Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 29, 1899, Image 3

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    - -fi .-r-wS 7y
At Bull Run.
. fpmrado Chas. Elms, of Mochanlcavlllo.
N. ., was struck by a plcco of shell which
later caused Bororuhcurt trouble. llosuyst
"At second Bull Run a piece of shell
lodged in my shoulder, and liter
rheumatism set in, which In turn af
fected my heart to such extent that
several doctors pronounced my case
Incurable. Dr. Miles' New Heart
Cure relieved my pains, shortness of
preatn and enabled me to werk: also to
deep soundly, and prolonged my life."
Is sold by nil drttrcista on gunrantea
first bottle heiiclllo or money back.
Hook on licurt uud nerves sentfreo.
Or. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind.
O. C. T. Co's
Dally except fitmilnv at 8 a. in
Uocklbolwron Butte auiltCourt 8tn.
M. V. HALiDWlN, ABont
S, C, STONE, M. D,
Stone's Drug Stores
Tne stores (two In number) iiro located a
No. 235 mill n.13 Commercial ttrevt. ami arc
well stocked with a complete Hue ofilrupi and
medicine, toilet articles, perfumery, brushes
etc., etc, etc.
Has lisd some S5 years experience In tho rrac
lieu of medicine mid now makes no cliurgu for
coiuul'Htlnu, ezaniltintlon or prescription.
c 3
- Kor additional Will Nowswo Fourth I'ni;e.yj
.1. ClauHeii went to Portland thin mom
' Ing.
Deputy Colb.ith was in Silverton yes
terday. S. L. Jonas is homo and will remain
until after tho Fourh.
Mrs. 0. S. England returned from
Portland last ovoniug.
Mits Ilelun Grillith is in Oregon City
visiting Mrs. it. A. Miller.
Win. Fuber, tin Albany brewer di I
lfiialtioas in Stileni yesterday.
Florence Drown, of Silverton, is in the
city tho guost of Mist Kdith Miller.
Uov. and Mrn. E. McCllsh, left hist
livening for College Park, California.
W. F. 1). Mercer, Well's Fargo & Co's
route agent, was n Snlitm visitor yoor
tlay. Ralph Piatt, a Portland attorney, did
buiimua bof ro the pttppromu court yes
tunlay. L. It. Mrowar, of Portland, who has
been upholstering tho town, returned
homo today.
Henry Hemmel, a bridge carpenter,
win yastorday brought to the asylum
from Hohoburg.
Mlmllhiiioh Settloinior, of Portland,
returned homo yuctunlay after a visit
with Miss Agnes Gilbert.'
MisH Anna Adams, who lias been visit
ing Mrs. 0. A. Harnhart in this city has
returned to liar homo in MoMinnville.
Kdwiu Kvort Young, of Suniptor,
Maker county, and 0. R. Wount, of
linker City, wore npitolnted notaries
Tho employes of tho Saluin Light &
fraction Co., will colebrato the Fourth
by discharging a largo lot of llruworks
and othur things.
Louis Wiprut, assistant in tho First
National Hank of Independents, was In
tho uity yesterday visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Wiprut.
Mis Loreno Loe, of Portland, Is in the
olty, visiting her father, Spt. J. D.
Io, of tho Oregon penitentiary. She
will remain with her father until the
arrival of Mrs. Ue and the remainder of
tlia family.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digest the food and aid
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans, Histhelateat Jiscorered digest
ant and tonic No other preparation
can approach it in e3iclency. It In
stantly relieved and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea.
all other results of Imperfect digest loa,
f rsporsd by C C. DsWUt A Co, Cfctcaao.
Wants to Know Where the Journal Stands
on Expansion.
Rev. Jesse Bonnctt, am esteemed sub
scriber ut Mehnmu, who is opposed to
an Expansion policy, ns ho calls it,
writes this patter a strong letter and con
cludes it with th is questien:
Ono object I have in writing this let
ter, is that you may reply: Will you
support, and voto the gold-standard
ticket, rather than the silver ticket or
the man that does not indorse expan
sion as you see It?
lAs Uncle Jesse llcnnett seems to have
nmdouphis mind what lie will do in
11)00 it may be useless to argue with
may no useless to argue
him. This paper believes the quickest
way to bring it foreign war to a close is
or all Americans, regardless of party, to
present nn united front to the world. It
is the duty of ilimetallists, Populists and
Democrats, as well as Republicans to as
loyally support MeKlnley as Douglas did
Lincoln. If Mr. Bryan were president
and had the Spanish war on his hands
or was dealing with the problems grow
ing out of it, such ns subduing the Fili
pino insurgents, he might have an lion
ester sot of men around him, but the
duty of patriotic citizens would still be
the same to uphold our government.
He would be entitled to support just as
McKinley is, in spite of Algerism, etc.
If Uryan w ere in Melvinley's place
Republicans who joined in crying down
the administration in the conduct of the
war would bo severely condemned ns
disloyal and giving encouragement to
our country's enemies.and they would be
called shallow, mean partisans by Dry
unites. When Cleveland threw down
the gauntlet to Great Britain In the
Venezuela affair Americans forgot nil
party distinctions and rallied to Ids sup
port as an united nation.
No ono can tell at this time what will
bo the paramount issue in UKK). If in
1900 this country still has it foreign war
on its hands the money question will
not be the issue, and It will be the duty
of all loyal, patriotic citizens to supiort
tho government or tho party that most
clearly and definitely represents an ag
gressive policy of sustaining national
sovereignty at sea oron land.
In 100 years past the domination of
the English speaking race, with its
language, commerce, courts and laus has
extended over the North American con
tinent, across the south of Asia and all
of Australia, over tho north and south
of Africa, over tho East and -West
Indies, the Hawaiian Islands and other
islands of ths mis, and is now struggling
for complete supremacy in the Philip
pines. If we wanted to put Uncle Bennett in
a tight place, we'd ask him winch he
would give up llrst, Texas or Alaska,
Oregon or UniWunu, Hawaii, Cuba or
Porto Hico? Perhaps he'd say, keep all
we've got but don't take tho Philip
pines. But he is a good loyal man and
if tho musket were put in his hands and
it were left to him to shoot tho insur
gents down or withdraw the American
Hag from Luzon well we'd hate to trust
him if wo weru a Filipino. Would ho
withdraw the American troops or rein
force them? That is the question for
Mr. Bennott and every American to
answer just tho same as for Mr. Mc
Kinley. Wo say sustain tho Army and
Navy. Once you put your hands to the
plow don't turn back. It is un-American
and unpatriotic to desert in the
midst of a campaign.
The situation was correctly pictured
by Gon. Otis in his last nort,no doubt.
The massos of the people in tho Philip
pines are returning to agriculture. Tho
Filipinos are hoping for a political re
versal of the McKinley administration,
to put a party in puwer that will with
draw tho American control and the
navy and army and givo Agulnaldo anil
his Tagalos faction, backed by ono of the
orders of Spanish friars, the control of
thoso islands. Then thero would be'
neither civil, political or religious lib
erty. Tlioro would bo no protection to
lifo, property orcommerce. Tho islands
would bo thrown as an apple of dimord
into tho arona of eastern and Kuropoan
politics, and the droum of HlKirty, civil
ization and humanity be turned to a
nightmare. Kit. J.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local implications, ns they cannot
roach tho diseased portion of the oar.
There is only ono way to cure deafness,
nnd that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi
tion of the mucous lining of tho Eustach
ian Tube. When this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed deafness is tho result, and
unless the inflamation can lo taken nut
and this tubo restored to its normal con
dition, hearing will bo destroyed forever ;
nlno cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
Wo will givo Ono Hundred Dollars fir
any case of Deasnoss (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. Crnwur A Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists. 76c.
Hall's Family Pills are the host.
MUs Cnndico Davie is home from a i
visit with friends throughout tho county '
A. II. Smith returned on Sunday
from his niintwut Gold Creek.
Aeaaia chaptor is the name of the new
Eatiturn Star lodge which was launched
in this city Monday evening. A large
delegation from vulloy point was in at-,
tendunce and a degree team from Halem
informed the work. Afterorgsnization
was protected all attended the tanquet, '
preiwred by the ladies ol tin- order,
which was admittedly one of the finest
i-vor served in the city .The membership
of this chapter is large and starts out
with promising features.
Bon. P. SorueeM and family, lata ar
rivals from UamlQliOi, Nb. hwv1 to
this city from Slualils, last Friday, awl
now occupying tin nwiry " l'"l
erty formerly wnl by II. T. Taylor.
Mr sornwn recently nurchW Uw
Campbell Wacksniithtag Uuinw- uA
i, u.iflilii iha hauiuuH- at til uM
now wields
. ......----
Miss Minnio Mangle and iwr iaUm
angle ana er janr
i David Mangle, returned te the city !
Tiiftlnv (mm Crust lUtiid KanHin,
where- Miss Minnie went about a year
ago to improve Iwr health. She has
44 One Good Turn
Deserves Another.
It is so easy to go through
life doing good and helping
to make others happy, A
lady who had been ill with
a complication of troubles,
having been thoroughly cured
and now enjoying perfect
health, felt it a duty to tell
t. r J t t rv
her friends that the specific
that brought her back to health
was Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Thus, after Hood's had served her
well, she fel it deserved a good turn
at her hands. Thousands tell the saiuo
story of blood purified and health re
stored. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses
merit peculiar to Itself. ta
Catarrh -"I suffered over six years
with catarrh. Spent over $100 In advertised
cures, Inhalers etc., without benefit. Finally
tried Hood's Sarsaparilla nnd It accom
plished a complete and lasting cure." M. A.
Arcky, Victor Ave, Worcester, Mass.
Gastritis - " Nervousness caused by a
frlclit made my wlfo suffer Intensely from
pastrltls. Morphine was necessary to re
lieve the suffering. Hood's Sarsaparilla
nnd Hood's Pills wcro tried after nil else
failed and In four days she Improved and It
14 days she was cured." C. W. T. Schmidt.
Cedar Falls, Iowa.
BlOOd Poison - " At 12 I had bone dls
caso mid used crutches. Doctor prescribed
nnd wanted to scrape It. My Rrandfatlier
puve me Hood's Sarsaparllln. After taking
four bottles I threw away crutches, nm well
and bo to school." Ciiaiu.es Cam rural., 1810
Ontario Ave., Niagara Kails, N. V.
Dizzy Spoils -"After the measles my
daughter hud dizzy stalls, which wo thought
would pass off but they did not until wo
gave her Hood's Sarsnparlllu. In five days
they disappeared ami In one mouth she re
gained her uiunl health." II. II. Kamkb
BrcK, G'l (Irnvcs Place, Holland, Mich.
Indigestion - " I now have a good ap
petite, eut well, sleep well and my dyspep
slu nnd Indigestion have left me. Tho
reason Is I took Hood's Sarsaparilla which
entirely cured inc. I am llaggngu Master
on the II. .4 O. Kullroml." Thomas Coles,
no iurr nt., Hnnnti!', uolo,
Itood'i lllli curfi llrer lilt, the nunlrMUtluK and
t uiiljr cutliKlllo to Uke wllli liood'i BriparHU.
been atllicted with hemorrhage of the
lungs for some time and it was thought
tho change of climate would effect a
cure until u few weeks ago it was
thought best to return to Oregon, the
KuMturu climate liuving been of no
avail. She is at present however, re
ceiving medical attention from Albany's
Cheineso doctor, who ontertuhiH the
hope of certain relief. Miss Mangle is a
very pleasant and entertaining young
lady of exceptional character and tho
young and old of this community feel
deeply interest in her welfare, and all
join in the hone that she will soon re
cover her good health.
A couple of Indian families from
Grand Boundo were here during the
Charles Brown, of this city, is having
a system of water pipes put through the
business jtortlon of Stuytou connecting
with tho large tank at the sawmill to
supply commercial interests along the
route. A Salem contractor has the
plumbing in charge.
Tlic Homeliest Man in Salem
As well as Mil1 handsomest, and others
urc Invited to cull on any druggist
und get freo u trial bottle of Kemp's
Bulsain for tho Throat and Lungs, u
remedy that Is guaranteed to euro and
bellevo all Chronic and Acute Coughs,
Asthma, Bronchitis und Consump
tion. Price 25c. and 60c. eod&w
Sunday School Convention.
The second quarterly Sunday K'hool
convention of this year, was held at the
Lauraiico, Oregon, church Juno 25. Ah
the weather proved unfavorable tho con
vention was held in the church instead
of the grove as anticipated. But de
spite of clouds and storm tho Iioukj was
well filled and promptly at 10 :'M the ex
ercisow begun. First on the program
was a short uliHcourso nn convention
work by President Mr. Kirby. Brooks
Sunday school then cumo forward and
after singing, Mrs. Kvans proccntod a
very interesting iapor on "How best to
encourage tho missionary spirit in the
Sunday school," this question being
open for difcctiMioiis, many interesting
remarks und suggestions were inude by
memlters of the convention. Mr.
Thaukerof Hur.elgruen, load in dUcus
sions on "Wluit should lie the primary
object of the Sunday School," many val
uable hints wuro given to the toachors
and othur leaders in this work. Not un
til tho hour hand win slowly pointing to
12, did the convention realize that it
would tako more than Sunday school
arguments to sustain life. All ropaired
to the Granco Hall near by, where a
bountiful lunch was spread and a gen
eral invitation was given. At 1 o'clock
the convention was again called to or
der, after song vervice, Miss Minnie
Wade of Parkersville, read a very inter
esting puiior, describing the discipline
that would constitute an ideal Sunday
tohool. Mr. Kirby representing the
Hayusvillo school, gave u fow, but Im
pruiwiYU nuuiB,
on The bitft modo of
L'oiiduetlni' 'the convention. After an
oxjtcrieui'e meeting in relation to the
work, the follow ing officers were elected
(or the term of one year. Mr. J. II.
Kaughniuu president, M Luetta
Cawoo.1 sotretury. The next conven
tion will be held at Brooks the fourth
Sunday in N'ptember
Is a matter of choice Any
woman may have It If she
takes the trouble
Miss Carrie Sparr. 2780
rhrrv Street. Kansas City.
Mo., writes: " Six weeks ago J began
lnf,nX,,dlIalr Grower,
Scalp Cleaner and nair urow
using the 5even sutnenanu sw
My hair was very thin, having laiien am
i ' i.tl. ThlrV eloSSV half 16
My hair was very mm. i"'6 -"--i
J-, .-,,! iur Thick, elossy hair u
imm u-iicl ib . -.. d
uutu . .-.-.- - - r.i... it,.
now coming In. and l am positive- .
d I am positive
v- ...0 , -,. . .- . mft
remedies nave grew '"-
-Amc vrvone to use mem.
, They UR8 where ethr fH
A College for Alaska.
Tho recent influx of population Into
Alaska has created a demand for schools
and the building of a school to bo called
tho Bishop McCabc,. College of Alaska,
has been started at Skagway, by the
M. E. church.
The first shipment of limo having al
ready been sent from Seattle.
The climate of southeastern Alaska is
not so disagreeable as some imagine, the
winters Iniing not nearly so severe as in
many of our middle Western states.
Wraugel and London aro on the same
degree of latitude, and Juneau is no
further north than Glasgow, Scotland.
Dawson and St. Petersbug, Bussia,
aro on the same parallel.
The coldest day at Juneau the past
winter was 8 degree above zero, and the
average was 23 degrees.
Juneau has a rainfall of 80 inches,
while at Skagway it was hardly 20
Apt Quotations.
Proverbs, axiom and wlso payings
have been uttered by Confucius and
oilier wise men rrum lime imuictnor
tal, but few people reullzo how many
there arc of tlicm, C. 1. Hood & Co.,
of Sarsaparilla raine, have over two
thousand and they liavo originated
the Ingenious plan of serving them up
In delectable- sliupo in thousands of
newspapcrr, with each ono neatly
turning a point as to the merit of
their well kuown medicine. The ex
tensive uso of Iheso proverbs Is or
iginal and creditable to Hood &
Co. 1
Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns,
cuts, bruises, and Ivy-polfonlng,
quickly healed by DoWltt's Witch
Hazel salve, prevents blood poisoning
"DeWlttV' Is SAKHond sunn, Stone's
Drug Stores.
A Veteran Speaks.
KniToit JouitXAi.. Tho imputation
that the Populists or any one has in a
political cot ico sought to get advantage
out of tho volunteer's reception is false
and not sustained by tho facts. It is the
same spirit that undertook to glvo I'.
S. Senator Nesinithjtlio cold shoulder on
his return to Oregon, after voting men
and supplies to sustain the Lincoln ad
ministration. Mem: A son.
Ladies Can Wear Shoes,
Ono size smaller ufter using Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into
tho shoes. It makes tight or new
shoes feci easy; gives Instant relief to
corns and bunious. It's tho greatest
comfort discovery of the age. Cuius
swollen feet, blisters and callous spots.
Allen's Knol-Huse Is a certain cure for
Ingrowing nails, sweating, hot, aching
feel. At all druggists and slum stores,
25c. Trial imckago I'MIKK by mall.
Address, Allen K. Olmsted, Le Buy,
N. Y. 2
DeWltt's Little Early RisorR ben
efit permanently. They lend gentle
assistance to nature, curing constlpa
Lion und liver ailments. Stone's Drug
Imperial Limited.
The Cadadlau Pacific By. is now mak
ing tho fastest time across the continent.
Their service is of tho most splendid
description, All classes ol passengers
are carried on the "imperial" train.
Von may truvel anywhere by the
Canadian Pacific By. and Soo line.
Mr. C. M. Lockwood is agent for Sa
lem. ll-22-tf
A diseased stomach undermines
health. It dulls the brain, destroys
the nervous system. All dyspeptic
troubles are cured by Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. It has cured thousands of ca-cs.
Its Ingredients arc such that It can't
help curing. Stone's Drugstores.
Bw tU j? M lftl1 You Haw Always B'
The Fact Remains.
Write what you will, talk what you
will, tho fact still remains. Its the old
story but nevertheless true, The NorthJ
ern Pacific It. It. is still tho peoples' pop
ular road. The cheapest, the quickest,
the liest. Tho Yellowstone Park line
runs two trains daily,
cod 7-1 Thomas, Watt A Co., Agt.
"What might have )M?en"-ls the
sad reflection of thousands of con
sumptives. One Minute Cough Curo
cuies coughs and colds. Stone's Drug
Cooper Shop.
SI. STKWAHT, tho South Salomcoop.
or, Is prepared with tho Itest quality of
stock to make eooitoriigo of all kinds,
from a well bucket to a 10,000 gallon
tank. Prices to suit the times. Shop
in South Siilem. u 10 1m
Sweet, refreshing sleep Is given by
Hood's Sarsaparlllu, which feeds the
nerves, tones the stomach und cures
ull dyspeptic symptom.
Be&rstU ll Krf tW Hart Ahuj! Bwtfl
Thomas Khouds, Centerllold, O.,
wrltes: "I suffered from piles seven
or eight years. No rotuedy gnvo me
relief until DeWltt's Wltoh Iluzel
Salve," perfectly harmless. Swne's
Drug Store i.
Piano boxes.
Having sold four dozen pianos in last
three mouths. I urn entirely overstocked
with piano boxos and in order to elwui
them out will Mil this lot at f.M each
a good time for feed Imixom at Geo. C.
Will, the Music and Sowing iiMchine
likit Ini ted.
Keled bids for furnishing wood fur
the Oregon School for the Blind will
be received at the olllcoof the super
intendent until 0 o'clock p. in. July 1,
i soy.
100 cord of large or body tlr In W)
cord lots. , .
100 cords of best second growth II r In
CO cord lots- All of tahi wood to be
bound and of best qualify, out irom
grcn ktunaing iiuiour,
Hi corus oi oesi gruo or poic oas, oi
medium size.
tiih riifht. u rftwtrved to releat anv
or all bids, or any portion of a bid,
Envelopes oouiuioiog uiun suoum
be marked, "Bids for wood for the O.
S. n"
J. L. Cartkk,
Superlutenduul Ore, hehool for Blind.
0-21- 71.
Pull Ual Jenwy, uttvitm tor kwmja
only 1, irt ah. Geroor of TlilrtMwiht
nil Cttnter stroU.
55 tf UmwskHox.
1 M a!N t 11 !l FA I
for Infant ond Children.
The Illntl You Unvo Ahvnys Motijrht 1ms borno tho slgna
tui'o ol'ClinM. II. Fletcher, nnd hits been ntmlo under his
personal supervision i'or over 30 yearn. Allow aio ono
to tloeolvo you iu this. Counterfeits, Imitations nntl
,Jul-nI-JJoo(l" nro but ISxnorliuents, mid ondiuifjor tho
health of Children Experience ti(riiin.st Kxporlnient.
The Kind Ton Have Always Bought
Boars tho
111 Use For Over 30 Years.
TAfa . J"
You see tliey lltoitplit Hie lilcvcte In the
window, was the only "e we had. Mine
were ldtnty more lnnlde however, and w
sold 'cm one cavh. Wccaullt vououtatio
- tmmmt I I I 1
' I
ll(WV&U fv .1
Water Prolongs Your Life,
If your Iioiiho ih not Hiipplled with u lint 1 1 It ouglit to Ih.
I will iniike the luilvnniml iron Tank, put iu the Tub, the
bext of I'lmnliliiK, mid do all kiudH of tin work, Tall and
link for oHtlninteM.
wiAMunnn ppmprn
ITlill 11 1 w wL IiLUl wllLL TIiIm Vtiitfilul riumt
L'imrtotfcti to cure ull
lib f KH r
sloni, Ncrvousnta. iill drains, lots of jnwer lit Ccnerat. Organs of
either sex, caiucd by overexertion, j-oinliful (irnn, tx.ttui'' of
tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lend to Infirmity, Consul ...uonoi
lcsniiltr. Can i hecarricd iu vest locket. Xi.oo tier bo, , ly mall
prcjiaid. Circular l;icc.
I'ruitCo. UUtrlb'itluiaKcnt. 'I'lilnlaul VamlilI lif l
'. .t i. ..i .. w w m
Special rates g'von to Commercial mon.
Irlvn made lojill ixilnts at all hHir.ll'llre.u rail ami Im wlUrtiil, I'lmnc HI.
"At the Sign of the White Horse'
For thirty yours I Imyo sunpllcd 'the trade with ''All Hoinc Mndo"
hurnosN of tho Hunt Oiillforulit Leather. Uvorytblntr that kocs
out of my Khop Ih wan an ted to ulvo aatlHfaetlou until m.i.lwtter
equipped to xupply tho (louinrid than eyer before. My fttouk In not
fijualloil Ilutwueu Portlund nnd 'Frisco. Manufacturer und Importer
of IliirntM, Suddlou, Koboa, Whips and Horxo L'lwtlilnif.
E. S. Lamport, 289 Commercial street.
Harritt & Lawrence
Id the pine to get
Green. Peas
New Potatoes
Steamed Ham
Wioanm Mum in wiineUilin; dyllolous Junt the tiling.
Htutt Curtititate. Kr,nw im year from la)tol(10; or ljourtl, r-i-oO Ut fu
vmok Tuition t'aft Jr term o Ion h eekn. Full term Ihj(Iiih Hiit. ID. Bum
Term June-'VN-pt I Kr ratAla". wldrtwd, P L t'VMl'HKLL, Pre
or W. A- a, rt of Faulty. tilOml
Signaturo of
The Summer Man
w ill look as nent and elegant In his
attire us the Hummer girl if he at
tire s hiiiiRolf iu white duck or email
suits, white or fancy pique vests,
and in spotless white linen, shirt
collars and cuffs, kept looking just
like now by having them dono up
at tho ftilcni Steam laundry. No
Summer girl ever laid her head
upon n more immnculato shirt front
than wo aro laundering every day,
Test our laundry work and prove ft.
Salem Steam Laundry,
Phone 41, 2M Liberty Street.
Best and largest line of
Bicycles in the Gity,
Car load shipmcnttH
Direct from Factory
Wo have.,,.
Best Bicycle
R, M, WADE d CO.
ly ulim
Or. I'ruu'rt
1 1'iioxr nn vii i'i:m.
ncrrotu dUfow, uoh We, yiiory, Joof
Void ty all itruxgl
!. nix. iur n,-unoutiicr
mm ,. wu . a, iii riMii
riris rrancc, I aiie-uavlk
nJ '-
02 I'KltltV HT HAI.HM, Oil.
J. J. FIDLER, proprietor.
llor.MM Hoarded by the
Hay, Week or Mouth.
Stntidlim Teiiiiin, inc.
SI- lo HorM! lOu.
State Normal School
Training Kehool for TeaohorH.
Novs- Jlulldlii'D.
New DuiuirtiiiuuU.
I'lib'mdvtl Country BvluxA Work.
Graduates Secure Good Positions,
Htronp Coiimujai. Wo' I Knulpixsl
Train In x Department. Normal
CourMu quiukiwt and buct way to
iiaccesser to Dr. J. M. Keene, old NVhltt
Corner, Sabro, Or. I'srt.ei delrlng tupericn
operations at moderate fees In any branch an
In especial request.
Phone 1071.
KOOMS 1 AND ;i, nit AY 1ILK.
Salem Soda Works
R. H. Westacott, Prop.
All kind: of noft drink ami bar yrup a
lcollty, First cUm tielltcrr,
3 lttf Phono 2C83
SOULE mios.
For Siilem ami vicinity leave odIodi at (Ico
O. Will's Miiilc Btorc.
For water service apply at office, lilt's
payable monthly In advance. Make
complaints at the oO'r.e.
Express and Transfci
Meets all mall and pauengor tralM. Dig.
eage and express to all parts of the cit)
rtpmpt service. Telephone No. Jo.
wiirns & DISQUI-X
Merchant Tailor
ty Bulta 910 and upwnrda,
Pants 93 nnd upward
Bicycles repaired und suudrlcu hup
piled. New whop ready to repair or
nulld you 11 wheel
SallHfautlnii Kimrnntccd. Your pat
ron uo Hiillolted.
a 18 tf 105 Statu street,
Assay Office
No, 71 Chcmekcta si,
I. II. T. TUrinLI.:Assayer,
JSt-.t street, near rsilroad Freilieit and
best meats. My patrons say I keep the best
meat in town a af
FLO Ull,
JT 1 cLS LG l (j km EVr,
ti Ktate and U9 niirlst.
Salem i
Special j
iflom i
f. Hotter than any prevlouxly made
V (iiuiranteod an repnented.
A Money refunded If not atifuctor.
ry. A
'a iiniiuii uto ih'hi iroin your iioino nun. y
f Your GnH'erw ill Hiipplyyoii. 6-ltf.i
Obtain the bent from your home mill, f
I'm Uu ("' uuiialurat
Iu. ttartf4, iurt4iHUiliuii,,
icriuliuii, ut MlMrnlloiu
l uihuiii uitiubntux
1'i.iiilrM. abl byl ilrlu-
CtlC. I"1 ur H""-
Hoia Uf Illl0.ais,
or M"l la I'Ula fnr.
I., rti'f.ii, iivKili. (ui
l oi, ',( 1 U.li. .'.l.
i it uUr v 't u fMOwS
Salem Preparatory School,
Hummer term oen July 5, 1890.
Tuition imr month :
Normal and 11 luh nuhool ..
Common und Illghur Onuleti
ltelow 7th llnido
2 50
A. J. liAKUVM)
II, .U, A.
M, A.
0 7 lm
Steam Dye Works
No. 1W Commercial street,
opponlto Wlllumetto hotel.
Ladleb' and ueutlcmenV
ulotlilnv cleaned, dyed, tf
paired mid proriMH), Fine
blankeU cleaned or dvftd
tnti iilcoly llnlshed. Kid
gloves cleaned, 10c; dyed
AWl' Ul4ll
Mb ittuitu.l fl
Uam eiaeiint'.o ftSB
Hk. e. a. a. jMmV
Associate Teacher Western Cometv? I
tOrv. Kantia Plfv Wn . . .1 J
'a ihe tiller.. !! Ci. ... r. I n id
f , .-.,., ujn.n, si jmiCTVIJ UR.71
5 Over First National ,juv, ReWJ
m j(viiu,uiunl, oiuuio rvourn 9 W 2
JOHN bk;
PdlnLs Oils Whw1m raiu. tr.i
nlh, and tba moat cotaplt stock,, '
ui S1U9UDI oi an tuna in lh atate ,1
ArtlsU irwterlals, Ume; hair, ctIl
mnt nnd ehlngleij and th gnt
quality ol ktkms and a
New today avtWgu four Mm
tliami for 25 ota, 90 eta a wek,il-
pet uiouui. ah ovar tour iis at
same rate.
JOHN M. PAYN'K .0 Pftn.,.. .lx.v
west of J. J. Dnlrymple'a store, doe2i
' Boiuvu nun iiruuiBuninco uumneM.
List your nronertv. No wdo no chafu,.
Notary public, Salem. fl 15 lm,":
plained and teats riven, Satunlay eve,
In F.ldridBo Ulock. The public In
vited, collection at parlors. Mrs.jO.
Cornelius. (1 2 at
only. Mrs. C. Cornelius will bo iu
tho Kldrieilnu block whoro she nmy 1h
coiiHultcd on all matters of tests of
spirit friends. Hours On. m. too p.
in. 0 29 at
NO VACATION.-MIm Shelton will
continue her music classes during the
suiumer witlioutiutorruptlon. ruplls
reeeived nt any time. Terms reas
oniible. Studio. 478 Front street.
I'OU HALi:. Ono bay mare, three
years old. Weight about 1000 lbs.
Ocntlo and kind and will drive double
or single. Aildrcrv F. Von lllack,
Frultland, Oregon. 0-28 lw
FOUND. A three link pin, Owner cau
b'ave satno by proving propeftv ' and
paying for this nd. t)2S-3t '
FOR 8ALK. Good baby w.nRonjond
iiiuuuiiiiry iiomur turnout new.
Kcbautis'H PocoiuMinml store, 107
Court street.
ailtLS WANTKD-To learn a goal
Irfl.l.k fllnn.li. tif l..x .m... aiumi ' ImII
for pa
ttv. I 1111.V11 iui inv nun uirvil. vHll
itartleulars ut Tiir Joun.SAU oHicc. .
0 Stiff
WANTED To buy forty tons of oat
hay. Willamette Hotel. 0,23,11
WOOD WANTKD.-Fifty cords. of fir
mid hard wood wnnteti. Inqulro at
JouiiNAL, otllce. L23 tf
IIOUHK FOR RUNT.-Gooil six room
buildliiK. Call on Thos, Holman. 370
High street. 0 2it
IIOItSK HIIOHINa.-IIttvIiiR secured
tho Horvlccn of a Unit class horsu
shoer, I am prepared to ervo my old
patrons and others. I have on hand
a number of lino bugrica both east
ern and homo made, also buck
liourds and several stylus sprint;
wauons. which are offered cheap for
cash. V. I'cnuel, Mtiom wason
FOR SALE. At a sacrifice, all room
house, new barn, good well, 3 lots frGOO
Flue farms, fruit and hop lauds. A.
F. McAtco, 103 State street. 0 Otf
ROOMS, Furnished or unfurnUheJ,
SIiikIo or in suites, dining room il
Joining, homelike Second floor Cottle
lllock, Mattlo Hiitchins, Prop, Room
12. 6-3-t
FOR EXClIANtK.-Do you want a
gixxl paying business? $.(1,000 tock
uenoral dejiartment store. Uola
llrst-1'lai.H. Vuiit clear real estate nnd
one-third cash. Address Wheeler's
Department Store, Hauling, Neb.
0 0 )m
FOR BALE Uood dry wofxl, dellveml
to anv nart of the city, l'rica reauon
a a I . . 1 ...
Ilarrltt &
ttlflUf VIV ! " m-wm --- --
Ijiwrencoor Farmers' Feeil ynnl High,
street. Q-S0-3P'
IllUYCLE I'ATH-lf yuur bicycle
needs repairs bring It In, wo have
the skill and stock to keep It In Hrrt
class condition. We carry a full
line of sundries and make a special
Ity of enameling come and we us
wo satisfy our patrons, Gardner 4b
White, m Liberty atieet. Holmaa'a
block, next door to&teaui laundry.
Phono 2855. l-30-t
that tho best and cheapest carpet
paper Is tho heavy felt paper sold
atTHKJoim.NAt.ou'ice. 20tf
Comfort oa a H VY
You can enjoy when your bathroom
Is fitted up with a good Bhowwand
it handsome jwivclalu tup. n f wt
fit you up with a batkreow ,m
open naultary plumbhtg with tl
fur Uoor. walls and editing. i
shower and a tub tlutt looks InvHls
and luxurious, at a reasonable cost,
cj u -,-Ji.- iaufetaaVaf
.. fj