w nnT3iri',,w,T7P" r MM y T"rW$Wr Veteran ,. W. Stone, Anita. Iowa, scryod his rountry during the late war at tho expanse of his health. Tlio story concornliiK ''Is rcstorutlon to health Is given bolow In his own words! "When I returned from the army my constitution was broken down. I suf fered extreme nervousness, and indi gestion. Physicians did not help me until one prescribed Dr. Miles' Nerv ine, and today I am in better health than I have been for thirty years." DR. SABLES' Restorative Nervine is sold by all tlrusjeists on Guarantee, first bottle bcneliis or money back. Hook on heart und nerves sent free. Or. Mile Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind. O. C. T. Go's l'ASSKNOKIl SrKAluKH POMONA altonA LKAVK8 FOIl I'OHTLAND Dally nxrept 3tmlnv at 8 a. in . yUIJ'K TIMK AND OtlKAP HATCH. fjockllwtweon Btato ami Court Hts. M. 1. 1IALDW1N, Agent S, C, STONEJiM. D. I'rnnrlctnr.of Stone's Drue Stores HALKM.'ORKtiON. Tliettortis (two In number) are located a No. & and 833 Coininvrelal street, and are ell stocked with complete Hue of ilniRsnml mcdlrlnea, toilet iirllclos, perfumery, brushes nl'., etc., ete. 1)11. HTONK Uits had some U years experience In the prac tice of inedlclneaiid now makes no rliurge for consultation, examination or prescription. DnnnnnnntfUfrnnnnnnnnnnnnnna I PERSON ALAND LOCAL 1 E For additional Loral Nowssco Konrth I'age. D UUUiiUUliliUUUUUUUUUUUiiUUUilC! D. K. Swank of AtiiiiHvillo wits in the city today. Ilcv. .1. M. IloworsoK of Dayton is vis ing in the city. A. T. Wnln returned from n business trip to Portland. Mitts 0. K. Gecr went to Xuwborg to day to visit friundB. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Oroon nro in Or egon City for a week's visit. Missus Forno Huntley and Grayee Da vis wont to Albany yesterday. Mrs. A. A. Wheeler, nttonded tho Chemawa Indian school u.oroios. Ed N. Eden now lias full control of tho C. A E. Coh., office at this point. E. II. Fhiggandson loft hint evening fur Mill City to be gone several days iWiimr. Lon Hill, iHMikkeepor for tho Spanieling LoKiiiib' Com.ny, ha gono to Eugene. Otto Mob-olmu uml later uxpeot to start for Canyon City inuct wuuk to stay tho summer. Mrs. J. J. Hurkius started last night for Wiloox Arlwmi to Join hor hua band "Jack." Miss Mario Kuril who ban Ihkmi oon 'ft nod to hor room forsverol veks is rapidly recovering. Mis IJurtlui Snoll of Drain has re turned to hor homo after spending sev eral days in Salotn. Prosidont T. M. Gatoh, of tho Corvnl lis Agricultural Collugo, was vifiHitig in this oity returning homo today. Miss Vida Mooro, who lias lieen tho jmoat of Judge I'. A. Muoro loft lust niht for hor homein Urontu Paw. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Diiwinoro re turned to Salfin from Portland last night to make thtr future home. "Pell" will again take his old position at the Wtntt'C'Tiier ' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Dicests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature Id strengthening aud recon Btructtntjtlie exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latent li&co vered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in 31ciency. It in atantfy rellnTea and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlcJcIIeadache,Ga3tralgta,Cramps,and all other results of Imperfect digestion. Prepared by C C DtWht & Co, Chicago. PARKER'S.. HAIR BALSAM OiuM tut UaJV U tib. Vrnt rn to jitmorai unj Hir to it TwrtMul Oater tC.CjJl"m tKuiffUM . I PaB INTERNATIONAL. NOTES, It is asserted that a German workman has invented a process of manufacture ingjartificial coal from earth and certain mineral residual Bubstnnces, that the product gives great heat, aud that a kilogram when burned leaves only nine penny weight of ashes. If this be true, In view of tho destruction of the forests, tho constant drain on natural coal, deposits, tho increased ueo of ma chinery, and tho tremendous growth of cities, "it will bo ono of the most import ant Inventions of tho century. A great tea ease has been tried in London. Sir Thomas Upton, whose business is immense, has included the weight of wrappers in parcels in which tea is sold. lie was lined ten oiiih1s and eosta. There was no charge of an intent to defraud, as tho practice is general. The court holds that tho prac tice is in violation of law. If this de cision is sustained 'on appeal, it will make a difference of olghty-llvo thous and dollars per annum in his prollts, unless ho raises his prices. Paper money cannot be used in the Philippines on account of the islands being infested by nuts that cat almost everything, and are especially fond of paper. In a recent shipment of monoy for the troops, was one million dollars of paper money of small denomination ; but a warning was sent hero that nothing but gold and silver must be sent to the islands, as the ants had at tacked these packages, tho notes Mug saved only by thegreates care. It is proposed to build a one-rail rail way from Manchester to Liverpoola dis tance of thirty-three miles, the time to be twenty minutes. A committee has been considering the plan for months. The total cost of construction and equip ment is seven million dollars. There will bo no intermediate stations. Tho committee is convinced that the enter prise will pay. If it is successful a similar arrangement will be built be tween New York anil its suburbs, and what now requires an hour and one half will Ih) made in less than thirty minutes. The Stella Polaro sailed on tho morn ing of Juno 2, from Christianht, Nor way, on a now effort to reach the pole. It carries tho Duko of Ahrus-zl, the nephew of tho King of Italy, a captain aud lieutenant of tho Italian navy, a physician, two Italin sailors, four mountain guides, aud ten Norwegian sailors. There are also on board ono hundred and twenty dogs and an Eskimo for the management of them. The duko is I'll years of ago, and a few years ago he climbed Mount St. Ellas in Alaska. He will try to reach the polo by tho way of Franz Joosf Land, camp this autum somewhere in that region, purposing next summer to push over the ice for tho polo. The shir is supplied with provisions for eighteen months and is admirably equipped with scientific instruments. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, u powder. It cures painful, smarting, nervous feet and Ingrowing nails, and Instantly takes the sting out of corns and buulons It's the greatest comfort discovery of tho age. Allen's Foot-Easo makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try It today. Sold by till druggists aud shoe stores. By mull for2.')c In stumps. Trial pack age FREE. AddresB, Allen S. Olm sted, Lcltoy, N. Y. 4 ITEMS OF INTEREST. Itussia contains more than twice as many blind persons as all tho rest of Europe combined. Tho Russian statistical society which is authority for this statement, places the number at 10,000, or two in every thousand of (lie population. In France and England tho blind are not quite ono per thousand. Tho uxcos sivo blindness is bolloved to bo due to the long snow season and tho uncleanly habits of tho jwoplo, Of all thuso ll0, OOObut.twoor throo can road, and only about 2,o00 aro cared for in institutions for the blind. A carriage weighing 1,700 -winds, and propelled by a slx-horeo power motor made a trip recently from Cleveland to Now York, a distant- of 707 miltw in a running time of -10 hours and 4 minutw. An average siieed of 17) miUw per hour, although jHirt of the distunce was covered at tho rate of 20 mile jnir hour. This trip would utem to indieuto that rapid long-distance autouiobillBm will lm within tho roach of tho public in the near future. Some ono said that tho three most important problems demanding solu tion in our cities, k far as physical con ditions are concerned, are rapid transit cluaulinnss and quiet. A writer in the Electrical Ileview sy the hore is tho chief hlndrauet to the accomplishment of these ideals. Uiion thij) patient long suffering r- ant of man is laid the charge of fur nWhing slow ami clumsy transit, of pro ducing elUier dirwotly or indirectly nmrly all th dirt, and In wmnection with the rattling of vehicles, wont of the not). lleay& 'let Um torses be haubjlied t. the rural dktrkUi "along with other ! animate wtikli are a part of farm life." i TIwh feWUt eleftrteui conveyance ui transport both freight awl jsngers, will make no litter, nor noUe, 1cuk equipped with pwenmatie tires ami run on smooth aephalt rtnurte. "Tims by ..im m.lL-ul cluRiM id the city to be re- I duced to the cleanly quiet of a June ' morniug in a wl-laiI irk. It may ' raquire long life to t the renliaatMHi of this desideratum." Nevertheke it is a moat deairahle thing to Swoot. refrashlnL' Ieeo i given by Hood's Saruaptrlllj, which fwd He i iei veil, tonos the stotoacli awl curetfj tilt 0)t-peptlc symptom. jKrJaJd1a5cntK.Y,pecUI In many lmpor taut particulars, , parllln is Peculiar Hood's bursa to Itself. It Is a medicine as far ahead of the us ual preparation as the electric light is ahead of thotallowdip.Thc iunredients used in making it are selected with the very greatest. care, at the nd are gathcredforus time they possess the (r eat est remedial value. i he pecul; iar com- lon, pro- port. Ion and pro- cess used iu Snrsa- Hood's parilla, ore unknowi to any other, thus making Hood's Sar- sanarilla necxfiarfo tsclf. IThe value of this peculiarity is 1 sho wn bv nctunl results. And Hood's Barsa parilla has a record of cures tin equal ed in medical history, llasmoro of them, greater succcsscsin serious cases, better gen'uine, unsolicited lostimonlalsthtuy. WjQ olMcr mcdicinein exist! j Icnce. It cures V I ft I lextremo cases of blood dis- ascs.luirnors, scrof ula, salt .rheum, rheu matism, catarrii, and all other troubles traceable to impure or vi tiated blood, possessing great stom-och-tonlng qii ( alities, it cures indi gestion, dypeplc sia, catarrh of the stomach ,ctcTj I T It builds up the nerves, J renewing and reviving brain, nervo I and mental strength and curing nervous prostration. As a natural tonic it strengthens the whole system and cures that tired feeling. It has done alii this for others and' what it does for 'oth l'rs it will do for you. All wo ask for Hood's Sarsapanl is a necessity, an otwortunUxi and a fair trial. Ho sure toget Hood'B. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell. Mass. It never cfiMiijwiHtir. Bankruptcy. Mrs. I). L. Fiester, of Salem, tho milliner, has filed a jietltion in bank ruptcy iu the United State-) district court in Portlaml. Her liabilities amount to $2,271.10. Her assets, In cluding a homestead valued at $87f, which Is exempt, amount to $0,000. Drowsiness Is dispelled by am's Pills. Hiu'.ch- ' Frances Klzcr Roland wife used Dawson's Herb says my tea one month, her backache ie cured." 0 24 tf Masonic Visitors. Many Masons of RIckoral and Inde pendeco lodges were in attendance last evening at tho lodge meeting. They all enjoyed themselves highly and pro. nounce the Salem frators good enter tainers. Oood Pasture. Parties wanting good pasture can get same at tho Statu 1-uir Grounds by ap plying C. J). Gabrielson, secretary, ll-0-t. flosrs ths ? lta K'1 Yw ,lav8 A1"' B' Cheap Rates to tho East, Christian Endeavor oxeur. sion. Effective Juno 211. See Thomas Watt A Co. 2IJ fi-t Saved His Nick. M. T. McGrath, of Linn county, ontoncud to life in tho ponituntiury was brought to tho prison Friday by tho sheriff of Linn county. MissGertrudo Hihhard and Lotitla McKiunnn, who have been sojourning nt thollibbsrl farm for an outing re turned to Portland this morning. Notice. Olllce of tho secretary of State, Sa lem, Oregon, Juno 24, 1800. Notice is hereby given that tho State Hoard of Agriculture hiiving, in complianuo with an Act of tho Twentieth legislative Awembly tiled in tho ollice of tho Sec retary of State February 28d, 1809, deeded to the State of Oregon the lauds known as the "State Fair Grounds," the appropriation of $7,000 for tho pay ment of the warrant indebtedness of suid State Hoard of Agriculture imed prior to February 21, 1800, prointrly en dorsed, warants, will lw issued on the Statu Treasurer to the extent of tho appropriation. Interest will not bo al lowed after this date. F. I Dunbar, Isecretarv of State. In accordance with thealsjvenotice, holders of all warrants of the Oregon State Hoard of Agricul ture dated prior to February 21, 18051 are hereby notified that the mime will be paid on presentation at the olllce of the Secretary of State, or at the ofllce of the undersigned, aud that interest will reuse after this date. J. II. Albert, treasurer of the Oregon Stato Hoard of Agriculture. 0-20-tf " Mitee Myrtie Marsh aud Metta Pavia left this morning for Lo Angeles to at tend tlie National Edueutional associa tion and to tour to various mints of in terest iu California to I gone two months. 1 Causes of Loss of Hair Dr. Bbonrid, the mintnt French Dermatologist, says tbst V8 per cent of bslr lotsr are tli results of microbes ami the nglct of dan druff. The antiseptic action of SEVEN 3 SUTHERLAND SISTERS' preparations kills' nlcroBCS and restores dasdruH Tbctr ceestaot s for a period wm. tr acting drct!r on tbo balr bulbs, fainiab DoaiisfaEatot, vkalltr and growls power to ihs lporUbd roots u4 balr shafts, rwuHtfig la coco pltts restoration. 8wwmwwmwl sou by vxuooim Election of Offlccrs. Liberty Council, Order of Pernio, elected olllcers last evening for the en suing six months, as follews: Mrs. Frank Davoy, councilor; Miss Leah It. Ilolsinger, vice councilor! Frank Pave-y, secretary; Miss Laura A Sell wood, treas urer Mrs. Carrie M. Holman, chaplain ; Mrs. L. 1). McClaine, guide; Mrs. Graco C. Cnplingor, warden ; C. It. Measor, sentinel ; J. L. Knplingcr, past councilor. Installation will take place next Friday evening. An Oriental in Town, Minister Kiennn Sargund, a native of Antioch, Syria; an ordained minister of tho Coptic church and minister iu Soudan, Africa, Sunday nt tho Seven teenth Evangelical church, In tho evening ho will deliver a lecture at tho German Reformed church on Capital street, on "Manners and Customs of the Copts, aud Trials aud Triumphs of Christutiiity iu tho Soudan. All aro cordially invited. Tho lectures will Iw interesting to all. The Homeliest Man m Salem Ah welt ns the handsomest, and others aro Invited to cull on any druggist and get frco a trial buttlo of Kemp's llalsiim for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that Is guaranteed to cure and believe till Chronic and Acute Coughs, Astlimn, Bronchitis and Consump tion. Price 25c. and 50c. cod&w O Sk.'jETl' O 3fc. XU. m 0-js tb y? 1 to Kind You Haw Alwars BougM Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns, cuts, bruises, and Ivy-polMinlng, quickly healed by Do Witt's Witch Hazel xalve, prevents blood poisoning "DeWltt's1' Is SAKKiintl auitn, Stone's Drug Stores. DoWltt's Little Eurly Risers ben cllt permanently. They lend gentle assistance to nature, curing constipa tion and liver ailments, stone's Drug Stores. Mrs. C. II. Monroe, accompanied by her sister Miss Minnie Van i Winkle are in the city visiting Mrs. A. J. Monroe. Imperial Limited. Tho Cadadhui Pacific Ry. is now mak ing the fastest time across the continent. Their service is of the most splendid description. All classes of passengers are carried on tho "Imperial" train. You mnv travel anywhere by the Canadian l'aollle Ry. and Soo line. Mr. C. M. l-ookwood is agent for Sa lem. 0-22-tf A diseased stomach undermines health, It dulls the brain, destroys tho nervous system. All dyspeptic troubles are cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has cured thousands of cases. Its Ingredients arc such that It can't help curing. Stone's Drugstores. O.A.JSI'OrJK.X.A.. 6ttn the p II" KM You Hao Always Bought ffl!r &&&&: "What might have been" Is tho sad rollcotlon of thousands of con sumptives. One Minute Cough Cure cuies coughs and colds. Stone's Drug Stores. Cooper bhop. SI. STEWART, the South Salem coop or.is prepared with tho best quality of stock to make cooperage of all kinds, from a well bucket to a 10,000 gallon tank. Prices to suit tho times. Shop iu South Salem. (1 10 lm Thomas llhoads, Centcrllcld, O., writes: "I sulTered from piles soven or eight yours. No remedy gavo me relief until DeWltt's Witch Iliiel Salve," perfectly harmless. Stone's Drug Store t. Piano tioxes. Having sold four dozen pianos in hist three months. I am entirely overstocked with piano Ihixcs and In order to clean them nut will sell this lot at fl.KO each u good time for feed boxes at Geo. C. Will, the Music and Sewing machine dealer. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Davoy, leave on the overland train this morning for Fossil, Wheeler county, for a several days' visit. Mr. P.ivey will deliver the Fourth of July oration at that place. Example Is Better Than Precept Those sententious proverbs or old euws, which are med us prellxos to all of the Hood SurMiparllhi udvorthdng In thousand of papers throughout the country, are evidence of a new and or iginal styleof display advertising both pleasing and elfectlve. The Hood firm Is to be congratulated on so clovorly adapting such wisdom an bus tillered down through centuries. An other charming thing ubout this Hood advertising Is the unique typo they aro using. .'I Don't Lose Your Grip When you feel your health fulling look to your plumbing. There is noth ing that will undermine your health like living iu a houbo where the plumb ing is defective, and the air vitiated by sewer gas. When you want yoir iiliimbim; overhauled uml looked after. or your water piroM ueoil repairing, ranges and furnaeo or steam heating an pa rat us put in order for the Whiter, caA on ue. BARR&PETZEL tU COMML'KCIAL hTKEET. Teteitione No. J371 Premium on Warrants. Ax frU barlOK Ms'too tw I'olk rounljr warraut U dUiM uf. will 1U1 U tu call a itt umtm uf Jtwv& nrerifun, V9 Ctmmtt Ul Mr4. wilt) IMm 4. Karktr I will allow traiiuM oh all ! wvlr tuttuttvX war icU Mmej to Ivan at t au-n lr flt lotw -m( mi 1hiwm4 uns. UutrnnmUuup VTliHt ' Hr lltoek. H9 tiinin 1st iut v" C7empjlKJ' 6vitivr. W'i M : hi for infants and Children. Tlio Kind on IIiwo Always Bought 1ms borno tho slgun tttro ol' Cluu. II. Flctohor, and hits been nmdo under Ills povsounl suiHTVlsion for over JJO yours. Allow no ono to deceive you hi thltf. Counterfeits, Imitations and MiM-us-grootl" are but Experiments, and endanger tho health of Children ISxnerlcuco agaiiiHt Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought iioars tuo V In Use For Over 30 Years. THE etWTailW COMMWr, TT MUFHV TWIfTt WtW VOW CITY. 1 ail " "'' wipMto Xl$3jrT frMlsllt. .1 taxqjgiuuiiMii.iiiigwiiii.il THEY ALL WANTED IT I! You tf e they thought the Mcvcle In the wlmlow, w the only one we lisil. l hte were tilenly inote Inside however, ami w old 'era oue each. We cau lit vou OiU also WITH A RflWFORD, LEUELflND, 'RESCENT. Water Prolongs. Your Life. If your hotiHo ih not Mippllod with a Hath it onht to ho, I w ill uiiiko tlio kiiIviiiiIzihI iron Tank, put iu the Tub, tho bunt of PltimhitiK, and do all kimlH of tin work, Call and link for oMtimatert. T. S. BURROUGHS 10:i STATB.STUEKT MANHOOD RESTORED SKSSK V.SEf-TW SSKSH. remedy guaranteed to cure all nervous dlwrsKS, uch us Weak picmnry, iienciaciir.waurlunilou.I.o.t Manliooil, Nlulilly Kmiv Ions. Nervou.nets, Ions of power In Generative Origin, cnum by yoiitliful errors, cxcekilve use of -tlmiilanls wliuti Irail lu innrnmy or insaniiy. can ic fv bv mall nrrralil. no ouier -.uinuucmrca uy the rcau MedlclneCo,, ran.l rancc. .uiic-Ua vlH limn Co, distributing agenu. . ,. , . . - -. Tmao AHli VAMlirr.LHTS . PonTI.AKn Osrooy FOR SALE UY D. ,1. PIIV, SALE.U, ORISUON4 THE OLD POSTOFFICE STABLES. Special rates g'von toICommorcial men. Privet muite Ui all oiiiU at all li(Hir..1 Jllre in a call and U utlsf)iHl. I'Iiiimo 491. 'At the Sign of the White rHorse," For thirty yoarx I hayo stitipllod Hho trade with "All Home Made" hurtle of the I lent (,'ulirornla Lcuthor. Hvorytlilnic that kooh out of my Nbop Ih warruntcd U) ulvo satisfaction and 1 am bettor equipped to mipply the demand than oyer before My Htock Ih not I'ljualfod Hotweoii IVriland und 'Frisco, Maniifuottircr ,und huiiortcr ofllnrno, KikIiIIoh, Itobos, Whip und Ilorwi L'Ltlilnir. E. S. Lamport, 289 Oommcrcial street, Harritt & Lawrence In the 4if to yt Green Peas New Potatoes Steamed Mam HJtT'ilminDd I him iwiirwtliiiiKdalleloinH-Just the tiling HARRITT & LALI3RJBN mui i'oro''ioB auocKitv, -ffci vKjH7jCk3iHK3mB ls sfJ?JLili Mate CortUkate. Kxa)ius foi vmr froin I80 to JlfiO; or board, 12.50 to H ir Hfk. Tuition t3 ir trm u twi w nk Fall term toyln Hent. 10. Suminer Tirrn June 27 Mpt. 1 For laUlnRuu, aldruiM, V. L CAlIPHKLL, Vt. or A.Wshh e of Foully. uliUnl bignaturo 01 M4 UM The (Center of Attraction, I'.verv man Ih who looks neat and Irrc iiroiu'liable in beautifully laundered liui'ii. Kveryono admire tho titan whoso linen l" alwaya faultless in its HiiIhIi and eolor, and who Iiiih it laun dered at tho Salem Steam laundry. Wo make vour linen look like entlemon'H linen. "White, rleur, Hpotleiw and with a llniMh that In perfeotion itself. Balem Steam Laundry, COL. J. OLMHTKAU, IMIOI'K. IMione 41, 2."10 Liberty Street. Best and largest line of Bicycles in the Gity Car load shipments Direct from Factory PRICES: !l.t0 Wu have.,,, Best Bicycle r, m, wade a CO. PIIONK Ifill cnrrlrtl In vctt noeket Jl novr Circuliir Trrt. AllilrurripUi.. -.... .. .... ... . m.,.,-- II di IHKC (12 FKItltY 8T HALKM, OIL J. J. FIDLER, proprietor. IlursorA lltmrded by tlio Puy, Week or Mouth. Stundliiu TtHitns, lAc. b'li kIo Ilorso lOo. Stale Normal School MONMOUTH, OK. Training Kcliool for Tuuehore. Now HuildiinH, Now Dui'ttrtmunU. Ungrtulwl Country MvIimjI Work. Graduates Secure Good Poslfions, Htrong CeurwM. Wo?l Knulpjied rruinlHK Dttartiiient. Normal .'iMirMr nuluktwt and lawt way to 74t 11HS1NESS OARl). O. H. CRACK Sucoester to Dr. ). M. Keene, old White Corner, SaLm, Or. l'art.es desiring superioi operations at moderate fees in any branch m In especial request. ALBERT A. JESSUP. Phono 1071. KOOMS 1 AND a, nit AY 11 LK, Salem Soda Works R. H. Westacott, Prop. All kliul" of in drink nml bar syrup n spoolalty, First clsss ilollttry, 6i rurmY STHBrrr, 3 11 tf Phono 2603 SOULE BROS. 1MAN0 TUNERS AND REPAIRERS rOUTLAND, OHli PorHatcinauil vlnliilty tcsro orders at Oco a Will's Muslo Hlore. Sa OFFICE, CITY HALL For water service apply t ollke. Bd'i payable monthly in advance, Make complaints at tho nrV:, CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfe Meets all mall and nassencer tratru, ' Bar. tinge and express to all parts of the ell) Prompt service. Telephone No. 70. WHITE & D1SQUE. O. H. LANB Merchant Tailor U7 STATU STltllCT. ESf-BulU 5115 mid upwards, Pants (S3 mid upwards. BICYCLE REPAIRING.. HIcyck'H repaired and sundrlun sup piled. New Bhop ready to repair or tiu lid you 11 wheel HutlRfiictlon Ktmrantccd. Your pat ronuuo gollciU'd. KDOAIl & IIUUBIITB. ;i 18 tf 103 Statu street. Assay Office AND LABOAATORY. No, 71 Chcmckcta st, I. II. l TUTHILLIAsiiyer, f 0 I7DP a.o. rliii NEW MARKET St.te street, near railroad, Freliest anil best meats, My patrons say I keep the Uil treats In town a Land Plaster HEED OATS, MILL FEED FLO U It, HAY. LIME, OEMENT, LATH. J, E GILMORB, ttBtsieamUt? ourtst. ,-wwv IIHK.M) IH TIIK HTAKfJOK UflC TIIK IICHT IH MAIIK HIOll I t i Salem Special jflouv. r Hotter than any previously made. 5 f (iuurautetl um roiiruiKmtod. P A Money refundctl if not oatiafactory. d Obtain the host from your home mill. 9 f Your Grocer will supply yon. 0-ltf.1l .'7swICHaVNaVm.'BC CURE YOURSELF! I IlisU (or attimmrtl 'I... Iii". ilHltlWallU., uiiikiu.ua i'r uL-nli-m I MliioUl lUfllltlitur. riiii. sui i'i -u- wtnOa " or t"Mu Nulil Uf if'uut.nia, nr mui lit llu "iVir. I. finr.. kmi, Nr l u.Im. ll.i. it..l, w. I xu rtMUe Salem Preparatory School. Kuinmor term ojhjiis July 5, 18W. Tuition jxir mouth : Norumlund Hlghsohool fl 00 Common and Higher Grades. . 3 00 IJmIow 7th Graile 3 60 A. J. Oaulano, M, A. 11 7 lm Principal. oteam Dye Works No,- IDA Commercial street, opposite Wlliametto hotel. Ladle' und eutlemel's ulntlilng uleuoed, djed,.rt paired aud pruased. FliTo blunketH cleaned nr dved and nlcidy llnnlied. Kid gloTca cleaned, JOo; dyed U5v em water w., l'l;l in,!!!! ju-m.-t.ft: M.W11 lullui W lnI'l.f.liU llll VZTllMlUHtol VtmL e s. 1 ML" - 1 mmm-- xtmmmAtn j MSERfiTW ETTAANDERS-WILMAN Associate .Teacher Western CMeira! toijr, Kansas City, Mo., representor inc iiiter-siate arttem. at safem. Or., Over First National Baalr. Resldesce 376 Church street. Studio hoars to to 5. DEALER, in : GROCERIES j PaIuUi. Oils Window OtaH Var nisb, and tbo most coimilete stock of Brushes of all kinds In the stato Artist materials, lime; hair; ce ment and shingles; and the finest quality ol crnaaseed. 1 WANTED. Now today oaveruwt tou; Uties wT or lean in thin ml ii4u.it lu,uj ju---.i -r" .1... F nm .... m . . ... i. per month. All over ier Mum at same rata. JOHN M. PAYNK dt CO-Ono door west of J.J. Dalryraplo'fl More, dots real estate and llrelnRiirnncobuslnoivi. List your property. No snlo no cliare. Notary public, Salem. 0 15 lm WANTED. Qool light ono horse 1 wngon with sprint, state price. Ad-'' drcM O. I. Journal ollice, 7-Wt WANTED. At Steady work. once, chambermaid. L 1 E t yM wt vvsrJrsavSBsNrgNajrr 2 mw finniTncib v i S fflllHra i mEv v 7 UVKll llUUIILrTjs 7 & 2 1 7 " , t 1 IlliWUtllUXl 110101. A V3 0 80 2t h 8PIUITUAL PHILOSOPHY Ex plained and teats ivon, (Saturday eve, In KIdriiiKe Ulock. Tho public in vlted, colleetlon at parlors. Mrs. 0. CornellUR. 0 29 3t SPIItlTUAL MKETING-A fow days . only. Mi-h. C. Cornelius will be at tho Eldricilge block where alio maybe toiiHiilted on all mattera of teats of nplrit frlcnda. Hours On. m, toO p. in. 0 20 lit NO VACATION.-MIss Shclton will couthiue her itiuaie classes durlnu tho Hiuuiuer without interruption. Pupils ' received nt any time. Terms reas onable. Studio. 478 Front street. 0-27-lui FOIl SALE. Ono bay maro, threo1 yeara old. Weluht about 1000' lbS.J Uentlu and kind and will drive doublol or oinIu. Atldresf V, Von Black Kruitland, Oregon. 0-28'lw ' , 7.S ! FOUND. A threo link pin. Owner can have same by proving property ojiilk'.faJ liavlmr for this ad. oxa-at H FOK BALE. -Oood baby wajton and dictionary hohler almost new.' 'JS i'liiii.n iv:uiii.itiiti iwiv, Avii w Court Htrect. GIRLS WANTED-To learn a cood 1 trade. Plncwi for two now 0ien. Call Yjf tor particuinrs av jiik jour.wai. oince. j ; 0 -MU WANTED-To buy forty tons of oat hay. Willamette Hotel. fl '23 tf WOOD WANTED.-Fifty cords of flr and hanl wood wanted. Inquire at .Iouiinal olllce. tl 23 tf HOUSE FOIt HKNT.-aood sir room, building. Call on Thoa. Holman, 370 HIbIi atrwt. 02U HOUSE SHOEING. Having securc.1 the serviced of a tint claso horw ahoor, I am prepared to serro my old patrons aud others. I have on hand; , a number of tlno buggies both estj ern and homo made, also buck' lioarda and several styles spring' wagons, which are offered clieai.fori cash, W. Fennel, Balem Wuon. Factory. HU?tf ItOOMS. Furniahed or unfurnialic.-, ; (ll.i. .Ka saw ! tttt..j ltnditv r-i'm(vtti!'' at 3 Jiuuiv ui lit mtuvi sstssis twin -., - r,-s Joining, homelike. Becond lloorCottlef 'fk Ulock. Mattle lintcltina, rrop. jtooni 12. 6-3t FOIt EXCHANUE.-Dij you want a good paying business T $0,000 stock , guueral department ton$. Goods flrat'ClahM. Want clear real cstato and one-third cash. Addros Wheeler's Department Store, Hantinga, Neb. 0 0 lm FOIt HALE Good dry wood, delivered to any part of the city. Price reason able. Uave orders with Harritt A I jiwrcnco r Furiiifrs' Feed vnnl Hlgbf street. D'.o-om UlUYL'LE PATH H yuur bloycl , needs' repairs unmj It. lu, wo hvaj tlio bklil uml stock to keep It in iinAr class condition. Wo carry a full line or sundries und makes special Ity of eoamellnsr como ande us 4 wo satisfy our patrons. OardBcr,, White. 2i3 Liberty 1 berty stteet. hoibj8 , block, next door to8teuui ItinuHrW i'&M Phono 28M. OUHE OLEANEUS - Kewwwbe'' that the best uod cheapest carpet naoerlH tho heavy fell ruinnr sold' utTiiK Journal oriice. HSt Uids Invited. Kealcd bid for furoUhliirf wood for HinOroirnnHiilinnl fortha 1111 Od Will bo received at tho onica of tho upr Inteodent until 0 o'clock p. m. Ju tAM!t 1HUO. ' .? .ii too poniti nr i.irio or uoor nr 11 ou, ' t cord lots. , ,. -,-, 100 corda of beat necood urowUntrdii 60 cord lots. All of said wood to Ua. sound und of best quality, cut frow nr..,,, uiiiiwlini. tliiilmr. , A ". 20 corda of bust rub or pote Q&Sg nicdluiu size. , , . Tho rlUt Is rosctved to re)et. yi or ull bids, or uoy iortlo p a W4, . jt Euvftlope contaloInK W lie marked. "Hlds for wood for th O. a. u." .7iTi-ClAIHrto4W . UVjL C,in,.lntinilanl.niA. Kl'lllKll fUC m . H. ,...--, g fwmmm ""'" ",T' - 9:34, 7t; The Fact Rsmshw. .., 1. t.. ...in tiii ulmt 'OH will, tho ftwt still remain?. It? tVH storv biit neverthelMa trua, Twms ern Paolllo It. K. ia still the peop' J fJ ularroad. The cheapest, tw, ?" the let. Tlie Yellowstone Park U runs two trains daily. . . . . eod 74 TliOMAS, W,tr W-i P Grt 1 Vkewm w DrMiU' MmtM i ckc - tit r 'H T- -? r "C .K, i -! ?1 V ti M (he feet. JjataArfK usJ'iwdUA ,