The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, June 30, 1899, Image 1

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    -.' i 'W'frr ,."Vfiv,.
NO 154.,
fitlie daily Journal's cir-
culation is no accident. It's the
(i result of quality and low price.
Sf Associated Press telejnsr5
h Fresh Local News and Editori-
als make the Daily Journal.
Lace Curtains, Counterpanes, Damask,
Crash, Scrim, Hosiery, Underwear, Hats,
Caps, Clothing, Shoes, Shirts, Gloves,
and all kinds of notions.
Cor. Commercial
Does a cash business, which insures the
ery lowest prices on all classes of goods
in their line. We buy goods right. We
sell goods right. Try us for crash hats
for warm weather.
Saiem's Cheapest One-PricB Cash Store,
E. T. BARNES, Prop.
ClfcaalfcJliiJtJtrflfcfciaNfcy-- Hife'fcfclhiMifcilifcfcfcitifclfcfclfc fcifclTfc1h fcKlfclfcKfcifc
v Kf
g2&-- 1 275 Commercial St.
Wcnroiinl I WE SAY
t making I-ow Prices on Demi Stock, and blowing about it as a marvel,
but wo aro
I lowing iIowji a oleau, live stock, level with tbo dirt which is associated
with clieaj) pricoH.
Kvery Shoo in tho house subject to tho 20 nor cent reduction.
uiHnin4iiuuKt'u lit (mwih it ivo.
W W to. Mh. -.feteWfc,tk.EU.tW W W Ite.
Not a clearance of old goods, but all new Spring Stock
bought at the very lowest cash price. We can fit any foot
sizes from Infants O's to Aen's 13's, and widths, AA to EE.
Never has such an opportunity been offered to the people of
Salem. Call and convince yourself of the genuineness of
this sale.
83 StaUt St. Lndd & lnMi Hank Bltlg.
Cor. State and Liberty Sts. Salem, Ore.
BMM - - --I...,-' J- - - ."iT - - - - .Jkr. J. "- -"-- A(a. JMi.arirty ,Mfc. A.
and Chemeketa Sts.
Red Cross Shoes
Our hospital and nurse Shoes,
also Oxfords, have arrived. Try
a pair if you want soild com
fort. Our big Shoe sale is still
on we are cutting prices right
and left we buy our goods 10
per cent, cheaper than inexper
ienced opposition, hence, can
and do easily undersell them.
ausse Brothers,
Cent Reduction
All Shoes,
Originator of Low Prices.
WeShlnothem Free.
Vi B1AU Bllll'.r.l,
At Cost!
Carpenter's Tools.
Blacksmith's Tools,
Fine Tools
For Every
Trade at
i Jii m m
mum & li
Gendarmes Ctaed
the Mob
And a Hundred Persons are
The Pope is Seiously ill-Other For
eign Gables.
fir Asani'Inlcil Vretm to the Jnurnnl.
llittiNHiu., Juno 110. Rioting continued
until 2 a. in. Tho gendarmes charged
tho mobs fiercely several times. Ga
zette nays a hundred persons were in
jured during thu rioting. At tho open
ing of tho chamber of deputies today a
motion was introduced amending the
rule so as to allow the expulsion of any
deputy causing disturbance.
London, .lune HO. Tho Itomo corre
spondent of the Daily Mail says:
In consequence, of tho daily exertions
(luring tho religious ceremonies, tho
I'opo is suffering great prostration, to
gether with a slight attack of fever. Ho
was confined to his led Thursday and
some anxiety is felt regarding him.
London, June 30. The Digger News,
tho boor organ in London, prints a dis
patch from Johannes burg, aiioouncing
on reliable authority that tho Volkslraad
will be asked to confirm tho arrange
ment made by tho executive council, if
acceptable to the British government.
Tuk Haouk, June 30. Tho first thing
tho committee of the peace conference
discussed today was tho reports of war
and marine, sub-committees on the
Russian proposals, not to increaso the
effectives or military budgets. The sub
committee's recommendation that pro
posals bo referred for ulterior decision to
governments was adopted.
Washington, June 30. Negotiations
in Indon looking to arrangements of
the modus vivendi, fixing tho Alaskan
boundary have again nearly reached a
crisis. Hoveral conferences recently be
tween Salisbury and Choato were dis
mally dlsapiioiutiug in tholr results.
At moments it apHare that all details
could Ik easily arraged hut it turns out
that those very details cannot Ik agreed
upon without a sacrifice of interests, to
many American miners, mainly those
driven out of tho Atlin district by tho
severe and dihcrimlnating Canadian
laws. Stato department determined not
to sanction this.
San Francisco, June 30. Tho steam
ship Mariposa arrived from Australia
via Samoa and Honolulu today and ro
K)rts everything quiet in tho Samoan
islands, Tho commission Is now en
gaged In writing their roport.
Apia is to 1h governed by a council
and mayor. Tho Judicial and diplo
matic functions of thu consuls will 1m
greatly restricted and tho supreme
court and one law court will Ihj recog
nised as sufficient for tho needs of
A (iovomor will Ixt upjtolnted who
will not lo a subject of any of the
treaty powers. Ilo will be assisted by
a council of three, one from oueh of
tho iuturost'id powers. This council will
loglslato for Samoans and will lie aided
by a email lody of representative Sa
Marshal Shoup, of Alaska, to Investi
gate. Ujr AannrlNtei! I'rcii lo llir JutirnMl.
Seattck, Wash., Juno 30. United
States Marshal Shoup, of Alaska, will
invostlgato tho death of the crew and
pueeongors of tho stoanier Josslo, who
dither perished in thu wreck of their
voswil or were massaorod by Alaska In
dians onu year ago on tho Kuskokwlm
river. Ha will take a mimlxjr of nullum
from the revenue cutter MeCullouh to
bring all Indian suspects to Sitka for
trial. There ware 18 iople on Ixmrd
tho Joesiu, and it was thought at first
that they had met death by drowning,
but subsoqiient developments suggested
a ponsibility that thoy reattliwl shore
and wore murdered by Indiana. Marshal
1 if Hip lxiliavtts thoy were murdered, lie
faro leaving for Alaska today Iw said :
"TheJfcste hod a groat amount of
whiskey on lxard. The Indian pilot
know this. My thoory of the caw is
that the whites full in with a largo party
of Indiana, who Intcamo troublesome.
Thy wuru given whiskey, which only
made them more dangerous. Desire for
more whiskey and th other jiossoseionB
sf tho preiM4itars led to the w hnleeale
The jxjrwHis ttonatltuting tiw exjmdi
tfen wrg: W. T. Hey ten, TtHiHMte; It
Y. Priamon, Tnnw Dr. It. Allen,
KantMky; A. 0. Statin, Harry
Halrewt, Settle; U. 8, IJjm Can
nwtUwtjQ. P. Ampujd, gwiUles Hn-
ttlMtr Ksfwteri-SmalihtJ, O. H. I
Wintchell, J. T. Murphy, Kentucky;
Eli Kmulsen, Ooncsco, Idaho; Clifford
Hare, England; Japanese cook; Row II.
Webber, wife and two children.
Tho McCullock will take Marshal
Shoup to tho month of tho Kuskokwlm
about August 1.
Otis Is Not Sending Any Move Volunteers
Washington, Juno 30. About 10 days
ago General Otis announced that more
volunteers were loading to come home,
yet they havo not sailed, "although thore
aro a half-dozen transports ready. JTho
fact is, Otis dare not spare the volun
teers until more regulars arrive. Tho
inadequate force in the Philippines is
presented strongly in this way, as well
as in the meager results of the spring
Trouble in Various Parts of
the Island.
llr Aisnplntrd l'reas la the Jnurnnl.
Havana, June 30. Tho locaal papers
devote considerable spacO to tho recent
troubles at Guanajay and deplore the
action of tho few unprincipled men and
congratulate Gen. Leo upon tho prompt
measures taken to put a stop to them.
Armed Cubans held tip tlto village
Hachlchi and raided the municipal
store after killing the proprietor. . Tho
police killed a man at Cabe.ras, claim
ing ho tried to escape and two Spaniards
havo been killed by a body of Cubans
near Cardenas.
Owing to the oxprcsced opinion of
General Wilson that rural police wero
not wanted, trouhlo is expected in the
province of Matauzas for some time.
Klondike News.
information received in this city
through a private letter and from a roll,
able source states: "While the official
reports of the Klondike 'out-put' may
not much oxceed last year's figures,
still it is known to those on the inside
that double the amount of gold has
been taken out.
Of course, thore are not so many very
large "clean-ups" as last year, but
there Is much lower grade ground
worked and hundreds of men will go out
with from 12,000 to f 10,000 each, and
not so many with larger amounts.
As thu limit of uou-assessablo out-put
has licon raised to f 5,000, many it man
will go out with from $1,000 to f 4,000,
which will not hu counted in the offi
cial report.
From $ 20,000,000 to $25,000 is doubted
less a conservative estimate of thu out
put for this year.
General opinion concedes that this
summer will Imj a lively one here, as
money is more evenly divided than
ever Ixsforo and tho greater part of tho
discontented class will go out. They aro
an undesirable class, speaking of them
as a whole, and do not do any
anything to doveloyo the country, and
most of them havo never sunk a shaft to
bod rock or not more than three holes
at the most, and then go to town and
lay around eating up their provisions
and growling at tho country and all
who havo made anything.
It is foolish for any one to come here
and exH!Ct to make any thing tho first
year or two, as therujiro many things to
learn that cannot bo acquired in a day,
as some scorn to think.
If you will notice you will wo that
those who have remained horo for sev
eral years are not the ones who give
this country the "black oyo" but it is
those who only remain a short time who
There are many drawbacks here but
some of them are Ixiing overcome. Tho
mail service is Iniing rapidly improved
and methods of mining aro undergoing a
great change.
Tho old method of thawing with fires
is lxjing supplanted by steam thawing
machines, and next winter will find
hundreds of those at work. With them
three or four timos as much dirt onu he
taken out at less oxitonttu than by the
old method,
This is not u country for or men,
but is a good place for capital to invest,
as mines can now bolKuight at reasonable
prices and not at Itoon prices as horo-to-fore.
Many of a homesluk man will
rtol even , prospected claims font little,
which can hu worked at good pmllt with
a little capital for machinery.
Thu cold bracing winters here we
enjoy; but dread thu hot malarial sum
mer with Its billions of insoct, bihI con
tinuous duyllght.
Dawson will Imj a wry unhealthy
place this summer notwithstanding
much Improvement has beoi made in the
way o( drainage and water supply.
Thu Cuimdutu part of this country is
now culled Yukon Territory, Canada,
insUtad of Northwestern Territory us
Tho upper part of Sulphur ereek is
proving very rieh, Along about lite
dlsoovery they have thu best tiling yet
fund in tho Yukon liaslu. It is u jay
strick nine feet with ami suverul feet
deep that averages f 1.36 to thu pan.
Richer spots have found on Kldor
ftdoabut not suoh ex ten live pay dirt. On
No. 32 above Discovery onu pan I know
to have leen taken out wlileii contained
$110. The lower part of thu ereek has
not boon worked much but quite u little
gold will come Iroin thero this year ami
no doubt rmwli mure next year.
A Ealbmitk.
M. KliHger was at Turner today w
John Wltwjhen. f Turner, h a Salem
visitor Um.
Miners Met With a
Killing Two and Wounding
AllljAmalgamatcd Labor Scales Expire
at Midnight.
lly Axnclnlril ITni In the Jnurnnl.
t. Ucis, June 30. Word has Ihoii
received hero that colored men from
l'aim Ills., received a warm reception
when Hearing the mines at J'rodora to
day. They were met with a fusilado of
shots, resulting in tho killing of two per
sons and wounding twenty. Desultory
firing has been In progress all tho morn
iuc'iind the situation is critical.
PirrsMfKU, June 30. All annual
scales of the amalgamated association
cxpiro at midnight, and if operators are
to continue with present employes, thu
noiv schedule of wages picparcd by the
amalgamated convention at Detroit
must le accepted..
A number of manufacturers have
ulrvady stated their intention to sign
til scale, and workers believe that by
midnight others will accept the terms
and renew their relations with the
Wallack, June 30. The state rested
in the case against the commissioners,
Tie defense Introduced several wit
nesses In ln'half of Commissioner Sim
mons. Ciiicaoo, June 30. The Chicago Tack
ing and Provision Co., today shutdown,
announcing that it would ' not operate
until the present strike was over.
Hractically all other packing houses
were in market buying hogs .for packing
puroes and but few evidences of the
s.lrlko were apparent at the yards.
Filipinos Said to Be Constructing Fortifi
cations. Victoria, H. C, Juno 30. Advices
from Hakodate statothat Chaptalu Saki
chl, of the steamer Hokoku Muni, just
returned from the Philippines, reports
that in the southern islands tho young
Filipinos are constructing fortifications
against emergencies, Kvory port is gar
risoned by a thousand or k volunteers,
whoso wea)ons, however, aro very crude,
only alxiut 20 ier cent being armed
with rifles 'Remingtons.
Thoy aro, however, full of patriotism
and state that they will not yield to the
Americans though tho whole of thu
islands aru destroyed, Thu Hokoku
Muru was warmly welcomed by the
Filipinos, who consider thu Japanese to
1h) of a klndorcd race ami diojKt for as
sistance from them.
The Filipinos wero prepared to pay
for arms mid ammunition mid Japanese
vessels visiting tho Islands could take
return cargoes of hemp, Captain Saki
chin says that he only sold the In
surgents two revolvers and the cook's
A Fatal Charivari,
Ciiiiiaih), Juno 30. A Hxtilul to the
Chronicle from Manistee, Miuh., says
At a Gorman wedding on Oak Hill last
night a large crowd gathered to chari
vari tho nowiy married couple. The
outfit oouslstod of cowlsdls, horns and
a small cannon. The cannon was loaded
with an overcharge of iwdor, mid ex
plodod, injuring three bystuuders. AN
iMirt Glllusu was struck in the head with
two pieces of iron and probably fatally
Bushels of Eyes
Would not bo of any uw if tliy
were not in on I. r. Are your oyo all
right? GhtsMtNj may or may not Ih him
cossary. Thu ung aro subject to de
fects of vlWon as well as thu old. Thv
oarllurllt is truatud tint .greater thu
chsmiu of a iMjrmautHit euro.
We tmi eye frw oi charge. Ww can
tarnish au anything in thu spwtiael
und qygguMHi line.
(j 110 BTA.TB BTItnBr,
Disease In Dozen Towns in
SraitASK, June 30. A snm'lpox scan
exists in n dozen towns In Kasteru
Washington. Almlra, Lincoln county,
is quarantined. Colfax has a well-do-voloped
case. A new patient has been
ronorted in Snokano and Walla Walla
has a sick man in her pest house. At
Almlra there ore sovon welldeveloned
cases, the whole town having been ex
losed, because tho school teacher, who
first was stricken, did not know tho na
ture of his malady and continued to
teach for teveral days. Another case
was discovered at Marshall, this
county. Five men who occupied a Imx
car with a smulllox patient have gone
to Waverly, where hundreds of laborers
aro working in a sugar beet factory. It
is feared that the epidemic will spread
there. Public meetings in farming com
munities have been prohtbltcc, while
vaccination Is the prevailing fad.
General Wood Says Schools
are What Cuba Needs.
llr Adxtolnleil rm lo the Jnurnnl.
Wasiiinoton, Juno 30. General
Leonard Wood was in Washington to
day. Ho camu at tho request of the
war department officials and to confer
with the president and secretary of war
regarding the situation in Cuba.
Wood says what people In Cuba
needed :ost was irood schools, good
sanitation in thu cities and enforcement
of United States laws. Ho docs not lie
llevo the yellow fever outbreak in San
tiago will Imj serious.
Conducted by J. J, Kraps and County
Supt. Jones,
A very successful summer normal Is
being conducted at tho F.ast Salem
school building. Prof, J. J. Kraps and
Mrs. Jones, thu Marlon county superin
tendent, are thu conductors. The terms
uro very reasonable and the work Isdono
ina very practical manner.
Their first week clones today with about
sixty teachers enrolled, and they seem
to Iks of the very Iwsl typo of students,
who are willing to put In their summer
vacation of six weeks at earnest and
thorough preparation for teaching.
The first summer school was conduct
mi nt Salem two years ago by Prof. Kraps
with a class of 21. Iistyear thero wero
40 and this year shows a rapid growth.
Teachers are drilled in all tho common
and advanced branches and for exami
nation for both county and statu papers.
It will surprise some to learn that
there are teachers taking thu Sa
lem summer school course from differ
ent partsof tho stato and from Wash
ington, Idahoaud Colorado. This speaks
wull for Mr. Kraps as mi Instructor. He
Is a Itfii'loug teacher mid seems to have
thu confidence of the teaching profes
sion. A largo number of citizens and invited
guests went to Chemawa this afternoon
to attend commencement at the Indian
school, where they will be royally en
tertained, Hon. Phil Metschau returned to Port,
laud this afternoon.
I Jos. Meyers &
S Salem's Greatest
Some Select
Styles in Hrokeu
Sixes At every
On Sale
S New Wash Blond
5 Ties just received also swell
t I' lUy m1
rune Willi BIOCKB to IIIUWJII,
50c, 75c and 51.
2 Crash and Linen
3 l'iLt.rjmtM KnmH of t.iinxnrvlcealilfl.
wearable kinds.
$ up to 54.50
X 79 cents
S Pair
for those 11,00 vuluej,
many left.
278-280 Commercial St, The Old
Makes the food more
ovu imw
Applications lor Com
Pour in on the President
By Scores,
Sick Soldiers Homeward Bound 484
on the Morgan City.
llr An'lotl I' (lie Jonrnnl.
Wasiiinoton, June 30 Since the an
nouncement that 10,000 volunteers nure
to lw mustered Into the army for ser
vice in tho Philippines, tho president
lias lieeti deluged with applications for
Tho president requests all visitors to
file applications with Adjutant Gener
al Corbtn. At the same time ho makes
it clear in a geuerul way that tho pol
ley of the administration In granting
the commissions will bo to favor volun
teer officers, who Bhowctl ability and
performed valuable scrvsco during tho
Thu uumbernf olllcers to Is) commis
sioned Is carefully guarded to prevent
a scramble.
Wasiiinoton, Juno 30. Tho trans
port Morgan City left Manila yesterday
for -San Francisco with-iU-i sick,
Yellow Fever in New. York,
llr Aanoolntnl I'rri to (tie Journnt,
Nkw Yiiiik, Juno 30. John Johnson,
matu of thu Norwegian iiteumur Kreliu,
was removed to Rwinburn island hospital
this afternoon, suffering from yellow
fever, and tonight his condition Is seri
ous, Tho Kreliu sailed from Havana
and Matauzas.
ttxcunuon to 'Frisco.
Dr. C. W. Ilarr, of I-olmiion, who has
hail wide experience as an excursion
manager, oximcts early in August to
perfect an excursion to Sail Francisco
lor thu benefit of such as would enjoy
that fora summer outing. Ho exacts
to secure u rate below one regular faro
for thu round trip, and all who wish
to avoid themselves of thu opportunity
should correspond with him at an early
date for full particulars. 27-tf
The People,
Grows and
See i
A Columbia
July 3d,
kfc. ji- .
clelrctous and wholesome
rowtxs co., mw vornt.
Frank Draper, Wanted for Horse Stealing,
Captured and His Partner Shot,
llr A(niolntc!i I'reM to the Journal.
ItHi'i'iiMr, Wash., June 30. '-Several'
horses having boon stolen from this vi
cinity recently and suspicion having
rested upon Charles McDonald and
Frank Draper, warrants wero issued for
their arrest. They were reported to" be
near Curlew lake, with tho horses.
Deputy Sheriff Onswold and 8pccial
Deputies Uoothfrider and Jackson,
started after them. They were found,
and Draper was captured and brought
to town, ami Is now in jail. McDonald
own pod and was finally overtaken at
tho mouth of Teredo creek, about 20
miles distant. He was dismounted and
concealed in tho brush. Upon being
discovered, (iriswold ordered him to
throw up his hands, but Instcnd of do
ing so he drew his revolver and lxgan
shooting at thu posse, at tho same tlnio .
mounting his horse and starling' off.'
Grtswold then fired at him, killing him
To Receive the Editors,
There will lw an adjourned meeting
of the committees on reception of tho
editorial excursion at cit v hall at 7:30
this evening.
Most any one cant
make a pill that may
Chicaiio, Juno 20. JulyJ 72;, CaBh 2
red 7I?..
San 1'Iiancisco, June, 29. Cash 1,10
- iWWV-wN
Pills J
ere the pills that will. '
Nufsed." j
T, -
- vimr j
Short Lengths
India Linen, Ginghams, etc , at
original prices. New Ifnes pfj
Summer Underwear'
In all stylus sleeveless, quarter .,
sleeves, long sleeves, low ueck, hliyttj
ueuK, giiuo una line riuocu, comju,
llslu mid silk, , ' ,
Skirts '. V
Tho looked for Una nf Crash, and
Covert. Skirts are now on, drsplaylL
Values "'- 7 n
50 toj?2.5Q
Crash Hats
ii to be tho proper headgear, andJ
i selllog lots of tliom MM, WM'
u,li.ll.. linn ' ' T ajB:
we havo the line.
25c to 75c .
1 j
Straw Hats M
Mk orlglnol prices, tho line hhwB
Swimminc '
Trunks for nier. aud boys. ' , &
, , T
White Corner.
t nY'iiti.
i &T3
,v i KfaRKar
Vit' ,