The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 01, 1899, Image 2

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    MiMlltlliwiiiti)llimlff(iMinqtiiiMr-f' I ii i" XfT-rtrV'l Jrt" 'T".;,'"iU ' ' """ "' " " " ' """-' " "-' ......i.............
t does not matter how, or why, the GREAT SUCCESS-"
proving1 that our values and efforts are appreciated
. ' havirdecided us to inaugurate this
Sutpdse Sale in
2hftdteris Clothing
Until further. notice our entire stock of Children's
Cloffiing will be ofTered at SPECIAL PRICES.
.. Absolutely no reserve all fresh, new and up-to-date
New Duck Pants
New Caps
New Bells
New Hals
Either bow inaccuracy in the tables, or
clo acknowledge that you do uot want
your record e-prea'd before your conMitti-ont.
Dillt CMM I):HU
av HOJwjcrn bkotubrs
8ATUKDAY, JULY 1, 1899.
Bftllj, One Tear 93.00, In Advance
Dully, row Montba 1 00. U Advance.
Wwkly, One "STear 81.00, in Advance
"Do unto tho otlier folli-rtlio way he'd
llko to do unto you an do it foot."
Tho nbovu is h iopn)nr text from n
book David Httruiii. While men liko
Kooscvolt nro haying tho Golden Hulo
should have tnoro application in our
public affairs, thin inversion of the Gol
den Rulo in given acceptance by thoso
who do not penetrate- below the ur
faco. Tlio above rule If rnrrli-d Into effect
, would rwnlnro the world to Iwrbarii-m.
It Would nliinuurntu tho days of tho
twelfth mntnry when it iiitin counted
lilmnulf liuppy to huvo ti pair of leather
brcecliM and not lo killed.
GIvo thin practical application ; thou
ehalt not covet thy neighbor's ox, IiIh
landn, bin wealth nor IiIh wife. Accord
to tho David Hnruui philosophy if you
.uuspwitod your neighbor nf meting
covetous oyi"i on ntiplil nf )mro, tiiu
thing to do would Imj to druoll him Ih
foro. ho could dcppoll you. It la tho op
porltctif tho ten couiuinndnientH which
Imply declare what sbull not be done
that society mayoxiit. David lliirum
Ih u book chockfull of homo ooiiho, und
the aliove parody on the Golden Itulu
is not to Ikj taken literally. It in rather
to Iki regarded its moiiiiiiiK KOiuutiliir
(pillo different from what it nay.
i . ,
Jacob Hozomor, a thrifty citizen of Fn
lem complains Of hit aftiowmient for
1898. It in ah follews:
Heal estate 13700 00
Notes and accounts '-'125 00
Hon. J. A. Jeffrey, a jvojiiilnr young
lawyer, in tho orator of tho day nt 8a
lem. His mdoctiou Is u littlo variation
front tho regular program. Ho is a
young man with no particular "pull,"
imply KM(cMilng a imputation for ubil-
tty as n thinker and a ready, winy,
graceful and eloquent njKmker. Joffroy
was a Populist member of tho 1exila-
ture In 1B95 and mado a clean nvonl for
wtho jteoplo from tho duiidHiiut of the
..principle upon which ha was elected.
llttwas nil able district attorney in
Botithoru Oregon for novum! turms.
Hut nu matter what his views werour
am on political questions, he Is a gentle-
man of too much respect for American'
Institutions to air obtrusive urlttait
ship on a patriotic ocounIoii. Wo reoull
a celebration at Salem, not lougugo,
twhero tho speaker forgot all the pruprb
ctlosnf thn occasion ami delivered him
Total pWlT, 03
Mr. Hczumor dous not object to tho
projierty assessment. Ho admits hav
ing notes to tho amount of $2,425, hut
says he did uot stive them in. He did us
many other good jwrHons do lied about
thnm or least did not "give them in,"
which amounts to the same.
This year his real estate is assessed
3,7K5, but his notes have not yet been
listed. Tho assessor wilt probably give
him no cause for complaint on that
score.but will list his notes for 1809.
Tho assossor will do that, "on informa
tion." and of courso "verified from the
Jacob Hozomor is an old-fashioned
German, and will not swear that ho is
not tho ownor of the notes. Now while
all real estate is taxed at ono-thlrd or
nno-iouriu us values, tno notos it is as
sumed are assessed at full value. Is that
Just? And Is evorylKsly who has notes
assessed at their full face vitluo?
Tint JouiiNAi. holluvos if everybody's
notos wero "uisessod as Mr. Hczcmur's
are tho assessment roll at Balom would
ho doubled and porlmpn iiumlrttpUxl and
we'd have taxes reduced about ouu-half.
And wo do say that Is just an I what
should Is) done under tho procont law.
The present law is working a great
Injustice on the man who is conscien
tious or who gets ciitight as Mr. Hoz-
omor Is caught. Tho non-resident inouuy
lender escapes taxation on his notes.
The honest and unfortunatu nmlduut
con not oMHtpo if tho assessor is real
vigilant in camping on his trail.
- . .. !
Little ttiibi In leafy wooil.
nound by gentle brotherhood,
While ye followed blessed fates,
Mn arc ground by tho wheel of toil ;
hilo ye follow blessed fatos
Men arc shriveled up with hates;
Or they lie with sheeted lust,
And they eat the bitter dust.
Ye arc Inters in your hall,
Gay and chainlcss, greatttnd sinall;
All the toilers in the field,
All aro sharers in the yield.
Hut wo mortals plot and plan
How to grind the follow wait ;
Glad to find him in a pit,
If wo got mime gain of it.
So witli us, tho sons of limn,
Jjilwr it a kind of crime.
For the toilers have the least.
While the idlers lord the foaet.
Yes, our workers, they are loiind,
I'allid captives to the ground ;
Jeered by traitors, fooled by knavos,
Till they stumble Into gravos.
How appears to tiny oyos
Alt this wisdom of tho wlso7
Kdwin Markham.
God bless a Democrat or Populist who
"minds his own business," but damn a
Republican who won't stand in. We,
the Tush.
Corvallis jH-oplo aro not at all hide
bound about allowing Populists or Dem
ocrats to assist in receiving tho Volun
teers. Judge Hurnott.whoHo son is nt Ma
nila, Is chairman of tho Reception com
mittee. J. M. Nolan, ItobL Johnson and
Virgil K. Waters are the linancu com
mittee. U. K. Irvine, editor of tho Dem
ocratic Times is chairman of tho Pro
gram committee.
There is n timely hint in this, anent
tho editorial excursion coming to Salem,
from the Corvallis Unien:
Lot u make a united effort to clean
things up generally, and when those
ladies ami gentlemen of tho association
return to their homes, may their theme
till "f!nrt'fl1ltu liiir linlilMil lwuiitlt.... .....I
-... ......,, ..v. ....ti..,., irm.iiiiun, mill
the appreciation
mr tiieiu."
of hor citizens for
Tho Joounaih rouud'Ut of tho log
islative record aro causing much com
ment throughout the statu press.
On tho whulu tho comment is favor
able, hut hero and there an organ of
K)lls politics and tho push element
lludsall sorts of fault.
Tho hoodlcr novor wants his record
uxMtNvd, and therein lies tho motive for
ftdvurHi criticism. Tho only excuse
which these hostile oritios can find for
their condemnation, however, is the
fait that the Jouiival bus scon fit to
1'or ton yours tho mall carrlor has
taken Tint Kvhkimi Jouii.vai. to tho
asylum tho ovonlng it is printed. Thai
arrangement Is now all off and an usv-
him employe found reading this paor
will IIikI life quilo iinconifortahlo.
"Gfsl bless n Democrat or Populist
who minds his own husinoss and takes a
grab when ho can. Hut d n a Republi
can who won't stand in." Do Push.
Oregon's governor Inn not II rod that
Turtle adjutant gcuural of his yot. And
there aru others.
. .
What Ih tho purpose, of thoOrogonlnu's
literary bureau? CBrtalnly not to touch
Kugllsh literature.
Tho last legislature should have pasted
it law against Hittohtns making fools of
Tho Hrltlsli are doing the talking but
tlioy don't dash into Unolu Paul Kruegor.
"IajI us bo patriotic or bust."
self of various remnant of slump
speeches und eulogy of his arly ad
uitnUtnttiou and what glorious results
it wus accomplishing for tho prolorlty,
honor and glory of the country.
There Is a tituo for everything, and
Vtlio lima to weep Is when a two by four
'politician Attempt to tako advantage of
tho nation's birthday to win npplauso
?9r u party or a faction. "A decent rc-
, sjHt for tho opinions of mankind"
iritonld unable any Fourth of July ora
tor to rlj to thu dignity of tho occasion
Ujtnd sortr the eagle h1kvo tho heads of
&iHiart5 race or creod.
Imurk "rlKht" and "wrong" the votes as
they appear in the table. This Is not a
rttiNtii, but only a lllmsy oxonso for
TIih tahlMi eutitain th ayo ami no vote
ami a smviiiclmtutwueiit of oaoh prtqsi
sltiou iilwl on. The data Is all there i
tho voter can draw hU own conclusions.
If hudotM not agrvw with tho Jouks-au'w
opinion, ht is at perfett liberty toformu
lute one of his own. lie euu mitko his
on nmrklmw of rluht and wrong, and
Ids own syiwpMM and summary.
Nu one unit My that tho talilus am
not correct, nor that any prokMllin
has been dislgtsl or omlttMl It it was of
gauural Interest and tha vote wusdl
vlilotl. We ulialloMgw any one to men
tion a roll mall ol wither thu Iioum or
senate in tho shIuI sesniou, on any
inatler of Importuiiou on which tluire
was any dlvUIon, whlvh Uimu woUslhhl
lit thu tables already Um. Wo .hul
leiiKO any one to liuttil an urrur in i-ithur
tublo, in the statamuNt of the matter
votid on or in tltv lit iU ay. hihI m
Ntiw, guiitleincn, mi up mi- ahui up.
Thoro Is tnoro Uatiirrh In this roc
tlouof the country thun nil other dl
jensort put tOKctlior, und until the lust
few years was supposed to bo Incur
able. Knr a grout maiiy yoars doctors
pronounced It a local disease, und pro
scribed local reincdios, and by con
stuutly railing to euro with loon I
trcittnicnt, pronounced II Inourablo.
botenco bus proven catarrh to bo a
constitutional disease, and therefore
requires constitutional tieatuiant.
tiuii's Utitnrrli Cure, iniimiruoiurod by
P. J. Clionoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Ik
tho only constitutional euro on tho
iimrkei. It ttknii internally In
dosos fnuii 10 droiw to u toaipoonful
It nets dlieelly on the bhxMl und uiti
BOU4 surfaciw uf the system. They of
far one hundred dollar for any oio
It f'tlli to cure. Sond for olruulara
mid toitlmonlals. Addro".
P. J. C1IKNKY CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, j5o.
Hall's Pituilly Pills aro tho luL
Arrangements nro practically comple
for the reception and accomodation of
the great army of Christian Kndeav
orerrt who will invade Detroit Mich.,
noxt week. The prearations have
1m?oii made on a scale to insure the vis
itors a hospitable welcomo and a royal
good.timc during their stay. A recep
tion committee numlwr 600, who will
Ih) distinguished by while yatelling
cajw trimmed with crimson bands, will
extend a tnoit hearty wolcome to ovary
delegate, and will sec that upon their
arrival they arc transported as com
fortably and speedily as iofeible to the
quarters assigned them. The conven
tion will oj)cn Wcdnosday with theun
final husinoss meeting for the election of
ollicurs and trustees at the Hotel Cad
illac. Wednesday evening will be held
the first opou meeting in Tent En
deavor. On the follow lug day tho Light
Guard armory and tho big canvas
structure will Ikj occupied and on suc
ceeding days thoro will be Missions of
three elaborate programmes ut the ar
mory and tents WlllisOn and Kuduuvor,
all ut tho same time, Isoldes noon day
meetings und services in twenty of the
the largest churohes in the city.
Among the loading lights in the re
ligious world whose .voicoa will be hoard
during thu week, are: Rev. P. A. Noble,
of Chicago; llev. Newell Dwlght Ilillis,
pastor of Plymouth church, Brooklyn;
Hooker.T. Washington, llev. J. Wilbur
Chapman, William K. Sweet of Denver,
S. I, Duncan Clark of Toronto, Hev.
Charles M. Ollphantof West Virginia;
Rev. W. P. McCauley of .Toledo; HIshop
H, W. Arnett, President John Henry
Harrows of Oborliu College; Miss Jessie
Ackerman of Chicago; Uev. II. O. Hree
ien of Dos Moines, Prof. Graham Tay
lor of Chicago, Rev. A, Mclean of Cin
cinnati. Thu workers from abroad will include
tho CountcsH Schimmelmanii of Den
mark, who has been doing mission
ary work iimnug the sailors of the Great
Ijtkcs during tho past winter; Rev.
James Mursell of Loudon, who will de
liver mi address on Geo. Muller. and
Rev. John Pollock of Glasgow, will de
liver an address on William K. Gladstone.
Thu handsome bronze memorial tablot
erected in honor of tho momnry of tho
ollicurs ami men of the Sixth United
.Suite Infantry who fell in the war with
SjkiIii was Unveiled at Pt. Thomas today
with iuiosiiig oxorcii-os in thu presence
of an immense throng of citizens of
Cincinnati, Newport, Covington and
other cities. Appropriate addresses
wero 'delivered by prominent citizens
and by ollicurs of tho regular army and
the program was intcrpori-cd witli
IKttriotic music. The actual unveiling
was performed by Miss Wutherill,
daughter of Captain Wetherill, who was
killed during thu Sixth's terrific charge
at Sun Juan one year ago today, and
whoso mimu heads the list of those in
scribed upon the tablet.
Tho memorial tablet, which is a mas
sive and iHHiutlful work in bronze, was
modelled by Clement C. Harnhnrn, a
Cincinnati sculptor. It is sot in tho
west front of thu lofty stone water tower,
which stands ut the untranco of Pt.
Thomas, some MX) feet nlsivo tho Ohio
river, Kudosing the tablet proper is an
ornamental bronze frame and ruiiuiuK
acmes its top, within a hit of scroll
work decorated with (lowers and laurel
wreaths, aro the wonls, "Patriotism,"
"Courage" and "Discipline." The im
tlomtl coat of arninjand thu furled bat
tle flags of the Sixth, and swords and
cartridge Indts, all in bas-roliuf, adorn
tho sides of tint tablet. After tho cere
monies of unveiling the large memorial
were concluded thoro was uuvuiled in
side thu garrison a handsome bronze
tablet erected to thu memory of the late
General Harry C. Kgbsrt, who htl tho
Sixth at Situ Juan hill and who was
killed in the Philippines with the
Twenty Second Infantry last March.
Englh Breakfast
Ideal Blend
Rev. Prancis de Paula Darnado, the
new archbishop of Santiago, Iwlongs to
one of the lest families of that city,
where he was born. Por a number of
years he ha1! been, admininlstrator of
the arch diocese of Santiago, the re
tiring archbishop at well as the clorgy
and teople having had the greatest
confidence In him. The archbishop
elect studied in the Univorsity of Sal
amanca, and is a doctor of theology
and canon law. He is 'considered the
mrwt distinguished native clergyman of
the whole island of Cuba and Arch
bishop Chapboll's recomcndatlon of his
apioliitinent was speedily followed by
his nomination by the Pojw.
The exercises attending tho unviuling
of the cquustrian statuo of Mojor Gen
oial John P. Reynolds, were held nt
Gettysburg this afternoon in the pres
ence of a large crowd of visitors from
many parts of tho state. Tho oration
of tho day was delivered by Colonel
Henry H. Huidekoper.
Never has such a crowd Ikhjii seen in
Pueblo os that now gathered hero for
the third annual Historical Panorama of
States and Nations, Pueblo's annual
carnival. Tho streets are gayly decor
ated ami hotels and Ixmrdlng houses nro
tilled witli tourists and pleasure seekers
from far and near. The colobr.rtion
commences tomorrow with public exer
cises in which Governor Thomas will bo
tho central figure. A varied and inter
esting program has been arranged for
Monday and Tuesday including besidos
tho historical panorama, a civic and in
dustrial parade, bicycle races, a band
jumieo in which musicians irom many
towns and cities will comiete, a mask
carnival and a gorgeous flruworks dis
play. The state law prohibiting female
clerks working more than tun hours
each day or sixty hours or week, which
was passed by the last session of the
Nebraska '.legislature, goes into effect
today and the proprietors of leading
retail stores hi Omaha, Lincoln and
other large cities of tho state aro on
the anxious seat awaiting remits. A
line of uot loss than fit), nor more than
$50, is Imtwsed for each violation of the
law and it is made thu duty of the
deputy lalstr commissioner to see to
the provisions being properly carried
out. Thu state hilsir commissioners
say they will enforce tho letter and
spirit of tho law and as a consequence it
is probable that more drv goods stored
and other retail establishments in
Nebraska will bo closed at (1 o'clock
tonight than has over been tho cn'e
lieforu on Saturday nfght.
Dominion Day was today eole
hmtod on an unusually elultontte
scale by the thousands of Ca
nadians resident In Chki. The
Daring Soldiers.
The Proedom.of Manila, just received
contains tho following about the Oregon
tans as seldiers:
Tho Oregons have lwen in many ways
a particularly unfortunate regiment.
Arriving here with thu ilrst expedition
they wore dented tho privilige of living
in the great military camp at Tamlsj.
They took no jnirt in the lighting in the
trenches, they played an iiuiiniiortunt ' that in doing so it sacrillcod much Indo
part in the storming of Manila. When iKindunco, nnd that tho Unions had tho
He Tells Much Truth With Brutal Frank
ness Before the Industrial Commission
His Testimony a Surprise to Republi
can Leadcts. He Opposes Protection
Above io Per Cent He Insists That the
Day of th Individual Business Man
Has Gone.
Henry 0. Havemeyer, president of the
American Sugar Refining Company,
was examined by the Industrial Com
mission in connection with its investiga
tion of trusts.
He made a vigorous attack upon the
tariff, which ho declared was the
"mother of all trusts," becoming such
by providing "an Inordinate protection
to manufactured articles."
This attack waH made in a written
statement which the witness had pre
pared before making his appearance 1
fore the committee, and which lie read
in a ringing voice.
Continuing his statement, lie asserted
that a tariff of 10 per cent was as high
us any tariff should be.
He said sugar refining is discriminteda
against in the tariff in the Interest of
the Louisiana cane growors, the beet
sugar makors, and the sugar growers of
the Hawaiian Islands. To these in
terests, he declared, tho United States
contributes $24,000,000, which is taken
out of the pockets of the people.
"There probably is not nn industry
that requires a protection of more than
10 per cent ad valorem.
' "The tariff bill, as it is, clutches the
iwoplo by tho throat, and then the Gov
ernors and the Attorneys-General of the
several states take action, not against
the cause, but against the machinery
employed to rhle the public's pockets.
"I maintain that it is immaterial to
the public in what form business Is done
whether by nu individual, firm, cor
poration or even trust. These are
merely forms ol conducting business.
"It is the government, through its
tariff laws, which plunders the people,
and the trusts are merely the machinery
fordoing it."
Mr. Havemoyer's paper aroused great
ntorest and three hours wore devoted
to questions by members of the commission.
The witness confessed that his com
pany had littlo roganl for the welfare
of rivals in husinoss, saying that pres
tige, ability, experience and wealth
would win in thu long run, und that
trusts wero an example of tl.o survival
of the llttost in business.
"That is trade," he said, "and the
fooner you realize it and quit trying to
control it by federal legislation, the bet
ter for nil.
"A man cannot oxcut to have him
self continually wet-nursed by the uov
eminent. If men do not want to buy
our stocks they needn't. They do not
need government protection.
"If they wade in and get stuck, let
them get out, and if they wish, wade in
again Tho fate of rival concerns is
their affair, not ours"
Speaking of tho "ethics of life. sug
gested by a member of the committee,
Mr. Havemeyer said:
"I don't care two conts for your
ethics. I know nothing about them. I
am talking about business."
Ho declared that the tariff enabled
the steel rail trust to mulct the public to
tho extent of (9 jnjr ton, and said iuai
dentu ly that Mr. Carnegie had not yet
stated what he was going to do with his
On tho question of labor, Mr. Have
muyor Mild that the laboring element
wasforcod to form organizations, but
For Infants and Children.
Hie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Beware of Imitations!
theuld beware of the cheap and
wsrtUng powders Mid to be just as
:m im tfetrt it uothlaif to good as
M 4MKJI MHfT for dl cUsalng
a kmm. A for MM JMfitr
M0htMjrtlitfJt, Mloyb
MJL I, liUftaM QtmiXY
i Wlsiagfawte)
At the annual iiiMttng ( the Cam
marulal Travolerti' NuUdiHtl league iinioh
time wits glvini t u dlkotiiMitoii uf trust
and their temUney to reduce thu mint
Iwr and standing of commercial travel
urn. OoushUrublo evidence was tntn
diieed In iipxirt of the statement re
cently made by C. k Dowe in his test!-
nittiiy luforo the national industrial
oommisshm and figures wero given
snowing that many hundreds of travel
ing men have been thrown out of em
liymnt during the last year by the
fermatlutt of the Wg trust, notably the
oumWnaUoii In the tulmwu trade. The
league propt to make wurfuro against
in trust lit every lawful way pueblo
uihI will alotAketetH to seotir employ
ntut for lie inemhora wim here Uwt
their sltuathms us a rewdt ot trade
eumWiUM. TbeJorunhwtieu will aUi
mmhI representative to Unrein) t guthwr
Information regarding Injuries to travel,
lug niun indicted hy trust.
Muny of thu leading cltiw of the couu
tr are represented at t sixth annual
lueetinx of the Manual Training Teaah
er.' .Weouttion of America whteh began
a ;wo day'a (ekm in Now York todav.
I The urtiisilou Umu tmtgrowth ef the
wmcatteuai wmgrtKHiof the wrkl'sfalr.
' Tlie peri, us votpremil In its eonti
Uotion, i "to eeura ew-perutteit in
't.tdy ami exeriHMMt; u dWeilnate
illi'riuatwn nvanllng the priMeipl!,
ipi.-gn ami dvelopuew of manual
:tAii.g." T1jeteaieniwm ml Ow
tw..dyief the wteAjj h' dUidgi
HuuerttouwerHlRtf their workaihtiu
day was celebrated with sorU of all
kinds, Including a lueme match be
tween teams rtprentig Mmitreul ami
Toronto. At it reunton of the Canadian
Veterans aseoelatioiiH and Sons of Can
ada the priueiMil addreM was deliverxnl
by Hon. U. W. Rom, Minister of Kdu
oHtinn of Ontario.
Prominent Roman tlholic irieeU
ami prelattM frtnn itwny rUofthl
eouiitry, Cuba, PerUi Rkw and Mexico
have nrriveil in New Orleans to take
part in tomorrow's ceremonies attend
lin the eonsecratlon of the Rev. Prancis
de htnla llruarlu. as arelihitilten of
Santiago, CtiUt, anl of the Rev. J. II.
Hleuk as hwluip of Porto ltlon. Tlie
iH-eiulen will be one uf uaUonal iniHirt
ante, the uominatiutt hy the Pope uf
thiteo two prektert having attractel
whleiipreitit atteMUen throughiHit tlie
United Siutee, HiinH) and thu new po
mwsiuns. The consecration will te mr
formod by AreliblMiuo ClMimlle no. I
will take place in the hUtork St. Imw
OHtliwIral. Tlie vathetlral w ill lie mu.
HtfletaHtly deeorated as Uitlttiug a cere-
Hhmy ol ihJi iniHHtance. Governor, Muyr lflower, the otate and city
jmllcfciry ami several members of the
dldeiwlie corps are exjHH'tml to U
Wither Jawee II. lUeuk, the IUiwh
Ontltoliti bkluiielect uf Parte Rice, u a
thunmgh Amurioau. He we a lrn in
Now OrUnuw in 1S57, ami ufter receiving
hUtxluerttiou iHoweof the leading ol-
I4giw In tlie North beeame a member ui
U Markt rtitkera ami aftervTOrl went
almwd for long eotirws uf tndy. Kor u
lirt Ume Father Hienk oceHMd the
clMir ef iimthewatUd at St. Mary' tVd
li in IrehtMtl. KeUirning to title coon
try In 1881, he ww ktutiMieil us a pre
fesswr at Jetteitutt Onllwe. CoueHt.
1., of n4wb Ib 11 he tafcita wi.
UNr Hetiuvell uWwd. had
the Phillppiuo trouble hroko nut, and
they wore ordered to stay in tlie walled
city, their cup of bitterness seemed full,
Hut since their latu cull out they have
more than retrieved their lost oppor
tunities. They have covered themselves
with a glory that shall never fade.
The following Httlolucidont will show of
what stuff tlie rcirimout is made. Dur
ing Wlieaton's celebrated dash, the
Oregon's were a part of the dying bri
gade. The troop were trying to cap
ture the rich little town of Pa turns,
"Duck town," which is situated on a
ImihI of (lie Pasig, near the fork. The
town isuhuoht end rclm 1 by thestroum,
which is some fifty yurds wkle and from
twelve tt sixteen feet deep. Stretching
from the bank up the river is a rice field
uhout two hundred jitrds wide, from
which rises a steeit dtKillvttv of u fu-
humlrod ftnit in height. From the brief
description one can wtxily mo tlie
strength of the little town as n strategic
(miioi ior ine enemy.
Futures hud succeesfiilly resistetl three
uttempU nt Its capture: The brigade
was statiouiHi on the miletury cnist of
theitlxive uiontiomHl hill: to eaotoro
mo pinco ii was neoemiry to crosa tne
rice tlwltl witli no protwtton from the
enemy's heavy fire who wero strnugly
eutrouched, and then eroes tho river.
The Oregons were the vanguard of the
attack. Crosidng the rice field under
great tiiittctiltliM, they were compelled
to halt at tlie river, und to hold their
position under the raking fire of the in
surgents, ns no boats oould be found.
Finally an old raft and some canoes
were discovered, and Colonel Summers
culled fur volunteers to swim the river
utuler tlie lire ot the enemy ami fasten
a eable to the opiate sliure. Many
mere than enuugh resiHHidetl. From
anuHig them were selwted two men.
who. after attut-him: a strim- to tli
end of tlie eaWo. )duneotl lit, reached
the olilH)ito shore nmid a. hull of 1ml
lots, fastened the ealiJe aud oonstracted
an imprtuuptu pautoou bridge, over
which the innqw suereMfully inwse!,
eompletuly rwiting the euetuv.
Judging from their eoiulurt' since the
IttlVU Ul-U1I to tight, thin in the lmiton.i'1
of which tho Dretsm's are made.
effect of "bringing other mun down to a
low level."
Ho contended that he was a friend of
labor, and said thut good mon in the
employ of tho trust were paid 10 per
cent, more than they could get else
Tho farmers, he thought, ought to es
tablish a trust for their protection.
The recent drop in tho price of sugar
had leen caused by tho starting of new
refineries, which had threatened to take
fifty iwr cunt, of the business.
It was a jutrt of our jiolicy to put
prices down and let the opposition take
tho rutuilt, whatever it may be. Kvery
sale made by the opposition displaces t-o
much of the Amerieaii Coinimny's pro
duct. We must protect our own bust
nous." Mr. Havumoyur wont on to soy that
what the company did it did not do for
moth os of philanthropy thut it had its
own shareholders to protect.
st. paul's episcopal.
Fifth.Sunday after Trinity. 10 a. m.
Sunday school, 11 a. in. Holy Kuchnrist
Sermon, 8 p. m. Evening sermon. W.
M.Mugnan, pastor.
Corner Nineteenth and Perry streets,
T. II. Henderson, pastor. Subject at 11
a. m., "Heart Tragedies." At 8 p. in.
"Noble Ambitions Defeated Here to be
Realized Hereafter."
Salem Church of Christ, Scientist, nt
No. 2W Liberty street. Service nt 10:30
a.m. J-esson sermon, subject: "God."
Evening service at 8 p. m. Wednesday
evening meeting ut p. in.
Morning subject, "Tlie End of Time."
Evening subject, ."Our Nation's Life."
Sunday tchool at 10 a. m.,;,Prof. Corby,
superintendent. Tho Young Peopled
Christum Association will join with tho
church in their evening service com
mencing at 8 p. m. C. II, Merryinan,
Seventeenth and Chemoketu street,
Prouching Sunday morning at 11, and
in tlie evening ut S. The assistant pas
tor will nrcach Jn the evening from Rev.
11.15. The Universal and Eternal
Kingdom of Christ. Sunday school
at 10 a. in. Junior Y. P. A. nt 'A p. in.
The Senior Y. P. A. at? p, in.
John Parson, pastor. Services to
morrow nt 10::i0 a. m. and 8 p. in. Sub
ject of morning sermon "Holiness" and
of the evening "Religion and Patriot
ism." Sunday school at 12 in. and Ep
worth League nt 7:15 p. in. General
class meeting aldose of morning service.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening.
Rev. II. L. Pratt, pastor. At 10:30 a.
in. will occur the annual Children's
Day exercises. The pastor will give an
address after which a prepared pro
gram will be rendered by tho children.
Christian Endeavor meeta ut 7 o'clock.
Thore will be no service in the evening
as the pastor will lie out of the city.
UAPTIST ciiuncit
Ronald McKIllops, jmstor. Sundnv
subjects "Echoes from the Association,''
10:1-0 a.m. "Our National Hirtliday"
8:00 p. in. Sunday school at 12 m.
loung People's meeting 7:00 p. m.
Ordinance of the "Lords Stumor" ut tin.
cke of tlietSunday morning service.
Cook, the Botanical Specl
Succoods Whore Others
To whom it may concern :
This is to certify that Bertha I. Con
ner, of Mt. Angel precinct, Marion coun
ty, Oregon, has suffered from a cancer
ous growth in tho left ear for about threo
years. Tho growth was cutout twice and
burned out once by Albany Physicians,
but the growth came back as bad
as ever, and pained her so badly that
she had to be taken from school. After
three week's treatment by Dr. J. F.
Cook, of Salem, Oregon, tho Botanical
Specialist, tho growth entirely disap
peared, and at this date, four months
since treatment waa begun, the growth
has not reanncared. nnd the car 1irh on.
1 1 rely healed leaving only tho scars in
flicted by tho Albany doctors.
I hereby certify that tho above state
ment is absolutely true, and that Ber
tha 1 Connor, thu person mentioned
in the affidavit, has resided in my fam
ily since early childhood, bearing tlie re
lationship to me of niece.
II. C. Loxo.
Subscrilied and sworn to before me
this eighth day of June, 18!K). W. W.
Hall, county clerk of Marion countv,
Oregon. "
Kurtz & Hamilton
Make a specialty of nil khkh of
Sheet Steel und Galvanized Iron
work ruoflog and cuttcriug, u full
line nt Pumps aud pump tiltinus.
Prompt work and reasonable prices.
Wc carry In stock the Fairbanks
wind mill. Cull und pco uh before
uivlng your order for mill or tank.
Phone 234
There is only one place
in town to get a
If you are a stranger, ask
your neighbor, he will tell
you to go to W.W.JOHNS
iu batik of the Red Fiont
Druj Store. 4-15 J vvini
Sermon by tlie pastor, T. P. Royal, at
lOiIW a. m.. subject: "America for
V'lfiv ?""day school at 3 p. m.,Prof.
J. T. Matthews. fllltMirlntoMilixit Pliil.
dron's Day exercises at 8 p. m., an in
teresting program, Prayerineeting on
""" -ui o p. m. Jipwortli J-eugue
on I-riday at 8 p. m., Miss O'Plvng,
.''"J'- W C. Knntnur, pastor. At
10:.50a. in. there will bo Communion
services with brief address and reception
VJ ,V,0Jbo-.r',., Sunday school at 12 m.
. P. S. C. h. nt 0 p. m. J. B. T. Tuthill,
m," A1, 8 ?; n, tno fcormon subject
will lie, "Tho Hnnd ofGotlin the His
tory of our Country." The music will
be of n patriotic character, including,
America, The Star Sjiaiigled Hannor.untl
1 he Breaking Waves Dashed High.
First-lass F;:i ail BiacJlaj
Wm ULLREY, Prop.
Best Rigs, for Commercial Men
Stable In same block Hotel VUtamMtt.
WTSafe teams und comfortable rlg
mr utaics unu rainiiy unyinu' u spe
uy day,
? VmL
fM-.-V POW
!Mrr ity at
&?! Jji
Sll It ' -A
WrA-C-.! Cl
A Child Enjoy
The pleasunt flavor, gootlo notion, und
soothing nlfeatof byrupot Flk's, when
In need nf u laxative, and if the father
or mother bo costive or bilious, the
most gratifying results follow Its use;
so Unit It Is tho best family remedy
known und every family Mioud have u
buttle. Manufactured by the Cull
ferula Pig Syrup Co,
Arm Broken.
Tlie little daughter of Mrs.
King broke her arm bet ween the
mm ine eioow. Tlie arm was put in
proper shajH) by Surgeon S. U. Jeetwp.
Hon. ami Mrs. Phil MeUvhan ltuvo
jvturnetl from a visit at Klamath Falls.
irom a sojourn at the Hot Spring. Mr.
Motuclmn is muoli improvwl in luwlth,
Frauk Harritt went to 1'orOuml this
morning, where lie will visit uutil
ufter the Fourth.
No Quarter I
There is no
iciiite in triQinK
with disease.
Death is a foe
ready enough to over-
er poor human-
the least on-
portunity without
our adding any
thing to the deadly
cnanct by uncer
tainityor inaction.
ueatu ts not the
sort of an enemy
to ailiy-uaiiy
with, nor give
the slightest
quarter. He should
be oayonetcu to
the mrth with a.
sure and vigorous thrust.
There is just one medicine which can be
counted on with absolute certainty to over
route the deadly assault of wasting disease
and restore the rugged, masterly power of
perfect health. The "Golden Medical Dis
covery " of Dr R V. Pierce of Buffalo,
N. , creates that keen digestive and
nutritive capacity, which makes healthy,
nourishing red blood, and keeps it pure
and alive with bounding vitality It nour
ishes, vitalises and builds up every organ
and tissue in the body, tones the liver,
heals the lungs , strengthens the heart, and
restores complete energy and cheerfulness,
". hd bn troubled for several years with
spells of liver coraptilHt," wrUes II .N Braa
eU. Hsq orgwectsprlnfs, MoaroeCo.. W V,
and about two years ro my heahh rare wy
'tried Sarsanarilla I wu rHUag ont ail the
tue I had a weakorM in my left side and
AmU. nalpitatloa ol the heart at times cramp
ing pilUM In the stomach anrreausg nerves
weak, and no energy for anything I took Dr.
Pierce's Colden Urdie&l Uufamv rui tn
to mend from the sun I scon felt Hkc a on
person I am stow enjoying tplendUl health
and have a aplendid appeute good digestion,
and also a peaceful. juiet mind'
Dr Pierce'a thousand-page book, "The
Common Sense Medical Adviser" contains
over two hundred reliable prescriptions,
with directions for self treatment of all
such diseases as are curable without a phy
sician. Anatomy, physiology and the laws
of reproduction are explained, with over
seven hundred illustrations. One copy,
paper-covered, sent absolutely free for 31
one-cent stamps, to pay cost of mailing
ohIy. Address. World's Dinensarv Med.
ical Association, Huffalo, N V For a
audsome cloth binding scud ji stamps.
Full Wood Jersey, frvicea for hkihih
only 1, spot cash. Comer of Thktoonht
ami Center streets.
55W Hbowx A Sav.
laity. Horses boarded
or month nnd best of
3-1 tf
We will shoe your horse, build or
repair your wagon or Implements
Iking Iwcutcd to stay our patrons
have a guarantee that our work will
be satisfactory. Shop 100 Chemcketa
street. Telephone 2765. 4-1 tr
is 11 beautiful dappled chestnut 1&.
hands high, mid weighs 1700 lbs. Ho is
a jwriect nil purpose horse.
Will be at Huffman's stable, Salem,
Saturday of each weokin July nnd Aug
ust, and tho ruinnliiilor of the week at
the Pair Grounds. Terms. 115.00 to in.
Also colts broken nnd handled for
sjhjo!. 11. u, HoTiiKimmu.
. m uwpeeiwH 1.. u.e u-adtiMt manual 1.. ..1 , rf H x.w 0 ailU
........ -ww. m ,, inn au -aervwi 04 Heof
For all Dtlous and Nervous Dtsortiorsi Stoic
Headache, Constipation. Weak JsSjSLfc
toWirod Dtgeatkm, flfe-JErW iBST-Wir
The Geo, M, Beeler
Insurance Agency .
Always to the front with best
rates aud iniliolus in U10 loading
00111 panics.
Employment Agency,
I)o you want wortc, or need help
of any kind? Apply at once.
Rental Agency,
Proparty to rent. Register
our agency.
All peotde are hereby notiiled that a
tax on ltazors of a6o for rotompering
is now on and can be paid ul the shop
of Sim H. White and Co. at High
street, opposite tho Court House.
AnAWsM Jmh-. : -5-im,Wk t
Hwdquirters for Screen Doors, Etc.,
Lawn, field and poultry fence
wu Miiugiee ai htwent prices.
vl,kni KENCK
Little Men and Women
And Babyland
Magazines luive been combincl into
a 82-paue book and the hkice be
doceu raoM l to 50 CE.vrtr a teak.
11 is a spiemlkl magazine for chil
dren from two to ten years of age.
We want the names and addresses
of motion) of children of above ages,
ami for a list of nrrv Mich names we
will sond the magazine to you ose
Little Men and Women CoiTroy.N.Y
V Ltua M.iaLKY Pro.,
; A nlco line of coods aud sample on
'hand. Suits 915 up. funis 4
p. a perect tit guaranteed, at
io tf HO-ktati: antUKT
-tJtSkjt. A. i-4j u ,
-uiLJfnljf .