Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 29, 1899, Image 4

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    "5 ri ,
MWl 'WWHjK' r""VFriB,"vv-'wmniT-
L "V"ri i'rvrff "" ,Vf"'P"
ai:y iiiTniiitiB-
tfHrmrfiiWirVi'V'"! i"i
Our Friday's
Surprise Sale
Bed Spreads
Tho regular 11.25 lino
Put down to IJcd Uock for
Friday Only
LINES Ladies Shirt Waists that cannot be equaled
in Oregon. This in the fourth shipment tins
spring. All new patterns.
T rf Mr 1 A comploto lino of tip-to-dulo
IwUl nu, X Hly(. n (amy HtrK-, wollRn ,
nuulo and perfect fitting . . . 3Uc cacn'
T ni Wo 9 I'nncy ntrlpeo with threo rows
IwUl nJ 0( tucking. Neat pattcrim.
Fino quality. Also plain black, hliionnd pink. . ,
Ueflt values for tho pricu ovor shown ouc cacn.
T rf lMr IMuIn bluoku, now blues, pinks:
-VJl ' handnoinely fixed with wlilto
tucks threo inches it part, edged with white. A c,
very stylish waist 31 cacn.
NEW CRASH SKIRTS: New lines of plain and trim
med Crash Skirts. Latest cut, best qualities. S1.25
to $2 each,
rrmm inn i
t ju
LAI LiillLJnlJ j
You ain't got too much of It always wimo
thing now coining up, In watches ns well
ns otliur tilings, wo keop up witli the
times and nro procured to repair ull tho
latest nnd iiierliuuiiiii in wnnnies,
in wniiihes, lew
olrv. kodaks, mirgliinl
Instruments etc.
Our watch repair department Is tho IhihI
in Balem mid iirleei reasonable. All
work waranted.
Tonight fulr; Friday fair, warnior.
Juno !U). Commencement Intoislato
Musical Conservatory, Htta AnderiMVIII
man Principal.
July t Colebratiou at Balem.
Tug Daily Journal has
more subscribers in Salem,
and paid-up ones at that,
than any other newspaper, j
Ice Not Olvcn Away.
I cannot afford to give ieo away, but
am Milling u pure urtlclo at a price that
U within the reach of all.
J. M. Mrtlnlru, l'rop. ti In tf
Ice Very Neatly Olvcn Away,
Wo can give Ico away, to convince you
uouio uiul auo now big a oluiuk you get
for llttlo uiouoy. Our Ico Is miinufuo
ture from pure distilled water.
Capitol Ico Works,
0 S8lf KMMHIIU Si Hkok.
"K. 0. Ncal, recorder of Lliincminty
Is well after1 a soveio IIIiiuhh DnwMin i
July 4th Uxcuraion Rute.
" O. It. 4N. Co., makes a rate of one
faru for round trip Initu con all points.
Tickets on sale July '-M. 3d and 4tli.
flood to return on or Isiforo tllli. Uuy
M. yowers, Agent. 0 'JO Jw
Going fast
Our stock of
Our natrons
lv m w av rnd aro positively 0I.03IK0
r Jug our ntlra Hluok nt MUST C0Srr TO
Parasols at half price,
H.U.F PRIOK. Tiierottruromu nlci' thiiiji
TVo w look at thorn.
4a A-
Shirt Waists
f"W .. .
JttMum VO money on snytbin you
toHUDI BROS.c5i CO.i
mpr door south
"H'hlt Kid aiof
Wo liavo made preparation for tho
oiitburnt of loyalty which will Iks
displayed on our
This ycnr nnd our stock of
In largo red, white und blua stripe;
red, white nnd blue with utarn.
4c and 5c
Hlte Kair.
Merchants are respectfully notified
that tho dally program, score card and
advertising privileges of the- Oregon
Htato Fair huvo been awarded to K. II,
Flngg. Your patronage will soon be so
licited, (t 20 -It
T, M. Ilurr returned yesterday from
A. Cooper of Sidney was a Fulein
visitor today.
Peter Muloy, of Portland was a Salem
visitor today.
Ueo. C. Will was a business visitor to
Albany today.
i:. Gilliam of Falls Olty did biiHinuss
in Halem today.
John MiOrow was over from McCoy
yesterday afternoon.
C. II. Hill of Stay ton was a Halem
business visitor today.
Buinuol Dunn was a passenger to
Portland this morning.
J. A. Merchant of Itrowusvllle is vis
iting friends in Halem.
I). II. Weyant, of Fox Valley, was In
Halem today on business,
W. ( I-tiwis, of Itiukreitll, was lu the
city today on business.
Arthur and Maude Klder, of Staylon,
were Halem visitors today.
II. W. Iloniiomau, of Portland, was in
the city today doing busbies',
Dr. Hmith, of Dallas, was In Halem to
day laying in a largo supply of modi
el no.
V. W. Primley returned to Oregon
City this morning after visiting friends
Miss Grace Ijiing ouiuv up from Port
bind for a short visit with friends mid
Oftmr JohiiMin went to Portland this
morning via summer, where ho will
nkmuI tho Fourth.
MIm Kthel Knight, of Portland, wliu
bus been tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. it.
it. Fleming, returned homo yotorday.
A. P.. Dagnny, formerly In the saloon
busliuMM, left for I'urtlund today, whore
ho exptwtsto outer bustut on hU own
Mrs. W. V. Johnson and ohlldron
went to Dallas anil will 1st gouo fur two
Meulcs. Wall U alreiidy pining uway.
Uo siiys that hu will now Join tin Klks
and I'orofters in Ids wife's alweiuo.
Mrs. T. Juhiisoii, of Condon, Olllbuu
county, who Ims Ihhiii visiting In Cor
vulIU, Quint, down n the Alluiuy and
was met at tba lwt by Mrs. Frank
Darbln, who hu will visit for nm
Oftfids ura
o going out mpi
vlJSS and ah oi
' uu
H )fta
vv Wo offer anv of our fin
elOAlk 01 Parasflls nt ON II
?k and U'lilto, nud KuuiUm
left In Illao
Wo Iwiv a gd asjortmont yt aud you win '
ItUVll Ilium ill In.!, tvli.i, ... ,tlljf fn .li.li.i !
wuut by buying it from us. THY IT. 1
or postoppice,
h 15 cMtt n plr.
Walter Uernnrd nrtt! .Tbhn Fielding,
two jirospcrons farmers of Tualatin
plains, Washington county, wero in the
city today, going to Sublimity to visit
friends and will drive around by Mt.
Angel, making a nice pleasure trip.
They aro of ilia thrifty class who by
diversified farming have nuulo a decided
success. Thoy report good crops nnd
bright prospects in Washington county
Frank C. Hakcr, tho cx-stnto printer,
and wife wero passengers on tho last
night's .California express. They arc
going to Han Francisco, thence to Hon
olulu. Mr. Maker has a brother in Hon
olulu, Charles linker, whom many old
timers hero will remember, who has
liecn there for SO years, anil who will
accompany Frank and bis wife over the
Mrs. Anna Livingston and Mrs. Flor
ence Qulmby, of Albany, prosldont nnd
secretary of tho department of Oregon,
of tho Ladies of the 0. A. It. paused
down via steamer Albany to Oregon
City today to organize n circle. The
ladies wero met by ft delegation from
tho Halom oirclo while tho boat laid
nl the docket hero.
Noel II. Jack, general secrebiry of tho
Oakland, California Y. M. 0. A., last
evening delivered his illustrated lecture
"The Work of tho Y. M. C. A. in tin
Army and the Navy" liefore a largo au
dience nt the First Daptlst church. Mr.
Jack goes to Oregon City Unlay thence
to Portland where he will deliver his
David Horner of Crook county who
has been here with a bunch of bunch
grassorsthls week says tlioro nro two
other bunches of buuebgrnssers In town
besides any amount ot other horses for
salo so ho made up his mind to leave
and drive his hunch over to Htaytou
where ho will dispose of them.
Jas. Woodruff and Will llabeock, nro
homo from Kastern Oregon, whore they
have been doing n portrait business.
Thoy nre young men of the right stuff to
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Loekwood re
turned today from Portland, whom Mrs.
Ixickwnod has been at a sanitarium.
She will try the Halem hospital for
a while and is glad to be noorer home.
Komi and Pnhitha McQueen went to
Turner tIay to attond the funeral of
tlieir grandmother, tlio late Mrs. Annie
llilyou, which was held at noon.
Montague ami Ilesslo Iord went to
Heal Hocks tslay to prepare tho cottage
for tho rest of tho family, who go later.
0. D. Iliirdlck, tho stock buyer,
shipped a carload of sheep from this
point today.
Mrs. Atty. Clou. Illaokburn, went to
day to visit her mother at nrownsvllle
for a week.
l.afo Hill went to Turner today where
ho Is running a stand during camp
meetiug. Hucy. F.J. Martin, of the 0. F. It.
Co. was In town today and went to Al
bany. Undo DavldCluthrlo of Dallas was a
business visitor In Balem today.
Thus. Downing, of Btayton, was in
town nnd left for homo today.
Harvey Coil of Lincoln, did business
at the con it house today.
It. K. Hluiw. of the Ihooks hotel did
business in Halem today,
Hay Hinnneral of Maiileay was a Halem
visitor today.
Win. Andeison, of Jtiffurpou, was in
town tody.
Wilbur Churchill wuut to Albany to
For millinery at lowest prices seo Miss
Smith, Statu street. 0 lit
Carriages, Uuggiea, Hacks, Dog Cuita
Uuckboar Js aiul Hay Wagons Wanted,
Tho members ot tho Kditotial Kxciir
sion nearly eight hundred strong
huvo consented to spend four or five
hours in Halem on Tuesday the llth day
of July.
After lunch has boun served, it is
thought advisable to give us many of the
party as divslro a drive Into the farming
and fruit growing regions, surrounding
Salem thus giving them an opportunity
to loam something of (lie iKXiuty and
fortuity of this portion of thu grout
Willamette valley.
lu order to accomplish this it will 1
uiKHWMry to procure us many convoy'
a noes as possible and knowing that
every nwldcnt of Marlon mid Polk ouiiu
tltts Is personalty iutorustcd in making
a grand succoas oNho proposed rvop
tion it has Ihhui decided by tho transpor
tation committee to Invito and urgently
riHpiiwt all public-spirited cltiiuns who
have a tonm suitable (or this occasion or
who onii furnish one to contribute tho
use of tho same for tho purpoM indi
cated and since it will bo impossible for
the iHunmtttco to orMiiially Interview
all of thoo who am able to furnish
"rigs," viry ouo Is invited to report
ut once either in Hrou, or by mail
stating the niimkir of imwongor he uiu
accommodate. Single buggies will bo
acceptable (mm tlioso who lwve no
other nnd us fur as invisible Mich one is
uxicotcd to drive his own team. Lry
eituoii should mill no doubt will do
overytlilug poseihle to mk our noted
vUltors fe)l at buiue" and to show
tbum one and ull that they mv welcome
I Hvery dollar uxihiiuIwI and ery
I hour of time domiti.tl for this calico will
mine buck to us u hundred fold by the
aid of thoo inlitors who huvo tho power,
, through tho pm, to greatly Uuiufit us
1 as a community and thU Umuth'ul and
futtllo portion ot our progrolvo state.
, PUho roHrt lo uny iiiemKir of the
eommutco or lo
I II. It. TlilHUXUC,
! Bwratary Chandwr of Cominoret).
, ll.O. Sonuamann,
A.b. lippley,
A. 1 MoAtW.
L. 1). llwiry.
Iw Orvwm skKls. o.t llllk v; .inn.
Volunteer Return,
The mturn of the VoliiHtiMM rewinds
oTlheTr spleiulM nurkniauahJH, ttjwe
perfect your shooting at
me hm
ija Btaiofeireei
Hiuct d.kir to
F. J. IVrntaliif, Prop.
ti W tf
Of Rev, Dfi Kantncr Is AniWered by
That Oentieman.
fTiiK Jouusai. prcsentcl its readers
with a synopsis of Ilov. Kantncr's ser
mon on "Why I Cannot Accept Chris
t an 8clcnce7" Later his sermon was
published in full in another paper, und
was the strongest local presentment that
has been made against Christian Bclcnco.
Mr. Kantuor is nu educated getitlomati,
an oloipient preacher, and a progressive
thinker, who lias the courage of his con
victions, inclining somewhat to the doc
trines of Christian socialism. Tub
Joi'hn'ai, prints Jtov. Knntnor's reply to
"Consistency," not to carry on a con
troversy but to present both sides of a
question, Just as it prints articles on
Isith sides of the Expansion question.
Toleration in matters of opinion is a
sacred principle lu a free country.
Ku, J.
tiu: cut nciHM of that lkotuiik.
Kiiitok JouitNAf,: Tho criticism of
my lecture on Christian .Science, which
appeared in Tuesday's issuo would not
need a word of renly if ull your readers
had a copyof my lecture to read sldo by
sine wiiu uie laiKircu euori oi tno critic.
As many read the criticism, who
not reau me naurcss: anil ns the criti
cism is so belated that many who did
road the address do not now have it to
make a comparison, a few words of crit
icism of the critic's criticism .may not
In) wholly unnecessary.
Tho critic, despllo tho disclaimer, is
evidently deeply In sympathy with
Christian Science, or lives next door to
some of its followers. A striking illus
tration of that sympathy is seen in the
claim of several millions of Christian
Kcience adherents, when Carol Norton,
C. H. D., speaking for tho Christian Sci
entists In the Independent for January
5, 181M), reports u total membership of
70,000, with from 10,000 to IIOO.OOO ad
ditioual adherents, who do not adhere
enough to loin.
Another illustration of n vivid imag
ination is seen in the charge that I com
pared the Christian Scienco liidlca, of
Halem, with tho Mormons. Only prej
udice could discover any such thing in
tho address. I simply compared tho
two distinctively American systemsof
religions with each other, ns systems of
theology, and discovered a remarkable
similarity which no one can deny.
Then in the matter of finance. If
Christian Scienco simply professed to lie
a system of medical practice no objec
tion could be made to Its custom of
charging fees for its reported cures, but
when it professes to re-discover Christ's
method of healing, it has evidontly
fulled to discover an Iinjiortnnt feature
of tlio Christ-method, when it makes
provision for such Immense money re
turns. If tho critic has succeeded in
turning the financial question on tho
preacher, tho preacher fails to sco It. It
Is certainly clear that tho critic is not
very well acquainted with tho llililo or
such astounding ast-ertlons and illogical
positions would not bo taken. Tho
preacher does not assume to bo a divine
healer. He heals no ouo of his sins, as
tlio critic charges. Ho believes In no
one as a divine healer, but Jesus Christ,
and by his side ho does not for a mo
ment place any one as deserving to be
classed with Him. Jesus Christ's
method of healing was without money
and without price. To rediscover his
method involves the discovery of tlio
whole method.
That Christian Scientists practically
put Mrs. F.ddy lu tho place of Jesus
Christ, the critic in a very confus d way
tries to deny, hut disw not succeed.
not rcau uie nuurcss: and ns the
J lie critic lias been informed.
ami in-mis-ill-
formed, but in some case sadly
That Christian Science makes no war
fare on the churches ami does not solicit
uifiberslsn caseof inis-lnfnrinatlon. Dr.
Fiuno's lilngs at the Christian chinch
and ministry disproves tho critic's as
sertion, and I know of a number of cases
where Hirsons have been pursued and
troubled with the lniiortiiiilty of
Sclimtlst" in their efforts to get them to
take up Christian Science. It is very
strange that Scientists are requested to
leave their churches if Christian Science
make no warfare on thochurch, 1 simply
cite 11110 bids for the "information1'
of the critic. Others do not
need it. Tho "information" that
mv ritnlliiMH urn mil ,iirr.i., lu ...
other case of mls-inforniation. The In
sinuation of tho critic may passfor what
It Is worth. Of course the frmmmii
, ' " "" - ."...... .1. ,.,-
changes lu the "revelation'' makes it
dlllieult to keop up with tho "revela
tion," Though I am charged with being H.
logical, and with iiiaklhL'iisloundini' nu.
sertion, 1 have looked in vain for lode.
or cool deliberate ronsonlmr. mi. I
I absence of nsteuudlm: assertion
in the critic's uttumntinl mi.
alysls. 1 am sorry that the critic did
not profit bv mv mistakos
'To him
locth it
whoknoweth to do good nnd
not, t him It is sin. '
I he plea for fair play is evidently not
slnewet or why object to the presontn-
thin of Incontrovertible facts from tho
studHilnt ot Christianity, after Dr.
Fltiuo had prtfeenttsl the fnncitw of
Clirtstkiu Sotouctt?
MlWt llMIHH'tfully.
Salem, June 3, ISM).
En. Jevhmal: Wo were much
amiiMHl by the anulyskj given by u Sa
loin woman of our brother K's Hirmon.
Praise God for clmtr unprejudiced
thought! A thought which says: "l.ivo
and let live."
Howtnur. we am not "Poor Christian
Scientists.'1 God is imr Father, tho
Divine Source uf all good. How win we
bo "poor". We urn rich: rich in tho
love that blsusos oven our umuuiw. Rich
In the grace wipoliud by tlait lovo that
can do us our Matter did: who, when
Summer Things
Cunvn, TelteooptM.
Straw Tolenwpite.
Shawl S(w))s.
Owsli Hata.
Soft Ortuh I lata.
Traveling Oaji.
Htoyele Halt.
IHcyele lloe.
TunuU SIhms.
Summer Underwear.
Ami the thousiiui and am Udutw fur
Milliliter hki unit summer wear, ut
luwortt racket n rices for cmdi
No accounts fur anybody.
The Ingcrsoll , ,
Dollar Watch95c
Sold doiMw ot thic Uuurautl
fr a year.
Sec i for Fireworks.
he was reviled, "reviled not attain."
Rich in the love that can say with Jesus.
"Father, forgive them, thoy know not
what they do." Rich, in the grace our
dear mother expressed In the words "I
love the orthodox church, nnd tho or
thodox church will sometime love Chris
tian Science (Mary Ik O. Eddy miscel
laneous writings) nnd when they smito
us on the cheek, "we can turn to them
the other also" or if they take away our
coat, we can give them our cloak also.
The mantle of charity is bi; and broad
enough to cover us nil. At.d, while we
patiently plod on in the straight and
narrow way "of truth and righteousness
oven though It may bo with the Bweat of
agony, working out our own salvation,"
We have no room for anything but
precious love and charity. Tlio' we
may seem at tunes to tlio world to walk
inconsistently (for wo have not gained
the perfection of our Master yet) still in
our hearts wo will know that God is
good and all in nil, no matter what evil
says to the contrary. "Let God le true
but every carnul man n liar." Wo seek
to know only that mind which governed
Christ Jesus.
It may bo thnt ero these brothers who
have assailed Christian Science, come to
understand the real import of their
Divine Master's words and life, they
may become as Paul, who thought he
was doing God service by persecuting
Jesus' followers but was converted.
God bless you brothers.
Halem, Juno 28.
"Use the sample of Herb Tea left at
your home, It will do you good."
(J 24 tf
WIHTKSIDF.-COX-At the home of
Mrs. Horner. Salem June 28, 1809,
Lena M, Whiteside, of Marlon county
to Frank Cox, of Polk county, Rev.
Iiuis Landon, officiating.
TUCKKH-GHACE At the Marion
county court house Wednesday, June
28, 181)0, Miss Alice Tucker to W. A.
Grace. County Judge G. P. Terrell,
homu of tho bride's father, O. T.
Porter in Albany Juno 27, 1800, II. N.
Cockorline, of Eugene, anil Miss Alice
A. Porter, of Albany, Rev. II. L.
Heed officiating.
Tho groom Is the state agent of tho
Northwestern Mutual Insurance Co.
and the bride is well known in Albany
where she has resided since childhood.
Mr. and Mrs. Cockcrliue are at Hotel
Salem for n few days.
HILYEIT At the homo near Turner,
Wednesday, Juno 23, 1809, Anne, wife
of Joseph Hllyeu, aged 71 years, of old
Deceased was for nearly forty years a
resident of Marion county, having
crossed tho plains in 1802. She Is sur
vived by a husband and seven children,
among whom are L. Hllyeu, of Eugene,
nnd W. It. Hllyeu, of Albany.
The funeral wns conducted from tho
residence at 12 o'clock today. Rev.
Holn-rts olllclatlng. Interment will be
had at Hhelburu.
Tutu Frutl Ico Cream Chocolates,
Ellis A .inn, 101 State street.
Excuisionto California.
For annual meeting ot National Edu
cational Association, the Southern Pa
cific Company (Shasta Route) will make
$35 round trip rate to Iis Angeles, by
train leaving Portland at 7 n. m. July
7. Tickets will le good to Soptoiiilwr 4,
and permit stop over on return trip.
On July fi, (I, 7, 8 and 0. round trip
tickets to Los Angeles will be wild at f 10
rate, allowing stopover in either direc
tion, and final limit ot Soptcmlor4.
Holders of these excursion tickets
may make low rate side trips to Mon
terey, Ijike Taboo, Yosomite Valley, Hig
Trees, Riverside, Hedlauds, Santa" Har
bara, Catalina Island, etc. No such op
isirtunity to visit all California points
of special lutoroMt, at small cost, has
been beloro afforded. Note the dates.
For guides, sleeping car reservations
und further information cull on any
.Southern Pacific agent, or address .Air.
C. 11. Markhaiu, (lent. PasKinger Agent,
Portland, Or.
Yours truly,
C, II. Maiikiiam.
Frank C Hakor, Mrs Frank C Haker, J
G Pope, WJ Hilov. R W Hoiiuomanii,
Ham 11 Stay. W E Fnulor, R I Under,
1) It Nelson, Mrs 1) It Nelson, Pertland:
I L Fletcher, E D Severs, Geo K Hur
ton, J L Tuoker, J W Leonard, San
Francisco; F J Martin, McMiuuvillo,
Or; N J Adams, Mrs N J AdauiH, Chi
cago; C O Ashley .Now York;.! C Punch,
St Uiuls, Mo; T Holverson, Salem; Win
Fuller, Allmuy.
H J Spencer. Hosedalo ; J K Wlckur,
J S King and wife, San Francisco; Hu
bert Rorntird? John Fluids, Forest Grove
T K Stafford, Portluud; Mrs Ethel
Funk, Enterprise.
Excursion Rates.
Ticket Agent Skinner, of tho S. P.
Co., niinnunctis sixviut evurshm tickets
on salens loiiews:
I Hound trip to tlio Los Angeles Na
tional Edtietional Association conven
tion, with membership coupon at one
Yuquiiin lkiv excursion tickets good
to Cctolktr 10 lor tho round trip f Lo0.
There will be a Saturday night
tiykut, good t return on Monday nt a
sill lower rate.
Another lot of
Now on the way. There are
others but they are not quite
so smooth. The way these
Tribunes run is what worries
the riderof other makes. Trv
all ot them, then try ours.
You'll know the reason why
the Tribune rider always
looks so cool and comforta
blelie's never overworked.
The Ladies Wheel
Is a beautiful plain black.and
runs as easy as the prover
bial dream. Sj8 cash
Buys a
Good Suit of
Men's Clothing
Buys a Suit
Well worth $12,50
Our Price
Goods Arriving
Cor, Commercial and State streets,
Pleasant Surprise.
Misses Hossie and Minnie Sherman,
wore last evening tendered a faro will
pirty by their friends in Channing hall.
Tho whole thing was a surpriso and was
a very pleasant affair. The occasion was
tins fact that they aro about to leave the
city with their parents to resido in
Portland In tho near future. Tho eve
ning was passed in dancing and other
entertaining enjoyment, ltefrw-hmonts
were served to all.
A publishor can make -10,000 liooks for
two-thirds tho price ho can mako 10.000
each of four different kinds. It is just
so lu bicycle building. Tlio Overman
wheel company are this year bending
every energy to produce only one model
and that the best model thoy havo oxer
made. Nothing but tho higest grade of
materlul and workmanship is used and
mom wheels are being built of this one
model than have ever boon built by them
In uny singloycurof all niodolsconibined.
Where Victors uro known this is fully
anpreclttted, as their unprecedented sale
this season confirms.. "1)9 Victors or
Victorias" are fully $50. value and vou
can get them now for flO. Splnroller
chitiuless f"5. II. S. Gilo A Co., agents.
Small Blaze.
The flro department was called nut
this morniugl to the residonco of Dr. J,
Reynolds at 1U2 Ferry street. Tho flro
was immediately put out and no further
damage was done than u small hole In
Southern Piclfic Excursion Rates for Cel
ebrations and Travel July i to 5,
Stations 125 miles or less from wiling
jKiint I 1-3 fare for round trip.
Two hundred miles but not less than
135 miles, 1 1-5 the fare for round trip.
Three hundred miles but not lee tlmn
00 miles, one fare round trip.
No ticket less than -o cents for round
Chiliimn 5 to 12 halt those rates.
Volunteer Firemen.
All iiorsomi willing to serve in a vol
untcer tiro comnuuv tor Julr 4 nru re.
quested to report to Chairman Jiulah at '
once. Committee. I
. ; btdlgestlon,
; ; Bttiousae&s,
' fa cm, woma or
, , caJMrM, cured by
AaMkaMnnlHallaAM a 1
waut to be curci ' '
fOcMte&UcMts, 1
at drag stores.
illinium muni in it
Have you noticed
The bids for Street Lighting?
45 Arc Lamps, all night S281,25 per month.
200 Gas Lamps, all night, $666,66 per month.
45 Arc Lamps, until midnight, $225.00
200 Gas Lamps, until midnight, $458.33
Lowest proposition from Ga Onmrr,,,.
100 rme ,,i1 miJiUi. a
AVaT ""WAigui, cAcepi moonugm nights,
5202.00 per month, "
Lowest proposition from Electric Company
35 Arc Lamps until midnight, every night,
$175.00 per month
Is any CommentNecessary?
Has started slaughtering their
Yes, we will sell you a suit for
7.50 for.
Call and see our goods and prices. We will have no trouble
in convincing you that we are selling up-to-date clothing at
a lower price than any other house in tne city.
Pretty Organdies, New Lawns, Swiss, Gintrhams, Percales,
Dimities, etc. Dainty Chiffons, Allover Emoroideries, Laces
of all kinds. . Several nice pieces of Tucking, Lace Curtains,
large sizes extreme low prices. Bed Spreads, Table Linens
and Napkins. It will pay you to call and see all our new
C"" 7 T nPM
v""" I j I I
V J JL X. . f JL i,
Ho sure to get our prices if you
Your Lunch Basket
Will contain the creme-do-la-cremo of
choice foods if you mako vour selections
from our delicious juins, 'jollies, canned
meats and relishes, crackers, sardines,
etc. When preparing for picnics or out
ings, our high grade foods will bo found
particularly toothsome und Nourishing.
Our stock of staple and fancy groceries
is unexcelled,
124 Btnto at Telephone 51
Jacob Vogt,
Just received a full stock of Ladles'
und Cents' Spring and
Will sell for the next 60 days at tho
lowest prices ever know.i In Salem.
Will bo pleased to show patrons our
stock and guanntce satisfaction on
every purchase. Prices the lowest.
Founhjuly Excursion.
The Corvallls A Kustern Ituil it,!
makes rate of one faro for the round trip
betw eon ull rail and river points reach
lkttl 1U1I1 illl Mil nai.l ..... !.- . . . 1 .
y tuoir lines. Tickets good going Ji
July I
it l
H". -'ami -i limiting return until Julv .
o-27-lt Ki. CIIkhhex. A.,t" I
Ei. C. Hkkhkx, Agt.
immense stock oPGlothing.
that oilier store's charge
Salem, Ore,
& White,
v '""o now handling salt, and at prices
,mt ,nnko People stare. Never before
has salt been sold so cheap as we are
SCllim? it. Wlinll.Miiln uiul ......11
use salt.
Patton Bros,
Will Celebrate
By giving their fourth
annual July celebration
on evening of July 3d, at
8:30 o'clock. Races of all
kinds for prizes. Terrific
Fire Cracker scramble,
ending with an elaborate
Fire Works display.
Free to Everyone.
Remember the date.
Telephone Red 2C9I.
Free Doll very.
California Junk Shop .
S. HOflOWOV. 151 Conrl SI
per month
per month.
. . ...
Mason hit Jars