The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 01, 1899, Image 1

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H Latest Assoolatod Prean tale
5 grams, Fresh Local news and Llvo
V Editorials make Tho Dully Jour
(4 nal. J
V Tho Dally Journal's larsoolroula- J
tlon Is no accident. It's tho result of M
A hlah quality and low price. fl
Home Made Goods,
Specials: A very select
line of Boy's Knee Pant Suits
of our own goods made up in
All sizes of Boy's Black Hose,
the very best to be had: Ask
for them. - .
woo&4 W& store
S&fopiJLf 1
I r i m
Wc nro not
t making Ixw Prices on Demi Stock,
uiit no mo
Hewing down a clean, live stock, lovol with tho dirt which is aHSoeiated
with cheap prices.
v tow TTl PO-'nATia STYLES!
Kvery s'hoo in tho house subject
(ioods'murkod In plain fig res.
r. w. holms.
it. i.. iiAi.uvont.
Have you called at the
m nil
If not do so.
See our Wall Paper, and
Get our Prices.
Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore.
Excursion Rates.
Tho O. C. T. Co., will make one fare
the Hound trip to all points .Ticket good
jrolnggn JulySrd ami -tth. Returning
as late as the 0th. Steamer Altona
leaver down on the 3rd at 8 w. m.
Steamer I'ootonaeii the -1th at 7 a. in.
030 21.
"E, O. Ncal.reoyrder of Lnu cuuntiy,
la well after a severe lUnuaj Dawson's
Herb Tea did IU" C SI tf
The .unrest assortment of
Men's Pants: Regular sizes,
extra sizes" and extra longs.
No matter what size you call
for we have them. A special
drive on them.
The 'finest line of Crash Hats
for Aten and Boys to be
found, in Patterns and
Red Cross Shoes
Our hospital and nurse Shoes,
also Oxfords, have arrived. Try
a pair if you want soild com
fort. Our big Shoe sale is still
on--ve are cutting prices right
and left we buy our jjoods 0
per cent, cheaper than inexper
ienced opposition, hence can
and do easily undersell them.
Krausse Brothers,
275 Commercial St.
Cent Reduction
All Shoes,
utri rn rn
nnd Mowing nlout it as a niarvol,
to tho 20 ier cont reduction.
I Originator of Low Prices.
WoBhlno thorn Froo.
Carpenter's Tools
Blacksmith's Tools,
Fine Tools
For Every
Trade at
Preparing to Celebrate.
In preparing to celebrate don't omit
to provide yoursulf with a good stoqk of
olgara, and 1hs sure o( lwvig the boat ;
Imy "La Coronas."
July 4th Excursion Rates,
fl XV rv tasks a rate of fl
fare for round trip Wtw aH ffdatA.
Ticket on sale July Sd. 34 awl 4th,
Good To return on or befer I til. uuy i
51, Powers, Agent, 6 29 lw
The Miners Fight a
Men Are
Their Home3 Burned Pusilade Kept
Up all Night.
II y AaaoHnttil I'rraa to Hip Jonrunl,
St. Louis, July 1. A Post Dispatch
rfpoclal from Carboudale III., says:
UnionClty was n sceno of battle alout
midnight. Non-Union negroa nnd other
men employed nt tho mines near Fro
douia went to the camp, which consists
of nino houses and opci ed fire.
Tho battle raged until tho union
miners took refuge in the timber. Tho
non-union men applied the torch to the
houses and all were burned. After the
men had destroyed considerable prop
erty, previously occupied by union men,
they moved on tho woods and until day
light fusllade was kept up. Nollves are so
far retried lost.
Si-itixoKiKM), III., July 1. Acting
Governor Woden received u telegram
from Sheriff Gray, of Cartersville, say
ing he was iwnvcrless to control riots.
Tho governor ordered rifles and ammu
nition sont to tho sheriff and ordered
him to summon and arm a jkjsso. No
troops will be ordered out until the
sheriff's resources are exhausted.
Tho coroner's inquest was held over
tho body of the negross killed yesterday
and several warrnnts have Iwcn Issued.
Tho sheriff arrested three men but on
tho way to jail tho prisoners were re
leased by a mob of sympathizers.
Wallack, July 1. This morning J.
M. Porter testified that on April 2(1 he
called up Sheriff Young over the tele
phone, tolling him of the riotous con
duct of tho armed men and asking to bo
appointed deputy sheriff. Young de
clined, saying thut ho would refer the
matter to his deputy.
Conner Malot, correspondent of the
Spokesman llovlow testified to tho con
versation with tho sheriff before the riot
when Young objected to tho stories, he
was sondlng out, saying tho witness
shouldgivo tho strikers the "best of it" In
making reports.
Chris Kyrio and four or llvo other
(lei)Uiies wno were serving ui inui iiiuu
wore members of tho union. Tho state
then rested.
PiTTHiumo, July 1. John Mooro was
shot and killed and Henry Stewart
fatally wounded during a quarrel lo
tweon tho negro workmen today.
Moore was only a sjiectutor.
Ilr Aaaorlated I'reaa la Hie Journal.
Donald Perrier was hanged at West
minster 11. C, for tho murder of Jen
nie Andorson last November. Ho met
death gamuly.
The French chiimlwr of deputies bus
adopted u rosolutior. authorizing duly
qualities! onion to practice at tho bur.
From Honolulu comes tho news of tho
marriage of King George, of the Tonga
island Group, to Princess Iiviuia, on
June 1. Hov. J. 1). Watkins, the Ling's
ehapluin, tied the knot.
The steamer City of Seattle, bus ar
rived at Vlotorla, from Alaska with fiO
Klondikors and u small amount of gold
tlutt. Ike Schwartz, of Portland, has
It is olllolally announced thut the
Duke of Conuaught, brother of the
nalgning Duke of Saxe-Coburg and
Gotha, tho sen of the Duke of Con
naught, Prince Arthur, have ro
nouncod their claims to the Coburg suo
cewlon in favor of the Duke of Albany,
ton of the late Prince Leopold of Kng
laud. The United State uruiser Chicago,
Hsur-Admind Ilowison's flagship, lias
ariived at Dulagoa bay. Hr commander
J will proceed to Pretoria. The Chioago
' failed from New York iu April last to
' circumnavigate Africa, bvt owing to the
unsettled Mate of affairs in the Trans
'vaal, Is to remain iu that vicinity to
! protect American intermits.
! Tho Ottawa Iioumj of oommons d.
! vldwl on the question of the mltman
'aementln the Yukon country. The
j ameodiMHt of Sir Charles Tuppr, Mtn
wring thgV9rHnjt doalet) by
t$fP & against.
hut cold drinks at Ellis & 'n.n.
At the City Hall to Arrance to Receive
the Oregon Volunteers.
There was no meeting this afternoon
at the G. A. It. hall, but a good attend
ance at the city hall.
Judge L. D. Henry called tho meeting
to order promptly at 2 o'clock and placed
in nomination Hon. Claude Gatch for
chairman, who made an appropriate
speech of some length.
T. C. Smith nominated F. A. Turner
for secretary and that gentleman was
duly elected Tho chair then called upon
T. C. Smith for n speech. He stated
that the purpose of tho meeting was to
select coinmittes to arrange for u grand
reception for the returning soldiers. Ho
wanted to hear from others.
S. L. Haydcn and Eugene Willis, who
hive brothers returning from tho front,
were called upon for suggestions. Doth
folt a hesitancy about taking the lead(
and Mr. Willis suggested that tho okltr
men and especially the Grand Army
organization should bo consulted as to
details. r
Supt. J. I). Leo hoped the right thing
would bo done, and that it should nol
be done in a half-hearted manner. .
Judge II. A. Johnson, who has a sot)
returning, modestly declined to mako
I.. D. Henry was called forand among"
other things suggested that a commit
tee bo sont to Portland to ascertain tho
wishes of tho returning volunteers. Ho
thought tho ladies ought to bo interested
iu the occcaslon. Ho feared the peace
congress would not lo a success, and
that we should huvo wars as long ns
wo live, Hu wanted the right thing
done, but didn't know just how to get"
at it.
Mr. Bingham was called by the chair,
and ho didn't seem to know just what
should bo done, but suggested a picnic
for tho occasion. After receiving tho
boys lie thought u camp fire would he a
good thing, and he favored turning that
event over to tho Grand Army.
Secretary Thlelson. of the Chamber
of Commerce, was called for and his
suggestion was that the civic authorl
ties of all tho surrounding country bo
Invited to participate.
Mr. Stolz favored letting the citizens
do the marching and give the boys the,
carriage rides.
Dr. J. N. Smith concurred In what
Mr. lliugdam said.
John Knight simply made one request
and that was to let the fathers, mothers
mid sweethearts have tho first embrace.
Mr. Litchfield voiced what Mr. Knight
I). W. Matthews was called for but
had no definite plans to offer except that
n good reception lw arranged wfor.
Frank Wrightmau was called for, and
moved that the Grand Aru be invited j
to act as an escort of honor Ukii tho oc .
caslon of tho returning men. Mr.Matth"
ews moved that all ex-union soldiers Ihj
Mr. Henry then moved that the chair
man ho authorized to apjsdut all the
necessary committees for this occasion,
John Wright nmonded by including of
ficers of all surrounding towns to par
ticipate. The motion was put by tho
secretary and carried.
Mr. Wrightmau moved that the re
ception Im) for companies M and K and
their friends. Carried.
A. W. Prescott suggested thut they
woro getting tho boys into trouble by
"receiving" thoin Isiforo their relatives
could sco them.
F. W. Durbiu moved a comnilttco of
three to draft a plun and designate what
committees should be required. Joseph
Pones preferred to leave it to the chair.
Mr. Durbiu asked that the committee
consist of the chair and two grand army
men. T. C. Smith objected to this com
mittee naming the committees but was
Informed that it wus not so intended.
Tho motion curried, and the chuir
named P. W. Durbln, Geo. W. Davis
and T. C. Smith.
Joseph Pouos inudou few good sugges
tions as to the program, based iihii ex
perlences after the war of tho rebellion.
Mr. llingham suggested thut u monu
ment fund bo raised on the day of the
reception. Mr. Judah concurred iu this
suggestion but proponed that it
be not inaugurated on the day
of the reception, but at this
particular time, and backed his motion
by tossing up u ten dollur piece, It was
thought bast to make the move dis
tinctively u Salem movo.
AIux IaFollott was called for, and
suggested that iu arranging for the day's
reception the pictures of tho dead he
ro lw disrupt in mourning uud given
a place iu tho proceedings.
John G. Wright moved thut a com
mittee of three Ihj appointed ujkjii the
subjttot of (soldiers' monument. Car
ried. Adjourned to 'i . m. next SuUmluy.
Malieto Tauns Will Be Sent
to the Fiji Islands For
His Health.
lir Asaoelafed I'rtaa tu (lis Journal.
ISuuux, July ?. A dlnputeh to tlie
Cologne Gazette, from Apia, says that
Malieto Tanus will soon bo transported
to the FIJI Islands.
Crash salts, dusters, ami rah Jl4u at
the Jfw viiK IlaoM, cheap.
The Senate Payors
Seating. .
First Poll is Favorable to
Presumption is That Ho Will Get
Ily Amiit'lutril Prrnt to the Jmirnnl,
Wasiiisotox, July I. Tho Now York
Herald has made u poll of the next sen
ate upon tho subject of seitlng Quay,
and gives as u result, 311 for, III against,
15 doubtful, and 7 could not bo reached.
The Quay men aro Aldrloh, Allison,
Baker, Bate, Hutler, Chandler, Daniel,
Davis, Dcpew, Klkins, Fairbanks,
Foraker, Gear, Hanua, Hanshrough,
Han ley, Hoar, Jones, of Arkansas,
Jones, of Nevada, Mai tin, Mason, Pen
rose. Piatt, of Now York, Prltchard,
Proctor, Scott, Sew ell, Shoup, Hpoonor,
Stewart, Teller, Tumor and Wetmore.
Those given as anti-Quay art llacon,
Horry, Hurrnws, Cuffery, Chllliou,
Clurk of Montana, Clay, Cullum,
Cockrlll, Dels, Gullinger, Heltfeld,
Cyle, Llndfuy, Mallory, Money, Morgan,
Mcllrlde, MoF.nery, Nelson, Perkins,
Pettigrow, Peltus, Piatt o' Connecticut,
lluwllns, Thurston, Tllman, Turley,
Vest, Warren and Wellington.
The doubtful Carter, Clark, of Wy
oming, Culbertson, Poster, Halo, Hay
wood, Kean, Kenney, McConuis, Mo
Cumber, McMillan, Quurlcs, ltoss, Si
mon uud Tiillufero.
Those who could not bo reached tiro
Heveridge, Frye, Harris, Lodge, Me
Luurlu, Sullivan and Walcott.
If this M)ll is anywhere near correct,
it means that Quay will be seated.
Of those who are given us against Quay
in the above, it can be said for cer
tain that such us Morgan, Perkins,
Cullom, I)o1mh, MoKury, Warren, Nol
sou and Pettlgrew will vote for him
Of the doubtful, ill but two of tho 15
may also surely ts counted for Quay
and of those who were not reached at
least three Republicans can bo put on
that side. Hut there must bo a mini-
Iwr of men given us favorable to Quay
who cannot bo counted that way at all.
Several who are given In tho list voted
against Corbett, and are likely to vote
ugalust Quay. The presumption is that
Quay will get enough votes, however, to
seat him when the time coiuus.
Try that celebrated milk shake at
Kllis k 'Ann, 151 State street.
Valuable Testimony
Is nt hand In abundance to establish
tho claim of extraordinary durability,
and to prove tho satisfaction experi
enced by Victor riders, they do more to
sell Victors than any other Item of ad
vertising. A well-known Kontlemaii
said in our hearing today : "I cannot
conceive why people will buy other
wheels, unknown and untried, paying
nearly us much for them us would buy a
Victor. They do not seem to realize
that they spend many times the differ
ence iu tho first cost In repairs, Isjsides
nover having the satisfaction of u good
rellabla mount." At the same time he
showed his wheel, a "DO Viator," which
hud been subjected to the most unreas
onably hard treatment, ttjxiii which not
a cent hud been sjMtut for breakage,
though ridden by a SH'cdy, heavy
weight rider, ovor country roads, stun
bio field uud ditches.
"IM Victors" are Iwtter than ever,
sold by II. S. Gilo A Co., Insurance
llld'g. Victor Spiuroller's can now Im
had with only a few days' delay.
fry Schilling Bi4 km n1 biklM pow
Ease for Eyes.
Is found in our ft. glasses. Nutw the
dlstrelng spectacle of the man ut the
top of our illustration. Is he trying to
put hiseyes in the j)ix:r 7 The organs
of vision are oxtremelly delicate. Net-d
great care.
We'll examine your orbs without
uharge,, Don't let your eyesight lie
Mines poor from neglyut. We have ox
sellsnt eyeglasses for 1 JX.
J 18 TAT BTflDirr. '
A Doy Painfully but Not Dangerously In
jured. This morning about U:I10, Maion,
the 14-yeur-old son of J. A. Hlshop, with
his younger brother was driving tho
family horse down Chemeketa street,
and when oposlte tho Catholic church
the horse took fright at the flapping
sleeves of n female bicycle scorcher and
started to run. The boys lost control of
her and jumped out just as they were
passing another team. The younger
boy escaped without injury, but Mason's
head came in collislsn with the outer
rim of the wheel hub on tho other
wagon, cutting an ugly semicircular gash
alKHit six Inches long through the scalp
and to tho bono, Tho boy was taken
down town and his Injuries treated, uud
does not seem to be seriously hurt. The
horse ran to Mr. Uishop's shop, corner
State and Front streets, and brought up
without damage iu Hadab.iugh's livery
At 3 o'clock this afternoon Mason
Hishop was resting well at his homo at
Niuoteenth and Chemeketa streets and
will soon be up nud around.
The Populace Wild With Ex
citementThe Prisoner
in His Cell.
Ily Ansnclnleit I'rras in (lip Jonrunl.
Hknnkm, July 1. Copt. Dreyfus ar
rived hero at (1 a. m. Tho prisoner ap
peared iu good health. His hair is
turning grey. Ho held himself very
The landing of Dreyfus at Quilorou
wus almost unnoticed. On the landing
stage were M. VIgule, chief of
detectives, M. Heninn, tho commissary
of mlice and a force of gendarmes nud
police Inspectors. Dreyfus was landed
ut 1 :30 a. m, M, Virguie entered the
landau witli Dreyfus and two detectives
and started for the railroad station. The
train stopped at ltalolai, three kiln
metres from Itenues.
The clock was striking six when tho
crowd which had been waiting urouuil
the prison saw the landau surrounded
by gendarmes and started off to meet
tho carriage. .Suddenly troops and
mounted gendarmes hurried madly for
ward, yelling uud shouting.
Tho carriage was driven so fast that It
paused the watcherH like a flash. It was
was u race for tho prison, lsitween tho
troops, the prisoner and the iopu!aco.
The transformation from tranquility
to a wild scene of gesticulation,
inostdolloM dcserlplfoii. ,
lleyond exclamations of surprise and
curiosity there were no cries of any sort
raised, Dreyfus wus taken to a cell
In tho second story.
Tho governor sent Mine Dreyfus no
tice of tho arrival of her husband and
the faithful wife entered tho prison al
most unobserved. Tho meeting hotweou
the long parted husband and wife was
most touching. Up to noon there hud
been no sign of n public ihiiiionstruthiu.
Pure Ice Cream, ut Kllis & 'Ann.
plllllKIIIIMHIIIMlllMiaiHlllNliaRIIIHMII lllllllllllIllllllllllllllHHIMII
j Jos. Meyers & Sons,
s .Salem's Greatest Store.
Some Select
Htyles In Ilrokuu
Sixes At every
On Sale
New Wash Ulond
Tics Just received ill so swell Pique
Pn He with stocks to mutch,
50c, 75c and R
Crash and Linen
Petticoats Home of the serviceable,
wearable kinds.
$ up to 54.50
79 cents
Pair for those 11.00 values,
many left
278 -280 Commercial St, The Old
AVil IUwno
Makes tho food more
Our Lines at San
Kept the Americans Under
Arms all Night,
How the Troops Enjoy Getting Aboard
Ilr Aaanclnlrit I'rraa tu the Journal,
Manila, July 1. The rolsds made n
demonstration at San Fernando hist
evening. They look advantage of tho
darkness uud ruin to imike a sally
against thu north line for tint purpose
of annoying the Americans as they full
ed to push the attack. The American
loss was a private of tho Seventeenth
regiment killed and four wounded.
Firing begun nt 10 and the rebels ex
pended large quantities of ammunitien:
All thu troops hastened to Intrench in
expectation of n general uttack. Thu
Seventeenth, ami Twelfth and tho Iowa
regiments participated iu tho engage
ment hut did not advance beyond the
After one hour the Filipino's fired
rockets apparently as signal to cease
firing but there were scattered shots all
night which kept the Americans under
arms. Tho enemy's loss was probably
Thu Americans were guided in shoot
ing only by tho Hashes of the rebel's
rllles. The trmlsiwrt Hancock sails for
home tonight with 740 men of the Ne
braska regiment and L'lM) men of tho
UHuh artillery. About !I0 Nebraxkiuis
and L'.r) Utuhs remain here, a majority
of them enlisting.
Nehrasknu troops have been living on
board .ship iu thu harlwr this week
awaiting the Utahs to gut iu readiness
for the departure. The soldiers enjoyed
this immensly after their months of
stay iu the trenches.
Omaha, July 1. A cablegram from
Col, Mulford announces that tho First
Nebraska regiment sailed from Manila
for home this morning.
The People,
Grows and
A Columbia
a way
July 3d,
HO 155.
delicious and wholenwni
Knot CO., MW YOUK.
Example Is Bttter Thsn Precept.
Those sententious proverbs, or old
saws, which nro used us prefixes to all
of tho Howl Surfcupurilia advertising
In thousand of papers throughout the
country, arc evidence of a hew and or
Igliinl styloor display advertising both
plciiMlng und effective ,Tho Hood
tlrni Is to bo congratulated on so
cleverly adapting such wisdom as has
tlltorcd down through centuries. An
othor charming thing about this
Hood advertising Is the unique type
they aro using, 3
"What might have bcGo" Is the
sad rollcctlon of thousands of con
sumntlvcs. One Mlnutn ivmioIi On,.
cures coughs and colds. Stone's Drug
In Tacoma and Seattle Harbors'!
Causing a Contro- ,
versy. ,
' VkMi
, ' zi
Ilr Aaanvlntcil 1'reai l (hit Jnuranl.
Wasiiisoto.v, July 1. Secretary
Alger today gave a hearing to Presi
dent Hill, of tho Great Northern, and
Vice President I.umont of the North
ern Pacific, regarding harlwr lines ut
Heuttlo and Tucomu.
There Is a disagreement between the
state authorities and private parties,
and owners of land along the water
fronts of these cities wlilcli ban Wen
brought before tho war department lnv
mi application for the establishment of
harbor lines.
btnull and large flags at thoNuw York u
Racket. tl
Kxcurston to 'Frisco. ",
Dr. C. V, Hrr, of Lebanon, who has
hud wido experience as an excursion
manager, exacts early In August to
perfect an excursion to Ban Francisco
for the iKinofit of such as would enjoy
that fora summer outing. Ho expects
to secure a rato below one renular faro
for tho round trip, and all who wish,
to avoid themselves of the opportunity
should correspond with him at an early
date tor full particulars. 27-tf
Mrs. I. I). Gruhbs, of LuCainus, Wn,
Is visiting her sister, .Mrs. 8. 8, OlmbleS
Htutoand Twentieth street, tho p'.iii
week ami until alter trio fourtn.
Pure Ice Cream, ut Kills A 'Ann.
a-BBaaaMHbaMaaaaMiaMB (,
Chicken pie dinner will bo served by
the Uiiptlst ladies on tho Fourth of July,
Insurance lluildlng; lunch or supper in
tho evening, also.
Ciiicaoo, July 1. July 7oj, Csih 3
red 76?..
Ban Hiancibco, July, 1. Cash 1.10
Short Lengths
Of India Linen, Gliiglianu, etc., at original prices. New lines of
Summer Underwear
In all styles sleeveless, quarter
sleeves, long sleeves, low neck, high
neak, guiuo und line ribbed, cotton,
lisle and silk.
5c to 85c
The hwked for Hue of Crush nod
Covert bklrU uro now on display,
50 t0?2.50
Crash Hats
yeem to lw thopromr hfadfwsr, snA
we aro bollluK lots of them Whj! w
cauto wo haye the line.
25c to 75c
Straw Hats
At j original prices, the Hoe uut
ho closed
New Swimming
Trunks for met aud boys.
White Corner.