The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 03, 1899, Image 1

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M nu rtnltu Jnurnnl's lnraa clrcula-
i tlon Ib no accident. It's tho result of H
W Latest Associated PrOn &(Z
ft irrams. Froeh Local news and Llv
V Editorials make The Dftlly Jeur-
high quality ana low price.
w nni. .
NO 156.
I Have You Figured it Out? j
Do you know what it costs you for a
few week's time as an accommodation
at a credit store? There's only one way
to find out. Compare prices at the
v-or. commercial ana uiemeiceta its.
' With the prices you've been paying" for
; the same quality of goods. Then you'll
know. Spot cash explains our low
prices. We have no "special leaders"
and no "special sales." It's the best
possible value in every article in the
store. Come in any day in the year
and get your money's worth.
Saiem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store,
E. T. BARNES, Prop.
Red Cross Shoes
!Our hospital and nurse Shoes,
4t also Oxfords, have arrived. Try
a pair it you want soild com
fort. Our big Shoe sale is still
on we are cutting prices right
and left we buy our goods 0
per cent, cheaper than inexper
ienced opposition, hence can
and do easily undersell them.
Dreyfus' Lawyer is
But the Client's Condition
is Otherwise Good. '
Krausse Bfothers5
275 Commercial St.
-n -
LACY b ' v
Per Cent, Reduction
On All Shoes,
Wc are not $ Y
t milking lw Prices on Dead Stock, ami blowing about it an a marvel,
hut wo aru
Mowing ilown ti cloiin, live stock, level with the dirt which in associated
with cheap prlcos.
livery Shoo in tho houto subject to tho I!0 per cent reduction.
(JoodVniarked in plain flu res.
C jfi lOrlnJnntor of Low Prlcos.
f EWo Shine them Free.
W-wr . IKt. JA
At Cost!
Not a clearance of old goods, but all new Spring Stock
bought at the very lowest cash price. We can fit any foot
sizes from Infants O's to Aens 13's, and widths, AA to EE.
Never has such an opportunity been offered to the people of
Salem. Call and convince yourself of the genuineness of
this sale.
88 State St. l.add & Hm-Ii Dank Uhlg.
Belgium Between the Devil and the
Deep Sea.
Hy Axnoclntrri I'rrmi to the Journal.
Rknnks, July 3. MuRicst Lalxjrie and
Deinage.roumcl forCapt. nreyfus.visitod
Dreyfus in tho military prison this
Tllta wild tlw ftral limn riiiiiinim l.n
defender of Dreyfus at tho court martial
in imh, ami JWroylus had scon each
other since that sentence. Neither were
able to utter a word but warmly embraced.
Dreyfus expressed the deeiost grati
tude for the splendid manner in which
Liberie had championed his cause.
Deinago and Laborie then gave the
prisoner a general review of all which
had happened since Drevfus was sent to
Devils island.
They declared that Dreyfus, bath
nnysicany una mentally was in mucii
bettor health than they anticipated.
IIiiusski.s, July 3. Excitement among
the Dolitcians continues, though further
outbreaks are imnrobablo until the irov-
criiment't. pioposnlB are submitted to
the chamber Tuesday, when if satisfac
tory, n permanent compromise may bo
effected, otherwise the socialists threaten
extremes, oven revolution.
The government is between tho devil
and the deep sea. If they oppose uni
versal suffrage they are threatened
with a revolution which may sweep
the monarchy.
On the other hand universal suffrage
is liable to result in the return of such a
largo socialist and republican majority
in the chamber that the monarchy will
bo equally threatened.
Rioters Executed. J
Tacoma, July 3. halo oriental ad
vices state that tho twenty ringleaders
and rioters who destroyed the electric
tramway cars to Seoul, last month, were
executed at Corea's capital four weeks
Factory Fire.
Ciiicaoo, July 3. Tho factory of tho
Western Paper' Stock Co. caught lire
this morning. Twenty-five girls em
ployed in tho factory found escape cut
off and jumped from the second story
windows. Seven were somewhat in
jured, not seriously, and threo men are
reported as missing. At noon the (lames
were under control.
Department No. a, Is Convened and Some
Matters Disposed Of,
Judge lloise has had his department
in session, and disposed of seoral rases,
making docket entries as follow s:
E. Al. Eborhard, Insolvent; A. O.
Coudit, assignee; continued.
Schuyler Rue, insolvent, J. E. T.
Hrentauo, assignee; continued.
David Scott, Insolvent. Alfred Unwl
sley, assignee; continued,
Enterprise Lumber Co., insolvent, II.
A. Sargent, assignee; continued.
Ada to. I'oguo, insolvent,!'. N. Derby,
assignee; Una! account Hied,
A. to. Holt vb J. I.. Kerry, et al ; set
tled. toary A. l'lamoudon, et al, vs I. II.
I'enlaud ot al ; partition. Continued.
T. T. Geer, governor, et al vu J. G.
Wright et nl. Sale confirmed.
T. T. Cieer, (iov et al., vs. II. I.
McNary, et al. ; salo confirmed,
K, A. Ford vs. M.J. Egan, et al. ;
foreclosure. Decree to lo entered.
Arthur W. Smith vt. Ambrose
Strong, et al. ; sale confirmed.
Susan T. Smith vs. Uoinor Smith; di
vorce. Dismissed.
T. T. (Jeer, tiov. et al., vs. T. II,
Wilson, et al. ; foreclosure. Default and
tovraK. Nichols vs. W. A. Rummel:
equity Decree as per stipulation.
Wallula A. J-angneail vs. Carlisle II.
I-anghond ; divorce. Default of defend
ant. ti. A. Cone ot al, ex., vs. Win. Vloth
lor; foreclosure. Default and decree.
J. I.. Shorey vs, Ellen O, Sherey: di
vorce. Motion for alimony Hied.
Edward Sullivan vs. 11. D. I'erklns.
Sale contlmed.
Carpenters Tools.
Blacksmith's Tools,
Fine Tools
For Evory
Trade at
Ease for Eyes.
la found in our eyejdassus. Nute the
dtatreiiig icUcle of the man at the
top of our illustration. Ik lie trying to
nut his uvuii in the liar -or t The uriMiM
of vision are extreme!!)- dul irate. Sd
great care.
we II eiainine your oriM wiimohi
charee. Don't let your
cemwi ror from nevleet.
eltent qv&te far f Wfi,
vywtfaht be-
W have m-
Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore.
jio 8TATH arniuxr.
First Accident,
At 3 :20 a boy Hretl a few crackers at
the Fry drugstore, when Al. Savage's
single horse broke loose, dashed across
the street and plunged straight Into tho
Wiggins Dttzmir. The walks wero full of
people, but no damage was done, except
one shaft broken, a plate glass window
smashed, a rack of bicycles knocked over
and the liorse badly cut at tho knee,
The river today stands at 6 feet above
low water mark and is slowly falling.
U.K. Mitchell went to Portland
morning to celebrate.
LOUKLEY.-At tho home In Highland
Add to Salem, July 3, 1800, 8 a. in.
Margaret, daughter of Frcitric and
L!x;iu M. I-ockloy, aged 24 years.
Deceased was a popular young society
lady of this city, and was engaged to be
married to Roy Mlllor, of this city, who
Is prostrated with grief.
Thq funeral will bo conducted from
tho Presbyterian church ut 10 a. in.,
Wednesday, burial al Citv View ceme
Mrs. Wm. UrodorH came down from
Corvallis to spend tho Fourth and visit
with Mrs. T. J. Iouslgnont and family.
The Mother's Vigil,
The day and tho year wore a-fading together,
Crimson to crimson and gold Into gold ;
Tho pine droppinjjhurrs in tho sweet autiunnweather
Sadly and softly Ju rosary told.
As we loaned on our guns and looked over the city,
Enthroned In the days that eternally thrill,
And one Btood in silence and one hummed n ditty
Of n lovo that was lost and a wheel that was still.
And thoro wero tho scars of tho days of endeavor
Ditches and reservoirs, sluices and all,
The debris of tjio battle pathetic forever
As part of tho resonant ago thoy recall.
For ft slloiipo had stooped On tho deserted ditches,
Save only tho querulous call of tlionuall.
Scolding her brood from tho tunnels and pitches
To the chapparal shades and tho lcaf-covorcd trail.
Thoro was a silence down thoro but that silence
sang dirges
Hojiolessly sad to the sorrowing soul,
So hopelessly sad, like tho wall of wild surges
Oono mad In the gleam of thoir wandering goal,
"And whither," I murmured "In chances and
Gliding or soiling a curse or caress,
How wanders the spoil of tho goldglutted ranges?
A crown for dishonor, a balm for distress.
And the toilers, where aru they? Tho bronzed and 3
the knighted,
Ocutle as childhood and cruel its fire
What hope was fulfilled and what love was requited,
Ah I What was the fate of their kingly desire?
Lo, dirges of sllonce the crested quail calling,
Answer me vaguely In mystical woo,
And the glory of sunset in hentson falling
Fills tho deserted old gulches below.
The pick mid the shrivel are rusted mid broken,
Faded the fires of cabin and tent ;
For tho long roll has sounded, the chieftain has
Anil tho owl Mibs alone on tho hills that wore rent.
With a whisper a sound aaof rolws that are trail
lug- '
Oetolier Is furling her banrlers of ml ;
And my he-art is bowed down In tho iutlulto wailing
That times the innumerable march of the dead.
"It is true," said my comrade, regretfully, lowly,
"Death and expenses am all that Is sure;
And wu con the old lesson but hardly and slowly,
To follow and follow some fanciful lure.
And yet," And he thoughtfully levelled his finger
O'er the sheen of the storm-cradled town,
''There's a smoke on yon hillside that somehow will
I.lke a mist on tlii shore when the tide has gone
'Have you marked it a luminous violet column
On the gold and the bronze of the frost-tinted trees,
Soaring to victory, saintly and solemn
With the wreathed Immortelles fidelity weaves.
It is only tho smoke of a cabin so humble
The squirrels romp o'er it unchecked by reproof;
Grimy and shaky I wonder the rumble
Of wagons down there doesn't shatter its roof,
'In tho temjiest of years that wo lain are forgetting
When cards wero religion and pistols wore priests,
And the sun rode in scarlet at dawningand setting,
And a bourbon was crowned at our funerals and
Yon oak that loans grandly, a ehaldeu extending
Ills priestly hands over that ruinous cot,
Once thrilled to the shock of a ghastly descending
And tho law was avenged with a loop and a knot.
"He was only an Indian, the son of old Mary,
Swarthy and wild with a midnight of hair,
That arose as he sped to the Iothean Ferry
Like u raven of doom In the quivering air.
And his crime I've forgotten It was oinething or 3
Judge I-ynoh's decisions weie never compiled,
Hut we left him at last with his forest-horn mother
And she eamixsl hy the tree that had strangled her
Alono when the somlxir and skeleton hrauahes
Thrilled in the rush of the shlpwreekingstorm,
And the glud little children in hamlets ami ranches
Jjiughod at the ingleslde ruddy and warm.
Alone when the sybils of springtime returning
Hung over the forosts an emerald mist,
And alone w hen the stars of mldtummur were burn
ing And the mtiskroses dreamed of the Clod they hud
While the years have gwie mi and the Hindi time
have faded,
Forever the smoke of her viil ascends ;
And the oak all the while the poor altar ban shaded
Like a uitent soul that would make some amend".
And still from his ashes the dead day arises
A blossoming wonder of l-ouuty and truth,
And the myrtle-wreathed moon In all gentle dl'uNe
Rejiiemtar and twine her a elwplut of ruth
Te ileum may roll In the gleam of old arohes
And tho white-handed preurher foquutto with his
Hut truth finds her own Hi lung battles and uwiehun,
And the flowers will thine on tlutarprinkled x.
When the tire has gone wit ami the vtgTI is ended
ltyjr toary may sleep with the loved and the leal,
For the stars will HtftHHt guurd u the an)i she
Ami the UtaHty et HwrniHg return Uififto kneel.
--&M4 I SmrmH.
Enlistment of Volun
teers to Begin.
Recruits Will Be Sent to
Otis Immediately.
V dlmsouiTEEV fame
Makes tho food more delicious and wholesome
are now 11,1185 volunteers to 1m; returned
to tho United Htates.
There are now at sea enrniito to Otis
olOl recruits and IW84 are waiting to iro
to HaniTiineisco. this leaves 1517 men
to bo enlisted to fill up Otla's estimate
ami the department thinks they may
be secured by tho closo of the present
Secretary Gage Believes McKinley and
Hobart Will Be Returned
llr AiHficlnlril Prro to the Journal.
asiiisuto.v, July .1. Tho war de
partment has nearly jwrfected alldetalls
of the project for tho enlistment ol vol
unteers tinder tho terms of the act of
last congress. There Is to bo no call,
hut soldiers will he obtained hi the reg
ular method, through the efforts of re
cruiting olllcers In various largo cities.
The department contemplates raslnu
nine regiments in all mid tho Instruc
tions to recruiting olllcers Is based on
this figure.
Wahiiinuton', July !!. It was posi
tively stated at the war department thai
no call had been issued for 15.000 addi
tional volunteors and thoro is no Im
mediate prospect of such action. Tho
interesting statement was made, how
ever, tliat there are now practically
115,000 men at General ()tls' command,
whenever he wants them. Tho troops
necessary to bring Ids command in
Philippines up to this llgtiro can he
shipped as soon as transorts can take
them away from San Francisco.
Nkw Yoiik, July :i. A special to the
World from Washington says:
.Secretary Gage Iwllevea tho prosper
ity the country has enjoyed for the last
two years Is here to stay "so long," ho
Mill. I II.... ...mail.. 1. ...... ..n .. .1 a I .. a. .... fa. II...
rni, un pi-wii.i iiuyu uuiiimi'inu ill mu
ability of the government to fnllll its
obligations, dollar for dollar." tor.
(.ago Is heartily In accord with Presi
dent McKlnley's foreign policy.
w lien tlie question ot taking all or
none of the Philippine islands came up
the secietury argued against acquiring
the entire urchlpohigo, but now lie be
llovet in holding them.
McKiuleyaml Hobart, Mr. Gage be
lieves, will Iki Republican nomineeii In
11MH) ami he anticipates their return to
olllce by a vote never before give a can
didate lor public ollleo. Mr. Gage does
not expect to see question of trusts
evaded hy Republican party In the next
Mavii.. July .'I. Reports are received
of the outbreak in the Island of Ncgros
Incident upon the departure of the Cali
fornia regiment for home. The hostile
natives seeing a company of soldiers at
one of the small jmrtn preparing to de
part, thought that tho Americans were
evacuating the Island and a party of 'JoO
rebels, mostly Uolo men, attacked the
troops and killed one man and wounded
another belonging to Company E. The
Filipinos were easily driven off,
Some State Appointments.
Tho stato board of education today
mado the following appointments of
teachers for tho iustituto tor tho blind :
Teachers Mrs. E. Y. Chase, Miss
Eva h. Dimmett, of Salem, Miss Jean
etto Wadsworth, of Mill City, teacher of
piano and yocnl music. Other musical
instrument instruction will ho provided
for later.
The governor today appointed J. E.
Ilean county judgoof Umatilla county
to succeed Jitiico v m. .Morton.deccased.
Many applications have been pushed
thu past few days, but Mr. Uean, who
is a brother of the prosecuting attorney
of that district, seems to have been the
popular choice of thu county.
Sheriff W. II. Huntington, of Raker
county, today brought down J. Ryan
and R, Jackson each to serve a term of
one year for robbery,
J. A. lllukoly, doputv sheriff of Uma
tilla, brought down O". W. Wright to
serve two years for hurglarly,
Wasiiiniitov, July ,!. According to u
statement given out hy the Adjutant
General's olllce II.I.W men are required
to 111! the regular regiments ami there
Still Alive.
HKATn.K, July .1. News has been re
colved that the members of the Folger
party who were supposed to have per
ished in the wilds of Alaska are still
alive. Almost crazed by hunger and
hardships they dragged tnemsolves Into
Arctic City, wiiere they were cored for
by Wluthrop Mining people and re
stored to health,
Returning Miners,
Vancopvhh, U. C.,July H. Tho steam
er Tees arrived last evening from the
North with a large party of returning
Dawson miners.
Wallace Haywood brought out t55,-
000 in gold dust. Eight others had
mixes of precious metal, Captain Gossu
reported a million dollars on noard.
Miss U'ua Huhor went to Portland
this morning where she will spend the
Fourth thence go to Astoria to visit with
Miss Pauline llurcham, a student at
Palo Alto, returned today to spend the
summer vacation at lioiue on thu
Garden road.
tors. E. F. Tucker, who has been
visiting at Herman, Neb., for two
mouths, returned today.
tor. A. Essou, a Turner camper, came
in this morning mid will spend the
Fourth here liefore returning to his
home in Portland.
tors. C. to. Kigglus, of Portland, who
has been camping at Turner, returned
home this morning after Buiidayliig In
Miss Uessle Ghoriuly, of Portland,
went homo this morning, having spent
a week at Turner caiiipmeetiug.
Elmer Uitckley has gone to Portland
to spend the lourth. after which ho will
go to Spokane to visit.
-Mrs. Lane and son, Jimmlc, came
dawn on tho Ruth this morning to visit
with Salem friends. t ,
Misses Katie and Emma .Godfrey '
went to Portland this inorniugtto spend ;
Hie tourth nnd visit with thelrWt. ,
A. W. Milton went toPorlland to eel- -obrato
the Fourth. '
tor. and Mrs. T. Hopkins and Miss
hinall, of Albany, came down to spend
tho Fourth. '
George Pierce came down from Al
bany this morning whore he spent Sun-
Welliuutou H.Mclffn nrqil.-na.i
Ark., Is nt Hotel Salem. Mr. Meigs lj
an attorney seeking a location In somo
live town of the west.
Sunt. Carter, of the Wind school, is in
Portland. '
Chin.. Utchneld came home this after
noon to visit over July 4.
II. M Hansen returned from Couurg '
last evening, where he has the positloii of '
sjenognip lier and liookkceper for that-Hooth-Kolly
I.umlKjr Co. Ho will
return to his imst of duty after spcndlnV
I'ourth of July at home.
J.T. MeCulloeh and wife, of Powell's
a Hoy, are in the city for the week to
visit somo relatives.
, .MrM; Kml Gnu,ul "n,t toihs Pearl Gou
lott, of Gorvals, mo in the city over the
R. to. Gllliert and wife, of Falls City,
are at the Salem.
Miss Row Jhiehhelt of MUIngklcaim.
up from Portland today to visit her nil.
ter, Mrs, Frank llarr.
Prest. J. M. Wallace, of the Salem
Water Co., Is in Portland.
Hon. John Mlntn N to rii..i i.,
spend tho 1th.
Judge S. C. Spencer relumed to Port
land today
Miss Maude McKay Is lu Portland o
visit u fow weeks, ,
Condon Uean went to Portland this
nfornoon to spend the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. rVimlrt u..nt c.
Turner today whore tho lawyer of the
fain ly will furnish tho oration for the
Miss Osklo Rotitn and Mrs. toessielc
went to Portland to sciid the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Webb returned to
Portland this mornlnu- after u ink
camping at Turner and spending Sun
day In Salem.
Roy Smploton went to Portland to
shoot his little cannon.
Mrs. T. M. Urown, went to Portland
this morning to hogoneovor tho Fourth.
j,Mrs. E. J. Chamberlain and that
young expansionist were passengers m
Portland this morning.
tolsi C. tooural was a passenger to
Portland Sunday via steamer Albany.
Small and large tings at tho New York
Ciiicaoo, Jjily 1. July 7rHi Caih 3
red 75?.
Han ! ha nci boo, July, 1. Cash 1,10
IlinimilllllllMMllMllMM ,
I Jos. Meyers & Sons,
i . Salem's Greatest Store.
Summer Corsets t?
t ration
shows tin
extra long
waist Sum
mer Corset,
made In
white only,
of tuiuaro
netting, ti
material of
domes tlo
and n
copy of tho
French pat
tern. A
light mid
Htrong cor
Hot; 6-hoek:
clasps: two
fildo steels:
, , handsomely
trimmed; constructed to ulvuu iwMi
graceful , ffiwit; hI'-s, jh to 30: a splen
did u.-i.; v.'uo
And our M cunt W. II. Suinmsr Cor-
set is equal to any 75 cent cornet- 4 and
o hooks, perfect fitting.
T suMMtn
s A Plain Crash
That u Ixtlug sold at U cuuh. uverv
plai-o offerud special .Monday and Tues
day at
4th of July
Summer Vests
Thrtgood kinds
5c to 85c
Will be given away as ad
vert ised at 7 p. m. tonight.
Another day in which to
make a 50c cash purchase
in our men's deparlment
which entitles you to a
ticket. Come to the giving.
wj h I ft
Waist Patterns
In exelushu designs at specla) uttruc
tlve prices, see our comer window,
New Crashes
ExK'teil Tuesday, The
Won walling for
1 5 and 25c
OX Tins
Summer UnoVrwcar
Plain balhrmuan. Honoyeomb, and
Silk tlnixh halbrlgganR InalfsUcs.
Flue derby rihlcd In Hiie mixture, an
(ileal summer garment. v
85c ' ;
Plain and Fanoy hoe in all lw' lr
fee tlon in men's goods. m -j
10c to 75c, 'X' ;
Shawknit ' '
The unshrlulable unolingwbl,JyJ
p rfeet in every detail.
25c to 50c
i 278-280 Commercial St. The Old White Comer;
- - . 5 r ' i N
' ' ,Vt
UH '',