Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 21, 1899, Image 4

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    jflmniwp srvwr1 w '
wari I'WM i'iim !
HiiiT. ".fF'w
vye re prepared to till your wants in bhirt Waists
. Hi
EofiSOc 5t Waist In Fancy colors.
iicTcr uupnauea ior tno
a5S50G. PWjJ U'J'IL J?tmgot ma-1
ii ii'riHi ii tiib irn' m i u ra
ftp ....- nvuinnoMi,..
For 51.25, nnintynnd delicate Dim
ities and Lawns just the
waist for these saorohing days.
IEors75c IMnilty or Percale, light as ' sellers.
mcauier, ery prouy.
j A Waist that'll worth more For S2.
and would still for more. hut It
BffiS'w $1. like hot-eakes
Your choice either stiff or
Insertion Fronts, good
And $2J The Celebrated
Trojan Shirt Waist going
Silk Strioed Crashes :
The newest material for summer skirts,
pink, brown and green silk stripes. 25c.
per yard.
Plain Crashes from 8 1-3 cents up.
New Piques for waists, white and colored.
New styles in heavy welt piques.
Another lot of our great 50c. values in
Shirt Waists now ready.
Extra values in Crash skirts at 51.25 51.50
51.75 52.00 each.
$k- '
fNSC ,
BE5fpr ' "
that's tle First
l'(r of utiMC I trrt lookwl llimnich '
Iran win lh dUUliml U mnark 1
came 1 have tlio on
tUlit, 1 lia devoted hard work and todr
is onlr tlM'iM tint li.il'ixJiif"!
fl lit, but bwiiUM 1 have I bo UlMlaclmillAe
nilruaiaat fortmittiiKand uiutlnif lha y-
I ham worn ami Hour in
ii?ry law (lay when fllllnsr glum It tint
wcauie I nave mo oiur in
prepare tayaolf fur Hilt kind of work 1 ImIW
I can Wu run kWimmi tliat are ail alimlule Hi.
bet in nt your ncxtf""' slatta anil I will
, jiromi to mass you uioroiiKiuy tautm-ii
H ...
Mp "4
oiihjht and Thursday, Inlr, warmer.
K"i niintKt no innit nnuuiM
W (.,UAiCiO UP liUUAU B Yflll 10.
Juno 80. Commencement Interstate
Musical Conservatory, Ktta Anders-Will-ifmfi
'July -I Culobrutioii nt Sulum
The Daily Journal has
more subscribers in Salem,
and paid-up ones at that,
Q than anv other newspaper.
(A 5.' w w.w YATAVAT Va,-V f
IS. F. Ijiiio wont to Uiitlovillo thif
Mb Iilnnche Hull In vlfltltiK frluuds
in 1'ortlnnd.
MInk Wlnnlo Ilyr.l Is vIhIWiik in Fnrost
(Jrovu with friiinds.
.MitiM Itoinoh llollaud rvtiirui'd from
Hllvurtonliut ovunlnt;.
Jan. T. McCormluk wits u HmtnKur
yHttnlny for Portland to violl IrlumlH.
Mrs. V. A. HtltiMi iuhI win nf Dallus
wuut to I'ortluud, via httiiiinur tuliiy.
Hv. J. T. Day, of Nowliorv, stoiKil
ovtir in fialtnii hint nlnhtj on his Miy to
J. II. JuukHon, of Tillamook, who
hu iMtm visltiuK huro for MVHral days
mtiirniHl homo today.
J. F. Sullivan wus a jHiHHoriKtir to
Portland this mornluu for u unuk of
btiHliuwH mid pliKiKiire.
Mrs. M.S. HtuUtsinim, ol Miiooln,
uns brought to tho Siilom bosidtiil on
TuoMlay fin; nit owmtion.
David Whkiut, of Hun Fruuulnoo, Is in
the city the kjnufit of Mr. and Mrs. F. I..
yillmuii on Ohurah stmot
Mlsatilollu mid Ilublu Hookutt uuut
to Albany hint uvuntnff via titimmur
Huth to visit Miss fc UIIhiM.
Mrs. J. FtirKUson, nf N'tnvjKirt, is (lis
Xtiost of Jo CordhiKly's family on Nino
tittnth HtrtHtt for a short tiin.
Mrs C. Hithmniiiltir of Mommim, Idaho,
v1h bits bttttu the k"' of Mr. uihI Mrs.
D D. OlmtHd Ittft fur lioim) toiluy.
.Mr. hihI Mrs. Y. M. Fowurs wr
IMtMiiKwrs on tint Huth lust nlghl to
I If the lady who so kindly gave us an
item over the 'phone today, touching
the health of Mrs. C. M. , now at
the Portland sanitarium, will repeat the
favor, we will try to get the name right.
Horace McGrath, of Michigan, who
has been visiting at the home of bis
uncle, C. 2?. Potter, on East Ute
street, went to Portland today.
It. A. Crossan, Geo. W.Davis and D.
V. Southwiek drove over to McMinn
vllic this morning to attend the O. A.
H. Rncampmont.
The ministers pieni on Pnirmount
heights this aftornoon was a success.
KnjHirt in Thursday's Jooknau
Walter I.yon, I.ieutoaant of the new
Halem eomjmny, is a graduate of a Ken
tucky nlllltary institute.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P Webnrg and eon,
uho have len liere attwHling eourt
wtnt to PortlatHl today.
JIM Kdna I'reneli of Portland who
has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. X. J.
JihIhIi returned to-lay.
Mrs. J. 11. Ilenoll and children drove
to Ml. Angfd today to attend eomtiiuiice
merit eserciHM.
Harry Huuseii loft today to work ai
book-keeixir In the Haglnaw and Coburg
lumlMir mills.
Mr. and Mrs. K. I). Jones, of Fclo,
drove in this morning for a visit with
HIom friends.
P. C. Dorrls, Wheatland's real estate
dealer and capitalist, was a Salam vis
itor today.
August Iluokestohi drove to Ml.
Angel to take in the oommouoement
Mrs. Geo. U. Aehby returned to Port
land today after it visit with Snlom
J. II. Cullsjrtson. of Hookane. arrived
In fiiilom tislay to visit frlendu and rel
Ill -Tempered Babies.
InsaSScfeatDourtihsifntnaf orally prod acrtfll-tera per
Ttiaid (CBlait frfc'"f( la children hf levilng sutrl
Uout and dlgettible (vu.
m&iuAiL, ovKuars
COKDEKSBD itILK U a perfect tsfant food TaVo no suUtltuto for tho
EAOLB liHASl) hcto ro hook " Uame. "
Mrs. J. M, Kitehen nnd daughter,
Dean, of Stitytou, wore Stilom visitors
Geo. Ixalio and Dr. Tiitum drove ovor
(nun Hherldaii this morning on IhisI
uoss. Mrs. W. H. IxNlgomood drove out to
Sublimity today to visit with rolathes.
II. h. Itadahatigh nttonded commence
ment oxorcises nt Ml. Angel today.
Kupt. Carter of the llliud sehool went
to Corvallls rommeucemst today.
Bhorlff Durliin made trips today to
Jefferson nnd Portland.
Tom Kckhartaud family, drove ovor
to Dallas today.
Hov. J. M. Ileiuiuhiimp returned from
Corvnllls today.
ltd Orolstiu, wus n hustiios visitor to
Dallas tislay.
Dint. Ally. Ilnydeii riituriiwl tisluy
from Albany.
It. A. Downlnu, of Stiiylou, wus in Sti
lom today.
Montague Iird went to Grant- Puss
Cisike Pat ton took in Portland today.
Grand Conceit.
Unity church TiimhIhv evwiiiK
VTTT7IW.K) Ilr l'iif.Lill'u lOJIilii. nnLiluil lit
4&JmUuUta ParrUh-llinW Nawllu
tminrtm. ir. iiuimiiu, w. iv inrvui hihi
LOtliurS. lUlllUSSlOII 16 (MiltUl
A IS 20
Ice Not Qlvcii Away.
raunol nffortl to ulu leonwH but
rsnTffielMng a pure nrtioie nt u pmw lltm
Mttliln the reach of till.
MyGulro, Prop.
0 lAlf
. i. .. .
!11V' "tUIDHJUiUl. AIS wuiniiiK.
IniUhayo gixl apiHitltM. m wlw
nrffltoontertalu win nun me HuwHutry
XM.C l liuurlos at Hrans.m A
Ill's 0-10 e d
AlUiy uihI Umwrrww they will ROt tlmtr
Ihmtm in Drain.
AfUr nttHiidlug tin closlux HxerolMui
of Ht, Mary's Academy, Itev. Hrungest,
id The Dallas, ami Itev. Dauni, of Unr
vaia, HtwiuNtuieil Ibtv. Dtily, of St. Jo
Mpli's ehiiroh, tu Uw Mt. Ang4l corn
iiiemwtnent tiHhty.
It wus Janitor Pimly ol the Park
h1hhJ who wus let out, lu plue ol
Itookwwll us iiieiitlun! in this )Himr.
There Is no one nbjeeliux Mr. Mi-A tee
wIki was electl, but no ouw asktsl to
lmvvMr. Purdy rwnovwl.
Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Ilowd drove in
from JlnalMty this inornliiK ami Mr.
llowd my vrut bav iMit Ix-en Hner,
unwitiug frtilu lu a grunt my yr.
beat and outs will yltthl lwltir uihI
IiaywilllHi lnHulsr tbaa iu t )ears.
IIHMt look ttxtmnnllnury fine.
t' ' ' m
fatkK '"'
r Want Light Underwear
And wo aro closing out ours ami hub save $W mon) ou wkut yu
Iaidles Suiuiiiur Vests
Flue I.UIe, w bite or eeru ....
Any of our ladles uudMrwmir at Jttst wlwt t uM far it.
SSBBfl's Summer Undersuits
HHH 0(xh -aluu, just right for hot days at -10 inU a tult.
H O " i 1 U-.i
mcfiis ouiiinicr uoais una v csis
' v Largo lliif all kinds choice l,50 that are worth u! f !
. SptvJal low prices on Men's and IWty Swimter.
ik not lorget our sum titer kwkk.
Hl fi WWO MWVIII f WiyiTIh
"Wd ialrs, M&ics Whit Kid Glows lft cwiita u pair
Oraduatlng Kxercucs at a Favorite Pion
eer Educational Institution.
The graduating program at the Acad
emy oftho Haored Hwirt opeiui with it
national air by twelve bauds ou thruo
pianos, to jslther accompaniment, and
the Immortal Star singled iiaiiuer was
sung by u chorus of hIkuiI forty girls.
This was it splendid effort, greeted with
nppluiii.o. Next aune the "Iksiting
Hong" by 18 Isiys with piano and guitar
itceomiHiuimout. Tim Imys sang with
strong clmir Milcos mid ginsl time nnd
expression. We feel sure If our Itoard
of litlucutlon could have heard the Isiys
they would want to have vocal music in
the public m'hiHils.
An instrumental solo, . Noviu, op.
13, on three pianos, was followed by
18 minims with dolls who Ming "llyo-l o"
Laud" lu a very sweet manner. Tli
Ceeillmi onihestra, coiiiimmnI of three
guitars, two mandolins, and three piano
now rentlertMl a selection and whs
loudly applnudisl.
Th eentuta "Fbmi's Fwtlvnl" was
now presented by eight girls wwrin k
nierier iMHini wips aim waving wtcli a
Hag, followed by ehjht Hewer girls who
dHco ami slug uiwl try to choose a
tpieoii. In the secoml scene the rlag
ami (lower drills and uwrchlug were
very pretty. "Oli those hapjiy days of
eldldhood, they will never ooine again"
was a chorus thut touched the hearts of
the lurtftf audieivce. 'Hie iueeu is finally
awanlwl to Clmrity disguisuil 114 a log
ger child, whose atuse is twpiMiseil by
the fairy snd when ber torn drees la
thrown off s)m Is disputed lu roya
rolms, ami oiownl in grant atute by the
PriuctMs Uool Will.
Next oMine a recltntioH lu concert b
the class lu elooutitui hy ten ynang
luutos, "iiuthllug the ruUewHiiii." Hvry
wonl wus clear, every gesture Hrfwt,
uimI If encorw weru iHtriultteil at the
umdiuuy Uw wMi)d huve teeo ublk-eil
tu rescind to a rowill. "TIM W. Mt
AhuIii" was the Mint asastduwitb
kllherobllgiitomal cliorus.
Mks Nellie Dorby of Salem was how
pruMtuted witbadiidoHMt ofgnuluatiaa,
The same was awarded to Anna .
DleVtMiiHMi of Uwrvnls. The uMMita
tlon wiw uwdo by Itwv Win. Daly,
wlia ako pnwemleil to make a happy
mlilrani, uihI in turn introduced Hev.
Dlllmau of Astoria, umler whoso p.mtor
Ht nt Sabiiu the academy was fuuivdcd,
TlmeJtl Masonic templu, wbtch sIixhI
whrt Dr. lttrnnrdsoii' hoiue uow stands,
was purvibnx-d to ohh this solaxd that
hud now grown tu tho noble propo
rtions. He Mid It was tilting that the
flrst ihlucatlonal Impressions o( )uqtb
slionbl be imparted at Uie haiuls i(
Wmen, and paid a high tribute to the
laWtrsofthe luothcrs ami sUters in mI
ueatioual work.
Ih travelling er the state be bad
wet wttji the flrst jwiIW af the Mm
remarks wore very appropriate, full of
doeo feeling ami won hearty ap
plause, forming a fitting conclusion cf
a happy event in the history of this
jHjpular school,
Theluit musical number vm the
rliaplle by Liszt, a piano iuot, with
eight baud accompaniment, when the
audience was dismissed. All the jHir
formers show ed the marked effect of
the excellent training received at this
I'tuzns AWAnnuiJ.
Itev. Daly then presented the follow
ing prizes to the successful students:
Medal for Christian doctrine, donated
by Itev. T. Damn, of Gervnls, Or.,
aw anted to Miss Mollle Molring.
Medal for general oxcolloncc, donated
by Ilev. Win. A. Daly, awarded to Miss
Ktnily Jeffries.
Mislal for higliest class nverago, do
nated by n friend of tho institution,
awarded to Miss Delia Porter.
Medal for improvement in plain few
ing, given hy the institution, awarded
to Miss Itegina Mangold,
Premium for highest class average in
Sixth grade, II class, awarded to Miss
Vera D.ivoy.
Premium for highest class average in
Fifth grade, II class, n warded to Miss
Margaret Sullivan.
Premium for application in music,
awarded Miss Georgia lioothe.
Premium for tost composition, on "In
dulgoncutf, "awarded by Hov. Win. Daly,
to Miss Anna Dickenson.
Premium for test Descriptive Letter,
on u "Visit to Mt. Hood," nwarded by
Ilev. Wm. Daly ,to Miss Itnby Crawford.
On June 10, the pupils of the ncud
amy of the Kacred Heart finished their
ordeal of written exumluntioiis, tho re
sult ol which proved vory satisfactory,
Juno II), promotions took place, after
which the pupils received their
premiums and roorts.
The following list, shows those who
obtained the highest general average,
preceut, (result of eight reports issued
during the year) in each grade:
Second academic grade, Miss Delhi
Porter, l8.
Fourth academic grade, .Miss iAitn
l.uMir, 1)5.
Kighth grade, Miss Anna Dickinson,
Seventh It grade, Miss Mollle Molr
ing .-':.
Sixth It grade, Miss Vera Davey, HI).
Sixth II gmde.Maiter August ducket-stolii.tll.-it.
Fifth 11 grade, Miss Margaret Sullivan
Mfth H grade, Muster Charles Iliiok
ostein, 80 Ml.
Fourth II grade, MU Sadie I-ullnincli,
Fourth .11 grade, Master lMvcnrd
Itenolt, 81.
iliini A iiruiie, .Mies aiiiiUi lireiten-
stelu, 811.
Second 11 grade, 1,'lva Derby, 07.
First H grade, Willu Uuokestuiu, 80,
First A grade, Mary Iji Ilniucho, 88.
The following pupils received cortitl
ontos ol riK'ommendatiou for a course iu
stenography and typo writing;
Misses Itegina Mangold, Maud Morri
son, 1 Iat tie Ilafter, and Dollie Mugulre.
Course in mush' Fifth it grade, Ituby
Crawford, US; third A grade, Georgia
Month, UX)j Mcwml grade, Pwirl Wlllwr,
100; flrst grade, Kthel Philliber, 100.
Premium for highest ckiss average, iu
the Sixth crude II class awarded to
Muster August iliirkesteiu.
Premium for Christian doctrine,
Third course, awarded to Master Kddl
Premium (ur highest claa) average in
the First grude,A olass, awarded to Miss
Slary It Mnutclie.
Premium for Christiuu ibjctrine in
the Third eourveuwunled to Mlns Katie
Cost olio.
Protuium fur plain sewing, doiuttikl
by Mm-. Win. A. Daly, awarded to Miss
Vkdu Keed.
Premium for sidloutioa iu huiiiuii
slilp, Hcudemio dcMrtweMt uwanlcil t
Mbw MhWI Weils.
PraHimm for application in penmnn
shlp, SeveJith grade, it clus. awanlnl to
Mb llemde Johns.
PrainlHin for upidhMtiou iu the Fifth
grade, II class, nwunleil to Mtwter Prank
Premium for gtwral ala-efvuiirt U
of rnktt, uwrdoil U Mb ritual Pkilll-Iter.
Being Transacted
at the CoJr
ancy W. Miller, plaintiff, vs. George
If. Jones, Mary S. Jonos, hi wife, Mary
Genella Parker, G. J. Parker, Ada
Strong and H. II. Finch, defendants, is
the title of a foreclosure suit llleil iu De-
Mrtment No. 2. Action Is brought for
the collection of a f 1,600 note secured
hy a mortgage on twenty-five acres of
land lying between Commercial and
High streets, in South Salem, the mort
gage being given by Geo. II. Jones and
wife. The plaintiff aks for judgment,
for principle, and interest and amounts
ldd for taxes, and attorney's fees. II. J.
Digger is attornoy for the plaintiff.
John Scollard and wife to James K.
Smith, land In section 2, 1 4 r 2 w, f SO.
A. F. and John Wells to It. S. Cop-
jwck, lot No. 4, Suiinysido Fruit Farm
No. 7, j. c. d., 5.
John M. Douglas and wife to Mordo
en I White, block .'J4 and lots II, 4, o, 0, 7,
8, i) and 10, blk !J0, Scotia Mills; ulso lot
2 in Oregon Friends colony ; ulso w of
lot 21, Sunnyside Fruit Farm No. 8,
18, 12,',.
F.lizulwth S. Zinn to W. W. Curtis,
trustee, s of h e J , the 11 w of s e
ttf and the s w i of n c J, sec 17, 1 10
sro.east, o00.
Win. Magley to W. W. Curtis,
trustee, the w M of wc 1), t 10, s r B
east, tm.
Pliillip A. Correll and wife to W. W.
Curtis, trustee, the no of 11 e J-j of
sec HI and tho w of n w fcf and the
n w If of s w M of see IB, t 10 s r 5 east,
I'nited Statin to Klixabetb S. Zinn,
the s of Kitlf and tlxes w If of n e
Si, see 17, t 10s r B oust, h omestwad.
P0KTL.1.VI) Juno 21. Wheal
BO; Walla Wallu, B8c.
Flour Portland, f2.!K); SiitKirfine
2.16 kt hhl.
Gsts White lfig4oV.
Hay Timotbv 8etllKtr ton.
Ilos 12lftc; old crop 0c.
Wisil VnTlov. 12Q1.V: Kitstern Or
egon, 8le. Mohair, 27 30.
Millstuff Ilran, $17; shorts, $18,
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 4.004 60
turkeys,, live, i:il.'tc.
Kis Oregon, Kllji to 17?4 per do.
Hides Green, Miltei WIls, 8(j()c. under
00 11m, 7t,0J8S, ; sheep pelts, lB20e.
Onions 76elK) inir Hick.
Mutter Mest dairy, 36627Jgc; foncv
creamerv, 40c per roll.
PotiitiKMu-f 1.7B to f2.96 for old ft jtt.OO
to f 2.3B for new .
Hogs Heavy dresl 6 (go
Mutton Weathers 4Uc; drisMsl, Sltit
Meef Steers tl.OO0fl.BO; cows, flt.00
1.00 dros-od, 737Jt.
Voul dressed, 08c.
Wheat 18.
Wool 10c, Mohair 30c.
Oats U8i!0c.
liny Haled, cheat, $7.00
Hggs, 14
Flour In wholesale lots $2.00 retail
MlUstuff bran $10.00
Hogs d res not I, 6)$e.
Live cattle VIvS.Tc.
Sbeui f2.BO0$ft.
Dressel Vwd Oc.
Mutter Dairy 10c creamerv SOo.
Poultry Spring chickens l2Je.
Hens 8 toll cents.
Oor Goods are flwau Up!
TU6 Prices m Down to zero!
60060 at
TLhis is
We have commenced this morning to make great reduc
tions on all lines of goods. We make special mention of oui
iWen's suits such as other stores are advertising as bar
gains at 6.50 and $7. We say take them now for $5. Re
member 35 buys a good suit of clothes well worth 7.50 at
Friedman's New Racket.
We have better, such as will cost you $9 elsewhere, we
say 57. All 512.50 suits go now for 59. Be sure and call in
and see our clothing for Boys and Aten.
Crash hats from 23c up. Overshirts from 20c up. Un
derwear, sbeks and suspenders at extremely low prices.
Great assortment of sweaters, gloves, trunks, telescopes,
etc., at
mabe b
Cor Commercial and State streets, Salem, Ore,
n E EDS' or i:ka no is E
S Welnsheuk, W Palk-.k. J O Thomas.
J M Wnmnoth, Mr and Mrs W 0 Msr
rett, San FmuclK'o; K It Steele, Port
land; C II Iloldman, Cincinnati! O.; F
LStiusou, Poitlund, Kduard II Mradlv,
Now Yerk: Henry Uing, Portland.
T. M. Minanl. Max Colin. J. l.
Croikditon. Pertland: Aul-iibI Auer.Jnlni
Auor, Mutler; S. M. liliy.'PlnttslHirg,
Mo.: F. II. Welly, Gideon Autastburger.
Mluftton, O.
Mlending tea it improves Just the
same a blending coffee for good flavor.
And we blend n tea call Ynmiishiro
Mleml. We take the special kimls for
blending and it will not get black when
it stand'. Tho tea has a flue flavor,
therefore it drinks well when hot or
for an
If? Tea.
Trv a Jt tt and w e know you w ill And it
Tolopbono Hud 201) J.
Free Delivery.
Jacob Yogt,
Just received u full stock of Lad let'
and Gents Spring and
Will pell for the next GO days at the
low oit prices ever knowa in Salem.
Will be pleased to show patrons uur
stock and guanntce satlsfuutlon on
every purchase. Prices the lowest.
California Junk Shop t
IltKliest price iaM for old motal, bottlfa.
ro. moLs riir tildes, Copper and
Iron. (allbeloreyouaelL 6-Siul
S. BOGOWM, 151 Court St
POPCiait PMICF.S. 2iV. Tl IT J 1 ,!-.
SWAUTZ At the home in Statth SHleiii
June 10, iswt, to Mr. ami Mrs. iii,
Sw urtz, a sou
The Key to Health
Beecham's Pills
A Gentle CaUmrtic
Beecham's Pills
For Sick Headache, etc.
Beecham's Pills
Annual Sale, 6.000,000 boxes.
10 cents and 25 cents Druggists.
Icfcr ; I 1 I
t41 T.
Decorations for the Table,
in handsome dinner ware, tea sets, chop
diahes, ice cream sets, vegetable dishes,
n all the newest designs ami pretty dec-
rations, is contained in our soiMirh
ttivk of 1 hiua, glaswaro, crockerv. We
an' offering many bunating iu talde ware
of all kinds, ami your table can I nik at
tra tive at a small outlay.
124 Suta t Telephono 51
The fines chain wheel ever turned out of a factory,
Hartfords, strictly high grade, S35,
Videttes, fully guaranteed, 525 and S26,
To cere I.a Unnpc, keep warm, etpccUB) 1
(be feet, sad lake Dr. Milct Ntrvmc. I
, 1 &
Carpenter's Tools.
Blacksmith's Tools,
Fine Tools
For Every
Trade at
Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore.
Another Towel Snap
We raised such a (in with iair other
towels, ami pleased so iimiha folks tlwt
we MMcceded in getting another down
lot UhiI we will pat oat Fmlay Hiormut;
t 10 o'clock t
5c Each
Aii lKx&i cheeked imkMi liaea towel,
only 4 to a customer, awl you can't buy
one till 10 o'clock Frtlay Hwrnlng. lte
mumtHtr tlw otlutr 10 iliwen only ia.ttsl
'JO minutes the last ae. There are the
Wutcb our North Window Wwliwlav
ami TliMrwlay.
Jelly ntmbUwv
Ptxtel Uirry bowls
Largo datuWry liowW
UalnU' jars
Doauty idn
Iw ribli
Ir. Mdt
Don't Swear
If you're owe of the faithful onee who
has waitel patiently or impatiently
fur a Tribune. Just nsul the following
local mde from lb -.Cycle A goof June it
With Too Many Orders.
VWkWT MfMttt kiBXM lialllMMU)r HU IfcM
Miferl W.lb.miuititr)lwH4 unomc
Hi -i(U i aord tkM twu Ww a
uhuiwII) il mwiii tu umiIv at) tat!
lk lit ' u. tf Kms IV. tiimw ik xn-
iKjHf-iurn inviiiaiiu nnua k HWimjir WrSB
tu (iur ail nixht la rJW tu Mulr lh mt.
H.ul dowona tut lh TIU.u IjWA. Ukk ,mi
Tbt it u alnuwi UHtrretlatAt ruatliilM) Ut
4k it
lb IllUIUIU uf Jun unl lha uuii.i.1 .ki. ..
will twiirmUrilnsn;wo nil jgenu whu bar
uiLtftl In utAktui ikrtr awekluM ow uTtl
lurmtiiwt lln oa ika iu,Im ....i.i.T
adnlsMtaMUt l,Wr iL TliUck iZ
JAOJT h b uuaht t kt akw Ifc,
IVUotuaHlsn. tiUUtIfuUjr Urt TLw C
.IL " 1. ".' "-'
K t'
Have you noticed
The bids for Street Lighting?
45 Arc Lamps, all night. S281.25 per month.
200 Gas Lamps, all night, S666.66 per month.
land for
Aiftdeuiy as ititmlnwt itiian aal in iJh w bbwk
IU !diilwjt Hl
out Mere trtliie
ttghitng for ourcwmtry.
l1t(e ami tbOr
tho batileJaU
lit ebiueut,
W. yarn I i'rllt la us4lu. Uwm
W. Mp5lr traattfw tMdo.
0 Hl whdttHhAl m
Hl H tt .
fkstaat a):
uur Wi iu u a
o rcTLan until midnight, S225,00 per month,
200 Gas Lamps, until midnight, $458,33 per month.
proposition from Gas Comoanvi
100 Lamps until midnight, except moonlight nights
v.uu per monuis
proposition from Electric Companyi
35 Arc Lamps until midnight, every night,
ou o.uu per month
Is any Comment Necessary?