The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, June 30, 1899, Image 3

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    , 'I
ii sTili lis WiitaMiitia iAiJ
"CANl'ARETl do alt claimed for- lham
and are a truly wonderful medicine I bare often
wished for a medicine pleasant to take and at last
bate found It In Cases rots Since taking them tnr
blood hat been purified and ro j- complexion bai lm
proretl wonderfully and I feel inucti better In eterj
war Mus. SAlXtc K. bil.l.Aits, jjtlrell, Tenn.
7 c.ndy.-
Pleasant Tilatobte. potent Taste OochI. no
Good crer .aii-kcn Weaken or Grlpo I0o.45e.10c
Sl.rll.f lltmrty lipaa, (llf. S.w T.rk. Sll
NU'lU'UAu gists to IFltr,'l'ni.aenllnult
O. C. T. Co's
Dally except Siimlav nt 8 a. m.
Docklbetweon Stnte aodtConrt Sit.
M. 1 IIALDWiN, Agent
S, C, STONE,)kM. D,
Stone's Drue: Stores
Tiiu stores (two In number) aro located a
No. 23S nml 833 Commercial street, ami arc
well stocked with a complete line of drills and
meillolnen, toilet articles, porfumcry, brushes
etc., to.f etc.
Ilnslinil some 25 jrtars experience In the prac
tice ol medicine and now makes no chargo (or
coiiBiil'atloti, examination or proscription.
t Kor additional liocnl Nous nee Fourth 1'iiRC,
C. A. Whale was in Portland yester
day. Frances Feller, one of Hultovlllo's solid
men, is in town.
Miss M. John wax u paH'iigor to Cor
vallis last evening.
Mrs. Ilaiuia Joseph wont to 1'urtland
to visit with friends.
It. C. Dick, of Independence, was n
Salem visitor todny.
Kov. V. A. Daly was u past-coger to
St. Paul this morning.
V. E. Ruwton, of McMlnnvillo, was a
Salem visitor yesterday.
C. W. IMmloy was a passenger to
Albany last evening via Kuril.
Dr. 12. M. Hurd went to Portland to
day to he gouo 'til after the Fourth.
E. It. ltoou went to Portland this
morning to visit4with, friends and rela
tive. Miss Mario Gibson, of Portland, is in
the city visitimr at the homo of Dr. and
Mrs. M. S. Skiff.
Miss L. Ilrown, of Portland, arrived
on the Kuth last evening to visit Mrs,
McCoy of Sublimity.
Mr. ami Mrs. William Mlllor went
down to their raiuili at Wheatland this
morning via Paiuoua.
A. McOill, the nurseryman, is again
about his business after a few weeks' ill
ness with appendicitis.
II. It. Thloleun, has moved from State
street into the Williams' residence at
Court and Capital street.
Miss Julia Kaynioiid, of Oakland,
Douglas county, is in the city visiting
her aunt Mits Abhie Mills.
J. It. lteatty, who has Ikoii hero from
Minnceotu, visiting his brothor II.
Iletitty, returned homeward today.
Miss Stella Groshong, of Fairfield, ar
rived last night to spend tho Miminor
with hor sister, Mrs. Joseph Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. Clms.- Fitzgerald, of
Pttrkersville, drove up yustorduy for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin.
W. J. Kiley, of Portland, captain of
tho lato Itattury H, light artilllory of
this btate, was in the city ycfltonlay.
Mrs. A. D. Gardner and son, of Fox
Valley, art) in tho olty visiting at the
homo of her daughter Mrs. L. S. Skiff.
Special auditing agent of tho Southern Mahonoy is in
tho, city auditing up tho company's
Mrs. lL.Warlnor, of Portland, who
has beou visiting at the homo of Mrs.
Ciilliughain, hor daughter, raturnuil to
day. MUflOm Jones, who lm bon visiting
nt the Iwuio of liar sister, Mm. Jainou
Korshaw, returned to hor lwm In Port
laud today.
Mire Mattlo ItlllHro, who has Iwon vis
ihting in the city, returned Ihumo Uwt
night. She has Icon tho guost of Mrs.
A. Burton and Mrs. J. W. McKinnoy.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature la strengthen ln(j and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It Is the lateat ii&coyered dlgest
ant and tonic No other preparation
can approach it in e31ctency. It In
stantly relieves and irmanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
all other results of Imperfect digestion.
Prepared by t C DeWlU A Co., Chicago.
Condition of the Vine In England nnd
New York State.
The condition of hops In various parts
of the country is good and In New York
state where they were very backward
and started out quite discouraging they
have regained all lost energy and tho
crop Is now In a bettor stnto than could
have been hoped for by tho most hope
ful several weeks ago. Tho vine has a
rich color and is growing very-fast is tho
verdict of many growers all over the
New York hop districts.
Tho Oncontnllcrald of Juno 12th says:
Tho outlook for the growing crop in Ot
sego county is gocd, and vards which
wore not neglected a year ago are well
advanced and thrifty. Old and ill-tended
yards of course show tho effects of ne
glect. There are no indications of ver
min as yet. The price of hops Is con
siderably tinner than was the case a
week or two ago. Tho quotations are
not appreciably higher, but this is be
cause the former quotations were above
any figures paid. The actual advance In
prices Is about 2 cents per pound, and
oven nt that price there are few willing
to lors. Of crs to contract tl o new rop
for 15 cents have been made, with no
takers among the growers.
Coblcskill Times, Juno 15: The
hop market continues firm, with a grad
ual rising tendency. One dealer said
yesterday that he should not bo bo sur
prised to eco hops go to 18 or 20 cents,
before the fall harvest. The benefit de
rived therefrom would not bo great,
howovcr, as tho Inst year's crop is
nearly disposed of. Kain is badly needed
In tho yards hero about.
Foreign Notes.
(Kentish Oloerver, Juno 7.)
Hop prospects In this 'country have
greatly improved since last week. The
tropical heat that has prevailed for sev
eral days, with every high night temper
atures has brought along tho bine in it
surprisingly rapid manner, bearing in
mind how it has been checked by the
cold weather and fmsty nights of the
latter part of tho week before last. The
poles and strings nro furnishing well
and ladder tying will soon become nec
ccssary. There is a sprinkling of fly at
places, hut no serious complaints come
from any parish. Cultivation is rather
hotter than usual, but a good many
farmers say they cannot obtain enough
laborers to do the work required in tho
hop fields.
Thero has been a wonderful recovery
in the color and general appearance of
tho bine, the temperature und hot sun
shine has had n most beneficial effect.
Tho bine is well forwurdad in tho best
farmed grounds, und has kept the tyers
fully occupied. In ioorly cultivated
gardens it is about a fortnight behind
and very uneven. Wo bavo heard
nothing up to tho present of any ver
min on tho blue.
I.upu'ln inMrtrk I.jie Espies
On tho Itorough during tho past week,
thero has been no movement to creato
interest, and no cliango worth noting.
A steady trado has been done, nnd in
quiries aro constantly heard of for low
priced parcels, towifds which tho price
is still directed. The very oldest hops,
which but a few mouths ago were ab
solutely valueless, nro now being
brought up for consumption, nnd tho
prices for nil kinds, except tho bettor
sorts, aro distinctly hanloning. The
sudden oponiug up of summer weather
will seodily increased tho consumption
of boor, and brewers must examine their
avpllablo supplies of matorinls, with the
certain result of finding that their re
quirements for tho coming three mouths
aro by no moans provided for. When
brewers appear in tho IJorot'gh with tho
ostensible object of only looking round,
being emphatic in thoir declaration that
they do not want any hops, and within
n few days aro wiring for immediate do
liveries, it is not dillletilt to estimate
their actual position.
Original English holders aro now but
few, ns nearly all Kurdish hops have
pawed out of grow-ors' hands. Tho gal
lant roinant who have hold on so long
should now hnrduii thoir hourU, and
raise thoir quotations. Hvory weok
makus thoir posit ton stronger, nnd I am
confident that a determined forward
movement, if it can 1k unanimous,
would at once ttir the trade into activ
ity. Tho new growth is lmckwnrd though
plantations liuvo been everywhere im
proved bv the warm sun they have ro
vollod In dtiriiiK the past weok. Rut
there is a good deal of lost time to le
recovered, und I hardly anticiiato that
under tho most favoraolo circiimstruieoa
the ingatlioriivj cin bo oiluvwiee than
lato. If my u.-n)i.A lie correct it gives
additional strength to the argument in
favor of liMios pr'cos for iirosont hold
ings. Hncu week's delay iiicroAMiB the
.llllletilticw with which customers must
lw compelled to contend before the lMW
orop comes to market. It U however,
vory satisfactory to know that the pro
ixicts for the coining crop are brighter
than they wore a fortnight ag.
KdueatsTour rtotrla Willi Ousearet.
OuBdy Cattmrtte. cure eonaUpattea forerei
UVs.360. llCaC fall, druKRlsta refund mowej
Butt it si KIM T W Hit Amirs BNgM
1 Pleasant Surprise.
; Tli ladies of the First Congregationa
church Wednesday afternoon planned a
i .ii.-i.rtu uixm Mm. V.. K. Pentlaml. the
ocoaeiAfl belRg her Wrtliday. Kach lady
present presented Mrs. Pentlawl with a
beautiful bouquet of flowers. After a
lino social time. refreshiueatti were
I t-arved and all went home wiettins Mrs.
j Tonthind many more such ocawtone.
No-To-Iae ior rilly Cent.
aurasMMt Muss UUK ttste malt
Bva mu4. imwJ pun. Sue It All drugruu
For the Summer.
' Crash suit, bleyde vuM, Way
' worsted block and gray MiU, arid inaiiy
other varietltm at thNew York IUekei
for men and boys ami a large line of the
Star-5-Star shoea fur ladies, tjeuU and
i hiklrcn at kiw pricee. S8 e d 1 w
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method mm beneficial
effects of the well known reined v
Svnui or Fins, manufactured by tile
vahiruimiA ciu oiiili- iu Iliusirnic
he value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most reftesiilugtothc
tusto and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, eloanslnrr the system effectually,
dispelling' colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly nnd enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its actlnrjf on tlic kidneys,
liver und bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make tl the Ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of tho
remedy nrc obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by u method
known to tho Cai.iiohnia Fio Sviti'v
Co. only. In order to get its heneflclnl
effects nnd to avoid Imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on tho front of every package.
Tor sale by all Druggists. Price Kc. per bottle
Miss Agnes Itrown has recently re
turned from tho California State Nor
mal school, at San Jose. Shu made
such good progress in iiodagogy that she
will go in September to Cornell College,
Ithlca, New York. Miss Itrown seems
determined to go to tho front rank.
When You Ride Your Wheel.
Always shako Into your shoes Allen's
Foot-Kase, a powder for the foot. It
keeps your rccicooi, prevents sweat
ing feet, und mnkes your endurance
ten-fold greater, Over ono million
wheel people are using Allen's Foot
Ease. They nil praise It. It gives
rest and comfort to smarting, hot,
swoulon, aching feet, und Is u certain
cure for Ingrowing nails. At all drug-
glMts mut slioo stores, u.c, bnuipic
FRKI3 by mull. Address, Allen S.
Olmstcn, Lo Roy, N. Y. 3
Miss Vlrgllia and Clifton Duulup, of
Wasco, who have been visiting Miss
Clara Smith, returned to their home
this morning.
Deafness Cannot De Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased nortion of tho ear.
There Is only ono way to euro deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness Is caused by an inflamed condi
tion of tho mucous lining of the Kustach
Ian Tube. When this tube uots In
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imported Hearing, aim wiion il is en
tirely clned deafness Is the result, and
unless the inflaniation can lie taken out
and this tube restored to its normal con
dition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out ol ten aro caused oy
catarrh, which is nothing hut an in
flamed condition of tho mucous surfaces.
We will give Ono Hundred Dollars In
any case of Doasness (caused nycatarrli)
that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho host.
Stephon A. McFaddon returned last
evening from Indianaiolis, Iud., where
he has boon as a delegate to tho supreme
l(xlt;o A. O. lT. W.
Drowsiness Is dispelled by Hui'.cii
am'b Pills.
'Frances Klzer Roland says my
svlfo used Dawson's Herb ten ono
month, her backache It cured." 0 21 If
Good Pasture.
Parties wanting good iwsturo can get
rMimo at tho State 1-uir Grounds by up
plying C. D. flabriolhon, secretary. U-ll-t.
Cheap Rates
to tho Kast. Christian Kudoavor oxcur.
sion. F.ffectlvo Juno 211. Sco Thomas
Watt A Co. 'M 5-t
nillei, nf tlin HiMiritturv of Statu. Sa
lem, Oregon, Juno 21, 180i. Notice is
uereuy given ui;u inu omio imiuu m
Agriculture having, in compliance with
nn Act of the Twentieth lAwislative
Asfiotnbly filed in tho office of the Sec-
n.lrv ,f Hlnli. Kidiruurv '.'!. 1. 1800.
deeded to the Statu of Oregon tho lauds
known us the "Statu fair iirountis,
the appropriation off 7,000 for tho jay-
., wiiii nf tint u-iirrniit inilidihwlmiMM nf
said Statu Itoard of Agriculture issued
prior to leuruury si, iwj, proiwriy on
dorwxl, wnrunts, will In issued on the
State TroMMirer to the extent of tho
appropriation. Interest will not lw al
lowed uilor tins uaie. r. i wuniHir,
Stcretary of Stute. In aeeordaitce with
the alove notice, holders of all warrants
of the Oregon Stnto Hoard of Agricul
ture dated prior to February 231, lhW!
are hereby notillwl that the same will
li paid on presentation at the ulllcu of
th Secretary of State, or at the office of
tliu uiiilMrwlisniMl. mul tluit inturofet will
oetMe after this date- J. II. Allmrt.
trenMirer of the l)rKun btate ivard nl
Agrkulture. -2tt-tf.
A. O. U. W. Dance.
The A. 0. lT. W"i ive one; f Uteir
wieial danoea last orenlng at Turner
Hall. It was well attended and a good
time was had. Tho music was food ainl
all were happy 'til an erly hour,
wlieu all dortwI owig to go the next
Half Brawn and MoaJa Olmanmr.
Af tax Ml vrtMatKAS that lll rsstoraU baw I
toitsonawaiacAJiojrcoBaiuvB. iwbiii. i
Premium on C7arrants.
AayiarOe hariug Ma'toa r folk ioudI;
warrvaUlM Alitf. will lu well Ut eall a
the uSr oi Vjuuhm lireriiuo. . Cuataf-UI
s. wUh M A Baikar I will allow
MHshHs no all aeati -e.t-rlr iuUirMl war
Iraats. Mosw; tulsvn al a17 -r stoat Inttr
tsluulMtfoieuluai. NuxMBiUMabrti
W.1A r.l (IKNK mtrrVMAS
VfltH r Illuck. ?"0 r-.uiwaw.Ml ir
Judge William Martin.
County Judge William Martin died at
his homo in Pendleton last Sunday. Ho
had been sheriff of Umatilla county
three terms, sheriff of Siskiyou county,
California, mayor of Pendleton, and had
ho lived until next year would have
served 12 years as judge -of t'matillu
He was ono of the early pioneers, and
had, besides tho tltlo of judge, that of
captain, which he earned In tho Indian
wars. Judge Martin was 7" years old,
and had always had good health up to
June 15 when ho suffered from an apo
plectic stroke. He arrived in Oregon In
December, 1843.
In 1810, having made himself Iqulckly
a part of the now country Into which ho
had come, ho was elected shorlff of
Champoeg county. This was ono of tho
early political sub-division of tho state,
ombraclng all of that part of the Wil
lamette valloy on tho east side of the
river, from tho Molalla on tho north to
tho south : or. all of what is now coin-
comprised within the counties of Marlon
and Linn, a part of Clackamas and all
of Iaiic enst of the Willamette.
Don't Tobsrco spu and Kmokt Your Mfc Attar.
To quit tobacco easily nnd forever, bo mac
nctle, full of life, norvo nnd vigor, talte No-To-Use,
thewnndor-rrorltcr, that make rrcaltrncn
strong. All druggists, tOoorll. Curo guaran
teed Booklet and samplo free. Address
Sterling Itemody Co., Chicago or New York.
Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns.
cuts, bruises, and Ivy-polsonlng,
quickly healed by DoWltt's Witch
Hazel salve, prevents blood poisoning.
"DoWltt's" Is SAKKand sunu, Stono's
Drug Stores.
Mrs. O. 11. Phelps and eon. who have
been spending some time visiting rela
tives at Silverton, returned to their
homo lu San Francisco. Mrs. Phelps is
one of tho regular space writers on tho
I'.xamiuer and uun.
To-Nlgnt and To-Morrow Night,
puvench day ana night during this
week you can tret ut uny druggist's
Kemp s Italsum for tho Throat and
Lungs, acknowledged Vi bo'tho most
successful remedy ever sold for
Coughs. Croup. Bronchitis, Asthma
Mid Consumption, (let u bottle to.
d ly and keep It always In the house,
sj you can ciicck your com nt oncu.
Price 25c und 50c. Sample bottle free
DoWltt's Little Early Risers ben
efit permanently. They lend gentle
assistance to nut lire, curing constipa
tion and liver ailments. Stone's Drug
Stores. ,
Imperial Limited.
The Cadadlan Pacific Ky. is now mak
ing tho fastest time across the continent.
Their service is of tho most splendid
description. All classes ot passengers
arc carried on the "Imperial" train.
You may travel anywhere by the
Canadian Pacific Ky. and Soo line.
Mr. C. M. Lockwood is agent for Sa
lem. (1-22-tf
A diseased stomach undermines
health, It dulls the brain, destroys
tho nervous system. All dyspeptic
troubles arc cured by Kodol Dyspepsia
Curo. It has cured thousands of cases.
Its Ingredients arc such that It can't
help curing. Stone's Drugstores.
Bsan the 0 KlRl1 YW H'W M's Bound'
The Fact Remains.
Write what you will, talk what you
will, the fact still remains. Its tho old
story but nevertheless true. Tho North'
eru raclllc it. K, is still the peoples' xip
ular road. The cheapest, (lie quickest,
tho best. Tho Yellowstone Pork line
runs two trains dally.
cod 7-1 Thomas, Watt & Co., Agt.
"What might have been" Is the
sud reflection of thousands of con
sumptives. One MlnuUs Cough Curo
ciuos coughs and colds. Stone's Drug
Daniel Koach, foreman (or A. Mason,
0. 11. & N. construction suiHirintcndent,
who has been visiting his sister at Sub
limity, returned to Portland today.
Units with you whithtr you continue tbj-
n-TTBIlimS IHUMVH BPI1. n V "Ufe
rtniuTtt iuurtirierDoi-. wn
ounrvcutuirss, si litis nied
tlQ, puriflaa tbt b
mil yon irc
iforva tui
rurad bur
NOTII HA (I from
r own drusTcrUt. wh
vaurh for ul Talk It with
wlll.UsttBtlr.DrBlitntlr (mi
irai, sis uiuaii curaii iwiri, vi wt
ranlrtiltoffiir or warfuntl monr.
UrlUf wii C. UU4t, UI, frk.
Cooper tihop,
T RTI-'WATIT. M.i. Si.iiHi Kulim. .wm-
er,is preparcl with the lost quality of
stock to make eKisinigo of all kinds,
irom n won micKtit to a iii.uuu gHiiou
tank. Pricos to suit the times. Shop
in South Salem. 0 10 lm
Sweet, refreshing sleep Is given by
Hood's Snrssparlllu, which feeds the
noivcs, tones the stomach and cures
all dyspeptic symptoms.
Bears tke H KW VW lla WsafS BWfiM
Thomas lthoads, Cemerlleld, O.,
writes: "I suffered from piles seven
or eight years. No remedy gave me
relief until DeWltt's Witch Hazel
Snlve," perfectly harmless tjione's
Piano boxes.
Having sold four dozen pianosi in last
three months. I am entirely overstocked
with piano 1)oxoh ami In order to clemi
them out will sell this lot at f 1.80 eMch
a tfood time for feed boxtM at Citso. C.
Will, tho Musio ami Sewing iiusehlne
Htdt Inl ted.
Keilod bids for furnlshln wood for
the Oregon Soliool ror the llllnd win
be received at the office of the ui)flr-
Intendent until 0 o'oloolc p. m. July 1,
ICO cords of large or body tlr In 60
c ml lots.
100 cords of best second growth fir In
60 cord lots- All of eald wood to ttt
sound and of best quality, out from
trreen stand I DC timber.
20 cords nf best grub or pole ( ale, of
medium mz?.
The right U reserved to reject any
or all bld, or any portion or n urn,
1 Knvfdopes containing bids should
' be marked, "iiids for woou (or ine u
S. ."
1 J. L Caktkk,
Superlntemlent Oie. Sehool for Blind
0-S1- 7U
Full Wood Jersey, ervtee for seawii
only f 1, sj-ot e&nli. Comer id ThlrUietiht
and Center streets,
tjfitf Vhowh A Sot.
rasas. SL-Jtiiw
nvwi. rvai iBwua
,.sH.M VsLa&
m - la SB flBfLalrM 1 1
swP M' m
mJ m B J,A 111 JAJh
for Infants
Custorla l n lmrmlcss HtibHtituto for Castor OH. Pnro
Korlp, Drops anil Soothing Syrnns. It Is Plciumnt. It
contains nolthor Opium, jRIorphliio nor other Narcotic
substnncp. It Uostrovs Worms and allays Feverish ncss.
It enros Dlarrluuii anil Wind Colic. It rollovcs Tootli
ititf Troubles and cures Constipation. It ventilates tho
Stonmoh and Bowels, trlvlnir healthy and natural Bleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
In Use For Over 30
Twr esWTtuw fourtwr, tt Muwy t"HT, wvyC"hcitt.
i A .
i - y , -rDr - '
TTa i . -
v.. ... ii..v iViniipl.t the Mcvcle In tlie
window, waa the only one we hail, llirte
wereiitmty more Inside Iiowcvrr, and tj
old 'cm one each. We can fit vou out also
IV Ak. . "" JaP"' I
Jjjl isasoSl
Water Prolongs Your Life.
If your house is not supplied with a Hath it ought to be,
I will make the galvanized iron Tank, put In the Tub, the
best of I'lifmhlng,aud do all kinds of tin work. Call and
ask for estimates.
Ktinrautrrd lu cure nil nervous diseases, such as WraW 'iory, Itauf
llrala l'owtr, Jlrmlmhe, Wakelulucs, Ist Ma'liuo. (tlJl'T lliuls
slons, Nervousness. 1,11 drains, Ions of 1 iwf r lu Oenersi. Clrrans of
cither sex, reused i'y oer eitrllon, youthful errors, cire-nl" e ol
louacco, upium or siiuiuiants, which icaa tu iniirmitr.Co" ui .wkiiioi,i(it, .i, Mt;iiicii
ptejam. uittuisr J'ree.
Maiiiiuctiireii ttj r
I'rusCo. dl.trlD'itln
FOX SALE I5V 1). ,f. FIIV, SALIS.r, 01U3(M)X.j
slsSkw. '4tMst1
v il rPLsssW ' SM
sB !asssssHsm Wv
Special rates g'von toICommorcial men.
prlvia mnd Ull ixiints at all hmira.llve;iis'a eall ami li sattr1il. I'ltiinr. 191,
"At the Sign of the White ;Horse'
For thirty yourH I liuyc minpllud tho trade with "All Home Made"
huriiOMS of tho Host Culirornlu Lcuthor. Kverythlng thut gimi
out of my nhop Is wanunted Ui ulvo satisfaction and 1 nm; hotter
equipped to supply tho demand than eyor boforo. My Block Ik not
coiiiiIIoii Hetwtien I'oriliind und 'Frisco. Miiuiifiioturor a ml Importor
of Hiirntws, Siiddlos, HoIkm. WIiIjh and Morso t'Ltliliig.
E. S. Lamport, 289 Commercial street,
Harritt & Lawrence
Is thu tijHC'O to got
Green Peas
New Potatoes
Steamed Ham
jWSlnml I him in wiimslhlug
Sitato Cfrtifl.alw. Kkvjim fi vwr from
wek. Tuition 43D por irm o iii w
'IVrm JuneOTKfpt 1 FrraUlfnii,
or W.a,Us Kw olln.nliy
and Children.
Signaturo of
The Summer Man
will look as neat and elegant In his
attire as tho Summer girl If ho at
tire s himself lu white duck orcrosh
suits, .white or fancy pique vests,
nnd in spotless white linen, shirt
collars and cuffs, kept looking just
like new by having tliem none up
at tho Salem Steam laundry. No
Summer girl over laid hor head
UMn a more immaculate shirt front
than we nro laundering every day.
Test our laundry work nnd prove ft.
Salem Steam Laundry,
Phono II. 230 Liberty Street.
Best and largest line of
Bicycles in (he Gity.
Car load shipments
Direct from Factory
$25 to
Wo have..,.
Best Bicycle
r, m, wade a CO.
lly imlsin Or. iitiM
Y-ltow Nn 11!U.
This "viiiilcilul remnlv
carried In Tritiocket. Ji.ooprr Un, ii.lirnisll
l'ree. Sold lijr all ilruRcUla. Askforll.t Vonootlitl.
lh I'an Medicine Cii.Kltls Krsucc. I.tur-Davlk
itliiaKenta. Third an I Vainlil4tt' v--iatiJ '-
in rr.i imtri.
(R. rilltllY BT HAI.H.M, Oil.
J. J. FIDLEI1, proprietor.
Horse; Hoarded by tho
Day, Weolt or Month.
Htandltin Teams, loo.
Si glo lltifKe lOu,
lulioloii Just tho thing.
State Normal School
Training rkihool for Taohorn.
Now Hiiildiiigs.
Now IXiuirtmenls.
I'lignulwl Country iivhool Work.
Graduates Secure Good Positions,
Strong Cournwi. W'o'.l Hiujiik1
r ruining Dgpurtinent. Nornial
t'o.iriw fiulakot and lxM way to
120 to jtlfi0 or Iwanl, 2;60 to f8 lr
wua. run iwm ihhih coin, ii. duumiw
nldrea, 1. L CAMVUKLL, I'rwi.
Soccener to Dr. j. M. Keene, old Whltt
Comer, Sabm, Or. Parties desiring runeriot
operations at mode rati feet In any branch an
In especial request.
Phone 1071.
Salem Soda Works
R. H. Westacott, Prop.
All Vlnds'iif son drinks ami bar syrups a
specialty, First class ilelWery.
gi rurmY street,
a 11 tt Phone 2603
1'OllTLANl). OHri
For Hatcin and vicinity Icaro ordcrn at Geo
O. Will's Music Btoro.
For water icrvke Apply t office. HiPt
payable monthly In advance, Make
complaints at the r-fliT!.
Express and Transfet
Meets all mall and paisengor tralhh. PS.
jagc and express to all puts of tha chj
Prompt service. Telephone No. 70.
M6pcbant Tailor
.07 btatk flTiu:irr.
CfOulU 515 und upwards,
Pant 03 and upwards
Hlcyclcs repaired and sundries sup
plied. Now shop ready Ui rcpnlr or
tiulld you u wheel
Satisfaction giiurnntccd, Your pntr
rotiugo solicited.
,'i 18 tf 103 Stuto streot.
ftssay Office
No, 71 Chemckcta st,
I. II. T. TUTlIILLIAisayer,
NEW MARKET stieel, near railroad Fredtest and
best meats. My patrons say I keep the best
meats In town 3 '
Land .
HHIhto and 19 oiirtst.
f. Hotter than any previously made. 5
w (Imtrantccd us renresunttil.
4 ,Monry refuiuhil if not satisfactory. A
5 Obtain the IxMit from your homo mill. P
f 'YourUrocurwill supply you. 6-Itf.
I r Hi U tut unusiural
,ii. liars., itilUuiuisili'U,
trritAtiuit. ur ill. .rail, us
uf luutuus iii.iuUish..,
I'aifiU... Mflil mm.
LlsttfUlCHtmeuCa. " 'llw ' r !.,
1 illHl, w.HUI. IV'
I i I U'Ul... M TV
i , in w 'i ' riuts
Salem Preparatory School.
Bummer term opens July A, 181K,
Tuition Hir mouth :
Normal ami High school ....(( 00
Common und lllghur Grades. . !l 00
llelow7thflntdo 2 50
A. J. (, M. A.
rt 7 lm Principal.
Steam Dye Works.
No. 105 Couiuiercial street,
(ipponito Wlllumette hotel.
Ladles' and gentlemen
ulothlng clcuned, dyed, re
....I...1 ...! I. I. .
paired and pressed. Floo
blankets cleaned or yed
ind nicely finished. Kid
gloves cleaned, 10c; dyed
arl. iiciTNsS
fmff IU14.II M
11,1 Ml U IUUI.I.
Imaka ! USB aussal kluisi
Bt&WI UV'" ' M
nn j n v 7
Associate .Teacher Wtr rM.,. i
to-7. Kanta Citv. Ma.. w-..tJ J
the Intcr.itate SviW i ciAM r-i
j w.n - tinuni jwnir. Kesidence
m J7u nuren sueci. atodlo honr9 to
w j.
Plnts, Oils Window (31am Var
iush, sua iu moat cuapftrta took
ol Brushes of all kinds In tha s-Uto
Artlata materlalsi, Urae; hair; ce
.mout and shingles; and the fines
quality of grass need.
Now today aavettaMtita teur Mum
or lean in this coJucbm laasxtotl sum
times for 23 ots., 50 cs, a week, SI
per month. All over, lew Ums at
same rate.
.lOlIK M. l'AY.NE & CO-One door
west of J. J. Dalrymplo'a store, does
nal oiitntu and flroinsuriinco business.
I.lst your proiierty. No sale no clmrgo.
Notary public, Salcra. o 15 im
plained and teats given, 8aturdoy ovo,
In Kldridgo lllock. The public In
vited, collection nt parlors. Mrs. 0.
Cornelius. (j jjq jji
only. Mr. ('. Cornolltts will bo nt
tho Ehlrtedgu block whoro alio mayho
consulted on all matters of tosta of
spirit friends. Hours On. in. tB p,
i. (1 20 ilt
NO VACATION.-Mlsa Sholton will
cnntlnuoher music classes durine Ilia
summer without interruption. Pupil
received at any thno. Terma reas
onable. Studio. 178 Front atrcotf
IOR HALL. Ono buy nut re,, threo),
years old, Weight aMut 1000. Ibj;
Ucntlu and kind nnd will drlvo doubloV
or single. Addrosj F. Von lllackf ,
Frultlaud, Oregon. 0-23 lit
FOUND. A threo link pin. Owner, can t
have same by proving property and ,
paying for thin ad, 0-28-31
FOR KALE. Good baby wngonnnd
dictionary holder nlrnost. now.
Pchiiuts'H Hecond-hnnd store, 107f.,
Court street. ,
GIRLS WANTED To lenrn .agood '
trade. IMacos for two now open?; Call
for partlculam at Tub Jourxai. offlce. j
WANTED To buy forty t6ua offoatj
nay. wiiiamotto .loioi. o v,mis
WOOD WANTED. Fifty- corda of' fir
and hard wood wanted. Inifulro ut
JouitMAi. olllco. 0 23 tf
HOUSE FOR RKNT.-Goal nix room
building. Call on Thou. Holmau, S7H
High street. 0 21 1
HORSE HHOElNa.-IInvlng secured
tho services of a ilrst clusa horso
hoer, I am prepared to ecrvo my pld
patrons and others. I nave on hand
a liumlwr of lino lmwleir both east
ern und homo made, also buck
boards and several styles, spring
wagons, whluh nro offered cheap. for
cash. W.
Salem Wagon
' U u i: HU III I FamI
,wj &
FOR SALE. At a sacrifice, a 6 room
liouso, new barn .good well, 3 Iota IGOQ:
Fiuu farina, fruit and hop lands. A.,
F. McAleo, 1011 Stato street. OOtf, -
ROOMS, Furnished or unfurnished'
Sluglu or in suites, dining room ad-"
iolning, hoinnliko. Second HoorCottl
IJIock. Mattlo llutclilns, Frop, Room i"j
12. W-l
FOR EXOHANGE.-Do you wuiitra
goixl paying huslnessT 13,000 stock L'
gouorul tleimrtinetit store. GoojU
llrat-cluMH. Want clear real ostato and
ono-thlnl wish. Address Wheolera
Doimrtment Store, Iliwtinijs, Neb.
1 0 0 lm
FOR BALK Goal dry wood, dellveretl
to uny part of the olty. Price reason
tiblu. Uayo onlera with llnrritU&t
Ijiwronce or Furmers'l-eetlyard High,
street. SJm,
J!W'Yl5LEPATI!-ir your bicycle,
needs repalru bring ll la, we luw
the skill und stock to keep It In first
class condition. We carry full
line "i sundries and make a special
Ity of onaiiiolliiK como and u.
White, 288 Lltwity atieet, Hqlwjr
block, next door toj;ateaui laUBdir
I'hoiio 2855. t'H
that tho beat and cheapest carpet
paper In tho heavy felt paper torn
at Tiik Jouknai. othce. ahti
Comfort on a Ho Df ,
You can enjoy when your bathroom
in fitted up with BWl ehower a
u handsome jwrcelam tub. nwi,
fit you up with a brwJ? yEl,
M , I.I I I I I SSI nil-i
for floor, walla and ej ; U
shower and a tub that looks lavUta f
and luxurious, at reasomnwe s
TeIiloai p ?i