Jvawr ATH - lifttn iiatitir 'AHI'AItr.Tani1n mild ami cnii-iifo uxniiTe turr art tlniplr won derful Alt Ujuxiiiur untl I ncre Intlicrwl wlW tlckttoraai.il ami our tmutu t-.a-iTcry tut) Allcr laklnrftttuwil. es t.f laMniiciHwa l-'iTotniprcrci notnlctfuur The on n jurat iirlp In llio Jnrolljr Wlkllkl VINA J u.r.i 1137Hltunliui si St lliicimatl Ohio I'lratant I'Atatfld !' " Ta '0 Pood, IK UumI. NcrerMifcPii ii-ii (. r lUi .'.. ttt ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... lirll.r ltfl' Ut. l IMni-. I.Mrrll. , loil.-lll ko-to-bac ; ".H1:. mi iiarantriMl I-t alldrus ' IW ToiitO-O Habit O. C. T. Go's I'ASSENQHU STKAaiKH pOJV10NA altonA LKAVE8 FOIt POItTLAND Dally oxcciit Snndnv at 8 n. m QUICK TlMB AND CilKAP KATES. Docklbutwonn Btato anil Conrt Bts. M. P. IIALDW1N, Anont. S, C, STONE, M. D, Proprietor of Stone's Drug Stores HALKM.-ORKCION. Tlientorot (two In number) ure located a No. 2JS mill nss Commcrulal street, anil arc well Mocked with a complete lino ofitrugs ami medicines, toilet article, perfumery, linulic elo., etc., etc. 1)11. HTONK llulial some 25 years experience In the prac tleonf nieillrliieaiul now makes no clihrgt-' for constipation, examination orprescrliitlnii, EmmrnnnnniTnnTTnnnnnniTnTTnnna PERSONALAND LOCAL 1 t For niUllllonat Local News sou I'onrth I'bko.3 Diiiiiiuiuiiiuuuuuuuuiiuuiiuuuiiua C. A. liny left for Moscow, Iilnho this morning. K. E. Chiirnmii, nf Eugene, bus bui-n roniiuissinucd it notary. Hcrnhard Wosthoff was brought to tlio Asylum from l'ortltuul lust evening. auhs iviitu .Minor returned hint eve ning from mi extended vlnit in Cotton Wash. John T. Elliott, who litis boon work ing for X. M. Lcrruod for several months, loft for Seattle this moaning. TheMisios Luur.i nml Samh Shaw, drove over to Monmouth today to at tt'iul commencement exercises at the Monmouth Xormnl school. Deafness Cannot Be Cured local niinlicatious. in thov cannot by reacn tno diseased ortlon 01 tno ear. There it) only uno way to cure deafness, and that Ih by constitutional remedies. Deafness is can mil by an inllaineil condi tion of the mucous lining of the Eustaeh inn Tube. When this tube gets in . I.' '.. v.. llaineil you have a rumbling Hound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely clo.sed deafness is the result, and unless the iiillauiatiou can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, bearing will Iks destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ton are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in llameil condition of the mucous surfacos. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars f jr any case of Deasness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free. F. J. Chdn'KY it Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the lwst. The Sam Shaw Company. The bill for tonight will bo Mr Xoblos' Story of the dark side of life, in Xew York, entitled, "Love and Law." The play may bo J'lasioil as a sansational comedy drama, with a strong plot but the voin of comedy predominating, Mr, Shaw will le seen in the character of a young Irish lawyer. No-'l'o-liuv top Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tohncuo linutl mire, malic weal aienslrunv, blood pure Mo. II. All dru.wtsta Liver Complaints cured by IUmcn am'b Pills. The Fact Remains. Write what you will, talk what you will, the fact still remains. Its the old story but neverthelosa truo. The Xorth urn l'aoltlo R. R. is still the peoples' ixp ulnr road. The cheapest, the quickest, the lwst. The Yellowstono Park lino runs two trains daily. eod 7-1 Thomas, Watt it Co., Agt. What you want is a cure. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo cuies piles, and they stay cured. Soothes and nuluKly heals sores, scalds, hums, and skin ill euses. Stone Druir Stores, Qood Pasture. Parties wanting good pasture can got same at the State Fair Urotinds by ap plying C. D. Uahriolson, secretary. il-O-t. Late Trains. A large bridge lieing burned at Glen dale lias caustsl the California train U Ihj late for south I days in arriving at Salem, owing to the fact that all jMen gurs miint 1 tra;iferrwl via wagon. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflciallydlgestatbefoodandalda Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted dluestlva or- ant ana tonic No other preparation ' can approach it In eSolency. It in-1 Btantfy relieTW and iermanently cures Drapepsla, Indigestion, Heartburn, ' Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Slckneadache,Gastralgla.Crarap9,and D & I E K IV 'jftwra CANDY M VlLy CATHARTIC Pfe-V TKAU8 MAKH ""'"""L-rjS iwffliaw' ?f pord by C C DcUmtaCo.,CbiM40. hi .n mmuumotmaiai& LIGHTIM PROPOSITIONS Submitted to the City by Two Corpor ations Having Franchises. The Arc Lights as the City Now Cannot Be Had Cheaper. Has Them Much Two lighting companies hnvo sub mittcd to tho Salem city council propo sitions for lighting the streets of Salem, and tho said bids wero opened and read at the meeting of the city council on Tuesday evening. Tliey aro as follews: 8ALKM I.tOlIT it TRACTION CO. The following bids, two in munlier, were submitted by the above named cempany: "To Mr. George Griswold, Mr. S. A. Riggs, Mr. Fred Legg, sjiecial commit tee of the common council of the city oi caioin, uregon, ami to the honor able The Mayor and the Common Council of said city Gentlemen : The Salem Light it Traction Company docs hereby submit for your considera tion the different proiwsals for the light ing of the streets of the citv of Salem, as set forth in tho attached bchedulo de nominated schedule 'A,' which said schedule is hereby niado a part of this proposal. In making the proposal for the use of 1200 candle-power lamps tlio company reserves the right, should the contract be awarded to it, on that basis, to till and carry out said contract witl the 2000 candle-power lamps heretofore used, until such time as it shall bo con venient for the company to change the lamps: If 1200 candle-power lamps were to be used, a new, and as a matter of fact, the latest, lamp would bo purchased for this purpose, and it has been found extremely dllllcult to obtain these lamps in any quantities, within a reasonable time, hence the foregoing reservation. We enclose you certified check in sum of $1000. There has never been built any 1500 candle-power arc lamps and as the machinery would have to be made spec ial for these, the prico would bo suel that the cost to the city would be higher than for 2000 candle-jowor, therefore we do not bid on 1500 candle-power arc lamps." Schedule A, mentioned in the forego ing, Is in substance as follews: AltU MllttTINO. Forty-flvo lamps fi years 2000 C. P. arc lamps (open) $8 per mouth per lamp, all night and every night; same for all night less moonlight nights; $0.50 per month per lamp, midnight and every night; same for midnight less moon light nights. 1200 O. P., enclosed ji.L',), fti.',, fo, fb.m lamps o years 2000 C. P. arc lamps, open. $3. $8. $0.50. t.C0;1200C. P. arc lamps, enclosed, tH.25, ttl.25, fi, 5. 45 lanids 3 years L0(K) C. P. arc lamps, open, 18.50, f8.50, 7, f 7 ; 1200 C. P, arc lamps, enclosed, (I.G0, t(U0, $5,150, .r.50. !15 lamp- II years 2000 C.V. arc lamps, open, $8.50 f 8.50, $7, $7 ; 1200 C. P. are lamps, en closed, $(1.50; $11.50, $5.50, $5.60. "The Honorable Mayor and the Com mon Council of Salem, Oregon Gen tlemen: The Salem Light it Traction Company oegs losiiDinit nerowltli lor your con sideration a proposal for tbo lighting of the streets of the city of Salem, by means either of 32 candle-power incan descent lamps or 50 cnixllc-ixiwur Wols back gas burners. Tlio projosal sub mitted herewith is in every way in ac cordance with tlio requirements of your advertisement, excepting only that this proposal contemplates that tlio city will furnish at its own expense the iiosts and lamps ready to conimouco lighting nnd that after tlio city lias onco furnished and placed in position the posts and lamps, this company will maintain them at the prices indicated por month. This company further agrees that it will furnish to the city the necessary posts and (Ixtiirtw for either class of lighting at a prico of $ 12 per post complete. To arrive at tlio actual cost to light tho city under this bid 20c per month should be added to tho cost which the company tihks for maintaining each light, to pay for tho property. The city having jHiid $12 pur lamp for the equipment, this sum distributed over a period of live years, sixty months, would average 20c per month. This proposition, however, would loavo tho city in (lOfSkSHion of tho nocoufeury lamps so that, after tho live years wero up, the only cost would Imj the amount paid to sonuono to main tain the lights." The alMive-inontionisl proj-ul is given, in substance, as follews: IMCAXDBSOKXT I.IOII HMl. Two hundred lamps 5 years 22 c. p. lamps, either on woodun tmis or strung from wires; $1.12 per month pur lamp, all night and every night; $1.12 all night, lew moonlight nights; SO cunt per month, per lamp, midnight and every night; 80 cent, midnight, 1mm moonlight night. The same prices wore proposed for 100 lainjis for 5 years, for $00 lamps for !S yearn, and 109 lamiw for 3 years. WKIJIHACII HAS Hl'K.N'HRS. Two lamps o yar 60 c. i. Wtl Intel) burner (Hi wooden posts; $1.7fi r month ier lamp, all night and ovory iiigbt; $1.76 ir month, all night, low moonlight nights; $1.26, midnight and every night ; $1.96, midnight lew moon light nights. The same pricw are of fored fur 100 lamiM, 5 yoare ; 200 Ihihim, :i years ; 100 lami, 8 years. THE W-pUWtl-ll bTHBBT MHIITfWI WM PANV OK AM8HICA. -To the UmioraWe Mayor and OoinuicM I Council of the dty of KaleBi. OregM tientlenien:" I We, the Weiebaek Street UgMiits CoiniMny of Auierk. Urby intojh U . , . , j i,. u.i.u-i. "tea Ut"w- " Iwrtwim. w Im I. y Iwruaftar to hhwUowkI, al otir v expenso, furnWi all MNtUmal w' iltin -.i tai-w to Vam Urn " ,,n& , afMl ,. ,i!n-A Ihium iuch number of nig"- awlforl Ml'M SST', rev fit-tl .( SfMi mo. j VKa Ymir- - yTtf5r'?ifJ An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Svnui ok Flos, manufactured by the Uaukoiinia Fio Sviiup Co., Illustrate Jio value of obtaining' tho liquid laxa tlvc principles of plants lniowu to be medicinally laxative and presenting mom in mo iorm most roiresning to toe taste and acceptable to the avstcm. It Is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleaniimr the svstem ctTectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and entibliiifr one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and Its noting on tlio lcldnevs, liver and bowels, without weakening or lrriumng- iiiotn, mnuc it llio ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing flgs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of tho reined are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the CALironxiA Fio Svni'" Co. only. In order to get Its bencilcial effects nnd to avoid Imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. HAN FIIANCI3CO, CAL. LOUIBVILLB, ICY. HEW YOnK. II. Y. Por sale by all Druggists. Price 50c. per bottle such number of hours jht night, in ac cordance with the following nptviflea tions for the term of five years: "l.ANTHItXS, POSTS ANII ATTCIIMKNTN. Wo propose to furnish, erected at our expense, our first-class lanterns', and iron posts, and keep tho samo in repair, in which we will place our improved and patented attachment!) for the Welsbach system of street lighting. All iiosts, lanterns and equipments furnished by us shall be and remain our property. "(.AMI'S, Tlio lightB to be lighted shall be our improved Welsbach gas and naptha, and not less than 100 hi uumlier and as many more as may bo required and ordered from time to tiino by the proper authority. All such.udditionul lamps to be furnished by us on the same terms and at the same rate of compensation as mentioned herein. It is understood that gas lamps will be used where tho gas mains run, tlio remainder to be naptha lamps. "l.IOIITI.NH AND COMIMlNNVTIOV. Wo will light above lamps on the fol lowing schedules and for the following prices. F.vory night and all night, fil.M 1-.1 er lamp or month ; every night to midnight, $2.20 1-tt per lamp per month; all night, less moonlight nights $2. II 2-:i per lamp por mouth; midnight, less moolight nights, $2.02 per month, "Wo guarantee all lamps referred to in this proposition to give a light ol sixty candle power or more. This prop osition is Intended to conform in every way to your advertlr-eniont for street lighting by "Welsbach humors." (The bid of tho "Welsbach Street Lighting Company; Is generally under stood to bo that of the Saloin Gas com pany. The former company controls the patent right to the famous burner, and this nccouutu for the proiosn) being submitted in their name.) "To Err Is Human.' People like to talk about attractlvo things In advertising. In it company recently tho proven; above, quoted, which tmncared at the bend of utie ot n well constructed scries of advertise ments or Hood's Sursiiparllla. was so much discussed that we doubt If unv one there will ever forgot tho source whence it came. Messrs. Hood's & Co. are using proverb advertisements on a very bro'id cale, nnd they are attracting discussion and favorable comment everywhere. 2 Holidays. Wherover you gotospond your holi lays you will enjoy your oigar, llefore you start stinik up with "Corona's." lleHulv la lllootl Deep. Cloun blood nioaiis a clean akin. No beauty without it. Caseoreta, Candy Cathar tic cltsiti vour blood and keen tt clean. h stirring up the lazy liver and driving all ini- mrities from the body, llegui to-day to iuiiUIi ininplen, loiU, blotihei, blai-kliefcdf, ami that sickly bilious complexion by taking Casearets, beauty fur ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, JOc, 25c, 60c. Cooper bhop. SI. STKWAUT, the South Salem coop or.is propartsl with tho ltust quality of stook to nmko c'M)drogu of all kinds, from a well bucket to a 10,000 gallon tank. Pricuti to milt the times. Shop In South Sulem. H 10 lm Toouro pll(s, DeWltt's WlUib Haye- SlllVO STItlKHB AT THH HOOT It re- iuovod the oausk, qulukly and jer manently. Stone Druy Storos. Saltm Nimiods. Kit. X. Kdo ami Henry W. Meyers returHl lust ovening trmn a three days trip to Mowlow I,ake, Yamliill CiHinty. Tlwy rort Ann llshing. J. I). Suther land aiwl Win. Skiff reiMirt a fine time aiHllotsof triiut in the ('uK-ale iiHHin tains, catching hundrxN. Hood's Cure kk liemiailx- l-a.1 Uitu Id the iiKMitli. wulfl tnKU ga lit tho sUiHUt-Ii aUlr ui4 lwUK4tUHi Is, Pills tuA ukHl. but b4 lmi erMl ri l( Tlis ouli lllli la Uk with llboat KatuiairilU SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS' lJ Grower mad eaJi GSxnr. .. ik. ! ti aoinluu tbt will rul.1, lb bir WiMatuuisikt&llkrroaditMS. AulUmiUH Prize Winner. President W. V. Huwloy. of Wlllnm- ette University, last evening announced tbe winner of the Aivin F. Waller pri-o of $20, offered yearly by President ihomag JL Galch of the state agricul tural colleife. for the best miner im. sonted In an examination upon tho con stitution of the United States. The pri-e was secured by Win. A. .Manning, of this citv. Kilurnte Tour Iloirtfls Willi Cuiciirets. Cnrnly Cntlmrtle, euro constipation forcvet. IPo.JSc. ll C.C.O. fall, UniBphis refund money, The "Golden Legend. Salem musical talent Tuesday night produced tho "Golden Legend" at Dal las. About 100 streni: went over. Tluiv report a good time and a line presenta tion well attended. The partv reached homo this morning at 1 o'clock. To-Nlght and To-Morrow Night, puveach day ana night during tills week you can get at any druggist's Kemp s tiiusiitu ror tlio Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to bo tho most successful remedy ever sola for Coughs. Croup. IJronchltls, Asthma and Consumption. Get n bottle to. day and keep it always In tbo bouse, 8-j you can check your cold at onco. Price 25c and 60c. Sample bottlo free cod&w o jOl. (s r o act ac -a. . Jean the j Il Kind You Hag Altars BouM SIgnatare IK . Z$5fcZ of uzf?y -eucAMt When You Ride Your Wheel. Always shake Into your shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for tbo feet. It keeps your feet cool, prevents sweat ing feet, and makes your endurance ten-fold greater, Oyer ono million wheel pcoploare using Allen's Foot Ease. They all praise It. It gives rest and comfort to smarting, hot, swoolnn, aching feet, mid Is a certain cure for Ingrowing mills. At all drug gists and shoo stores, 25u, Sample FUEE by mall. Address, Allen S. Olnistcri, Lc Roy, N. Y. 3 What Is Kodol Dyspepsia Uuror" It Is the newly discovered remedy, the most efTcctlvo preparation for aiding the and assimilation of food, and re storing organs to n natural condition Stone Drugstores. If You Want an Up-to-Date Man to take charge of aq, intelligence olllce, or an ordinary man to do ordinary work, or a hoarder, or a place to board, or a chanco to learn a trade, or almost any thing that anybody wants, you'll (bid him or it by telling your want to the tK'oplo of Salem through the Joimixai. want columns. Tho best medicine money can bm u.v for Impure blood, nervousness, and all Kiomacli and Kidney tnuiulcsis llouirs Sarsapurllla. Tliore Ik a tluin for nil things. Miuo to uko DeWltt's Llttlo The Early Risers Is when you aro sulTcrlng from const Ipatloti, or ether troubles. They never gripe. Stono Drug Stores. The Modern Beauty Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exorcise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with Hh beauty. If her system needs tho cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleas ant Syrup of Figs, made by the Colif orniii Fig Syrup Co. only. a J. JS 3? O a.. X j!k. . Bui th j 1 U Kind You llarc Alisays Bought Blgaatura Si , SKM-- of y-uzfyy J4CA4U Piano Uoxes. Having sold four dozen pianos in hist three months. I am entirely overstocked with piano boxes and in onlcr to clean thorn out will sell this lot at 1.50 each n good time for feed Ihixos at Geo. C. Will, tho Music and Sewing machine dealer. a jl. j a .i-4. x j. . fln tk s lha Kind Yw IIj Alvtrajrs Bdh' Excursion Rates. Tiokot A uent Skinner, of the S. I Ageni DKiuuer, oi Co., announces special excursion tickets on sine as ioiiows; Round trip to tho I is Angelus Xa tioual Kductioiial Association con veil tiou, with iiioinlMTship coupon atone fare $ 10. Yaquiua I lav excursion tickets good to October 10 for the round triji f 1.50. There will be a Saturdav night ticket, good to return on Monday at a sill lower rate. Notice 'of Special City Election. Notice Is hereby given, that pursu ant to section 2,'l of the charter of the city of Salem, Or,, approved February 17, 1800, and to a resolution adopted by the common council of tald city, on June 0,1800, there will bo u special election held In the city of Kalem, Or , on Monday, June 2(1, 181M, at which time the pell will lie open from 10 a. in. until 4 o'clock p. in for the purposu of voting, by the taxpayers puylngjtaxesjuponlproperty Insult! city, FOR or AGAINST the Issuance or HONDS, payable on or before 10 ypari and at a rate of Interest not more than percent, IHLST WARD: -The polling place shall beat No, a Engine lloust), at the north end of Liberty street. SECOND WARD:- The polling place shall be at Haey's Llvory Sta ble on Court street, between Liberty and High streets. THIRD WARD:-The polling place shall be at J, L. Freelimd's store on State street, near High street. FOURTH WARD: -Tlio polling place shall be at Ullrey's Livery Sta ble, corner of Trade and Commercial street!. WITNESS my hand, this 8th day nf June, 1809, at the City of Salem, Oregon. N J. Juimh, i ld City lUeorder, JERSEY BULL. Full blood Jersey, srvkw for mmmih only $1, upoteash. Coriwr of TliirUmiihl and Center streets. 6 6tf lluowx t Son. V.J. SULLIVAN I'KAOTICAL TAIU)lt A nlwi line of goods and sample band. Suits 116 up. I'doU on I'- p, a iiorect lit guaranteed, at 4 20 tr 110 KTATK 8TKI.K1 Premium on Warrants. Ar iMrtlM kaMKI MsrlM) m rlk euai uarmiiU u dlM or. will an cll h ll a ik Va f Kirse llrMFiusn, 0onMs4l rtiw wltb 1UU & rUrkar. 1 W aUtw MMaittas oi all sflti Hpr)r t4f4 wr raou. Musr oiuatt at t antj 7 wr ( law .-( mi lmwHrd kumi. N'yjttlttiit. . Uillirlin r.lliB,1(. BIIUMAH VVklu ion.. r liu-k. AS ( iMMHMKCM 1 1 tiri K9MsMHMHnNMMMBMMMBWREHEKKBHi for infants nnd Children. Cnstorla Is n, harmless substitute, for Cnstor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Hymns. It is PlonsivnU It contains neither Opium, JMoi-plilno nor other Narcotic Hiihstnuee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Fovorlshness. It cures DiarrlKua nnd Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth ing Troubles nnd cures Constipation. It ventilates tho Stomach and Unwcls, giving: healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Eind You Have Always Bought Boars tho T. In Use For Over 30 Years. 3 JP S. BURROUGHS Sanitary Appliancos of II in ESTIMATES FURNISHED. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. 10.1 STATE STREET THEY ALL WANTED IT!! You see tlicy thouslit Hie Wcyeta In Hie wliutow, was Hie only one we liail, Tli're were plenty more Innlde however, anil wo sold 'em oue each, We cau lit vou out also WITH A RflWFORD, LEIELAND, RESCENT. MANHOOD RESTORED ciiaraotretl tocuteall iierrousdlwakcs, sui Jlrala l'ower. JlcaiUche. Wskrlulum. 1ji 03fy UU. Tf Zl I ttrs C( r ? loin, NcrTOunr..i.U ilrsluc, lonof pjwer In Urnerau Orjsi either sei, cauwJ liy OTtr-eicttion, Toiitliliil rrrurs, cxrel (uliicco, opium or stliniilaiils, which lead to Icnrialty.Coi' ill - $T V$ iusaiilv. Canbccarricdlnvrstpotket. i.oojitrboi, l l,livtnsll preiM. Circular rrec. Sold lijr alt tUuyzUl. Ask fur II, UVouo other. Manufactured hy 11 I'au Mr.llc iielli.. Viris Vr.nm. i .....n..L i-'nixOt, dlilrlb'itliiSKeMH. VOTl SALE 11 V D. .1. VllY THE OLD POSTOFFICE STABLES. tsQhssPslipyjgC Special rates given to Commorclairmen. PrlVM maito Ui all xiuU at all hours. Hive us a nail ami l.o mU.lliwI. I'houe M. "At the Sign of the White Horse' For thirty years I have supplied tho trade with "All Home Made" liurnoKM of tbo Het California Leather. Everything Hint goes out of my shop Is warranted lo give satisfaction and I am bettor equipped to supply the demand than oyer before. My stock Is not equalled Iletween Portland arid 'Frisco. Manufacturer and Importer of Harries, Saddlo, Roues, Whips and Horse ULthlng. E. S. Lamport, 289 Commcrcial"strect, Harritt & Lawrence Is the jilauj to get Green Peas New 13, Steamed Ham stW"itaiHiil iluiu is something delicious just the llilng' HARRITT & LAO)RBNCE OI.U I'OSTOKI'ICT. UKOUKICY, J.H i i Htate f'ertillcate KxjieiiHJs for your from f IS?0 to Jlr-0; or board, LV0 ty xir w(Mk. Tuition fnMjMr lenn of ten w tmks. PflH turpi begins Sept, 10. Summer Term, JuriM27-H(4j,i I. Kr entiib-gtie, addrw, 1 L. (UMI'IIKLL, I'res r W A.Wa!. Kw of Fuudly. 0 lllml Sirjnaturo of Fresh Things From our laundry In linen, percale or Madras shirts, white line collars and cuffffs, fancy vests, duck or crash suits or trousers, silk or wool look as well as when you llrst buy them, in color or finish. Wo do not fade the delicate colors of your negligee shirts or waists, and your cuffs ami collars will keep fresh longer from our perfect methods than by any other in Oregon. Salem Steam Laundry, COL J. OLMHTKAI). 1'ltOlMt. Phono 41. 2:t0 Liberty Street. U.M IMION1? 151 Best and largest line of Bicycles in (he Gity, Car load shipments Direct from Factory PRICES: $25 to $75, Wo have,.,, Best Bicycles R, M, WADE CO. Third i U au I Yam hid a" " Hil o sal em:, omsaoN. 021'HIMY HT HALItM, OIL J. FIDLER, proprietor. J. Horses Hoarded by the Day, Week or Month. Standing Teams, Ifio. Single Horse 10c. otatoes Kim State Normal School MONMOUTH, OH. Training Hebofil for Teachers. Now llulldliigif. N(w IXiimrtmnnts. I'Hgrudwl Country Shod WerL. Graduates Secure Good Positions. Ktnmu OoHrMM. Wt!l IiiiilpHd rndiifng IXturtinuiit. Normal L'ourtu nuUjkiMt and Imt May to UIJSINESS OARDS. O. JHL. niACK dentist Succeuer to Dr. J. M. Keene, old Whlti Corner, Sabm, Or. l'artiei dettrihg fuperiot operations at moderate feet In any branch an tn especiAl request. ALBERT A. JESSUP. Phono 1071, ItOOMS 1 AND It, OltAY 1ILK, Salem Soda Works R. H. Westacott, Prop. All kliula!or sori drinks and liar j-riips a sittclatt). Vlrst c1m dolltcnr, CI FflRRY BTIIDBT, Phono 2G05 a lltf SOULE lUtOS. PIANO TUNERS AND REPAIRERS rOUTLAND, OUR Tor Hulcin Hint ylclnlty leave nnlera at Geo C. Will's MiuloBtore. OFK1CK, CITY HALL ,For water service apply at office; llil'i payable monthly In advance. Make complaints at the ofn- CAVITAL 'C1T" Express and Transfer M(ets all mall and passenger trains. Hag. (a;e and express to all parts of tho ell) 1'iompt seivice. Telephone No. 70. WHITIC & D1SOUE. O. H. LANB Merchant Tailor 07 STATE 8T11KKT. OTButUs 13 and upwards, Panto S3 and upwnrd BICYCLE REPAIRING. Illcycles repaired and sundries sup plied. Now shop ready to repair or uulld you 11 wheel Satisfaction guaranteed. Your pat ronugu solicited. UDGAR & RORRRTS, a 18 tf 10: State street. ftssay Office AND IiAQORATORY. No, 71 Chemekcta si, I. H. T. TUTIULL Aisaycr NEW MARKET fSt.te street, near railroad, Freshest and best meats. My patrons say I keep the best ireats In town 2 2 Land HEED OATS, MILL FEED FLOUR, HAY. LIMB. OEMENT, LATH.. Plaster J, E GILMORE, M Stale and 119 ultrtst as 4 f ItllKAII IS TIIK HTAVr OV MIX .TIII1 IIUKT IS IIADU lltOlI t Salem Special 3flouv. 1 5 i I..I...M .I..... ...... ...iit'iiiidiii ......1.. f (liiarantciMl as reiireieutcd. y m .iioiiry ruiiiiiueii il ihh wuiiMiacmry. m Zt Obtain the bout from your home mill, f 9 Your tlrocem ill suplyynii. 6-ltf. CURE YOURSELF! I m, lll4J fur uuualural iliv liarifM, lnnuiiiilluii.. inilalii'lK r uli,i4lWu I btmuus nt.iulnmi... I'4lul. aliil in 1 tlriu- sxeisaisai! 0 sTM Mul1 bJr l'UHH.ala, ..r Mid in riant f;wr, lv (isfMi. uir(ll. lur II id, i,f a bulllta, t75. urvultr ! u rmuxS Call For Warrants, Notice Is hereby given that there are funds on band applicable to the payment or warrants or tno city or Suleui drawn on the general fund and cudcrHcd on or before Februujy 1,1807 Holders nf said warrants will please present them for payment at Ladd A HumIi's bank:, us Introit on Oioaatue will cease from dato of this notice. John Mom, City Treasurer. Salem, Ore , Juno 7. IStn). tt-7-20t. W. M. Oallughur, of Hryao, lu.. iivki "For fortv voars 1 have tried various (tough iiiediolnc, Ono Mill ute Couiili (Jure Is best of all." Itro lieves Instantly and cures, all throat and lung troubles. Stone 'Drug Store . To cute I. Ciipp. keep warm, erpetiallj tLa ftU and taka Dr. MU NmvIo. Salem Water Co., ZgfgSV ului'iii FWtm jb't-i ffSVW M I Mfttl S mfi.tt.w mb u BW. v jKm tofl MfTR.8TAt nniT i rf i ETTAANDERS-WtLMAH Z AssoclateTeaclier Western Conwiva tory, Kansas City, Mo., representing' the Interstate System, af Salew, Ore. Orcr First National Bank. Residence' 376 Church street. Studio houri-9 to1' 105, : GROCERIES: Painta. Oils Window Ohm vr-tl of Druahca of all kind in fii- .,- Arttats matcrlala, Ibae; ha4r; o-j. mont nnd shingles; and tha anet 1 quality oi pwu need. WANTED. New tcnlayaaveruwnt,kHr.UiBi or leas In thla column mtlyterM tlmwi for 23 ota, SO ote, a wtsk, 111 per month. All over tew Um t name rate. OOL. IJought by Tillson A I'ayne agentH, one door west of iDalrymplo'a- store. Call and see us before soiling. 0- 15-1 in WANTED. Two nty young hoys, each Of WllOIIl OWI1M. OF will, r,m nnnmu nnd use, a pony, for tho purpose 0 organising a junior cavalry troop, "ti parade with tho big procession on'Mh "Fourth of July.'' Committee wll and use, a pony, for tho purpose ;of to no if JllIV " nnitllnlltun n)ll assist in furnlshhig uniforms, Apply iuoiico 10 1110 cnairmnn, (. .1. Jmlah, at the city hall. IKJU8K HI iTTl?L5ftl".-Havlng secured the services of tho first class horse shoer, I am prepared to serve my bid - patrons and others. I have on hand n number of lino buggies both east ern and homo made, olso buck boards and several styles spring wagons, which are offered cheap" for casli. W. Fennel, Salem Wagon Victory. ft-ltl-tt LOST. On Sixteenth streot, botween Asylum and Nebraska Avenues in Englewood. A purso containing a lady's gold watch, somo inonoy and receipts. Finder plcnro leavo at Jour nal olllce or Now York Racket and re ceive liberal roword. tj 19 at WANTED. Mou to learn barber trade, fill) monthly guaranteed. Now flelii open. Have made arrangements to place graduate on through trains East and West. Last year wo placed COO barbers, $15 weekly. Eight weeks completes. Send for catalogue. Moler Uarlier College, Ban Francisco; Cal. U lO'i t FOR SALE. A Hue driving horse can recommend I1I111 as an all round fam ily borne, a good drivor gentle in every respect. For further par'ticti-' lars inquire of A. U.Seely Eighteenth street Iwtween Chemekcta anil asylum avenue. 0-20-lw TA WHERRY I'ICNIC At tho Hurts home 2 miles north of 8utem, Wed nesday evening, Juno L'l, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Everybody invited. Lunch and strawberries and cream. Indian band will play. Admission 2fc, for benefit of M. E church. 0M7-at LOST. A cameo set for ring represent lug Faust the inventor of printing Finder loavo at Journal odUe and be rewarded. FOUND A ladles crepo collar owner can have name by paying for this no tice. FOR HALE. At a sacrifice, nO room house, new barn, good well, 3 lots 000 Flue farms, fruit uud hop lands. A', F. McAtoe, 103 Htato street. 0 Otf FOR EXCIIAN(lE.-Do you want, a good paying business? (0,000 stock Simoral ileimrtuieut store. Goods rst-chiss. Want clear real cstatoWd oue-tlitnl cash. Address Wlieolcr's Department Htore, HAstlngs, Neb.' fl 0 Im FOR HALE-Clood dry wood, ilollveifed to any part of tho city. Price reason able. lAiave orders with Harritt & Ijtwrence or Farmers' Feed yard High, street. fi-SO-Sm , in I,,,,, 1 ROOMS, -Furnished or unfurnished, Mingle or in suites, dining room ad. Joining, homelike. Becond lloorQotUe block. Mottle llutchins, Prop. Room 12. 6-3-lni IIHJYuLe lATII-Tf "yuur bicycle needs repairs brink? It In, we .have the skill and stock to keep It Itvtirst class condition. We carry a full line nf sundries und make a special' Ity of euatuellug come sod secTus, wu satisfy our patrons. Oardnrfi& White, 288 Liberty street. Holmsn's block, next door to .steam laundry. Phono 2M5. l-ag-t IIOUBK CLEANERS IteiMiaber that the best nnd cheapest cftrpot miner Is tbo heavy felt paper soia at TllK Jouunal olUce. lXKtf I CL J Disgusted With Hk CM Muiy ing every man is when ho visits his ZZ friends's bouse and sees thfc iwieBl sanitary sml exposed plmbsf i5i new houses are nttod up wlWbynJ Your bathroom, kitchen and entire house will bo overhauled and neif' plumbing iltlwl throughout at t rittHonublo Hifure. OnrntuinMitX. ..11 I I... .15.111.1 K.r.rEr,ll UntU "M sw fj -" t ' i .nMa sail iiiiiiii iiv aaiiiini n as a esvu a jiiwj scientitie manner. BARRtJtPETZil 314 COMMKRCIAL STtJy Teieptuu pa. w I DBALBR IN , fc' h 1 T5L5:C -- - . ?i, S.af1