse of representa tives voted at tbo special session, and how often, in the opinion of tbo Jour nal, each was right or wrong. The Bchemo Is n good one, and every man who wants to know tho reconl of any member should possess himself of the series it would come handy as a tablo of reference In campaigns of tho future. A I.KGISt.ATIVK ItKKOItl). Allmuy I'oojilc'n Press; Iae Capital Jouimt. Is ptiblisblng a tablo made up from tho ofllcial rec onls, showing the vote of all members of the last legislature on all important measures without regard to their poli tics. And as a matter for reform it is a fine thing for every voter to have in his possession. And If your member didn't vote right you can call him to ac count. The Journal shows great enterprise, as the reconl was made up at n consider able expense. And they deserve credit for it, Tho Blue Mountain Eagle (Orin L. Patterson, an ex-member and federal ofllcial:) Tun Capital Journal has commenced a series of "Round Ups" of the last legislature, and has published Ha "Round Up No. 1," In which it points out the errors made by the mem bers of that body in voting on many measures. What tho Journal Is ab e to accomplish by these supposed "Hound Ups," tho Eagle is unable to see. It is extremely doubtful whether bo will ever be able to convince any of the members of the last session that bo is any more capable or better qualified to judge tho right and wrong sido of any question than oven a single momber of the legislature. He ccrtabily has his opinion on tho many questions that come before the legislature, but he is nothing moie than human, and is just as liable to bo wrong in that opinion us any member of tho legislature. Tho editor of tho Capital Journal was a member of the session of 181)5, and if his vote on nil parallel questions could bo shown up in his "Hound Ups," his record of right and wrong votes might not show up any better than that of any momber of tho last session. People who live in glass houses should never throw stones. Example Is Bitter Than Precept. Those sententious proverb, or old saws, which arc used us prefixes lo all of the Hood SurMipnrlllu advertising in thousands of papers throughout the country, are evidence of a new and or iginal style of display advertising both pleasing and effective. The Hood tirui is to be congratulated ou so cleverly adapting such wisdom as has filtered down through centuries. An other chunulng thing about this Hood advertising is the unique type they are using. 3 Notice. Olllco of tho secretary of Stato, Sa lem, Oregon, Juno 24, 1809. Notice is hereby given that tho Stato Hoard of Agriculture having, in compliance with an Act of the Twentieth Legislative Assembly filed in the olllco of the Sec retary of Stato February KM, 1809, deeded to tho State of Oregon tho lands known as tho "Stato Fair Grounds," tho appropriation off 7,000 for the pay ment of tiio warrant indebtedness of said Stuto Hoard of Agriculture issued prior to February KM, 1899, properly en dorsed, warants, will bo issued on tbo State Treasurer to tho oxtont of tho appropriation. Interest will not be al lowed utter mis uate. r. i j;uuoar, Secretary of State. In accordance with the above notice, holders of all warrants of tbo Oregon State Hoard of Agricul ture dated prior to February KM, 1899 are hereby notified that the same will bo paid on presentation at the olllco of the Secretary of Stato, or at tho olllco of tlie undersigned, and that interest will cease after this date. J. II. Albert, treasurer of tho Oregon Stato Hoard of Agriculture. O-'Jfl-tf. E. Molandor, of Highland county, Nob., arrived this morning from Al bany. He is in Oregon looking for a lo cation. When dizzy or drowsy am 's Pills. take liKiEcii- "What might have lcn"-l tlioL sad rellectlon of thousands of con-1 su motives. One Minute Cough Cure cuies coughs and colds. Stone's Drug Stores. Fall Sown Cabbage for Early Spring Use. A very rich toil, plentifully manured, is esntial for the production of tender suecnlont cabbage. The ground should be plowed very deep. Hy so doing the lower portion is turned up to tho action of tho weather, nnd substance in the hoil previously inort, are thus subjected to a fresh decomposing action, which makes thorn available for tbo nourish ment of plants. In order to huc beads the first or second week in May, the seed should be sown the first week in August, on prop erly prepared beds, choosing a situation if possible where tboy will Iw shaded from the midday sun. Never tmrmit the soil to lconmo over I dry at any time, carefully watering every evening, giving a good toaUng, hut, avoid giving in such quantities that the water will run on the surface, as this has the tendency to cause the stir fare of the h)1 to lMiOoine caked, thus 1 hacking the growth of th plant. The following varieties are oxesJInnt for fall sewing: Extra Early Expreiw, Early Etamwai awl Karl Winning- stadt Tlne varieties; may Im$ sown at tho name time, each variety coming to maturity in Um ordar named. Th plants should Iw ml ot tlw lost of Sj tembor or th basinniug ofOrtoWon well draimsl soil. Thr will not thme where water stands on th tirfare of the ground. Kdiirat Tour liowcls With Cascarsts. Candy Cathartic, Mire eoo(lpall terctei 0c. tu. Ii C a C fall, dru4i.l rtf u4 icoacy. mnlHIWlllttTitrtiiiiwfti Aii Excellent Combination. Tho pleasant method uno beneficial effects of the well known remedy, ivitui op Fiob. manufactured bv the OAi.ironstA Fio Sritur Co.. Illustrate he valuo of obtaining the llmilil In;. tlve principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative nnd presenting them lu tho form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It Is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, elennsing tho system eiTectuallv. dispelling colds, headaches nnd fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable qunlitv nnd sub stance, ana its acting on the klduc liver and bowels. Without wenlrnnftm or Irritating' them, mulce It the Ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to tho taste, but the medicinal qualities of the rcmcd.r are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method ltnown to the Calitohnia Fto Svnu" Co. only. In order to get its beneilelul effects nnd to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of tho Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. OAL. X.OUISVXXXS. KY. MEW YORK. K. Y. For sale by all Druggists. Price 0c. per liollle MEHAMA REUNION. Veterans of the Union Armies Will Enjoy a Week Up There Aug. 7. Mehama has become renowned as a summer reort and place for Grand Army Heunions. This year the old vets and their familiies and friends will lo there in large numlwrs. Tub Joun.VAL is asked to give notice of tho John A. Ijgans Veteran's Heuuion Association, to take place on those grounds in Meiiama August "th to hold for 0110 week. Stmw for bedding nnd wood will be furnished free. Co mo one, come all, is the invitation from the veterans. Other forage wilt haeto bo looked out for by the camp ers but there is plenty to be had. There is more Catarrh In this sec tion of the country than all other di seases rut together, and until the lust few years was supposed to be Incur able. For n gre.it many years doctors pronounced It a local disease, und pre scribed local remedies, und by con stantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional tieatiucnt. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is tho only constitutional cure on tho market. It Is taken internally In doses from 10 drops to 11 teat poonful It acts directly on the blood end mu cous surfaces of the system. They of fer one hunurec dollars for any case It falls to cure. Sonri for circular nnd testimonials. Address, F. J. CHEN BY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 85c. Hull's Family Pills are the best, Miss Ella Fleonor went to Newberg this morning to visit with Miss Hnttie Thomas for a few days, when she will go to Portland nnd spend several days with her friend Miss Milllo Hretell. To-Nlghtand To-Morrow Night, piivcach day ana night during this week you can tret at any druggist's Kemp's Halsani for tho Throut and Lungs, acknowledged to bo'the most successful remedy ever sold for Coughs. Croup, Hronchltls. Asthma und Consumption. Get a bottle to. day and keep It ulways In the house, so you can check your cold at once. Price 25c and 60c. Sample bottle free eod&w Mrs. Georga Harnhardt wont to Mc Minnvllle where she will visit friends for several weeks, when sho will go to Newport to spend the summer. Don't Tobacco iro(t timok Tour Ufa inijr. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mac netle. full of life, nervo and vUor, take No-To-Use, the nnodernorker. tint makes weak men ironc All druggists, 10c or II. Cure guaran teed. Hooklet and sample free. Address Sterling Itemed? Co, Chicago or New York. n. .....I Mr. M V Tnrlni ulin lmvn ',,.,. ... . 'M lKV" 'nh " -" - turned to tuelr noinu in roniauu tins morning. A Child Enjoys , The pleasant flavor, gentle action, und soothing fitted of Syrup of Figs, when In need of a laxative, and If the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow Its use; so that It Is the best fuuillr remedy known and every family shout) havo a bottle. Manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. Miss Minnie Niece, of Waverly, III., is in the city, visiting at the homo of her uncle F. P. Talkington She will spend the n-st of the summer in .Salem. limn n l t.?"sv..'!5' imrtllUiH"iMmv. oalrvou4lrMfsP' r,MtM luaHtrti. m.v. w. ,,& um MMi, 1 rltu lha k tar.i w t KUftMO. kIM makM ra (W. OM lakc4l' ii. 4pCtt- r(VrO-MAOfri tOI.U BtJ baK. Ar awb drtflULVIf MkfaraLTkkltIU m,patUaUr,priUuaUy 0 SI. WMtllj lri 1 lwin.HH, 1 a tt . 1 uiMf, ihuki, f mrma uawra. Br wa rmium wot Judge and Mrs T.G Hai!e, of Pen die ton, are in Halem the guests of Ak wcittto Justice and Mrs. It B Ikwin. To Car iyasiiMitiuit rrK Take Oacareu CocdV (btbartlc lUe or tU. UO.CC fall to cure, druggist retard ommt W. D. Pugb and ('. A, Gray have re turued from Oakland, Douglas county, where thov wont to look alter Mime building enterprises SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS' ll Ik ! rrpUM Ul wHI Ittiott U bair I t iu mkm1 UiU m4mm. At all araasteUJ rfcfiasi HiWiMilw r --, i f v&SZrz BS?i Firm iHTTAssssssP rv tm m & n - imj iraa -" . IBIIV-S mu. Hra mt ssssss 11 bbi ass - --- t-TmBsV uriH KERNELS. "What are you writing?" "A poem to Dewey." "Say, he's got bis Fill-o'-p.vans." "Man can't regulato himself by his tory There was Samson who lost his life because he had bis hair out, and Absolom because bo didn't," She "Have you heard tho empty Iwx story?" He "No." She "It's just as well you haven't." "They Fay bIio is a clover conversa tionalist." "Clever? .Conversationalist? Why she's brilliant. She does not even need to converse Sho can blast a reputation just by tbo way sho shrugs her shoulders." Pittstono "Those poor New Yorkers have lost their wits." Brookline "Havo they?" Pittstono Yes, Depew has gone to Washington and Choate to England." Life. Tomkins "That's a handsomo um brella vou'vo got there." "Yes, Tomkins." "About what does It cot to carry an umbrella like that." "Eternal vigilance, my good friend." Proprietor to editor "Well, tho tint 'number of our new paper looks well, butbero's one thing I don't like." "What?" "Why. this communication signed 'An Old Subscriber." Congregational 1st. Cistomor "1 want to got a dog col- hu; something handsome and showy." Dealer "Will this ono do?" "Customer "No, I'd .like Mime thing more expensive than that. You see it is my wife's dog, nnd Id like to get someone to steal It. Puck. Farmer Coruanoats excitedly) "What do you mean by calling mo a coward?" Editor Iididn't. Farmer Comanoata, showing paper "Here it is: 'Mr. Cornaboats, a tenrred veteran of the war,' und I want you to take that back, I was never scarred a bit!" Ilrnutr Ulooil Ilccp. Clean blood means a clean akin. No beauty without it. Cuscarcts, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, b) stirring up the lazy liver and driving, all inv purities from the body. Ucgin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotcliwi. blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cases rets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gilts, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, GOc. Bwt to st mimm Hate Always mvf Blgnttnrs The Pioneer, Limited. Is the name of tho only perfect train In tho world, now running every night, botween St. Paul nnd Chicago via tho Chicago, Wllwaukco tt St. Paul Hall waythe pioneer road of the West in adopting all improved facilties for the safety and eniovment of Dinsenaers. An illustrated pamphlet, showing viows of beautiful scenery along tho route of the Pioneer Limited, will 1m sent free to any porson upon receipt of two-cent postage stamp. Address Goo. II. Heaffonl, Gen eral Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. Valuable Testimony Is at hand in abundance to establish tho claim of extraordinary durability, and to prove the satisfaction experi enced by Victor riders, they do more to sell Victors than any other Item of ad vertising. A well-known gentleman said in our hearing teday: "I cannot conceive why peoplo will buy other wheels, unknown und untried, paying nearly as much for them as would buy a Victor They do not seem to realize that they spend many times the differ ence in the first cost in repairs, besides never having the satisfaction of 11 good rellahla mount." At tho samu time he showed his wheel, n " Viator," which had been subjected to the most unreas onably hard treatment, upon which not a cent had lieon hient for breakage, though ridden by a 8ccdy, heavy weight rider, over country roads, stub ble fields and ditches. "99 Victors" aro letter than ever, sold hy II. S. Gilo k Co., Insurance Hld'g.' Victor Splnrollcr's can now be had with only a few days' delay. RAZOR TAX All people are hereby notified that a tux on ltazors of '.'So for re tempering is now on and can be puld at the shop of Sim II. White and Co. at High street, opposite thu Court House. fi-20-t The Geo, M, Beeler Insurance Agency Alwuys to the front with best rates and policies In the leading companies, Employment Agency, Do you want wortc, or need help of any kind? Apply at once. Rental Agency, Property to tent, Register our agency. 288 COWMKKOIAL STKKrrr, SALHM, Tho Inter-Stato University System of Musical Instruction. K. II. 8COTr. D. M. I. MWIKNT A National (,'o-ow-ratUe Inalltollun which I binniug to nUmUr IU faculty by huudrd and its ailU by tUouwadi, Kmlitoog niura than twculy slat. For the btatfit or Pupils of I'rlvata Tearhsrs At liuui. mourn wmorjriio ruts. Certltieatr graiitat (rum a rrgularly ensr Uwi institution. .... Kiplanatlon of La system lo d.ull la tltcM rvlumiu Wateli lot it, KTTA ASDKK8-WILMMAK. Bute KirmtBI and MmUr of ths K4Wlly IHudso o?r Klrt Nailunal lUuk lldgM Oua or two uhuva upa lot a.laal pUysrs In diano qoarttL JEREY BULL. Full bloftl Jarwy, rvl for wason only f 1, 8t h. Coninr (A Thirtnlit and Confer streets, 66tf Uuans A Hon. Cdp is llsrLoj tkouiand ut vUtlms. iuw U nuiii tfeuiAkds, Vl. MUM I C&ymt&t SalDMMtSAAOsoBTeCSOBWrCWJSBypBBJSJBgpBJpjpJpJIppjpJpJIi for Infants and Children. Castoila l.s n harmless Rtibstltttto for Castor Oil, Pnro ork. Drops nnd Sootliiiipf Syrups. It is Plco.so.nt. It contains neither Opiunu Morphlno nor other Narcotic substance. It lostroys Worms nnd allays IovorlshncBs. It olnos Dtarrlurn and "Wind Colic. It rol loves Tooth ititr Troubles and cures Constipation. It vcpulates tho Stoniach und Bowels, ulvintr healthy nnd natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Cocd In Use For Over 30 TM flHTlllll co"ny, TT vumT HTHrtT. Ml THEY ALL WANTED ITT! You s e tliejr thought the bicycle hi the vlmlovr, was the only oita we find, 'flute were plenty more iimlde however, and w said 'em one each. Wecaufil vououlalu rawpord, LEUELflND, 'RESCENT. Water Prolongs Your Life, If your honso is not mtpplled with 11 Hath It ouo,ht to ls. I will mnko tbuiialvanimt iron Tank, put in tho Tub, tbo best ol Plumhliig.niMl do all kinds of tin work, Cull and ask for ostlmatoH. T. S. BURROUGHS 10:i STATKiSTUKKT rnillv ir lnftjnliv i'lh t. uminuuu mjCllUlU.l' ,.-rP H. TtU. wnnikrlul a- .JlB rerttMly Knsrtn r. w.A iutium. i'-im-hwh, -h-Ii h Vrni. F ".. - 3f Memory, Ilimdschf.U iW nil. r. U ju.hm.I. MKuily l.m.k- I ,M 8 lon. Nrvounv. Iu. . iv 1 In tJciirtUe Oritum, 0111.nl &r by vomliful erroi. eairk. vc u of Mimulunts wldcli trad lu J J inn tios.rurff.liynialli(cpild Circular free. Alldri'SgUu Take no other tlauufuclurtd by the I'eau Medicine Co,, l4tl.i'riice. Itue-UuvlM OruscCu, UlstributUiit a8cnts, -nnao awo Vamiiiu. r, l'oTtAxr. Orkgon JTOIl fe-ALB IJV D. .1. PItV, SALBM, OIlISaON.. THE OLD POSTOFFICE STABLES. JBBBBBBBBBBBBaw 'IaIbBBB BBBBBBBBBBIaBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBEW SflRMliBsH" Special rates g'ven to Commercial men. Drives iiiadu to all xluls at all hour. Olrr ur a rail and Imi tatlitlml, I'liOHf 191. Harritt & Lawrence Is thu jilaco to got Green Peas New Potatoes Steamed Ham iCiF'tmimul Ham Is snuiuth'ng delicious just thu thing. HARRITT Sl L.AIORBNOJB OMJ POflTOKKICK QKUUKKV, BBBBBBBBBBBBBfinBH9l Hi aTOl V htau. (,rtiii.ti(. Kxixinaoa foi voar from Hik. Tuition A35 imr trm a Um Term. Jnn 'JJ-Veul. 1 For eaUlotpie, BBBBBVlH'tBBBW I HaBBBBBBBBBBBBT irtsttoM Signaturo of Years. TQW Over and Over and Over Again Havo wo asserted that wo do tho tlnest laundry work In Salem; but you will havo to tost its merits In not weather to npproclato tbo fact. Your shirts, collars and cuffs, your nlquo, marsolllos, duck, crush and linen vests nnd trousers uivo ovl denco of their superior laundering when done up hero, looking just like now and keeping oloau nnd fresh longer than hy any other method known. Salem Stoam Laundry, COL, J. OLMSTKAD, l'ltOl'lt. Phono -it. MO Liberty Street. Best and largest line of Bicycles in the Gity, Car load shipments Direct from Factory PRICES: 526 to $75, We have.,.. Best Bicycle " M-WADE co. ti IMIONK IAII 1.1 ,. -.. ...ui.. .. . 112 t'HItllY HT HAI.HM, Olt. J. J. JFIDLER, proprietor. Horso Hoarded by thro Day, Week .or Month. Ktiiuillnu Tenuis, Inc. Kh ulo llerM: IO11. State Normal School MONMOUTH, OR. Training M for Toaohurs. New lliiildiugs. Now DuDarlmoiits. I'ligriulod Country Sehool Work. Graduates Secure Good Positions Htrona Coursoit. Wall Kniilpiwd Traliilni? Pojiurtinont. Kormal Coarw nulikrt and lt way to l'M to flftO: or tMXinl. $2.60 to tf pur ik. Full torni Im-kIiu feiiit. 10. Suinjnw aadroM, V. I. OAMVIlRLL, IVtU. lliiiliMlWssMiiai BUSINESS CARDS. C. fi. OlACK Dentist, Sucoeisct to Dr. J. JJ. Kctne, old Whlt Comer, Saljm, Or. Part its desiring superiol operations at moderate feet in any branch art In especial request. ALBERT A. JESSUP. Phone 1071. ROOMS 1 AND tt, OU AY II MC, SOULB BUGS. PIAKO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS rOllTLAND, OllB For Halcm and vicinity Irayo! orders at Goo C. Will's MusloUtofc. Sa OFFICE CITY HALL For water seivice apply at office. Itil't payable mohthly in advance. Make complaints at thf nfivi. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Maeti all mail an I pastenger traits. Hag. cage and express to alt parts of the cit) Prompt service. Telephone No. 70. WHITE & DLSQUK. C. H. LANB Merchant TailOp 07 STATU 8TKF.BT. CT"SulU $18 and upwards, Pants S3 nnd upward T. J.' SULLIVAN IMtAOTIOAL TAlLOIt, A nice II 110 ofgoods nnd samples on hand, Suits 615 up. I'ants $) .p, 11 pcrect tit (juaruntccd, at 4 20 tt J W RTATK BTRKKT Assay Office AND IiADOHATORT- No, 71 Chemekcta st, .1. II. 1'. TUTHIIX Aisyer, NEW MARKET TSt.te street, near tailroadi Freslictt and best meats. My patrons tay I keep the besl wests in town a Land Plaster SURD OATS, MILLFKED 1'L( J UU, HAY. LIMB. OKMKNT, LATH. J, F, GILMORE, It Hlsle and Ui otirtst. Salem Preparatory School. Hummer term nM)ns July 6, 181K). Tuition per mouth : Normal and II lull school Jl 00 Common and Hluhor Orudis It 00 Holow 7th G rath) 2 50 A. J. 0 aula no, M. A. I) 7 lm Principal. Steam Dye Works No. 105 Commercial street, opposite Willamette hotel. Ladles' and Kontlcmeo's ulothltiK eleuned, dyedt re paired and pressed, Finn blankets cleaned or dyed nnd nicely tlnlshcd. Kid gloves cleaned, lOo; dyed Platino Photos, KnhirKcinents In Crayon and Water Color, l'hotti liuttonv. Auiiitetir developing und llnishliiu neatly done. 1. J. IIHOWN, (JltOUNI) FlX)OU l.'l (.'oinuierclul St., Suluin Oregon. Canadian Facile Ry Soo Pacific Line. Travel in comiort by tho i)i 1IM Jl the fastest train crossing the continent. It is a through train making fewstops. Its equipment is of surpassing elogance. It will pay you to travel by it. For full particulars as Ut r it ten, time and copltaoru. r. it. publication ap ply 19 - .AKnt, Portland. E, J.COYLE, " , n I). V. A. Vancouver, ii, O. en water Co., IMPERIAL m nrxwm-mkim ETTA ANDEW-WILWAfr Associate Teacher Wet Ccweira toty, Kansas City, M., Njstemdi( the Inter.suie Sy(M, M ijU, Git. Orer First National mW. Jbj&t 376 Church street. StaiJio hours-a 4 tos. smKtmsaN WANTED. New today aavenissmmni te Umm or Ibm in this oolunw tMiwis um time for 25 oteH 90 ey.T Wk,vl per month. All, over tew ttesa.at sums rats. , . PLASTERING Plain and ornamental plastering. Repairing a specialty. Lcavo orders at C. T. Tltnmons, 173 Winter street. 7 8 lw FARM WANTED.rrhe undersigned want a farm of from 60 to 100 acres, will take it for cash rent or on shares. Good reference. Apply to J. 8., .care Journal Office. 7 10 lta S REWARD To the returner of my hicyclo and no quettions asked. Gentu King wheel, No. 1L(9 uken from opera houno, Stayton, Julvt and car ried ta tax No. 1,338. Mwanl Pato, Bubllmlty Ore. - 7 i2,3t WANTED At Hotel Salem, an exper ienced dinhiR room Irl. No otKer nceil apply. 7 n'at FOUND An ullpUor pocket book con taining somo valuabhs. Knouiraiat Journal olllco ahd pay for thifl noie and receive name. 7-11-IH JOHN M. PAYNE & C0-On door went of J.J. Dnlrj'TOpk'i store, ikw real estate und flreinwraftm bwinM. List your property. No wlo no charM. Notary public, Balem. ft 1&JJ.M VETERENARY. A sure colkj reray guaranteed to cure. Every stock man ought to bo mtppllcd and keep lUln caBo of emorgency. Itdoo not loow ita strongth. All kinds of veterinary husinosH attended to and calls mndo promptly. D, D. Koolcr, 380 Front street, or at feed yard 7-7 d & w 1 FOR SALE-A family driving borso nnd buggy, harness, robes' and I llorao gentle and kind, fi years old and sound as n dollar. Enquire of AV. F. R. Smith, 185 Commercial street. 717-lw LOST. A handsomo brown wattr npauial about 7 months old. Finder rotum same to E. C. Hanson's barn and l)o suitably rewarded. DETROIT HOT SPRINOS-I am la tho field again, with my pack horses, to carry you to the spnus, or any placo iu tho mountains, In the vicinity of Dottolt. I have been here soveu years, can tnko you to all the good camping, hunting, and fishing placets In thtspartof tbo mountains. Fraak Perkett, Detroit, Oro. 7 3 0w NO VACATION. MIhs Hholton will continue hor musio classes during thu summer withoutinturruption, Fupll received ut any time. Terms roan ouublo. Htuilio. 478 Front street. 0-97-lia rt"i FOR SALE. (lood baby wagon a dictionary holder almost "uefr. Schautx'H Bccond-hand storo, 107 Court Mtroot. ' HOUSE FOR RENT.-Good six room building. Call on Thos. Ilolman, 37J High street. 021 1 ROOMS, Furnishod or unfurnished, Kiuulu or in suites, dining room ad Joining, bomcliko. Second floor Cottlo Jllock. Mattlo Hutchlns, Pnip. Room 12. 5-3-t FOR SALE Good dry wood, delivered to uuy part of thu city. Price reason able. Icaro orders with Hsrrltt k Ijiwrenco or Farmera'Kecdyanl Hlfb, street. 5-JW-3 hlCYCLE PATH-lf your befcte needs repairs bring It la, vm hv tho skill und stock to kM It Mi rt olasa condition. We ory -f)l lino nf sundries and nwlwa tekl ity of enauicllng coniftd m we satisfy our patrons. Qirdmtib White, 288 Llborty stiH. HolwMi'ii block, next door to steam ,iwnky. Phono ii855. .Ht HOUSE CLEANERS - RWr that the best and cheapen orpt ... I.. .1.. ,..... f..l. ' .,. kLI paper Ih th? heavy felt atTun Jouhnal ofhee. A Neat Kitchwi With stationery wush tubs, ft good sink und bollur and hot water supply, and lino kitchen plumbing In towmw Just as Important In tbo homo m in lw Munluiry plumbing of your bath won, Wo will put Improved plumbing 1st iww buildings, or refit old ones with linwt 0111 jdumblng, or do anv Mds!, plumbing, on tho lx'st scfontiSo'BSjj!' ods, at low prices. v4 BARR&PETICL 314 COMMEKCIAL isTRMfcT. Telephone No. J7 UadqutrUrs for Serin hm, Ik liwn. Hold and poultry m und klilugles at lowest sM BAlilCM KKNOK WsKm 14 .., P" CUM Yl Tcskji u UI.4J I ruimwi. ill.tkirii. lu Triiulloss v. f fMIHM tW. a smiLbIbIsl. M. , rialw, ltlUilM!UtiU al or ici"i.a 0. a. or ut tr EshautUoti q Vi: fYt " rm otbbbbbbbbbbabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbb Im1IbbbbbbbbbbbbVsHs9EbbbbbbbbbbbV i M J . ' 5 fX t em J' J JJ J& 1? y r W. A. Wmx, s'w f Familty, o-iumi