anpu. ......n.Hi .. ..vMiMii.ttfMitrli m flWU ft r-jK'" Bar S DAltf CAPITAL JOURNAL. H.OTHHRt TUUJR8DAY. JUNK 29, 1809. 'ferity, OneTr $3.00, la Advance gwAy.JTaw, Manmii f 1 00, J J Advance, Wiklr. Osw Tr 91.00, in Advanoo 21. It whs a very handsome hownpapcr enterprise. SK ' M w- w? V , 4 .' LitV KDITORIAU REVIEW. , Orttlf.cdbor. throughout tho coun try yfM awftUwtth Interest tho decision of tiio Colorado supremo court in the caao being heard , at Denver to test tlto validity "oftho eight-hour law. The prwWjIng grow out of tho flinolters' strike, inVlilch the Union men de manded tho observance of tho cllit hour a day law, and also asked for a lo per cent, advance in wages. . Arrangemonta for tho Hint week of . next September, when tho Grand Army oncampniont la to bo hold in I'hlhulol. ;Phla, are being pushed forward and tho coucoubub of opinion among ofllclals of the Grand Army l that t Is to bo the largest encampment since the Civil ' war. During the entire weok tlio city will be gorgeous with flags and hunting during tho day and brilliant with elec tric light at night. Tl.o Court of Honor, on Urond street, will exceed anything of tho kind ever aoen In 1 him dolphlaand will oxUmd for nearly three blocks. Tho dbmlay of bunting and lights on tho city hall will bo a magnlfl cent eight. Arrangement for accomo , dating tho 500,000 or 000.000 strangers whoaro expected to bo In "" city aro well under way. While a alight liltcli l.aa occurred In tho plan to throw open tho school housos a free ..iiitrtorii for tho Veterans, theio will ho tenia ,rectod In tho public parka, and a auf ilclent number of churches, nrmurlos and other bulldhion open to Insure every vlalU)r comfortable- .juartera. i'W Wft- ft - I $PK. i' . Tho fifth annual summer conference which opened at Northllold, Mass., promises to bo tho most successful In tho history o! tho popular movement as tho attendance la larger than over ho fro on tho opening day. Tho con or 0co will continue two weeks .luring which tlmo five lilll courses will be given with U aim of Instructing tho young college atudonta to take part n Srk of conducting bible c1hc In their own college associations. An . . . ... nf tho ovonlnu nd- .i..u,,u iiamilflo Ik'oii arranged, ...Lu..,a tiwlililllll HI !""" ."v....;' .... nv. William nim ouiicuuim " " ii,.,... (limriro liouuos oi tlio known m vinos II. P. Faunco, C Moodv am York. lambrldgo, Holiert K. peof, Dwlijht U Vindicator edition In l.oOO . . I .... ... iNiiiiruiiy Moldlera' monumoni. mm ' " 3 Klk' "l(m hall hel.l there Jum on... Yniinustowiit Ohio, honor of tho dedication of a 1. .iinr. monument, mid tho N etet AcopyoMhc Houston, Texas, Uafly Post, booming tlio Trans-MisslsslppI commercial congress whlrh will bo held in April. 1900, la received. Tlio way tlio waterways run and tho railroad linos aro drawn it looks as if all ' tho west had to go to Houston to escape transcontinental extortion and tin; sooner it's done the bettor. While tho Oregon congressman from tlila district allowed the now speaker of congress to bo chosen practically before ho expressed hlmaelf, tho Washington delegation made tlipmselviw Holid with tho Iowa man. Congressman Ciishmau says: "I havo rrcoived letters from Con grossinun Ilondcraou tlntiikiiig nui for my support in his flght for the spuukor shlp and usking mo tothuuk The ledger for Its HiipK)rt. He haaaskel CoiigroffS man Jones and myself to indicate the committees wo should desire to wsrvc upon, giving four in tho order of im portance wo place them. I bullovo we shall bo given good places in tlio assign ments to committees. Of course, wo will not get all wo ask. That is not ex pected, Congressman Henderson is now at work on his list of committee and will Iks able to announce thorn soon after ho is chosen to preside over tlio house." Tho now mumbor from Uasturn Or egon, Hon. Malcolm Moody, who has al ways boon a sound money man and not a recent convert from free coinage, will probably got some recognition from tlio new speaker. Clms. ".roadway Hones, 6I0-5M Hroad way, Now York, eei.ula.nsa copy of his Juno "Monthly Auction Trade Journal." As he advocates a cash system whole sale and retail, wo print a few para graphs from his lumintoiis and eloquent editorial page, just as he spells it: Cash Ih a clever card, but brains and caracter wll match it evry time, IJUI ION Is a big lmlast, but pluk and am bition wil outweigh it al day long, utiles tho level hod and ouest hart II behind tho capital, the story will lie short and sad tho U hav the mouy and pay the rent it is al the the bark wll go to the botom. ilogiu In the erly yearn life is short, wado Ju with unflinching resolution win buy for the HUMON under the ItKI) l'LAU. Cut close, sol only for tlio KLOQUKNTCAHH, asking nor giving qarter ami tho chances ar ntuely-llveout of a hundred thin yor indeciriiv trlumfs, wil hoover when l hav reaelit the fortieth mile post of life. Ilehlnd and underlying then tenons of logic are principles Imutahl, llxt and eternal, Umiii which shud rest the pedes tal of "ouor hrlto," and iijoii which de pend the solid advantages and iitalu- meuts that every man for himself, and thori preeliiM and dear who cum after1 him, turns his auxins gaze and rests his llual hopes. Ability without integrity, or ouesty, destitute of energy , are ow- Btroko of! cries champions in tho bigbatlcawllcraro gatliord tlio giontawho conqcr under tho inspiration of tho level hod, the pnost hart and tlio ALMITV DOLAIt. The Modern Beauty Tiirlves on good fool and sunshino, with plenty of exorcise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with Ita beauty. If hor system needs tho cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses tlio gentle and pleas ant Hyrup of I'igs, mado by tlio Calif ornia Fig Hyrup Co. only. Jimi th 9 KM Von Hm Alftays Bougftl Paused Thorugh. Thirty-two soldlurs from Fort Knell ing, Miuosota, iHitwod through Balem Wednesday nighs hound for Manila. They wore olllored by Sergeant Inger soll mid will be sent from San Fran cisco to Manila to Join Otis' forces. Commencement Exercises. The commuijcement exercises at the Palom Indian training school, at Che mawii, will be held tomorrow, (Friday) and tlio BUiHirlntt'iidont, T. W. Potter, desires the public generally to visit the Institution and a cordial invitation to attend, is extended to all. "Thoj we Leave tkhlmf." Men nre enre ifm about their lives for their own sake, hut a kind and te tiller matt should think of others ; he should think If he should die of those he leaves behind to Rtlcvc and sorrow and struggle "it without hint. 1'or this reason nlone, if for no other, every man should re Kurd his health as a precious treasure not to be thrown away or spent and scattered In vain. If any mail's health is weakened or wasted, or riuitiltiK down, he should take the right mratin to build himself up strong and well, so that he can both live and care for those he loves. He should Investigate the vlttues of that great remedy, the "Golden Medical Discovery" originated by Dr. R. V. Tierce, chief consulting phy sician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical to Institute, of nuflulo, N. Y It Is a remedy Uial mauea a man iniirougiiiy wen uy giv ing power and capacity lo the digestive and assimilative organs, It makes healthy in vigorating blood out of tho food he eats It gives him strength and energy to put l.t.n Itla j11t. Ina! It tll.ll.1a tin tlfltll 1.1. tM. hatlos, resulting! cular flesh and nerve fiber, revitalizes the linnilCB ui IUC .I1IU-I ill.. .UMa,n, .iv,.. - ilautmatlon, purges the blood of bilious poisons and makes a man, strong, vigorous and hatdy, "My Imilutml lind twen sick a long time," write- Mrs, I W. llilllln. ofCllntntt, Dcwllt Co., 111. (Ilox i7Jl, "lisit tloctote.t with home iiliy. slcUtts ami rvrit went lo Chicago anil roumillcd a doctor there but without rrcelvlug any help, lie went t the honpltnl ami wn opersteit on ami after three month mine home to tile (an the doctors here thought), but nfter awhile he com merited to tske your uviuUtful medicine, the C.otdeii Medical IliKOvery ' and now, thank to ?xir moat welcome medicine, he can eat any hlng he wants and U ukIii a well man." No remedy relieves constipation so quickly and effectively as Dr. Tierce's Tleasunt Tcllcts. They never gripe. ll m AMODEL HOUSE It kept In model orier by model lion wwlf ht cleit the diihet and kitchen uteniili, cltint the floor and window, cUini ivtrythinc cleamble with GJ&r Washing Powder Thii fimou cleimer quickly remove dirt or (reaie. 1 1 make everylnlng- ililne like new. It doe the work In hali the time, with half the labor and at half tht cott of oap or any other cleanier, For tjteateit economy buy our large package. The N. K. Fa.rbank Company CMICAQO ST. LOUIS NOW YORK D03TON 11 E DO. DO IT! It does not matter how, or why. the GREAT SUC CESS of our SPECIAL SALE of AEN'S SUITS proving- that our values and efforts are appreciated have decided us to inaugurate this Surprise Sale in Children's Clothing Until further notice our entire stock of Children's Clothing will be offered at SPECIAL PRICES. Absolutely no reserve all fresh, new and up-to-date Goods. New Duck Pants New Caps New Bells New Hats and Herschbach Reiffelman BLACKSMITHS and WHEELRIGHTS, Wo will shoe your horse, build or repair your vvaKoo or implements BcIdr lacatcd to stay our patrons uavo a guarantee that our work will be satisfactory. Shop 100 Chemckcta street. Teleohonc 2705. 4-1 tf Drowsiness is dispelled by IJMtX'ii am'b Pills. 'Frances Klzcr Roland says my wlfo U5ed Dawson's Herb ten one month, her backache It cured." 0 24 tf G. w. Johnson & Go. 257 COMMERCIAL STREET. Good Pasture. Parties wanting good pasturo can get samout the State 1-nir urounds by ap plying C. 1). Gabrielaon, secretary. 0-0-t. Cheap Rates to tho East, Christian Endeavor excur. iion. Effective J unu 29. See Thomas Watt A Co. 0 23 0-t Notice. Oflice of the acoretnry of State, Sa lem, Oregon, Juno 24, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that tho State Hoard of Agriculture having, in compliance with an ict of tlio Twentieth Legislative Assembly filed in the oiilco of the Sec retary of State February 23d, 1899, deeded to the State of Oregon the lands known as tho "State Fair CSrounds," tho appropriation of $7,000 for tlio pay ment of tlio warrant indebtedness of naid State Hoard of Agriculture issued prior to February 23d, 1899, proiwrly en dorsed, wurants, will be issued on the smio irunhiiror io ino ujciimi. oi mu appropriation. Interest will not bo al lowed after nils' date. F. I Dunbar, Secretary of State. In accordance with the above notice, holders of all warrants of tho Oregon Stato Hoard of Agricul ture dated prior to J-elirtiary 23d, ism are hereby notified that the same will be paid on presentation at the oflice of the Secretary of State, or at tho office of the undersigned, nnd that interest will cease after this date. J. II. Albert, treasurer of the Oregon State Hoard of Agriculture. 0-2lMf. RED FRONT LIVERY FirstClass Feed and Boarding stables, 104 Commercial Strekt. SALEM, OBE. Wm ULLREY, Prop. Best Rig& for Commercial Men etablM In same block Hotel Wlllnmottfl. C3"Kafc teams und comfortable rltr for ladles and family driylnir n spec ialty. Horses boarded by day, week or month nnd best of satisfaction guaranteed. 3-1 tf Kurtz & Hamilton PLUMBERS and TINNERS 08 COUiiT STREET. A LUTE SAVED. --i-f BUGGIES WAGONS. CARTS HACKS ETC. The Best in (he World ;it the Lowest Prices. MOWERS. HAY TOOL,. BINDERS. We always lead on style, quality and low price. Lartfe supply of everythinir in our line. Warehouses oppo site Brewery, near Salem Flouring Mills. MITCHELL, LEWIS & ?AVER CO. J. A. Forsythe, Manager. Call for Warrants. Notice Ih hereby given that there are funilH on hand applicable to the pay ment of warrants of the City of Salem drawn on the general fund and endorsed on or before March 1, 1007. Holders of said warrants will please present them for payment at Lndd & Hush's hank w interest will cease from date of this notice. John Mont, City Treasurer. Salem, Or., Juno 21, 1800. lOt. Dr. J. F. Cook, tho Botanical Spool allot, Succeeds Whoro Others Pall. To whom it may concern : This is to certify that Hertha P. Con nur, of Mt .Angel precinct. Marion coun ty, O.rcgon, has suffered from a cancer ous growth in tho leftear for about three years. The growth was cutout twice und burned out once by Albany Physicians, but tho growth came back ns bad as over, and pained her so badly that she had to be taken from school. After three week's treatment by Dr. J. F. Cook, of Salem, Oregon, the Hotanical Specialist, tlio growth entirely disap peared, and at this date, four months since treatment was begun, the growth bus not reappeared, and tho ear has en tirely healed leaving only the scars in flicted by the Albany doctors. I hereby certify that tho ubovo state ment is absolutely true, and that Her tha P Conner, tlio person mentioned in the affidavit, has resided in my fam ily since early childhood, bearing the re- luuon. mp to me of niece. II. O. Lorn Subscribed and sworn to before mo this eighth day of June. 1800. W. W. Hall, county clerk of Marlon county, Oregon. Headquarters for Screen Doors, Etc., Lawn, flold and poultry fence and shingles at lowest" prices. SALBM KENOB WORK8, Waltkk Moiilky, Prop, U.H5 WBtRtoHtwet There is only one place in town to get a FIRST-CLASS HARNESS If you are n stranger, ask your neighbor, he will tell joutogotoW.W.JOHNS W babk of (he Red Kiont Drug Store. 4.15a wlro Del Norte the famous pacer was ship ped to Portland today from whence ho will go toTacoma, where ho will be on exhibition on July 2, .'I, nnd 1. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of ChaffC4&i Make a specimty of nil kinds of Sheet Steel and Galvanized iron work rjofluK and KuttcrlnK, u fUii lino of Pumps and pump llttlngs Prompt work and reasonable prices' Wo carry in stock tho Fairbanks wind mill. Call und seo us before l'IvIiik your order for mill or tank. Phone 234 PROMT WORK AND LOW PRICES The Geo, M, Beclcr Insurance Agency Always to the front with bpat rates and policies In the leading companies. Employment Agency, I); you want woric, or neod licit) ofauyklnd? Apply at. once." Rental Agency, Proporly to rent. Heglstor our agency. 288 COMMKKGIAL STKKKT, SAW.M. tHE 0B tf.J. SULLIVAN I'HACTICAL. TAlLOllj A nlco lino of goods and samples on liiind, Suits $10 up. Pants $" p, a pcrcct fit guaranteed, at i 26 tf 140 STATU STItUKT Premium on Warrants. Any parties having Mnrlon or I'tilk ronnly wurrunta to illipoM nf, will do well to rail n thoollleeorhDKnnanroyinan, 270 Commrclal rtrcet.wUh Holno A Ilntlcer. I will allow I,'I",, V! ""." t""0'' Pi0!''!: cjHlorBC.1 . war u. ..u.ui uuun i ni u njui i it rpiir int. ,ntirM.;,..l f. W.. "". 7 -"- "HVi ii on .mni-i.voti icim I VThUt) corner JUock, Nil rt.mrnl..i1. m Kt'OKNK IlltKYMAN 70 Commercial mrcet MONTEZUMA Is a beautiful dappled chestnut 10't hands high, and weighs 1700 lbs. He Ii a H)rtect nil purposo horse. Will lie at Huffman's stable, Salem, Saturday of each week in July and Aug ust, and tho remainder of the week at the Pair Grounds. Terms, $15.00 to in sure. Also colts broken and handled for 8!eed. II. l$. I.utiikhtok. RAZOR TAX All people are hereby notified that a tax on Razors of. 25c for rotempering is now on and can bo paid ut the shop of .Sim II. White and Co. at HIkIi street, oposito tho Court House. 5-20.t ntaV ------- .-i-i-i . mm.-mm JJ Bw'- v w 1 . ,., towftL -ii- " :sjfc WvmwwrT -..., .. , - -in.Xtf' vmmm . a3Ke. .J&ZrA&&d8Fts ' ' i w auTT i1 ii ' I ' ' ' " " "ii'Bmmi i i ' "'' ' ' "11 .' 9 V K ; Jones Lever Binder ""r'vvo"l!urei Pull tlio!LlKltUuniiliiK Jones Lever Hinder with tho ultl of Lover Power ealer than thrco horses uuu i-uil other lllndors. U has tho simplest and only sure Knottor known, uutn only one oord and wtutw lusi vvlno than any other Ivitotlor. V ' y s., aaaajaa k- s r fv ui t Studebaker Wagon Tha lxl vehicle luitdo, with uxlosof Itidlaiiu llluuk lllukury, spokes of aqond Km wth Indiana Wit it. Oak. ami Hub treated Uy u patatji proeesa which prcrontH ehcckluu. l),, oil tonked felhHwunil wide bjvel'fiiirie tires wlilqh uiako the blgdetmker outwear any wngon on ourtli. - ., i- m ,r '-" j. aTaaJk jJVTVJ EffiUVP s , , 4 j.j Gar-Scott Engines and Threshers. UiuKiualhHl for durability, convonlence.ofTotlvo power and tine workman 8 hip. A man who buys a Uear-Scotti onglno knows ho Is uottlne tho best In tho market. atk ivZVaJ M M m C IAi4C GatTy The best line j of goods in the market. JpNES LEVER BINDER AND MOWERS. THE CELE URATBD STUDHCKER WAGONS, CARRIAGES, BUG GI8S TRAPS, HACKS AN'D CARTS. THE CANTON CUPPB.R PLOWS, DISC AND PEC. TOOTH HARROWS, SUPERIOR DISC, HOE, AND PKBSS DRILLS AND SBE'.DERS. WE CARRY EXTRAS POR ALL THE ABOVE .MACHINERY. Gar-ScottJUnd J. 1. Case threshing ma chines and engines, Call and see us whhnin want op farm aa- caineuy and wh will save you money. E. F. PARKHURST & CO, Adjoining the Brewery, Salem. Ore. te&&tihm&XtelVUJiiLm&kk iiU4lAWAJ.Ai iikv'i Canton Disc Plows Msule on scientific principles. No experiment. Has been thoroughly tested aud will do lw work equally, well. In hard or soft ground, it will w-w... .. "v- uhhid uu, uuu uu uuuuiu biiu Hum ui u uomiuou plow. J5aaK V a"aaV tf '"yggM'iefefYrf?-i c-jnnjiui-.Li,u Jones Mower iiv,J!!ninn.(;ila!in ,Mo,,eris? maohlne of unrlveled simplicity. Longest iWittn U0W,, ll,e worl'1-Unlike Oeared Mowers, It lias "Kq 1,0 Jt Power." -3 Free from side draft Free from cook wplnlit .yp backing up to start in grasi. ' -a STUDBRA KRR 1 ' rrJtiflkJffik V vfSt5Cjr ' ,"'4I l7f(? II t .t ttt-. KVK3 :i. . VvAvV r-S4 n-i-i !-:-, - .""sat v n-KKUQ- m r-' CarrJa, CrtSl Surrics, Traps, Hacks, Spring Wagons, etc, la a hundred different styles. These goods are all the best of their kind STefy comptSot i)iftpsfflg aWWMHMaMlBMMHMaMlMantt