$q t? ; w IE DO, DO IT! It does nol matter how, or why, the GREAT SUC CESS of our SPECIAL SALE of MEN'S SUITS proving that our values and efforts are appreciated have decided us to inaugurate this W ) Surprise Sale in Children's Clothing 4 Until further notice our entire stock of Children's ' Clothing will be offered at SPECIAL PRICES. Absolutely no reserve all fresh, new and up-to-date Goods. New Duck Pants New Belts New Caps New Hats G. w. Johnson & Go.. 257 COMMERCIAL STREET. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY UOVBR DHOTHltHS WEDNESDAY, JUNK 21, 180!). Dully, One Tear 93.00, In Advance Oftily, Tour Months $1 00, Lf Advance. . Weekly, One Year 91.00, In Advnnoa EDITORIAL REVIEW. Tha htrgeit music box In the world is the Auto-EIoclro-l'olyphon which is to hi! nxhlhltod fit tho 1'nrls expedition In 1000. It ha boon fifteen yours In con ntruction ami plays (ivory kind tt( eon curt in mile. It has in Its Interior olhty thousand phvas of muiiiaal npxiratiiH. Altout twenty yean ngo an attempt was: made to hluud all thu laiiKiingus of tho world into one hinguig culled the Volnpuk or "world.sjKitfh." Thin how over has lK.ntn j (alhirn and while at first twonty-thnso poriodlouln ware pub. Ilshctl In that language, now thoro urn only a few studuuts of it. It contained n siiupln and regular grammar, and a vocabulary or j i,unu words, a third of thoso being takMi from thd.Knglhh, ono fourth fronj tho 1'ritnoh and tho romance, ono fifth from the Clermau, and tho rest from oilier living languages, The, Presbyterian general tiHsumbly jUHtcjpned at Minneapolis, appropriated tho sum of $21,000 for home mltt-don work In Oregon; this will gnsitly aid tho work all over this slate. Tho assembly gave no underlain sound concerning the questions of lomiemiieo, thu lynching of thu negro and the seat lug In congress of uMorumnor iwlygam 1st. Tho voice of this great and he flueutlul body will not he without a deep Impression. A vossei designed for wlntr naviga tion in the Ice ImmiimI seas and harlmrs of Northern Hussla, wuh oomploled Inst month in England. On tho llrst voyage to8t. Petersburg, It steamed for two liundrud miles through lee live feet thick, iiud the last fifty miles thu think nous was ten fut, and .yet tho rate of loed was about tilno miles per hour. Tho irodireaklug attauhmeut Is well uiiiler water; und coiulsts of an exten sion of thu keel far aheud of the out waiorand oarrylug at ltn oxlroinlty a powerful scmw pmpollur whloh revolves bulim' tho leo nreahw a water pressure similar to a Hood in a river, ami tho leo Isiroken up and towed about with a great cranii thus allowing th stuamur to push on with Utile duerease of hhkI. tITu roar whloh uuooiiiihiiiIum the hrwik iug of such lee is like an lee grt being itjjtn to plrnm by spring Hood. The wUfamer Is of eight thousiudtous Imrdi u ui?d six thousand horse ixnwr aivd its appearance ahuvc water in uiuiihtr Umiml euaampmeut of tho U. A. It. tie- RAW AS FROM t 'Ma Tartan dual t tha Nut At in III! LJBII IU till iMH hrnlRi of TWs FurfHl Dlsusi, as. burn. les4 . . . tlon of ft humor In the blood of terrible Xoiemft whloh It more than ikln-deep, and can not be reached by looal appli cation! of ointments, aaWet, eto , applied to the turtaoe. Tha dlteaia iUelf. the real cause of tho trouble, it in the blood, although all suffering it nroduood through the akin; the only way to reach the dlieate, therefore, it through the blood. . Mr. Phil T Jonet, of Mixersville, Ind , nritet t "I had Koiema thirty jears, and after a great deal of treatment my a waa to raw and tore that it gave me oiutaut fialn. It finally broke Into a running sore, and begen to prea4 and grow worse. For the aat five or ix yer I hare suffered untold agony and had given up 11 hope of ever being free from the dlieate, at 1 have Inmhr tretd by tomo of the btt phytlelant and have ttoken many blood uiedlclnei, all In vain. With little tlbMk left 1 began to take 8. 8. 8 , and It apparently immt tke Kotem vroree, but I knew that this waa the , e remedy got rid of the poison. Continuing v. f, ., tho sore healed up entirely, the tkin became 4iaWr im wuooth, and I was cured perfectly," Imiiih it an obstinate dlteate and mifiUm. Bwlffa Bpeciflo- . S. 8. FOR o other blood remedial beekut It our dlwuti whltk tktr o&a m witii, It iom to tho bottomto tha Mkt) WMi o4 Koiema, no matter what other trcatmwit hu fsvile4. It ii t$jtmmif WiA rt)milj guraitiMd to wsjMMar nwi avtwa riBTt'i lain k euro rfiiiriiL 'Ji'rrr. 'f-"rr. "Vr-r t' " -aak-aa f " .bJSk I .- awe, wmtt nusumammi vyt , f . m)liHf en tako it puee. ' ttpMfJ, m. Upafci j thua die will b atUied fre t9 ny ddra by f wift ff (M tfBif my, AH4. Georgia. wteiai'iiiiii1ai any largo steamer. It is liopcl this Invention will prove valuable in polar explorations. Hussfa Is contemplating the substitut ing of some other tonally in plaeo of tniuortntioii to Siberia. Thoy claim that the present method is a serious obstacle in Urn way of developing Sllwrin. "Tho resolution for tho universal day has Imjoii favorably received by the lead ing nations, so Hint If the United Htates will give Its sanation that the nautical almanacs will bo made up to begin (ho now century, January 1, 1IH)I, with thu uiiivorsal day. If this plan is carried out Ills likely that the time of Green rieh will Im) taken us the standard, In that ease noon would eomo at 8 o'ohxtk In Oregon and Washington, and mid night would Iks at !A) o'oloek. It Is said that this ehaligo would he of thu greatest huneflt lo tho shipping In terests, which has to ho constantly reckoning longitude and must have ex act time as a prime factor. lty Mils change tho hours would he uuinhorcd from 0 to 'JI, Instead of thu proMent, dividing tho day into two parts of twelve hours minli. Also every place would liuvo I- o'clock or Ifi o'clock nt the same time. CURRENT EVENTS. Tho Amerleau'lIuHtitutu of Hoitiu pathy continued Its annual convention at Atlantic City with a largely Increased atleudaiiee of delegates, In the various sectional conferuuees papers on tech nical subjects were presented by the follewing: K. V. llcelm, Milwaukee; J. II. Oregg Custls, Washington, I). C; II, C. Allen, Chicago; J. M. I-eo, Ihs'huster; and W. A. Humphreys, I'lattsmouth, Nuh, An Interustliig fea ture of the day's sessions wuh an ad dross hufnro tho section In sanitary sci ence dnllvtirvd by uxSurgeon (hmend M. O. Terry on the subject, "The lie sKislblllty of proper Sanitation in the Army of tho United States." Thu in stitute meeting and various sootluiud conferences will continue thslr sessions tomorrow. In contradiction of the general feeling that this Is a new and unsettled part of the laud of the free, and homo of the brave Is thu big reunion and celebration whloh opened at Wallutlla, ;N. Dak., In observance of tho 100th anniversary of the llrst settlement In this vicinity. The celebration, which will continue sevural days, Is held under the auspices of the lied lliver Valley Old Settlers' associa tion and there is a gissl atteudaueo of vlsltora from all Milutsof the statu and from Western MiuiiMsota. Several thouwiuil vlfitoriiaivut t'etos key, Mkli., when the tweiity-tlrst an- BEEF 1 ECZEMA! inuoh attention it often usld to the unt ijmpte-mi or totems, but It li not Ion before the little rednt bxlm to Itoh ana ... ...f. .. b This Is but tho boalnnlni?. end will to suffering end torturo almost unen- uursoio, Jt It common tnliUko to rgrd roughness end redness of the skin at merely a local irritatien: It It but an Indies- can sot b oured by a remedy whtok It THE BLOOD cause of th djeae said will ur be hot from potash, mercury or svay .eseitia, ocrvuuia, VKiniagiuui bkhki r"i 8ori, Uln, 111. oti, .Insist 'e: tr with a hearty Laughs rinic usually lias a clear brain and sparkling cye. lie's a Heal thy man us well as a successful man, because jrood (ilgestlot; ami jiuro blood Hire lilm strung nerves, and u clear brain, There's no success possible without health. To Obtain good health, ue Hostctter's It's good for !(nmnrh ovorybody It OtOmacn nl ways euros. BittCfS parttnent of Michigan, ojKtncd. Tlio liuslncss meeting was called to order In tho opora house at 10 o'cIcs.'k by De partment Commander Patrick. The arrangomonts of the looal committees wore jwrfcot and tho "coming of age" aiieampmunt of the Michigan organiza tion Is already voted ono of tho most successful over held In the state. The annual report of Assistant Adjutant Cieneral Pond is unusually Interesting from the fact that it is the first to con tain figures giving evidence of tho In evitable decline in the membership of I ho urand army. Tho report shows that the present membership of tho order in Michigan Is 15,:U against 15, H!ll at the close of the preceding year, showing a net loss for tho ywir of 800, hiuhnI almost untirely by deaths in the ranks the order, Elaborate preparations liavo been made for the annual cami llro tonightat which tho sjHjakers will Include a number of prominent army any navy olflcors. The first of the series of notable so olal functions arranged for the enter tainment of tho delegates to the Inter national Council of Women, to Imi held In Ixuidnn next week, took plaeo today. The affair was an informal reception hole at Queen's (late, ami at which fidy Aberdeen and Ijuly Patterson briefly explained to the delegates al ready arrived the objects of the confer ence and outlined tho week's program. Among those present were Miss Htisan U. Anthony, Mrs. May Wright Bewail mid other of thu American delegates. JOUKNAL"X-RAYH." Itoad by the Push and the 1c daily. other jieople - Can't some ono else lie found to beiflu a suit against J. P. Wohorg?. . There was Kirfuot)y good order main taiurd at the Fa loin ministers picnic. The course of study of tho Salem pub lic snhisils could stand a little revision and no harm would result. Lucy M. Salmon, professor of history at Vassar, has our thanks for a late copy of la Figaro, Tin: Kvdninu Jouii nai, of Paris. Kaluin congtegatlons are solemnly as sunsl that there was nothing stronger to Ik) had at thu iniuiMors' picnic today than coffee made in a tin pall. 4, Halein needs a progressive reform or ganization of people, who are interested in our public sehmils from a standpoint other than oliticsor employment. At lust accounts it was ulsiut an even thing between the Portland and M'rlsco outilttors as to which place the Oregon troopn would be mustered out at. . Salem people have one consolation; thu citizens' council is not owned by any cojHiratlon or s)litlcil Iwsces, The lighting contract will lw purely a matter of business. . An individual or enterprise Is not well known in thM community until advurttsed in this pHU'. The reason is obvious. No other paper Is talked ulHMit or uhutHsl. Thu rttseiiihluuoH of ISum Shaw, the coiucHllau, playing Hits week at Heed's, to the Governor ol Oregon is unite strik ing. It wits notably hi In his rendition of "The Westerner." If this tohool dhdrtat would put all Its debt in tho shio of four per cent bonds tho tuxes might bo roduued and tho schools of Saluui put on an otpial footing with thoso of sijudlor towns. Kugeun (luard: Prof. Haw ley has reslgiiHl us president of tho Willamette I'mverslty, hut will remain with the ollege. liawleyUa hot oxpuiiHlonist and wants n ehuueo to Mump the state if that is mi tstiue in the next cam paign. Tu Hum iiuuatliHiUun rmoih rUUMiiiU gutMW Otburti JUoiJrVo. it li a C. Ill to sure. dricciU rtfurU iuouc WILL TAX DOOS AOAIN City Council Consider Important Uusi. tss Dog Tax. t tho rvulnr eotinrii r-witin, but ikiiiii)( id) numlKni on HiMit x ivpt iittoiior und MeWrvm. I'htro i littlo rwitino btwtiut! umdo lnm nuditiiiK IdlU and onihhuiti) hhU . r lu u-k1, llnht. ntc. 1 1 jU'-r hMi tio gnititihl Uivh A N AiMuiirV;. A. Sdirilrtr andPrxM UiHtlot. 1 -liki' Applicstthftw front Nivkfrnwn V Ihcw um rforr'l. I pin motion thomvxt Hvion of th ouiud w ill Ik htdd Wwlm Ih', Jul' ft, tlu iultr tin to for HttMtog Muj July I. Wyel 14d wure rHtdvsl tu fulkin h M. t. Skiff, UK) aurda l trtdS. V 'wm. 11)0 Mrtk ttt M. K. It. lUrrltUlWatsPa Thvrdd W Mrw fohl evnr fer ( Uiro mUkm Bntttul N.r hidi uiu It ww ntftvtjil !! hh v n dixi that tlw iwvr apptttul n iximniilUv id lhrH tu The Man Who irtWIWMMI nvostlgflto tho lighting bids and report later. Carried. The mayor appointed Messrs Oris wold, Iliggs, and Harrows an such committee. An ordinance to provide for licensing dogs was introduced by Alderman Wal ker, fixing the annual license on male and spayed animals nt $1.50 eaah, and f& for females. The taxes collected under this ordinance shall 13 turned into 'the city , treasury. Head twice, and referred. Mr. Itiggs retorted that timothy hay could be taught nt $7 per ton, and was authorized to purchase 15 tons at that price. A complaint was brought in against obstruction of tho street intersections by vehfelo', and tho city marshal was in instructed to have the same cleared of Mich nuimuce. DANGER IN SODA. Serlons Desults Sometimes I'ollow Its Excessive Use. Common soda is all right in its place and indiseustblu in the. kitchen and for cooking and washing purjMM-cs, but it was never intended us u medicine, and eople who use it as such will gome day rcgroi u. We refer to the common use of soda to relievo heartburn, or K)iir stomach, a habit which thousandHof eoplc practice and which is fraught with danger ;more over the soda only gives temporary re lief and in the end the stomach trouble gets worse and worse. Tho sodu acts as a mechanical irritant to the walls of thoMomach and bowels and cases are on record where it has ac cumulated in the intestines, causing death by iiiflamatiou or peritonitis. Dr. Hurlaudson recommends as tho safest and surest cure for sour stomach (aclddysiejsiu) an excellent preparation sold by druggists under tho name of Stuart'H Dysiwpsia Tablets, Thoso tablets uro large UO-graln lozengus, very pleasant to taste and contain the natural acids, peptones and digestive elements exseutial to gissl digestion, and when taken after meals they digest the food iorfectly and promptly before it has time to ferment, sour and poison the blood and nervousystem. Dr. Wuerth states that lie invariably uses Stuart's Dysisiimla Tablets in all cu"o of stomuch derangements and finds them a certain cure not only for sour stomach, hut by promptly digest ing the food thoy create flesh and strengthen the action of the heart and liver. They are not a cathartic, hut in tended only for stomach discuses and weakness and will he found reliable In all stomach troubles except cancer of the stomach. All druggists sell Stuart's Dysjs'psia Tablets at GO cents or pack ago. A little isiok describing all forms of stomach weakness mid their euro mailed free by addressing the I". A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Don't Tobarro Kilt mil Kiuol Your I Ife Anj, To quit tobacco oaiily und forever, be mas netlo, lull of llfo, nurve ami vlitor, tatco N'o-To-line, tha wonderworker, that inalici we ale men trong. Alt ilruRultts, Koorl. Cure guaran teed. Ilooklel and sample free. Aridreni Hlerllnir Kemedy Co, Chicago or Noiy Vorlc Inspection Tour. The Marion county commissioners, to day JoIihnI the Isrnrd from Linn county, and proceed to examine the Stayton bridge uitiwh the Sent lam river and thence they will proceed to Mohitma and make a like examination of that bridge. Tho Marlon county court will give a geueriil iuscctinn of roads, culverts and minor bridges in various parts of the county M'furc returning to Salem for final action llmli ota with jo'. Klittlitr you contlnn tb. TC-klllliiC liikuvu babli, ul oIIAC-g I.MI If ulu? a ltiaalrw fur lobfceru. iiliwrtuuiULUMi.ciptlinlciK, iiuv iuriua tu uiulMl, iiffrvs wit niaoiioou. tou iirvioi I. 400.000 ira inaaaiin.ntrva n.lHtl TOll All (ruu ra u IKn. I laurk fur n. T.k. II llh own drarvlil. hi ill.na.tlia.tlr.ttrat.tantlv lln 01, tl, uiualljr curaai IboiM.ltM, raoirmignr, et " tolunil mtmrt -( IrtljC, tklMfs, IhIihI, liaj IllL At the Reform School. Tiimdav night at the Htate Ueform M-lusd the Isiys were indulged in an on tertaiuiueut in the nature of dances, hhiks and a grand ko walk at which the lmy enjoyed thoinwlves hughly ami tecelvoil one continuous rotiiul of up. plwiire from the MHiturw kh well as thu IniiMtM. Men Nure. Tlivte Isn't une matt In fifty thoimnd who U n Bend nunte The averaisc nun fccU as uiueh out of place lu a amk-rooui a a bull mint in a china store Hi heart may be rver o full of ayrupatby but hU fret are hay and bis fuigct clumsy In most cttses whtn a woman' kcuciuI Uealtb biraV. down tbe ortciiul cause is wcaktiPM or diseanc of the distinctly feinb nine oiKanisui The only permanent cure (tea in the correction of ail thvc disorder. Husbands ahbuld know that Dr Merer' Favorite I'rrkcription is the only medicine tbat invariably cur all ailments of thU natuie without "local treatment " and "lamination" It act directly on the delicate and important orsrans concerned. It tuake them ssell and atruiie It allay iullamwatioii. heal all internal ulceration ami atopj dchiliiatiuit drain. It wtho and tone the nerve. iAximl at all mrdl cine Mote. Au honest druntit won't urge upon you a uttjtutc I had female tiwubie Sif may yean," write Mr. A UaiT4Uich.uOrni:er Sweetwater Csx, Xayvnttnc. "au.l Irlrtt luany il,-uua uuttl I w cuMiiJetely duuureU. JtoaUy I ttV Dr. Hee' Fawrlle l'rv.i)lka for alt. math, and I oaa futmd thai I wo cetnnleteW ttJ hol Ueta ao UJ I uuuM hiUy walk Wm the IKkM-, btat I a ww wU aud stivax. taaaV la Dr IHeive N fawily hiuld be without Dr. Pietrc, Ceuiuiun Scuc Medfatl Adv(r. It uaeU t cl ft S mw it t fte l4prvfed WW. awt-cent Katun. vr uu niHijr I'Uiy , ciaHU UIUUIH) I l tmp. Qxft l.aVXKUX) Aoiciiaan hfttao new tW in cptuea ?! thU Klat tnk Addt Dr . v nerve, iiutuu. N v mi wiinfi SSIIH rami uiiM . tflll Ili'MlKI r '.11 ".ld lim Vflf &V flavor a,laru tmiiftsi) aaamSB am J-jnT' j m '.ar w mj- vour aVSlartl miUnlMi niiiin nirniiiniiniirimiiW-nii CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bosghf Boars the Signature of & Steam Dye Works, No. 105 Commercial street, opposite Willamette hotel. Ladles' and gentlemen's clothing cleaned, dyed, re paired and prcsed. Fine bhtnkeU cleaned or dyed 'inri nicely finished. Kid gloves cleaned, 10c; dyed 25c. Headquarters for Screen Doors, Etc., Lawn, field and poultry fence and aliinglos at lowest prices. HALIIM K1NC1 WORKS, WAWrn Jtom.itV, Prop, d.4 It (9 Utnte Stret t FRBB! Little Men and Women And. Babyland Magazines have been combined into a .'i-'-jKige book and the piiicn hk iii'cki) man 11 to 60 ck.nts a vkak. It is a splendid magazine for chil dren from two to ton years of ago. Wo want the names and addresses of moth th of children of alovc ages, and for a list of fiktv such names we will send the magazino to you osk yi:au wtnK. Little Men and Women Co. Troy,N,Y Tho Intor-Stnto University Systom of Musical Inetruotlon. V. II. HCorr. I). Jt. I'liKSIDKNI' A Nutionn! CloixtimItc Itmlitutfon which U IttXimiinic to ii u in I wr IU (rulty by humlrMl nml Iln pupIlM bjr thomiind., KrabrHCltiK inoro innn iwoniy niMiiii. Kiir thr brnttfit of 'PapIlM oU'rlrn!Teaehern At llninn KIOIITII KCIIOI.AHTIO Vf-.lll. (VruHentM urnntwl from ri-nnUtlr rhnr1 IuinI llinlllllllcin. KzpUiiatlon nftlie njotnm In ilpfsll In thnu ciIiiiiuh Wtcli for It KITAANDKUB-WIIiMllAN. ritAlo HpriMcnt(ttlTn anil Mmlxr of tho Fnonlly HlllllfO orcr flr.t Nutlonal lUnk Itlilir . Oiib or two plm-cn oh-u for nd tHiieCtl plp In Iiimun iiuarieu RAZOR TAX All pcoolo are hereby notified that a tax on Hazors of '25c for rctomporing is now on nun can oo paid nt too shoi of Sim II. Wldto mid Co. nt Higli street, opposite the Court House. r.-yo-t BUGGIES WAGONS, CARTS MACKS ETC. The Best in the World at the Lowest Prices. MOWERS. HAY TOOLS. BINDERS. We always lead on style, quality and low price. Large supply of everythinir in our line. Warehouses oppo site Brewery, near Salem Flouring Atills. MITCHELL,, LEWIS St ST AVER CO. J. A. Forsythe, Atanaijer. 100 BEST OfflON f BUT f Tho Mtwlol OreKoiit.NcwBpapor; und Family JJournal. Uniting News, Kletlon, Literary, Ranch andj Dairy and.Miuket News iulattractlye rendablo fortn. I issued TluirlityiiKirnlnuJlii lliuc Ui rcuul; all )t.c if the suite thu Mtme weok. Tb 51-00 fcklj... lu two pjtrlsuju.ltii.ui all ImiMirtaiit Farulmi, liflnul nndjistatu Nuwi1. MIL 1 An Independent Aoluted pits b'oiid fiiiinplo fro. Tiui JoiTKAi, haa Ww ftillMt report t the doinirs of Uie lolstttiirttiiMj uie .quU, as well at tptiejn. ibnMraur l winl hiuiohI w )l rmi,)0 mttuf. Sendiailrltil stiUMirlptlou. A liTPE SAVED. Dr J. F. Cook, tho Botanical Spaol allst, Succeeds Where Others Fall. To whom it may concern : nils is to certlly tliat iwrtna r. Con ner, of Mt .Angel precinct. Morion coun ty, Oregon, lias suffered from a cancer ous growth in the loft ear for about three years. The growth was cutout twice and burned out once by Albany Physicians, but the growth came back as bad as over, and pained her so badly that eho had to bo taken from school. After three week's treatment by Dr. J. F. Cook, of Salem, Oregon, the IJotanical Specialist, the growth entirely disap peared, and at tills date, four months since treatment was begun, the growth has not reanttearcd, and thu ear lias en tirely healed leaving only the scars in flicted by the Albany doctors. I hereby certify that the above state ment is absolutely true, and that Ber tha P Conner, tho jwrson mentioned in the affidavit, has resided in my fam ily since early childhood, bearing the re la'tionshlp to mo of niece. II. C. Loxo. Subscribed and sworn to before me this eighth day of June, 1800. W. W. Hall, county clerk of Marion county, Oregon. HED FRONT LIVERY FirstClass Feed and Boarding stables. 104 COMMEIICIAIj STUKKT. SALEM, ORE. Wm ULLREY, Prop. Best Rigs, for Commercial Men Hlable In Mima block Hotel Wlltnraott. S&rSafe teams und comfortable rig for ladles and family drlylmr it spec ialty. Horses boarded by day, week or month and best of satisfaction guaranteed. .'1-1 tf Salem Preparatory School. Summer term opens July B, 1809. Tuition er month : Normal and High school f I 00 Common and Higher Grades. .'I 00 llelow 7th Grade 2 GO A. J. Gakunu, M. A. 0 7 lm Principal. There is only one place In town to get a FIRST-CLASS HARNESS If you are n stranger, ask your neighbor, he will tell jnu to go to W.W.JOHNS jut bahk of the Krd Fienl l)rug Store 4.15c! wlm , WBBKLr MMi L Tntst Pupir.fHr the 1V m 1 11 UOVEU BWOS You Can Get a Lower Berth, Vt Ith one exception the through trains of tho Uurllngton Route are almost; Inyanubly well-filled. The exception Is our St. Paul " Chicago Limited. On tho limited theru is usually room and to spare. Don't infer that It Is neither so tine, nor so fast, as ANY truln of ANY other line between St. Paul and Chicago. On the con trary, there Is no more beautiful train in America. It has electric light, steam heat, wide vestibules, the most satisfactory dining-car service on the continent and 0 lower berth for everybody, A. C. SHELDON. (Icu'l Agent, Portland, Or. ) 11 Soo Pacilic Lino. Travel in comiort by the the fastest train crossing the continent. It is a through train making few stops. Its equipment is of surpassing elegance. It will pay you to travel by it. For full n.irtlculnri as to rutci, time anil copies or u. r. it. publications up ply to II. II. AHOTT. .Auuut, Portland. K. J CO VLB, D. P. A. Vancouver, H. C. Oder travelrrs choice of tho lohowlnp routes east. They ate all famous for tlieu scenic attraction. O. It. & N, via Ogden and Denver Shasta Kculet la Sacramento, Ogden and Denver. Shasta Route via Sacramento, Maj ire Albernuerniie. A daily line of tlirouph I'ULLMAN PALACE and TOURISTbLKKI'EK, San. Kranciaco a tut 1-ot Angeles to Chicag this Is The Short Line from southern California To the East. Apply lo the agents of the O. IV St N O. S, I.,, Southern Pacific, or 'he umleraiuncil, for folders and descriptive literature J. J I)E EREUX. Uen'l Am Worcester. HM Portland. The Geo, M, Beeler Insurance Agency Alwuys tn the front, with beat rate und policies In the lencliim cniupuu!u.H. Employment Agency, Do yoihwant woric, or need help of any kind y Apply at once. Rental Agency, Property to rent. Hester our attency. 288 COMMKROIAI. STItUKT, UaLHM. Kurtz & Hamilton PLUMBERS and TINNERS 8 UOITRT STREET. Miltai cniumltt. . ..fi i.. .. I ...""! "I"".'".!.! "I ill. MIH1S nf I aneet btwi and Ualvanlzed Iron iMork-rjoflnvr and Kutterinir, a full IIB nf I'li.tma nml n.....h .1... . ..-w ... uim,m UUU IUIU(I UVllllk'S- I Prompt work and reasonable prices.' We oarry In .stock the Fairbanks J wind mill. Call und soe ns h..fnrp I bIvIhb your order for mill or tank. I'litmc it! PHOMPF WORK AN!) LOW PRICES Herschbach Reiffelman and BLACKSMITHS and WHEELRIGHTS. We will lioe your horse, Uulld ar repair your wawon or Implements Helm? Iwated to sUy our patrons liave a nuarantec that our work will ls natlsfactory Shop UXMMiemeketa ktreet. TeleDhone27ta. M tf Canadian eRf IMPERIAL LIMITED SOUTH AND EAST T"E SHASTA R0JTE OF THE niE Pacific Co. EXPRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY 7:00 p Ml Lv...;i'ortUnd. ..Ar (8a 9:45 p M Ar. . . .Satem .,..Ar5,i 745 A M J Ar. San Francbco.Lv (7.' 8ux A M .25 A M OO PM 5-OO P M 65 P M 6,43 A M 8'IS P M 7,00 A U 8' 15 PM 4.15 P 7 55 A nt Ar...... Ogden ... .Ar ttiopM Ar Denver. . Lv 645PM Ar . . . . Omaha . . . . Ar 8 50 A M Ar .... Chicago ....Lv 6,30 PM Ar. ..Los Angela... Ar 925PM Ar... El Paw ....,Ar 235PM Ar... Fort Worth..., Ar 8 40 A m Ar. . New Orleans. . . Ar 8 40 p. DlNlNU CAKS OBSERVATION CAKS. Pullman lust-class and tourist deeping cars auached to all through train, . Tourist cj through to Chicago without change. ROSKBURO MAIL, -DAILY. 8 .30 AMI V55AM ,20 P M 1 Lv... Portland ..Ar(4.a3oFM Lv.... Salem.... Lv i I 50.T M 10, 5 Ar . . Roseburg.. Lv ( 7.'3o A u WEST SIDE DIVISION. BKTWKKN PORTLAND AND C0RVAIX1S. Mail tialns dally except Sunday. 7,10 A M U.-5SPM Lv. . . .Portland. . Ar I 5:50 P U Ar....Corvollis.. Lvf l.'20 1'U At Albany and rains of the C. St E Corvallls comect u Ry. IKDEt'ENDEN'OE PASbENUER. EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 4.'50 P M 7:30 P M &30PM Lv Lv. Ar ,. Portland..., Ar . McMinnville Lv Independence Lv I 825 . ) A-'So 825 A M 1 A M AM Direct connections at ban iraiicwco will, stearrship lines fo HAWAII, 1APAN, CHINA, 'HIE PlIILLlPINEi and AUS. TRALIA. For throuch tickets and rates call o W. W. SKINNER, Depot Agent, or C D. GAURlbLSON City Ticket Agent, 232 Com mercial St, Salem 0:. K. KUEULER, Managci C.MARKIIAM G. K. &P. A. Portlam Q.R.&R niPAitT TtMC K'UKIIULK. Kmm 1'ortlaiid, lIUIll run "Tni-t" Mall a p. in, Salt ljke. Denver i'U Wnrlh iiiiidiia, nanus 1 ny, ai, . ' . Mtt t. 6:Spiii Iiula.lhlrasoantl Kaat, apo. knne Klcr Walla Walla, Hpokane, Mlnne uIkjIIk. rit. Paul, DuilitU, Mil waukee Clilcacu and eiut. r- knne Flyer o. at a. i. 2.90 pm! uckan BrBoirjnim Fur Sail Kraliclitco. 1 1 m. I'. I Hall every live days. a p. m.l IJOI.IIMUIA HIVKlt at. Hlln HTKAMI'lt.-l. 4 P. m. Hat 11 r- 1T0 Astoria and y UnJIiia, ax Bu. nay 10 p, 111. Leave: Salem I WILIjAMKTTK RIVKIt rata leu I i.iu am 1 nniniiu, vwurru awi way 0 p, in. I III I LIIIUIIIEI. Mons WeUi Frl Tu Tliur Hat, 3:.TU pin rnu unit Hut 10 11, 111. 1 M011 Fur Dayton Weil 1'ri I I ArHa- Leave I WII,t.ASIKTrK ItlVKIl I lera btlfra Curvullla Allwiny ami War 10a. m. Tu'llm l'olnt. Mom Bt I WeU 3 p. m land Frl WILLAMETre RIVER DIVISION Daily loita to Portland as above. Transfers to street enr line at Oreg Oilv if the steamers are delayed there outid trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washing, ton, or California. Connection made at Port land with all rail, ocean and river linee W. H.HUKLliURl. (ien'1 Pas. Apt, Portland, Or (J, M. POWERS, Agent, Trade street dock Salem. HOISE & DARKER. City Agent. YAQUIKA KOUTE Corvallis & Eastern Railroad Connecting at YAQUINA wlih lit. YAQblNA HAY STEAMSHIP COMPANY STEAMERS "WEEOTT" Klrat-rUsa; In every r rt. The above mt-amer Is due to Mil from Yauulna every eight ilay. 8hortsl Houte ilelweeu lleltttea Yalleyi'oiols and Sao Francisco Fare Albany aud folnti went to Kan KraurlMO Oabfn 110.00 Round Trlj . 17.00 WAI.DKN, EDWIN STONE. II. I. T K.AKA. ManKr J.TUKNKR Airent. Albany, Ore WII.UMETTE RlVKIl DIVISION STEAMER WM. M, HOAG, Captain Geo. Hbc. Rtiunlin- betweeu Portland and Curvallli, topphiKalall way laudluK. RIVER BCllEDULF DOWN - Tuvaday, Thurilay and Sunday , I Cprvalll 8 a.m UaTe Albany ..... t . m l-eare Hueiia Vlata ?i il lo I la Indeiiendenoe........ .. 9 u m us 8lmu jo . , I Arrive I'onUud 3!T!TT-":M , I'P-Mnndaya, W'elntdy and Friday. Uave IHirilanil q ,. ro '"im .NewU-rir io. ... U'ttVtn Bilolll I4WVM Indeend(Mit'e. I lstves lluena Vlta I IeavtM Albany ,.. Arrive CorvaflU ......... 3-Su p. m ......... J o) p. m ... ... 7 so p. in ........ y so p. in .11 wp, m Tnealeamtr ha been equipped with Url ea aeeoHiinoilatloui, Ineludluit an elesint j Uiuurpatted for carryiriK both freleht aud Ihwk. Kiwtol Kte Hreet. U. MAERTZ, AkcuI. Salem, Oregui O.BULUVAN.aupt. Aluany.Orck'o Oregon Slion Line Railroad The Direct Rmiia in 'Montana, Utah. Colorado i and all Eastern Points Southern uive ennire of two favorite roulo, via tae 1'ntf.n I'ooibe Kot Mh Une. or rhe Ulo (Irand Sceulo Une. hook at the tfrne H Dayx to Salt Lake 2t Days lo Denver 3( Day toClileaito 41 Days to New York r'ree IteAtalBi ChU Car. Unholuere.1 Tou lf HyeplnicCar, and rullma riliw. 31eper erateU on all ttalui, ' rVr further lafonaatlon apfdyiro ' UOISi: & BAHKEU. AgeuU.SUl.in W K COHAN tlen'l Ant C U 1EHIIY. TlV. P. gi Ui TUid l rVdUud "Sat, '