6 C. IS WE DO, DO IT! It does not matter how, or why, the GREAT SUC CESS of our SPECIAL SALE of MENSSUITS E roving that our values and efforts are appreciated v. ave decided us to inaugurate this Surprise Sale in Children's Clothing Until further notice our entire stock of Children's Glothing will be offered at SPECIAL PRICES. Absolutely no reserve -- all fresh, new and up-to-date Goods. New Duck Pants New Belts New Caps New Hats ', 6. w. Johnson & Go., 257 COMMERCIAL STREET, DAM CAPITAL JOURNAL V UOfR BROTHKKS MONDAY, JUNE 2(1, 1800. lly, One Tear 3.00, In Advance DIly, Four MonUi 91 00, U Advnnoo. Weekly, Ono TToar 01.00, Itt Advanoo EDITORIAL REVIEW. Iloro in tho mot Important tittnrnnco of Gov. Koonovelt'H mlilruHH nl Hut re union of tho Hough Ithler rcKhnent: "TIiIh wnna typical Atiiurlcnu rcgl mont. Tho majority of itn iiiumhurri camo from tho FouthwiMt, hut not nil. Wo had in our runkH EaotornorH, Went erncrti, Northerners, BoutlioriiorCutlio IIch, 1'roU'HtantH, .Town, OohIIIoh iiioii wIioho pnrontw wnro ltorn in Gurinuny or Ireland, and inun wIiimo unccBtors wuro born on tho Intuitu of tho Jiiiiiuh, tho Iludnon and at lMyrnonth Hook, nearly threw ccnturioH n0, mid all wor AinorlcaiiH in hunrt und pout, in npirll und purimco AmerlcnnH, and nollilug oluo. Wo know no tllHtlntstlonof cktiI, birtliplaco or ronldunro. All wocurtNl for vih tiiat n man hIioiiIiI do IiIh iluty, Miowhlnmulf ahirt, patli-nt mid eiulur Ing, kcxmIIii cump itiidou tint miiruli nuil valiant in lmttlo. 'My tioniradcH, tlio ruiilimmt wnrilait a microcosm of our rent country, and tho principles which uuuhlud iih tomako no much out of it aro thoxo upon wltluli wo miiHt net in tho nation llwilf if wo aro to Mtatid lovol to tho nocdH of our Ktvut doHtlny. In admiulNlorliiK UiIh irrrnt country wo iniiHt know no North, South, Kant or Wt'dt. Wo inunt pay no heed to a iiiuu'h creed ; wo iiiiihI holudifforont iih to whether ho In rich or jioor, provided only that ho Ih Indeed u kmm1 man, a Kood cltixen, u Kootl Amorlfiin. In our political and moo la I lifo alike, In order to Miiccecd purnirtnontly wttinuttt luumour conduct on tho tlwmlotnio and tho golden nilo. Wo inimt put In praiitUo tliotm -holy vlrtuoH, for tlit lack of whluh no In tolloctunl hrllliuuey, no matorlal pros perity can uvur ntoiiu. It h u good (hint for u nation to he rich, hut It iu a Wtor thliiK for a nation to Im the mother of men who jtowwrt tho iUali Ucn of honoHty, of coumo, and of coin mon koiiho, "Wo have many threat pmhleiuHidiovd of uh, no AmurlcauN, iih d Ntrldo along 'tho road to national Kroatnemi prohloinn of homo udmlnlNtratlou and pnilileiim that affect our iicalini'A with tho oiitltlu world. Wo cannot Holvothem if ho ap proach thum iu tho xplrit of levity or NVntnirioriouH bottNtfulmw. Btlll mt If wo upproath them In a Hptrit of timid ity, und leant of nil if iu deollng with NEVER TOO OLD TO BE CURED S'f f Crfl&t Dtaeeiurr in 1 O) O. I) 1 Will DlDddlTIg IU MPfife. it Gives Them WW wIM MM LIIli tho remedy which will Vtot their ayntma younj. by purifying tho blood, inorougnir rviuoving mi wmia acoumuiauons, ana inipari lug now ktrtfiigth And lifo to tho whole body It Inormnea th uppetlto, bulldi up tho Miergica, nnd senda new llf giving blood throughout the entire nyetem Mm, riirah Pike, 477 llroadway, Mouth Ikwtou, write t " I am MTenty yean old, and had not enjoyed good health for tweuty ycara, I wu elok in ditfettwt waya, mid iu addition, bad Kctetna torrlbly on ouo of my leg. Tho doctor tld that ou account of my ago, I would never l well again. 1 took u down bottles of 8, 8. 8. and it cured iu completely, and J am hnpy to aay that I fcol as well m I ever did iu my lifo." Mr. J, W Loving, of Colquitt, Ua., saya: "For eight 'mi rWra I ouffored torture from it llery eruptlou on mt nfeta, I tried almost every known remedy, but they SbmI mm by one, and I was told that my ago, which is afaiy-aiaT, wm Hgalukt mo, and that I oould never hop tote wU saiH. I llnally took 8. 8, ri., and it oleant4 Ifcorot4gltly, nnd now 1 am m rn.rn.rn. roR thk rr it Mm a4f immi v whlclj au build up and utreagthen it U the only one wldoh Is guaranteed uiAritiirv. n ruin In and other d&Uiaelnir , mmm teMta noLub. m Im mrt-lT from roots and II. II .. J . wwwwr " ism aaa am aS uaAVaUi a?5j mw PPf f " V" I stH) worst vwmm ot ovnuuifi, vhv. mwhw, mranHMti) CVfelo Ulcers, IlolU, or any other due of 4he blood. j - Hv.. - aSuAt BjawLVij P WaV PamW OTsVM WW w Mat ir tiinm wo do not imitat iiou honesty mid rigliteoiiHiieHH, uixm that uprightneHH of churacter which In tho koyntono hi the arch of true national grciittirwH." An Albany paper Haye: I'coplo 15011 orally nay Congressman Tonguo deliv ered a fltio addrexH before tho Htudentx of Albany college ami the big audience at tho U, P. church. It wan full of ex cellent thotmhtM and in conceded to have been a ninnUirly effort. TIiIh remlndH iih that ono of tho ahlcflt urgumentH over made on tho I'liolilo coant iu favor of free Hllvor wuh by thin Miiino titltintctl gentleman four or (Ivo yearn ago,iii fact in November, 1801, ono which with all hi talent ho Iiiih nevor been able to an Hwer hlniwilf. It wuh iu tho name con vincing imiHterly Htylo. A Bnloin Kopuhllfnti juijior given tho county court grout pralno for introduc ing economy. .TtiHt tho name if ox peiiHcx ami taxen In Marlon county aro over reduced to where they hIioiiM ho it will bo duo to the pcrHlfltonl and morel Iomm hniiimerlng of all John and extrav agance by tho puKtrH of thin county that aro not controlled by tho Itepuhllcau ring M)ltlc!uiiH. Tliey demirve xome crctlit ax well an tho county court. Mr. (lurretwon.tho WuHhlngtou olllcial here to locate tho I'ontolllou n!(o, wiih taken upon a high mountain and hIiowii the whole oarlh, and dcclurcH thin Ih the fulrcHt purl: "I am HiirprlHid at what I have hcoii In tlio thin Htato. I oxKctotl, an moat Kimturn people do, to hco a wild unre claimed country, IiiHtoud I have found u country uliomiiiltlxiuiH have kept up tilth tho progrottH of tho tlnum, a region that Ih an ideal ono for a home, and for hidiiNtrial outorprlmi, acllmato that for pliHimintuotM Ih all that could ho dotdrcd. After viewing tho country through which I have pawed in coming to the coant, the deiiho fnllluuo of your tretw and tdiruliH, and tho gtowth mailo by all vegetable life almoHt mako mo think 1 nm In u tropical country. Yeidenhiy 1 wuh taken to tho top of one of the high IiIIIh ntNir tiulem, hi l'olk county, from whluh 1 muv tho breadth of tho Willam ette valley ami caught a blrdnoyo view of a dozen or mora of your town and village. That wan tine of tho pruttlext vIovvh I ever wiw, and wan well worth tho trip to behold." I'rof. Iladley, the now l'rtwttluut of Yalo college, a mm and graduate of Yale, Ih unruly a man north hearing. ilo xuya thin of tho man who gotn con trol of an iudtiHtry and need it to plunder tho multitude of cemmmeni: "Wo read of abiiHoti by triiMtM. That phraxo ban far greater tilguillcaiive than manv h uite it retiliie. When a huttl- Ago doea not nooetsarilr meui foebleuu and IU health, and neany nu 01 100 iokiuim nuiong older people can bo avoldc-J Mot elderly iopla aro very autoeptlblo to lllneu, inn ic u wnouy unueCftuarr, ny ktH't ing their blood puro they cu fort try theuuwIVM o m to eaoajM tUrtni fourths of tho ailment from which they sutler bo Kvoerullr. 8. 8. 8. la pertect naatiu." blood bbs, ad baa no cttemlcals wbatovei T" . - . b m f WHt f0lO VW., uta . MlMLiF 1 Hood's Stimulate the ttomnoli, m reuse the llrcr, cure bilious- K1J I I 4 nest, lieadache, dlzrlneti, F III Jfc lour ttomacli, conitlpitlon, V v te. 1'rlc ctntt, HoM ij all drti(telt. Tin 00I7 Hill to Uk wltlj Uuod'i Sanv j-lllft. new) gets ho lnrgo tiiat it is necenmry to monojKjlIze it, tho man who turns it about ho an to further bin own endfl, HolflHhly abuses his trunt, and in Junt m much a wrong-doer to ho public uh the man who delilwrately robn tho widow." The current number of tho American Monthly Review of HovIowh contahiH an article from tho jran of Uyron W. Holt on "TriiHtH," that in one of the clwiroflt and npimrotitly, fnlrot"oxiKjHltIonH of thin subject that wo have won published, While the article referred to boars Ukui all plume of the question, particular at tention Ih given to exposing the fallacy that IrustH cheapen tho cost of goods to tho consumer. Mr. Holt, in his article, makes the startling statement that there aro GOO trusts iu the United Status capitalized at between 10,000,000,000 and H,(XK),000, 000, although tho actual value Ih prob ably htm than (11,000,000,000. On the fictitious capitalization, running Into tho billions of dollars, tho consumers must pity dividend)!. It is shown in tho article by a series of tables that in many instan;eH trusla have rained the price of products, ami it is not evident but that they have done this in orery instance. Tho price of wire nulls Is shown to have advanced 100 K)r cent slnco tho Wlro Nail Trust was formed, ami tho prices of nearly all man ufactured articles have advanced from 10 to CO per cent during tho Inst eight mouths, the g' .'utest period of activity iu trust formation In tho history of the world. The Standard Oil Company is said, during the vast three years, to have paid dividends amounting to 111 per cent, or a total of fill, 110,000. Ktock in tills com pany is now selling at 100, which given it a par value of f 170,525,000. Iu a table of prices of refined and crude oil it is seen that tho decline in tho price of Ixitli was much more rapid lniforo than since tho formation of this trust. The real opjectlon to the Trust Ih not that It hUIIoh competition, for that has some merit, but that It creates a small plutocratic claw who are made enor mously rich by being able to collect money from the millions for articles of necessity. Tho state should he the only plutocrat. To Dura litiiiitimlluii Forum Talto Ouiuuretn Uuntly C'utliurtlc. lOo or Uo. II C. O. O. (all to curs. druKuUtu rufucu inancy. Imperial Limited. Tho Cadudluu 1'uciflc Ity. Im now mak ing the fastest time acmes the continent. Their service is of the most splendid description, All chtssos of passengers aro carried 011 tho "Imperial" train. You may travel anywhere by the Canadian I'uclllc ity. and Hoo line. Mr, ( M. I-ookwood Is agent for Ka loin. ll-W-tf The Crops, All reKirts indluito heavy gmiu and hay crops, lino slmuerH Sunday have been a great help to grain mid gardens. Prune growers rejiort that on tho hill orchards there will bo enough fruit to pay for euro of the roliuiiln. Cherries will not ho abundant but thocrop comes on lluely. Straw hurries command a good prico in the Salem murk) t. Kilurnto Vmir llotvoU Willi llmcurntn. Oatnly Catlinrttc. curu conittliulloa furevel, UVi.ll&e. It 0.0.0 fal). driiiipUta rituittl inoiivy LODUU NEWU. Hepoit of the Doings of Varloua I.oilpcs in Salem. At their meeting Saturday night the Modern Woodmen of America tlecitlml to attend tho return of tho Oregon Vol unteers in it Uxly. This was tlone ukui Invitation of the 11. A. It. The M. W. of A. .order have several nuimhersainong tho boys ami will welcomu them In a royal manner umn their return. TIiIh evening a ehaptur of the tinier of tho Hastum Star will 1st instituted a Staytou by tho tlegrvm staff of Chudwlck Chapter No. 117. of this city. Many noted menilHjrs of tho ortler In tho state will Ihi prttwnt at tho initiatory wrvleo, among them will be: Judge T. 1 ityan, Orwgon City, grand juitron of tho ortler, and Mrs. Iloburt l.utke, tho grand ma tron, attended by Mrs. V. W. Setlle mter, MH'retaiy, will have tho work iu charge. A large uumlir from Salem Hipl ui- to utteml iKMtale the regular team. The nmmlKirs of the ImUiHiiulemv uiiistiiiic lotlgn I Hive IsMtn Invited t at tend ami uiwot with the Salem lodgo next I'riday. It is uudertjtutsl that nlmut 50 arc- to 1h pntntut mmiiig down via ucurhm lioat. Stitunlay owning, us wus advwliMttl the Ituyul nelglilHim gNW imm af Uiwlr rH'ial eutwrtMiuiniNitM MMUrUlluy uf m pnignim uihi leirtMHiiuwuva, wiitcn wn u xery pletuwiit affair awl wH MtUmded. Tlie prtgraui wiiMlttwl tit music, ImuIi vtKitl anil iiutrumeutal ami a talk bt Mw. llui.iltlln of I'audUtoH, whMi was well rer4vMl. Mr, llanibliu gow (mm heie to Alliany whert she instttnttM u camp of ltoyul NVighlKira this wwk. Saturvlay HftrmHMi the preliminary or gsiiisatitui of a (Add n id Nuthv lUuglt tern ! Otvgm was eturiel out iumI Mrs i). S Kngluud was uhomm elutirwwu uwd Mrs. Mary W. Puttwxui as wvn'tary. Much prwliminary iHtsiitseti wait trwu uctml. The intMttiig was Hthlrtsnsl l ifiul pinHHr women, one was Mrs K. J t'urnell. who wiu. 111 thisanik initui itratit train iu which Mtmiw Wliitmun .tMMHHl the toiittnoMt. Mauy otlui luluwulso atldw-l the UHHtim-. A IM f iiaiiHM ul s3.V' h wviuva IliiUMItKHI to totH llMV UtttM aigtWii U ana thaw wtU tw W timWtuuiHista HiniHg etibJii In bUlMU. AuidiwllM will i Ih- mad for a charter mnltwitb ual mhui n (l&urfadtiug wUlu w dl li Ih p emtloii. Oniwslntw U dsjcllcil by Hhhuii , AM'W PlL.UA. COL. CORNELIOUS DEAD. Veteran of the Early Indian Wars Raised a Regiment During the Rebellion. Colonel Thomas It. Cornelius died nt Ids home at Coriiolius Saturday night June 21. His condition hail been crit ical for many months, and hisdoath was not unexpected. The funeral took place at 10 o'clock Monday. Colonel Cornelius wits n pioneer of 18-IC Ho waH born in Howard county, Missouri, November 14, 1827, and came with his parents to Oregon when 18 yours old. Colonel Cornelius was the oldest of 10 children. Ho lived with ills father on a donation land claim four miles north of Cornelius for three years. Then he took up n donation land claim adjoining his father's, ami was lt owner for over 50 years. When tho newH of tho mnwmoro of Dr. Whitman and others becumo known, Colonel Cornelius enlisted us a prlvute in a company then organized, ami fur nished his own horso ami equipments. Ho was in live battle with the Indians, who were well urmed and numerous. He was promoted to first sergeant. Filially tho Indians were compelled to to come to terms. Foon after his return the discovery of gold in California took him to that state. He mined iu 184R 011 tho American Fork, the Mokeliimne, and 011 the Stanislaus, and wuh success ful. In ono day ho took out 100. A year Inter he returned home and re mained with his father during tho win ter. Tho following yenr ho married Miss Florentine Wilks, formerly of In- iliuuu. Ho and his wife had crossed the plains in the same train, and her father hud, settled iu Washington county. Shortly after their marriage they be gan house-keeping on their claim, ami lived there 20 years. When the Indian war broke out iu ihw .ir. uornoiniH oullHtcu In company I), Washington county volunteers, and was elected captain, ills company crossed the Cuscude mountains and joined the others at Tho Dalian, the regiment of Colonel Nosinitli. Ilo was engaged ugulusMho Indians, mid Cap tain Cornelius showed his courage ami pluck in many wnyH. He made a lino record for himself. After the war, In 185(1, Colonol Cor- nelliis wuh elected to the terrltorinl log Islutiire, und wuh elected euch succeed ing yenr until he hud served 20 years In tho legislature. He wuh twice elected president of the Huiuto. lie wits thus connected with the enactment of the legislation of that important period In the history of the young state. During the civil war he was 011 the right side of nil the great (piestioiiH that came up. In 1801 Colonel CorueliiiH wuh com missioned by President Lincoln to raise 11 regiment of volunteer cuvulry In Ore gon, with onleiH to report to the adjutant-general at Washington. This Ire did. lie exacted to Join Colonel Maker at the front, but Maker was killed nt Hull's Hluff. Ah nil the regular unity had Irttcn taken from Oregon Colonel Cor uelliiH mill his men were usslgued to service on the ctsist, looking after the Indians and other enemies of the conn try. While stationed nt Witllti Walla, iu 1802, he resigned uml returned home, and turned his attention to farming. Colonel Cornelius was 11 stanch Ue publican from the organization of the party. He was defeated for governor of Oregon by Sylventer Pennoyer in 188(1. Colonel Cornelius' wlfedlod In 1804, ami two years later he married MUs Missouri Smith, of Illinois, the daughter of Itev. Win. K. Smith, a Methodist minister. ills survivors are; His wife, two brothers, William, of Moiiu tulmlale, and John, of Cornelius; two sons, Judge lleiijamin P., of Cornelius, and T, C, of Astoria; three daughters, Mrs. HlimilH'th Shaw, Sun Diugn; Ms. (. L.t Hancock, ami Mrs. Aluxuudor Concher, Portland; ami throe sister, Ann Freeman, HilMiorn; Mrs. William Kane, Forest (irove, and Mrs. Iwnto ilium, Portland. 'Itiiiicos Klzur Itulnntl Hays my wife used IhiWMmM llurb ton ono iiiunth, hor bnokaoho le cured." tl 31 tr A Conveit to Sunday Picnics. Horn, Sunday, June 18, in tills city, to the wife or itev. Anderson, a Mm. And yet ltev. Anderson told us a few days aijo that he was opposed to Sunday picnics. Jefferson lteview, No wonder (tome women feel 111 if the ilurafte which cotuUutly pur sue theut U Jtut a nutllk--Hunt devil dooming tbem to ruttU mi. tiy Thound of women who could set o re hrf from any other source h a v e written KMtcful letters to Doctor K V. I'ieiee. chief coiuultiui Jilijrlciti of the Invalid' Motel ami Suuicuf Inttitute, ot llutfotu, N Y . telling him uf the benefit leoeivcd ftooi hit wondctful prrteitplltHV. and the catoful piofrtttioual aitvice which he kntU by mall without chaiue A UiW llvlnit In Wot Klou MtdUoti Cow. N V . Mr. MUle A Wlktr In a mw Mlrr ! Ik Itcret; M ' I wrile Iu inform yuu vrftat your rruintlf h-e Jane for wr, but thy tww h4x me o tuuch that 1 Vtww aoK whie tt twawHicc at where to leave otf, at 1 h4 uili ttMtitUMtUHi uf Rmeiiu lr threw imn 1 b4 Mth U4 ieU. I ihousht that if Uyfoa yul Jutt ttt I dl4 tiol want U wake and uT fer again, I would he glad lo hv death cvntr any hIjIiL 1 gut udi.courarvd It teeiuot at if I twuVit never be wetl and lM(y ilu I had a. bHulk tttell tuwarU wwulnn AtuettutM I (. a. If 1 nwU uut irt Utiuth rnuuvh tu U tuul ttlMtttul Mlu Iu the tup of ttvy htvl. ami Mt MttwH I fttt i tf vuntttlilH tfrwdftil ra cutac Iu namwu t vutihl uot irlt uU eUtHtf I cwM wfke a dotca thetU Mt nuA mi lN aM the dieadfut tMti I wrl4. ftuttt fr uwte wtl.iM. uutlittWu. atttiiuatl U. a tut rhwMMalU' Mewittlgta ' I rttvttcall wlwarettinwtwK Uwt otUy Iu ute I)r Iterve Nteiiwtiw. Ihu Iu gel ah ad toe aUu, NH H ha belnl m o Mitch I wuuut aAy euuvsh iu iteaW uf Uxh the JK and the lewedU I kwk an vur tnedMnaa Weins a Ottd-MHtol ami wiU ati. (tod to ukU kuHaeina hiwuutt) mthc il hi irnef ' Pur neru trouble and utlmcnta pecu liar to wtmten Ur Pierce's Havutite pre cti)tU)H U the only piapitry letaetly ilesisHad by a leptttaily etluCMteU p-eHetau. 1S biMMchUI aReetiutt ami dlsaatlve dtFfi ultle hU " (raVOeu Mini teal OfcifiyT' b the tttte penuaneat cute lite 'Phmia roHets ate the iwtrt vSesttva aatual noti. KtUJtHK klathC Wf fXtlatta4), .Send ta Dt K. V lteiav MuiW N Y fur a floe eurtv of the " ISaatnle'a MmI!..i AdvUer." ptar pape-ttd wicj- ishk i U atic-ctnt aUuit ta cxt utaillug wily. Cloth bouud, t aUiujia. rKXifiV CASTOR i A For Infants and Children. le Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Blgnaturo of M&&i Herschbacfhnu Reiffelman BLACKSMITHS and WHEELRIGHTS, We will shoo your horfcc, build or repair your wagon or Implements Helm; located to stay our patrons Imvcu Rimrantcc that our work will be satisfactory. Shop lOOChcmckcta street. TelcDlione 2705. 4-1 tf Headquarters for Screen Doors, Etc., Lawn, field nnd rsiultry fence ami shingles at lowest prices. SALfCfvl KKNCK WORKS, Wai.tkr Mori.ky, I'rup, d.4-15 W UtHtc Htrtft P R B B I Little Men and Women Magazines have been combined into a .'Ili-pago lxok and the riticK he DUCBI) KKOM 1 to 60 Cli.NTS A VKAIt. It is it splendid magazine for chil dren from two to ten years of ago. Wo want the names and addresses of motlnrs of children of above ages, and for a list of m-rv such names wo will send the magazine to yott o.vk YK.Ut FHKK. Little Men and Women Co.Troy,N,Y There Is only one place in town to get a FIRST-CLASS HARNESS If you are a stranger, ask your neighbor, he will tell ou logo to W.W.J OUNiJ jus' labk of the Red Front Urug Store. H5d wlro T.J. StJLLiTAN I'ltAGTICAl. TAlLOlfj A nice line of uoods und samples on hand, Suits 315 up. I 'ants $" p, a pcrect tit guaranteed, at 1 0 tr 140.RTATK STltKKT Premium on Warrants. Aiiypartle ItavhiK Mnrlon tir l'olk county wurrHtiU Id illH)souf, will tin well to call n tliHiiiIlttiuf Cupiuo llreyimiri, ITU Coiiiiiicrrlnl Htrtit, wltlt .Im .v llarkfr. 1 will nllnw prninluiii en all moli tirupcrly uiuIiiimI wnr riinlH. Mitaoy to loan at C mi' I 7 pi'r cunt later 11 tin Iriiprovnl f.irmn. Nit (unnnlmlon IiIAw3iii Kl'flKNK IIIIKV.MA.t Yhllu turner lllock. T,0 CHimnttirclnl atreel BUGGIES WAGONS, CARTS HACKS ETC. The Best in the World at the Lowest Prices. MOWERS. tAY TOOLS. BINDERS. We always lead on stvle. cnialitv und low nrire. Large supply of everything in our line. Warehouses oppo site Brewery, near Salem Flouring Mills. MITCHELL, LEWIS Sl ST AVER CO. J. At. Forsyth e, Manager. ,00 BEST OHM WEEKLY f The MtKleiOrogonJINewapaport'andJ.Fatnlly.IJtiiirnnl. Unltlug.Nows, Flallon, Htcrury,iltancliand: Dairy aiulMtirket News lnattrnctlye readable form. SALBM WHHKLY HU liCis-tuotl ThurMlayiniornlng of tho state tho Mime week. Ml ic -si.00 Wly... In two nartsamiUilnsall ImiHirUttu FirulitnNutlunal aml!j(atQ;Nes. 1 t , mm i An IndeiHindont AiwoolatwM'r&is I-aprjfor the P plu. Soud for auiple freu. TiiHJouKNALliastbullwt roixwtuf tlie duloin uf the iDKMaiuN awl vtctte itUeJU, as wqJj ai lodn. denf.cbwr ind , rmiuMto all public uiaUirs. b'end a trial sult-erlptWm. iKimi iimSii. KED FRONT LIVERY FirstClass Feed and Boarding stables, 104 Commkhcial Street. SALEM, ORE. Wm. ULLREY, Prop. Best Rigj, for Commercial Men Btabtoo In same block Hotel WllUraalto. tTSafe teams und comfortable rigs for ladles and family drlyintr a spec ialty. Horses boarded by day, week or month und best of satisfaction guaranteed. 31 tf A LIFE SAVED. Dr. J. F, Cook, tho Botanical Speci alist. Succoods Whore Others Fall. To whom it may concern : This is to certify that llcrtha P. Con ner, of Mt .Angel precinct. Marlon coun ty, Oregon, has a tiff a red from a cancer ous growth in the left ear for about three years. The growth was cutout twice and burned out once by Albany Physicians, but tho growth camo back as bad us ever, and pained her so badly that she had to bo taken from school. After three week's treatment by Dr. J. F. Cook, of Salem, Oregon, the Botanical Specialist, the growth entirely disap peared, and at this date, four months slnco treatment was begun, the growth has not reappeured, and tho ear has en tirely healed leaving only tho scars in flicted by tho Albany doctors. I hereby certify that tho ubovo state ment is absolutely true, and that Ber tha P Conner, tho tcrbon mentioned in the nllltlavit. has resided iu my fam ily since early childhood, bearing the re lationship to mo of niece. II. C. Lo.va. Suhscrilied and sworn to before me tills eighth duy of June, 189'J. W. W. Hall, county clerk of Marion county, Oregon. Tho Intor-Stnto Unlvorslty Systom ofMuolcal Instruction. K. II. SCO IT. I). M. PltK8II)KKr A National Co-operative Innlltuttun wldt'li U Iwulnnlnx to nuinbor It faculty by liiuulriiU and ilN pmilU by tlioiUMutl, l.'nibMt'luK mciru limn twenty BUtH, I'or the lionnfit of Pupil of I'rtviito 'IWIiem At lltmiit. GltlllTII SCHOLASTIC YKIK. (Vrtllicntfn Kritntexl from a ri-k'tilitrly cknr tdreil ititlitutloti. Ill plan at Ion of the nyMein In tlntail In tlimo t'oliunnii Watolt fur It. KITA AN l)KII8-WI l,MMAN. Stale Itapri'Huntiitt'a anil Mnmltor or Urn Kucnlly Htndan over flrt Nntlonat llauk llllu Ono or two plarra tiKa for ailriiiicCil plara Iu piano quurtit. In time lu-rctich all puts - m i mi . UOF13R HHO 1 1 RAZOR TAX All people aro hereby notified that n tax on ltazora of 25c for retompering is now on and can be paid at tho shop of Sim II. White and Co. at High street, opposite the Court House. 5-20-t The Geo, M, Bccler Insurance Agency Always to the front with best rates and policies in the leading companies. Employment Agency, Do you want worn, or need help of any kind? Apply ut once. Rental Agency, Property to lent, Register our agency. 288 Commhkciai. Stkkkt, Saltim. Kurtz &. Hamilton PLUMBERS and TINNERS OS COURT STREET. Make a specialty of all kinds of Sheet Steel and Oalvanlzcd Iroo work rjoflnK and KUtterlnc, a full line of Pumpa und pump llttlnus. Prompt work and reasonable prices. We carry In stock the Fairbanks wind mill. Call und see us before tr i v I ti your order for mill or tank. Phone 2:n PROM WORK AND LOW PRICES 'ScfiPE5HLB1 Y2?y Deliver & Rio Grando R. 11 SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. Tlie Fnvtirl.c Traiinooiitlncntnl Hnitto Iletuccu tlio Northwuxt mill nil l'olnu Kuit. Cliolw of Two ltouto. Thronxli tlio I'umnns HOCICY MOUNTAIN SCENERY. Amt l'our ltouttw l'.it.t n( I'tiulilo ami lltniM'r. All pnwiiRors KriniUHl n ilny ntupovcr In the jtiurinuii viiiihi ur iinymitTt' iit'iwwii iikhuii and Denver I'etxinnlly fonilnctttl ToiirUt K. ctiiliiiin tlireu ilay 11 week to Omaha, Kansas Cit, St. Louis, Chicago and thk East. For tlrkt'li mul miy liiforiiintlon roitiirilliiK niton, route", do , or for li'n'rlillo (tilxertUlinr nmttHr, t'Hll on hkoiiIs of orvuon Knilnti) v Nnli(itlliiii Co., Onwut Bliort I.Tiiu or Situtlivrn I'm'llltM omp;iik'i'. S. K. HOOl'Klt, 0 V AT. AkI. Homer, Col. . C.NMCIIOI,, fien. Am. 2'1 iili. at., l'tutlunil. Orv InTlilM You Can Get a Lower Berth, N Itli one exception tlie tlirouKb trains of the IlurlltiRton Route are almost Invariably well-lllled. The exception Is our St Paul Chicago Limited. On the limited thero Is usually room and to spare. Don't Infer that It ls neither so line, nor so fast, us ANY train of ANY other line between St. Paul and Chicaco. On the con trary, there is no more beautiful train In America. It has electric llKht, steam heat, wide vestibules, tlie most satisfactory dining-car servlco on the continent und u lower berth for everybody, A. C. SHELDON. Oeu'I Aifcnt, Portland, Or. Soo Pacific Line. Travel in comtort by the IMPERIAL L the fastest train crossing the continent. It is a through train making fewstops. Its equipment is of surpassing elegance. It will pay you to travel by it. Hor full Dartloulnrs as to rates, Uwe awl euplbs f a P. R. nublteaUotw an. H.U.ABOTT. I .AK'ent, Portlatul. K.J.COYLE. ) li 1. A. Vancuuvor. II, U. nil' in - , Art B3)fci?t 5tX Wfifllr!??1. T4t n v i n .fliiniiflnrflp.! filhi vitmtuuuu 1111 vll ruimim' I U l"u 1 i.rrtmiwwi 25$ SOUTH AND EAST THE SHiSTA RO'JTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co, BXFRR4S TRAINS RUN DAILY 7:00 p Ml Lv...;l'ortlantl. ..Ar I8:i g.4S pm Ar....Satcm ....ArJs. 745 A M ) Ar. San Francisco. Lv j: Lv. . . '1'ortland, ,.Ar 00 A M .2S A M 00 r m 5'ooPM Ar fJgden....Ar imoj-m 0:05PM Ar Denver. ..Lv 645PM 6.40 AM Ar . . . . Omaha . . . . Ar 8 50 A M 8-15 PM Ar .... Chicago ....Lv 6,30 PM 7.00 AM Ar. ..I-01 Angeles... Ar 9.25 PM S'ISPM Ar... El Paso.,.. Ar 235PM 4,15 PM Ar... .Fort Worth. ,.,Ar 8.40 Am 7.55 A m Ar...New Orleans. ..Ar 8.40 PM "TJlNlNU CAKS OBSERVATION CARS. Pullman lirst-clajs and tourist aleepin cars attached to all throuch tralor . Tourist car? through lo Chicago without change HOSKDUKO MAIL, -DAILY. 830 A M) Lv... Portland ..Ar m.-ce a MLv....Salein.... Lv U.-3 ' 7.3o pm PM A M 520 p M Ar....Roseburg,. Lv WEST SID1S DIVISION. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS, Mail tialns dally except Sunday. 730 AMI "Lx. ... Portland.. Arl5.5oPM 1 1 ."55 p M) Ar....Corvallls.. Lvf i.'2opm At" Albany and Corvallis connect v,i tains of the C. & E. Ry. TRdETENDENCIT PASbEfJOER EXPRESS TRAIN DAU.V EXCKPT SUNDAY. 1.-50 P M .30 PH 30 PM) Lv Lv, Ar ... Portland.... Ar ...McMinnvilleLv Ind ependence Lv 8.25 A M s.-so - ) 4--50 A M A M Direct connections at ban Prancisco with steamship lh! f HAWAII, 1APAN, CHINA, THE PHILLIPINES and Al'S. TRALIA. t'or through tickets and raton call o" W. W. SKINNER, Depot Agent, or C' I). GAURILLSON City Ticket Agent, 232 Com mcrcial St. Salem Or. K. KOKHLUK, Managei I V I i F i P. A. Portlaii lit nitpiriTi time Hf iifnui.K. akrivk ton From 1'ortlitnil "Koit""Su"Tink"o."Tener'"r,t. Worth Mull Omaha. Kansas City, Ht li I.' I'm H p. in, j IitilK.t'hli'nKO nnd Kttst, Sin)" Wii'lla'Wailiii'tfiinkniiv. Mhinti Hpu- kunu iqiolln, rit. I'nul, liiiliith, Mil- kittiu I'Imt witukcoChlfuK" and wihI. H)er 2.30 pill it. ill. rMiKAN" siTTcsrsiiiTir 8 p 111. KorPmi l'rmit'luco. t p. l Hallevery llvotliiju. ii'i"'m t "oLffMiTi "CTffvT:lt ex. Bun HI'KAMKUS. p. m Satur-;To A.lnrlu unit wy Utnilliixii, u Huu. ilny 10 p.m. "fiave " ArHa- Solum Wll.IiAMKTTi: ItlVKIl lorn 7,16 nm Pnrllunil, .NowlierK ami way tl i. 111. (Tint Ijimlliign. Mnn Tim WV.li and Hat I'tl 10 H, III. 'In Mon Tor D.tyton Thur Weil Hnt, Krl 3.30 pin lArVii" " Iuvc WIM.AMKTTK ItlVKIt lini Kali'tn CorviilllH Allmny unit WHylOu. m Tu'lhii l'olnt. . Mon Hat Weil 3 p. in ami Krl WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. Dally boats to Portland as above. Transfers lo street car line at Oreg Oily if the steamers arc delayed there ouud trip tickets to a U points In Oregon. Washing ton, or California. Connection made at I'oit land with all rail, ocean and river liucK W. II. HURLUURT. Gen'l Pas. Afjt. Portland, Or (J. M. POWERS, Agent, 'Iralc street dock Salem. UOISE & BARKER, City Agents. YAQUINA KOUTE Corvallis & Eastern Railroad Connecting at YAQUINA with the YAQLINA HAY STEAMSHIP COMPANY STICAMKKS WJSJEOTT PlrtK)laM; In every re rt. The nbore tteamer Ik due to full from Yminlna every t'luht i!uy. Shortst Iloute ik'twcen Ilelwcen Valley Toinls and Ssq Francisco Fare. Albany and 1'oluts Wont to Ban Kranrint 0 Cabin 110.00 Itoiiml Trlp....... . 17.00 II. I. WAI.UEN, KDWIN HTONK, T F. A P. A. ManK'r J.T0UNKR Aiteiit. Albany, Ore. WILUMKTTB UIVKlt DIVISION STEAMER WM, M. H0A6, Captain Geo. Habe. HunnliiB iMtwetin Portland ami Corvatlli, IllVKH SCIIKDULK. DOWN - Tnewlayii, Thurnlays ami 8nmla). I ..I'M 1'A.I ulll. j. lx?f Albniiy.. ....... 7 ,,' ,, I laMlluut Vlu 3B; . imvtM iiiiepenueiiee.......M,. 9 m va 9lm 10 . m Uvavw NeMbere 1 w Arrive l'iMlhinU.. -T,...L. t so t'l'-Moiulays, Wwlutatlay and Fridays. ' IWtlaud 63 h. m Umw Nettberif 10 .tin in I - Salem . .. isoi, . lavefl IiiilanmiilMu,... ii.i'.. ... Lhvs lliiwia Vl.ur..irr!JI 7 30 pi iu i"'w Aiuany . ,.. .. 9 ,10 n W Arrive OtKTalll. HoOi-.ra Ttie ttwawef turn Umii e.iHlpt with iirt- ia aMMIHOiUliulu. Ilwlujltiu- n ulu.-ant HkHrtMtkti fur tvrrvlnv ttl. t,.,l,.l,i un.l atWIn. Ik-ttMiWrf iitt lre. (i. MAEItTZ, Aeoilt. SaluiH, Oregoi CaULUVANSupt. Albauy, 0tKO Oregon Slion Liue Railroad Tlie IHrettKouie to Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points an dHMTSriS Mvirlte roafi. t.a 11.3 -"", " ram Mail I4HC. tir 1H Rio Urande tkel Uut. Lotik at tbc time H Duy to Salt Lake 2j Duj-9 1 Dativer 3 Days to Ghloairo 41 Daya to Now York F-RMnl Cbalr Can. VphoWtsrwl Tou lt SlwHtBie Ctn. and lMllaian PalM awpf rat4 ou all train. rV further iHterBnttan applylte IlOliE A BAItKK. Aiet. SWw. W E. COHAN. Gtnt Ajonl l". a TKRRV. Trar. Paw Agt Ut TUItU Mk PorllauJ fe.Ktv 4nivj1