The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, June 30, 1899, Image 4

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    rwy v h
'IMU-rf'VJff--5 .-
4c, and 5c.
Bunting for' the
and the
Make preparations to
Show your Loyalty.
LINES Ladies' Shirt Waists that cannot be equaled
in Oregon. This in the fourth shipment this
spring. All new patterns.
A complete lino of up-to-date
HiyiCH ill iiiiikv ninjivn, wmirp.
made and porfect lilting uc' cacJ,
Fancy nt ripen with thrco rown
of tucklmr. Neat iMittorim.
1'inu quality. Aim) plain hlnuk.bhionml pink,
Dm valued for tlio price ovur miown . .
Lot No, 1
made and p
Lot No, 2
60c. each.
T rf IVTr " I'lnln blacks, now blucH.plnkii:
Ud lU. J MntMmcy flxwl WIt, Wht
tuukH th rot) lnchcB apart, edged with wliito. A
vtry Htyllnh walnt
NEW CRASH SKIRTS: New lines of plain and trim
. med Crash Skirts. Latest cut, best qualities. Si.25
to $2 each.
SI each.
fc 33-Ll' '
uM fefftlJ
A Heavenly Gift
To tlio mini In the union It would Ih II
lils Bfshi shnuhl fail, to bo iiruviiutl by
Homoucxxl fairy with oyeulawtoM hiicIi an
I furnlRli. A heaumly iilft It booiiih to
nil whoso ovciduht in falling, to Ihi fur-
nhlied with n pair of my lino French
DrvMlnl nViulilMMt!H. tlltlt I nil UHt lirOO-
W-J . -"- w -.----- , - , '
it v after toatlni! tho oyoH. li
crly nftur touting tlio t'yi'H.
nt renwinaluo price.
KycH Touted I- roe.
illlHKOH fur-
Tonight nnil Hnturday fairy warmer.
Juno 30. Cotuinuucomtint lutondntc
Musical Connorvntory, Ktta Andiirn-Will-man
July 4 Celebration nt Bnlom.
The Daily Journal has
more subscribers in Salem,
and oaid-iiD ones at that.
than any other newspaper.
Ice Not Given Away.
I mn not nffonl to uivu leo away, but
ninwlllng n jitim article nt it iirloo that
t within thu roach of nil.
CilMirAL Icu Women,
J, M. Mngiilru, l'roj). n If tf
Ice Very Neatly Ulven Away,
. Wo cad ulvo Ice uwuy, to convince you
como nud acu how big chunk you get
for little money. Our Ice la manufao
turo from pure distilled water.
Cnrdtol Ice Work,
0 28U Kl.lNUHU & Illicu
July 4th Kxcurtion lUtei,
0, It. A N. Co., innkca u rati) uf nuo
furo for muml trip between all polnta.
Tick i! U on Hiilo July 2d. 3d nud 4th.
flood to return on or buforo nth. (luy
J?M', Tower, Agent. 0 2tf lw
Tlio river now Hlnnd nt A. I mull fall
ing fllHt.
IM. Roll, of McCoy, rnino in today on
Himry Tarpluy went to DuIIiih toiluy
on biiNlnuiM.
Kuwt Cook, of Marlon, did ImihIiio.hh in
Pitluui today.
Mr. John MrCrow, of .McCoy, wan in
tho olty tiKlay.
TIioIiiiihA. Voxt, of Troutdali), hjKinl
tho day in Bn!ttuiv
(I. A. Davln wiih n l'ort
I ind thin uinriiintr.
Al llurmii, of IikIojmiimIoiioo, waH a
Hnlutii visitor today,
Diiddlny Henry, of 8iirhi( Valluy,
vlnltod In tiahnn twluy.
Mm. 8, C. Btoou wuiilto Tumor today
to attoml oiiiiiiiiiuetlnK.
Mm. I'riink Ktlton, of D.tllaH, Hml tho
day with Mm. 0. I). Mutton.
MIhn Dull Cornoyor, returiml tinlay
fnlin it vlnlt on Kruuch l'ralrlo.
Mr. and Mrx. It. II, Cnrnoutor and
daUKhtiir, of DalhiH, fjuiiit tho day In
C, It. Moore, of Aatorla, eniuu up hut
iilKht to vidit with IiIh jLaruntn till after
the Fourth.
Mm. J. A. Sulluood went to Portland
thin innrnlK to mjhiiuI a fortuiKht
with frliiudri.
Jaiiii'N luilah anil IiIh father wuro in
Biiloui tixluy, drtvluu up from their
Kalrlluld ranch.
Mhh. KIIIh JuiIhou htartml thin loom
ln forAMtoria and Warrenton to vM!
frlunda ami ruluttviw.
1). V. WtiKiiwr ha jnot rulurnml from
a trip to Portland, In which he twin
l)illtl lHIiUtM with plutiKiiro.
Mm. J. M. (.'mlghtou mturniHl hint
etuuitiK (nun a vImII tlthhur daughter
Mrn. (5pt. Uanh nt l'ortkud.
Mrtu W. J. Ilermu, of Indopendnucv,
eamedimn thin morning proKtrltory to
lenvhiK fur a vUlt In Kunturu Orison.
I'rliici) I) n noted trotting horfu of Mc
Mlunvlllo Int Iluffuuiu'ti Imru. Ilu U
uwmil by Mr. Smith, of the luttor plaew.
Mm. M. (.'. IMuwumu, of Portland,
who Iium Um vlidllng nt the homo of
Mrs. C. M. bk-kntHM, tetiirueil to Port
hind toilay.
Mr. nud Mm. I). I). KouJwr ruturuud
laot eveuiiiKfroin Nowlwrjf, whero they
had Ihiiii attending the yearly mietlug
(ifOrogun PrieudH.
Mr. Kllu (larmtt, uf Illlnottf, ar
rivinl tixluy to piid thu vumuierlu Or
ouou unit will Ihi the gutwt of her
eouidii, Mm. W. T. Uialen.
Chas Oroen brought in n fine young
mare this morning to have nn operation
performed. Tho trouble was a wound
on the underaido of the body, cauned by
a snag, mortification had ret In and it
will lw n matter of time and Hklll to rave
tho maro. Bho In under tho care of I).
D. Keolor V. S,
Prof. E. II. Scott, of Kansas City,
president of tho Interstate Muslral con
wrvfttory oygtem nrrlvwl toilay to pre
aide thifl ovonlng nt Mrs. Wlllmnn'n
graduating cxcrclHOs at the Itecl.
Mr. and Mm. V. II. Maboney, left to
day after n visit with Falem frlondn.
Mr. Mnhoney la book innju'ctor of the
P. P. Co., and Mra. Mahoney, in nn old
friend of Fnlemitw.
Frank K, Wheeler, convicted of lar
ceny to cerve ono year and Ilonry Hoff,
iiliaa 8. Hm I th, convicted of forgery nud
Hontoiiced for two yenra, were brought to
tho pen l;iHt night.
J. It. IJoatty, who Iiiih leen viHltirg
with IiIh lirothor, for a month and look
ing over Oregon, has returned to Minne-
iiIkiHh, Minn., well ilonacd with the
Webfoot country,
C. II, Qruulug, wnn a )awenger to
Portland thin morning, where ho will
HiHind IiIh vacation vlflltlnu with friend
and relntlveM.
H. Ilinos was n nnc-ionuor to Port
land today. Ho is on his way to Vlntu,
Wnidiiugtou, after visiting in Bnloui for
ome time.
Mrs. M. M, Nelson, who has Ikhmi
visiting her son-in-law John Howell, re
tuoneil to Portland this morning via
Miss Fore, of Missouri, who Is tho
guest of her couslir, J. E. Htnuton,
went to Portland yesterday to visit her
C. Ii. McXury and II. J Illggor went
to (lorvals yestordny to look after an an
miult und battery case in justice court
Frank E. Hart, of Portland, Frank ('.
Hull, of Mohnuin, nud F. II. AIIIhIoii,
of Portland, were mado notaries ytwtor
A. M. Hitting was a passenger to In
dependence last evening via Hutli where
ho will visit with friends and relative.
County Stock Inspector W. 8. Taylor,
of Oervais, is in this city. Ho reports
cattle generally inn sound condition.
Miss Lou Mishler, who has been
working for (Jeo. C. Wfll, Twent to Au
rora this morning forn vacation.
Mrs.'II. .1. Fisher, from the Wnldo
I IIIIh' country started for Hand Point,
Idaho to make her future home.
aif.. HH T I DUJ
iii lempereu jlciiu'ic.
Imtifflctent noarUhment naturally produce fil-temper.
Guard ntrainat fretfulnet la children by tcUa- nutrt
tloua ana Uigettiblo IokX.
CONDKN8ED HflLK Is a perfect Intant food Take no aubatttuto for tho
UAOI.U IIRAKD. SFND Ton lJoOK o "Uabie "
Web Holmes, the young lawyer, and
C. 8. Mooro went to Portland on the
early morning train.
Miss IScrtha Kberhart, of ChampiHig,
is in this city visiting friends.
Hev. II. II. Klworthy returned to
Iibauou today after attundiug the
(Mad Tidings immpnicotlug.
Arthur Churchill has returned fiom
his vauation in California.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Howard left thlf
morning for Elgin, Oregon, where they
will reside In the future.
Mrs. Urlauilo Joslyn ot .New ltirk ar
rived toilay to Ihi the guuet of Mrt, E.
P. MuCornaek,
Mrs. C. Sommer went to Oregon City
today to visit relative.
Hamuel Ilarker, of Spring Valluy, whs
hi the city tislay.
Oliver Joniw, of Indepeiideucu, visited
In 8alem tixluy.
. i
Free Lunch,
Free Crawfish Lunch this
evening at
Eckqkun's Saloon.
Calls for Two Meetings for Saturday Still
Thu resignation of tho Indies from the
general committee that was formed
from the Grand Army and the Woman's
ftuliuf organizations is again published,
Tho chairman of the general committee
HiyH there will lw no furthor work done
iiuiler their organ ization.
Following is published as nn adver
tisement In thu morning pajHir, and it
nppears hero a news:
Citizbvs or Salbu Should tub
Mash Miictino Tomoiiiiow.
All citizens of Salem are urged to at
tend tho meeting at tho city hall tomor
row attornoon, at 'i o clock, lor too pur
nose of making arrangements for nroi-
erly receiving and welcoming the brave
soldiers boys of Co. K, Oregon volun
teers, who nre now on their way homo
from .Manila,
ItumemlHjr the time and place. Your
help is needed. ad
As the matter stands there is a moot
ing called at Grand Army hall Saturday
at UitfO to hear further reports of com
mittees. Ah all the committees have
resigned there will lw nothing to reiort
and it is not known what will lw done.
It is to lw hoped that wise action nt the
city hall meeting at 2 o'clock will bridge
overall dllliculties and n harmonious
enthusiastic, united effort will eventuate.
It is the feeling of nil patriotic and
conservative citizens (hat there is no oc
casion for anything hut good will and
for all to pull together to give tho vol
unteers "the best in the box," and the
goneral Iiojmj is that tho meeting Satur
day will demonstrate that all minor dif
ferences disappear Iwforu the guneral
dedre to honor the returning soldiers. ,
Excursion to California,
For annual meeting of National Edu
cational Association, tho Southern Pa
clllc Coinimuy (Hhasta ltoiitu) will make
fllTi round trip rate to I .oh Angeles, by
train leaving Portland nt 7 p. in. July
7. Tickets will he good to September I,
and (wriuit stop over on return trio.
On July fi, (I, 7, 8 and !). round trip
tickets to Los Angeles will be sold nt f 10
rate, allowing stop over in either direc
tion, and linai limit of Septemlwr -I.
Holders of these excursion tickets
may make low rate side trips to Mon
terey, Iiko Tahoe, Yosemite Valley, Ilig
Trees, Riverside, Hedlands, Santa. Par
bara, Cataliua Island, etc. No such op
Hirtuulty to visit nil California points
of special Interest, at small cost, has
boon butore afforded. Note the dittos,
For guides, sleeping cifr reservations
and further information call on any
Southern Paclllc agent, oriiddrutw Mr.
C. II. Markham, tiuul. Pastenger Agent,
Portland, Or.
Yours trdly,
C. II. Maiikiiam.
. - t
Free Conceit Tonight.
The Willmau Musloal recital at thu
ojHim house this evening will lw a rare
musical event. It U free and uvorylnidy
Is Invited. See program uUewhure.
Fouithjuly Excursion.
Thu Corvullis A Eastern Hail Hoad
makes rate of one fare for thu round trip
between all mil and river (mints ronched
by their linos. Tickets good going July
1, it and I limiting return until July ll.
(MI7-lt En. 0. 1 1 HiiiiKN, Agt.
y -a
mBoman s
SHORT. At her home in Sunnysidc,
Portland, ntl p. in. Weilnowlay, Juno
28, 181W, Mrs. It. V. Short, ngeil 05
years, from n complication of paraly
sis, heart trouble and dropsy.
The deceased was the aunt of Gov. T.
T. Geer and Hi Geer, state land agent,
und Miss Charlotte Ilelenbrnnd, of this
city, is n granddaughter of the deceased.
Funeral services was conducted nt the
late resident at 2:80 o'clock this after
noon and burial will lw had in n Port
land cemotery.
Has started slaughtering their immense stock of Clothing.
Going fast
Our ateek of Summer floods nre going nut rapidly.
Our natron lealliu the fuel that wo are
lyaflweftavriuUra noalthelv CLOSING OUT OUR 1IUSINKB8.
,ln our eiitlro twk at FIRST COST TO VS.
Hi; uxnol
nud nru offer-
Wo off.
SPatan15 at half rt.rp
IIS etDdk
IMXhY rniOE. There are some nice thlnw Ittft in Ulaak and
ssTwiu a look at them.
fer am of DUT
Whlttt, und Paneltti
Duaineas lleing Tranaactcd ot the Coutt
J. W. Hohart, II. G. Sonnemauu, and
1. S. Stuluur, appmlserri of thu ostuto of
John Sutton, deceased, In Marlon county,
yiMtunlay tiled their reiwrt showing the
p-operty located in Marlon wiuuty to lw
valuiMlat fl'.'.OSH.iHl. W. S. Whlttun,
John M. Aylus, and John Stlmpsoii, np
pmlsurs of the same estate in Lincoln
oouuty, lllttd a mport, showing thu prop
erty enumemtml by them to he valued
at f)h).7R. S. Ilulhwk, M. F. Culver ami
11. II. Now hall, appraisers of the mime
estate in Multnomah oouuty, llhxl thuir
rwrt, allowing the valuw to W fidtS.
The patltlou of John Murray, and G.
A. Oouo, Jr, oxtmutorti of tint estate ol
G. A. Coin, decvMiHod, Iws Ihmiii gmntml
authorising them to sell at private hale
10 tuns of cheat hay Iwleiiging to said
iwtate. Thuso twotMCiHiutora have uIm
lllml claims against thu Mttate; John
Murray (or tlH,3. mid 0. A. Cone Jr.,
for I.(V1.
iikihw nuHit.
Fro.1 lluretetux to HolIU Idlwanla,
(nirtiou of let M, nWo 10 (t of south
side of lot 18, Oak Utwn lark uihl to
Salem. 8oU
TiilttHl StitUw to Davhl Cioshk, 10
aero In nw. f, t, 7 r uat.
Recruiting Officer.
The recommendation of Governor Geer
that Captain O'Neal he appointed as a
suitable recruiting olllcur for enlistment
of volunteers in Oregon, is favorably re
ceived by the war department.
Seasonable Ooods,
Cnikh, stmw and fur haU for all aged. -neat,
negltgeo and Inuudriod white and
eoloru.! Immuii shirts, Kith nud linen
towel table damask, cmsh.lHil spreads,
luciw, curtains, corsets, rihlwns, Iiicih,
umhmiilerieri, auenderM, gloves, ladliw'
and gents' summer underwear, ham
nuwka, awentvrs and a thousand other
Hums all at racket prices. Call and see
tliem at the New lork Racket.
aSlteod 1 w
A publisher can make 40,000 books for
. li. !..!.. .1... ..,!,. i... no.. .....l.. in nnn
lu-lllliu iiiu iin,u ."i t.ti. tiiunv v.ww
each of four different kinds. It is just
so in hicyclo building. lno uverman
wheel comimny are this year bending
every onorgy to produce only ono model
nnd that tho best model they have ever
mmle. rsothing but tnc ingest grade ol
ml ami
moro wheels are lwing built ol this ono
Nothing but the Iiigcst grade of
lip it
model thanhavecver been built by them
In any single year of all modclscombincd.
Where Victors are known this is fully
aniirecinteil, as their unprecedented salo
this season confirms., "IK) Victors or
Victorias" arc fully $50. value and you
can get them now for f 40. Spinroller
chnlnloss (75. II. S. Gile & Co., agents.
bany on Wednesday evening, Juno 28,
1KM). nt the residence of .Mr. Arcii
Mosier, by Rev. C. It. Stevenson, .Mr.
Alw McKillop, tho ponulnr lunch
counter man, and Miss btella Critch
low, an exccllentynung lady.
Thoy have the Iwst wishes of many
friends here nnd elsewhere. Albany
Enjoyed by All.
No matter where you live or what
your business. You can enjoy tho sub
stantial meals supplied nt the Wonder
W F Jcffreis, C W Lawrencu.Portland ;
C I) Gabriulson, Salem ; Geo A Davis,
SanFrancisco; W F Haslett, St. Joe,
Mo.;C V Howell, Chicago; V E
Rowton.McMinnville.J WRedil.Carlton,
E E Rohbins, McCoy, Or. : I) C Robbing
Maker City; Joe Israel, San Francisco;
MrsPW Kills, Ashland; Sam S Gold
smith, Portland; II SYeanians, Chicago.
Ssuthern Pacific Excursion Rates for Cel
cbrationn and Travel July I to 5.
Stations 125 miles or less from soiling
jHiint 1 li'J faro for round trip.
Two hundred miles but not less than
120 miles, I 1-5 the fare for round trip.
Three hundred miles but not lohatluin
2OO111II1H, one fare round trip.
No ticket less than 25 cents for round
Cliilnren 5 to 12 half these rates.
Teachers Elected.
At a meeting of tlio t-chool ilirectort
of Silverion last night, tho following
assistant teachers woro elected: Miss
Isabella Aitken, of Silverton; Miss Sadie
E. Uashor, of Mccleay, and Miss Ellen
Sykes, ofSalem. The principal was not
Preparing to Celebrate.
In preparing to celebrate don't omit
to provide yourself with a good Btock of
cigars, and ho sum of having the best;
buy "I41 Coronas."
G. II. Ryroft, Oeosto, Washington;
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Foiler, Ihitteville;
W. L. Sacramento, Cal. ; II. M. Wester
volt; F. P. King, wife and son, Port-laud.
Steady work.
once, fhniuboriunid.
Willainetteo Hotel.
i) W 2t
Public Uenifactou
are thoro who aid to prolong vmir life
Uooil food iRhw It. Vou will" llnd llw
prnvUtons ami grocerias at llmnoon A
RaiiojiV. tl-ui,
Oregon Woolen OooJs.
Tlio Salem wtsden mills this iiwrnlug
shlpiHul a large ronsigiiiniNit of woolen
goods tolliiaoer, Rutheehlhl Co., of
San Pmue4x, The SuIdiii woolen
lulllsarehraiioliiug imt to manufacturing
tntiln both In tlw Eastern statw and
California .
Volunteers Return,
The return of tho Volunteer rumlnda
iisol their spUndkl markmausliiii, come
VJason Fruit Jars
and iwrfcot your nhooUng at thu new
Willery. 113 State at reet ut door to
Oray Mro. F. J. FoMtalne, Proji.
3 SW tf
TolQpliono Red 20" I.
Free IXjIlvery.
Buys a
Good Suit of
Men's Clothing
Yes, we will sell you a suit for 55
7.50 for.
that other stores charge
Buys a Suit
Well worth $12,50
Our Price
Call and see our goods and prices. We will have no trouble
in convincing you that we are selling up-to-date clothing at
a lower price than any other house in the city.
Goods Arriving
Pretty Organdies, New Lawns, Swiss, Ginghams, Percales,
Dimities, etc. Dainty Chiffons, Allover Embroideries, Laces
of all kinds. Several nice pieces of Tucking, Lace Curtains,
large sizes extreme low prices. Bed Spreads, Table Linens
and Napkins. It will pay you to call and see all our new
Cor Commercial and State streets, Salem, Ote,
Your Lunch Basket
Will contain tho eronie-do-In-cremo of
choice foods if you make your selections
from our delicious jams, jellies, canned
meats and relishes, crackers, sardines,
etc. When preparing for picnic or out
ings, our high grade foods will be found
particularly toothsome and 'nourishing.
Our stock of stnplo nnd fancy groceries
is unexcelled.
134 State at Telephouo 31
Patton Bros,
Will Celebrate
By giving their fourth
annual July celebration
on evening of July 3d, at
8:30 o'clock. Races of all
kinds for prizes. Terrific
Fire Cracker scramble,
ending with an elaborate
Fire Works display.
Free to Everyone,
Remember the date.
Brewster & White,
I'ilO.NK 1781.
'" " T "T " I T Wo are now handling salt, and at prices
- I El tMat make people stare. Never before
V J p -J JL hai salt lieen sold bo cheap us wo are
selling it. Wholesale and retail.
jCVRo suro to get our prices If you use salt.
Model 57
The fines chain wheel ever turned out of a factory,
Hartfords, stricty high grade, S35,
Vidcttcs, fully guaranteed, $25 and $26,
Have you called at the
iff HI
If not do so.
See our Wall Paper, and
Get our Prices.
Volunteer Firemen.
All iwrsons willing to serve in a vol
uiiteor tiro company for Julv 4 are re
quested to reiKirt to Chairman Judah at
e'H'c. CoMinmiK.
'Use the sainnle of Herb Ten loft nt
your home, It will do you good."
0 24 it
Just received a fall stock of Ladles'
and Cents' Spring and
Will 8cil for the next CO days at the
lowest prices ever know,i In Salem.
Will be Dleased tn show natrons our
siock ana guunnteo satisfaction on
every purchase. Prices tho lowest.
To cure T.a Gnppe, keep warm, crpectallj
Uie feet, and take lr. Mils' Nervine.
In preparing
Putt Waists
mgiymcim nave money on anything you want
n .... . .
j j no navM a gxoii HNMruneu.1 yet aim you can
iii.iu tnuiii i jiini iinuv nn am iur iikjiii in
by buying It frohi un. TRY IT.
W$ &, Hm While Kid ttlom IS cwutt a pair.
Uxcumon Rates.
The O. O. T. Co.. will make one far
the Round trip to all poiuu .TtokeU gixvl
going uu J uly Snl ami 4th. RetmiUHg:
AS lata IIS ihtt fllll. Stunnwir Allniva
ieavUDtn on the nl at o a. hi.
Stoamer ronMiiaen the 4th nt T a. m.
030 St.
"E.a Nwl.reoordar of LlnuQouutj,
is wen utter a severe iiiuoas. uawou't
Herb Tea did lu" fl U tf
Kie Concert Tonight.
The Willmau muleal reeltal at Ute
Htra hauHo thl ovenlng Mil Im a raw
iHUideal evant. It I freo ml owrybttl)'
In IiivUihI. gie program elMiwhare.
I CaMutttan anu w,aa down follow Oiln I
I fmcut it hv nlug Or, Mile' .Saniat.
Remember tluit w can Ht you out
in sImhw, Kvks, shirt, wispondtr,
rrtish hats, tius, etc., etc., at 1m
priciw than naut anyw hart. Here's
a few prices yai tulglit prorit bv:
Our wft KmihirU f .47
Our uulaiUKlrieil shirt .46
Our light underwear. ,'J6
Our ealf take shoe. UVi
Our Due tan vici. M
Oar iwttn wlf 1ml . . . ij$
And oar ery tine viel'a at tM and
tS.16. It's ho ut to koi, ami we
soil rutiUir Uiwer titan mttt cut
jarta) hahw. Outoutere knew It too.
Ourtaerwaidng dw trade nru vw that.
Sec us on Fireworks.
Watch the Blue Streak
Sonio of us out here in the "raw"
wct don't know much tlmticnwonin
Hie East. Hem am a few recent re
cords might intentct you.
Wijl.N0T0.s May Jllh. -MeVarUnJ win, tkt
rtwrU (ortliU auluMe.
WAHIUNlirOM. ilV Itlh MV..l.u.l .. .1...
onMull tt, Uhi IA w
liM.TiaoUK.Mw setJi.-Mi-l-'urtaikl wlu th
KN( 1'iTt.Uay l-iMif MaPltAtMui
Mla the auBual rl rare ih & if, tikiaMins
" . x aivrartaau win th
.niul .t..b. .. J . ''
'MWv tuw rmrvt, wiia uim
California Junk Shops
uigimi price (am luroia lUMal, ooitlrs,
rei. ack, ram. iildoa, Copper and
Iron, (all before you Mil. 5-Jml
S. H0G0WU1, 151 Court SL
Large Ah, 83.25'
i'olo Oak, 93M
All Firut-cla
and Delivered
SuccctMiraSaUmlMp. Co.
Phone :m. 319 Front,
thivo CHI
Sr. I'avl. Juuu
aait KtiuballlhliUaUtMt l(bun..
utt Can
LCr mmmqJ
imtabaal broVe
CcaT,."7TCuia MIaHa i vr
a,rV.r -""'-" ""
NtlWAUK Itu II Stu ,! aauiulU
oim, tlu 2 ,f ' ""
MORAL RftivD am wet woh eu lee
a-aBOHB. ieeii ywit ey on Ute on v
!n.vl i
I c.cloiial pnxlet.
Have you noticed
The bids for Street Lighting?
45 Arc Lamps, all night $281,25 per month,
200 Gas Lamps, all night. $66666 per month.
45 Arc Lamps, until midnight, $225,00 per month
200 Gas Lamps, until midnight, $458,33 per month
Lowest proposition from Gas Companyj
100 Lamps until midnightr except moonlight nights,
$202,00 per month.
Lowest proposition from Electric Company!
35 Arc Lamps until midnight, every night,
$175,00 per month.
Is any CommentNecessary?