S W DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL i - VOIi. x ' M'vn,vMvitsiiMHTT''w Lace Curtains, Counterpanes, Damask, Crash, Scrim, Hosiery, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Clothing, Shoes, Shirts, Gloves, and all kinds of notions. THE NEW YORK RACKET. Cor. Commercial Does a cash business, which insures the very lowest prices on all classes of goods in their line. We buy goods right. We sell goods right. Try us for crash hats for warm weather. r r r r r 'f f f f f r Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store, E. T. BARNES, Prop. jhMtehhiriftiiirihirthihV)hhrii frifr frfrthntufrifri "v v-Y.h'i i. JlSwSS , 1 tf" LACY o ' ' ' v '' GREAT SLAUGHTER SHOE SALE. 20 Per On Wc aro not we say KILLING THE DEAD. wI.SS'do t muking Low Trices on Dead Stock, and blowing about it as marvel, but wo uro SLAUGHTERING THE LIVING! Hewing down a clean, live stock, lovel with tho dirt which is associated with cheap prices. NEW UP-TO-DATE STYLES! EverViShoo in tho house subject to tho 20 nor cent reduction. -.--V. -I....I t.. ..i..:.. ii . ... UUUUXlllIll KCU III J"illl II, IWiJ. i wfrC"ZA S t c feu. few W WW. uWtklk.K.Vtk.WWk.lwlkW to Not a clearance of old goods, but all new Spring Stock, bought at the very lowest cash price. We can fit any foot sizes from Infants O's to Aen's 13's, and widths, AA to EE. Never has such an opportunity been offered to the people of Salem. Call and convince yourself of the genuineness of this sale. SALEM SHOE STORE 88 State St. Ladd & Ihh Bank Uldg. GRAY Cor. State and Liberty Sts. Salem, Ore. and Chemeketa Sts. Red Cross Shoes Our hospital and nurse Shoes, also Oxfords, have arrived. Try" a pair if you want soild com fort. Our big Shoe sale is still on we are cutting prices right and left we buy our goods 10 per cent, cheaper than inexper- lenced opposition, hence can and do easily undersell them. FREE SHINE Kfausse Brother 275 Commercial St. n - -n " "n -n. KH 4 1 Cent Reduction All Shoes B Originator of Low Prlcos. Wo Shlno thorn Free. NEW SHOE STORE, vi &1AU-. ouicm. At Cost! Carpenter's Tools. Blacksmith's Tools, Fine Tools For Every Trade at t SHOES r5 Pv C Jv""3 ilLABOR TROUBLE Wallace Cases Still Unsettled. Strikes in Germany Spain. Troops Called Out at Saragossa.--Other News, Uy Anaoelntcil I'rcaa In the Jnnrnnt. Wallace, Juno U8. lit tho removal case against tho county commissioners tliig morning, tlio defense (lied mi an swor denying that thoy performed any of tho material acts charged in tho in formation, but alleged that all their of ficial acta as county commissioners woro performed in tho interests of tho people Tho state offered in evidenco the record of the commissioners on the prop osition of removal of county to.it, from Murray, to Wallaco.Also vouchers for al lowances mndo Sheriff Young as com missions on license collections. BeiiLiK, Juno 28. Three striker wcro killed yesterday during the rioting at Bochhum coal mines. Madiiid, Juno 28, At Saragossa tho populace continues turbulent and fresh troops have been stationed at all strate gic points in tho city. Many wounded have lieon hidden, so it is difficult to determine the number Injured. Quiet is restored at Fovlllo and Valencia. Havana. Juno 28. Itegnacacion Ks panaola, thoCarlist organ, sneers at the Madrid telegrams published here. It bays: "Spanish censor Is doing his Ixint to'deceivo the world as to the true alt nation in Spain. The pretended riots aro merely tho ripples fieforo a genuine revolt, in favor of Don Carlos. There is a general feel ing of uneasiness among tho holders of Spanish values. CincAoo, June 28. Tho latest recruits to tho strhersut tho stock yards are forty girls who asked for an Increaso to $1 pur day and upon tho refusal all walked out. It is estimated that 1200 men went out today. Nearly Saved From the Qallaws. Sachamknto, Juno 28. Geo. l'titnain, the murderer, while being shaved today preparatory to being tukuii into court, to hear his death sentence, seized the razor and drew it across his throat, tho cut did not sever the Jugular vein and the condemned man wlllj recover. MARIONJ COUNTY MATTERS. Business Being Transacted at the Court House. MAItUIAOK MCKV8U8, Glory tickets have been issued to Win. K. 1-aufninn mid Kllza A. Kiteli ing, J. J. llurdette, witness: and to Frank Cox and Lena M. Whiteside, J. V. Whiteside, witness. ClltCVIT COUItT. In Department No. 2. in tho case of J. II. McCorklo, plaintiff in error, vs. Tho City of Silverton, ot al., defend ants in error, an order has been issued for a writ of review, directing Allon Forward as recorder of said city to ro turn said writ of review on or lieforo July 11, 131)9, together with a copy of tho records of said city relating to tho issuance of a liquor license to one Win. Hanck. 1'KOUATK. On the petition of Jefferson Myers, administrator do bonis nou of the estate of A. D. Itihdon, deceased, an order has been issued citing John Hughes, admin istrator oi tho S. It. Hammer estate, and M. I.. Chamberlain and David .Simpson, sunitios on tho bond of S. It. Hammer as administrator of the His don estate, to file an inventory and ac count, showing practically how tho Hammer ostato stands iiirelutioii to tho Kisdon ustafo. An order hai been granted authoriz ing Sarah Kvundou, executrix of the will of John Samuel Kvondeon, to sell curtain projnirty In Gorvals bolonging to the estate S. J. Kerr, executor of tho estuto of Edward Coffey, decoased, has been au thorized to borrow I28.-15 with which to pay tho taxes for 181)8. W. T. Klgdou, administrator of tho es tate of H. I). Manger, has been author ized to sell certain property lMlouglng to the estate. In the matter of tho ostato of Hobt. Jack, deceased, Claude Juck, the ad ministrator, has filed his first semi-annual rejwrt. DBHDS riLKI). F. W. Durbin, bheriff, to Nora Sutton, lots No. 0 and 7. Sunuyslde Fruit Farm No. i, sheriff's deed. $782. Oregon & California It. R. Co. to Oli ver Itutler, ICO oereri in tc 27, 1 8 s, r 1 e, HSO. H. and S. K. Hardeattlo to II. II. Scott and Maud M. Scott, .((0 of an aero in Woodburn, ftOJl. Homer Smith to Susan T. Smith, 77.05 aorua In t s, r 2 w ; also blook No. 20, Smith's addition to Aumwvillo, q e I $2M). M. Kamiimky and wife to H. F. Jory, lots No. 3, 4, 5 and G, In section 8, 1 0 m, r 1 w, q cd, 95. Louis Stuenkul ami wife to J. II. Frlek and Mary Frkk. the w j: of U10 H of n e H 7, t 0, a r, I w, $1,900. For the Summer. Crash suits, bleyele tulU. lelay worsted blank and gray suits, and many other varieties at the New 1 ork Racket for men and boys and a large line of U Sur-6-SUr shoes for ladiw, gents and children at low pricas. 38 e o d 1 w . -Puonlie Home Induuy. You wil help te furuUh empleymant to rtidnt8 ef Bulem ami pjfiro alean wade gar by anlrlHg ul4U(w 0aw 1 piou. SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY JUNE 28 1899. The Usual Thing. A lively runaway took placo this morning, W. W. Stevens' team being tho iHirformers. Thoy woro standing In front of Cross' butcher shop on Stato street, no one being in the light hack to which they woro attached, when thoy took fright at a street car. Thoy ran to Commercial street, miss ing by a hair's breadth a buggy in which weroalady and a littlo girl, turned south to Ferry mid brought up n stand ing against tho telegraph polo at ithe Willamette hotel. Tho polo of 'the wagon jwnctratcil tlio telegraph polo a couple of inches, 0110 of the horses broke loose, tho other was secured, and a round-up of tho damages disclosed the polo and both reaches of tho hack broken, and tho harness somewhat 'dis figured. Two pairs of largo single paned window snsh in the hack wore not injured. Presbyterian Picnickers. About 225 Presbyterian picnickers availed themselves ,thls morning of a ride down the river via steamer, to an island below Wheatland, where a nice ground has been prepared and swings have been placed in readiness. The ....-I.. ...111 ;....... ii. !........!.... r jiii iji 111 iutiuii una viuuiiij. SURRENDERED 1 Louis L. iWenag a Runaway Bank President Has Returned. 11 y Avaoclaterf I'rcii to the Journal. Minneapolis, Juno 28. Louis F. Menag, former president of tho North west Guaranty Loan Association re turned to Minneapolis today and sur rendered himself. Ho has been in Guate mala and Mexico. EDITORIAL DAY. Excursion Coming to Salem, July 1 1 Arrangements for Reception. A number of zealous workers mot at the city council chamber last evening to arrange for receiving the the excur sion of tho National Editorial Associa tion. The time t s sot for July 11, mid their trains will stop lu Salem from 11 o'clock a. in. to -1 p. m., iturlug which time it is proiiosee to entertain them as well as ixisstblo. While no definite program has as yet been formulated, it is generally thought to bo tho best to have the excursion trains pulled down Front street to Ma rlon Square, and there receive the guests. That block will bo 11 delightful placo to hold a formal reception, and at the same tlmu banquet tho guests with an informal lunch. Tho stand and seats of the Fourth of July celebration can bo left intact and thus make that work servea doublo purpose. After tho refreshments and reception it is suggested that tho party bo given rides in carriages and street cars to all parts of the city and surrounding country. All citizens of Salem and the Marlon and Folk counties will bu Invited to participate and as it will bo impossible to furnish carriages enough in tho city, friends from outside will probably be asked to como in with their vehicles, tnko part with the Salem people and later givo tho guests n drive to their farms or outlying olntH of interest. This should lie made a great gathering, in fact a genu Ino love feast, an event which will bo remembered for years by the guests as well as our people. Let all bond every energy to this end, A committee was appointed to ne gotiate with Salem caterers in regard to ftirnlshimr tho luncheon for a thous and pooplo, and report at an adjourned meeting Friday evening of this week. Tho plan of same so far as promulgated is to nave tlio laities, uibuos, satm wiclics, coffo and cr.ko furnished by our narty. and have the committees of la dies servo tho same. CROP REVIEW Condition of Crop in Western Oregon and the Willamette Valley. Tho ruiiiHof tho oast fuw'davs have leen of incalculable benefit to all manner of crops throughout Oregon. The amount of rainfall was less than an inch and the temperature and winds during that time woro very Iwnoflclal and now that It has oleum! up all crops can bo expected to mature quite fast. Tho tetuerature for tho week was on an average 60 degrees, which is 4 degrees lower than for tho nreccdlmr week. Tho temnerature rose from Monday to Thursday, when tho maximum was about 80 degrees ; it then fell, tho maximum on Sunday lntlng about oO degrees. Haying Is tn lull progress in tlio en tire valley and a large crop will lx cut. Grains of all kinds promise well and cherries are rijHiiilng and will soon le general 011 tho market, The agricultural report gives tho fruit crop as follows : 'Strawberries are very plentiful und are in the height of their seuson. Cher ries are ripening rapidly. Tho lilack Republican cherry is falling and some trees are practically barren of fruit. Tho Royal Ann will make a fuir crop. Tho cherry crop will not bo a failure; there will be a great abundance for local usu and some for shipment, but few to dry, Tho peach crop of Jackson county h gond; in other counties the crop is oor, l'runea havo ceased dropping ; thoo ro maing on tho trees are estimated at from 10 to 60 jHir cent of a full crop. Pears are lu oor condition, especially Jlurt lutta. Apples promise a fair yield Small lorries aro everywhere rejortud to be plentiful." Spraying is going on in all the well managed nop yards of the country and lions are growing fine now. Potatoes are promising well and are 111 full bloom now and thohO that planted a 1 irge acreage of spuds will bo well rpaid for their labor. The fact that crop prosixseU in Kng land have somewhat Improved has caiibod the wheat values to shrink a lit tle. In France, a yield of 40,000.000 quarters is expected. Advices from Cen tral Buropo show that after allowing fr local troubles, it full average wheat crop is premised from the Iktltic to the Ad riatic, and from the Rhine to tho Vis tula. An almost unbroken story of crop deterioration come from Roumanta, Russia, East Poland and the Bust Raltic provinces. The Mark I.ane Bxprew urge BuglUh wheat holders to wM their grain and "thus defeat an ovidunt at tempt of the Americans to bear the mar ket Bright and Clean, The barbershop at 2tl Commercial street opsrMeJ by 0. K. Hunge. ha been ngwly palnM, paper! and ear jted. 40.000 HEN Recruits lor the Phil ippines. Suspension of Hostilities For Rainy Season. Aggressive Campaign to Be Opened in tho Fall. Ilr Amut'lnted trra to the Jnurnnl. Wasiiinoton. Juno 28. Secretary Alger, Adjutant (loueral Corhin and Col. lilrd, in cli urge of transportation, una an Hours consultation wttu tue president today relative to tho tiuestion of reinforcements for Otis. A dellnlte declsloirwas reached to con tinue recruiting men at all recruiting stations. Gen. Alger said after a con ference, that Gen. Otis would have 10,000 men when the rainy season is closed for tho resumption of active oper ations. Knllstinents aro to bo for service In tho regular army and recruits aro to bo organized Into regiments or assigned to regiments already formed. No organisations nro to bo accented if suflictent recruits are obtained by the regular enlistment. Corhin said enlist ments would bo (or three vcurs. Ar rangements aro to be made at once for increasing lacilities lor transportation necessary to got the additional troops to the l'hillpplucs. Tho decision to reinforce Gen. Otis by tho end of the rainy season is inter preted to mean that the active campaign will cease until bad weather ends. l!y remaining quiescent and under shelter during the rainy season it Is hoped that the health of our troops will be cousorved and all dangers from cli matic fevers reduced to a minimum. Later in tlio day It was dellultely de cided to begin enlistments for the volunteer service. under tho act of tho last congress. Recruiting of ficers in tlio principal cities will be in structed immediately to nrenaru to en list volunteers. The present indications are alxmt ten thousand men will lie wanted. Named for Lieutenant Governor, Louihvii.u:, Juno 28. -The Demo cratic convention noniinuted Ikvltluun for lieutenant governor on the second ballot. At Silver Creek. O. Itutler, of Aruonti, made this olllco a call whllo in tho city today. Ho re reports a scarcity of fruit in his section of tho county. Very few ohurrieH or prunes. Hay an average crop fall and spring wheat good and tho lato rain much appreciated. At Silver Creek Falls tho Congrega tional church has been strengthened by the addition of a number of new mem bers and is now building a new house of worship. Tho tax payers of Silver Creek Falls decided a short time since that tho sec tion needed a new school house and voted a 20 mill tax to pay for the build ing when completed. iiase Ball Game, A flue baso hall game has been hooked to take place at Gervais 011 next Sun day afternoon Ixitweeu tho nine from St. Paul and the ToriH-does of tho Wolf and .wicker boat yard. Roth of these clubs aro good players mid a closogamo is expected. Many from Salem will go down via wheel if the weather permits. ANNUAL MUSICAL RECITAL. Inter-State Conservatoiy Commencement at Ited's Opera House. ThoSaloin department of tin Inter state Cousurvurory of Music, under the iiinnaguiiiontof Mrs. Bttu Auderx-WIII-man, will take place at Reed's eimm house next l'rlduy evening, June ilO, A good program will he rendered by omo of Salem h liest talent, and tho public is cordially invited to attend. Tho enter tainment will le free to all and prom ises to he one of the lust ever rendered before a Salem audience. Program later 0 27 2t Henry Hemmul, of Douglas county, "age unknown," was today committed to tho asylum. Bushels of Eyes Would not bo of any use if they were not in order. Aro your eyen all right? (JluBKO limy or may not bo n. oosiary. The young are subject to do feet of vUion as well m the old. The earllorjit Is treated the greater the ahanee of a permanent wire. We teat eyes free of aharge. W ean furnish you anything In the upectaule andeyeglann line, BARR'S JEWELRY STORE, IIS STATU &TIID17?. Acacia Chapter. Tho now chapter of tho ordor of Kast ern Star which was instituted at Stayton on Monday evening is ofllcered by the following corps of efllclent efllcers: Mrs. Dora Shroves, matron; B, K. Porter, patron ; Mrs. W. W. Blder, as sociate matron; Mrs. Laudes, secretary; conductress; Mrs. J. M. Kitchen, nsso- cuuo conductress; .Mrs. uuubcrt, Allah; MIssMnud Blder, Ruth;MlssMcllurguo, Bsther; Mrs. G. R. Trask, Martha ; Miss Rsso Tollis, BlectajMrs. W. II. Hob son, warder; Frank McDnntol, senthiel; Miss Deano Kitchen, organist. He Trained Ryestraw, .1 1.. lit III Wt 4 lilt niil Wititxi 11 liAMa. trainer, who has been on the turf now for four score years and who Iium trained all the old Ormrmt rnnn Iwirana fmtn flt.n. straw down to tho common Cayuse uitaiiur, leu iiiis morning inr a visit among loriiauu tun men. Native Daughters. Articles of Incorporation weio filed to day for a Grand Cabin of Native Daugh ters of Oregon, to have headquarters at Portland. Among tho Incorporators worn the following ladies well known at Salem: Mrs. C. B. Wolvorton, Mrs. R. A. Mllle, Mrs. Oltvo S. Bngland. NOT COMING WEST, Owiiiff to the Continued 111 Health of Mrs. McKinley. Ilr Aaaoelnteil lreaa In tlitt Journal. Nkw Yoiik, Juno 28. A hih'cIiiI to tho Herald from Washiuutoii says: Tlio stato of Mrs. McKlnloy's health Is decidedly worse than it has been lie fore since she has been in tho White House and tho president will remain in Washington probably all summer. His projected trips to tho Pacific coast and to Minnesota have been abandoned. Eugene OuarJ Take Notice. Tho steamer Bngeno passed Salem this morning loaded to the guards with freight. She will return Friday with n full load of merchandise for Portland. Excursion to California, For annual meeting of National Bdu catloual Association, tho Southern Pa cific Company (Shasta Routo) will make f!U imiiiii trip rato to l)s Angeles, by train leaving Portland at 7 p. m. July 7. Tickets will bo goxl to September I, mid permit stop over on return trip. On July ft, 0, 7, 8 and I), round trip tickets to Los Angeles will lie sold at f 10 rato, allowing stop over in either direc tion, and final limit of September -I. Holders of these excursion tickets may make low rato side trips to Mon terey, Ijiko Taboo, Ynsomito Valley, Rig Trees, Riverside, Redlauds, Santa llai bara, Cittulina Island, etc. No such 01 IKirtuutty to visit all California points of seclal Interest, at small cost, has been betoro alTonled. Note tho dates. For guides, sleeping car reservations mid further information call on any Southern Pacific agent, or address Mr. C. II. Markham, Genl. Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. Yours truly, C. II. Maiikiiam. - - 'mm -- FORTHE FOURTH OF JULY. Southern Pacific Excursion Rates for Cel ebrations and Travel July I to 5, Stations 125 miles or less from selling M)lut 1 l-ll faro for round trip. Two hundred miles hut not less than 125 miles, 1 1-0 the faro for loiind trip. Three hundred miles but not less than 200 miles, 0110 faro round trip, No ticket less than 25 cents for round trip. Children 5 to 12 half these rates. MfllMfillliniaiHillMIIHHlHIHIMIIIIIMIIIHHIIIIlllMlllllllHliHlimillllllUllllHlllliB; I Jos. Meyers & Sons, s Salem's Greatest Some Select Styles in llrokuii Hilton At every Attractive Prices. Placed On Halo Monday. New Wash Blond Tics just received also nwuII Piquo P11II0 with stocks to mutch, 50c, 75c and $. Crash and Linen PottlcoutH Sonic of tho servlcouble, wouruble kind. $ up to 54.50 79 cents SJPalr for those 11.00 values. many loft. Valises Traveling OutllU C3 278-280 Commercial St, The Old White CornaR jj i4llMMIillllHIIHMllBB""llRlIIllllHillMI R AV4 BSOLUIEIxfomE Mokes the food more delictous and wholcsewe worm urnwa powthh co., ntw voo, , "3 SHELLINfj REBELS One American Cav alryman Killed. Admiral Dewey Olf lor Port Said, Rebel Entrenchment Shelled By Qunboat Napidan. the Ilr Anaot'liileil l'raa to tlm Journal, Manila. Juno 27. Captain Gales, of tho Hniiadran of tho Fourth cavalry. embarked for Morong, Monday, Tho gunboat Napidan, which accompanied the troops, visited Mutitu upa on tho west shore of tho lake mid found n small body of rebels entrenched there. The entrenchments were shelled by tho Nap- man. ami wueii tue rebels ncgau a re treat tho cavalry landed. The I'lllpluos' final volley killed a cavalry prlvrto. WABiiiNfiTo.v, Juno 28. Admiral Dewey sailed from Colombo for Port Said this morning. Seasonable Qoods. Crash, straw and fur hats for all ages, neat, ncultirco mid laundrled white mid colored bosom shirts, bath mid linen towels, tnulo ilmnaHk,crasu,lcu spreads, laco curtains, corsets, ribbons, laces, embroideries, suspenders, gloves, ladies' mid gents' summer underwear, ham mocks, sweaters and it thousand other Items all at racket prices. Call and seo them at tho New ork Racket. 28 2ood I w Non Partisan. You may differ about who shall act on tho committee to welcome the "boys" homo from Manila, hut nil aro treated ullko who patronize tho Wonder Res taurant. Five Men Scalded, Sr. I.OUIH, Juno 28. Five inon wero scalded by tlio col I a wo of a steam fluu on the steamer St. Paul, near Blsah, Ills. Two are dead and two others aro not expected to live, The President enjoys a good cigar. You havo a liko privilege, When you aro about to gi your order remember to ask for'Mjt L Ivo you or onus. THIS STORE, Keeps faith with The People. and so it Grows and Prospers, Not A Columbia (II von I AWUV July 3d, &XD Ndi'G&W UJHll 1 BAKING Powder PERSONALS. 3w MissBthel Knight, who has been visiting at her old homo with Mr. and Mrs. It. R. Fleming, returnedMo Port land this afternoon. s ' t Miss Helen Griflltli. who haslbeon spending a few days with her slter:vMr8. Peebles, went to Oregon Glty- 'llnV afternoon. . $ R. 8. Prottyman of Pekin, Illr.vh. located in Portland somo timo ligoLl in tlio city on legal business. ilsr. Chun. Cnslck nn.t lft,l ' JSiiA.1 t 1. i n .1 1.1.1. .. ju'-SS; uuuuki 10 1 uniuiui una attornoon;. Geo. O. Will was a Marlon visl day. ., Y'VM! OREGON GOLD, & Biff Strike in the x Bohemia District-Much .ExW citement. ' ?'$. Ilr Aaaoclatea t'rraa Is the JearuNl Cottaok Giiovk, Or., June 28In formation reached hero last evening of big strikes in tho Bohemia mining 'ills trict. Reed and Fletchor, of Montana, havo struck it rich in a tunnel 350 feet long. Tho ore rims up to 125.000 per ton. Tho oro is of honoy comb character und tho gold can bo seen with the. naked eye. Tho vion is about eight feet wide with a rich streak in tho confer. Men havo lieen working on this tunnel nil winter. If you 're ijray j before forty there'sV,! ... . -v J something wrong. You need Atier's Hair Yigori fev,' 11 11 WHEAT MARKET,?: Ciiicaoo, June 28. July 72JJ, Cah Han FiuNciaco, June, 28.-Cah 1,10 Store. 1 X ut , m m a aa Short Lengths Of India Linen, Qii((haiiiit, etc., at 1 U orlKlnul prices. New line of I'luuou. Summer Underwear In till styles bleereiew, quarter sleeves, lon sleeves, low neck, huh neck, ifuuxu und tine ribbed, cotton, 1UU und silk. 5c to 85c Owinrz To tho railroad brlde burnlns near I Grunts Puss. Our now line of ursl und Covert Skirls und other oo4s h been ioloyed, but wo hope to hate them horo by the end of the wwlc. It 9 win pay you to wan, oener biii limn ever. Crash Hats Seem to bo the proper lwad&ear, an we aro eolllnf; low of thew Whjl be cause we havo the lino. 25c to 75q . Straw Hats - 'f) oAt a orlKlnal prices, the m wusw bo closed. , 5? New Swimming oTrunks for nier. and boys. 25c K VBtKc3 lilt- tTf''i