wwsnc -yi--? yy v?1 n22x2U2SZj. uMa DYSPEPSIA "For clxTcam I wai a victim of dys pepsia In It worst form 1 iouIU eat tiottilnc bat milk toast, and ut times niykiotnuch would not retain and digest even that. Lat March I tieean taUInc CASCAKKTH and since then 1 have steadily Improtcd, until I am as well as I ever was in my life David 11 Mtmrnr Kcnark. O CANDY CATHARTIC TMADI MAAK BtOISTSMD Pleaasnt Palatable, Potent TnMe Ooo Do Oootl, Heer Sicken Wnakcn. or Gripe lit. Jjc Oc ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SI.HI.r Hm4f r.p..r. ftl.., MMtrvtl. K. T.rk. Ml Un.Tn.nAP Sol'l amljgiisrameedbr alldrno. flU" I UflU cuts to U1VKK Tobacco lliblt. O. C. T. Co's l'ASHKNGKIt BTKAtoKH pOJVLONA JL anu yr altonA LKAYE8 FOIl POIITLAND Dally oTcept Sunday at 8 a. m. QUICK TIMK AND CllEAI HATES'. Dock botwoon Stato aud 'Court Bte. M. 1'. UALOWIN, Aifent. S, C, STONE, M. D. Proprietor of Stone's Drug Stores 8VI,KM,"oUKaOX. The itoros (two In number) arc located a No. 235 and Xtt Commercial street, and are well docked with a complete line or drugs and medicines, toilet articles, perfumery, brushes ntc, etc., etc. Dlt. BTONK llailutd sonic 25 years experience. In the prac tice of medicine nnd now makes no charge for consultation, examination or prescription. Dnnnntrmmnnnnnnnnmrnnmrnnc I PERSONAL AND LOCAL: t Tor additional Ijocnl Mows see Konrtli Page. DUlUWUUiliMilUUUUuUUUMliWWlQ Hoy HNhop spent Sunday ut Lufuv ette. Mrs. A. Muir wont to Portland this morning Mrs. Fred Haas is in llillsboro visit ing fricjxdj. .Superintendent Lee's household ufTectH have arrived. Mrs, G. G. Gum, bus gone to Portland to visit flit'lllls. J. E. Eastham wont to Lincoln this morning on businuss. h. G. Shafer, of Stuyton, was in the city today on ImihIiichs. Mrs. l'reil Lookloy Jr. has gone to Portland to visit friends. Mrs. U. L. Llowollyn liai gone to Portland for n visit with friends. Mrs. J. S. Ilichnrdson and fainllv left for Portland to visit with friends. W. T. Whitnioro, of Joliot, 111,, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. At wood. U.K. Giltnor and Miss Giltner, arc at St. I Iolens,t for several weeks of recroa tion. Andrew MoFarluno has gono to Port land to accept a position at working at his trade. Miss Eva Wontworth has returned from Warm Springs, where she has boon teaching school. Mrs. J. O. Gollra, who has been visit ing her parents, Dr. J. Heynolds, has returned to her homo. Mrs. Cyrus 11. Woodworth and son, of Dayton, Wash., aro visiting in Salem with friends uud relative. Miss Clara Xowby lias gono to Port land where sho has uccopted a position and will remain all summer. When dizzy or drowsy AM'fl PlM.8. tako nHHCii- Will Cooper "and t Fred C. Donham, both of Portland, made a night run to Salem from Portland, arriving Sunday morning at 2:20. Pimples, noils and humors show that the blood Is Impure. Hood's Har saparllla Is the best blood purlllerthut money can buy. 'What might have been" Is the sad rellectlon of thousands or con sumptives. One Minute Cough Curo cuies coughs and colds. Stone's Drug Stores. Mrs.C. Ijuighhoud and daughter Maude were returning passengers to Port luud this morning aftor having visited with Mrs. II. K. Chapman in this city. DoVtTsbacro spit and Smoke Your Utt Ansy. To quit tebaaso eaalljr and forerer. bemair uetlc. full of life, nerve awl vUr, take No-To-Hac, the wonder-worUer. that uiaka weak men strouf. All drogKlsta.SOoorll. OureBuaran teed, llooklet awl sample free. Address Bterllne ItemeUy Ca, CUUbeo or New York. Miss IMla Donnelson, of SMney ; Miwi Jessio Ctwle, of Hosoilale; Samunl John Mil and David Qutnu, of Scott's Mills, were granted diplomas for iissiiig a satinfactory examination. jAa. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature la strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered dlgest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In eXciency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlckHeadache.Gastralgla.Crampa.and all otber results of Imperfect digestion, Prepared by C. C D Witt 4 Co-. Cfclcoao. & $150,000,000 RepresentsEarnings Since the Close of the Spanish War. The Government' Will Also Pay Out Six Millions in IntcroBt on Bonds. Few York Special: Tho great financial institutionsof Wall street and tho other monetary centers of tho country have begun the disburse mentof over flCO.OOO.OOO in dividends and interest earned during tho period of uiiprecedented.thrift that has followed tho Spanish war. A much greater sum has actually has been put in circulation or will be during July. It is estimated that New York alone will disburso $100,000,000, while IJastou will pay out $20,000,000, Philadelphia $15,000,000 and Chicago $5,000,000. Interest will become due and payable on bonds which have a faco valuo of $3,100,000,000, and Btocks the par valuo of which amounts to $1,(500,000,000. On these securities tho interest will be about $95,000,000, us compared with $85,000,000 last July, $78,000,000 in tho July preceeding, and $70,000,000 in 1895. In addition, the government will pay out $5,095,528 on the 4's of 1907 and $708,052 on the bonds of the District of Columbia. PAYMKNTS HAVK IIKOU.V. It is impossible tocstimatethe amount paid out over tho counter in Wall street on Saturday, though it was com paratively a small sum. Ina majority of cases the payment of a dividend was purely a matter of bookkeeping, the amount being caedited to tho account of the payee. Tho coupons on bonds will in a majority of cases be collected by tho banks, while a majority of big cor porations will mail checks to their stock holders. This is the practice of tho American Sugar Kellning company, which will pay out $1,750,000 Jn divi dends. Tho scenes on Saturday were in strik ing contrast to thoss of the July of the free silver campaign of William J. Ilryan. Tito kown disbursements on that day were less by $25,000,000 than those yesterday. It is ustimated that about $10,000,000 of this nioiioy will boBpent by summer tourists in foreign countries. It will be paid out for gout at Carlsbad and for roulette at Monte Carlo. EUllOl'K WILL SUM) IT IIVCK. It is gratifying to know, howover, that most of tho money eventually will como back by reason of the conditions of in ternational trade. I'ngland, which can not hold her gold, owing to tho great balance of trado in our favor, has had to liuiko secret arrangements with Wall street bankers to ship specie this sum mer in defiance of the condition of tho foreign exchange market. A Child Enjoys Tlio pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing eUcct of Syrup ol Figs, when In need of a laxative, aud If the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most, gratifying results follow Its use; so that It Is the best family remedy known and every family shoud liitvo.i bottle. Manufactured by tho Cali fornia Fig Svrup Co. Valuable Testimony Is at hand in ubuudauco to establish tho claim of extraordinary durability, and to prove the satisfaction experi enced by Victor riders, they do more to sell Victors than any other item of ad vertising. A well-known gentleman said in our hearing teday: "I cannot conceive why peoplo will buy othor wheels, unknown and untried, paying nearly as much for them as would buy u Victor. They do not eeem to realize that they spend many times the differ once in the first cost in repairs, besides nover having the satisfaction of a good rcliublo mount." At the same time ho showed his wheel, a "00 Viator," which had l)een subjected to tho most unreas onably hard treatment, ti)on which not a cent had leen spent for breakage, though ridden by a speedy, heavy weight rider, over country roads, stub bio fields and ditches. "99 Victors" aro hotter than over, sold by II. S. Gilo A Co,, Insurance Hid g." Victor Spinroller's can now be had with only a few days' delay. Notice. Ofllce of tho secretary of State, Sa lem, Oregon, Juno 24, 1899. Notice is hereby givon that the State Hoard of Agriculture having, in compliance with an Act oi the iwomiuin ivogisuurve AsNJinbly tiled In tlte ollice ot tlio nkj rotary of State Fobruary 23d, 1899, deeded to the State of Oregon the lauds known as the "Stato Fair Grounds," tho appropriat ion of $7,000 for the jwy ment of the warrant lniometine of ' xaid htnte Hoard of Agriculture inmed prior to February 2!5.1, 1809, proiwrly en-1 dorsad, warants, will be issuwl on the i Statu Treasurer to the oxtent oi tlio appropriation. Interest will not m ' low ett alter tins naie. r. i uuuimr, ( Secretary of State. In accordance with the aboo notice, holders of all warrants i of tho Oregon" State Hoard of Agrwul-1 turo ilated prior to February 3S1, 18W9 i are hereby notified that the same will) I i'iTii fiiii ifiiMinil III I Doputuoii presentation anno omtw n , , ,, , ,,..!, i ,. the ftcretary of State, or at the ofllce of , W. Kene, formerly of this city.b.it now the undersigned, and that intorout willlof Metlfunl, has Ixten upiintwl as J-or- eofltm aftor this dnto. J. II. Allmrt, S,ltur0efthe Orttfc'0,,S,atHl5Oo20.tfIr I"- rUer 6 outtng for ('kreiM'C Farewell Surprise On last Prklay night a pleasttnt stir prise was planned by the friends of Mr. ...! Vn T I InuL-urvii nt tlin lKinit of Mil'. .. w. VHVn..r.., . - -- r. 1 l?rvj Int. nnrtli nltiiun ltfnnt ' jir. .. .'i'i j" .. ... . .-.., ...,.w( tl.air lauarluni tn tliuir hou- Ikome at Warm Spnnga Indian Agwu-y. The af fair was well arranged and a gojd jclal ' tune was had. It will -be long romwn- - berwl by all present. Social enjojment Mi Jophine Duttun, on. -f the of all kinds were had after wUwh d-! operators at the antral oltW in the N Uions luiuh was served ami all went lem office of the Oregu T.lgraj.h awl home happy. TIojirmt were: Mr. T4phon Company's w taking and Mrs. Goodrwli. Mr and .Mrs. J. J. Newiiiyre, Mr. ami Mrs. Joltn Huak, Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Clark. Mr. ami Mrs. K.I It. Ryan, Mr. and Mm. litter, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. JackKMi, 31 r. Jofew Hyan. Mr. Hun, C Clagjtt, H Wii4Uy, Mtsesre Jtob awl Ua Clark, awl tie Mis Kffa and May Huan'sW : Mr. Uo. Seayy ami Mhs JiOttM t'k. No-To-twia tor VUlf Cents. OululUnl Intniin h.ak.1 mm null a WM wgjiiStiWi(inriii'jirriiiiwTtnif .fttfiWfrttCttl mp mm An Excellont Combination. The pleasant method una beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Svihji- or Fias, manufactured bv the UAMFOHNIA i'io syiiup l'o.. illustrate ho value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plnnUs known to be modloinnlly lnxatlve and presenting them iu tlio form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one nerieet Htivnirthnnlnir Invu. tlvc, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches aud fevers gently yet promptly and enublingone to overcome hnblttial constipation per manently Its perfect freedom from every oftjectionublo minlit and sub stance, nnd its acting on tlio kidneys, liver nnd bowels, without weakening or Irritating them, make It the Ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs arc used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the romctlr are obtained from senim nnd other tiromatie plants, by a motliod known to tho Califoiinia Fio Syhu" Co. only. In order to get its beneficial citccts nnu to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAI LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW VOHK, N. V. Tor sale by all DtuKclsts. Price 50c. perbotlle Commitments. Henry Koilo was brought to the asy lum from Haker county. He is -18 years old ami a native of Tyrol. John Koberts nnd Kd. G. Hoth were brought from Portland to tho pun, tho former for two years and the latter one year. A marriage license was issued to C. A. K. Shepherd and Miss Millie M. Down ing and Alvio Smith aud Miss Maudo Fider. W. T. KUis was brought up from Multnomah county to the asylum last night. He is 50 years of age. --- Apt Quotations. Proverbs, axiom and wise sayings have been uttered by Confucius uud other wise men from time Immemor ial, but few people realize how many there arc of them, C. I. Hood & Co., of Sarsaparllla fame, have over two thousand aud they liavo originated the Ingenious plan or serving them up in dclectablo sliupu in thousands or newspaperr, with ouch ono neatly turning a point, as to tho merit or their well known medicine. The ex tensive ue or these proverbs Is or iginal and creditable to Hood & Co. 1 Bears tn , ll Kind Yw llau Alwjs BwgV The Pioneer Limited, Is the name of the only perfect train in tho world, now ruuuluir every night. Iwtweon St. Paul and Chicago vfa the Chicago, Wilwaukco k St. Paul Hall way tho nlonocr road of tho West in adopting all improved facllties for the safety mid enjoyment of passengers. An illustrated pamphlet, showing views of beautiful scenory along tho routo of the Pioneer Limited, will he sunt free to any Orson upon receipt of tup-cent jiostage stamp. Address Geo. II. II oaf ford, Gen eral Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. W. M. Plymalo wont to Portland via steamer this morning on his way to Den ver, whoro he will reside. Northern Pacific Railway. The only lino to tho Yellowstono Na tional Park, At this season of the year tho scenery along this popular routo is especially line. Fast time and no change of cars from Portland to St, Paul. Tourist passengers not desiring to change cars at Portland can take through car for St. Paul at Salem. Hear in mind wo also sell West bound tickets. Anyone here wishing tofurnish tickets to rolathos or friends In the Hast can order same through us uud the tiokoU) will bo telegraphed to party at Kusturii point. See the agents, Thomas, Watt & Co. 7-7-tit 227 Commercial St. Aldormau and Mrs. K. P. Walker drove over to MeMiuuville Saturduy, uud returned Sunday evening, after sow ing thtt editorial excursionists. Mr. Walker rojrts Hue driving, magnificent crops, and a inot enjoyable visit. Ladies Can Wear bhocs, One size smaller after using Allen's Foot-Base, a powder to bo shaken into Mm cl.ruia It. tiinkoa Milit. or new iiinnc fl Ani.v cl vah InatiiiiL relief to .,nunnrt himinns. It's the ureatesL comiort discovery of tho age. Cuios swollati feet, blisters and callous nt- Allen's FooL-fJaso 14 u certain oure for ingrowing nails, sweating, hot, aching feet At ull druggists ana snoesixires, 05c. Trlul paokago FRKB by mall, AiMrRg. Allen H. Olmsted. Lo Hoy, j y ' . (MurejH.e Keen, a brotlwr of Dr. J t Hnnior ami ammjnwl a stotKm on the It will lH-anue on m tlrMlf with jam btbr 7m teulimvr if. rau " m far lotttno, ulHUou.aliuM, UMll tla. pr!At riB.9 u, wivyu, f v IO.I blci ..t- ,. 4KM f OB .(fBAf IMOOO inb.ftllh, tmd9tUt. Tlt-IIAL'rrm wirtd Lsr 111 Voack f r at. T II Jta it own dmrvUI s . .. .f.n..Vl .i.... ftt&a til .ti.i.tl. trml.tbtlT OH . Ml, l, w... wa.wi '"'' " ' rvr.ti-4 to tur. or r.riii oimmt nut m ti t m SmiiuI, I - T vamtionat her homo in IwlejMW- denc. SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS' Hmi Drome sussf Somlo Ctenor. Af ttv. l; intntiui tbt will iriiolk.Uii I la iu tntau bwUI caublMt. AtU il4tult-1 H"-rf SFLSBBBBBBF "5 t' nssrr BU1UKL .B W m.r' W utw vf". Ill i ilwiia. ' b.rf. m H i a w . mr- Km L. TSSjV U o zrrm sfiim i fA riMt l iB' sfiu. iiii'ttini ii ili rum i.suj A Cititen on the Philippines. Kb. Journal' Some weeks ago, tho Kpworth Herald gave an exannilo of old time advertisements that run something like this "For sale Ono negro man Tom 25 years of age, sound In limb and body, price $1000. Ono bright mulatto girl ago 18, pleas ing of faco and figure, prico $1500." This reminds us that only a few years ago w e were buying and selling and en slaving our fellow creatures. We have got oor this. This idea of doing things was shattered to pieces at Shllo, Gettys burg and a hundred other battle fields of our great war. Just recently our great captain Dewey was reported to have said, "Wo should not sell the Philippine islands but keep them." This sentiment was scattered over tlte country by both Republican and Dem ocrat papers, and held to lie a very wise saying: Our kidnapping and soiling human Iwings is past, but wo still claim tho right to kidnap aud soil a nation of leople. True, we can not hold tho in dividual for this other idea. "That once a Briton always a Hriton" or that one could not change his citionship. was shot to pieces in tho war of 1812, but wo contend for the right to control and placo' our favorijes in ollice over any people mat wo think does not come up to our standard of advancement, and as we believe ourselves to be a Httlo the smartest people on earth, as soon as convenient wo intend to tako the earth, and if the inhabitants don't like it they can inovo off or emigrate to some other planet. F. Ilrntitr la Illooil Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin, No beauty without it. Cascarcts, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood nnd keep it clean, bv stirring up tho lazy liver and driving nil iin- I mi it lea from tho body, liegin to day to lanish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking CaRiarcts, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 00c. Shipping in Cherries. Tho Allen cauneiy at this oint ex pects to receive large shipment of choice cherries from Eugene and other points up the valley for canning purposes. Our consignment was received Saturday. - To -Night and To-Morrow Night, pnvcach day ana night during this week you can get at any druggist's Kemp's Halsam for tho Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to bo 'the most successful remedy over sold for Coughs. Croup, Hronchltls, Asthma and Consumption. Get a bottle to. day and keep It always In tho house, so you can check your cold at once Price 25c and 50c. Sample bottle free cod&w 'IOOAY'3 MAKKBT. PoitTiA.ND July 10. Wheat 59: Walla Walla, 57c. valley Flour Portland, $2.80; SuHrllno $1M5 per hid. Outs Wlitto 42 Hie. Hay Timothy $8Q$9jer ton. Hops lli:)c; old cnip ()c. Wool Valley. lfiGSHto; Kastern Or egon. 8 12. .Mohair, 27 !t0. Mlllstuff Hran, $17; shorts, $18, Poultry Chickens, mixed, fll.&OQl.OO turkeys,, live, i:ii:i)Jc. Kggs Oregon, 17 per dor.. Hides Green, suited (10 lbs, HtJOc. under (W lbs, 7jJ8ii, ; sheep pelts, 1520c. Onions 7rcQ90 iwr sack. Hutter Host dairy, 10l'.o; fancy creamery, -juo per roil. Potatoes $1.75 to $2.25 for old Q$2,00 to ?-'.L' lor new. Hogs Heavy dressed 5(30 Mutton Weathers 4)ijC; dressed, 89 Heef Steers. $1.00Q$U0; cows, $!I.(K) (3$1.00dresKl, 77K Veal dressed, tlQ8c. SALEM MARKET. Wheat 18. Wool Hie, Mohair JlOe. Oats I0u. Hay Haled, cheat, $11.50 Kggs, 16 Flour In wholesale lots 2.fi0 retail $3.00. .Mlllstuff bran $10.00 Hogs dressed, fijife. Live cattlu 21(3lJo. Bheoir $2.60$;i. Dressed Veal lll(0. Hutter Dairy lOo creamorv 20c. Poultry Snrlnir chickens i'Ma. Hens 8 to 9 cunts. Mark II. Suvage and her sister, Miss Ida Hrowu, who has huuu visiting hur, left this morning for Hungor, Me,, to sjiund the summer. KriurateTour Iloivsls With Uascarvts. Candy Ratliartlc. cure constipation forerei l(c,S5c. It 0.C.0 fall, druvelstsrof una inouoy RAZOR TAX All people am hereby notified that a tax on Razors of u for retumpuring is now 011 aud can ho paid at the shop of Sim 11. White ami Co. at High street, opposite tho Court House. 5-20 -t The Geo, M, Becler Insurance Aecncv - Always to the front with best rates and policies In the leading companies. Employment Agency, Do you want wortc. or need liolp of any kind? Apply at once. Rental Agency, Property to rent. lUiflstor our ageuoy. 28d Commhkoiai. Sthhiit, SAI.U41. Tho Inter-Stato University Systom of Musloal Instruotlon. K. II. BCrr. I), M l'KHIDH.T AN atiaoal (w)jrill lDilitolln ntntf lit hUmLr (Lm fkMtlLy hv I liwlanioj; Iu numi IU (m)! (Mimlre! imlreu aad it puuIU lor lbu4tM. 0aD twtlv slattM. f. t - r-rw,-- - t -nv .--. i- HtabMeiBK mat ror iw inetH ui PuijU ofl'i lrt Trlitr At Ifuw. KHatTH Muoi.Airtio rrua. OrijAeatM trrfcRtel from a rUHlarljr rkar Url latUtHtffiu. Hifcltla of b rUin la (IMall In (llM dlHWDS Waijah tor U. HrTA AJpflRf-WJI.UMAN. .-. ..-j. male KBi.rwfoiaiiTe aMi Merapvr mi !' Vtaullr Ktmtita m Hi.! Kattunat t tlfi Nslht tfktikllMir,. Obo or two vut oiu for a4ll t4aMS w pUoft qoartvt. JERSEY BULL. Pull bkd Jerimy, rviM for kkuob only $1, it ah. Oornw of Thirtiwiiht ami Cetr Utwi. bbi Ukoitn A m . i. ,i.,i , .... .iTl, I'nTMrafiirriiniiiMiJiriiiiittiiifMrntiiniriifiifaiililiii isTiiiiiii vnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i in isssswmsmwwmhmw mSBBBBBmVV SBBBBbHsBBBBbW SBBBBBBs! BMmI SBBBBBBBBBBsi B MtBB SBBBBBsl SBBBBsV H for Infants nnd Children. Cnstovla i n Jmrmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Pnrc Korlc, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It eontaliiK neither Opium, Mornlilno nor othor Narcotlo substance. It destroys "Worms nnd allays Fovorlslincss. It cures Dlarrluuti nnd "Wind Colic. It relievos Teeth ing Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates tho Stomach uud Bowels, irlvintr healthy and natural alcep. Tho Children's, Panacea Tlio mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho . TUT CtWT.UH eOMP.WT, TT r W.f THEY ALL WANTED IT!! You are they thoucht (lie hlcycle In (lie vrlmlow, was the only one we liail, Tlirte were pltuty more inside however, amt w sold 'cm oue each. WccauAt vuu out alio WITH A RflWFORD, LEUELflND, 'RE5CENT. (Jay7UC(i KiMAiw&y. jj;!fcK1Jc-i' '"I ' '' i'i ' I " " "i ' 8 "(EIKXVWWT :ia. tw 5 .1 r?y'! -orv- cko. Water Prolongs Your Life. If your house is not supplied with a Hath it ought to Imi. I will make the galvanized Iron Tank, put in the Tub, the best of Plumbing, mid do all kinds of tiuwoik. Call and iihk for estimates, T. S. BURROUGHS 10.1 (JTATKiSTIlKKT r,7 I . . rrnn-jy ,u.iintri. 1 ill 11 r llocithi.Hal loili, Nrtwil.il rM i'i,. lie 1 1 J1. '. "V""'". ,lW' 'I !"' i'i uinrauv Ononis, rmt, l.y -oiitlifiil criiH.. ut.,. u.r 'fMUHHUni wlnih le4l ij liifirinlly r liiwiiiiy. c u U curried mi xtM pwki i , Vr 7?;X for hruul 'WMl' tlnular fro. All tlrunBl, TnU uooditr. MjiiuUured by Hie Hiuu MttlleluCo.,J4rl.l'ruiiic. S,auc-Iavl.t UruKCo.iIittlbutlDja(cnl, tUIKD AND YAMHILL Hm , I'OKTLASD, OSKOON irOH SALE UY I). ,r. FItV, SALEM, OKISUON.L THE OLD POSTOFFICE STABLES. ssssssssiiji-- "ssssssssssssssssR jSsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssBsssisW J ssssssssssssssssssVTsssssisssssssssssssssssssssssssssH Special rates g'von to Commorclal men. llrlvi-a i.isdo lo all iwlitt at all (lours. Olve iu a call ami Imi Ufll, 1'hone W. Harritt & Lawrence Is thtt pluce to gut Green. Peas New Potatoes Steamed Ham IVfitiKimwi Ham la Miiiwth-ng delicious just the thing. HARRITT Sl LAIIIRENCB OM I'OHTOKPIOK OKOOKItV, Mate CertiNiate. hxK)iiMfH year from fltt) to fl(K); or board, tKO lo fS tr nreek. Tuition !2ft ixr term o I1.11 u twks Full twin begin Kei.l 10 Summer lerin, Jiiiib 27-rwpt For eUIgiie, aililres. 1. I. OAMI'IIKI.L. Prs rV A Wakk.Ivv olFsiully. si lUml Sicrnaturo of Over 30 Years. M0lHT Ulllt, MHWtOUX CITY. IJjT" m Over and Over and Over Again Have wo assorted that wo do the finest laundry work lu Salem: but you will have to test its merits in not weather to uppiooluto the fact. Your shirts, collars and cuffs, your nhpie, marseilles, duck, crush and linen vests and trousers give evi dence of their superior laundering when done up here, looking just liko now and keeping clean aud nvsh longer than by any other method known. Salem Stoam Laundry, COL. J. OLMHTKAU, PKOl'lt. Phono 41. 2:t0 Liberty Street. Best and largest line of Bicycles in the Gtty, Car load shipments Direct from Factory PRICES: $25(o $75, Wo have..,, Best Bicycle R, M, WADE d CO. n 1'IIONK ISII fill.). il, , W,M ,, I '.iai y '-'"". " .. f-M .W mi Hum, N((lilly I mi 02 FHKUY HT HAI.KM, Oft. J. J. FIDLER, proprietor. Horsos liourdod by thoo Day, Week or Month. Klandlng Teams, 15o. b'lnglc lltirwj 10a. State Normal School MONMOUTH, OH. Training Sehrtol for Teachers. New Huildlngs. New Deiwrtmenl. Uugrudwl Cuntry Swhwil Work. Graduates Secure Good Positions, Strong Course. WeU Jfciulppwl rminlng DtipartiJiwit. Kurmul ('onrsv iitik'kwwt hih! beot wuv to 4tr,i.MitM'iltiUlti filWW tMxwitmtMammlmUtmUSBIilmm 1) US1NESS CARDS. O. JHL HIACK IDenttet Sucoesser to Dr. J. M. Keene, old While Corner, Sabm, Or. Parties desiring superiot operations at moderate fees in any branch an In especial request ALBERT A. JESSUP. Phone 1071. ItOOMS 1 AND 3, OKAY ULK. SOULE JiUOS. PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS 1'OUTIiAND, Oltli For Halein and vicinity a Will's Music Btore. lcavo onlcrs at Geo Salem Water OFFICE CITY HALL' For water seivice Jtpply t oflke. Ilrt' payable monthly In adrance, Make complaints at the riT.-.i. CAPITAL CITY Express and Tfansfei Meets all mall and pauengor tralui.. llsg. age and express to all parts uf the ch 'tompt service. Telephone No. 70. WHITE & DISCUE. O. H. LANB Merchant TailOr 07 STATU HTIUXT. 7811114 $13 nnd upwards, Pants $3 nnd upward. T. J. SULLIVAN I'ltACTIOAli TAlLOIli A nice lino of goods and suinples on hand. Suits 915 up, Pants ." ,p, u pcrect tit guaranteed, at 4 tl tf 1 10 HTATK BTlttlKT fissay Office AND IiABORATOnY. No, 71 Chcmckcta st, .1. II. T. TUI'IIILL Aiuyer, en NEW MARKET 'St.te street, near railroad Freshest and best meats, My patrons say I keep the liesi treats In town a 3 Land Plaster HERD OAT8, MILL FEED FLO U It, HAY. LIME. CEMENT, LATH. J, F. GILMORB, 61 male amino uiirtst. Salem Preparatory School. Hummer term noons July f. 1801). Tuition per month : Normul and 1 1 Igh sohool (I 00 Common and Higher Grades . II (X) Helow 7th U ratio 2 BO A. J, (Uhi.anii, M. A. (I 7 lm Principal. Steam Dye Works. No. 105 Coininoreul street, nppostto Wlllauiotto hotel. Ladles' nnd gentlemen's clothing cleaned, dyed, re paired and pressed. Flno liliinkcts cleaned or dyed ind nicely tlnlshcd. Kid gloves oleuucd, lUo; dyed afic. Platino Photos. Enlargements In Crayon uud Wnlor Color. Photo Hiittonw. Aimitciir dnvcloplng uud llniililug noiilly done. I'. J. IlilUWN, UllUUNI FlX)OI 411 Commeroliil Ht , Kutuui Oregon. Canadian Pacific lly Soo Pacific Line, Travel in comiort by tho fc. . . i ins mm the fastost train crossing the continent. It is a through train making few stops, Its equipment is of surpassing elegance. It will pay you to travel by it. Fur full oartloulurs an to ratos, time anil coprw of 0. P. U, publications rp ply to ii.ii.Auom1. .Agent. Portland. K. J COYLK, I). P A. Vancouver, 11. 0. IMTWHWATK ETTA ANDEPTS-WILMAN Associate Teacher Western Consetva tory, Kansas City, Ma., refrasentlnj the lnter.sCalo Syitem, a( Salem, Ore. Over First National fcuiV. UraiJenc 376 Church street, Smaio houn-o to tos. STNNNJMsT4r I WANTED. Now today artvoruejr lour Unas or less in tab columa Inserted tnre Umoa for 25 eta, SO ote, a woek, 111 per month. All over lour Unes at amo rata. PFS5LKh-'a ornamental V--.""1?' ."eJB-nniL specialty, r White; i'S" Til?3 .louniai uiuce. 7i'n i-..:p .. sua V west of J. J. Dalrvmnln'. .. af 1 Lis v,,,",ifT '"' baVtaS Notary p,,Vlic!,8ic,n.U'B,Un0flC,lSTm VETEUENARY.-A,uw cello nmeilr guapintectl to cure. Every stock mrin ' ought to 1W supplied nnPkco? " In case of eniorgcncy. It does not loma ts strength. All kind"of veTerKy business attended to "ui calls made promptly. I), n ifiwi? 380 Front street, or a feed'prd. ' . 7-7 d & w 1 n FOK SALE - A family drlvhiK hors'l mul buggi-, harness, roVs imi Home gentle and Kind. 8 years old an. sound as a dollar, ihiquiroof W 1'. H. Smith, 185 Commercial street. 7-7-hr ?. 7i 1 ""'wmo brown water' spanlalubotit? months old. Finder return same to E.G. Hansen's barn and lie suitably rewarded. DETHOIT HOT SPRINOP-I nm"h. tho Hold again, with my mck horses, l(nCttriy0" l0 l,MJ I'nnpt w any placo 11 0.o mountains, in the vicinity of Detiolt. I have bvon hero seven jkmb. w, IUK you to all tlio good camping, hunting, and fishing pfaces 1" I .1" m of ,,,e mountains. Frank --. .......... H Ul ,l(1,- J1, Perkett, Detroit, Ore 7 3flw NO VAOATION.-Miss Shulton will continuohor music classes during the Hummer without Interruption, Pupils received nt any time. Terms reai onable. Studio. 478 Front Btreet. 0-27-lm I'OIt SAI.L. poojl baby wagon and dictionary holder almoit new. bchuutx'a Seoond-liand store, J07 Court street. U?V$$ V01l BNT.-Gooil six room" building. Call on TI109. Ilolman, 870 High street. 6 sit HOpMS, Furnished or unfumlshoil, Binglo or in suites, dining room ml lolnlng, homelike. Hecond floor Cottle 1 ock. Mattio Ilntchliis, Prop. Iloora - 6-3-t I'OU SALE-Ocod dry wood, dollvortHl to any tnjrt of tho city. Price reason, able. Ijiivo orders with Harritt A Lawrence or Farmers' Feed yard High, street. 6.20-3m IUUYOLE PATH-ir your bicycle nol ropalrs bring It in, wo have tho skill nnd stock to keep It In first class condition. We carry a full I no of sundries and make & special Ity of enameling como and soo ui wc 1 satisfy our putrons. Oordner & Whlto, 288 Liberty utieot. Holnjnn' block, next door to sUani laundry, Phono 2855, 1.20't HOUSE CLEANERS -Iteniember that tho best aud cheapest curjnit puporlH tho heavy felt paper sold at ThkJouknai, ollice. 20-tf A Neat Kitchen With stationery wash tub, a good sink and boilur and hot wator sjupply, mid flnu kllclinn iiliiinltlii In iraiieraliM just us important lu the homo aryjilthrt"; mmltury jiliiniblng of your llh 'Toon-, t e win put nnprmon piumiung.in new iiiiiiiings, or rout 01a ones wv inu, fluent onon iilumbiiiL' or do any klnd'of piiiiiiomg, on me iKM 1 sviunima mcwii ods, at low prices BARRdPETZIL 3(4 COMMERCIAL STREET. Telephone No. J7 , -, ., ..- .. r- . i" .,& ii - Headquarters for Scrwn Doors, Itelj J Lawn. Hold and txniltry fcuw -jr and shingles at lowest prktu. SA.CICM KltNOB WORK, WALTMMoH-PfPi ?rup, tttrcel 14 n cuw ss sun;. Ubf Urtu, biiVm. 1 TrrlUtliiu. rt elH4 , Cm VIS lr aaasiyrM- ' il MMtOIIS WIWV'! t.f uutaut .swajwwi d.,..u H.W4IM, I'atalM. ft 'ww OlU CitCo. S"1 w w"8j or Wl I fil ; iiwi mm otbw n . .rrv.T' 11 iu, r , .wvia tl,-uur u P R BBJ Little Mon and Wowr V And Babyland Magailnes Imve bee rowhinwl a 32-iMigo book and tlm ! WUCKU KKOM t tO 00 CKW A ills a splendid magw IW iiren irom two to m ymra Wa want tho nuniaa wJ4 '. of mothiri ol ohlldr rfsJWf nn.l fn m flu 1 Ml rWvWjlt tltllMI will send the B)fR W y vxar ruxK. ill f''4 sy 1 iiii""T,-"w"ii,j.n UCSs s:&mLtM ijsssssr 1 inn ssj ,B U 1 ulj.f. V JIJbW q.m..im4 jQ STSbBT kAA la UmI tTwitiicEfisi wsssmsisosxi'v sj3I Little Men tnd Wqhwh CT&M i:a n dS iH m i'l l V . scifUia ptW.'tuft aOc, IL At) teif (lt- Ml aOc.lt.