The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 08, 1899, Image 1

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J Tho Dally Journal's largo olroula-
tlon Is no accident. It's tho result of J
high quality and low price.
0 Lntast Aasoolatl rYa tl- 1
Editorials make The Dally Jour- f
2 nal.
0 159.
Have You Figured it Out?
Do you know what it costs you for a
few week's time as an accommodation
at a credit store? There's only one way
to find out. Compare prices at the
r -
Cor. Commercial and Chemeketa Sts.
With the prices you've been paying for
the same quality of goods. Then you'll
know. Spot cash explains our low
prices. We have no "special leaders"
and no "special sales." It's the best
possible value in every article in the
store. Come in any day in the year
and get your money's worth.
Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store,
E. T. BARNES, Prop.
Of the Returning Vol
They Will Be Mustered Out
at San Francisco.
Will - Be Landed From the Transports
at Portland.
rH I IT" mi -
! S
Red Cross Shoes
Our hospital and nurse Shoes,
also Oxfords, have arrived. Try
a pair if you want soild com
fort. Our big Shoe sale is still
onwe are cutting prices right
and left we buy our goods 10
per cent, cheaper than inexper
ienced opposition, hence can
and do easily undersell them.
Ktausse Brothers5
. 275 Commercial St.
- " -
LACY i J - ' ' "
Per Cent Reduction
On All Shoes,
Wo nro not
we SAY
DEAD. we Do,nn
.t making Low I'rlcca on Dead Stock, and blowing about it us u marvel,
Din we u ru
Hewing down u clean, live stock, level with tho dirt which in associated
with cheap prices.
Every tjhoo in tho house subject to tho 20 por cent reduction.
(JoikIh marked in plain ll res.
I Originator of Low Prloos.
Wo Shine thorn Free.
w&Af& NEW snOE STOTlJi5
y Vi BiAiR siiir.r.i.
fcWh. at. -.WWwWwWWw.WtewWWW
Arthur Elder, of Stay ton, was in town
Miss Nellie Croaker has returned to
E. C. Oiltner left today for tho Atliu
Mining district.
Henry lirown, of Dallas, wuh in town
this afternoon.
Mrs. F. l Davis wont to Portland on
tho earl train.
A. A. Kueskern has gone to Oregon
City to visit relatives.
Mrs. Allen, of Kola, was visiting
friends in Salem today.
Judge N. W. Garritson returned today
from a Portland visit.
Mrs. V. B. Morse started for Alaska
on this morning's overland.
"Uncle John" Hoofer, tho Champoeg
capitalist, was in the city today.
0. Beers, of Mission Bottom did husl
netw at the county beat today.
John Whitney, a prosperous Wood
burn farmer, was in town today.
Miss Jessie Oreighton has returned
from an extended Portland visit.
Guy C. Miller, a Salem boy, ban re
turned from a short visit at Spokane.
J. W. Apple and family, of Stayton,
left this morning for Eastern Oregon.
A. A. Crawford, of Crawford's landing
spent several days in Salem this week.
Mls Ida Mowey, who has been visit
ing Mrs. J. Holm, has returned to Moro.
Mrs. Ueo. M. Peebles has gone to
Oregon City to visit with Mr. and Mrs.
R, A. Miller.
Mlsa Anna Butler, who has been vis
iting with Mrs. Skipton, returned to her
home in Corvallis Friday oening.
Supt. C. II. Ashbury, of the Indian
training school at tho North Yakima,
Washington, Indian agency, was in Sa
lem yesterday.
The Salem Military hand last evening
after their regular street concert gave
Mr. ami mt, r.imer uoisingcr an en
tirely unexpected serenade.
II. Gibson, of Prineville, an old friend
of Col. Wands, of Fruitland neighbor
hood, spent a day at Salem.
Albert Gardner, the jewelry artist with
Sherni Thompson, left today for a two
wreks Cubing trip 'n the uallooia
Kx-SherifT John Knight ami family
spent tho day in town.
John Heldecker and 0. C, Iteoves left
today for Grants Pass to investigate
some building contracts.
Chas. K. Roblln will not locate at Sa
lem. Ho has figured out the demand.
He does not want to lie tho ftStli.
Court reports in Tub Joi'knai. are
not distorted to please any one, anil no
lawvnr or lithrant can use tliune col
umns to that end.
Jan. Clark and Dudley Henry, of
Spring Valley, were Salem business vis
itors today.
II. II. Coleman went to Newlwrg to
day to return with his wife, who has
been visiting thore.
Mrs. Olive S. England has the honor
of lwing tho only lady member cf the
Oregon Press Association in this city
and will represent that body at the re
ception tendered the press excursion
ists next Tuesday.
R. D. Cashall, Mehama; G. V. Me
Lane and II. Trask, Lyons, registered at
the the Salem Friday, on their way
home from Eastern Oregon.
F. Bonebrake and wife of Concordia,
Kan., arrived last night, enroute to St.
Paul, Marion county, to locate. They
drove down to their new homo today.
A. I. Wagner and family left last
night for Stockton, Oal., where he will
takeciiargeof the Imperial hotel, The
Wagners will be missed from Salem by
a largo circle of friends Mr. and Mff,
Wagner have endeared themselves by
their social and business qualities and
there is general regret at thoir dejKir-
Mrs. S. Cowell and Mis Dora F.
Dixon, of Oakland, Cal., wko have been
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. Williams, left today for New
Era to attend the Spiritualist eamp
meeting. Mr. and Mr. Wm. Ryan, Mrs. Tillie
Coleman. Samuel Work, Glen and
Haiel Work and David and Allie Ryan
started Friday by team for Walla Walla
Wash., to make their future home.
Misses Ida ami Payee NiWaek, of
Guthrie. Oklahoma, wlw are delegate
with the editorial excursion, will sptmd
Sunday in the city, gwwU, of Mr and
Mrs. 1$. II. Crawford, old-time friemk.
Ilr Associated Pre to the Journal.
PoiiTi.Axn, Or., July 8. A dispatch
from Adjutant-General Corbin, at
Washington, today states that the re
turning Oregon volunteers will be Bent
on transports to Portland, notwith
standing tho report1) that they are to lo
mustered out at San Franbisco.
Following telegram received today at
tho Governor's olllco ovplains Itself:
Washington. D. C July 8. Hon. T.
T. Geer.Gev: Referring to your tele
gram of July 3rd, I have the honor to
repeat a copy of tho following telegram
which has Just boon sent to the com
manding general at San Francisco, as
"Tho Secretary of War directs that
tho Oregon troops be sent to Astoria on
the tnuiHH)rt8 on which they arrive from
Manila. On reaching Astoria they will
be transferred to transports provided by
the citizens of Portland, and the Ohio
and Nowiort returned with all possible
speed to San Francisco and be placed in
readiness for return trip to Manila."
II. B. Coiihi.v,
Adjutant General.
Washington, July 8. The adjutant
general stated that tho Second Oregon
regiment would be mustered out at San
Francisco soon after lauding there, and
in that even ildjnot be al owed to take
their arms to Portland, but would de
posit them at Rcuicla, arsenal, San
San FitANCitfco, July 8. All arrange
ments for tho reception of tho Oregon
volunteers on their return from Manila
have been made. A cominitteo of Na
tive Sons will welcome thoni, in com
pany with Governor (I aire, Adjutant
General W. II. Zaiuuns, General War
Held and Mayor Phelun.
Tho governor of Oregon will not bo
hero to meet tho Oregon boys, as hu
will not leave Portland until tho news
of the arrival of tho transport has been
telegraphed. It has not yet been de
cided whether to send the men on from
San Francisco by rail or by the regular
steamers State of California ami Colum
bia, or by tho vessels that bring them
lioro from Manila.
Tho transports New port and Ohio are
now out -3 days from Manila with the
Sittond Oregon aboard. They should
reach hero next Wednesday orThun
day. Tho harbor commissioners have
placed tho tug Governor .Murkhum ut
the disj08id of tho governor.
Tho Newjiort and Ohio will bo fol
lowed by tho Indiana, and Morgan City
with the invalids; the Senator, with the
Tenth Pennsylvania; tho Hancock, with
batteries A and II of tho Firat Utah,
and tho remainder of tho First Nebraska
tho Warren, with tho First Colorado,
and the Sherman, witji the First Call
Lodge Installation.
I.ast evening Salem Camp No. UK, Pa
cific Jurisdiction, W.of W. Installed tho
following officers, which ceremony was by the retiring Consul Com
mandor, Frank Bowersex: Scott Bo
zorth, consul commander; I. X, Bouil
lard, adviser lieutenant ; W. P. McMil
Ian, oseort; Frank Cole, watchman; A.
Anderegg, sentry; C. D. Mlnton, mana
ger for eighteen months. Banker Oliver
L. Darling ami Clerk Wylie A. Moorea
hold over to the first meeting in Janu
ary, 1900. their terms being of twelve
months duration.
Heait Failure.
Tacoma, July 8. John A. Silsby and
Joseph 11. Houghton, prominent busi
ness men, died suddenly of heart
disease this morning. Three other well
known oitizens tiled of tho same dUttasu
within aweek. Three of the . strivlum
jtoraons lived in the same block.
Crfp U lyio tboowndi f victims.
2r, Mile Ktrriae U cunng ihouwnd.
A Valuable Dog,
wouldn't sell for tun tents to a mau who
doesn't want a dog. Ami that is true
with iniw-t anything elte.
Tho only exlitoH way to find a
man who wants to buy a dog is to Hk
to every lxxly in Salem through Tiik
JiiunsAi. want column.
Those whoare interested will ruioiiil.
And it would be a very unintoroetiugilog
indeed that wouldn't suit anyboiy.
Most anything you don't want trail be
Kild at some price if prorly aIv mined
TlMiiua Rhoads, Centertield, O,
writes: "I suflered from piles seven
o eight years. No remedy gave i 4
relief until IteWlu's Wltoii IIa;ul
ValTe," perfectly harmlos. SU)rie'
Drugstore i.
No morphine or opium In Or. Utlca Vim
tuJJL Cctis All Pidii. rOiMtcBt.tkiu.''
Columbia and Defender Contesting for the
Larchmont Cup,
Nkw Yoiik, July 8. The Yachts Col
umbia and Defender contest took
placo today for the cup offered by the
Larchmont Yacht Club. Tho course is
a traugular one, 10 miles.
The defender crossed tho starting line
at 12:40, 40 Columbia 12:40,53. The boats
had a great match right aftor start,
Columbia is getting the best of it.
In hiding tho sloops sailed n mile,
which left them half a milo off the
course. Passing tho Ryo, tho Columbia
was a couple of lengths ahead, both
crafts were speeding along with the
flno breeze.
Colombia wins by three minutes two
Pkftoiua, July 8. A eecret session of
the volk8raad npnolnted a committee to
draft a franchise reform bill. Tho gov'
eminent proposals provido for tho
landers obtaining a franchise by a
years residence '
Awarded to a Person at Salem Who Has
Mot Yet Been Found.
The Julv "Gentlewomen" announced
that tho the third prize of $100, offered
by that magazine for tho best story, has
I mh' n awarded to K. C. Sawcett, Box
100, Salem, Oregon.
As no such party is known in Salem
and as there Is no box num)ercd 100 In
the Salem postolllce, tho query naturally
arises :
Does flOO of "the Gentlewoman's''
good money really come to any ono In
Salem, or i's the namo given mcrolyiu,
blind to cover tho turning back of tho
$100 into the treasury of tho Gentle
woman magazine?
Schumann's Report
General Wheeler Will Start
July 26th.
Awarded Damages by a Portland
Ilr Asanclntett lrm tn (lir Jttnrnnl
Portland, Ore., July 8. In the stite
circuit court today the jury, in tho case
of Mrs. Amelia Jester against Lipmau,
Wolfe A Co., returned it verdict award
ing Mrs. Jester (2500 damages. Mrs.
Jester had been an employe of.the linn
and was accused by them of pilfering
from their store. She suod for $10,000
for false imprisonment and defamation
of character.
Said to Have Been Killed
the Kingue River.
Chu'aoo, July 8. A special to the
Times-Hearld from Washington sayst
Secretary Hay has sent Instructions tj
Minister Bryan, at Itio do Janeiro,
Brazil, and Consul Itullln, at Asuncion.
Paraguay, directing them to Investigate
tho report of tho massacre of an expedi
tion of which Americans were mem
bers on the Klngu rivor in Braztl.
A report received several days ago
from Minister Buchanan, ut Btte.ios
Ayres, reported that a Mrs. Williams,
whose brother resides in Ashevillo, N.
C, ami whose husband was a member
of tho ill fated exK.fUtiou, is in distress
in Buenos Ayres whero she was to await
her husband's return.
Suit Involving Validity of the Title
Polk Coun'y Land.
JiuIko Boise's court has been occupied
for a collide of 'da's trying to unravel
the Intricacies of u suit wherein Alex
ander H. Little, et al., are plaintiffs
ami Jus. Denhain, Jus. D. Uicli unison,
It. J. Fleming Mary C. Deuham and A,
Fleming aro defendants,
Tho suit involves the title to a piece
of land lying just across tho river, in
roiK county aim mo cause oi action ex
tends as f'lr back as 1H',H.
At that time Jus. Denham and .las.
D. Uichardson were conducting a slum
store nt 118 State street, under the llrm
name of Jas. Denham A Co.
At tho Miiinn time tlicv were also con
ducting a shoe store in Chicago, that es
tablishment Doing in cnarge m aas. i,
Uichardson while tho Salem branch was
conducted by Mr. Denham.
On March 24, 1801, being then nut of
debt excepting a balance dim the Cap
ital iNutlonal liatiR, wlilcli was uitc rwum
settled. Jas. Deuham transferred tho
Polk county property to ins wile, .Mary
C. Denham, In payment it is alleged, o'
something over 10,000 which had lon
loaned to him by her. Tho transfer was
made through Attorney John A. Carson,
on Ins auvico, to avoid any dohsimo com
plications of the old Common Law.
On July 7, 1801. Mrs. Dunham trans
forred the Polk county property to It. J.
Muiinug to secure tno payment oi ,,.im
loaned by Fleming to her husband. At
the same time Dunham also transferred
to Flemlnu the State street shoe stock as
additional security.
In IK'J.I .Mrs. uennam mane an anso
lute transfer of the land to Fleming, he
buying it outright, giving his notes for
tho greater part of the purchase price,
Subsequent to the first transfer, from
Denham to his wife, the firm of Jas.
Dunham & Co. became indebted to
Kastern shoo firms, and this suit is
brought to wit aside the transfer from
Mrs. Dunham to Fleming and from Dun
ham to his wife, and to make the Polk
county land liable for the debts of Jas.
Denhain A Co.
The connection of A. Fleming with
the suit arises from his having loaned
his brother, U.J. Fleming, mine (2,600
with which to complete the payment of
the balance dun .Mrs. Denham for the
land. A. Fleming having taken a rnort
The Desires of Volunteers Have Been
Ilr Aiortnlel Irp ta the Jonrnnl.
Wasainoto.v, July 8. Despatches
have been received at tho stato depart
ment from President Schurmauu of
the Philippines commission giving some
account of his journey to southern Is
lands of the archipelago. Ho timls con
ditions in those islahds extremely grati
fying. There Is a disxsitIon almost
everywhere south of Luzon to accept
American sovereignty. Schurmann ex.
peets to arrive at San Francisco nlxnit
August 15th.
It's felt at the state department that
the commission has done much to con
vey to tho native Filipinos tho proper
conception of the Amorlcan government
and in that way lias sapiHfl tho strength
of tho Insurrection,
Wabiii.nuto.v, July 8. General
Wheeler sails for Manila, July 2(1.
Wasiiinotox, July 8 Otis cables tho
The "desires of the volunteers in the
Philippines have lceii ascertained. Two
skeleton regiments are fairly well assur
ed. Will cable the names of oillcers
nominated for these regiments so that
the appointment of lieutenants to recruit
in the V. S. can ho made."
CiiirAtin, July 8. Samuel S. Fugue,
who while lieutenant of Company F,
Fifteenth lTnlted States Infantry lired
three shots ut Colonel Crof ten and was
tllsml s d from tho army n the (hiding
of the court-martial, died in a lodging
house under circumstances which jKiint
to suicide.
Band of Bunch grasicrs,
Andrew Willis, of Sherman county Is
in tho city with a band of flno Kastern
Oregon horses. Thev are at Ullrey's
stable on Commercial street. Mr. Wil
lis had the misfortune to have his band
of horses run Into by tho overland train
night beforo last, resulting in six being
killed outright and a number of the
others wero badly skinned up and bruis
ed. One of tho horses had a leg broken
and was driven, along with tho rest, into
tho Albany city pound. Ho was obliged
to pay toll on the entire bunch. Holms
not yet recovered his damages from the
Southern Pacitlc Co. and unless ho docs
his horso venture in tho valley will not
be very prolltabln,
Texas Flood.
St. Louis, July 8. A special to the
Republic, from Caldwell, Texas, says:
Two hundred square miles cotton bear
ing laud has been Hooded. The crop
destroyed was worth almost (4,000,000.
no rise in tno iirnxns river miscou tut
people of Texas little lc"s than $10,000,-000.
v Absocuyilypure
:AB30.UirEI.Y fcjitE
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Not Yet Settled
Salisbury and Clioato Can
not Agree.
Other Foreign News Matters of
Covers Up Several People Kill
in"; and Injuring Others.
Ilr AMnvlntcil I'ren lo (lie Jonrnnl.
Cai'hiown, July 8. A disaster lias oc
curred In Jagir'sKontein Diamond mine,
wheie tho fall of thousands of tons of
earth buried several ieoplo including an
Australian named Forsytho. Home
other Australians wero killed. Heveral
persons were Injured and 10 aro missing.
Ccrvcra Acquitted.
Madiiiii, July 8. Admiral Cervera
and the other commanders of the Span
ish fleet destroyed in tho buttle of San
tiago, whos conduct bus been the sub
ject of Inquiry by special cnurt-murtttd,
were today acquitted and formally
gat;e on the property as security.
the plaintiff: V. II. Holmes and Til
The case wash
ISlngham and II. J
contested. Ueo.
ggor apiearing for
Puzzling San Francisco Police
O flice is.
Sa.n Fiiancisco, July 8. Chemist Price
found a large quantity of arsenic In. tho
candy which was sent to Miss Florence
Campbell and caused the alarming ill
ness of herself ami friend, Mrs. Klslo
Schelb, last Friday night. Tho address
on tho package was cut from an old
envelop, which It Is said Mrs. John It.
Itatliom had sent to Miss Campbell
when tho two women were conducting a
friendly eorresiondeiieo. The sdlcoare
convinced that Mrs. Hathom did not
send the poison, ami are still investi
gating tho mysterious case.
The Pioneer,, Limited.
Is the name of tho only perfect train
in the world, now running every night,
between Kt. Paul and Chicago vfa tho
Chicago, WilwaiiKcu ifc Kt. Paul Hall
waythe pioneer road of the West In
adopting all improved facilties for tho
safety and enjoyment of pmsengers. An
illustrated pamphlet, showing views of
beautiful scenery along the route of the
Pioneer Limited, will be sent free to any
jMirson iiM)ii receipt of two-cent Mistago
stamp. Address (leo. II. Ileufford, (ien
oral Passenger Agent, Chicago, III,
Prepare to Untertom Editors,
Those who talk and work must eat.
You will llud the food you need at the
Wonder Hostuiiraiit.
II Aonliitrl lrri to (lip Jonrnnl.
AHiiiNtiTOK, July 8. Ambassador
Clioato has not communicated to the
stato department the result of tlio rep
resentations ho has made to Lord Salis
bury, respecting the modus vlvondi
under instructions of yesterday.
Although its believed to bo almost hope
less, to expect that the successful out
come of direct negotiations with Loudon,
it Is not regarded hero as Inevitablo that
a hostile clash will follow the failure to
secure the modus.
Confidence is expressed in the sutll.
cleney arrangements, backed by the
sound, comuion seuuo of theotllclalsof
tho I'nited .States and Canada, now In
the disputed territory in Alaska to pre
vent a collision.
As a mutter of fact the Tnlted States
and (ireat Itritulu have been actually
working under the tacitly understood mo
dus vivendi ami iftlilsspiritcoutiuuesun
both sides there Is little reason for tho
failure of tho negotiations to result in
anything more serious than another dis
agreeable pohtsiiement of the final set
tlement, Judge Orosscup's Condition,
Ilr Atmiiclntetl l'rmn in Hip .luurnnl.
C'niiiMH), July 8.- Reports from Ash
land, 0., state that the condition ofFcd
oral Judge Grossed) Is considerably im
proved. Tho jurist is no longer coiillued
to his bed, ami every indication is that
he is on a fair way to complete recovery.
Two Pardons,
Governor Gcer today issued pardons
as follows : U'o Gutt, a Chinaman from
The Dalles, sentenced to life imprison
incut for murder; released to ho trans
ixirted to China. Marcus Seholl, of
Portland, one year for larceny. Pardon
recommended by Judge M. l George,
who soutuiiccd him.
How Mistakes Happen.
Komo errors appeared in Holvcrson's
cash store advertisement last ovening
Hint Illustrate the groat importance of
accuracy and care In detail of a large
business, tor instance what woa wrft
for "null ribbons' appeared as "line rib
bons. Ha r rata anix-arod "hair sets"
Moires was "Mainos'and Dent's gloves
was sot "Gout's gloves." The average
reader would not bo apt to notico tliele
discrepancies, but it is plain to see they
niako a strained difference In the mean
lug. The ad. writer of the house natur
ally roared when ho saw his work so
distorted, but when faced up with his
uirriw ly-writtpn copy that world mov
ng individual dropped the matter like a
hot tuber, and promised to take a course
in penmanship at the Capital Dusinens
College. That same individual, how
ever is not slow as a decorator of shelves
and windows, as the .admiring crowds
will testify. In fact, Salem's stores
generally comiwre very favorably with
those of much larger cities.
" ' IT
Capital City Camera Club,
This club held its first meeting at tho
studio, 21H! Liberty street and developed
some l-ourth of July negatives with Q.
great, interest aim goon results. Tim
next meeting will bo .hold at the studio
next Tuesday evening, when somo flash
light work will bo done. All members
should bring their cameras.
Reported By Dr. Wilcoxson as
Larger Than Expected
Ilr Aaaiirlnteil Prrta ta lb Juuraat.
Tacom , July 8.-Dr. Wilcoxson, of
Chicago, who arrived from Dawson,
brings authentic non's of a famous clean
.up in Klondike during June. Pack
trains arrive at Dawson dally, each
bringing in f'00,000 to $1,500,000. ' One
pack train iniulo several trips from ProjL
fessor Lippys claim on Elderodo, which
produced over two tons of gold dust.
8. Soptembei
Ciiicaoo, July
UitNli 't reil 70.
San Fiuncisco, July, 8. Cash 1.10.
Choice Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Try Out Ice Creanx
Ellis Zinn,
154 State st
Salem, Oregon,
I Jos. Meyers & Sons, :
Salem's Greatest Store.
man Ford for the defendant. After areu
merit, Friday afternoon, Judgu Ikilsti
took tho caM) under advisement, ami it
will bo several 'lays Uifore his decision
Is rendered.
Ease for Eyes.
Is found In our eyeglasses. Note the
distressing sM-ctacle of tho mau at the
top of our illustration. Is he trying to
put his eyes in tho paiwr ? Tho organ
oi vision are exiremeny iiuiicain, .-u-uu
ureat care.
We'll oxiimiitH your orbs without
, charge. Don't let your oveslght Ihj
' comes poor from neglect. We hue ex
cellent eyeglasses for f 1.60.
Only $17,50 for the Round Trip,
Plenty of lime to see everything.
Leave Salem August 3d.
Side trips to Mt. Hamilton, Tumalapias, Berkley, Palo Alto
and various places of Interest. For detailed Information and
flgkets, enquire of W. W. Skinner, or H. D. Pattqn, Salem,
or UR, J. v. dakk, Atanafjer, Lebanon, ure.
i ?f
I SummerCofsets
TIllH 111114.
fihnwx an
extra long
waist Hum
mor Corset.
Hindu In
white only,
of wiiiare
nutting, a
material of
uml u
copy of tho
French put
torn. A
light and
Htrong cor
Hot; odioolc
clusw: two
side- stfleln:
trimmed; constructed to glvuiumb
graceful effent; hI.. JM to i)0; u spluu
did vul'ie; tirlco
And our 60 runt V. II. Hummer Cor
set is (xjuul to any 7ft cent cornit- I and
ft Iks.Ics, Mrfwt fitting.
S A PlainCrash
Unit is Uilug sold lit ll) cunts
place offered s)'(t .Mnudiiy mid
lay at
4th of July
' 5c
1 Summer Vests
The good kinds 85c
Secures the
If presented
Within the
Specified time
30 days
From date of
Waist Patterns
In oxehifho tleslgna at j5eciai ttrar
tlvo prices, see our corner wfrnlow,
New Crashes! .
KxjKHdiHl Tuusday. T!j,g1lliriidyoi'vB
Ihm'ii waiting lor
15 and 25c -
Summer Underwear
Plain lwillrlii.'.tn. Ilonevcomb. and
Blk finish balbriggans in aUsUen.
50C . ,
Finn derby ribbed fu'llluamlxtuw, Wi
Ideal summer garment. ,
85c "";.; ;
l'lain and Fancy hoso fit all lc ,m 4 1
10C t0f7' ;
Shawknit SWv
'fho unallrinkab)e lm'cjiangea klpd
rhHit (n mvry detail , t
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278 -280 Commercial St, The Old White Corner.
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